Block MongoDBBlockInputStream::readImpl() { if (all_read) return {}; MutableColumns columns(description.sample_block.columns()); const size_t size = columns.size(); for (const auto i : ext::range(0, size)) columns[i] = description.sample_block.getByPosition(i).column->cloneEmpty(); size_t num_rows = 0; while (num_rows < max_block_size) { Poco::MongoDB::ResponseMessage & response = cursor->next(*connection); for (const auto & document : response.documents()) { ++num_rows; for (const auto idx : ext::range(0, size)) { const auto & name = description.sample_block.getByPosition(idx).name; const Poco::MongoDB::Element::Ptr value = document->get(name); if (value.isNull() || value->type() == Poco::MongoDB::ElementTraits<Poco::MongoDB::NullValue>::TypeId) insertDefaultValue(*columns[idx], *description.sample_block.getByPosition(idx).column); else { if (description.types[idx].second) { ColumnNullable & column_nullable = static_cast<ColumnNullable &>(*columns[idx]); insertValue(column_nullable.getNestedColumn(), description.types[idx].first, *value, name); column_nullable.getNullMapData().emplace_back(0); } else insertValue(*columns[idx], description.types[idx].first, *value, name); } } } if (response.cursorID() == 0) { all_read = true; break; } } if (num_rows == 0) return {}; return description.sample_block.cloneWithColumns(std::move(columns)); }
void NVMap::insertValue(std::string key, int value) { char buf[48]; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", value); insertValue(key, buf); }
int lineReader(char *line, HashTable *numbers){ int key; int x; if(line[0] == 'i' || line[0] == 'I'){ key = makeKey(&line[2]); x = insertValue(key, numbers); if(x == -1){ printf("duplicate\n"); return 0; }else{ printf("inserted\n"); return 0; } }else if(line[0] == 's' || line[0] == 'S'){ key = makeKey(&line[2]); x = searchValue(key, numbers); if(x == -1){ printf("absent\n"); return 0; }else{ printf("present\n"); return 0; } }else{ printf("error\n"); return 0; } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template<typename T> bool loadDelimitedFileNoHeaderT(ifstream &delimitedFileHandle, const string &delim, const string &commentDelim, vector<vector<T> > &lines) { //read fields for file string lineBuff; while (!delimitedFileHandle.eof()) { DelimitedTextReader::getlineChomp(delimitedFileHandle, lineBuff); if (lineBuff[0] == *commentDelim.c_str()) { //skip comments //do nothing DEBUG_TRACE; } else { //load in file vector<string> fields; stringSplit2(lineBuff, fields, delim); insertValue(fields, lines); } } return true; }
int QgsUniqueValueRenderer::readXML( const QDomNode& rnode, QgsVectorLayer& vl ) { mGeometryType = vl.geometryType(); QDomNode classnode = rnode.namedItem( "classificationfield" ); QString classificationField = classnode.toElement().text(); QgsVectorDataProvider* theProvider = vl.dataProvider(); if ( !theProvider ) { return 1; } int classificationId = vl.fieldNameIndex( classificationField ); if ( classificationId == -1 ) { //go on. Because with joins, it might be the joined layer is not loaded yet } setClassificationField( classificationId ); QDomNode symbolnode = rnode.namedItem( "symbol" ); while ( !symbolnode.isNull() ) { QgsSymbol* msy = new QgsSymbol( mGeometryType ); msy->readXML( symbolnode, &vl ); insertValue( msy->lowerValue(), msy ); symbolnode = symbolnode.nextSibling(); } updateSymbolAttributes(); vl.setRenderer( this ); return 0; }
Block MySQLBlockInputStream::readImpl() { auto row = result.fetch(); if (!row) return {}; auto block = description.sample_block.cloneEmpty(); /// cache pointers returned by the calls to getByPosition std::vector<IColumn *> columns(block.columns()); for (const auto i : ext::range(0, columns.size())) columns[i] = block.getByPosition(i).column.get(); std::size_t num_rows = 0; while (row) { for (const auto idx : ext::range(0, row.size())) { const auto value = row[idx]; if (!value.isNull()) insertValue(columns[idx], description.types[idx], value); else insertDefaultValue(columns[idx], *description.sample_columns[idx]); } ++num_rows; if (num_rows == max_block_size) break; row = result.fetch(); } return block; }
void insertAll() { int i; for(i = 0; i<bufferSize; i++) { insertValue(randomNumbersBuffer[i]); } }
GVN::Value * GVN::getValue() { list.emplace_back(current); Value & value = list.back(); insertValue(current++, value); return &value; }
int insertHeaders(char **png, sParameterStruct *sSO2Parameters, sConfigStruct *config, int png_length){ char iso_date[25]; dateStructToISO8601(sSO2Parameters->timestampBefore, iso_date); png_length = insertHeader(png, "Creation Time ", iso_date, png_length); png_length = insertValue(png, "dBufferlength", (float)config->dBufferlength, png_length); png_length = insertValue(png, "dHistMinInterval", (float)config->dHistMinInterval, png_length); png_length = insertValue(png, "dHistPercentage", (float)config->dHistPercentage, png_length); png_length = insertValue(png, "dDarkCurrent", (float)sSO2Parameters->dDarkCurrent, png_length); png_length = insertValue(png, "dImageCounter", (float)config->dImageCounter, png_length); png_length = insertValue(png, "dInterFrameDelay", (float)config->dInterFrameDelay, png_length); png_length = insertValue(png, "dTriggerPulseWidth", (float)sSO2Parameters->dTriggerPulseWidth, png_length); png_length = insertValue(png, "dExposureTime", (float)sSO2Parameters->dExposureTime, png_length); png_length = insertValue(png, "dFixTime", (float)config->dFixTime, png_length); return png_length; }
Block ODBCBlockInputStream::readImpl() { if (iterator == result.end()) return {}; MutableColumns columns(description.sample_block.columns()); for (const auto i : ext::range(0, columns.size())) columns[i] = description.sample_block.getByPosition(i).column->cloneEmpty(); size_t num_rows = 0; while (iterator != result.end()) { Poco::Data::Row & row = *iterator; for (const auto idx : ext::range(0, row.fieldCount())) { const Poco::Dynamic::Var & value = row[idx]; if (!value.isEmpty()) { if (description.types[idx].second) { ColumnNullable & column_nullable = static_cast<ColumnNullable &>(*columns[idx]); insertValue(column_nullable.getNestedColumn(), description.types[idx].first, value); column_nullable.getNullMapData().emplace_back(0); } else insertValue(*columns[idx], description.types[idx].first, value); } else insertDefaultValue(*columns[idx], *description.sample_block.getByPosition(idx).column); } ++iterator; ++num_rows; if (num_rows == max_block_size) break; } return description.sample_block.cloneWithColumns(std::move(columns)); }
// inserts at the leaf void insertValue(TreeNode *n, int value) { if (*n == NULL){ // create a leaf node *n = malloc(sizeof(treenode)); (*n)->leftnode = NULL; (*n)->rightnode = NULL; (*n)->value = value; (*n)->nnodes = 1; } else{ // search the tree to insert the value if (value < (*n)->value){ // insert in left sub tree insertValue(&((*n)->leftnode), value); } else if (value > (*n)->value){ // insert in right subtree insertValue(&((*n)->rightnode), value); } } }
QgsUniqueValueRenderer::QgsUniqueValueRenderer( const QgsUniqueValueRenderer& other ) { mGeometryType = other.mGeometryType; mClassificationField = other.mClassificationField; QMap<QString, QgsSymbol*> s = other.mSymbols; for ( QMap<QString, QgsSymbol*>::iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); ++it ) { QgsSymbol* s = new QgsSymbol( * it.value() ); insertValue( it.key(), s ); } updateSymbolAttributes(); }
void NVMap::insertPair(std::string nameValue, char delim) { std::size_t pos; if ((pos = nameValue.find(delim)) == std::string::npos) { std::cout << "Wrong format to parse NameValue `" << nameValue << "`." << std::endl; return; } std::string name = nameValue.substr(0, pos); std::string value = nameValue.substr(pos+1); insertValue(name, value); }
int main() { printf("Type numbers of values to insert: "); int nr_of_values; scanf("%d", &nr_of_values); srand(time(NULL)); createHashTable(); int max = 0; printf("Would you like random string length ? (Y/N)\n"); char key; do { key = getch(); } while ((toupper(key) != 'Y') && (toupper(key) != 'N')); int length = -1; if (toupper(key) == 'N') { printf("Type the length of the strings: "); scanf("%d", &length); } for (int i=0; i<nr_of_values; i++) { char* string = randomString(length); int val = insertValue(string); if (max < val) { max = val; } } printf("The max number of collisions: %d\n", max); printf("Save the hash table file ? (Y/N)\n"); do { key = getch(); } while ((toupper(key) != 'Y') && (toupper(key) != 'N')); if (toupper(key) == 'Y') { char* buffer = (char*) calloc(1024, sizeof(char)); printf("Type the name of the file (without extension): "); scanf("%s", buffer); strcat(buffer, ".txt"); printHashTable(buffer); } return 0; }
GVN::Value * GVN::getValue(const symbol::Symbol & sym) { const auto i = maps.equal_range(sym); if (i.first == i.second) { GVN::Value & value = maps.emplace(sym, current)->second; insertValue(current++, value); return &value; } else { return &std::prev(i.second)->second; } }
GVN::Value * GVN::getValue(const int64_t x) { const auto i = mapi64.find(x); if (i == mapi64.end()) { GVN::Value & value = mapi64.emplace(x, current++).first->second; insertValue(x, value); return &value; } else { return &i->second; } }
GVN::Value * GVN::getValue(const MultivariatePolynomial & mp) { const auto i = mapp.find(mp); if (i != mapp.end()) { return i->second; } else { list.emplace_back(current++); Value & val = list.back(); insertValue(mp, val); return &val; } }
QgsUniqueValueRenderer& QgsUniqueValueRenderer::operator=( const QgsUniqueValueRenderer & other ) { if ( this != &other ) { mGeometryType = other.mGeometryType; mClassificationField = other.mClassificationField; clearValues(); for ( QMap<QString, QgsSymbol*>::iterator it = mSymbols.begin(); it != mSymbols.end(); ++it ) { QgsSymbol* s = new QgsSymbol( *it.value() ); insertValue( it.key(), s ); } updateSymbolAttributes(); } return *this; }
Block MongoDBBlockInputStream::readImpl() { if (all_read) return {}; Block block = description.sample_block.cloneEmpty(); /// cache pointers returned by the calls to getByPosition std::vector<IColumn *> columns(block.columns()); const size_t size = columns.size(); for (const auto i : ext::range(0, size)) columns[i] = block.getByPosition(i).column.get(); size_t num_rows = 0; while (num_rows < max_block_size) { Poco::MongoDB::ResponseMessage & response = cursor->next(*connection); for (const auto & document : response.documents()) { ++num_rows; for (const auto idx : ext::range(0, size)) { const auto & name = description.names[idx]; const Poco::MongoDB::Element::Ptr value = document->get(name); if (value.isNull()) insertDefaultValue(columns[idx], *description.sample_columns[idx]); else insertValue(columns[idx], description.types[idx], *value, name); } } if (response.cursorID() == 0) { all_read = true; break; } } if (num_rows == 0) return {}; return block; }
void GVN::setValue(const symbol::Symbol & sym, const MultivariatePolynomial & mp) { MapPolys::iterator i = mapp.find(mp); if (i != mapp.end()) { maps.emplace(sym, i->second->value)->second.poly = i->second->poly; } else { Value & value = maps.emplace(sym, current++)->second; insertValue(mp, value); if (mp.isConstant() && mapi64.find(mp.constant) == mapi64.end()) { mapi64.emplace(mp.constant, value); } } }
main() { SkipList_t *list = NULL; char buf[256]; int choice = 0; list = SkipListAlloc( myCmp, myFree ); if ( list == NULL ) { printf( "ERROR: Allocation of skip list failed\n" ); exit(1); } while (1) { displayMenu(); choice = atoi( gets(buf) ); switch( choice ) { case 1 : insertValue( list ); break; case 2 : deleteValue( list ); break; case 3 : searchValue( list ); break; case 4 : getNextValue( list ); break; case 5 : printValue( list ); break; case 6 : clearList( list ); break; case 7: SkipListFree(list); exit(0); default : break; } } exit(0); }
GVN::Value * GVN::getValue(const double x) { int64_t _x; if (tools::asInteger(x, _x)) { const auto i = mapi64.find(_x); if (i == mapi64.end()) { GVN::Value & value = mapi64.emplace(_x, current++).first->second; insertValue(_x, value); return &value; } else { return &i->second; } } return nullptr; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template<typename T> bool loadDelimitedFileNoHeaderT(const char * filename, const string &delim, const string &commentDelim, vector<vector<T> > &lines) { //open delimited file ifstream delimitedFileHandle(filename); if (!delimitedFileHandle.is_open() || !delimitedFileHandle.good()) { ERROR_MSG("Unable to read file! " << filename); return false; } //read fields for file string lineBuff; while (!delimitedFileHandle.eof()) { DelimitedTextReader::getlineChomp(delimitedFileHandle, lineBuff); if (lineBuff[0] == *commentDelim.c_str()) { //skip comments //do nothing DEBUG_TRACE; } else if ("") == 0) //skip blank lines { DEBUG_TRACE; } else { //load in file vector<string> fields; stringSplit2(lineBuff, fields, delim); insertValue(fields, lines); } } return true; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- bool ofxMuiNumberData::insertValue(int index, float val, ofxMuiRange _bounds) { insertValue(index, val, _bounds, ofxMuiRange()); }
void Emotions::arousalValence(double arousal, double valence){ arousal=(int)(arousal*qPow(10,EMOTION_AROUSAL_ACCURACY)); valence=(int)(valence*qPow(10,EMOTION_VALENCE_ACCURACY)); if(_record){ insertValue(_arousalSet, arousal); insertValue(_valenceSet, valence); QString* movie = new QString(EMOTION_MOVIE); if(!movie->isEmpty()){ QFile file(_dataPath+"."+EMOTION_MOVIE); if (!|QIODevice::Append)) { qDebug() << "Emotions : cannot open file "+file.fileName()+" : " << qPrintable(file.errorString()) << file.fileName()<< endl; return; } QString* arousalStr=new QString(""); arousalStr->setNum(arousal,'f', EMOTION_AROUSAL_ACCURACY); QString* valenceStr=new QString(""); valenceStr->setNum(valence,'f', EMOTION_VALENCE_ACCURACY); QString emotion = getEmotion(); QDateTime time = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QString* line = new QString(*arousalStr+" "+*valenceStr+" "+emotion+" "+time.toString("hh:mm:ss:zzz")+"\n"); file.write(line->toAscii()); file.close(); if(_lastPlot.msecsTo(time)>EMOTION_PLOT_TIME){ // QProcess to call R script /* * This script will make a boxplot of valence and arousal every * EMOTION_PLOT_TIME seconds and save them in a pdf. * * WARNING : be aware that your computer will make a lot of job using this script * and it will certainly _overload_ your CPU. You can reduce it by increasing * EMOTION_PLOT_TIME. */ /*QString program = "plot_movie.R"; QStringList arguments; arguments << file.fileName() << _dataPath+".calm" << _dataPath+".exited" << _dataPath+".positive" << _dataPath+".negative"; QProcess *plotProcess = new QProcess(this); plotProcess->startDetached(program, arguments); _lastPlot=QDateTime::currentDateTime(); */ } } } if(_saveCalm){ updateTrainedClass("calm", arousal, "positive", valence); } if(_saveJoy){ updateTrainedClass("exited", arousal, "positive", valence); } if(_saveSad){ updateTrainedClass("calm", arousal, "negative", valence); } if(_saveAngry){ updateTrainedClass("exited", arousal, "negative", valence); } if(_guess){ emit giveEmotion(QVariant(getEmotion())); _guess=false; } }
int main() { node *Table[MAX]; clearTable(Table); int a[MAX]; char *str; /*char in; char input[CHARS];*/ int i, j; double t; clock_t t1,t2; t1=clock(); for (j=0;j<MAX;j++) { a[j]=0; } for (j=0; j<2000; j++) { str=randstring(CHARS); insertValue(Table[hashFunction(str)], str); a[hashFunction(str)]++; } t2=clock(); t=(double)(t2-t1); printf ("The insertion of 2000 elements took %f seconds.", &t); printf ("\n"); for (j=0; j<MAX; j++) { printf ("%d ", a[j]); } /*while(1) { printf("(I)nsert\n(S)earch\n(L)ist all\n\n"); printf(" > "); scanf("%d",&in); switch(in) { case 1: printf("\tInserting: \n"); printf("\t > "); scanf("%s",input); Table[hashFunction(input)] = insertValue(Table[hashFunction(input)],input); break; case 2: printf("\tSearching value: \n"); printf("\t > "); scanf("%s", &input); if (hasValue(Table[hashFunction(input)],input)) { printf("%s is in the table!\n",input); } else { printf("%s is not in the table!\n",input); } break; case 3: for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++) { printf("[%d] ",i); printList(Table[i]); } break; default: break; return; } printf("_______________________________________________________\n"); }*/ }
int main() { /** Variables to measure the time **/ double start,finish; node *Table[MAX]; clearTable(Table); char input[CHARS]; int j,k,i,x; /** For Hash function 1, dispersion and time for inserting the elements**/ start=clock(); for(k=1;k<=200;k++) for(j=1;j<=10;j++) { strcpy(input,mkrndstr(j)); x=hashFunction1(input); if (hasValue(Table[x],input)) { /**printf("%s is in the table!\n",input);**/ } else { Table[x] = insertValue(Table[x],input); } } finish=clock(); printf("\nThe time (in seconds) for 1st function=%lf \n",(finish-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("\nDispersion for 1st function:\n"); for (i=0;i<MAX;i++) { printf("[%d]: %d \n",i,countElements(Table[i])); } /** For Hash function 2, dispersion and time for inserting the elements**/ clearTable(Table); start=clock(); for(k=1;k<=200;k++) for(j=1;j<=10;j++) { strcpy(input,mkrndstr(j)); x=hashFunction2(input); if (hasValue(Table[x],input)) { /**printf("%s is in the table!\n",input);**/ } else { Table[x] = insertValue(Table[x],input); } } finish=clock(); printf("\nThe time (in seconds) for 2nd function=%lf \n",(finish-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("\nDispersion for 2nd function:\n"); for (i=0;i<MAX;i++) { printf("[%d]: %d \n",i,countElements(Table[i])); } /** node *Table[MAX]; clearTable(Table); char input[CHARS]; int in=-1; int i; while(in!=0) { printf("(1)Insert\n(2)Search\n(3)Count all\n(4)List all\n(0)Escape\n\n"); printf(" > "); scanf("%d",&in); switch(in) { case 1: printf("\tInserting: \n"); printf("\t > "); scanf("%s",input); if (hasValue(Table[hashFunction1(input)],input)) { printf("%s is in the table!\n",input); } else { Table[hashFunction1(input)] = insertValue(Table[hashFunction1(input)],input); } break; case 2: printf("\tSearching value: \n"); printf("\t > "); scanf("%s", &input); if (hasValue(Table[hashFunction1(input)],input)) { printf("%s is in the table!\n",input); } else { printf("%s is not in the table!\n",input); } break; case 4: for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++) { printf("[%d] ",i); printList(Table[i]); } break; case 3: for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++) { printf("\n[%d]: %d ",i, countElements(Table[i])); } break; } printf("_______________________________________________________\n"); } **/ return 0; }
void insertArgument(QDomDocument& doc, QDomElement& where, const QVariant& what) { switch(what.type()) { case QMetaType::Bool: insertValue(doc, where, "boolean", what.toBool() ? "1" : "0"); break; case QMetaType::Int: case QMetaType::UInt: // case QMetaType::Long: // case QMetaType::Short: // case QMetaType::ULong: // case QMetaType::UShort: insertValue(doc, where, "i4", what.toString()); break; case QMetaType::ULongLong: case QMetaType::LongLong: insertValue(doc, where, "ex:i8", what.toString()); break; // case QMetaType::Float: case QMetaType::Double: insertValue(doc, where, "double", what.toString()); break; case QMetaType::QString: insertValue(doc, where, "string", what.toString()); break; case QMetaType::QByteArray: insertValue(doc, where, "base64", what.toByteArray().toBase64()); break; case QMetaType::QDateTime: insertValue(doc, where, "dateTime.iso8601", what.toDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate)); break; case QMetaType::QVariantList: { QDomElement array, data, value; value = doc.createElement("value"); array = doc.createElement("array"); data = doc.createElement("data"); QList<QVariant> list = what.toList(); foreach(QVariant v, list) insertArgument(doc, data, v); array.appendChild(data); value.appendChild(array); where.appendChild(value); } break; case QMetaType::QStringList: { QDomElement array, data, value; value = doc.createElement("value"); array = doc.createElement("array"); data = doc.createElement("data"); QStringList list = what.toStringList(); foreach(QString v, list) insertArgument(doc, data, v); array.appendChild(data); value.appendChild(array); where.appendChild(value); } break; case QMetaType::QVariantMap: { QDomElement _struct, value; _struct = doc.createElement("struct"); value = doc.createElement("value"); QMap<QString, QVariant> map = what.toMap(); for(QMap<QString, QVariant>::iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); it++) { QDomElement member = doc.createElement("member"); QDomElement name = doc.createElement("name"); QDomText ntext = doc.createTextNode(it.key()); name.appendChild(ntext); member.appendChild(name); insertArgument(doc, member, it.value()); _struct.appendChild(member); } value.appendChild(_struct); where.appendChild(value); } break; default: qDebug() << "XmlRpc::insertArgument(): Unsupported QVariant type:" << what.type(); } }
int main() { DBMSAPI dbms; //Declare the dbms api initRelations(&dbms); cout << displayMainMenu() << endl; int searchResults = 0; while (1) { //input loop string in; getline(cin, in); vector<string> tokens = splitAtSpace(in); //split the command given by spaces if (tokens[0] == "HELP") { //process HELP cout << displayMainMenu() << endl; } else if (tokens[0] == "EXIT") { //process EXIT saveRelations(&dbms); exit(0); } else if (tokens[0] == "ADD") { if (tokens[1] == "CAR") { //process ADD CAR vector<string> values; for (int i = 2; i < tokens.size(); i++) { values.push_back(tokens[i]); } insertValue("cars", values, &dbms); cout << "Addition approved!" << endl << endl; } else if (tokens[1] == "DEALERSHIP") {//process ADD DEALERSHIP vector<string> values; for (int i = 2; i < tokens.size(); i++) { values.push_back(tokens[i]); } insertValue("dealerships", values, &dbms); cout << "Addition approved!" << endl << endl; } } else if (tokens[0] == "LIST") { //process LIST if (tokens.size() != 5) { cout << "Invalid number of arguments!" << endl << endl; } else { //Price INTEGER, Date_Listed VARCHAR(20), VIN VARCHAR(17), Dealership_Name VARCHAR(30) string listing = "INSERT INTO listings VALUES FROM (" + tokens[1] + ", " + tokens[2] + ", " + tokens[3] + ", " + tokens[4] + ");"; dbms.execute(listing); cout << "Listing approved!" << endl << endl; } } else if (tokens[0] == "UNLIST") { //process UNLIST if (tokens.size() != 2) { cout << "Invalid number of arguments!" << endl << endl; } else { string removeListing = "DELETE FROM listings WHERE (VIN == \"" + tokens[1] + "\");"; dbms.execute(removeListing); } } else if (tokens[0] == "SELL") { //process SELL if (tokens.size() != 6) { cout << "Invalid number of arguments!" << endl << endl; } else { //Price INTEGER, Date_Sold VARCHAR(20), VIN VARCHAR(17), Dealership_Name VARCHAR(30), Buyer_Name VARCHAR(50) string sale = "INSERT INTO sales VALUES FROM (" + tokens[1] + ", " + tokens[2] + ", " + tokens[3] + ", " + tokens[4] + ", " + tokens[5] + ");"; dbms.execute(sale); string removeListing = "DELETE FROM listings WHERE (VIN == \"" + tokens[3] + "\");"; dbms.execute(removeListing); string removeInventory = "DELETE FROM cars WHERE (VIN == \"" + tokens[3] + "\");"; dbms.execute(removeInventory); cout << "Sale approved!" << endl << endl; } } else if (tokens[0] == "INVENTORY") { //process INVENTORY showRelation("cars", &dbms); } else if (tokens[0] == "DEALERSHIPS") { //process DEALERSHIPS showRelation("dealerships", &dbms); } else if (tokens[0] == "LISTINGS") { //process LISTINGS showRelation("listings", &dbms); } else if (tokens[0] == "SALES") { //process SALES showRelation("sales", &dbms); } else if (tokens[0] == "SEARCH") { //process SEARCH searchResults++; stringstream ss; ss << searchResults; string query = "searchresult" + ss.str() + " <- select ("; for (int i = 2; i < tokens.size(); i++) { query += tokens[i]; if (i + 1 < tokens.size()) { query += " "; } } query += ") " + tokens[1] + ";"; dbms.execute(query); string showResult = "SHOW searchresult" + ss.str() + ";"; dbms.execute(showResult); cout << endl; } else if (tokens[0] == "UPDATE") { if (tokens[1] == "LISTING") { //process UPDATE LISTING if (tokens.size() != 4) { cout << "Invalid number of arguments!" << endl; } else { string updateListings = "UPDATE listings SET Price = " + tokens[3] + " WHERE VIN == " + tokens[2] + ";"; dbms.execute(updateListings); } } } else if (tokens[0] == "CROSS") { //process CROSS string cross = "crossResult <- dealerships * cars;"; dbms.execute(cross); string showCross = "SHOW crossResult;"; dbms.execute(showCross); string closeCross = "CLOSE crossResult;"; dbms.execute(closeCross); } else if (tokens[0] == "PROJECT") { //process PROJECT string project = "projectResult <- project ("; for (int i = 2; i < tokens.size(); i++) { project += tokens[i]; if (i + 1 < tokens.size()) { project += ", "; } } project += ") " + tokens[1] + ";"; dbms.execute(project); string showProject = "SHOW projectResult;"; dbms.execute(showProject); string closeProject = "CLOSE projectResult;"; dbms.execute(closeProject); } else if (tokens[0] == "UNION") { if (tokens[1] == "SEARCHES") { //process UNION SEARCHES string unionQuery = "unionResult <- " + tokens[2] + " + " + tokens[3] + ";"; dbms.execute(unionQuery); string showUnion = "SHOW unionResult;"; dbms.execute(showUnion); string closeUnion = "CLOSE unionResult;"; dbms.execute(closeUnion); } } else if (tokens[0] == "DIFFERENCE") { if (tokens[1] == "SEARCHES") { //process DIFFERENCE SEARCHES string diffQuery = "diffResult <- " + tokens[2] + " - " + tokens[3] + ";"; dbms.execute(diffQuery); string showDiff = "SHOW diffResult;"; dbms.execute(showDiff); string closeDiff = "CLOSE diffResult;"; dbms.execute(closeDiff); } } else { //process unknown command cout << "Unknown command!" << endl << endl; } } }
// get an field index and edit the new value from the user void CourseEditingState::edit(int index) { string new_svalue; int choise = 0; bool circle = false;; cout << "You have choosen to edit the field: \n"; switch (index) { case 0: cout << "Name " << this-> << endl << endl; cout << "Please enter new value \n\n"; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, new_svalue);; break; case 1: cout << "Description " << this->course.description.get() << endl << endl; cout << "Please enter new value \n\n"; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, new_svalue); course.description.set(new_svalue); break; case 2: cout << "Max Number of students " << this->course.maxNumberOfStudents.get() << endl << endl; cout << "Please enter new value \n\n"; course.maxNumberOfStudents.set(insertValue()); break; case 3: cout << "Teaching Hours " << this->course.teachingHours.get() << endl << endl; cout << "Please enter new value \n\n"; course.teachingHours.set(insertValue()); break; case 4: system("cls"); while (choise != 3) { cout << getCaption(4) << " : " << getValue(4) << endl << endl; cout << "1.adding pre course\n2.remove\n3.exit\n\n"; choise = insertValue(); switch (choise) { case 1: if (displayAllAvailableCourses(seasonConfig, course) != 0) { cout << "enter course index: "; course.pre.add(; circle = checkCircle(this->seasonConfig); if (circle == true) { cout << "Cannot add course because circle was found \n\n"; course.pre.remove(course.pre.count() - 1); } } else { cout << "No available courses to add" << endl << endl; } _sleep(3000); break; case 2: if (course.pre.count() != 0) { cout << "enter course index: "; course.pre.remove(insertValue()); } else { cout << "No pre courses to remove" << endl << endl; _sleep(3000); } break; case 3: choise = 3; default: cout << "Wrong key \n"; break; } } break; } }