void StackIterator::Frame::print(int indentLevel) { int i = indentLevel; if (!this->callFrame()) { printif(i, "frame 0x0\n"); return; } CodeBlock* codeBlock = this->codeBlock(); printif(i, "frame %p {\n", this->callFrame()); CallFrame* callFrame = m_callFrame; CallFrame* callerFrame = this->callerFrame(); void* returnPC = callFrame->hasReturnPC() ? callFrame->returnPC().value() : 0; printif(i, " name '%s'\n", functionName().utf8().data()); printif(i, " sourceURL '%s'\n", sourceURL().utf8().data()); printif(i, " hostFlag %d\n", callerFrame->hasHostCallFrameFlag()); #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) printif(i, " isInlinedFrame %d\n", isInlinedFrame()); if (isInlinedFrame()) printif(i, " InlineCallFrame %p\n", m_inlineCallFrame); #endif printif(i, " callee %p\n", callee()); printif(i, " returnPC %p\n", returnPC); printif(i, " callerFrame %p\n", callerFrame->removeHostCallFrameFlag()); unsigned locationRawBits = callFrame->locationAsRawBits(); printif(i, " rawLocationBits %u 0x%x\n", locationRawBits, locationRawBits); printif(i, " codeBlock %p\n", codeBlock); if (codeBlock) { JITCode::JITType jitType = codeBlock->jitType(); if (callFrame->hasLocationAsBytecodeOffset()) { unsigned bytecodeOffset = callFrame->locationAsBytecodeOffset(); printif(i, " bytecodeOffset %u %p / %zu\n", bytecodeOffset, reinterpret_cast<void*>(bytecodeOffset), codeBlock->instructions().size()); #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) } else { unsigned codeOriginIndex = callFrame->locationAsCodeOriginIndex(); printif(i, " codeOriginIdex %u %p / %zu\n", codeOriginIndex, reinterpret_cast<void*>(codeOriginIndex), codeBlock->codeOrigins().size()); #endif } unsigned line = 0; unsigned column = 0; computeLineAndColumn(line, column); printif(i, " line %d\n", line); printif(i, " column %d\n", column); printif(i, " jitType %d <%s> isOptimizingJIT %d\n", jitType, jitTypeName(jitType), JITCode::isOptimizingJIT(jitType)); #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) printif(i, " hasCodeOrigins %d\n", codeBlock->hasCodeOrigins()); if (codeBlock->hasCodeOrigins()) { JITCode* jitCode = codeBlock->jitCode().get(); printif(i, " jitCode %p start %p end %p\n", jitCode, jitCode->start(), jitCode->end()); } #endif } printif(i, "}\n"); }
Arguments* StackVisitor::Frame::existingArguments() { if (codeBlock()->codeType() != FunctionCode) return 0; if (!codeBlock()->usesArguments()) return 0; VirtualRegister reg; #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) if (isInlinedFrame()) reg = inlineCallFrame()->argumentsRegister; else #endif // ENABLE(DFG_JIT) reg = codeBlock()->argumentsRegister(); // Care should be taken here since exception fuzzing may raise exceptions in // places where they would be otherwise impossible. Therefore, callFrame may // lack activation even if the codeBlock signals need of activation. Also, // even if codeBlock signals the use of arguments, the // unmodifiedArgumentsRegister may not be initialized yet (neither locally // nor in lexicalEnvironment). JSValue result = jsUndefined(); if (codeBlock()->needsActivation() && callFrame()->hasActivation()) result = callFrame()->lexicalEnvironment()->registerAt(unmodifiedArgumentsRegister(reg).offset()).get(); if (!result || !result.isCell()) // Try local unmodifiedArgumentsRegister if lexicalEnvironment is not present (generally possible) or has not set up registers yet (only possible if fuzzing exceptions). result = callFrame()->r(unmodifiedArgumentsRegister(reg).offset()).jsValue(); if (!result || !result.isCell()) // Protect against the case when exception fuzzing throws when unmodifiedArgumentsRegister is not set up yet (e.g., in op_enter). return 0; return jsCast<Arguments*>(result); }
Arguments* StackVisitor::Frame::createArguments() { ASSERT(m_callFrame); CallFrame* physicalFrame = m_callFrame; VM& vm = physicalFrame->vm(); Arguments* arguments; ArgumentsMode mode; if (Options::enableFunctionDotArguments()) mode = ClonedArgumentsCreationMode; else mode = FakeArgumentValuesCreationMode; #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) if (isInlinedFrame()) { ASSERT(m_inlineCallFrame); arguments = Arguments::create(vm, physicalFrame, m_inlineCallFrame, mode); arguments->tearOff(physicalFrame, m_inlineCallFrame); jsCast<Arguments*>((JSCell*)arguments); } else #endif { JSLexicalEnvironment* lexicalEnvironment = nullptr; arguments = Arguments::create(vm, physicalFrame, lexicalEnvironment, mode); arguments->tearOff(physicalFrame); } return arguments; }
const RegisterAtOffsetList* StackVisitor::Frame::calleeSaveRegisters() { if (isInlinedFrame()) return nullptr; #if !ENABLE(C_LOOP) && NUMBER_OF_CALLEE_SAVES_REGISTERS > 0 #if ENABLE(WEBASSEMBLY) if (isWasmFrame()) { if (callee().isCell()) { RELEASE_ASSERT(isWebAssemblyToJSCallee(callee().asCell())); return nullptr; } Wasm::Callee* wasmCallee = callee().asWasmCallee(); return wasmCallee->calleeSaveRegisters(); } #endif // ENABLE(WEBASSEMBLY) if (CodeBlock* codeBlock = this->codeBlock()) return codeBlock->calleeSaveRegisters(); #endif // !ENABLE(C_LOOP) && NUMBER_OF_CALLEE_SAVES_REGISTERS > 0 return nullptr; }
Arguments* StackVisitor::Frame::createArguments() { ASSERT(m_callFrame); CallFrame* physicalFrame = m_callFrame; VM& vm = physicalFrame->vm(); Arguments* arguments; #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) if (isInlinedFrame()) { ASSERT(m_inlineCallFrame); arguments = Arguments::create(vm, physicalFrame, m_inlineCallFrame); arguments->tearOff(physicalFrame, m_inlineCallFrame); } else #endif { arguments = Arguments::create(vm, physicalFrame); arguments->tearOff(physicalFrame); } return arguments; }
ClonedArguments* StackVisitor::Frame::createArguments() { ASSERT(m_callFrame); CallFrame* physicalFrame = m_callFrame; ClonedArguments* arguments; ArgumentsMode mode; if (Options::useFunctionDotArguments()) mode = ArgumentsMode::Cloned; else mode = ArgumentsMode::FakeValues; #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) if (isInlinedFrame()) { ASSERT(m_inlineCallFrame); arguments = ClonedArguments::createWithInlineFrame(physicalFrame, physicalFrame, m_inlineCallFrame, mode); } else #endif arguments = ClonedArguments::createWithMachineFrame(physicalFrame, physicalFrame, mode); return arguments; }
Arguments* StackVisitor::Frame::existingArguments() { if (codeBlock()->codeType() != FunctionCode) return 0; if (!codeBlock()->usesArguments()) return 0; VirtualRegister reg; #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) if (isInlinedFrame()) reg = inlineCallFrame()->argumentsRegister; else #endif // ENABLE(DFG_JIT) reg = codeBlock()->argumentsRegister(); JSValue result = callFrame()->r(unmodifiedArgumentsRegister(reg).offset()).jsValue(); if (!result || !result.isCell()) // Protect against Undefined in case we throw in op_enter. return 0; return jsCast<Arguments*>(result); }
void StackVisitor::Frame::dump(PrintStream& out, Indenter indent, WTF::Function<void(PrintStream&)> prefix) const { if (!this->callFrame()) { out.print(indent, "frame 0x0\n"); return; } CodeBlock* codeBlock = this->codeBlock(); out.print(indent); prefix(out); out.print("frame ", RawPointer(this->callFrame()), " {\n"); { indent++; CallFrame* callFrame = m_callFrame; CallFrame* callerFrame = this->callerFrame(); const void* returnPC = callFrame->hasReturnPC() ? callFrame->returnPC().value() : nullptr; out.print(indent, "name: ", functionName(), "\n"); out.print(indent, "sourceURL: ", sourceURL(), "\n"); bool isInlined = false; #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) isInlined = isInlinedFrame(); out.print(indent, "isInlinedFrame: ", isInlinedFrame(), "\n"); if (isInlinedFrame()) out.print(indent, "InlineCallFrame: ", RawPointer(m_inlineCallFrame), "\n"); #endif out.print(indent, "callee: ", RawPointer(callee().rawPtr()), "\n"); out.print(indent, "returnPC: ", RawPointer(returnPC), "\n"); out.print(indent, "callerFrame: ", RawPointer(callerFrame), "\n"); uintptr_t locationRawBits = callFrame->callSiteAsRawBits(); out.print(indent, "rawLocationBits: ", locationRawBits, " ", RawPointer(reinterpret_cast<void*>(locationRawBits)), "\n"); out.print(indent, "codeBlock: ", RawPointer(codeBlock)); if (codeBlock) out.print(" ", *codeBlock); out.print("\n"); if (codeBlock && !isInlined) { indent++; if (callFrame->callSiteBitsAreBytecodeOffset()) { unsigned bytecodeOffset = callFrame->bytecodeOffset(); out.print(indent, "bytecodeOffset: ", bytecodeOffset, " of ", codeBlock->instructions().size(), "\n"); #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) } else { out.print(indent, "hasCodeOrigins: ", codeBlock->hasCodeOrigins(), "\n"); if (codeBlock->hasCodeOrigins()) { CallSiteIndex callSiteIndex = callFrame->callSiteIndex(); out.print(indent, "callSiteIndex: ", callSiteIndex.bits(), " of ", codeBlock->codeOrigins().size(), "\n"); JITCode::JITType jitType = codeBlock->jitType(); if (jitType != JITCode::FTLJIT) { JITCode* jitCode = codeBlock->jitCode().get(); out.print(indent, "jitCode: ", RawPointer(jitCode), " start ", RawPointer(jitCode->start()), " end ", RawPointer(jitCode->end()), "\n"); } } #endif } unsigned line = 0; unsigned column = 0; computeLineAndColumn(line, column); out.print(indent, "line: ", line, "\n"); out.print(indent, "column: ", column, "\n"); indent--; } out.print(indent, "EntryFrame: ", RawPointer(m_entryFrame), "\n"); indent--; } out.print(indent, "}\n"); }
void StackVisitor::Frame::print(int indent) { if (!this->callFrame()) { log(indent, "frame 0x0\n"); return; } CodeBlock* codeBlock = this->codeBlock(); logF(indent, "frame %p {\n", this->callFrame()); { indent++; CallFrame* callFrame = m_callFrame; CallFrame* callerFrame = this->callerFrame(); void* returnPC = callFrame->hasReturnPC() ? callFrame->returnPC().value() : nullptr; log(indent, "name: ", functionName(), "\n"); log(indent, "sourceURL: ", sourceURL(), "\n"); bool isInlined = false; #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) isInlined = isInlinedFrame(); log(indent, "isInlinedFrame: ", isInlinedFrame(), "\n"); if (isInlinedFrame()) logF(indent, "InlineCallFrame: %p\n", m_inlineCallFrame); #endif logF(indent, "callee: %p\n", callee()); logF(indent, "returnPC: %p\n", returnPC); logF(indent, "callerFrame: %p\n", callerFrame); unsigned locationRawBits = callFrame->callSiteAsRawBits(); logF(indent, "rawLocationBits: %u 0x%x\n", locationRawBits, locationRawBits); logF(indent, "codeBlock: %p ", codeBlock); if (codeBlock) dataLog(*codeBlock); dataLog("\n"); if (codeBlock && !isInlined) { indent++; if (callFrame->callSiteBitsAreBytecodeOffset()) { unsigned bytecodeOffset = callFrame->bytecodeOffset(); log(indent, "bytecodeOffset: ", bytecodeOffset, " of ", codeBlock->instructions().size(), "\n"); #if ENABLE(DFG_JIT) } else { log(indent, "hasCodeOrigins: ", codeBlock->hasCodeOrigins(), "\n"); if (codeBlock->hasCodeOrigins()) { CallSiteIndex callSiteIndex = callFrame->callSiteIndex(); log(indent, "callSiteIndex: ", callSiteIndex.bits(), " of ", codeBlock->codeOrigins().size(), "\n"); JITCode::JITType jitType = codeBlock->jitType(); if (jitType != JITCode::FTLJIT) { JITCode* jitCode = codeBlock->jitCode().get(); logF(indent, "jitCode: %p start %p end %p\n", jitCode, jitCode->start(), jitCode->end()); } } #endif } unsigned line = 0; unsigned column = 0; computeLineAndColumn(line, column); log(indent, "line: ", line, "\n"); log(indent, "column: ", column, "\n"); indent--; } indent--; } log(indent, "}\n"); }