bool LineDetector::GetLines(Mat &rawHSV, Mat & fieldMask,
		Mat &guiImg, bool SHOWGUI, const Mat &lineBinary,
		vector<LineSegment> &resLines)
	int MIN_LINE_DOUBLE_VOTE = params.line.lineVoteDouble->get();
	int MIN_LINE_VOTE = params.line.lineVote->get();
	int MIN_LINE_COLOR_VOTE = params.line.lineVoteColor->get();
	vector<Vec4i> linesP;
	HoughLinesP(lineBinary, linesP, 1, M_PI / 45, 20,
			params.line.MinLineLength->get(), 20);

	for (size_t i = 0; i < linesP.size(); i++)
		Vec4i lP = linesP[i];
		LineSegment tmpLine(Point2d(lP[0], lP[1]), Point2d(lP[2], lP[3]));

		vector<cv::Point2d> midds = tmpLine.GetMidPoints(3); //2^3+1 = 16
		int lineVoter = 0;
		int vote_for_double = 0;
		int vote_for_color = 0;
		uchar *dataImg =;
		//	printf("size= %d\n", midds.size());
		for (size_t j = 0; j < midds.size(); j++)

			int jumpMin = params.line.jumpMin->get();
			int jumpMax = params.line.jumpMin->get();
			double distanceToZero = GetDistance(
					cv::Point2d((>get() / 2),
							(>get())), midds[j]);
			LineInterpolation interP(
					LineSegment(cv::Point2d(0, jumpMax),
							cv::Point2d(>get(), jumpMin)));
			double jump;
			if (!interP.GetValue(distanceToZero, jump))
				//printh(CRed, "Error In Programming!");
			LineSegment tocheck = tmpLine.PerpendicularLineSegment(jump,
			cv::LineIterator it(lineBinary, tocheck.P1, tocheck.P2, 8);

			vector<uchar> buf(it.count);

			int currentCounter = 0;
			for (int k = 0; k < it.count; k++, ++it)
				uchar val=*(*it);
				if ( val > 10)
				if (currentCounter >= 2)

			cv::LineIterator itHSV(rawHSV, tocheck.P1, tocheck.P2, 8);

			vector<uchar> bufHSV(itHSV.count);

			for (int k = 0; k < itHSV.count; k++, ++itHSV)
				cv::Vec3b hsvC = (cv::Vec3b) *itHSV;
				if (hsvC[0] >= params.line.h0->get()
						&& hsvC[0] <= params.line.h1->get()
						&& hsvC[1] >= params.line.s0->get()
						&& hsvC[1] <= params.line.s1->get()
						&& hsvC[2] >= params.line.v0->get()
						&& hsvC[2] <= params.line.v1->get())

			int safeToShow = 0;
			if (tocheck.P1.x >= 0 && tocheck.P1.y >= 0
					&& tocheck.P1.x <>get()
					&& tocheck.P1.y <>get())
				uchar* pixelP = dataImg
						+ ((((int) tocheck.P1.y *>get())
								+ (int) tocheck.P1.x) * 1);
				if (*pixelP > 50)
			if (tocheck.P2.x >= 0 && tocheck.P2.y >= 0
					&& tocheck.P2.x <>get()
					&& tocheck.P2.y <>get())
				uchar* pixelP = dataImg
						+ ((((int) tocheck.P2.y *>get())
								+ (int) tocheck.P2.x) * 1);
				if (*pixelP > 50)

			if (safeToShow >= 2)
				if (SHOWGUI && params.debug.showLineD->get())
					cv::line(guiImg, tocheck.P1, tocheck.P2, yellowColor(), 1);
		if (lineVoter > MIN_LINE_VOTE && vote_for_double > MIN_LINE_DOUBLE_VOTE
				&& vote_for_color > MIN_LINE_COLOR_VOTE)

	return resLines.size() > 0;

Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    #include "setRootCase.H"
    #include "createTime.H"
    #include "createMesh.H"
    #include "createFields.H"
    #include "createFvOptions.H"
    #include "initContinuityErrs.H"

    ///////Tensor operations for GeometricFields///////
    // U plus U
    //volVectorField UplusU("UplusU", U + U);
    //U minius U
    //volVectorField UminusU("UminusU", U - U);
    // U by p
    //volVectorField UbyP("UbyP", U * p);
    //U divide p
    //volVectorField UdividedP("UdividedP", U / p);
        // Magnitude of velocity field U
       //volScalarField magU("magU", mag(U));

       //Magnitude square of velocity field U
       //volScalarField magSqrU("magSqr", magSqr(U));
       // p power 3
       //volScalarField powP("powP", pow(p, 3));

        //Square of U
        //volSymmTensorField sqrU("sqrU", sqr(U));

        // U outer product U
        //volTensorField UbyU("U*U", U * U);

        // U inner product U
        //volScalarField UdotU("UdotU", U & U);
        // U double inner product U
        //volScalarField UdotdotU("UdotdotU", UbyU && UbyU);
        // U cross product U
        //volVectorField UcrossU("UcrossU", U ^ U);

        //tr() Trace only works for spherical tensors

        //Min of U
        //dimensionedVector minU("minU", min(U));

        //Max of U
        //dimensionedVector maxU("maxU", max(U));

         //Transpose of UbyU?
        //volTensorField TransposeU("TransposeU", UbyU.T());

        //hodge dual of U
        //volTensorField hodgeDualU("hodgeDualU", *U);


    //////Accessing the data in GeometricFields///////////////////
       //label i = 0;
    //====Accessing the GeometricBoundaryField object of volField<Type> U (velocity field)
       //volVectorField::GeometricBoundaryField boundaryFieldU(U.boundaryField());
       // Accessing the ith element fvPatchField<Type> of the boundary field of U
       //const fvPatchVectorField & fvp = boundaryFieldU[i];
       //label j = 0;
       // Accessing the jth element Type of the patch field of U
       //Vector<double> vec1 = fvp[j];
       //Accessing component x of vector
       //scalar vec1X = vec1.x();
       //creating a dimensioned<Type>  object from vector component
       //dimensionedScalar dimScalar(
         //          "dimScalar",
           //        dimensionSet(0, 1, -1, 0, 0),
             //      vec1X
               //    );
    //====Accessing Internal Fields of volField<Type> object=======
        //Accessing the Field<Type> of GeometricField<Type> U
        //label k = 0;
        //Accessing the kth element Vector<Type> object of the internal Field
        //Vector<double> vec2 = internalFieldU[k];
        //Accessing y component of vector
        //scalar vec2Y = vec2.y();
        //Accessing the DimensionedInternalField<Type> object of GeometricField<Type> U
        //volVectorField::DimensionedInternalField dimInternalFieldU(U.dimensionedInternalField());
        // Accessing dimensionSet object of the DimensionedInternalField object
        //dimensionSet dimensions(dimInternalFieldU.dimensions());
        //Accessing the Mass dimension
        //int mass = dimensions.MASS;
        //cout << "Mass dimension of DimensionedInternalField "<< mas << endl;
        //========Accessing the fvMesh object
        //label inletI = mesh.boundaryMesh().findPatchID("inlet");
        //scalar magInlet_1 = 0.0;
        //scalar magInlet_2 = 0.0;
        //const fvPatchVectorField & fvp_1 = U.mesh().C().boundaryField()[inletI];
        //const fvPatchVectorField & fvp_2 = mesh.C().boundaryField()[inletI];
          //  magInlet_1 = mag(fvp_1[0]);
          //  magInlet_1 = mag(fvp_2[0]);
        //Foam::Info << "mangInlet_1:" << magInlet_1 << " magInlet_2:" << magInlet_2 << Foam::endl;
        //tensor t1(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
        //vector v1(-5, 5, 6);
        //Foam::Info<<"v1.x():" << v1.x() <<" v1.component(x):"<<v1.component(vector::X)<< Foam::endl;
        //Foam::Info<<"t1.xx():" << t1.xx() <<" t1.component(x):"<<t1.component(tensor::XX)<< Foam::endl;
        //dimensionedScalar dim_scalar(
          //          "dim_scalar",
            //        dimensionSet(0, 1, -1, 0, 0),
              //      t1.xx()
                //    );

        //boundary Mesh
        //const fvBoundaryMesh & boundaryMesh = mesh.boundary();
       //cell face area vectors
        //const surfaceVectorField &sf = mesh.Sf();
       //cell face area magnitudes
         //const surfaceScalarField& magSf = mesh.magSf();

        //cell face motion fluxes
         //const surfaceScalarField & meshPhi = mesh.phi();

       //cell centers
        //const volVectorField & meshC = mesh.C();
        //const surfaceVectorField & meshCf = mesh.Cf();

///Finite volume calculus
   //gradient of scalar field p
   //vectorField gradP = fvc::grad(p);
    //volVectorField gradPhi = fvc::grad(phi);

   //sn gradient of scalar field p
    //surfaceScalarField snGradP(fvc::snGrad(p));

   //sn gradient of vector field U
   //surfaceVectorField snGradU(fvc::snGrad(U));

   //sn gradient of tensor field UbyU
    //surfaceTensorField snGradUbyU(fvc::snGrad(UbyU));

    //curl of U
    //volVectorField curlU(fvc::curl(U));

    //laplacian of scalar field p
    //volScalarField lapP(fvc ::laplacian(p));
     //volScalarField lapP_(fvc::laplacian(U, p));

     // Time deriative for scalar field p, vector field U and tensor field UbyU
      //volScalarField ddtP(fvc::ddt(p));
      //volScalarField ddtP_(fvc::ddt(p, p));
      //volVectorField ddtU(fvc::ddt(U));
      //volVectorField ddtU_(fvc::ddt(p, U));
      //volTensorField ddtUbyU(fvc::ddt(UbyU));
      //volTensorField ddtUbyU_(fvc::ddt(p, UbyU));

     //Second time derivative
      //volScalarField d2dt2P(fvc::d2dt2(p));
      //volScalarField d2dt2P_(fvc::d2dt2(p, p));
      //volVectorField d2dt2U(fvc::d2dt2(U));
      //volVectorField d2dt2U_(fvc::d2dt2(phi, U));
      //volTensorField d2dt2UbyU(fvc::d2dt2(UbyU));
      //volTensorField d2dt2UbyU_(fvc::d2dt2(p, UbyU));

     //Convective term(?)
        List<int> x = mesh.cellCells()[3];
        surfaceScalarField interP(linearInterpolate(p));
        volScalarField divP2(fvc::div(interP, p));

      //volScalarField divP(fvc::div(phi, p));
      //volVectorField divU(fvc::div(phi, U));

      //volTensorField divUbyU(fvc::div(phi, UbyU));

     // divergent (?)
      //volScalarField divU_(fvc::div(U));
      //volVectorField divUbyU_(fvc::div(UbyU));
      //volScalarField divPhi(fvc::div(phi));

      //volScalarField sourceP(fvc::Sp(2, p));
      // volScalarField sourceP_(fvc::Sp(p, p));
      //volVectorField sourceU(fvc::Sp(2, U));
      //volVectorField sourceU_(fvc::Sp(p, U));
       //volTensorField sourceUbyU(fvc::Sp(2, UbyU));
      //volTensorField sourceUbyU(fvc::Sp(p, UbyU));

      //volScalarField sourceP1(fvc::SuSp(p, p));
     //volVectorField sourceU1(fvc::SuSp(p, U));
      //volTensorField sourceUbyU1(fvc::SuSp(p, UbyU));

///Finite volume method

   //Time derivative of U
   tmp<fvVectorMatrix> fvDdtU(fvm::ddt(U));
   tmp<fvVectorMatrix> fvDdtU_(fvm::ddt(p, U));

   //Second time derivative of U
   //tmp<fvVectorMatrix> fvD2dt2U(fvm::d2dt2(U));
   //tmp<fvVectorMatrix> fvD2dt2U_(fvm::d2dt2(p, U));

   //Convective term(?) of phi and U
   //tmp<fvVectorMatrix> fvDivU(fvm::div(phi, U));

   //tmp<fvVectorMatrix> fvLaplacianU(fvm::laplacian(U));
   //Laplacian of p and U
   //tmp<fvVectorMatrix> fvLaplacianPU(fvm::laplacian(p, U));
   //Source of U
   //tmp<fvVectorMatrix> fvSpU(fvm::Sp(4, U));
   //tmp<fvVectorMatrix> fvSpU_(fvm::Sp(p, U));

   //Source depending of the sign
    //tmp<fvVectorMatrix> fvSuSpU_(fvm::SuSp(p, U));

///Operadores adicionales para fvMatrix

   //Sum with fvMatrix
     //--fvVectorMatrix fvSumExample_1(fvDdtU() + U);
     //fvVectorMatrix fvSumExample_2(fvDdtU() + fvDdtU());

    //Substraction with fvMatrix
     //--fvVectorMatrix fvSubsExample_1(fvDdtU() - U);
     //fvVectorMatrix fvSubsExample_2(fvDdtU() - fvDdtU());

   //Multiplication with fvMatrix
   //tmp<fvVectorMatrix> fvMultExample_1(p * fvDdtU() );

    //Equal operation
    //--fvVectorMatrix equalExample_1(fvDdtU() == fvDdtU_());
    //fvVectorMatrix equalExample_2(fvDdtU == U);

///Methods for fvMatrix

   //Matrix scalar diagonal
   //scalarField diagonal = fvDdtU().D();
   //Matrix scalar upper side
   //scalarField upper = fvDdtU().upper();
   //Matrix scalar lower side
   //scalarField lower = fvDdtU().lower();
   //GeometricField central coefficients
   //volScalarField centralCoeff(fvDdtU().A());
   //Matrix type diagonal
   //vectorField diagonal_ = fvDdtU().DD();
   //H operation source
   //volVectorField HoperationSource(fvDdtU().H());
   //Matrix residual
   //vectorField residual = fvDdtU().residual();
   //face-flux field from the matrix
   //surfaceVectorField flux = fvDdtU().flux();

////////////////simple solver //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        simpleControl simple(mesh);
        Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
        while (simple.loop())
            Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
            // --- Pressure-velocity SIMPLE corrector
                #include "UEqn.H"
                #include "pEqn.H"
            Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s"
                << "  ClockTime = " << runTime.elapsedClockTime() << " s"
                << nl << endl;
        Info<< "End\n" << endl;


return 0;