Esempio n. 1
void Gui::renderMouseLook() 
	auto engine = Engine::getSingleton();
	auto map = engine->getMap();
	auto mouse_pos = Vec2i(engine->getMouse().cx, engine->getMouse().cy);
	if (!map->isInFov(mouse_pos)) 
        // if mouse is out of fov, nothing to render

	std::string buf;

	bool first=true;
	auto actors = engine->getActors();
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < actors.size(); i++) 
		auto actor = actors[i];
		// find actors under the mouse cursor
		if (actor->getPosition() == mouse_pos) 
			if(!first)	buf+=", ";
			else		first=false;

			buf += actor->getOwner()->getName();

	// display the list of actors under the mouse cursor
Esempio n. 2
void MeshComponent::onDraw(render::RenderQueue *ops)
    if (!m_meshData || !m_meshData->isInitialized())

    if (!m_visible || !isInFov())

    m_meshData->populateRenderQueue(ops, getHolder()->transform()->getTransformation());
Esempio n. 3
// Retourne la liste des items fixes dans le fov du joueur
TCODList<EntityFixedItem*> Level::getFixedItemsInFov()
    TCODList<EntityFixedItem*> result;

    for (EntityFixedItem* itemFixed: fixedItems_)
        if (isInFov(itemFixed->x, itemFixed->y))

    return result;
Esempio n. 4
void Map::computeFov()
  map->computeFov(engine.player->x, engine.player->y, engine.fovRadius);
  for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
      if (isInFov(x, y))
        unsigned int oldScent = getScent(x, y);
        int dx = x - engine.player->x;
        int dy = y - engine.player->y;
        long distance = (int)sqrt(1.0 * dx * dx + dy * dy);
        unsigned int newScent = currentScentValue - distance;
        if (newScent > oldScent)
          tiles[x + y * width].scent = newScent;
Esempio n. 5
void tMap::render() const
    for (int x = 0; x < m_Width; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < m_Height; y++)
            if ( isInFov(x,y) )
                TCODConsole::root->setCharBackground(x, y, isWall(x,y) ? m_cLightWall :m_cLightGround );
            else if ( isExplored(x,y) )
                TCODConsole::root->setCharBackground(x, y, isWall(x,y) ? m_cDarkWallColor : m_cDarkGroundColor );
Esempio n. 6
void Map::render() const
/*  static const TCODColor darkWall(200, 0, 150);
  static const TCODColor darkGround(50, 50, 50);
  static const TCODColor lightWall(255,0, 225);
  static const TCODColor lightGround(75,75,75);*/
  static const TCODColor darkWall(125, 0, 110);
  static const TCODColor darkGround(25, 25, 25);
  static const TCODColor lightWall(250, 0, 220);
  static const TCODColor lightGround(50, 50, 50);

  for (int x=0; x < width; x++)
    for (int y=0; y < height; y++)
/*      int scent = SCENT_THRESHOLD - (currentScentValue - getScent(x, y));
      scent = CLAMP(0, 10, scent);
      float sc = scent * 0.1f;
      if (isInFov(x, y))
        TCODConsole::root->setCharBackground(x, y, isWall(x, y) ? lightWall : TCODColor::lightGrey * sc);
      else if (isExplored(x, y))
        TCODConsole::root->setCharBackground(x, y, isWall(x, y) ? darkWall : TCODColor::lightGrey * sc);
      else if (!isWall(x, y))
        TCODConsole::root->setCharBackground(x, y, TCODColor::white * sc);*/

      if (isInFov(x,y))
        TCODConsole::root->setCharBackground(x, y, isWall(x,y) ? lightWall : lightGround);
      } else 
        if ( isExplored(x,y) )
          TCODConsole::root->setCharBackground(x, y, isWall(x,y) ? darkWall : darkGround );
Esempio n. 7
void Map::render() const
    static const TCODColor darkWall(0,0,100);
    static const TCODColor darkGround(50,50,150);
    static const TCODColor lightWall(130,110,50);
    static const TCODColor lightGround(200,180,50);

    for (int x=0; x < width; x++)
      for (int y=0; y < height; y++)
        if ( isInFov(x,y) )
                isWall(x,y) ? lightWall :lightGround );
        else if ( isExplored(x,y) )
                isWall(x,y) ? darkWall : darkGround );
Esempio n. 8
// Dessin du level
void Level::render()
    EntityPlayer& player	= Engine::getInstance()->getPlayer();
    float squaredTorchRadius	= player.fov * player.fov;
    TCODColor lightColor;

    //dessin du fond de carte
    for (int x = 0; x < width_; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < height_; y++)
            if (!isInFov(x, y))

            // Données
            Tile currentTile = tiles_[x + y * width_];

            // Caractères
            char baseChar = isWall(x, y) ? CH_WALL : CH_FLOOR;

            // Couleurs

            //couleur hors de portée
            TCODColor baseColor = isWall(x, y) ? C_DARKWALL : ((currentTile.isFall) ? C_DARKFALL : C_DARKGROUND);
	    if (currentTile.mutationAffect > 0)
		baseColor = baseColor * TCODColor::green;

            //couleur lorsque vue
            lightColor = isWall(x, y) ? C_LIGHTWALL : ( (currentTile.isFall) ? C_LIGHTFALL : C_LIGHTGROUND);

            //distance entre la case et la source de lumière sans appliquer la racine par optimisation
            float distance = (float)((x - player.x + player.lightX) * (x - player.x + player.lightX) +
                                     (y - player.y + player.lightY) * (y - player.y + player.lightY));

            //la distance est inférieur au rayon de la torche
	    //par optimisation, on n'applique pas la racine à la distance calculée
	    //et on la compare au rayon de la torche au carré
            if (distance < squaredTorchRadius)
                //détermination du coef d'interpolation pour la couleur
                //coef = 1.0 au centre du rayonnement
                //coef = 0.0 au rayon du rayonnement
                float coefInterColor = (squaredTorchRadius - distance) / squaredTorchRadius + player.lightIntensity;

                //garde le coef d'interpolation pour la couleur
                //entre 2 valeurs min / max
		//si coefInterColor < 0.0f => 0.0f
		//si coefInterColor > 1.0f => 1.0f
		//si coefInterColor compris dans l'interval on utilise sa valeur
                coefInterColor = CLAMP(0.0f, 1.0f, coefInterColor);

                //interpolation de la couleur entre baseColor / lightColor
                //avec le coef déterminé par la distance du joueur
                baseColor = TCODColor::lerp(baseColor, lightColor, coefInterColor);

                lightColor = baseColor;

                TCODConsole::root->setCharBackground(x, y, lightColor);
                TCODConsole::root->setCharForeground(x, y, TCODColor::lighterGrey);
		//affichage d'un caractère ou pas ?!
                //TCODConsole::root->setChar(x, y, baseChar);

    //dessin des PNJ
    for (EntityPnj *pnj: pnjs_)
        if (isInFov(pnj->x, pnj->y) || Engine::getInstance()->IsRevealMode)

    //dessin des items
    for (EntityItem *item: items_)
        if (isInFov(item->x, item->y) || Engine::getInstance()->IsRevealMode)

    //dessin des items fixes
    for (EntityFixedItem *itemFixed: fixedItems_)
        if (isInFov(itemFixed->x, itemFixed->y) || Engine::getInstance()->IsRevealMode)