Esempio n. 1
// Locates an elevation value (meters) for a given reference point and returns
// it in 'elev'.  Function returns true if successful, otherwise 'elev' is unchanged.
bool QuadMap::getElevation(
      LCreal* const elev,     // The elevation value (meters)
      const double lat,       // Reference latitude (degs)
      const double lon,       // Reference longitude (degs)
      const bool interp       // Interpolate between elevation posts (if true)
   ) const

   // Early out tests
   if ( !isDataLoaded() ||          // Not loaded or
        (lat < getLatitudeSW()  ||
         lat > getLatitudeNE()) ||  // wrong latitude or
        (lon < getLongitudeSW() ||
         lon > getLongitudeNE())    // wrong longitude
        ) return false;

   LCreal value = 0.0;              // the elevation (meters)
   bool found = false;
   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numDataFiles && !found; i++) {
      found = dataFiles[i]->getElevation(&value, lat, lon, interp);

   if (found) {
      *elev = value;
   return found;
Esempio n. 2
// reset() -- Reset the simulation & players
void Terrain::reset()
   if ( !isDataLoaded() ) {

Esempio n. 3
const short* DataFile::getColumn(const unsigned int idx) const
   const short* p = 0;
   if (isDataLoaded() && idx < getNumLonPoints()) {
      p = columns[idx];
   return p;
Esempio n. 4
// Number of longitude points (# of columns), or zero if the data isn't loaded
unsigned int DataFile::getNumLonPoints() const
   unsigned int v = 0;
   if (isDataLoaded()) {
      v = nptlong;
   return v;
Esempio n. 5
// Spacing between longitude points (degs), or zero if the data isn't loaded
double DataFile::getLonSpacing() const
   double v = 0;
   if (isDataLoaded()) {
      v = lonSpacing;
   return v;
Esempio n. 6
// Computes the longitude (degs) for a given column index.
// Returns true if the longitude is valid
bool DataFile::computeLongitude(double* const lon, const unsigned int icol) const
   // Early out tests
   if ( (icol >= nptlong) ||  // the index isn't within range, or
         (lon == 0)       ||  // the longitude pointer wasn't provided, or
         !isDataLoaded()      // the data isn't loaded
      ) return false;

   *lon = getLongitudeSW() + static_cast<double>(icol) * lonSpacing;
   return true;
Esempio n. 7
// Computes the latitude (degs) for a given row index.
// Returns true if the latitude is valid
bool DataFile::computeLatitude(double* const lat, const unsigned int irow) const
   // Early out tests
   if ( (irow >= nptlat) ||   // the index isn't within range, or
         (lat == 0)      ||   // the latitude pointer wasn't provided, or
         !isDataLoaded()      // the data isn't loaded
      ) return false;

   *lat = getLatitudeSW() + static_cast<double>(irow) * latSpacing;
   return true;
Esempio n. 8
void TLDExtractor::loadData()
    if (isDataLoaded()) {

    QString dataFileName;
    bool parsedDataFileExist = false;

    foreach(const QString &path, m_dataSearchPaths) {
        dataFileName = QFileInfo(path + QLatin1String("/effective_tld_names.dat")).absoluteFilePath();

        if (QFileInfo(dataFileName).exists()) {
            parsedDataFileExist = true;
Esempio n. 9
// Computes the nearest column index for the longitude (degs)
// Returns true if the index is valid
bool DataFile::computeColumnIndex(unsigned int* const icol, const double lon) const
   // Early out tests 
   if (  (lon < getLongitudeSW() ||
          lon > getLongitudeNE()) ||       // the longitude's out of range, or
         (icol == 0) ||                   // the 'icol' pointer wasn't provided, or
         !isDataLoaded()                  // the data isn't loaded
      ) return false;

   // Locate column (longitude) index
   double points = (lon - getLongitudeSW()) / lonSpacing;
   if (points < 0) points = 0;

   unsigned int idx = static_cast<unsigned int>(points + 0.5);
   if (idx >= nptlong) idx = (nptlong-1);

   *icol = idx;
   return true;
Esempio n. 10
// Computes the nearest row index for the latitude (degs).
// Returns true if the index is valid
bool DataFile::computerRowIndex(unsigned int* const irow, const double lat) const
   // Early out tests 
   if (  (lat < getLatitudeSW() ||
          lat > getLatitudeNE()) ||    // the latitude's out of range, or
         (irow == 0) ||                // the 'irow' pointer wasn't provided, or
         !isDataLoaded()               // the data isn't loaded
      ) return false;

   // Locate row (latitude) index
   double points = (lat - getLatitudeSW()) / latSpacing;
   if (points < 0) points = 0; 

   unsigned int idx = static_cast<unsigned int>(points + 0.5);
   if (idx >= nptlat) idx = (nptlat-1);

   *irow = idx;
   return true;
Esempio n. 11
// Locates an elevation value (meters) for a given reference point and returns
// it in 'elev'.  Function returns true if successful, otherwise 'elev' is unchanged.
bool DataFile::getElevation(
      LCreal* const elev,     // The elevation value (meters)
      const double lat,       // Reference latitude (degs)
      const double lon,       // Reference longitude (degs)
      const bool interp       // Interpolate between elevation posts (if true)
   ) const
   LCreal value = 0;          // the elevation (meters)

   // Early out tests 
   if ( !isDataLoaded() ||          // Not loaded or
        (lat < getLatitudeSW()  ||
         lat > getLatitudeNE()) ||  // wrong latitude or
        (lon < getLongitudeSW() ||
         lon > getLongitudeNE())    // wrong longitude
        ) return false;

   // ---
   // Compute the lat and lon points
   // ---

   double pointsLat = (lat - getLatitudeSW()) / latSpacing;
   if (pointsLat < 0) pointsLat = 0; 

   double pointsLon = (lon - getLongitudeSW()) / lonSpacing;
   if (pointsLon < 0) pointsLon = 0;

   // ---
   // Interpolating between elevation posts?
   // ---
   if (interp) {
      // Yes ---

      // South-west corner post is [icol][irow]
      unsigned int irow = static_cast<unsigned int>(pointsLat);
      unsigned int icol = static_cast<unsigned int>(pointsLon);
      if (irow > (nptlat-2)) irow = (nptlat-2);
      if (icol > (nptlong-2)) icol = (nptlong-2);

      // delta from s-w corner post
      LCreal deltaLat = static_cast<LCreal>(pointsLat - static_cast<double>(irow));
      LCreal deltaLon = static_cast<LCreal>(pointsLon - static_cast<double>(icol));

      // Get the elevations at each corner
      LCreal elevSW = static_cast<LCreal>(columns[icol][irow]);
      LCreal elevNW = static_cast<LCreal>(columns[icol][irow+1]);
      LCreal elevSE = static_cast<LCreal>(columns[icol+1][irow]);
      LCreal elevNE = static_cast<LCreal>(columns[icol+1][irow+1]);

      // Interpolate the west point
      LCreal westPoint = elevSW + (elevNW - elevSW) * deltaLat;

      // Interpolate the east point
      LCreal eastPoint = elevSE + (elevNE - elevSE) * deltaLat;

      // Interpolate between the west and east points
      value = westPoint + (eastPoint - westPoint) * deltaLon;

   else {
      // No -- just use the nearest post

      // Nearest post
      unsigned int irow = static_cast<unsigned int>(pointsLat + 0.5f);
      unsigned int icol = static_cast<unsigned int>(pointsLon + 0.5f);
      if (irow >= nptlat) irow = (nptlat-1);
      if (icol >= nptlong) icol = (nptlong-1);

      // Get the elevation post at the current indices.
      value = static_cast<LCreal>(columns[icol][irow]);

   // ---
   // Return the elevation value to the user
   // ---
   *elev = value;

   return true;