Esempio n. 1
  void quadstretch(float x,float y,float l,float t,
		   float w,float h,float *qx,float *qy,float *ret){
      --x & y are the original point
      -- l & t are left and top of original rect
      -- w & h are width and height of original rect
      --qx and qy are arrays of 4 points describing the new quad.
      --1. strip it down to floats between 0 and 1
      --   so we know where it is, relative to the boundaries.
    float xF = (x-l)/float(w);
    float yF = (y-t)/float(h);
    // 2. generate "vertical"
    float interpTop[2];
    float interpBottom[2];
    //3. generate "horizontal"
    float interpLeft[2];
    float interpRight[2];
    intersect_lines(interpTop   [0],   interpTop[1],
		    interpLeft  [0],  interpLeft[1],
		    interpRight [0], interpRight[1],ret);
Esempio n. 2
Vector2d leastSquaresEstimate(vector<Vector2f> points,
                              Vector2f p0, Vector2f p3,
                              Vector2d d1, Vector2d d2)
    // hack up points
    if(points.size() <= 10)
        points = interpolatePoints(points);
    if(points.size() <= 20)
        points = interpolatePoints(points);

    qDebug() << "num points in arc" << points.size();
    int m = points.size()-2; // number of points to fit
    int n = 2;               // number of control points to find

    Eigen::MatrixXd Z(m, n);
    Eigen::MatrixXd Y(m, n);
    Eigen::VectorXd pu(m);
    Eigen::VectorXd pv(m);

    for(int i = 0; i < m; ++i)

        int idx = i+1;
        Vector2f pt = points[idx];

        double t = double(idx)/(m-1);
        auto b0 = Bernstein3(0, t);
        auto b1 = Bernstein3(1, t);
        auto b2 = Bernstein3(2, t);
        auto b3 = Bernstein3(3, t);

        // Filling in the matrices
        Z(i, 0) = b1*d1[0];
        Z(i, 1) = b2*d2[0];

        Y(i, 0) = b1*d1[1];
        Y(i, 1) = b2*d2[1];

        auto pp = pt - p0*(b0 + b1) - p3*(b2 + b3);
        pu(i) = pp[0];
        pv(i) = pp[1];

    auto Zt = Z.transpose();
    auto Yt = Y.transpose();
    auto A = Zt*Z+Yt*Y;

    auto rhs = Zt*pu+Yt*pv;
    Eigen::VectorXd ans = A.inverse()*rhs;

    auto s = makeVector2d(ans(0), ans(1));
    qDebug() << "least squares" << s[0] << s[1];
    return s;
Esempio n. 3
void makeLines() 
	glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	for (int i = 0; i < g_iNumOfSplines; i++) {
		for (int j = 1; j < g_Splines[i].numControlPoints - 2; j++) {
			std::vector<Point> pList;
			int index = 1;
			float u = 0.5f;
			float uVector[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
			float uBasis[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
			createControlMatrix(j, g_Splines[i], g_mControlMatrix);
			// Subdivide segment recursively
			interpolatePoints(g_Splines[i].points[j], g_Splines[i].points[j + 1],
				pList, g_mBasisMatrix, g_mControlMatrix, g_fMaxDistance, index, u, 0.0f, 1.0f, uVector, uBasis);
			for (int k = 0; k < index; k++) {
				glVertex3d(pList[k].x - 75, pList[k].y - 30, pList[k].z - 6);
			for (auto iter = pList.begin(); iter != pList.end(); iter++) {
		// Add last vertex
		pointsList.push_back(g_Splines[i].points[g_Splines[i].numControlPoints - 2]);
		glVertex3d(g_Splines[i].points[g_Splines[i].numControlPoints - 2].x - 75, g_Splines[i].points[g_Splines[i].numControlPoints - 2].y - 30, g_Splines[i].points[g_Splines[i].numControlPoints - 2].z - 6);
Esempio n. 4
FloatPointVector* interpolatePolygonPoints(PointVector*  points) {
    size_t pointCount = points->size();
    FloatPointVector* res = new FloatPointVector;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < pointCount; i++) {
        interpolatePoints(res, (*points)[(i-1 + pointCount) % pointCount],

    return res;
Esempio n. 5
void AngleList::makeAngles(int sides, float startAngle, float stopAngle)

    double twoPi = 3.14159 * 2.0;
    float twoPiInv = 1.0f / (float)twoPi;

    if (sides < 1)
        throw "number of sides not greater than zero";
    if (stopAngle <= startAngle)
        throw "stopAngle not greater than startAngle";

    if ((sides == 3 || sides == 4 || sides == 24))
        startAngle *= twoPiInv;
        stopAngle *= twoPiInv;

        const Angle *sourceAngles;
        int sourceAnglesLen;
        if (sides == 3) {
            sourceAngles = (Angle *)&angles3;
            sourceAnglesLen = 4;
        } else if (sides == 4) {
            sourceAngles = (Angle *)&angles4;
            sourceAnglesLen = 5;
        } else {
        	sourceAngles = (Angle *)&angles24;
        	sourceAnglesLen = 25;

        int startAngleIndex = (int)(startAngle * sides);
        int endAngleIndex = sourceAnglesLen - 1;
        if (stopAngle < 1.0f)
            endAngleIndex = (int)(stopAngle * sides) + 1;
        if (endAngleIndex == startAngleIndex)

        for (int angleIndex = startAngleIndex; angleIndex < endAngleIndex + 1; angleIndex++)
            if (sides == 3)
            else if (sides == 4)

        if (startAngle > 0.0f)
            angles[0] = interpolatePoints(startAngle, angles[0], angles[1]);

        if (stopAngle < 1.0f)
            int lastAngleIndex = angles.size() - 1;
            angles[lastAngleIndex] = interpolatePoints(stopAngle, angles[lastAngleIndex - 1], angles[lastAngleIndex]);
        double stepSize = twoPi / sides;

        int startStep = (int)(startAngle / stepSize);
        double angle = stepSize * startStep;
        int step = startStep;
        double stopAngleTest = stopAngle;
        if (stopAngle < twoPi)
            stopAngleTest = stepSize * ((int)(stopAngle / stepSize) + 1);
            if (stopAngleTest < stopAngle)
                stopAngleTest += stepSize;
            if (stopAngleTest > twoPi)
                stopAngleTest = twoPi;

        while (angle <= stopAngleTest)
            Angle newAngle;
            newAngle.angle = (float)angle;
            newAngle.X = (float)cos(angle);
            newAngle.Y = (float)sin(angle);
            step += 1;
            angle = stepSize * step;

        if (startAngle > angles[0].angle)
            Angle newAngle;
            intersection(angles[0].X, angles[0].Y, angles[1].X, angles[1].Y, 0.0f, 0.0f, (float)cos(startAngle), (float)sin(startAngle));
            newAngle.angle = startAngle;
            newAngle.X = iX;
            newAngle.Y = iY;
            angles[0] = newAngle;

        int index = angles.size() - 1;
        if (stopAngle < angles[index].angle)
            Angle newAngle;
            intersection(angles[index - 1].X, angles[index - 1].Y, angles[index].X, angles[index].Y, 0.0f, 0.0f, (float)cos(stopAngle), (float)sin(stopAngle));
            newAngle.angle = stopAngle;
            newAngle.X = iX;
            newAngle.Y = iY;
            angles[index] = newAngle;