int BufferManager::openDB(string filepath, string filename){ int mdtptr; if((mdtptr = isFileExists(filename)) == -1){ if((mdtptr = getEmptyMDT())!= -1){ mdt[mdtptr].id = mdtptr; mdt[mdtptr].dbName = filename; mdt[mdtptr].dbPath = filepath; mdt[mdtptr], ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary); if(!mdt[mdtptr].fd){ return -2; } mdt[mdtptr].isopen = true; return mdtptr; } else return -1; } else { if(mdt[mdtptr].isopen){ return mdtptr; } else { mdt[mdtptr], ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary); if(!mdt[mdtptr].fd){ return -2; } mdt[mdtptr].isopen = true; return mdtptr; } } return -2; }
bool JsExtFile::isFileWritable(const QString &fileName) { if (isFileExists(fileName)) { QFileInfo fi(fileName); return fi.isWritable(); } return false; }
QString ExportManager::autoIncrementFilename(const QString &baseName, const QString &extension) { if (!(isFileExists(QUrl::fromUserInput(baseName + '.' + extension)))) { return baseName + '.' + extension; } QString fileNameFmt(baseName + "-%1." + extension); for (quint64 i = 1; i < std::numeric_limits<quint64>::max(); i++) { if (!(isFileExists(QUrl::fromUserInput(fileNameFmt.arg(i))))) { return fileNameFmt.arg(i); } } // unlikely this will ever happen, but just in case we've run // out of numbers return fileNameFmt.arg("OVERFLOW-" + QString::number(qrand() % 10000)); }
String Info::resolvePath(const String &path, const String &root) const { if (root.empty()) { return filepath::reconstructPath(path); } else if (isFileExists(root, "")) { return filepath::reconstructPath(filepath::merge(filepath::root(root), path)); } else { return filepath::reconstructPath(filepath::merge(root, path)); } }
const std::string CResourceManager::saveFile(const std::string& fileName, const std::string& fileMimeType, const long fileSize, const char* fileData) { std::ofstream file; CConfigHelper* settingsManager = CConfigHelper::getInstance(); CPathsHelper* paths = CPathsHelper::getInstance(); if(fileSize > settingsManager->getLongParamValue("maxFileSize", 10485760l)) return ""; const CPath* currDir = paths->getPathFitsForResourceMIME(fileMimeType); if(currDir == NULL) { CLog::getInstance()->addError(fileMimeType + ": no dir for this file type!"); return ""; } std::string fileCat = currDir->getDirName(); if((int)fileCat.length() > 0) fileCat += "/"; std::string fileType = MIMEType::getInstance()->getFileExt(fileMimeType); if(fileCat == "none" || fileType == "none" ) { CLog::getInstance()->addError(fileMimeType + " file type not allow!"); return ""; } std::string fullFileName = paths->getUserContentDir() + fileCat + fileName + "." + fileType; CSyncHelper::getInstance()->getFileMutex()->lock(); if(!isFileExists(fullFileName)) {; if(file.is_open()) { CLog::getInstance()->addInfo("File Path:" + fullFileName); CLog::getInstance()->addInfo("File Type:" + fileMimeType); CLog::getInstance()->addInfo("File size:" + valueToString(fileSize)); try { file.write(fileData, fileSize); } catch(...) { CLog::getInstance()->addError("Cant write file!"); fullFileName = ""; } } else { CLog::getInstance()->addError("Cant create file!"); fullFileName = ""; } file.close(); } CSyncHelper::getInstance()->getFileMutex()->unlock(); return fullFileName; }
bool HunterFileExists() { // Функция возвращает истину если в системе диске существует файл, // сигнал хантера return isFileExists(0x001a /* Спросить у Коли про эту ебалу */, (PWCHAR)HunterFileName); // эта ебала признана для того чтобы при отлове какойто ссылки создать файл, // и при следующей загрузке при наличии файлс сразу грузить сб // данный флаг являеться }
void onLoadCMClicked(HWND hWnd) { setStatusBarText(L"Загрузка..."); if (currentDeviceNumber < 0) { setStatusBarText(L"Не выбрано устройство!"); return; } auto szFileName = new char[MAX_PATH]; GetWindowTextA(confWayLE, szFileName, MAX_PATH); std::string pathToCommodFile(szFileName); delete[] szFileName; if (!isFileExists(pathToCommodFile)) { setStatusBarText(L"Не найден файл конфигурации"); return; } auto manager = new StrategyDeployment(pathToCommodFile); incrProgressBar(hWnd, 20); bool isOK; if (fileSize(pathToCommodFile) > 0x10000) { manager->setZip(true); manager->setCreateCompressedFile(true); manager->setZipLocation(getZipLocation(hWnd)); manager->setParse(true); manager->setzipCompressionLevel(7); isOK = manager->convert(); } incrProgressBar(hWnd, 30); isOK = manager->validateCurrentConfiguration(); if (!isOK) { incrProgressBar(hWnd, 50); SetWindowTextA(stateSB, "Ошибка: неверная конфигурация! Отмена загрузки."); manager->saveLog(); delete manager; return; } incrProgressBar(hWnd, 20); isOK = manager->loadConfiguration(currentDeviceNumber); manager->saveLog(); auto resultLog(manager->getLastConfName()); delete manager; incrProgressBar(hWnd, 30); isOK ? resultLog.append(" - конфигурация загружена успешно.") : resultLog.append(" -конфигурация не загружена."); SetWindowTextA(stateSB, resultLog.c_str()); }
bool SshTunnelTab::accept() { bool sshEnabled = _sshSupport->isChecked(); QString authMethod = _security->currentText() == "Private Key" ? "publickey" : "password"; // Check for existence of the private key file name // and try to expand "~" character when needed QString privateKey = _privateKeyBox->text(); if (sshEnabled && authMethod == "publickey" && !isFileExists(privateKey)) { bool failed = true; // Try to expand "~" if available if (privateKey.startsWith ("~/")) { privateKey.replace (0, 1, QDir::homePath()); if (isFileExists(privateKey)) { failed = false; } } if (failed) { QString message = QString("Private key file \"%1\" doesn't exist").arg(privateKey); QMessageBox::information(this, "Settings are incomplete", message); return false; } } SshSettings *info = _settings->sshSettings(); info->setHost(QtUtils::toStdString(_sshHostName->text())); info->setPort(_sshPort->text().toInt()); info->setUserName(QtUtils::toStdString(_userName->text())); info->setUserPassword(QtUtils::toStdString(_passwordBox->text())); info->setAskPassword(_askForPassword->isChecked()); info->setPrivateKeyFile(QtUtils::toStdString(privateKey)); info->setPassphrase(QtUtils::toStdString(_passphraseBox->text())); info->setAuthMethod(QtUtils::toStdString(authMethod)); info->setEnabled(sshEnabled); return true; }
std::string getZipLocation(HWND hWnd) { CHAR szNativeProgramFilesFolder[MAX_PATH]; ExpandEnvironmentStringsA("%ProgramW6432%", szNativeProgramFilesFolder, ARRAYSIZE(szNativeProgramFilesFolder)); std::string fullway(szNativeProgramFilesFolder); fullway.append("\\7 - Zip\\7z.exe"); if (!isFileExists(fullway)) fullway = getFileName(hWnd, "7z.exe(7z.exe)\0*.exe\0All files(*.*)\0*.*\0", "Выбор архиватора"); return fullway; }
bool isFileExtExists( const char * oldName, const char * ext ) { char * p_Name; bool val; p_Name = (char *)malloc( LINE_SIZE ); assert( p_Name != NULL ); strcpy( p_Name, oldName ); replaceExt( p_Name, ext ); val = isFileExists( p_Name ); //free( p_Name ); return val; }
int BufferManager::dropDB(string filepath, string filename){ int mdtptr; mdtptr = isFileExists(filename); if(mdtptr==-1){ return(remove((filepath+filename).c_str())); } else { closeDB(mdtptr); int err = remove((filepath+filename).c_str()); if(err == 0){ mdt[mdtptr].id = -1; mdt[mdtptr].isopen = false; mdt[mdtptr].dbName = ""; mdt[mdtptr].dbPath = ""; return 0; } else return err; } return -1; }
/** * Initialises the library * */ void iotkit_init() { int store_path_length = 0; char *config_file_path = NULL; char *config_dir_path = NULL; if(isFileExists(CONFIGURATION_FILE_NAME)) { store_path_length = strlen(CURRENT_DIR) + strlen(CONFIGURATION_FILE_NAME) + 2; config_file_path = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * store_path_length); strcpy(config_file_path, CURRENT_DIR); } else { store_path_length = strlen(DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR) + strlen(CONFIGURATION_FILE_NAME) + 2; config_file_path = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * store_path_length); strcpy(config_file_path, DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR); } strcat(config_file_path, CONFIGURATION_FILE_NAME); parseConfiguration(config_file_path); parseAuthorizationToken(); parseDeviceToken(); parseComponentsList(); if(!isInitialized) { CURLcode code = rest_init(configurations.isSecure); if(code) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize CURL %d\n", code); } else { isInitialized = true; #if DEBUG puts("Library initialized successfully"); #endif } } else { #if DEBUG puts("Library is already initialized and doesn't need to be re-initialized"); #endif } }
/** * @function _io_remove_file * @private Remove the file if it is existed. */ void _io_remove_file(char *filepath) { if (isFileExists(filepath)) { remove(filepath); } }
axStatus axFileSystem::isFileExists ( const wchar_t* file ) { axStatus st; axTempStringA tmp; st = tmp.set( file ); if( !st ) return st; return isFileExists( tmp ); }
Object* ObjectSaveLoader::loadFromFile( QString strFilename ) { // ---- test before opening ---- if ( !isFileExists( strFilename ) ) { m_error = PencilError( PCL_ERROR_FILE_NOT_EXIST ); return NULL; } QString strMainXMLFilePath = strFilename; QStringList zippedFileList = JlCompress::getFileList( strFilename ); // -- Test file format: new zipped pclx or old pcl ? bool bIsOldPencilFile = zippedFileList.empty(); if ( !bIsOldPencilFile ) { strMainXMLFilePath = extractZipToTempFolder( strFilename ); qDebug() << "Recognized New zipped Pencil File Format !"; } else { qDebug() << "Recognized Old Pencil File Format !"; } // -- test before opening QScopedPointer<QFile> file( new QFile( strMainXMLFilePath ) ); if ( !file->open( QFile::ReadOnly ) ) { //m_strLastErrorMessage = tr("Cannot open file."); m_error = PencilError( PCL_ERROR_FILE_CANNOT_OPEN ); cleanUpTempFolder(); return NULL; } QDomDocument xmlDoc; if ( !xmlDoc.setContent( ) ) { //m_strLastErrorMessage = tr("This file is not a valid XML document."); m_error = PencilError( PCL_ERROR_INVALID_XML_FILE ); cleanUpTempFolder(); return NULL; } QDomDocumentType type = xmlDoc.doctype(); if ( != "PencilDocument" && != "MyObject" ) { //m_strLastErrorMessage = tr("This file is not a Pencil2D document."); m_error = PencilError( PCL_ERROR_INVALID_PENCIL_FILE ); cleanUpTempFolder(); return NULL; // this is not a Pencil document } Object* pObject = new Object(); QString strDataLayersDirPath; if ( bIsOldPencilFile ) { // ex. aaa.pcl => strDataLayersDirPath = strMainXMLFilePath + "." + PFF_LAYERS_DIR; } else { QDir workingDir = QFileInfo( strMainXMLFilePath ).dir(); // get the parent folder PFF_LAYERS_DIR ); strDataLayersDirPath = workingDir.absolutePath(); } Object* newObject = pObject; if ( !newObject->loadPalette( strDataLayersDirPath ) ) { newObject->loadDefaultPalette(); } // ------- reads the XML file ------- bool ok = true; int prog = 0; QDomElement docElem = xmlDoc.documentElement(); if ( docElem.isNull() ) { return NULL; } if ( docElem.tagName() == "document" ) { qDebug( "Object Loader: start." ); QDomNode tag = docElem.firstChild(); while ( !tag.isNull() ) { QDomElement element = tag.toElement(); // try to convert the node to an element. if ( !element.isNull() ) { prog += std::min( prog + 10, 100 ); //progress.setValue(prog); emit progressValueChanged( prog ); if ( element.tagName() == "editor" ) { qDebug( " Load editor" ); //loadDomElement( element ); } else if ( element.tagName() == "object" ) { qDebug( " Load object" ); ok = newObject->loadDomElement( element, strDataLayersDirPath ); qDebug() << " dataDir:" << strDataLayersDirPath; } } tag = tag.nextSibling(); } } else { if ( docElem.tagName() == "object" || docElem.tagName() == "MyOject" ) // old Pencil format (<=0.4.3) { ok = newObject->loadDomElement( docElem, strFilename ); } } if ( ok ) { /* if (!openingTheOLDWAY) { removePFFTmpDirectory( tmpFilePath ); // --removes temporary decompression directory } */ } else { return NULL; } return pObject; }
void Compiler::run(bool isDump, bool isExecute) { if (!isFileExists(filePath)) { console("File not exists: " << filePath.toStdString()); return; } // QString functionId ="id").toString(); // qDebug() << functionId; // QVariantList instructionList = sproutDb.readRecords(QString("SELECT * FROM Instructions WHERE functionId=%1").arg(functionId)); // qDebug() << instructionList; // QString instructionId ="id").toString(); // QString instruction ="name").toString(); // qDebug() << instructionId << instruction; // QVariantList argumentList = sproutDb.readRecords(QString("SELECT * FROM Arguments WHERE instructionId=%1").arg(instructionId)); // qDebug() << argumentList; // QString argument ="arg").toString(); // qDebug() << argument; llvm::LLVMContext& context = llvm::getGlobalContext(); std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> modulePtr = llvm::make_unique<llvm::Module>("top", context); llvm::Module* module = modulePtr.get(); llvm::IRBuilder<> builder(context); // 'main' function prototype llvm::FunctionType* mainType = llvm::FunctionType::get(builder.getVoidTy(), false); llvm::Function* mainFunc = llvm::Function::Create(mainType, llvm::Function::ExternalLinkage, "main", module); llvm::BasicBlock* entry = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(context, "entrypoint", mainFunc); builder.SetInsertPoint(entry); // 'print-line' function prototype // if (instruction == "print-line") { // auto printArg = builder.CreateGlobalStringPtr(QString(argument).toStdString()); // std::vector<llvm::Type*> putsArgs; // putsArgs.push_back(builder.getInt8Ty()->getPointerTo()); // llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Type*> argsRef(putsArgs); // llvm::FunctionType* putsType = llvm::FunctionType::get(builder.getInt32Ty(), argsRef, false); // llvm::Constant* putsFunc = module->getOrInsertFunction("puts", putsType); // builder.CreateCall(putsFunc, printArg); // // 'read-line' function prototype // } else if (instruction == "read-line") { // qDebug() << "readline " << argument; // } builder.CreateRetVoid(); if (isDump) { module->dump(); } if (isExecute) { llvm::InitializeNativeTarget(); llvm::InitializeNativeTargetAsmPrinter(); llvm::InitializeNativeTargetAsmParser(); llvm::ExecutionEngine* engine = llvm::EngineBuilder(std::move(modulePtr)).create(); engine->finalizeObject(); // memory for generated code marked executable: // engine->runFunction(mainFunc, std::vector<llvm::GenericValue>()); } else { llvm::InitializeAllTargets(); llvm::InitializeAllTargetMCs(); llvm::InitializeAllAsmPrinters(); llvm::InitializeAllAsmParsers(); llvm::legacy::PassManager pm; llvm::TargetOptions options; std::string err; llvm::Triple triple(module->getTargetTriple()); // if (triple.getTriple().empty()) { // triple.setTriple(llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple()); // } const llvm::Target* target = llvm::TargetRegistry::lookupTarget(triple.getTriple(), err); std::string mcpu, featuresStr; // llvm::TargetMachine* machineTarget = target->createTargetMachine(triple.getTriple(), mcpu, featuresStr, options); QString objPath = filePath.replace(".sprout", ".o"); // qDebug() << objPath; std::error_code ec; llvm::raw_fd_ostream os(objPath.toStdString(), ec, llvm::sys::fs::F_None); llvm::formatted_raw_ostream fos(os); // if (machineTarget->addPassesToEmitFile(pm, fos, llvm::TargetMachine::CGFT_ObjectFile, false)) { // std::cerr << " target does not support generation of this file type!\n"; // return; // } bool result =*module); if (result) { QProcess* process = new QProcess(); QString binPath = objPath; binPath.replace(".o", ""); process->start(QString("gcc %1 -o %2").arg(objPath).arg(binPath)); } } }