static int t2_decode_packet(opj_t2_t* t2, unsigned char *src, int len, opj_tcd_tile_t *tile, opj_tcp_t *tcp, opj_pi_iterator_t *pi, opj_packet_info_t *pack_info) { int bandno, cblkno; unsigned char *c = src; opj_cp_t *cp = t2->cp; int compno = pi->compno; /* component value */ int resno = pi->resno; /* resolution level value */ int precno = pi->precno; /* precinct value */ int layno = pi->layno; /* quality layer value */ opj_tcd_resolution_t* res = &tile->comps[compno].resolutions[resno]; unsigned char *hd = NULL; int present; opj_bio_t *bio = NULL; /* BIO component */ if (layno == 0) { for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) { opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno]; opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; if ((band->x1-band->x0 == 0)||(band->y1-band->y0 == 0)) continue; tgt_reset(prc->incltree); tgt_reset(prc->imsbtree); for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) { opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk = &prc->cblks.dec[cblkno]; cblk->numsegs = 0; } } } /* SOP markers */ if (tcp->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_SOP) { if ((*c) != 0xff || (*(c + 1) != 0x91)) { opj_event_msg(t2->cinfo, EVT_WARNING, "Expected SOP marker\n"); } else { c += 6; } /** TODO : check the Nsop value */ } /* When the marker PPT/PPM is used the packet header are store in PPT/PPM marker This part deal with this caracteristic step 1: Read packet header in the saved structure step 2: Return to codestream for decoding */ bio = bio_create(); if (cp->ppm == 1) { /* PPM */ hd = cp->ppm_data; bio_init_dec(bio, hd, cp->ppm_len); } else if (tcp->ppt == 1) { /* PPT */ hd = tcp->ppt_data; bio_init_dec(bio, hd, tcp->ppt_len); } else { /* Normal Case */ hd = c; bio_init_dec(bio, hd, src+len-hd); } present = bio_read(bio, 1); if (!present) { bio_inalign(bio); hd += bio_numbytes(bio); bio_destroy(bio); /* EPH markers */ if (tcp->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_EPH) { if ((*hd) != 0xff || (*(hd + 1) != 0x92)) { printf("Error : expected EPH marker\n"); } else { hd += 2; } } /* << INDEX */ /* End of packet header position. Currently only represents the distance to start of packet // Will be updated later by incrementing with packet start value*/ if(pack_info) { pack_info->end_ph_pos = (int)(c - src); } /* INDEX >> */ if (cp->ppm == 1) { /* PPM case */ cp->ppm_len += cp->ppm_data-hd; cp->ppm_data = hd; return (c - src); } if (tcp->ppt == 1) { /* PPT case */ tcp->ppt_len+=tcp->ppt_data-hd; tcp->ppt_data = hd; return (c - src); } return (hd - src); } for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) { opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno]; opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; if ((band->x1-band->x0 == 0)||(band->y1-band->y0 == 0)) continue; for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) { int included, increment, n, segno; opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk = &prc->cblks.dec[cblkno]; /* if cblk not yet included before --> inclusion tagtree */ if (!cblk->numsegs) { included = tgt_decode(bio, prc->incltree, cblkno, layno + 1); /* else one bit */ } else { included = bio_read(bio, 1); } /* if cblk not included */ if (!included) { cblk->numnewpasses = 0; continue; } /* if cblk not yet included --> zero-bitplane tagtree */ if (!cblk->numsegs) { int i, numimsbs; for (i = 0; !tgt_decode(bio, prc->imsbtree, cblkno, i); i++) { ; } numimsbs = i - 1; cblk->numbps = band->numbps - numimsbs; cblk->numlenbits = 3; } /* number of coding passes */ cblk->numnewpasses = t2_getnumpasses(bio); increment = t2_getcommacode(bio); /* length indicator increment */ cblk->numlenbits += increment; segno = 0; if (!cblk->numsegs) { t2_init_seg(cblk, segno, tcp->tccps[compno].cblksty, 1); } else { segno = cblk->numsegs - 1; if (cblk->segs[segno].numpasses == cblk->segs[segno].maxpasses) { ++segno; t2_init_seg(cblk, segno, tcp->tccps[compno].cblksty, 0); } } n = cblk->numnewpasses; do { cblk->segs[segno].numnewpasses = int_min(cblk->segs[segno].maxpasses - cblk->segs[segno].numpasses, n); cblk->segs[segno].newlen = bio_read(bio, cblk->numlenbits + int_floorlog2(cblk->segs[segno].numnewpasses)); n -= cblk->segs[segno].numnewpasses; if (n > 0) { ++segno; t2_init_seg(cblk, segno, tcp->tccps[compno].cblksty, 0); } } while (n > 0); } } if (bio_inalign(bio)) { bio_destroy(bio); return -999; } hd += bio_numbytes(bio); bio_destroy(bio); /* EPH markers */ if (tcp->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_EPH) { if ((*hd) != 0xff || (*(hd + 1) != 0x92)) { opj_event_msg(t2->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "Expected EPH marker\n"); return -999; } else { hd += 2; } } /* << INDEX */ /* End of packet header position. Currently only represents the distance to start of packet // Will be updated later by incrementing with packet start value*/ if(pack_info) { pack_info->end_ph_pos = (int)(hd - src); } /* INDEX >> */ if (cp->ppm==1) { cp->ppm_len+=cp->ppm_data-hd; cp->ppm_data = hd; } else if (tcp->ppt == 1) { tcp->ppt_len+=tcp->ppt_data-hd; tcp->ppt_data = hd; } else { c=hd; } for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) { opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno]; opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; if ((band->x1-band->x0 == 0)||(band->y1-band->y0 == 0)) continue; for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) { opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk = &prc->cblks.dec[cblkno]; opj_tcd_seg_t *seg = NULL; if (!cblk->numnewpasses) continue; if (!cblk->numsegs) { seg = &cblk->segs[0]; cblk->numsegs++; cblk->len = 0; } else { seg = &cblk->segs[cblk->numsegs - 1]; if (seg->numpasses == seg->maxpasses) { seg++; cblk->numsegs++; } } do { if (c + seg->newlen > src + len) { return -999; } #ifdef USE_JPWL /* we need here a j2k handle to verify if making a check to the validity of cblocks parameters is selected from user (-W) */ /* let's check that we are not exceeding */ if ((cblk->len + seg->newlen) > 8192) { opj_event_msg(t2->cinfo, EVT_WARNING, "JPWL: segment too long (%d) for codeblock %d (p=%d, b=%d, r=%d, c=%d)\n", seg->newlen, cblkno, precno, bandno, resno, compno); if (!JPWL_ASSUME) { opj_event_msg(t2->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "JPWL: giving up\n"); return -999; } seg->newlen = 8192 - cblk->len; opj_event_msg(t2->cinfo, EVT_WARNING, " - truncating segment to %d\n", seg->newlen); break; }; #endif /* USE_JPWL */ cblk->data = (unsigned char*) opj_realloc(cblk->data, (cblk->len + seg->newlen) * sizeof(unsigned char)); memcpy(cblk->data + cblk->len, c, seg->newlen); if (seg->numpasses == 0) { seg->data = &cblk->data; seg->dataindex = cblk->len; } c += seg->newlen; cblk->len += seg->newlen; seg->len += seg->newlen; seg->numpasses += seg->numnewpasses; cblk->numnewpasses -= seg->numnewpasses; if (cblk->numnewpasses > 0) { seg++; cblk->numsegs++; } } while (cblk->numnewpasses > 0); } } return (c - src); }
static bool t2_encode_packet( OPJ_UINT32 tileno, opj_tcd_tile_t * tile, opj_tcp_t * tcp, opj_pi_iterator_t *pi, OPJ_BYTE *dest, OPJ_UINT32 * p_data_written, OPJ_UINT32 length, opj_codestream_info_t *cstr_info) { OPJ_UINT32 bandno, cblkno; OPJ_BYTE *c = dest; OPJ_UINT32 l_nb_bytes; OPJ_UINT32 compno = pi->compno; /* component value */ OPJ_UINT32 resno = pi->resno; /* resolution level value */ OPJ_UINT32 precno = pi->precno; /* precinct value */ OPJ_UINT32 layno = pi->layno; /* quality layer value */ OPJ_UINT32 l_nb_blocks; opj_tcd_band_t *band = 00; opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* cblk = 00; opj_tcd_pass_t *pass = 00; opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno]; opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno]; opj_bio_t *bio = 00; /* BIO component */ /* <SOP 0xff91> */ if (tcp->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_SOP) { c[0] = 255; c[1] = 145; c[2] = 0; c[3] = 4; c[4] = (tile->packno % 65536) / 256; c[5] = (tile->packno % 65536) % 256; c += 6; length -= 6; } /* </SOP> */ if (!layno) { band = res->bands; for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; ++bandno) { opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; tgt_reset(prc->incltree); tgt_reset(prc->imsbtree); l_nb_blocks = prc->cw * prc->ch; for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < l_nb_blocks; ++cblkno) { opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* cblk_v = &prc->cblks.enc[cblkno]; cblk_v->numpasses = 0; tgt_setvalue(prc->imsbtree, cblkno, band->numbps - cblk_v->numbps); } ++band; } } bio = bio_create(); bio_init_enc(bio, c, length); bio_write(bio, 1, 1); /* Empty header bit */ /* Writing Packet header */ band = res->bands; for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; ++bandno) { opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; l_nb_blocks = prc->cw * prc->ch; cblk = prc->cblks.enc; for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < l_nb_blocks; ++cblkno) { opj_tcd_layer_t *layer = &cblk->layers[layno]; if (!cblk->numpasses && layer->numpasses) { tgt_setvalue(prc->incltree, cblkno, layno); } ++cblk; } cblk = prc->cblks.enc; for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < l_nb_blocks; cblkno++) { opj_tcd_layer_t *layer = &cblk->layers[layno]; OPJ_UINT32 increment = 0; OPJ_UINT32 nump = 0; OPJ_UINT32 len = 0, passno; OPJ_UINT32 l_nb_passes; /* cblk inclusion bits */ if (!cblk->numpasses) { tgt_encode(bio, prc->incltree, cblkno, layno + 1); } else { bio_write(bio, layer->numpasses != 0, 1); } /* if cblk not included, go to the next cblk */ if (!layer->numpasses) { ++cblk; continue; } /* if first instance of cblk --> zero bit-planes information */ if (!cblk->numpasses) { cblk->numlenbits = 3; tgt_encode(bio, prc->imsbtree, cblkno, 999); } /* number of coding passes included */ t2_putnumpasses(bio, layer->numpasses); l_nb_passes = cblk->numpasses + layer->numpasses; pass = cblk->passes + cblk->numpasses; /* computation of the increase of the length indicator and insertion in the header */ for (passno = cblk->numpasses; passno < l_nb_passes; ++passno) { ++nump; len += pass->len; if (pass->term || passno == (cblk->numpasses + layer->numpasses) - 1) { increment = int_max(increment, int_floorlog2(len) + 1 - (cblk->numlenbits + int_floorlog2(nump))); len = 0; nump = 0; } ++pass; } t2_putcommacode(bio, increment); /* computation of the new Length indicator */ cblk->numlenbits += increment; pass = cblk->passes + cblk->numpasses; /* insertion of the codeword segment length */ for (passno = cblk->numpasses; passno < l_nb_passes; ++passno) { nump++; len += pass->len; if (pass->term || passno == (cblk->numpasses + layer->numpasses) - 1) { bio_write(bio, len, cblk->numlenbits + int_floorlog2(nump)); len = 0; nump = 0; } ++pass; } ++cblk; } ++band; } if (bio_flush(bio)) { bio_destroy(bio); return false; /* modified to eliminate longjmp !! */ } l_nb_bytes = bio_numbytes(bio); c += l_nb_bytes; length -= l_nb_bytes; bio_destroy(bio); /* <EPH 0xff92> */ if (tcp->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_EPH) { c[0] = 255; c[1] = 146; c += 2; length -= 2; } /* </EPH> */ /* << INDEX */ // End of packet header position. Currently only represents the distance to start of packet // Will be updated later by incrementing with packet start value if(cstr_info && cstr_info->index_write) { opj_packet_info_t *info_PK = &cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[cstr_info->packno]; info_PK->end_ph_pos = (OPJ_INT32)(c - dest); } /* INDEX >> */ /* Writing the packet body */ band = res->bands; for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) { opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; l_nb_blocks = prc->cw * prc->ch; cblk = prc->cblks.enc; for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < l_nb_blocks; ++cblkno) { opj_tcd_layer_t *layer = &cblk->layers[layno]; if (!layer->numpasses) { ++cblk; continue; } if (layer->len > length) { return false; } memcpy(c, layer->data, layer->len); cblk->numpasses += layer->numpasses; c += layer->len; length -= layer->len; /* << INDEX */ if(cstr_info && cstr_info->index_write) { opj_packet_info_t *info_PK = &cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[cstr_info->packno]; info_PK->disto += layer->disto; if (cstr_info->D_max < info_PK->disto) { cstr_info->D_max = info_PK->disto; } } ++cblk; /* INDEX >> */ } ++band; } * p_data_written += (c - dest); return true; }
static int t2_encode_packet(opj_tcd_tile_t * tile, opj_tcp_t * tcp, opj_pi_iterator_t *pi, unsigned char *dest, int length, opj_codestream_info_t *cstr_info, int tileno) { int bandno, cblkno; unsigned char *c = dest; int compno = pi->compno; /* component value */ int resno = pi->resno; /* resolution level value */ int precno = pi->precno; /* precinct value */ int layno = pi->layno; /* quality layer value */ opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno]; opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno]; opj_bio_t *bio = NULL; /* BIO component */ /* <SOP 0xff91> */ if (tcp->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_SOP) { c[0] = 255; c[1] = 145; c[2] = 0; c[3] = 4; c[4] = (unsigned char)((tile->packno % 65536) / 256); c[5] = (unsigned char)((tile->packno % 65536) % 256); c += 6; } /* </SOP> */ if (!layno) { for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) { opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno]; opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; tgt_reset(prc->incltree); tgt_reset(prc->imsbtree); for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) { opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* cblk = &prc->cblks.enc[cblkno]; cblk->numpasses = 0; tgt_setvalue(prc->imsbtree, cblkno, band->numbps - cblk->numbps); } } } bio = bio_create(); bio_init_enc(bio, c, length); bio_write(bio, 1, 1); /* Empty header bit */ /* Writing Packet header */ for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) { opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno]; opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) { opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* cblk = &prc->cblks.enc[cblkno]; opj_tcd_layer_t *layer = &cblk->layers[layno]; if (!cblk->numpasses && layer->numpasses) { tgt_setvalue(prc->incltree, cblkno, layno); } } for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) { opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* cblk = &prc->cblks.enc[cblkno]; opj_tcd_layer_t *layer = &cblk->layers[layno]; int increment = 0; int nump = 0; int len = 0, passno; /* cblk inclusion bits */ if (!cblk->numpasses) { tgt_encode(bio, prc->incltree, cblkno, layno + 1); } else { bio_write(bio, layer->numpasses != 0, 1); } /* if cblk not included, go to the next cblk */ if (!layer->numpasses) { continue; } /* if first instance of cblk --> zero bit-planes information */ if (!cblk->numpasses) { cblk->numlenbits = 3; tgt_encode(bio, prc->imsbtree, cblkno, 999); } /* number of coding passes included */ t2_putnumpasses(bio, layer->numpasses); /* computation of the increase of the length indicator and insertion in the header */ for (passno = cblk->numpasses; passno < cblk->numpasses + layer->numpasses; passno++) { opj_tcd_pass_t *pass = &cblk->passes[passno]; nump++; len += pass->len; if (pass->term || passno == (cblk->numpasses + layer->numpasses) - 1) { increment = int_max(increment, int_floorlog2(len) + 1 - (cblk->numlenbits + int_floorlog2(nump))); len = 0; nump = 0; } } t2_putcommacode(bio, increment); /* computation of the new Length indicator */ cblk->numlenbits += increment; /* insertion of the codeword segment length */ for (passno = cblk->numpasses; passno < cblk->numpasses + layer->numpasses; passno++) { opj_tcd_pass_t *pass = &cblk->passes[passno]; nump++; len += pass->len; if (pass->term || passno == (cblk->numpasses + layer->numpasses) - 1) { bio_write(bio, len, cblk->numlenbits + int_floorlog2(nump)); len = 0; nump = 0; } } } } if (bio_flush(bio)) { bio_destroy(bio); return -999; /* modified to eliminate longjmp !! */ } c += bio_numbytes(bio); bio_destroy(bio); /* <EPH 0xff92> */ if (tcp->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_EPH) { c[0] = 255; c[1] = 146; c += 2; } /* </EPH> */ /* << INDEX */ /* End of packet header position. Currently only represents the distance to start of packet // Will be updated later by incrementing with packet start value */ if(cstr_info && cstr_info->index_write) { opj_packet_info_t *info_PK = &cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[cstr_info->packno]; info_PK->end_ph_pos = (int)(c - dest); } /* INDEX >> */ /* Writing the packet body */ for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) { opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno]; opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) { opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* cblk = &prc->cblks.enc[cblkno]; opj_tcd_layer_t *layer = &cblk->layers[layno]; if (!layer->numpasses) { continue; } if (c + layer->len > dest + length) { return -999; } memcpy(c, layer->data, layer->len); cblk->numpasses += layer->numpasses; c += layer->len; /* << INDEX */ if(cstr_info && cstr_info->index_write) { opj_packet_info_t *info_PK = &cstr_info->tile[tileno].packet[cstr_info->packno]; info_PK->disto += layer->disto; if (cstr_info->D_max < info_PK->disto) { cstr_info->D_max = info_PK->disto; } } /* INDEX >> */ } } return (c - dest); }
static int t2_encode_packet(opj_tcd_tile_t * tile, opj_tcp_t * tcp, opj_pi_iterator_t *pi, unsigned char *dest, int length, opj_image_info_t * image_info, int tileno) { int bandno, cblkno; unsigned char *sop = 0, *eph = 0; unsigned char *c = dest; int compno = pi->compno; /* component value */ int resno = pi->resno; /* resolution level value */ int precno = pi->precno; /* precinct value */ int layno = pi->layno; /* quality layer value */ opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno]; opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno]; opj_bio_t *bio = NULL; /* BIO component */ /* <SOP 0xff91> */ if (tcp->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_SOP) { sop = (unsigned char *) opj_malloc(6 * sizeof(unsigned char)); sop[0] = 255; sop[1] = 145; sop[2] = 0; sop[3] = 4; sop[4] = (image_info->num % 65536) / 256; sop[5] = (image_info->num % 65536) % 256; memcpy(c, sop, 6); opj_free(sop); c += 6; } /* </SOP> */ if (!layno) { for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) { opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno]; opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; tgt_reset(prc->incltree); tgt_reset(prc->imsbtree); for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) { opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno]; cblk->numpasses = 0; tgt_setvalue(prc->imsbtree, cblkno, band->numbps - cblk->numbps); } } } bio = bio_create(); bio_init_enc(bio, c, length); bio_write(bio, 1, 1); /* Empty header bit */ /* Writing Packet header */ for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) { opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno]; opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) { opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno]; opj_tcd_layer_t *layer = &cblk->layers[layno]; if (!cblk->numpasses && layer->numpasses) { tgt_setvalue(prc->incltree, cblkno, layno); } } for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) { opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno]; opj_tcd_layer_t *layer = &cblk->layers[layno]; int increment = 0; int nump = 0; int len = 0, passno; /* cblk inclusion bits */ if (!cblk->numpasses) { tgt_encode(bio, prc->incltree, cblkno, layno + 1); } else { bio_write(bio, layer->numpasses != 0, 1); } /* if cblk not included, go to the next cblk */ if (!layer->numpasses) { continue; } /* if first instance of cblk --> zero bit-planes information */ if (!cblk->numpasses) { cblk->numlenbits = 3; tgt_encode(bio, prc->imsbtree, cblkno, 999); } /* number of coding passes included */ t2_putnumpasses(bio, layer->numpasses); /* computation of the increase of the length indicator and insertion in the header */ for (passno = cblk->numpasses; passno < cblk->numpasses + layer->numpasses; passno++) { opj_tcd_pass_t *pass = &cblk->passes[passno]; nump++; len += pass->len; if (pass->term || passno == (cblk->numpasses + layer->numpasses) - 1) { increment = int_max(increment, int_floorlog2(len) + 1 - (cblk->numlenbits + int_floorlog2(nump))); len = 0; nump = 0; } } t2_putcommacode(bio, increment); /* computation of the new Length indicator */ cblk->numlenbits += increment; /* insertion of the codeword segment length */ for (passno = cblk->numpasses; passno < cblk->numpasses + layer->numpasses; passno++) { opj_tcd_pass_t *pass = &cblk->passes[passno]; nump++; len += pass->len; if (pass->term || passno == (cblk->numpasses + layer->numpasses) - 1) { bio_write(bio, len, cblk->numlenbits + int_floorlog2(nump)); len = 0; nump = 0; } } } } if (bio_flush(bio)) { return -999; /* modified to eliminate longjmp !! */ } c += bio_numbytes(bio); bio_destroy(bio); /* <EPH 0xff92> */ if (tcp->csty & J2K_CP_CSTY_EPH) { eph = (unsigned char *) opj_malloc(2 * sizeof(unsigned char)); eph[0] = 255; eph[1] = 146; memcpy(c, eph, 2); opj_free(eph); c += 2; } /* </EPH> */ /* Writing the packet body */ for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) { opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno]; opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; cblkno++) { opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno]; opj_tcd_layer_t *layer = &cblk->layers[layno]; if (!layer->numpasses) { continue; } if (c + layer->len > dest + length) { return -999; } memcpy(c, layer->data, layer->len); cblk->numpasses += layer->numpasses; c += layer->len; /* ADD for index Cfr. Marcela --> delta disto by packet */ if(image_info && image_info->index_write && image_info->index_on) { opj_tile_info_t *info_TL = &image_info->tile[tileno]; opj_packet_info_t *info_PK = &info_TL->packet[image_info->num]; info_PK->disto += layer->disto; if (image_info->D_max < info_PK->disto) { image_info->D_max = info_PK->disto; } } /* </ADD> */ } } return (c - dest); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int len; int NumResolution, numD_min; /* NumResolution : number of resolution */ int Tile_arg; /* Tile_arg = 0 (not in argument) ou = 1 (in argument) */ int CSty; /* CSty : coding style */ int Prog_order; /* progression order (default LRCP) */ char progression[4]; int numpocs, numpocs_tile; /* Number of progression order change (POC) default 0 */ int prcw_init[J2K_MAXRLVLS]; /* Initialisation Precinct width */ int prch_init[J2K_MAXRLVLS]; /* Initialisation Precinct height */ //int prcw_init, prch_init; /* Initialisation precincts' size */ int cblockw_init, cblockh_init; /* Initialisation codeblocks' size */ int mode, value; /* Mode switch (cblk_style) */ int subsampling_dx, subsampling_dy; /* subsampling value for dx and dy */ int ROI_compno, ROI_shift; /* region of interrest */ int Dim[2]; /* portion of the image coded */ int TX0, TY0; /* tile off-set */ j2k_image_t img; j2k_cp_t cp, cp_init; /* cp_init is used to initialise in multiple tiles */ j2k_tcp_t *tcp, *tcp_init; /* tcp_init is used to initialise in multiple tile */ j2k_poc_t POC[32]; /* POC : used in case of Progression order change */ j2k_poc_t *tcp_poc; j2k_tccp_t *tccp; int i, tileno, j; char *infile = 0; char *outfile = 0; char *index = 0; char *s, S1, S2, S3; int ir = 0; int res_spec = 0; /* For various precinct sizes specification */ char sep; char *outbuf, *out; FILE *f; /* default value */ /* ------------- */ NumResolution = 6; CSty = 0; cblockw_init = 64; cblockh_init = 64; = 1; = 1; cp.index_on = 0; Prog_order = 0; numpocs = 0; mode = 0; subsampling_dx = 1; subsampling_dy = 1; ROI_compno = -1; /* no ROI */ ROI_shift = 0; Dim[0] = 0; Dim[1] = 0; TX0 = 0; TY0 = 0; cp.comment = "Created by OpenJPEG version 0.9"; cp.disto_alloc = 0; cp.fixed_alloc = 0; cp.fixed_quality = 0; //add fixed_quality /* img.PPT=0; */ Tile_arg = 0; cp_init.tcps = (j2k_tcp_t *) malloc(sizeof(j2k_tcp_t)); /* initialisation if only one tile */ tcp_init = &cp_init.tcps[0]; tcp_init->numlayers = 0; jpwl_cp_init(&jpwl_cp); cp.intermed_file=0; use_index=0; while (1) { int c = getopt(argc, argv, "i:o:r:q:f:t:n:c:b:x:p:s:d:h:P:S:E:M:R:T:C:I:W,F"); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'i': /* IN fill */ infile = optarg; s = optarg; while (*s) { s++; } s--; S3 = *s; s--; S2 = *s; s--; S1 = *s; if ((S1 == 'p' && S2 == 'g' && S3 == 'x') || (S1 == 'P' && S2 == 'G' && S3 == 'X')) { cp.image_type = 0; break; } if ((S1 == 'p' && S2 == 'n' && S3 == 'm') || (S1 == 'P' && S2 == 'N' && S3 == 'M') || (S1 == 'p' && S2 == 'g' && S3 == 'm') || (S1 == 'P' && S2 == 'G' && S3 == 'M') || (S1 == 'P' && S2 == 'P' && S3 == 'M') || (S1 == 'p' && S2 == 'p' && S3 == 'm')) { cp.image_type = 1; break; } if ((S1 == 'b' && S2 == 'm' && S3 == 'p') || (S1 == 'B' && S2 == 'M' && S3 == 'P')) { cp.image_type = 2; break; } fprintf(stderr, "!! Unrecognized format for infile : %c%c%c [accept only *.pnm, *.pgm, *.ppm, *.pgx or *.bmp] !!\n\n", S1, S2, S3); return 1; break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'o': /* OUT fill */ outfile = optarg; while (*outfile) { outfile++; } outfile--; S3 = *outfile; outfile--; S2 = *outfile; outfile--; S1 = *outfile; outfile = optarg; if ((S1 == 'j' && S2 == '2' && S3 == 'k') || (S1 == 'J' && S2 == '2' && S3 == 'K')) cp.JPEG2000_format=0; else if ((S1 == 'j' && S2 == 'p' && S3 == '2') || (S1 == 'J' && S2 == 'P' && S3 == '2')) cp.JPEG2000_format=1; else { fprintf(stderr,"Unknown output format image *.%c%c%c [only *.j2k, *.jp2]!! \n",S1,S2,S3); return 1; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'r': /* rates rates/distorsion */ s = optarg; while (sscanf(s, "%d", &tcp_init->rates[tcp_init->numlayers]) == 1) { tcp_init->numlayers++; while (*s && *s != ',') { s++; } if (!*s) break; s++; } cp.disto_alloc = 1; cp.matrice = NULL; break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'q': /* add fixed_quality */ s = optarg; while (sscanf(s, "%f", &tcp_init->distoratio[tcp_init->numlayers]) == 1) { tcp_init->numlayers++; while (*s && *s != ',') { s++; } if (!*s) break; s++; } cp.fixed_quality = 1; cp.matrice = NULL; break; /* dda */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'f': /* mod fixed_quality (before : -q) */ s = optarg; sscanf(s, "%d", &tcp_init->numlayers); s++; if (tcp_init->numlayers > 9) s++; cp.matrice = (int *) malloc(tcp_init->numlayers * NumResolution * 3 * sizeof(int)); s = s + 2; for (i = 0; i < tcp_init->numlayers; i++) { tcp_init->rates[i] = 1; sscanf(s, "%d,", &cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3]); s += 2; if (cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3] > 9) s++; cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3 + 1] = 0; cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3 + 2] = 0; for (j = 1; j < NumResolution; j++) { sscanf(s, "%d,%d,%d", &cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3 + j * 3 + 0], &cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3 + j * 3 + 1], &cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3 + j * 3 + 2]); s += 6; if (cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3 + j * 3] > 9) s++; if (cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3 + j * 3 + 1] > 9) s++; if (cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3 + j * 3 + 2] > 9) s++; } if (i < tcp_init->numlayers - 1) s++; } cp.fixed_alloc = 1; break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 't': /* tiles */ sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d", &cp.tdx, &cp.tdy); Tile_arg = 1; break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'n': /* resolution */ sscanf(optarg, "%d", &NumResolution); break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'c': /* precinct dimension */ s = optarg; do { sep = 0; sscanf(s, "[%d,%d]%c", &prcw_init[res_spec], &prch_init[res_spec], &sep); CSty |= 0x01; res_spec++; s = strpbrk(s, "]") + 2; } while (sep == ','); break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'b': /* code-block dimension */ sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d", &cblockw_init, &cblockh_init); if (cblockw_init * cblockh_init > 4096 || cblockw_init > 1024 || cblockw_init < 4 || cblockh_init > 1024 || cblockh_init < 4) { fprintf(stderr, "!! Size of code_block error (option -b) !!\n\nRestriction :\n * width*height<=4096\n * 4<=width,height<= 1024\n\n"); return 1; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'x': /* creation of index file */ index = optarg; cp.index_on = 1; use_index = 1; break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'p': /* progression order */ s = optarg; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { progression[i] = *s; s++; } Prog_order = give_progression(progression); if (Prog_order == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized progression order [LRCP, RLCP, RPCL, PCRL, CPRL] !!\n"); return 1; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 's': /* subsampling factor */ if (sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d", &subsampling_dx, &subsampling_dy) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "'-s' sub-sampling argument error ! [-s dx,dy]\n"); return 1; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'd': /* coordonnate of the reference grid */ if (sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d", &Dim[0], &Dim[1]) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "-d 'coordonnate of the reference grid' argument error !! [-d x0,y0]\n"); return 1; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'h': /* Display an help description */ help_display(); return 0; break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'P': /* POC */ fprintf(stderr, "/----------------------------------\\\n"); fprintf(stderr, "| POC option not fully tested !! |\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\\----------------------------------/\n"); s = optarg; while (sscanf(s, "T%d=%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%s", &POC[numpocs].tile, &POC[numpocs].resno0, &POC[numpocs].compno0, &POC[numpocs].layno1, &POC[numpocs].resno1, &POC[numpocs].compno1, POC[numpocs].progorder) == 7) { POC[numpocs].prg = give_progression(POC[numpocs].progorder); /* POC[numpocs].tile; */ numpocs++; while (*s && *s != '/') { s++; } if (!*s) break; s++; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'S': /* SOP marker */ CSty |= 0x02; break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'E': /* EPH marker */ CSty |= 0x04; break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'M': /* Mode switch pas tous au point !! */ if (sscanf(optarg, "%d", &value) == 1) { for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { int cache = value & (1 << i); if (cache) mode |= (1 << i); } } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'R': /* ROI */ if (sscanf(optarg, "OI:c=%d,U=%d", &ROI_compno, &ROI_shift) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "ROI error !! [-ROI:c='compno',U='shift']\n"); return 1; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'T': /* Tile offset */ if (sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d", &TX0, &TY0) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "-T 'tile offset' argument error !! [-T X0,Y0]"); return 1; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'C': /* Add a comment */ cp.comment = optarg; break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'I': /* reversible or not */ ir = 1; break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'W': /* version 0.2 enables only EPC on main header and epb in fixed way*/ jpwl_cp.JPWL_on = 1; break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'F': /* use intermed files*/ cp.intermed_file=1; break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ default: return 1; } } cp.tx0 = TX0; cp.ty0 = TY0; // inserici i parametri jpwl if(jpwl_cp.JPWL_on) get_jpwl_cp(& cp); /* Error messages */ /* -------------- */ if (!infile || !outfile) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: image_to_j2k -i image-file -o j2k/jp2-file (+ options)\n"); return 1; } if ((cp.disto_alloc || cp.fixed_alloc || cp.fixed_quality)&&(!(cp.disto_alloc ^ cp.fixed_alloc ^ cp.fixed_quality))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: options -r -q and -f can not be used together !!\n"); return 1; } // mod fixed_quality /* if no rate entered, lossless by default */ if (tcp_init->numlayers == 0) { tcp_init->rates[tcp_init->numlayers] = 1; tcp_init->numlayers++; cp.disto_alloc = 1; } if (TX0 > Dim[0] || TY0 > Dim[1]) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Tile offset dimension is unnappropriate --> TX0(%d)<=IMG_X0(%d) TYO(%d)<=IMG_Y0(%d) \n", TX0, Dim[0], TY0, Dim[1]); return 1; } for (i = 0; i < numpocs; i++) { if (POC[i].prg == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized progression order in option -P (POC n %d) [LRCP, RLCP, RPCL, PCRL, CPRL] !!\n", i + 1); } } switch (cp.image_type) { case 0: if (Tile_arg) { if (!pgxtoimage (infile, &img, cp.tdy, subsampling_dx, subsampling_dy, Dim, cp)) { fprintf(stderr, "not a pgx file\n"); return 1; } } else { if (!pgxtoimage (infile, &img, -1, subsampling_dx, subsampling_dy, Dim, cp)) { fprintf(stderr, " not a pgx file\n"); return 1; } } break; case 1: if (!pnmtoimage(infile, &img, subsampling_dx, subsampling_dy, Dim)) { fprintf(stderr, " not a pnm file\n"); return 1; } break; case 2: if (!bmptoimage(infile, &img, subsampling_dx, subsampling_dy, Dim)) { fprintf(stderr, " not a bmp file\n"); return 1; } break; } /* to respect profile - 0 */ /* ---------------------- */ numD_min = 0; /* while (int_ceildiv(img.x1,(1<<numD_min))-int_ceildiv(img.x0,(1<<numD_min))>120 || int_ceildiv(img.y1,(1<<numD_min))-int_ceildiv(img.y0,(1<<numD_min))>160) numD_min++; if ((numD_min+1)>NumResolution) { fprintf(stderr,"\n********************************************************************************\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "In view to respect Profile-0, the number of resolution used is %d in place of %d\n\n",numD_min+1,NumResolution); fprintf(stderr, "********************************************************************************\n\n"); NumResolution=numD_min+1; } */ if (Tile_arg == 1) { = int_ceildiv(img.x1 - cp.tx0, cp.tdx); = int_ceildiv(img.y1 - cp.ty0, cp.tdy); } else { cp.tdx = img.x1 - cp.tx0; cp.tdy = img.y1 - cp.ty0; } /* Initialization for PPM marker */ cp.ppm = 0; cp.ppm_data = NULL; cp.ppm_previous = 0; cp.ppm_store = 0; /* Init the mutiple tiles */ /* ---------------------- */ cp.tcps = (j2k_tcp_t *) malloc( * * sizeof(j2k_tcp_t)); for (tileno = 0; tileno < *; tileno++) { tcp = &cp.tcps[tileno]; tcp->numlayers = tcp_init->numlayers; for (j = 0; j < tcp->numlayers; j++) { if (cp.fixed_quality) // add fixed_quality tcp->distoratio[j] = tcp_init->distoratio[j]; else tcp->rates[j] = tcp_init->rates[j]; } tcp->csty = CSty; tcp->prg = Prog_order; tcp->mct = img.numcomps == 3 ? 1 : 0; tcp->ppt = 0; tcp->ppt_data = NULL; tcp->ppt_store = 0; numpocs_tile = 0; tcp->POC = 0; if (numpocs) { /* intialisation of POC */ tcp->POC = 1; for (i = 0; i < numpocs; i++) { if (tileno == POC[i].tile - 1 || POC[i].tile == -1) { tcp_poc = &tcp->pocs[numpocs_tile]; tcp_poc->resno0 = POC[numpocs_tile].resno0; tcp_poc->compno0 = POC[numpocs_tile].compno0; tcp_poc->layno1 = POC[numpocs_tile].layno1; tcp_poc->resno1 = POC[numpocs_tile].resno1; tcp_poc->compno1 = POC[numpocs_tile].compno1; tcp_poc->prg = POC[numpocs_tile].prg; tcp_poc->tile = POC[numpocs_tile].tile; numpocs_tile++; } } } tcp->numpocs = numpocs_tile; tcp->tccps = (j2k_tccp_t *) malloc(img.numcomps * sizeof(j2k_tccp_t)); for (i = 0; i < img.numcomps; i++) { tccp = &tcp->tccps[i]; tccp->csty = CSty & 0x01; /* 0 => one precinct || 1 => custom precinct */ tccp->numresolutions = NumResolution; tccp->cblkw = int_floorlog2(cblockw_init); tccp->cblkh = int_floorlog2(cblockh_init); tccp->cblksty = mode; tccp->qmfbid = ir ? 0 : 1; tccp->qntsty = ir ? J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_SEQNT : J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_NOQNT; tccp->numgbits = 2; if (i == ROI_compno) tccp->roishift = ROI_shift; else tccp->roishift = 0; if (CSty & J2K_CCP_CSTY_PRT) { int p = 0; for (j = tccp->numresolutions - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (p < res_spec) { if (prcw_init[p] < 1) tccp->prcw[j] = 1; else tccp->prcw[j] = int_floorlog2(prcw_init[p]); if (prch_init[p] < 1) tccp->prch[j] = 1; else tccp->prch[j] = int_floorlog2(prch_init[p]); } else { int size_prcw, size_prch; size_prcw = prcw_init[res_spec - 1] >> (p - (res_spec - 1)); size_prch = prch_init[res_spec - 1] >> (p - (res_spec - 1)); if (size_prcw < 1) tccp->prcw[j] = 1; else tccp->prcw[j] = int_floorlog2(size_prcw); if (size_prch < 1) tccp->prch[j] = 1; else tccp->prch[j] = int_floorlog2(size_prch); } p++; /*printf("\nsize precinct pour level %d : %d,%d\n", j, tccp->prcw[j], tccp->prch[j]);*/ } } else { for (j = 0; j < tccp->numresolutions; j++) { tccp->prcw[j] = 15; tccp->prch[j] = 15; } } calc_explicit_stepsizes(tccp, img.comps[i].prec); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int NumResolution, numD_min; /* NumResolution : number of resolution */ int Tile_arg; /* Tile_arg = 0 (not in argument) ou = 1 (in argument) */ int CSty; /* CSty : coding style */ int Prog_order; /* progression order (default LRCP) */ char progression[4]; int numpocs, numpocs_tile; /* Number of progression order change (POC) default 0 */ int prcw_init[J2K_MAXRLVLS]; /* Initialisation Precinct width */ int prch_init[J2K_MAXRLVLS]; /* Initialisation Precinct height */ //int prcw_init, prch_init; /* Initialisation precincts' size */ int cblockw_init, cblockh_init; /* Initialisation codeblocks' size */ int mode, value; /* Mode switch (cblk_style) */ int subsampling_dx, subsampling_dy; /* subsampling value for dx and dy */ int ROI_compno, ROI_shift; /* region of interrest */ int Dim[2]; /* portion of the image coded */ int TX0, TY0; /* tile off-set */ mj2_movie_t movie; j2k_cp_t cp, cp_init; /* cp_init is used to initialise in multiple tiles */ j2k_tcp_t *tcp, *tcp_init; /* tcp_init is used to initialise in multiple tile */ j2k_poc_t POC[32]; /* POC : used in case of Progression order change */ j2k_poc_t *tcp_poc; j2k_tccp_t *tccp; int i, tileno, l, j; char *infile = 0; char *outfile = 0; char *index = 0; char *s, S1, S2, S3; char *buf; int ir = 0; int res_spec = 0; /* For various precinct sizes specification */ char sep; int w; /* Width of YUV file */ int h; /* Height of YUV file */ int CbCr_subsampling_dx; /* Sample rate of YUV 4:4:4 4:2:2 or 4:2:0 */ int CbCr_subsampling_dy; /* Sample rate of YUV 4:4:4 4:2:2 or 4:2:0 */ int frame_rate; /* Video Frame Rate */ int numcomps; /* In YUV files, numcomps always considered as 3 */ int prec; /* In YUV files, precision always considered as 8 */ int x1, y1, len, jp2c_initpos, m, k, pos; long mdat_initpos, offset; FILE *mj2file, *yuvfile; unsigned int sampleno; j2k_image_t img; /* default value */ /* ------------- */ NumResolution = 6; CSty = 0; cblockw_init = 64; cblockh_init = 64; = 1; = 1; cp.index_on = 0; Prog_order = 0; numpocs = 0; mode = 0; subsampling_dx = 1; subsampling_dy = 1; ROI_compno = -1; /* no ROI */ ROI_shift = 0; Dim[0] = 0; Dim[1] = 0; TX0 = 0; TY0 = 0; cp.comment = NULL; cp.disto_alloc = 0; cp.fixed_alloc = 0; cp.fixed_quality = 0; //add fixed_quality w = 352; // CIF default value h = 288; // CIF default value CbCr_subsampling_dx = 2; // CIF default value CbCr_subsampling_dy = 2; // CIF default value frame_rate = 25; Tile_arg = 0; cp_init.tcps = (j2k_tcp_t *) malloc(sizeof(j2k_tcp_t)); /* initialisation if only one tile */ tcp_init = &cp_init.tcps[0]; tcp_init->numlayers = 0; cp.intermed_file = 0; // Don't store each tile in a file during processing while (1) { int c = getopt(argc, argv, "i:o:r:q:f:t:n:c:b:x:p:s:d:h:P:S:E:M:R:T:C:I:W:F:"); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'i': /* IN fill */ infile = optarg; s = optarg; while (*s) { s++; } s--; S3 = *s; s--; S2 = *s; s--; S1 = *s; if ((S1 == 'y' && S2 == 'u' && S3 == 'v') || (S1 == 'Y' && S2 == 'U' && S3 == 'V')) { cp.decod_format = YUV_DFMT; break; } fprintf(stderr, "!! Unrecognized format for infile : %c%c%c [accept only *.yuv] !!\n\n", S1, S2, S3); return 1; break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'o': /* OUT fill */ outfile = optarg; while (*outfile) { outfile++; } outfile--; S3 = *outfile; outfile--; S2 = *outfile; outfile--; S1 = *outfile; outfile = optarg; if ((S1 == 'm' && S2 == 'j' && S3 == '2') || (S1 == 'M' && S2 == 'J' && S3 == '2')) cp.cod_format = MJ2_CFMT; else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown output format image *.%c%c%c [only *.mj2]!! \n", S1, S2, S3); return 1; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'r': /* rates rates/distorsion */ s = optarg; while (sscanf(s, "%d", &tcp_init->rates[tcp_init->numlayers]) == 1) { tcp_init->numlayers++; while (*s && *s != ',') { s++; } if (!*s) break; s++; } cp.disto_alloc = 1; cp.matrice = NULL; break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'q': /* add fixed_quality */ s = optarg; while (sscanf (s, "%f", &tcp_init->distoratio[tcp_init->numlayers]) == 1) { tcp_init->numlayers++; while (*s && *s != ',') { s++; } if (!*s) break; s++; } cp.fixed_quality = 1; cp.matrice = NULL; break; /* dda */ /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'f': /* mod fixed_quality (before : -q) */ s = optarg; sscanf(s, "%d", &tcp_init->numlayers); s++; if (tcp_init->numlayers > 9) s++; cp.matrice = (int *) malloc(tcp_init->numlayers * NumResolution * 3 * sizeof(int)); s = s + 2; for (i = 0; i < tcp_init->numlayers; i++) { tcp_init->rates[i] = 1; sscanf(s, "%d,", &cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3]); s += 2; if (cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3] > 9) s++; cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3 + 1] = 0; cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3 + 2] = 0; for (j = 1; j < NumResolution; j++) { sscanf(s, "%d,%d,%d", &cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3 + j * 3 + 0], &cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3 + j * 3 + 1], &cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3 + j * 3 + 2]); s += 6; if (cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3 + j * 3] > 9) s++; if (cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3 + j * 3 + 1] > 9) s++; if (cp.matrice[i * NumResolution * 3 + j * 3 + 2] > 9) s++; } if (i < tcp_init->numlayers - 1) s++; } cp.fixed_alloc = 1; break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 't': /* tiles */ sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d", &cp.tdx, &cp.tdy); Tile_arg = 1; break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'n': /* resolution */ sscanf(optarg, "%d", &NumResolution); break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'c': /* precinct dimension */ s = optarg; do { sep = 0; sscanf(s, "[%d,%d]%c", &prcw_init[res_spec], &prch_init[res_spec], &sep); CSty |= 0x01; res_spec++; s = strpbrk(s, "]") + 2; } while (sep == ','); break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'b': /* code-block dimension */ sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d", &cblockw_init, &cblockh_init); if (cblockw_init * cblockh_init > 4096 || cblockw_init > 1024 || cblockw_init < 4 || cblockh_init > 1024 || cblockh_init < 4) { fprintf(stderr, "!! Size of code_block error (option -b) !!\n\nRestriction :\n * width*height<=4096\n * 4<=width,height<= 1024\n\n"); return 1; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'x': /* creation of index file */ index = optarg; cp.index_on = 1; break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'p': /* progression order */ s = optarg; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { progression[i] = *s; s++; } Prog_order = give_progression(progression); if (Prog_order == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized progression order [LRCP, RLCP, RPCL, PCRL, CPRL] !!\n"); return 1; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 's': /* subsampling factor */ if (sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d", &subsampling_dx, &subsampling_dy) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "'-s' sub-sampling argument error ! [-s dx,dy]\n"); return 1; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'd': /* coordonnate of the reference grid */ if (sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d", &Dim[0], &Dim[1]) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "-d 'coordonnate of the reference grid' argument error !! [-d x0,y0]\n"); return 1; } break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'h': /* Display an help description */ help_display(); return 0; break; /* ----------------------------------------------------- */ case 'P': /* POC */ fprintf(stderr, "/----------------------------------\\\n"); fprintf(stderr, "| POC option not fully tested !! |\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\\----------------------------------/\n"); s = optarg; while (sscanf(s, "T%d=%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%s", &POC[numpocs].tile, &POC[numpocs].resno0, &POC[numpocs].compno0, &POC[numpocs].layno1, &POC[numpocs].resno1, &POC[numpocs].compno1, POC[numpocs].progorder) == 7) { POC[numpocs].prg = give_progression(POC[numpocs].progorder); /* POC[numpocs].tile; */ numpocs++; while (*s && *s != '/') { s++; } if (!*s) break; s++; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'S': /* SOP marker */ CSty |= 0x02; break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'E': /* EPH marker */ CSty |= 0x04; break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'M': /* Mode switch pas tous au point !! */ if (sscanf(optarg, "%d", &value) == 1) { for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { int cache = value & (1 << i); if (cache) mode |= (1 << i); } } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'R': /* ROI */ if (sscanf(optarg, "OI:c=%d,U=%d", &ROI_compno, &ROI_shift) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "ROI error !! [-ROI:c='compno',U='shift']\n"); return 1; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'T': /* Tile offset */ if (sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d", &TX0, &TY0) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "-T 'tile offset' argument error !! [-T X0,Y0]"); return 1; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'C': /* Add a comment */ cp.comment = optarg; break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'I': /* reversible or not */ ir = 1; break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'W': /* Width and Height and Cb and Cr subsampling in case of YUV format files */ if (sscanf (optarg, "%d,%d,%d,%d", &w, &h, &CbCr_subsampling_dx, &CbCr_subsampling_dy) != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "-W argument error"); return 1; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ case 'F': /* Video frame rate */ if (sscanf(optarg, "%d", &frame_rate) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "-F argument error"); return 1; } break; /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ default: return 1; } } cp.tx0 = TX0; cp.ty0 = TY0; /* Error messages */ /* -------------- */ if (!infile || !outfile) { fprintf(stderr, "Correct usage: mj2_encoder -i yuv-file -o mj2-file (+ options)\n"); return 1; } if ((cp.disto_alloc || cp.fixed_alloc || cp.fixed_quality) && (!(cp.disto_alloc ^ cp.fixed_alloc ^ cp.fixed_quality))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: options -r -q and -f can not be used together !!\n"); return 1; } // mod fixed_quality /* if no rate entered, lossless by default */ if (tcp_init->numlayers == 0) { tcp_init->rates[tcp_init->numlayers] = 0; //MOD antonin : losslessbug tcp_init->numlayers++; cp.disto_alloc = 1; } if (TX0 > Dim[0] || TY0 > Dim[1]) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Tile offset dimension is unnappropriate --> TX0(%d)<=IMG_X0(%d) TYO(%d)<=IMG_Y0(%d) \n", TX0, Dim[0], TY0, Dim[1]); return 1; } for (i = 0; i < numpocs; i++) { if (POC[i].prg == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized progression order in option -P (POC n %d) [LRCP, RLCP, RPCL, PCRL, CPRL] !!\n", i + 1); } } /* to respect profile - 0 */ /* ---------------------- */ numD_min = 0; x1 = !Dim[0] ? (w - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1 : Dim[0] + (w - 1) * subsampling_dx + 1; y1 = !Dim[1] ? (h - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1 : Dim[1] + (h - 1) * subsampling_dy + 1; if (Tile_arg == 1) { = int_ceildiv(x1 - cp.tx0, cp.tdx); = int_ceildiv(y1 - cp.ty0, cp.tdy); } else { cp.tdx = x1 - cp.tx0; cp.tdy = y1 - cp.ty0; } /* Initialization for PPM marker */ cp.ppm = 0; cp.ppm_data = NULL; cp.ppm_previous = 0; cp.ppm_store = 0; numcomps = 3; /* Because YUV files only have 3 components */ tcp_init->mct = 0; /* No component transform needed */ prec = 8; /* Because in YUV files, components have 8-bit depth */ /* Init the mutiple tiles */ /* ---------------------- */ cp.tcps = (j2k_tcp_t *) malloc( * * sizeof(j2k_tcp_t)); for (tileno = 0; tileno < *; tileno++) { tcp = &cp.tcps[tileno]; tcp->numlayers = tcp_init->numlayers; for (j = 0; j < tcp->numlayers; j++) { if (cp.fixed_quality) // add fixed_quality tcp->distoratio[j] = tcp_init->distoratio[j]; else tcp->rates[j] = tcp_init->rates[j]; } tcp->csty = CSty; tcp->prg = Prog_order; tcp->mct = tcp_init->mct; tcp->ppt = 0; tcp->ppt_data = NULL; tcp->ppt_store = 0; numpocs_tile = 0; tcp->POC = 0; if (numpocs) { /* intialisation of POC */ tcp->POC = 1; for (i = 0; i < numpocs; i++) { if (tileno == POC[i].tile - 1 || POC[i].tile == -1) { tcp_poc = &tcp->pocs[numpocs_tile]; tcp_poc->resno0 = POC[numpocs_tile].resno0; tcp_poc->compno0 = POC[numpocs_tile].compno0; tcp_poc->layno1 = POC[numpocs_tile].layno1; tcp_poc->resno1 = POC[numpocs_tile].resno1; tcp_poc->compno1 = POC[numpocs_tile].compno1; tcp_poc->prg = POC[numpocs_tile].prg; tcp_poc->tile = POC[numpocs_tile].tile; numpocs_tile++; } } } tcp->numpocs = numpocs_tile; tcp->tccps = (j2k_tccp_t *) malloc(numcomps * sizeof(j2k_tccp_t)); for (i = 0; i < numcomps; i++) { tccp = &tcp->tccps[i]; tccp->csty = CSty & 0x01; /* 0 => one precinct || 1 => custom precinct */ tccp->numresolutions = NumResolution; tccp->cblkw = int_floorlog2(cblockw_init); tccp->cblkh = int_floorlog2(cblockh_init); tccp->cblksty = mode; tccp->qmfbid = ir ? 0 : 1; tccp->qntsty = ir ? J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_SEQNT : J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_NOQNT; tccp->numgbits = 2; if (i == ROI_compno) tccp->roishift = ROI_shift; else tccp->roishift = 0; if (CSty & J2K_CCP_CSTY_PRT) { int p = 0; for (j = tccp->numresolutions - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (p < res_spec) { if (prcw_init[p] < 1) tccp->prcw[j] = 1; else tccp->prcw[j] = int_floorlog2(prcw_init[p]); if (prch_init[p] < 1) tccp->prch[j] = 1; else tccp->prch[j] = int_floorlog2(prch_init[p]); } else { int size_prcw, size_prch; size_prcw = prcw_init[res_spec - 1] >> (p - (res_spec - 1)); size_prch = prch_init[res_spec - 1] >> (p - (res_spec - 1)); if (size_prcw < 1) tccp->prcw[j] = 1; else tccp->prcw[j] = int_floorlog2(size_prcw); if (size_prch < 1) tccp->prch[j] = 1; else tccp->prch[j] = int_floorlog2(size_prch); } p++; /*printf("\nsize precinct pour level %d : %d,%d\n", j, tccp->prcw[j], tccp->prch[j]); */ } } else { for (j = 0; j < tccp->numresolutions; j++) { tccp->prcw[j] = 15; tccp->prch[j] = 15; } } calc_explicit_stepsizes(tccp, prec); }
int t2_decode_packet(opj_t2_t* t2, unsigned char *src, int len, opj_tcd_tile_t *tile, opj_tcp_t *tcp, opj_pi_iterator_t *pi) { int bandno, cblkno; unsigned char *c = src; opj_cp_t *cp = t2->cp; int compno = pi->compno; /* component value */ int resno = pi->resno; /* resolution level value */ int precno = pi->precno; /* precinct value */ int layno = pi->layno; /* quality layer value */ opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec = &tile->comps[compno]; opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno]; unsigned char *hd = NULL; int present; opj_bio_t *bio = NULL; /* BIO component */ if (layno == 0) { for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) { opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno]; opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; if ((band->x1-band->x0 == 0)||(band->y1-band->y0 == 0)||(band->z1-band->z0 == 0)) continue; tgt_reset(prc->incltree); tgt_reset(prc->imsbtree); for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cblkno[0] * prc->cblkno[1] * prc->cblkno[2]; cblkno++) { opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno]; cblk->numsegs = 0; } } } /* SOP markers */ if (tcp->csty & J3D_CP_CSTY_SOP) { if ((*c) != 0xff || (*(c + 1) != 0x91)) { opj_event_msg(t2->cinfo, EVT_WARNING, "Expected SOP marker\n"); } else { c += 6; } /** TODO : check the Nsop value */ } /* When the marker PPT/PPM is used the packet header are store in PPT/PPM marker This part deal with this caracteristic step 1: Read packet header in the saved structure step 2: Return to codestream for decoding */ bio = bio_create(); if (cp->ppm == 1) { /* PPM */ hd = cp->ppm_data; bio_init_dec(bio, hd, cp->ppm_len); } else if (tcp->ppt == 1) { /* PPT */ hd = tcp->ppt_data; bio_init_dec(bio, hd, tcp->ppt_len); } else { /* Normal Case */ hd = c; bio_init_dec(bio, hd, src+len-hd); } present = bio_read(bio, 1); if (!present) { bio_inalign(bio); hd += bio_numbytes(bio); bio_destroy(bio); /* EPH markers */ if (tcp->csty & J3D_CP_CSTY_EPH) { if ((*hd) != 0xff || (*(hd + 1) != 0x92)) { printf("Error : expected EPH marker\n"); } else { hd += 2; } } if (cp->ppm == 1) { /* PPM case */ cp->ppm_len += cp->ppm_data-hd; cp->ppm_data = hd; return (c - src); } if (tcp->ppt == 1) { /* PPT case */ tcp->ppt_len+=tcp->ppt_data-hd; tcp->ppt_data = hd; return (c - src); } return (hd - src); } for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) { opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno]; opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; if ((band->x1-band->x0 == 0)||(band->y1-band->y0 == 0)||(band->z1-band->z0 == 0)) continue; for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cblkno[0] * prc->cblkno[1] * prc->cblkno[2]; cblkno++) { int included, increment, n; opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno]; opj_tcd_seg_t *seg = NULL; /* if cblk not yet included before --> inclusion tagtree */ if (!cblk->numsegs) { included = tgt_decode(bio, prc->incltree, cblkno, layno + 1); /* else one bit */ } else { included = bio_read(bio, 1); } /* if cblk not included */ if (!included) { cblk->numnewpasses = 0; continue; } /* if cblk not yet included --> zero-bitplane tagtree */ if (!cblk->numsegs) { int i, numimsbs; for (i = 0; !tgt_decode(bio, prc->imsbtree, cblkno, i); i++); numimsbs = i - 1; cblk->numbps = band->numbps - numimsbs; cblk->numlenbits = 3; } /* number of coding passes */ cblk->numnewpasses = t2_getnumpasses(bio); increment = t2_getcommacode(bio); /* length indicator increment */ cblk->numlenbits += increment; if (!cblk->numsegs) { seg = &cblk->segs[0]; t2_init_seg(seg, tcp->tccps[compno].cblksty, 1); } else { seg = &cblk->segs[cblk->numsegs - 1]; if (seg->numpasses == seg->maxpasses) { t2_init_seg(++seg, tcp->tccps[compno].cblksty, 0); } } n = cblk->numnewpasses; do { seg->numnewpasses = int_min(seg->maxpasses - seg->numpasses, n); seg->newlen = bio_read(bio, cblk->numlenbits + int_floorlog2(seg->numnewpasses)); n -= seg->numnewpasses; if (n > 0) { t2_init_seg(++seg, tcp->tccps[compno].cblksty, 0); } } while (n > 0); } } if (bio_inalign(bio)) { bio_destroy(bio); return -999; } hd += bio_numbytes(bio); bio_destroy(bio); /* EPH markers */ if (tcp->csty & J3D_CP_CSTY_EPH) { if ((*hd) != 0xff || (*(hd + 1) != 0x92)) { opj_event_msg(t2->cinfo, EVT_ERROR, "Expected EPH marker\n"); return -999; } else { hd += 2; } } if (cp->ppm==1) { cp->ppm_len+=cp->ppm_data-hd; cp->ppm_data = hd; } else if (tcp->ppt == 1) { tcp->ppt_len+=tcp->ppt_data-hd; tcp->ppt_data = hd; } else { c=hd; } for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; bandno++) { opj_tcd_band_t *band = &res->bands[bandno]; opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; if ((band->x1-band->x0 == 0)||(band->y1-band->y0 == 0)||(band->z1-band->z0 == 0)) continue; for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cblkno[0] * prc->cblkno[1] * prc->cblkno[2]; cblkno++) { opj_tcd_cblk_t *cblk = &prc->cblks[cblkno]; opj_tcd_seg_t *seg = NULL; if (!cblk->numnewpasses) continue; if (!cblk->numsegs) { seg = &cblk->segs[0]; cblk->numsegs++; cblk->len = 0; } else { seg = &cblk->segs[cblk->numsegs - 1]; if (seg->numpasses == seg->maxpasses) { seg++; cblk->numsegs++; } } do { if (c + seg->newlen > src + len) { return -999; } memcpy(cblk->data + cblk->len, c, seg->newlen); if (seg->numpasses == 0) { seg->data = cblk->data + cblk->len; } c += seg->newlen; cblk->len += seg->newlen; seg->len += seg->newlen; seg->numpasses += seg->numnewpasses; cblk->numnewpasses -= seg->numnewpasses; if (cblk->numnewpasses > 0) { seg++; cblk->numsegs++; } } while (cblk->numnewpasses > 0); } } return (c - src); }
void j2kTierOne::tierOneEncodeCodeBlock(j2kTileCoder_CodeBlock *codeBlock,j2kTileCoder_Tile *tile,int orient,int compno,int level,int isDWT,double stepSize,int codeBlockStyle,int numComps) { int cbWidth=codeBlock->x1-codeBlock->x0; int cbHeight=codeBlock->y1-codeBlock->y0; int max=0; for(int i=0; i<cbHeight; i++) { for(int j=0; j<cbWidth; j++) { max=int_max(max,int_abs(tierOneData[i][j])); } } if(max) codeBlock->numbps=int_floorlog2(max)+1-T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS; else codeBlock->numbps=0; for(int i=0; i<sizeof(tierOneFlags)/sizeof(int); i++) { ((int*)tierOneFlags)[i]=0; } int bpsno=codeBlock->numbps-1; int passType=2; mqcResetStates(); mqcSetState(T1_CTXNO_UNI,0,46); mqcSetState(T1_CTXNO_AGG,0,3); mqcSetState(T1_CTXNO_ZC,0,4); mqcInitEncode(codeBlock->data); int type; int nmSeDec; double curWmSeDec=0;//? int passno; for(passno=0; bpsno>=0; passno++) { //printf ("cb2==%d==%d\n",passno,ttemp->x0); j2kTileCoder_Pass *pass=&codeBlock->passes[passno]; int correction=3; type=((bpsno<(codeBlock->numbps-4))&&(passType<2)&&(codeBlockStyle&J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY))?T1_TYPE_RAW:T1_TYPE_MQ; switch(passType) { case 0: tierOneSignPass(cbWidth,cbHeight,bpsno,orient,&nmSeDec,type,codeBlockStyle); break; case 1: tierOneRefPass(cbWidth,cbHeight,bpsno,&nmSeDec,type,codeBlockStyle);//此项有问题 break; case 2: tierOneCleanPass(cbWidth,cbHeight,bpsno,orient,&nmSeDec,codeBlockStyle); if(codeBlockStyle&J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_SEGSYM) mqcSegMarkEncode();/* 模式变化 SEGMARK*/ break; } curWmSeDec+=getWmSeDec(nmSeDec,compno,level,orient,bpsno,isDWT,stepSize,numComps);//mod fixed_quality tile->distotile+=getWmSeDec(nmSeDec,compno,level,orient,bpsno,isDWT,stepSize,numComps);//add antonin quality //以下开始模式变换 if((codeBlockStyle&J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_TERMALL)&& !((passType==2)&& (bpsno-1<0))) { mqcFlush(); correction=1; pass->term=1; } else { if(((bpsno<(codeBlock->numbps-4)&&(passType>0))||((bpsno==(codeBlock->numbps-4))&&(passType==2)))&& (codeBlockStyle&J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY)) { mqcFlush(); correction=1; pass->term=1; } else { pass->term=0; } } if(++passType==3) { passType=0; bpsno--; } if(pass->term&&bpsno>0) { type=((bpsno<(codeBlock->numbps-4))&&(passType<2)&&(codeBlockStyle&J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY))?T1_TYPE_RAW:T1_TYPE_MQ; if(type==T1_TYPE_RAW) mqcByPassInitEncode();//BYPASS模式初始化 else mqcRestartInitEncode(); } pass->distortiondec=curWmSeDec; pass->rate=mqcNumBytes()+correction; if(passno==0) { pass->len=pass->rate; } else { pass->len=pass->rate-codeBlock->passes[passno-1].rate; } //模式变换 RESET if(codeBlockStyle&J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_RESET) mqcResetEncode(); } //模式变换ERTERM if(codeBlockStyle&J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_PTERM) mqcErtermEncode(); else if(!(codeBlockStyle&J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY))//默认模式 mqcFlush(); codeBlock->totalpasses=passno; }
int t2_encode_packet(tcd_tile_t *tile, j2k_tcp_t *tcp, int compno, int resno, int precno, int layno, unsigned char *dest, int len) { int bandno, cblkno; tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec=&tile->comps[compno]; tcd_resolution_t *res=&tilec->resolutions[resno]; unsigned char *c=dest; if (!layno) { for (bandno=0; bandno<res->numbands; bandno++) { tcd_band_t *band=&res->bands[bandno]; tcd_precinct_t *prc=&band->precincts[precno]; tgt_reset(prc->incltree); tgt_reset(prc->imsbtree); for (cblkno=0; cblkno<prc->cw*prc->ch; cblkno++) { tcd_cblk_t *cblk=&prc->cblks[cblkno]; cblk->numpasses=0; tgt_setvalue(prc->imsbtree, cblkno, band->numbps-cblk->numbps); } } } bio_init_enc(c, len); bio_write(1, 1); for (bandno=0; bandno<res->numbands; bandno++) { tcd_band_t *band=&res->bands[bandno]; tcd_precinct_t *prc=&band->precincts[precno]; for (cblkno=0; cblkno<prc->cw*prc->ch; cblkno++) { tcd_cblk_t *cblk=&prc->cblks[cblkno]; tcd_layer_t *layer=&cblk->layers[layno]; if (!cblk->numpasses && layer->numpasses) { tgt_setvalue(prc->incltree, cblkno, layno); } } for (cblkno=0; cblkno<prc->cw*prc->ch; cblkno++) { tcd_cblk_t *cblk=&prc->cblks[cblkno]; tcd_layer_t *layer=&cblk->layers[layno]; int increment; if (!cblk->numpasses) { tgt_encode(prc->incltree, cblkno, layno+1); } else { bio_write(layer->numpasses!=0, 1); } if (!layer->numpasses) { continue; } if (!cblk->numpasses) { cblk->numlenbits=3; tgt_encode(prc->imsbtree, cblkno, 999); } t2_putnumpasses(layer->numpasses); increment=int_max(0, int_floorlog2(layer->len)+1-(cblk->numlenbits+int_floorlog2(layer->numpasses))); t2_putcommacode(increment); cblk->numlenbits+=increment; bio_write(layer->len, cblk->numlenbits+int_floorlog2(layer->numpasses)); } } bio_flush(); c+=bio_numbytes(); for (bandno=0; bandno<res->numbands; bandno++) { tcd_band_t *band=&res->bands[bandno]; tcd_precinct_t *prc=&band->precincts[precno]; for (cblkno=0; cblkno<prc->cw*prc->ch; cblkno++) { tcd_cblk_t *cblk=&prc->cblks[cblkno]; tcd_layer_t *layer=&cblk->layers[layno]; if (!layer->numpasses) continue; if (c+layer->len>dest+len) { longjmp(j2k_error, 1); } memcpy(c, layer->data, layer->len); cblk->numpasses+=layer->numpasses; c+=layer->len; } } return c-dest; }
int t2_decode_packet(unsigned char *src, int len, tcd_tile_t *tile, j2k_tcp_t *tcp, int compno, int resno, int precno, int layno) { int bandno, cblkno; tcd_tilecomp_t *tilec=&tile->comps[compno]; tcd_resolution_t *res=&tilec->resolutions[resno]; unsigned char *c=src; int present; if (layno==0) { for (bandno=0; bandno<res->numbands; bandno++) { tcd_band_t *band=&res->bands[bandno]; tcd_precinct_t *prc=&band->precincts[precno]; tgt_reset(prc->incltree); tgt_reset(prc->imsbtree); for (cblkno=0; cblkno<prc->cw*prc->ch; cblkno++) { tcd_cblk_t *cblk=&prc->cblks[cblkno]; cblk->numsegs=0; } } } if (tcp->csty&J2K_CP_CSTY_SOP) { c+=6; } bio_init_dec(c, src+len-c); present=bio_read(1); if (!present) { bio_inalign(); c+=bio_numbytes(); return c-src; } for (bandno=0; bandno<res->numbands; bandno++) { tcd_band_t *band=&res->bands[bandno]; tcd_precinct_t *prc=&band->precincts[precno]; for (cblkno=0; cblkno<prc->cw*prc->ch; cblkno++) { int included, increment, n; tcd_cblk_t *cblk=&prc->cblks[cblkno]; tcd_seg_t *seg; if (!cblk->numsegs) { included=tgt_decode(prc->incltree, cblkno, layno+1); } else { included=bio_read(1); } if (!included) { cblk->numnewpasses=0; continue; } if (!cblk->numsegs) { int i, numimsbs; for (i=0; !tgt_decode(prc->imsbtree, cblkno, i); i++) {} numimsbs=i-1; cblk->numbps=band->numbps-numimsbs; cblk->numlenbits=3; } cblk->numnewpasses=t2_getnumpasses(); increment=t2_getcommacode(); cblk->numlenbits+=increment; if (!cblk->numsegs) { seg=&cblk->segs[0]; t2_init_seg(seg, tcp->tccps[compno].cblksty); } else { seg=&cblk->segs[cblk->numsegs-1]; if (seg->numpasses==seg->maxpasses) { t2_init_seg(++seg, tcp->tccps[compno].cblksty); } } n=cblk->numnewpasses; do { seg->numnewpasses=int_min(seg->maxpasses-seg->numpasses, n); seg->newlen=bio_read(cblk->numlenbits+int_floorlog2(seg->numnewpasses)); n-=seg->numnewpasses; if (n>0) { t2_init_seg(++seg, tcp->tccps[compno].cblksty); } } while (n>0); } } bio_inalign(); c+=bio_numbytes(); if (tcp->csty&J2K_CP_CSTY_EPH) { c+=2; } for (bandno=0; bandno<res->numbands; bandno++) { tcd_band_t *band=&res->bands[bandno]; tcd_precinct_t *prc=&band->precincts[precno]; for (cblkno=0; cblkno<prc->cw*prc->ch; cblkno++) { tcd_cblk_t *cblk=&prc->cblks[cblkno]; tcd_seg_t *seg; if (!cblk->numnewpasses) continue; if (!cblk->numsegs) { seg=&cblk->segs[cblk->numsegs++]; cblk->len=0; } else { seg=&cblk->segs[cblk->numsegs-1]; if (seg->numpasses==seg->maxpasses) { seg++; cblk->numsegs++; } } do { if (c+seg->newlen>src+len) longjmp(j2k_error, 1); memcpy(cblk->data+cblk->len, c, seg->newlen); if (seg->numpasses==0) { seg->data=cblk->data+cblk->len; } c+=seg->newlen; cblk->len+=seg->newlen; seg->len+=seg->newlen; seg->numpasses+=seg->numnewpasses; cblk->numnewpasses-=seg->numnewpasses; if (cblk->numnewpasses>0) { seg++; cblk->numsegs++; } } while (cblk->numnewpasses>0); } } return c-src; }