int ipc_initip(u32 input_width, u32 input_height, ipc_2d ipc2d) { if(input_width > IN_SC_MAX_WIDTH || input_height > IN_SC_MAX_HEIGHT) { err("IPC input size error\n"); ipc_off(); return -EINVAL; } ipc_input_src.imghsz = input_width; ipc_input_src.imgvsz = input_height; ipc_input_src.srchsz = input_width; ipc_input_src.srcvsz = input_height; ipc_output_dst.scanmode = PROGRESSIVE; if(ipc2d == IPC_2D) { ipc_output_dst.dsthsz = input_width; ipc_output_dst.dstvsz = input_height*2; } else { ipc_output_dst.dsthsz = input_width*2; ipc_output_dst.dstvsz = input_height; } ipc_con_var.modeval = ipc2d; ipc_init(ipc_input_src, ipc_output_dst, ipc_con_var); return 0; }
static void adapter_ready(int err, const bdaddr_t *addr) { if (err < 0) { error("Adapter initialization failed: %s", strerror(-err)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } bacpy(&adapter_bdaddr, addr); if (quit_timeout > 0) { g_source_remove(quit_timeout); quit_timeout = 0; } info("Adapter initialized"); hal_ipc = ipc_init(BLUEZ_HAL_SK_PATH, sizeof(BLUEZ_HAL_SK_PATH), HAL_SERVICE_ID_MAX, true, ipc_disconnected, NULL); if (!hal_ipc) { error("Failed to initialize IPC"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ipc_register(hal_ipc, HAL_SERVICE_ID_CORE, cmd_handlers, G_N_ELEMENTS(cmd_handlers)); }
/** * Initialize IPC stuff * * @return zero on success, non-zero otherwise */ int wt_ipc_init (void) { read_config (); if (blacklisting) { if (ipc_blacklist_init (blacklist_file, reset_timeout)) { blacklisting_error = TRUE; return -1; } } if (ipc_init (host, port)) { return -1; } ipc_enabled = TRUE; hook_register (CORE_ACTIVATE, wt_ipc_start, 0, HOOK_PRIORITY_NORMAL); hook_register (CORE_DEACTIVATE, wt_ipc_stop, 0, HOOK_PRIORITY_NORMAL); mutex = mutex_create (); wt_ipc_builtin_init (); return 0; }
static int idaapi init(void) { if (!strcmp(inf.procName, "metapc")) { if (inf.is_64bit()) patchdiff_cpu = CPU_X8664; else patchdiff_cpu = CPU_X8632; } else if (!strcmp(inf.procName, "PPC")) { patchdiff_cpu = CPU_PPC; } else patchdiff_cpu = CPU_DEFAULT; d_engine = NULL; // handle IPC ipc_init(NULL, 0, 0); d_opt = options_init(); if (!d_opt) return PLUGIN_SKIP; return PLUGIN_OK; }
int platform_init(struct sof *sof) { int ret; struct dai *esai; clock_init(); scheduler_init(); platform_timer_start(platform_timer); sa_init(sof); clock_set_freq(CLK_CPU(cpu_get_id()), CLK_MAX_CPU_HZ); /* init DMA */ ret = edma_init(); if (ret < 0) return -ENODEV; /* initialize the host IPC mechanims */ ipc_init(sof); ret = dai_init(); if (ret < 0) return -ENODEV; esai = dai_get(SOF_DAI_IMX_ESAI, 0, DAI_CREAT); if (!esai) return -ENODEV; dai_probe(esai); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *mon_dg; /* decode command line */ decode_command_line(argc,argv); /* set application */ ipc_set_application(application); /* set destination */ if(destination==NULL)destination=strdup(application); /* inhibit boilerplate for brief mode */ if(brief==1)TutSetOutputFunc(ipc_output_dummy); /* connect to server */ ipc_init("","ipc test monitor"); /* define callback to add user information to status_poll_result message */ ipc_set_user_status_poll_callback(mystatuspollcallback); /* receive status_poll_result message group */ ipc_get_status_poll_group(&mon_dg); TipcSrvDgSetRecv(mon_dg,TRUE); /* define callback to handle (i.e. print) status_poll_result messages */ TipcSrvProcessCbCreate(TipcMtLookup("status_poll_result"),print_status_result,NULL); /* set alarm if polltime > 0 */ if(polltime>0) { /* declare SIGALRM handler */ signal(SIGALRM,alarm_handler); /* set alarm */ alarm(polltime); } else if (once==1) { T_IPC_MSG msg=TipcMsgCreate(TipcMtLookupByNum(T_MT_CONTROL)); TipcMsgSetDest(msg,destination); TipcMsgAppendStr(msg,"status_poll"); TipcSrvMsgSend(msg,TRUE); TipcSrvFlush(); TipcMsgDestroy(msg); } /* process messages */ if(brief==1)TutSetOutputFunc(NULL); for (;;) { TipcSrvMainLoop((double)waittime); if(once==1)break; } if(brief==1)TutSetOutputFunc(ipc_output_dummy); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
// The kernel main function. Initialize everything and start the kernel // debugger. The two arguments are the physical address of the Multiboot info // structure and the bootloader magic number respectively. void init() { int r; // Initialize the console first to print messages during the initialization cons_init(); kprintf("Argentum Operating System\n"); arch_init(); kmem_cache_init(); kmem_cache_sizes_init(); vm_init(); process_init(); thread_init(); ipc_init(); scheduler_init(); sync_init(); clock_init(); if ((r = process_create_system(system_main, NULL)) < 0) kprintf("Cannot create system process: %s\n", strerror(-r)); if (module_start) { Boot_image *image = (Boot_image *) module_start; if(image->magic != 0x12345678) panic("invalid bootimage"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < image->length; i++) { uint8_t *binary = (uint8_t *) image + image->headers[i].offset; size_t size = image->headers[i].length; if (binary < module_start || binary >= module_end) panic("invalid bootimage"); if ((binary + size) <= module_start || (binary + size) > module_end) panic("invalid bootimage"); r = process_create((uint8_t *) image + image->headers[i].offset, image->headers[i].length, PROCESS_TYPE_USER, NULL); if (r < 0) panic("Cannot create process: %s", strerror(-r)); } } scheduler_start(); for (;;) { kdb_main(NULL); } }
/* * Allocate memory and IPC for a plugin. init the IPC. */ void plugin_alloc(const char *name, struct agent_core_t *core) { struct agent_plugin_t *plug; ALLOC_OBJ(plug); ALLOC_OBJ(plug->ipc); ipc_init(plug->ipc); plug->name = strdup(name); assert(plug->name); plug->next = core->plugins; core->plugins = plug; }
int danipc_ll_init(struct danipc_priv *priv) { int rc = -1; if (alloc_ipc_buffers(priv) != NULL) { prepare_nodes(); remap_agent_table(priv); init_own_ipc_to_virt_map(priv); remap_apps_ipc_mux(priv); rc = ipc_init(); } return rc; }
/* -------------------------------- * init_server_ipc * * This routine initializes stuff needed for ipc, locking, etc. * it should be called something more informative. * -------------------------------- */ static void init_server_ipc(void) { /* * initialize shared memory and semaphores appropriately. */ if (!child) { /* postmaster already did this */ /* * We're running a postgres bootstrap process or a standalone backend. * Create private "shmem" and semaphores. */ ipc_init(true, 0); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int c; carmen_ipc_initialize(argc,argv); carmen_param_check_version(argv[0]); signal(SIGINT, shutdown_module); if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-sim")) simulation = 1; if (carmen_map_get_hmap(&hmap) < 0) carmen_die("no hmap found\n"); print_hmap(); //dbug carmen_map_change_map_zone(hmap.zone_names[0]); //dbug: this should go in the map server map_zone = 0; ipc_init(); carmen_terminal_cbreak(0); while(1) { carmen_ipc_sleep(0.01); c = getchar(); /* if (c == EOF) break; */ if (c != 27) continue; c = getchar(); /* if (c == EOF) break; */ if (c != 91) continue; c = getchar(); /* if (c == EOF) break; */ switch(c) { case 65: level_up(); break; case 66: level_down(); } } return 0; }
static bool bt_audio_register(ipc_disconnect_cb disconnect) { DBG(""); audio_ipc = ipc_init(BLUEZ_AUDIO_SK_PATH, sizeof(BLUEZ_AUDIO_SK_PATH), AUDIO_SERVICE_ID_MAX, false, disconnect, NULL); if (!audio_ipc) return false; ipc_register(audio_ipc, AUDIO_SERVICE_ID, audio_handlers, G_N_ELEMENTS(audio_handlers)); return true; }
int *ipc_init_(const char *uniq_dgrp, const char *id_str, int len1, int len2) { int i; char *uniq=strdupf(uniq_dgrp,len1); char *id=strdupf(id_str,len2); i=ipc_init(uniq,id); free(uniq); free(id); return ( (int*) i); }
void setup_kernel() { setup_arch(); /* Init IRQ and timer system */ __disable_interrupts(); irq_disable(); irq_init(); // scheduler_init(); /* timer_init(); */ ipc_init(); irq_enable(); // mmu_init(); }
static void run_second_instance(const char * options) { slist_t * sl; char file[QMAXPATH]; ea_t ea = BADADDR; unsigned char opt = 0; long id; unsigned int v; bool cont; char tmp[QMAXPATH*4]; qsscanf(options, "%lu:%" PRIea_t ":%u:%s", &id, &ea, &v, file); opt = (unsigned char)v; if (id) { if (ipc_init(file, 2, id)) { do { cont = ipc_recv_cmd(tmp, sizeof(tmp)); if (cont) { run_second_instance(tmp); ipc_recv_cmd_end(); } }while(cont); } } else { if (ea == BADADDR) { sl = parse_idb (); } else sl = parse_fct(ea, opt); if (!sl) return; siglist_save(sl, file); siglist_free(sl); } }
static void adapter_ready(int err, const bdaddr_t *addr) { if (err < 0) { error("Adapter initialization failed: %s", strerror(-err)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } bacpy(&adapter_bdaddr, addr); if (bluetooth_start_timeout > 0) { g_source_remove(bluetooth_start_timeout); bluetooth_start_timeout = 0; } info("Adapter initialized"); ipc_init(); }
T_QUEUE ipc_setup(void) { /* Framework initializations */ T_QUEUE queue = queue_create(32, NULL); assert(queue); /* Initialize IPC: channels have been chosen arbitrarily */ ipc_init(0, 5, 1, 6, CPU_ID_ARC); ipc_async_init(queue); set_cpu_id(CPU_ID_QUARK); set_cpu_message_sender(CPU_ID_ARC, ipc_async_send_message); set_cpu_free_handler(CPU_ID_ARC, ipc_async_free_message); #ifdef CONFIG_IPC_UART set_cpu_message_sender(CPU_ID_BLE, send_message_ipc_uart); set_cpu_free_handler(CPU_ID_BLE, free_message_ipc_uart); #endif return queue; }
/* * Entry point of program execution */ int main( void ) { prvSetupHardware(); IOE_Config(); #ifdef CONFIG_ENABLE_PRINTER printQueue = xQueueCreate(128, 1); #endif setup_buttons(); initDisplay(); ipc_measure_init(); if(pdFALSE == ipc_init()) { ipc_watchdog_signal_error(0); } if(pdFALSE == task_measure_init()) { ipc_watchdog_signal_error(0); } #ifdef CONFIG_ENABLE_PRINTER xTaskCreate(printTask, "print", 100, NULL, 1, NULL); #endif xTaskCreate(task_controller, "Controller", 100, NULL, 1, NULL); xTaskCreate(task_watchdog, "Watchdog driver", 100, NULL, 1, NULL); xTaskCreate(task_input_gpio, "Input driver for GPIO", 100, NULL, 1, NULL); xTaskCreate(task_input_touch, "Input driver for touchscreen", 200, NULL, 1, NULL); xTaskCreate(task_display, "Display", 300, NULL, 1, NULL); xTaskCreate(task_measure_cmd, "ADC-driver: controller", 100, NULL, 1, NULL); xTaskCreate(task_measure, "ADC-driver: IRQ interface", 100, NULL, 1, NULL); vTaskStartScheduler(); ipc_watchdog_signal_error(0); while(1); }
int APE_frame_init( aduio_info *ai, unsigned char *codecdata ,int codecdata_len,int channels ,int bitpersample ){ int init = 1 , ret; union smc *sc = (union smc *)sm_com; play_init *pi = &sc->pinit; serv_init *si = &sc->sinit; //send to server //some parameters to server for ini pi->paremeter2 = channels ; pi->paremeter3 = bitpersample ; memcpy(sm_in,codecdata, codecdata_len); if(!ipc_init(sc, APE_ID, codecdata_len, id, sm_data_id, 0)) //init server return -1;//break; //IPC Error if (si->codec_id == APE_ID) ret = 0; else ret = si->codec_id; //error code init = 0; *ai = si->ai; #ifndef EngineMode if(sm_out == NULL || sm_out == (void *)-1) sm_out = (void*)shmat(sc->sinit.shmid, (void *)0, 0); //只有initial成功才會allocate sm_out #endif return ret; // OK!!! }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int opt; int ipc_fd; int ret; if (argc == 1) { usage (); return EXIT_FAILURE; } ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hlr:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'l': case 'r': ipc_fd = ipc_init(0); // Could not open the ipc socket if (ipc_fd < 0) return EXIT_FAILURE; // Propagate the error code to the exit status if (!ipc_send(ipc_fd, (char)opt, optarg)) ret = EXIT_FAILURE; close(ipc_fd); break; default: case 'h': usage (); } } return ret; }
// TODO: To standard this scenario void start_dooloo(void) { interrupt_disable(); os_hw_init(); kprintf("\n\nProbability core Version %s\n", OS_VERSION); kprintf("Author: Puhui Xiong ([email protected]) \n\n"); /* trace irq stack */ _irq_stack_start[0] = _irq_stack_start[1] = '#'; memory_inita(); task_init(); kprintf(" Task subsystem inited.\n"); ipc_init(); kprintf(" IPC subsystem inited.\n"); memory_initb(); kprintf(" Memory subsystem inited.\n"); idletask_init(); root_task_init(); kprintf(" Create task tidle and troot.\n"); task_set_schedule_hook(default_sched_hook); /* set current to an invalid tcb, then begin to schedule */ current = &systask[0]; kprintf(" Ready to first scheduling, go!!\n\n"); /* before schedule, we have to enable interrupt for pendsv() used */ interrupt_enable(); task_schedule(); kprintf("\nSystem halted.\n"); while(1); }
int main( int argc, char **argv) { int ret; Ipc_msg_qid queueA; char c; loop_normal = MAX_NORMAL_MSGS; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "i:n:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'i': sprintf(instance_name, "%s", optarg); break; case 'n': loop_normal = atol(optarg); break; default: usage(); exit(1); } } if (argc < 2) usage(); ipc_init(); queue_create(&queueA); test_generic_message(queueA, 0); printf("\n\nFAST PATH\n\n"); test_generic_message(queueA, IPC_MSG_FASTPATH); queue_destroy(queueA); return(0); }
main() { int err; char *name; T_IPC_MT mt; char *monitor_group; char *uniq_dgrp; T_OPTION opt; err=ipc_set_quit_callback(myquitcallback); if(err!=0)ipc_perror(err); err=ipc_set_user_status_poll_callback(mystatuspollcallback); err=ipc_set_alarm_poll_time(1); if(err!=0)ipc_perror(err); err=ipc_init("","ipc system test"); if(err!=0)ipc_perror(err); opt=TutOptionLookup("Unique_Datagroup"); err=TutOptionGetEnum(opt,&uniq_dgrp); err=tclipc_init(NULL); err=ipc_get_application(&name); err=ipc_get_unique_datagroup(&name); err=ipc_get_status_poll_group(&monitor_group); for(;;){ TutSleep(1000.0); } }
/** * Showtime main */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct timeval tv; const char *settingspath = NULL; const char *uiargs[16]; const char *argv0 = argc > 0 ? argv[0] : "showtime"; const char *forceview = NULL; int nuiargs = 0; int can_standby = 0; int can_poweroff = 0; int r; trace_level = TRACE_INFO; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); srand(tv.tv_usec); arch_set_default_paths(argc, argv); /* We read options ourselfs since getopt() is broken on some (nintento wii) targets */ argv++; argc--; while(argc > 0) { if(!strcmp(argv[0], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[0], "--help")) { printf("HTS Showtime %s\n" "Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Andreas Öman\n" "\n" "Usage: %s [options] [<url>]\n" "\n" " Options:\n" " -h, --help - This help text.\n" " -d - Enable debug output.\n" " --ffmpeglog - Print ffmpeg log messages.\n" " --with-standby - Enable system standby.\n" " --with-poweroff - Enable system power-off.\n" " -s <path> - Non-default Showtime settings path.\n" " --ui <ui> - Use specified user interface.\n" " -L <ip:host> - Send log messages to remote <ip:host>.\n" " --syslog - Send log messages to syslog.\n" #if ENABLE_STDIN " --stdin - Listen on stdin for events.\n" #endif " -v <view> - Use specific view for <url>.\n" " --cache <path> - Set path for cache [%s].\n" #if ENABLE_SERDEV " --serdev - Probe service ports for devices.\n" #endif "\n" " URL is any URL-type supported by Showtime, " "e.g., \"file:///...\"\n" "\n", htsversion_full, argv0, showtime_cache_path); exit(0); argc--; argv++; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "-d")) { trace_level++; argc -= 1; argv += 1; continue; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--ffmpeglog")) { ffmpeglog = 1; argc -= 1; argv += 1; continue; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--syslog")) { trace_to_syslog = 1; argc -= 1; argv += 1; continue; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--stdin")) { listen_on_stdin = 1; argc -= 1; argv += 1; continue; #if ENABLE_SERDEV } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--serdev")) { enable_serdev = 1; argc -= 1; argv += 1; continue; #endif } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--with-standby")) { can_standby = 1; argc -= 1; argv += 1; continue; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--with-poweroff")) { can_poweroff = 1; argc -= 1; argv += 1; continue; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "-s") && argc > 1) { settingspath = argv[1]; argc -= 2; argv += 2; continue; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "--ui") && argc > 1) { if(nuiargs < 16) uiargs[nuiargs++] = argv[1]; argc -= 2; argv += 2; continue; } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "-L") && argc > 1) { showtime_logtarget = argv[1]; argc -= 2; argv += 2; continue; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-v") && argc > 1) { forceview = argv[1]; argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "--cache") && argc > 1) { mystrset(&showtime_cache_path, argv[1]); argc -= 2; argv += 2; #ifdef __APPLE__ /* ignore -psn argument, process serial number */ } else if(!strncmp(argv[0], "-psn", 4)) { argc -= 1; argv += 1; continue; #endif } else break; } unicode_init(); /* Initialize property tree */ prop_init(); init_global_info(); /* Initiailize logging */ trace_init(); /* Callout framework */ callout_init(); /* Notification framework */ notifications_init(); /* Architecture specific init */ arch_init(); htsmsg_store_init(); /* Try to create cache path */ if(showtime_cache_path != NULL && (r = makedirs(showtime_cache_path)) != 0) { TRACE(TRACE_ERROR, "cache", "Unable to create cache path %s -- %s", showtime_cache_path, strerror(r)); showtime_cache_path = NULL; } /* Initializte blob cache */ blobcache_init(); /* Try to create settings path */ if(showtime_settings_path != NULL && (r = makedirs(showtime_settings_path)) != 0) { TRACE(TRACE_ERROR, "settings", "Unable to create settings path %s -- %s", showtime_settings_path, strerror(r)); showtime_settings_path = NULL; } /* Initialize keyring */ keyring_init(); /* Initialize settings */ settings_init(); /* Initialize libavcodec & libavformat */ av_lockmgr_register(fflockmgr); av_log_set_callback(fflog); av_register_all(); /* Freetype keymapper */ #if ENABLE_LIBFREETYPE freetype_init(); #endif /* Global keymapper */ keymapper_init(); /* Initialize media subsystem */ media_init(); /* Service handling */ service_init(); /* Initialize backend content handlers */ backend_init(); /* Initialize navigator */ nav_init(); /* Initialize audio subsystem */ audio_init(); /* Initialize bookmarks */ bookmarks_init(); /* Initialize plugin manager and load plugins */ plugins_init(); /* Internationalization */ i18n_init(); nav_open(NAV_HOME, NULL); /* Open initial page */ if(argc > 0) nav_open(argv[0], forceview); /* Various interprocess communication stuff (D-Bus on Linux, etc) */ ipc_init(); /* Service discovery. Must be after ipc_init() (d-bus and threads, etc) */ sd_init(); /* Initialize various external APIs */ api_init(); /* HTTP server and UPNP */ #if ENABLE_HTTPSERVER http_server_init(); upnp_init(); #endif /* */ runcontrol_init(can_standby, can_poweroff); TRACE(TRACE_DEBUG, "core", "Starting UI"); /* Initialize user interfaces */ ui_start(nuiargs, uiargs, argv0); finalize(); }
void kernel_bootstrap(void) { kern_return_t result; thread_t thread; char namep[16]; printf("%s\n", version); /* log kernel version */ #define kernel_bootstrap_kprintf(x...) /* kprintf("kernel_bootstrap: " x) */ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("-l", namep, sizeof (namep))) /* leaks logging */ turn_on_log_leaks = 1; PE_parse_boot_argn("trace", &new_nkdbufs, sizeof (new_nkdbufs)); /* i386_vm_init already checks for this ; do it aagin anyway */ if (PE_parse_boot_argn("serverperfmode", &serverperfmode, sizeof (serverperfmode))) { serverperfmode = 1; } scale_setup(); kernel_bootstrap_kprintf("calling vm_mem_bootstrap\n"); vm_mem_bootstrap(); kernel_bootstrap_kprintf("calling vm_mem_init\n"); vm_mem_init(); machine_info.memory_size = (uint32_t)mem_size; machine_info.max_mem = max_mem; machine_info.major_version = version_major; machine_info.minor_version = version_minor; kernel_bootstrap_kprintf("calling sched_init\n"); sched_init(); kernel_bootstrap_kprintf("calling wait_queue_bootstrap\n"); wait_queue_bootstrap(); kernel_bootstrap_kprintf("calling ipc_bootstrap\n"); ipc_bootstrap(); #if CONFIG_MACF mac_policy_init(); #endif kernel_bootstrap_kprintf("calling ipc_init\n"); ipc_init(); /* * As soon as the virtual memory system is up, we record * that this CPU is using the kernel pmap. */ kernel_bootstrap_kprintf("calling PMAP_ACTIVATE_KERNEL\n"); PMAP_ACTIVATE_KERNEL(master_cpu); kernel_bootstrap_kprintf("calling mapping_free_prime\n"); mapping_free_prime(); /* Load up with temporary mapping blocks */ kernel_bootstrap_kprintf("calling machine_init\n"); machine_init(); kernel_bootstrap_kprintf("calling clock_init\n"); clock_init(); ledger_init(); /* * Initialize the IPC, task, and thread subsystems. */ kernel_bootstrap_kprintf("calling task_init\n"); task_init(); kernel_bootstrap_kprintf("calling thread_init\n"); thread_init(); /* * Create a kernel thread to execute the kernel bootstrap. */ kernel_bootstrap_kprintf("calling kernel_thread_create\n"); result = kernel_thread_create((thread_continue_t)kernel_bootstrap_thread, NULL, MAXPRI_KERNEL, &thread); if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) panic("kernel_bootstrap: result = %08X\n", result); thread->state = TH_RUN; thread_deallocate(thread); kernel_bootstrap_kprintf("calling load_context - done\n"); load_context(thread); /*NOTREACHED*/ }
/* Init everything before forking, so we can fail and return an * error code in the parent and the initscript will fail */ static int start_server(void) { int api = 2, busy = 0; if (geteuid() != 0) { smclog(LOG_ERR, "Need root privileges to start %s", prognm); return 1; } if (background) { if (daemon(0, 0) < 0) { smclog(LOG_ERR, "Failed daemonizing: %s", strerror(errno)); return 1; } } /* Hello world! */ smclog(LOG_NOTICE, "%s", version_info); if (startup_delay > 0) { smclog(LOG_INFO, "Startup delay requested, waiting %d sec before continuing.", startup_delay); sleep(startup_delay); } /* * Timer API needs to be initilized before mroute4_enable() */ timer_init(); /* * Build list of multicast-capable physical interfaces */ iface_init(); if (mroute4_enable(do_vifs, table_id, cache_tmo)) { if (errno == EADDRINUSE) busy++; api--; } if (mroute6_enable(do_vifs, table_id)) { if (errno == EADDRINUSE) busy++; api--; } /* At least one API (IPv4 or IPv6) must have initialized successfully * otherwise we abort the server initialization. */ if (!api) { if (busy) smclog(LOG_ERR, "Another multicast routing application is already running."); else smclog(LOG_ERR, "Kernel does not support multicast routing."); exit(1); } atexit(clean); signal_init(); ipc_init(); conf_read(conf_file, do_vifs); /* Everything setup, notify any clients waiting for us */ notify_ready(pid_file, uid, gid); /* Drop root privileges before entering the server loop */ cap_drop_root(uid, gid); return server_loop(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int foreground = 0, do_syslog = 1; fd_set fds; int nfds, fd, n = -1, i, ch; struct sigaction sa; struct option long_options[] = { { "config", 1, 0, 'f' }, { "no-fallback", 0, 0, 500 }, { "disable-vifs", 0, 0, 'N' }, { "foreground", 0, 0, 'n' }, { "help", 0, 0, 'h' }, { "ident", 1, 0, 'I' }, { "loglevel", 1, 0, 'l' }, { "pidfile", 1, 0, 'P' }, { "syslog", 0, 0, 's' }, { "table-id", 1, 0, 't' }, { "version", 0, 0, 'v' }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0 } }; snprintf(versionstring, sizeof (versionstring), "pimd version %s", PACKAGE_VERSION); prognm = ident = progname(argv[0]); while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, "d:f:hI:l:nNP:rst:v", long_options, NULL)) != EOF) { const char *errstr; switch (ch) { case 'd': { char *p,*q; size_t i, len; struct debugname *d; debug = 0; p = optarg; q = NULL; while (p) { q = strchr(p, ','); if (q) *q++ = '\0'; len = strlen(p); for (i = 0, d = debugnames; i < ARRAY_LEN(debugnames); i++, d++) { if (len >= d->nchars && strncmp(d->name, p, len) == 0) break; } if (i == ARRAY_LEN(debugnames)) return usage(1); debug |= d->level; p = q; } } break; case 'f': config_file = optarg; break; case 500: no_fallback = 1; break; case 'h': return usage(0); case 'I': /* --ident=NAME */ ident = optarg; break; case 'l': loglevel = loglvl(optarg); if (-1 == loglevel) return usage(1); break; case 'n': do_syslog--; foreground = 1; break; case 'N': do_vifs = 0; break; case 'P': /* --pidfile=NAME */ pid_file = strdup(optarg); break; case 'r': retry_forever++; break; case 's': do_syslog++; break; case 't': mrt_table_id = strtonum(optarg, 0, 999999999, &errstr); if (errstr) { fprintf(stderr, "Table ID %s!\n", errstr); return usage(1); } break; case 'v': printf("%s\n", versionstring); return 0; default: return usage(1); } } argc -= optind; if (argc > 0) return usage(1); if (geteuid() != 0) errx(1, "Need root privileges to start."); compose_paths(); setlinebuf(stderr); if (debug != 0) { struct debugname *d; char c; int tmpd = debug; fprintf(stderr, "debug level 0x%lx ", debug); c = '('; for (d = debugnames; d < debugnames + ARRAY_LEN(debugnames); d++) { if ((tmpd & d->level) == d->level) { tmpd &= ~d->level; fprintf(stderr, "%c%s", c, d->name); c = ','; } } fprintf(stderr, ")\n"); } if (!debug && !foreground) { /* Detach from the terminal */ haveterminal = 0; if (fork()) exit(0); close(STDIN_FILENO); close(STDOUT_FILENO); close(STDERR_FILENO); fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR, 0); if (fd >= 0) { dup2(fd, STDIN_FILENO); dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(fd, STDERR_FILENO); close(fd); } #ifdef SYSV setpgrp(); #else #ifdef TIOCNOTTY fd = open("/dev/tty", 2); if (fd >= 0) { (void)ioctl(fd, TIOCNOTTY, (char *)0); close(fd); } #else if (setsid() < 0) perror("setsid"); #endif /* TIOCNOTTY */ #endif /* SYSV */ } /* End of child process code */ /* * Create directory for runtime files */ if (-1 == mkdir(_PATH_PIMD_RUNDIR, 0755) && errno != EEXIST) err(1, "Failed creating %s directory for runtime files", _PATH_PIMD_RUNDIR); /* * Setup logging */ log_init(haveterminal && do_syslog > 0); logit(LOG_NOTICE, 0, "%s starting ...", versionstring); do_randomize(); callout_init(); init_igmp(); init_pim(); init_routesock(); /* Both for Linux netlink and BSD routing socket */ init_pim_mrt(); init_timers(); ipc_init(); /* Start up the log rate-limiter */ resetlogging(NULL); /* TODO: check the kernel DVMRP/MROUTED/PIM support version */ init_vifs(); init_rp_and_bsr(); /* Must be after init_vifs() */ add_static_rp(); /* Must be after init_vifs() */ #ifdef RSRR rsrr_init(); #endif /* RSRR */ sa.sa_handler = handle_signals; sa.sa_flags = 0; /* Interrupt system calls */ sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sa, NULL); IF_DEBUG(DEBUG_IF) dump_vifs(stderr); IF_DEBUG(DEBUG_PIM_MRT) dump_pim_mrt(stderr); /* schedule first timer interrupt */ timer_setTimer(TIMER_INTERVAL, timer, NULL); if (pidfile(pid_file)) warn("Cannot create pidfile"); /* * Main receive loop. */ while (1) { if (check_signals()) break; FD_ZERO(&fds); for (i = 0, nfds = 0; i < nhandlers; i++) { FD_SET(ihandlers[i].fd, &fds); if (ihandlers[i].fd >= nfds) nfds = ihandlers[i].fd + 1; } n = select(nfds, &fds, NULL, NULL, timeout(n)); if (n < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) /* SIGALRM is expected */ logit(LOG_WARNING, errno, "select failed"); continue; } for (i = 0; n > 0 && i < nhandlers; i++) { if (FD_ISSET(ihandlers[i].fd, &fds)) ihandlers[i].func(ihandlers[i].fd); } } logit(LOG_NOTICE, 0, "%s exiting.", versionstring); cleanup(); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, result; progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); progname = progname ? progname + 1 : argv[0]; is_module = 0; ipc_init_struct(); gettimeofday(&self.start, NULL); /* * Solaris doesn't support MSG_NOSIGNAL, so * we ignore SIGPIPE globally instead */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *opt, *arg = argv[i]; if (*arg != '-') { if (!merlin_conf) { merlin_conf = arg; continue; } goto unknown_argument; } if (!strcmp(arg, "-h") || !strcmp(arg, "--help")) usage(NULL); if (!strcmp(arg, "-k") || !strcmp(arg, "--kill")) { killing = 1; continue; } if (!strcmp(arg, "-d") || !strcmp(arg, "--debug")) { debug++; continue; } if ((opt = strchr(arg, '='))) opt++; else if (i < argc - 1) opt = argv[i + 1]; else usage("Unknown argument, or argument '%s' requires a parameter", arg); i++; if (!strcmp(arg, "--config") || !strcmp(arg, "-c")) { merlin_conf = opt; continue; } unknown_argument: usage("Unknown argument: %s", arg); } if (!merlin_conf) usage("No config-file specified\n"); if (!grok_config(merlin_conf)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s contains errors. Bailing out\n", merlin_conf); return 1; } if (!pidfile) pidfile = "/var/run/"; if (killing) return kill_daemon(pidfile); if (use_database && !import_program) { lwarn("Using database, but no import program configured. Are you sure about this?"); lwarn("If not, make sure you specify the import_program directive in"); lwarn("the \"daemon\" section of your merlin configuration file"); } ipc.action = ipc_action_handler; result = ipc_init(); if (result < 0) { printf("Failed to initalize ipc socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (net_init() < 0) { printf("Failed to initialize networking: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (!debug) { if (daemonize(merlin_user, NULL, pidfile, 0) < 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* * we'll leak these file-descriptors, but that * doesn't really matter as we just want accidental * output to go somewhere where it'll be ignored */ fclose(stdin); open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY); fclose(stdout); open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); fclose(stderr); open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); } signal(SIGINT, clean_exit); signal(SIGTERM, clean_exit); signal(SIGUSR1, sigusr_handler); signal(SIGUSR2, sigusr_handler); sql_init(); if (use_database) { sql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE program_status"); sql_query("INSERT INTO program_status(instance_id, instance_name, is_running) " "VALUES(0, 'Local Nagios daemon', 0)"); for (i = 0; i < (int)num_nodes; i++) { char *node_name; merlin_node *node = noc_table[i]; sql_quote(node->name, &node_name); sql_query("INSERT INTO program_status(instance_id, instance_name, is_running) " "VALUES(%d, %s, 0)", node->id + 1, node_name); safe_free(node_name); } } state_init(); linfo("Merlin daemon %s successfully initialized", merlin_version); polling_loop(); clean_exit(0); return 0; }
asmlinkage void __init start_kernel(void) { char * command_line; extern char saved_command_line[]; /* * Interrupts are still disabled. Do necessary setups, then * enable them */ lock_kernel(); printk(linux_banner); setup_arch(&command_line); printk("Kernel command line: %s\n", saved_command_line); parse_options(command_line); trap_init(); init_IRQ(); sched_init(); softirq_init(); time_init(); /* * HACK ALERT! This is early. We're enabling the console before * we've done PCI setups etc, and console_init() must be aware of * this. But we do want output early, in case something goes wrong. */ console_init(); #ifdef CONFIG_MODULES init_modules(); #endif if (prof_shift) { unsigned int size; /* only text is profiled */ prof_len = (unsigned long) &_etext - (unsigned long) &_stext; prof_len >>= prof_shift; size = prof_len * sizeof(unsigned int) + PAGE_SIZE-1; prof_buffer = (unsigned int *) alloc_bootmem(size); } kmem_cache_init(); sti(); calibrate_delay(); #ifdef CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INITRD if (initrd_start && !initrd_below_start_ok && initrd_start < min_low_pfn << PAGE_SHIFT) { printk(KERN_CRIT "initrd overwritten (0x%08lx < 0x%08lx) - " "disabling it.\n",initrd_start,min_low_pfn << PAGE_SHIFT); initrd_start = 0; } #endif mem_init(); kmem_cache_sizes_init(); pgtable_cache_init(); /* * For architectures that have highmem, num_mappedpages represents * the amount of memory the kernel can use. For other architectures * it's the same as the total pages. We need both numbers because * some subsystems need to initialize based on how much memory the * kernel can use. */ if (num_mappedpages == 0) num_mappedpages = num_physpages; fork_init(num_mappedpages); proc_caches_init(); vfs_caches_init(num_physpages); buffer_init(num_physpages); page_cache_init(num_physpages); #if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_S390) ccwcache_init(); #endif signals_init(); #ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS proc_root_init(); #endif check_bugs(); printk("POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX\n"); /* * We count on the initial thread going ok * Like idlers init is an unlocked kernel thread, which will * make syscalls (and thus be locked). */ smp_init(); #if defined(CONFIG_SYSVIPC) ipc_init(); #endif rest_init(); }
int ipc_reinit(void) { ipc_deinit(); return ipc_init(); }