void TextLineBaseSegment::layout() { npoints = 0; TextLineBase* tl = textLineBase(); qreal _spatium = spatium(); if (!tl->diagonal()) _userOff2.setY(0); switch (spannerSegmentType()) { case SpannerSegmentType::SINGLE: case SpannerSegmentType::BEGIN: _text->setXmlText(tl->beginText()); _text->setFamily(tl->beginFontFamily()); _text->setSize(tl->beginFontSize()); _text->setOffset(tl->beginTextOffset()); _text->setAlign(tl->beginTextAlign()); break; case SpannerSegmentType::MIDDLE: case SpannerSegmentType::END: _text->setXmlText(tl->continueText()); _text->setFamily(tl->continueFontFamily()); _text->setSize(tl->continueFontSize()); _text->setOffset(tl->continueTextOffset()); _text->setAlign(tl->continueTextAlign()); break; } _text->setTrack(track()); _text->layout(); if ((isSingleType() || isEndType())) { _endText->setXmlText(tl->endText()); _endText->setFamily(tl->endFontFamily()); _endText->setSize(tl->endFontSize()); _endText->setOffset(tl->endTextOffset()); _endText->setAlign(tl->endTextAlign()); _endText->setTrack(track()); _endText->layout(); } else { _endText->setXmlText(""); } QPointF pp1; QPointF pp2(pos2()); // diagonal line with no text - just use the basic rectangle for line (ignore hooks) if (_text->empty() && _endText->empty() && pp2.y() != 0) { npoints = 2; points[0] = pp1; points[1] = pp2; setbbox(QRectF(pp1, pp2).normalized()); return; } // line has text or is not diagonal - calculate reasonable bbox qreal x1 = qMin(0.0, pp2.x()); qreal x2 = qMax(0.0, pp2.x()); qreal y0 = point(-textLineBase()->lineWidth()); qreal y1 = qMin(0.0, pp2.y()) + y0; qreal y2 = qMax(0.0, pp2.y()) - y0; qreal l = 0.0; if (!_text->empty()) { qreal textlineTextDistance = _spatium * .5; if (((isSingleType() || isBeginType()) && (tl->beginTextPlace() == PlaceText::LEFT)) || ((isMiddleType() || isEndType()) && (tl->continueTextPlace() == PlaceText::LEFT))) l = _text->pos().x() + _text->bbox().width() + textlineTextDistance; qreal h = _text->height(); if (textLineBase()->beginTextPlace() == PlaceText::ABOVE) y1 = qMin(y1, -h); else if (textLineBase()->beginTextPlace() == PlaceText::BELOW) y2 = qMax(y2, h); else { y1 = qMin(y1, -h * .5); y2 = qMax(y2, h * .5); } x2 = qMax(x2, _text->width()); } if (textLineBase()->endHookType() != HookType::NONE) { qreal h = pp2.y() + point(textLineBase()->endHookHeight()); if (h > y2) y2 = h; else if (h < y1) y1 = h; } if (textLineBase()->beginHookType() != HookType::NONE) { qreal h = point(textLineBase()->beginHookHeight()); if (h > y2) y2 = h; else if (h < y1) y1 = h; } bbox().setRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); if (!_text->empty()) bbox() |= _text->bbox().translated(_text->pos()); // DEBUG // set end text position and extend bbox if (!_endText->empty()) { _endText->setPos(bbox().right(), 0); bbox() |= _endText->bbox().translated(_endText->pos()); } if (!(tl->lineVisible() || score()->showInvisible())) return; if (tl->lineVisible() || !score()->printing()) { QPointF pp1(l, 0.0); qreal beginHookWidth; qreal endHookWidth; if (tl->beginHookType() == HookType::HOOK_45) { beginHookWidth = fabs(tl->beginHookHeight().val() * _spatium * .4); pp1.rx() += beginHookWidth; } else beginHookWidth = 0; if (tl->endHookType() == HookType::HOOK_45) { endHookWidth = fabs(tl->endHookHeight().val() * _spatium * .4); pp2.rx() -= endHookWidth; } else endHookWidth = 0; // don't draw backwards lines (or hooks) if text is longer than nominal line length bool backwards = !_text->empty() && pp1.x() > pp2.x() && !tl->diagonal(); if ((tl->beginHookType() != HookType::NONE) && (isSingleType() || isBeginType())) { qreal hh = tl->beginHookHeight().val() * _spatium; points[npoints] = QPointF(pp1.x() - beginHookWidth, pp1.y() + hh); ++npoints; points[npoints] = pp1; } if (!backwards) { points[npoints] = pp1; ++npoints; points[npoints] = pp2; // painter->drawLine(QLineF(pp1.x(), pp1.y(), pp2.x(), pp2.y())); if ((tl->endHookType() != HookType::NONE) && (isSingleType() || isEndType())) { ++npoints; qreal hh = tl->endHookHeight().val() * _spatium; // painter->drawLine(QLineF(pp2.x(), pp2.y(), pp2.x() + endHookWidth, pp2.y() + hh)); points[npoints] = QPointF(pp2.x() + endHookWidth, pp2.y() + hh); } } } }
void HairpinSegment::layout() { Dynamic* sd = 0; Dynamic* ed = 0; qreal _spatium = spatium(); if (autoplace()) { setUserOff(QPointF()); setUserOff2(QPointF()); } if (isSingleType() || isBeginType()) { sd = lookupDynamic(hairpin()->startElement()); if (sd) { if (autoplace()) { qreal dx = sd->bbox().right() + sd->pos().x() + sd->segment()->pos().x() + sd->measure()->pos().x(); // hardcoded distance between Dynamic and Hairpin: 0.5sp qreal dist = dx - pos().x() + score()->styleP(StyleIdx::autoplaceHairpinDynamicsDistance); rUserXoffset() = dist; rUserXoffset2() = -dist; } else sd->doAutoplace(); } } if (isSingleType() || isEndType()) { ed = lookupDynamic(hairpin()->endElement()); if (ed) { if (autoplace()) { rUserXoffset2() -= ed->bbox().width(); qreal dx = ed->bbox().left() + ed->pos().x() + ed->segment()->pos().x() + ed->measure()->pos().x(); // hardcoded distance between Hairpin and Dynamic: 0.5sp ed->rUserXoffset() = pos2().x() + pos().x() - dx + score()->styleP(StyleIdx::autoplaceHairpinDynamicsDistance); } else ed->doAutoplace(); } } Hairpin::Type type = hairpin()->hairpinType(); if (type == Hairpin::Type::DECRESC_LINE || type == Hairpin::Type::CRESC_LINE) { twoLines = false; TextLineSegment::layout(); drawCircledTip = false; if (parent()) rypos() += score()->styleP(StyleIdx::hairpinY); } else { delete _text; delete _endText; _text = 0; _endText = 0; QTransform t; qreal h1 = hairpin()->hairpinHeight().val() * spatium() * .5; qreal h2 = hairpin()->hairpinContHeight().val() * spatium() * .5; qreal len; qreal x = pos2().x(); if (x < _spatium) // minimum size of hairpin x = _spatium; qreal y = pos2().y(); len = sqrt(x * x + y * y); t.rotateRadians(asin(y/len)); drawCircledTip = hairpin()->hairpinCircledTip(); circledTipRadius = drawCircledTip ? 0.6 * _spatium * .5 : 0.0; QLine l1, l2; twoLines = true; switch (type) { case Hairpin::Type::CRESC_HAIRPIN: { switch (spannerSegmentType()) { case SpannerSegmentType::SINGLE: case SpannerSegmentType::BEGIN: l1.setLine(circledTipRadius * 2.0, 0.0, len, h1); l2.setLine(circledTipRadius * 2.0, 0.0, len, -h1); circledTip.setX(circledTipRadius ); circledTip.setY(0.0); break; case SpannerSegmentType::MIDDLE: case SpannerSegmentType::END: drawCircledTip = false; l1.setLine(.0, h2, len, h1); l2.setLine(.0, -h2, len, -h1); break; } } break; case Hairpin::Type::DECRESC_HAIRPIN: { switch(spannerSegmentType()) { case SpannerSegmentType::SINGLE: case SpannerSegmentType::END: l1.setLine(0.0, h1, len - circledTipRadius * 2, 0.0); l2.setLine(0.0, -h1, len - circledTipRadius * 2, 0.0); circledTip.setX(len - circledTipRadius); circledTip.setY(0.0); break; case SpannerSegmentType::BEGIN: case SpannerSegmentType::MIDDLE: drawCircledTip = false; l1.setLine(.0, h1, len, + h2); l2.setLine(.0, -h1, len, - h2); break; } } break; default: break; } // Do Coord rotation l1 = t.map(l1); l2 = t.map(l2); if (drawCircledTip ) circledTip = t.map(circledTip); points[0] = l1.p1(); points[1] = l1.p2(); points[2] = l2.p1(); points[3] = l2.p2(); npoints = 4; QRectF r = QRectF(l1.p1(), l1.p2()).normalized() | QRectF(l2.p1(), l2.p2()).normalized(); qreal w = score()->styleP(StyleIdx::hairpinLineWidth); setbbox(r.adjusted(-w*.5, -w*.5, w, w)); if (parent()) rypos() += score()->styleP(StyleIdx::hairpinY); } if (autoplace() && parent()) { qreal minDistance = spatium() * .7; Shape s1 = shape().translated(pos()); qreal d = system()->bottomDistance(staffIdx(), s1); qreal ymax = pos().y(); if (d > -minDistance) ymax += d + minDistance; qreal sdy; if (sd) { sdy = -sd->bbox().top() * .4; sd->doAutoplace(); if (sd->pos().y() - sdy > ymax) ymax = sd->pos().y() - sdy; } qreal edy; if (ed) { edy = -ed->bbox().top() * .4; ed->doAutoplace(); if (ed->pos().y() - edy > ymax) ymax = ed->pos().y() - edy; } rUserYoffset() = ymax - pos().y(); if (sd) moveDynamic(sd, ymax - sd->ipos().y() + sdy); if (ed) moveDynamic(ed, ymax - ed->ipos().y() + edy); } else adjustReadPos(); }
void LyricsLineSegment::layout() { bool endOfSystem = false; bool isEndMelisma = lyricsLine()->lyrics()->ticks() > 0; Lyrics* lyr = 0; Lyrics* nextLyr = 0; qreal fromX = 0; qreal toX = 0; // start and end point of intra-lyrics room qreal sp = spatium(); System* sys; if (lyricsLine()->ticks() <= 0) { // if no span, _numOfDashes = 0; // nothing to draw return; // and do nothing } // HORIZONTAL POSITION // A) if line precedes a syllable, advance line end to right before the next syllable text // if not a melisma and there is a next syllable; if (!isEndMelisma && lyricsLine()->nextLyrics() && isSingleEndType()) { lyr = nextLyr = lyricsLine()->nextLyrics(); sys = lyr->segment()->system(); endOfSystem = (sys != system()); // if next lyrics is on a different system, this line segment is at the end of its system: // do not adjust for next lyrics position if (!endOfSystem) { qreal lyrX = lyr->bbox().x(); qreal lyrXp = lyr->pagePos().x(); qreal sysXp = sys->pagePos().x(); toX = lyrXp - sysXp + lyrX; // syst.rel. X pos. qreal offsetX = toX - pos().x() - pos2().x() - score()->styleP(Sid::lyricsDashPad); // delta from current end pos.| ending padding rxpos2() += offsetX; } } // B) if line follows a syllable, advance line start to after the syllable text lyr = lyricsLine()->lyrics(); sys = lyr->segment()->system(); if (sys && isSingleBeginType()) { qreal lyrX = lyr->bbox().x(); qreal lyrXp = lyr->pagePos().x(); qreal lyrW = lyr->bbox().width(); qreal sysXp = sys->pagePos().x(); fromX = lyrXp - sysXp + lyrX + lyrW; // syst.rel. X pos. | lyr.advance qreal offsetX = fromX - pos().x(); offsetX += score()->styleP(isEndMelisma ? Sid::lyricsMelismaPad : Sid::lyricsDashPad); // delta from curr.pos. | add initial padding rxpos() += offsetX; rxpos2() -= offsetX; } // VERTICAL POSITION: at the base line of the syllable text if (!isEndType()) rypos() = lyr->ipos().y(); else { // use Y position of *next* syllable if there is one on same system Lyrics* nextLyr = searchNextLyrics(lyr->segment(), lyr->staffIdx(), lyr->no(), lyr->placement()); if (nextLyr && nextLyr->segment()->system() == system()) rypos() = nextLyr->y(); else rypos() = lyr->y(); } // MELISMA vs. DASHES if (isEndMelisma) { // melisma _numOfDashes = 1; rypos() -= lyricsLine()->lineWidth() * .5; // let the line 'sit on' the base line qreal offsetX = score()->styleP(Sid::minNoteDistance) * mag(); // if final segment, extend slightly after the chord, otherwise shorten it rxpos2() += (isBeginType() || isEndType()) ? -offsetX : +offsetX; } else { // dash(es) // set conventional dash Y pos rypos() -= MScore::pixelRatio * lyr->fontMetrics().xHeight() * score()->styleD(Sid::lyricsDashYposRatio); _dashLength = score()->styleP(Sid::lyricsDashMaxLength) * mag(); // and dash length qreal len = pos2().x(); qreal minDashLen = score()->styleS(Sid::lyricsDashMinLength).val() * sp; qreal maxDashDist = score()->styleS(Sid::lyricsDashMaxDistance).val() * sp; if (len < minDashLen) { // if no room for a dash // if at end of system or dash is forced if (endOfSystem || score()->styleB(Sid::lyricsDashForce)) { rxpos2() = minDashLen; // draw minimal dash _numOfDashes = 1; _dashLength = minDashLen; } else // if within system or dash not forced _numOfDashes = 0; // draw no dash } else if (len < (maxDashDist * 2.0)) { // if no room for two dashes _numOfDashes = 1; // draw one dash if (_dashLength > len) // if no room for a full dash _dashLength = len; // shorten it } else _numOfDashes = len / (maxDashDist); // draw several dashes // adjust next lyrics horiz. position if too little a space forced to skip the dash if (_numOfDashes == 0 && nextLyr != nullptr && len > 0) nextLyr->rxpos() -= (toX - fromX); } // set bounding box QRectF r = QRectF(0.0, 0.0, pos2().x(), pos2().y()).normalized(); qreal lw = lyricsLine()->lineWidth() * .5; setbbox(r.adjusted(-lw, -lw, lw, lw)); }