Esempio n. 1
static void gen_image(int num, int w, int h)
    const int c = h_cos[num % 360];
    const int s = h_sin[num % 360];

    const int xi = -(w / 2) * c;
    const int yi =  (w / 2) * s;

    const int xj = -(h / 2) * s;
    const int yj = -(h / 2) * c;
    int i, j;

    int x, y;
    int xprime = xj;
    int yprime = yj;

    for (j = 0; j < h; j++) {
        x       = xprime + xi + FIXP * w / 2;
        xprime += s;

        y       = yprime + yi + FIXP * h / 2;
        yprime += c;

        for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
            x += c;
            y -= s;
            put_pixel(i, j,
                      ipol(tab_r, x, y),
                      ipol(tab_g, x, y),
                      ipol(tab_b, x, y));
Esempio n. 2
	Task: Calculate material coefficient for advection matrix
	01/2005 WW/OK Implementation
	03/2005 WW Heat transport
	07/2005 WW Change for geometry element object
	09/2005 SB
	07/2013 TN
	04/2015 CL
double CFiniteElementStd::CalCoefAdvectionTES(const int dof_index)
	double const * const p0 = NodalVal0;
	double const * const p1 = NodalVal1;
	double const * const T0 = NodalVal_t0;
	double const * const T1 = NodalVal_t1;
	double const * const X0 = NodalVal_X0;
	double const * const X1 = NodalVal_X1;

	double& p = eos_arg[0];
	double& T = eos_arg[1];
	double& X = eos_arg[2];

	const double theta = pcs->m_num->ls_theta;

	double val = 0.0;

	//    case 0:
	//    case 1:
	//    case 2:
	//    case 3:
	//        break;

	case 4:
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);

		val = FluidProp->Density(eos_arg) * FluidProp->SpecificHeatCapacity(eos_arg);

		//    case 5:
		//    case 6:
		//    case 7:
		//        break;

	case 8:
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);

		val = FluidProp->Density(eos_arg);

	return val;
Esempio n. 3
	Task: Calculate  coefficient of temperature induced RHS of multi-phase flow
	02/2007 WW Implementation
	07/2013 TN
	04/2015 CL
double CFiniteElementStd::CalCoef_RHS_TES(const int dof_index)
	double const * const p0 = NodalVal0;
	double const * const p1 = NodalVal1;
	double const * const T0 = NodalVal_t0;
	double const * const T1 = NodalVal_t1;
	double const * const X0 = NodalVal_X0;
	double const * const X1 = NodalVal_X1;

	double& pg = eos_arg[0];
	double& Tg = eos_arg[1];
	double& Xw = eos_arg[2];

	const double theta = pcs->m_num->ls_theta;

	const int Index = MeshElement->GetIndex();
	poro = MediaProp->Porosity(Index, theta);
	const ElementValue* gp_ele = ele_gp_value[Index];
	const double q_r= gp_ele->q_R[gp]; // reaction rate

	double val = 0.0;

	// NodalVal0 and NodalVal1 is the pressure on previous and current time step.
	case 0:
		val = (poro - 1.0) * q_r;

	case 1:
		pg = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		Tg = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		Xw = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);

		val = FluidProp->Density(eos_arg) * poro * FluidProp->specific_heat_source;

		double H_vap;
		if (SolidProp->getSolidReactiveSystem() == FiniteElement::Z13XBF)
			const double mole_frac = pcs->m_conversion_rate->get_mole_fraction(Xw);
			H_vap = pcs->m_conversion_rate->get_enthalpy(Tg, pg * mole_frac);
		} else {
			// sign convention:
			// defined negative for exothermic composition reaction but equ. written as:
			// AB + \Delta H <--> A + B
			H_vap = - SolidProp->reaction_enthalpy;

		val += (1.0-poro) * q_r * H_vap;
		val += gp_ele->rho_s_curr[gp] * (1.0-poro) * SolidProp->specific_heat_source;

	case 2:
		val = (poro - 1.0) * q_r;
		if (Xw < 0.0)
			val += 100.;

	return val;
Esempio n. 4
	Task: Calculate material coefficient for Laplacian matrix
	03/2011 AKS /  NB
	07/2013 TN
	04/2015 CL
void CFiniteElementStd::CalCoefLaplaceTES(const int dof_index)
	double const * const p0 = NodalVal0;
	double const * const p1 = NodalVal1;
	double const * const T0 = NodalVal_t0;
	double const * const T1 = NodalVal_t1;
	double const * const X0 = NodalVal_X0;
	double const * const X1 = NodalVal_X1;

	double& p = eos_arg[0];
	double& T = eos_arg[1];
	double& X = eos_arg[2];

	const double theta = pcs->m_num->ls_theta;

	const int Index = MeshElement->GetIndex();

	case 0:
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);

		double* tensor = MediaProp->PermeabilityTensor(Index);
		double k_rel = 1.0;
		if (MediaProp->flowlinearity_model > 0)
			k_rel = MediaProp->NonlinearFlowFunction(Index, gp, theta, this);

		double val = FluidProp->Density(eos_arg)
		             * k_rel / FluidProp->Viscosity(eos_arg);

		for(size_t i=0; i<dim*dim; i++)
			mat[i] = tensor[i] * val;

	//    case 1:
	//    case 2:
	//    case 3:
	//        break;

	case 4:
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);

		// TODO [CL]: only diagonal neeeded, and only one array needed
		double fluid_heat_conductivity_tensor[9] = { 0. };
		double solid_heat_conductivity_tensor[9] = { 0. };

		poro = MediaProp->Porosity(Index, theta);
		const double lamf = FluidProp->HeatConductivity(eos_arg);
		double lams = SolidProp->Heat_Conductivity();

		if (SolidProp->getSolidReactiveSystem() == FiniteElement::Z13XBF)
			ElementValue* gp_ele = ele_gp_value[Index];
			double C = gp_ele->rho_s_curr[gp]
			           / SolidProp->lower_solid_density_limit - 1.;
			const double lambda_ads = 0.7; //TODO [CL] Find relation for this
			lams += C * SolidProp->lower_solid_density_limit
			        / pcs->m_conversion_rate->get_adsorbate_density(T)
			        * (lambda_ads - lamf);

		for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
			fluid_heat_conductivity_tensor[i*dim+i] = poro * lamf;
			solid_heat_conductivity_tensor[i*dim+i] = (1.0-poro) * lams;

		for(size_t i=0; i<dim*dim; i++)
			mat[i] = fluid_heat_conductivity_tensor[i]
			         + solid_heat_conductivity_tensor[i];

		//    case 5:
		//    case 6:
		//    case 7:
		//        break;

	case 8:
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);

		double diffusion_tensor[9] = { 0. };

		poro = MediaProp->Porosity(Index, theta);
		tort = MediaProp->TortuosityFunction(Index, unit, theta);
		const double diffusion_coefficient_component = cp_vec[1]->CalcDiffusionCoefficientCP(Index, theta, pcs);//coefficient of reactive (2nd) component
		const double rhoGR = FluidProp->Density(eos_arg);

		for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
			// TODO [CL] poro?
			diffusion_tensor[i*dim+i] = tort * poro * rhoGR * diffusion_coefficient_component;

		for(size_t i=0;i<dim*dim;i++)
			mat[i] = diffusion_tensor[i]; //TN

		std::fill_n(mat, dim*dim, 0);
Esempio n. 5
	Task: Calculate material coefficient for mass matrix
	03/2011 AKS /  NB
	07/2013 TN
	04/2015 CL
double CFiniteElementStd::CalCoefMassTES(const int dof_index)
	double const * const p0 = NodalVal0;
	double const * const p1 = NodalVal1;
	double const * const T0 = NodalVal_t0;
	double const * const T1 = NodalVal_t1;
	double const * const X0 = NodalVal_X0;
	double const * const X1 = NodalVal_X1;

	double& p = eos_arg[0];
	double& T = eos_arg[1];
	double& X = eos_arg[2];

	const double theta = pcs->m_num->ls_theta;

	const int Index = MeshElement->GetIndex();
	const ElementValue* gp_ele = ele_gp_value[Index];
	poro = MediaProp->Porosity(Index, theta);

	double val = 0.0;

	case 0: // M_pp
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);
		val = poro/p * FluidProp->Density(eos_arg);

	case 1: // M_pT
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);
		val = -poro/T *  FluidProp->Density(eos_arg);

	case 2: // M_px
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);

		const double M0 = cp_vec[0]->molar_mass; // inert
		const double M1 = cp_vec[1]->molar_mass; // reactive

		double dxn_dxm = M0 * M1; // 0 is inert, 1 is reactive
		dxn_dxm /= (M0 * X + M1 * (1.0 - X)) * (M0 * X + M1 * (1.0 - X));

		val = (M1-M0) * p / (PhysicalConstant::IdealGasConstant * T) * dxn_dxm * poro;

	case 3: // M_Tp
		val = -poro;

	case 4: // M_TT
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);

		const double rhoSR = gp_ele->rho_s_curr[gp];
		const double rhoGR = FluidProp->Density(eos_arg);
		const double cpG   = FluidProp->SpecificHeatCapacity(eos_arg);
		const double cpS   = SolidProp->Heat_Capacity(rhoSR);

		val = poro * rhoGR * cpG + (1.0-poro) * rhoSR * cpS;

		//    case 5:
		//    case 6:
		//    case 7:
		//        break;

	case 8: // M_xx
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);
		val= poro * FluidProp->Density(eos_arg);

	return val;
Esempio n. 6
  Task: Calculate material coefficient for mass matrix
    03/2011 AKS /  NB
    07/2013 TN
    04/2015 CL
double CFiniteElementStd::CalCoefMassTNEQ(const int dof_index)
	double const * const p0 = NodalVal0;
	double const * const p1 = NodalVal1;
	double const * const T0 = NodalVal_t0;
	double const * const T1 = NodalVal_t1;
	double const * const X0 = NodalVal_X0;
	double const * const X1 = NodalVal_X1;

	double& p = eos_arg[0];
	double& T = eos_arg[1];
	double& X = eos_arg[2];

	const double theta = pcs->m_num->ls_theta;

	const int Index = MeshElement->GetIndex();
	const ElementValue* gp_ele = ele_gp_value[Index];
	poro = MediaProp->Porosity(Index, theta);

	double val = 0.0;

	case 0: // M_pp
		if (GasMassForm) {
			p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
			T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
			X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);
			val = poro / p * FluidProp->Density(eos_arg);
		} else {
			p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
			val = poro / p;

	case 1: // M_pT
		if (GasMassForm) {
			p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
			T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
			X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);
			val = - poro / T * FluidProp->Density(eos_arg);
		} else {
			T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
			val = - poro/T;

	//    case 2:
	//        val = 0.0;
	//        break;

	case 3: // M_px
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);

		const double M0 = cp_vec[0]->molar_mass; // inert
		const double M1 = cp_vec[1]->molar_mass; // reactive

		double dxn_dxm = M0 * M1; // 0 is inert, 1 is reactive
		dxn_dxm /= (M0 * X + M1 * (1.0 - X)) * (M0 * X + M1 * (1.0 - X));

		if (GasMassForm) {
			val = (M1-M0) * p / (PhysicalConstant::IdealGasConstant * T) * dxn_dxm * poro;
		} else {
			val = (M1-M0) * p / (PhysicalConstant::IdealGasConstant * T) * dxn_dxm * poro
			       / FluidProp->Density(eos_arg);

	case 4: // M_Tp
		if (FluidProp->beta_T == 0.0)
			// TN: beta_T read as 0 from input file. This leads to neglection of this term.
			val = -poro;
			T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
			val = -poro*FluidProp->beta_T*T;

	case 5: // M_TT
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);

		val = poro * FluidProp->Density(eos_arg) * FluidProp->SpecificHeatCapacity(eos_arg);


	//    case 6:
	//    case 7:
	//    case 8:
	//    case 9:
	//        val = 0.0;
	//        break;

	case 10: // M_TT^S
		const double rho_s = gp_ele->rho_s_curr[gp];
		val= (1-poro)*rho_s*SolidProp->Heat_Capacity(rho_s);//SolidProp->Density()

	//    case 11:
	//    case 12:
	//    case 13:
	//    case 14:
	//        val = 0.0;
	//        break;

	case 15: // M_xx
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);
		val = poro* FluidProp->Density(eos_arg);

	return val;
Esempio n. 7
	Task: Calculate coefficient of RHS

	Precondition: The gradient of the shape function must have been computed
	              beforehand, because it is used for certain components.

	07/2013 TN
	04/2015 CL
double CFiniteElementStd::CalCoef_RHS_TNEQ(const int dof_index)
	double const * const p0 = NodalVal0;
	double const * const p1 = NodalVal1;
	double const * const T0 = NodalVal_t0;
	double const * const T1 = NodalVal_t1;
	double const * const X0 = NodalVal_X0;
	double const * const X1 = NodalVal_X1;

	double& pg = eos_arg[0];
	double& Tg = eos_arg[1];
	double& Xw = eos_arg[2];

	const double theta = pcs->m_num->ls_theta;

	const int Index = MeshElement->GetIndex();
	poro = MediaProp->Porosity(Index, theta);
	const ElementValue* gp_ele = ele_gp_value[Index];
	const double q_r = gp_ele->q_R[gp];

	double val = 0.0;

	// NodalVal0 and NodalVal1 is the pressure on previous and current time step.
	case 0:
		val = (poro - 1.0) * q_r;

	case 1:
		pg = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		Tg = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		Xw = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);

		val = FluidProp->Density(eos_arg) * poro * FluidProp->specific_heat_source;

	case 2:
		const double H_vap = - SolidProp->reaction_enthalpy; //sign convention: defined negative for exothermic composition reaction but equ. written as: AB + \Delta H <--> A + B

		val = (1.0-poro) * q_r * H_vap;
		val += gp_ele->rho_s_curr[gp] * (1.0-poro) * SolidProp->specific_heat_source;

		if (MediaProp->getFrictionPhase() == FiniteElement::SOLID)
			// HS, implementing the friction term here.

			const double* tensor = MediaProp->PermeabilityTensor(Index); // pointer to permeability tensor;
			double k_rel = 1.0;    // relative permeability;

			// HS, added to get viscosity------------
			pg = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
			Tg = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
			Xw = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);
			// end of adding eos_arg-----------------

			if (MediaProp->flowlinearity_model > 0)
				k_rel = MediaProp->NonlinearFlowFunction(Index, gp, theta, this);

			double* grad_pg = new double[dim]; // gradient of gas pressure.

			for (size_t i=0; i<dim; i++)     // loop over all dimensions
				grad_pg[i] = 0.0; // clear to zero;
				for (int j=0; j<nnodes; j++)  // loop over all connecting nodes
					double pg_tmp = (1.0-theta) * NodalVal0[j] + theta * NodalVal1[j]; // tmp value of gas pressure;
					int index_tmp = i*nnodes+j;
					grad_pg[i] += dshapefct[index_tmp] * pg_tmp;

			double friction_term = 0.0; // friction = poro \cdot grad_pg \cdot v_gas;
			// double * vel_Darcy = new double[dim]; // velocity term;

			for (size_t i=0; i<dim; i++)
				double vel_Darcy = 0.0;
				for (size_t j=0; j<dim; j++)
					size_t index_tmp = i*dim +j;
					vel_Darcy += tensor[index_tmp] * grad_pg[i] ;
				friction_term += vel_Darcy * grad_pg[i] * k_rel / FluidProp->Viscosity(eos_arg);

			val += friction_term;

			delete[] grad_pg;  // clean tmp memory
			// delete[] vel_Darcy; // clean the memory of velocity darcy

	case 3:
		val = (poro - 1.0) * q_r;

	return val;
Esempio n. 8
    07/2013 TN
    04/2015 CL
double CFiniteElementStd::CalCoefContentTNEQ(const int dof_index)
	double const * const p0 = NodalVal0;
	double const * const p1 = NodalVal1;
	double const * const T0 = NodalVal_t0;
	double const * const T1 = NodalVal_t1;
	// double const * const X0 = NodalVal_X0;
	// double const * const X1 = NodalVal_X1;

	double& p = eos_arg[0];
	double& T = eos_arg[1];
	double& X = eos_arg[2];

	const double theta = pcs->m_num->ls_theta;

	int Index = MeshElement->GetIndex();
	ElementValue* gp_ele = ele_gp_value[Index];

	double val = 0.0;

	// gas flow
	// case 0:
	// case 1:
	// case 2:
	// case 3:
	//     val = 0.0;
	//     break;

	// heat in gas
	// case 4:
	//     val = 0.0;//-phi_g^-1 * grad phi_g
	//     break;

	case 5: // T T
		val = MediaProp->HeatTransferCoefficient(Index, theta, this);
	case 6: // T T^S
		val = - MediaProp->HeatTransferCoefficient(Index, theta, this);

	// case 7: // T x
	// case 8: // T^S p
	//     break;

	case 9: // T^ST
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X =  1.0; //TN - only reactive component for specific heat capacity here!
		val = - MediaProp->HeatTransferCoefficient(Index, theta, this);
		val -= (1.0-MediaProp->Porosity(Index, theta))*gp_ele->q_R[gp]*FluidProp->SpecificHeatCapacity(eos_arg); //TN

	case 10: // T^S T^S
		val = MediaProp->HeatTransferCoefficient(Index, theta, this);
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X =  1.0; //TN - only reactive component for specific heat capacity here!
		val += (1.0-MediaProp->Porosity(Index, theta))*gp_ele->q_R[gp]*FluidProp->SpecificHeatCapacity(eos_arg); //TN

	//    case 11:
	//    case 12:
	//    case 13:
	//    case 14:
	//        val = 0.0;
	//        break;

	case 15: // x x
		val = (MediaProp->Porosity(Index, theta) - 1.0) * gp_ele->q_R[gp];

	return val;
Esempio n. 9
	Task: Calculate material coefficient for advection matrix
	01/2005 WW/OK Implementation
	03/2005 WW Heat transport
	07/2005 WW Change for geometry element object
	09/2005 SB
	07/2013 TN
	04/2015 CL
double CFiniteElementStd::CalCoefAdvectionTNEQ(const int dof_index)
	double const * const p0 = NodalVal0;
	double const * const p1 = NodalVal1;
	double const * const T0 = NodalVal_t0;
	double const * const T1 = NodalVal_t1;
	double const * const X0 = NodalVal_X0;
	double const * const X1 = NodalVal_X1;

	double& p = eos_arg[0];
	double& T = eos_arg[1];
	double& X = eos_arg[2];

	const double theta = pcs->m_num->ls_theta;

	double val = 0.0;

	if (!GasMassForm)
		case 0:
			val = 1.0/p;

		case 1:
			T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
			// T = (1-pcs->m_num->ls_theta)*interpolate(NodalVal_t0) + pcs->m_num->ls_theta*interpolate(NodalVal_t1); //NW include theta
			val = -1.0/T;


			// case 2:

		case 3:
			poro = MediaProp->Porosity(Index,pcs->m_num->ls_theta);
			val = 0.0;

	case 4:
		if (FluidProp->beta_T == 0.0)
			// TODO [CL] check logic
			if (MediaProp->getFrictionPhase() == FiniteElement::FLUID) {
				val = 0.0;
			} else {
				val = -1.0;
			T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
			val = -FluidProp->beta_T * T;

			if (MediaProp->getFrictionPhase() == FiniteElement::FLUID) {
				val += 1.0;

	case 5:
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);

		val = FluidProp->Density(eos_arg) * FluidProp->SpecificHeatCapacity(eos_arg);

	// case 6:
	// case 7:
	// case 8:
	// case 9:
	// case 10:
	// case 11:
	// case 12:
	// case 13:
	// case 14:
	//    val = 0.0;
	//    break;

	case 15:
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);

		val = FluidProp->Density(eos_arg);

	return val;
Esempio n. 10
  Task: Calculate material coefficient for Laplacian matrix
  Pressure-Temperature Coupled global approach
    03/2011 AKS /  NB
    07/2013 TN
    04/2015 CL
void CFiniteElementStd::CalCoefLaplaceTNEQ(const int dof_index)
	double const * const p0 = NodalVal0;
	double const * const p1 = NodalVal1;
	double const * const T0 = NodalVal_t0;
	double const * const T1 = NodalVal_t1;
	double const * const X0 = NodalVal_X0;
	double const * const X1 = NodalVal_X1;

	double& p = eos_arg[0];
	double& T = eos_arg[1];
	double& X = eos_arg[2];

	const double theta = pcs->m_num->ls_theta;

	const int Index = MeshElement->GetIndex();

	double fluid_heat_conductivity_tensor[9];
	double solid_heat_conductivity_tensor[9];
	double diffusion_tensor[9];

	for (size_t i = 0; i < dim*dim; i++)
		fluid_heat_conductivity_tensor[i] = 0.0;
		solid_heat_conductivity_tensor[i] = 0.0;
		diffusion_tensor[i] = 0.0;
		mat[i] = 0.0;

	case 0:
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);

		double* tensor = MediaProp->PermeabilityTensor(Index);
		double k_rel = 1.0;
		if (MediaProp->flowlinearity_model > 0)
			k_rel = MediaProp->NonlinearFlowFunction(Index, gp, theta, this);

		double val;
		if (GasMassForm) {
			val = FluidProp->Density(eos_arg)
			      * k_rel / FluidProp->Viscosity(eos_arg);
		} else {
			val = k_rel / FluidProp->Viscosity(eos_arg);

		for(size_t i=0;i<dim*dim;i++)
			mat[i] = tensor[i] * val;

	//    case 1:
	//    case 2:
	//    case 3:
	//    case 4:
	//        break;

	case 5:
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);

		poro = MediaProp->Porosity(Index, theta);
		const double lamf = FluidProp->HeatConductivity(eos_arg);

		for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
			fluid_heat_conductivity_tensor[i*dim+i] = poro * lamf;
		for(size_t i=0; i<dim*dim; i++)
			mat[i] = fluid_heat_conductivity_tensor[i];

	//    case 6:
	//    case 7:
	//    case 8:
	//    case 9:
	//        break;

	case 10:
		poro = MediaProp->Porosity(Index, theta);
		const double lams = SolidProp->Heat_Conductivity();

		for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
			solid_heat_conductivity_tensor[i*dim+i] = (1-poro) * lams;
		for(size_t i=0; i<dim*dim; i++)
			mat[i] = solid_heat_conductivity_tensor[i];

	//    case 11:
	//    case 12:
	//    case 13:
	//    case 14:
	//        break;

	case 15:
		p = ipol(p0, p1, theta, this);
		T = ipol(T0, T1, theta, this);
		X = ipol(X0, X1, theta, this);

		poro = MediaProp->Porosity(Index, theta);
		tort = MediaProp->TortuosityFunction(Index, unit, theta);
		const double diffusion_coefficient_component = cp_vec[1]->CalcDiffusionCoefficientCP(Index, theta, pcs); //coefficient of reactive (2nd) component
		const double rhoGR = FluidProp->Density(eos_arg);

		for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; i++)
			diffusion_tensor[i*dim+i] = tort * poro * rhoGR * diffusion_coefficient_component;

		for(size_t i=0;i<dim*dim;i++)
			mat[i] = diffusion_tensor[i]; //TN