static pwr_tStatus IoAgentInit ( io_tCtx ctx, io_sAgent *ap ) { io_sRack *rp; errh_Info( "Init of agent RTP DIOC %s", ap->Name ); io_dioc_init(); return 1; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { pwr_tStatus sts = 1; io_tCtx io_ctx; io_tCtx io_ctx_swap; pwr_sClass_IOHandler *ihp; int swap_io; int close_io; int init_io; qcom_sQid qid = qcom_cNQid; int tmo; char mp[2000]; qcom_sGet get; pwr_tTime now; pwr_tTime next; pwr_tTime after; pwr_tDeltaTime cycle; lst_sEntry *csup_lh; int delay_action = 0; pwr_sNode *nodep; pwr_tBoolean old_emergency_break = 0; if ( argc > 1) { if ( strcmp( argv[1], "-m") == 0) { io_methods_print(); exit(0); } if ( strcmp( argv[1], "-h") == 0) { usage(); exit(0); } } ihp = init(&qid, &csup_lh, &nodep); plc_UtlWaitForPlc(); /* Prepare the swap context */ sts = io_init_swap(io_mProcess_IoComm, pwr_cNObjid, &io_ctx_swap, 1, ihp->CycleTimeBus); for (close_io = swap_io = 0, init_io = 1;;) { if (init_io) { double f; sts = io_init(io_mProcess_IoComm, pwr_cNObjid, &io_ctx, 1, ihp->CycleTimeBus); if ( ODD(sts)) errh_SetStatus( PWR__SRUN); #if defined(OS_ELN) ker$clear_event( &sts, io_comm_terminate); io_dioc_init(); io_dioc_start(); #endif init_io = 0; tmo = ihp->CycleTimeBus * 1000.; f = floor(ihp->CycleTimeBus); cycle.tv_sec = f; cycle.tv_nsec = (ihp->CycleTimeBus - f) * 1.0e9; cycle.tv_nsec++; time_GetTimeMonotonic(&next); time_Aadd(NULL, &next, &cycle); } get.maxSize = sizeof(mp); = mp; qcom_Get(&sts,&qid, &get, tmo); if (sts == QCOM__TMO || sts == QCOM__QEMPTY) { if ( nodep->EmergBreakTrue && !old_emergency_break) sts = io_swap(io_ctx_swap, io_eEvent_IoCommEmergencyBreak); sts = io_read(io_ctx); if (EVEN(sts)) { ihp->IOReadWriteFlag = FALSE; errh_Error("IO read, %m", sts); } sts = io_write(io_ctx); if (EVEN(sts)) { ihp->IOReadWriteFlag = FALSE; errh_Error("IO write, %m", sts); } if ( nodep->EmergBreakTrue && !old_emergency_break) sts = io_swap(io_ctx, io_eEvent_EmergencyBreak); old_emergency_break = nodep->EmergBreakTrue; if (swap_io) { sts = io_swap(io_ctx_swap, io_eEvent_IoCommSwap); } io_ScanSupLst( io_ctx->SupCtx); time_GetTime(&now); time_GetTimeMonotonic(&after); next = after; time_Aadd(NULL, &next, &cycle); delay_action = csup_Exec(&sts, csup_lh, (pwr_tDeltaTime *) &next, (pwr_tDeltaTime *) &after, &now); if (delay_action == 2) ihp->IOReadWriteFlag = FALSE; aproc_TimeStamp(ihp->CycleTimeBus, 5); } else { ini_mEvent new_event; qcom_sEvent *ep = (qcom_sEvent*); new_event.m = ep->mask; if (new_event.b.oldPlcStop && !swap_io) { swap_io = 1; close_io = 1; errh_SetStatus(PWR__SRVRESTART); } else if (new_event.b.swapDone && swap_io) { swap_io = 0; init_io = 1; } else if (new_event.b.terminate) { exit(0); } if (close_io) { io_close(io_ctx); #if defined(OS_ELN) ker$signal( &sts, io_comm_terminate); #endif close_io = 0; } } } }