static void doPurePursuit() { //search next waypoint int next_waypoint = getNextWaypoint(); displayNextWaypoint(next_waypoint); displaySearchRadius(getLookAheadThreshold(0)); //ROS_INFO_STREAM("next waypoint = " << next_waypoint << "/" << path_size - 1); //linear interpolation and calculate angular velocity geometry_msgs::Point next_target; geometry_msgs::TwistStamped twist; std_msgs::Bool wf_stat; bool interpolate_flag = false; if (!g_linear_interpolate_mode) { next_target = _current_waypoints.getWaypointPosition(next_waypoint); } else { interpolate_flag = interpolateNextTarget(next_waypoint, &next_target); } if (g_linear_interpolate_mode && !interpolate_flag) { ROS_INFO_STREAM("lost target! "); = false; _stat_pub.publish(wf_stat); twist.twist.linear.x = 0; twist.twist.angular.z = 0; twist.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); g_cmd_velocity_publisher.publish(twist); return; } //ROS_INFO("next_target : ( %lf , %lf , %lf)", next_target.x, next_target.y,next_target.z); displayNextTarget(next_target); displayTrajectoryCircle(generateTrajectoryCircle(next_target)); twist.twist = calcTwist(calcCurvature(next_target), getCmdVelocity(0)); = true; _stat_pub.publish(wf_stat); twist.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); g_cmd_velocity_publisher.publish(twist); //ROS_INFO("linear : %lf, angular : %lf",twist.twist.linear.x,twist.twist.angular.z); #ifdef LOG std::ofstream ofs("/tmp/pure_pursuit.log", std::ios::app); ofs << _current_waypoints.getWaypointPosition(next_waypoint).x << " " << _current_waypoints.getWaypointPosition(next_waypoint).y << " " << next_target.x << " " << next_target.y << std::endl; #endif }
bool PurePursuit::canGetCurvature(double *output_kappa) { // search next waypoint getNextWaypoint(); if (next_waypoint_number_ == -1) { ROS_INFO("lost next waypoint"); return false; } // check whether curvature is valid or not bool is_valid_curve = false; for (const auto &el : current_waypoints_) { if (getPlaneDistance(el.pose.pose.position, current_pose_.position) > minimum_lookahead_distance_) { is_valid_curve = true; break; } } if (!is_valid_curve) { return false; } // if is_linear_interpolation_ is false or next waypoint is first or last if (!is_linear_interpolation_ || next_waypoint_number_ == 0 || next_waypoint_number_ == (static_cast<int>(current_waypoints_.size() - 1))) { next_target_position_ =; *output_kappa = calcCurvature(next_target_position_); return true; } // linear interpolation and calculate angular velocity bool interpolation = interpolateNextTarget(next_waypoint_number_, &next_target_position_); if (!interpolation) { ROS_INFO_STREAM("lost target! "); return false; } // ROS_INFO("next_target : ( %lf , %lf , %lf)", next_target.x, next_target.y,next_target.z); *output_kappa = calcCurvature(next_target_position_); return true; }