Esempio n. 1
std::string const & Field::value() const {
  if (! theTextValue) {
    if (isNumeric()) {
    } else {
  return *theTextValue;
bool FileRecordTypeChecker::isBedFormat() {

	//test that the file has at least three fields.
	//2nd and 3rd fields of first valid data line must be integers. 3rd must not be less than 2nd.
	if (_numFields < 3) {
		return false;
	//the 2nd and 3rd fields must be numeric.
	if (!isNumeric(_tokenizer.getElem(1)) || !isNumeric(_tokenizer.getElem(2))) {
		return false;

	int start = str2chrPos(_tokenizer.getElem(1));
	int end = str2chrPos(_tokenizer.getElem(2));
	if (end < start) {
		return false;
	return true;
Esempio n. 3
bool isIDString(const char *s) {
  if (!isAlpha(*s))
    return false;
  while (*s) {
    if (!(isAlpha(*s) || isNumeric(*s)))
      return false;
  return true;
// ====================测试代码====================
void Test(const char* testName, const char* str, bool expected)
    if(testName != nullptr)
        printf("%s begins: ", testName);

    if(isNumeric(str) == expected)
Aggregate::Aggregate(const std::string& url, const std::string& destination,
        const std::string& purgatory, unsigned txns,uintmax_t split):
    m_chunks(txns), m_url(url), m_filesize(0), m_failed(false), m_thread(NULL),
    m_splittable_size( (split>100*1024) ? split : 100*1024), m_speed_thread(NULL),
    m_hashedUrl(purgatory+"/"+md5(m_url)), m_prettyUrl(destination+"/"+prettify(m_url)),
    m_avgSpeed(0), m_instSpeed(0), m_hifiSpeed(0)
    // Directory session is used to find out about
    // previous download information
    std::vector<std::string> files;
    Directory session(m_hashedUrl);
    if ( session.exists() && !session.isEmpty() ) {
        files = session.list(Node::FILE,true);
        // Remove non-numeric names
        for(unsigned i=0;i<files.size();i++){
        // sort the files numerically

    if( files.size()==0) {

        // If no numeric files are found!
        // It means there is no previous session
        File* newfile = new File(chunkName(0));
        BasicTransaction* newtxn = BasicTransaction::factory(m_url);
        Chunk* researcher = new Chunk(newtxn,newfile);

    } else {

        // Get the file size from the last file
        m_filesize = std::atoi(files.back().c_str());
        // the last file must not be with name "0"
        // limiter file should be of zero size
        if( File(chunkName(m_filesize)).size() != 0 )
        // '0' could be missing, error correction

        // Populate all the Chunks
        for(unsigned i=0; i < files.size()-1; i++){
            File* f = new File(chunkName(std::atoi(files[i].c_str())));
            Range r(std::atoi(files[i+1].c_str()),std::atoi(files[i].c_str())+f->size());
            BasicTransaction* t= BasicTransaction::factory(m_url,r);
            Chunk* c = new Chunk(t,f);
bool FileRecordTypeChecker::handleTextFormat(const char *buffer, size_t len)
	if (isVCFformat(buffer)) {
		return isTextDelimtedFormat(buffer, len);
	} else if (isTextDelimtedFormat(buffer, len)) {

		//At this point, _isText and _isDelimited are set. _numFields and _delimChar are

		//Tokenize the first line of valid data into fields.
		//Need to make a copy so next call to tokenizer doesn't overwrite the line.

		QuickString line(_tokenizer.getElem(_firstValidDataLineIdx));


		if (_tokenizer.tokenize(line, _delimChar) != _numFields) {
			cerr << "Error: Type checker found wrong number of fields while tokenizing data line." << endl;

		if (isBedFormat()) {
			_isBed = true;
			if (_numFields == 3) {
				_recordType = BED3_RECORD_TYPE;
			} else if (_numFields == 4) {
				if (isNumeric(_tokenizer.getElem(3))) {
					_recordType = BEDGRAPH_RECORD_TYPE;
					_fourthFieldNumeric = true;
				} else {
					_fourthFieldNumeric = false;
					_recordType = BED4_RECORD_TYPE;
			} else if (_numFields == 5) {
				_recordType = BED5_RECORD_TYPE;
			} else if (_numFields == 6) {
				_recordType = BED6_RECORD_TYPE;
			} else if (_numFields == 12) {
				_recordType = BED12_RECORD_TYPE;
			} else if (_numFields >6) {
				_recordType = BED_PLUS_RECORD_TYPE;
			return true;
		if (isGFFformat()) {
			_isGFF = true;
			_recordType = GFF_RECORD_TYPE;
			return true;
		return false;
	return false;
Esempio n. 7
SEXP c_check_numeric(SEXP x, SEXP lower, SEXP upper, SEXP finite, SEXP any_missing, SEXP all_missing, SEXP len, SEXP min_len, SEXP max_len, SEXP unique, SEXP names) {
    if (!isNumeric(x) && !all_missing_atomic(x))
        return make_type_error(x, "numeric");
    assert(check_vector_len(x, len, min_len, max_len));
    assert(check_vector_names(x, names));
    assert(check_vector_missings(x, any_missing, all_missing));
    assert(check_bounds(x, lower, upper));
    assert(check_vector_finite(x, finite));
    assert(check_vector_unique(x, unique));
    return ScalarLogical(TRUE);
Esempio n. 8
	bool TextField::wantedMinus() const
			return wantNegetive;
			return false;
Esempio n. 9
Expression::ExpressionType Expression::getExpressionType(string token) {
	if (token == "true" || token == "false")
		return Boolean;
	if (isNumeric(token)) 
		return Rational;
	if (token[0] == '"')
		return String;
	if (token[0] == '(')
		return List;
	return Symbol;
Esempio n. 10
cv::Range MxArray::toRange() const
    cv::Range r;
    if (isNumeric() && numel()==2)
        r = cv::Range(at<int>(0), at<int>(1));
    else if (isChar() && toString()==":")
        r = cv::Range::all();
        mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("mexopencv:error", "Invalid range value");
    return r;
Esempio n. 11
 * \brief Returns TRUE/FALSE whether line is foldable.
 * In cases where line has not spaces that separate alphanumeric text, then
 * line cannot be split.
 * \param[in] s Current line
 * \return      Returns TRUE if line is foldable, otherwise FALSE.
int canFoldLine(char s[])
    int i, len;
    len = strLen(s);
    for (i = 0; i < len && !isAlpha(s[i]) && !isNumeric(s[i]); i++)
    for ( ; i < len; i++)
        if (isBlank(s, i))
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Esempio n. 12
SEXP colOrderStats(SEXP x, SEXP dim, SEXP rows, SEXP cols, SEXP which) {
  SEXP ans = NILSXP;
  R_xlen_t nrow, ncol, qq;

  /* Argument 'x' and 'dim': */
  assertArgMatrix(x, dim, (R_TYPE_INT | R_TYPE_REAL), "x");
  nrow = asR_xlen_t(dim, 0);
  ncol = asR_xlen_t(dim, 1);

  /* Argument 'which': */
  if (length(which) != 1)
    error("Argument 'which' must be a single number.");

  if (!isNumeric(which))
    error("Argument 'which' must be a numeric number.");

  /* Argument 'rows' and 'cols': */
  R_xlen_t nrows, ncols;
  int rowsType, colsType;
  int rowsHasna, colsHasna;
  void *crows = validateIndicesCheckNA(rows, nrow, 0, &nrows, &rowsType, &rowsHasna);
  void *ccols = validateIndicesCheckNA(cols, ncol, 0, &ncols, &colsType, &colsHasna);

  // Check missing rows
  if (rowsHasna && ncols > 0) {
    error("Argument 'rows' must not contain missing value");
  // Check missing cols
  if (colsHasna && nrows > 0) {
    error("Argument 'cols' must not contain missing value");

  /* Subtract one here, since rPsort does zero based addressing */
  qq = asInteger(which) - 1;

  /* Assert that 'qq' is a valid index */
  if (qq < 0 || qq >= nrows) {
    error("Argument 'which' is out of range.");

  /* Double matrices are more common to use. */
  if (isReal(x)) {
    PROTECT(ans = allocVector(REALSXP, ncols));
    colOrderStats_dbl[rowsType][colsType](REAL(x), nrow, ncol, crows, nrows, ccols, ncols, qq, REAL(ans));
  } else if (isInteger(x)) {
    PROTECT(ans = allocVector(INTSXP, ncols));
    colOrderStats_int[rowsType][colsType](INTEGER(x), nrow, ncol, crows, nrows, ccols, ncols, qq, INTEGER(ans));

} // colOrderStats()
Esempio n. 13
SEXP rowMads(SEXP x, SEXP dim, SEXP rows, SEXP cols, SEXP constant, SEXP naRm, SEXP hasNA, SEXP byRow) {
  int narm, hasna, byrow;
  SEXP ans;
  R_xlen_t nrow, ncol;
  double scale;

  /* Argument 'x' and 'dim': */
  assertArgMatrix(x, dim, (R_TYPE_INT | R_TYPE_REAL), "x");
  nrow = asR_xlen_t(dim, 0);
  ncol = asR_xlen_t(dim, 1);

  /* Argument 'constant': */
  if (!isNumeric(constant))
    error("Argument 'constant' must be a numeric scale.");
  scale = asReal(constant);

  /* Argument 'naRm': */
  narm = asLogicalNoNA(naRm, "na.rm");

  /* Argument 'hasNA': */
  hasna = asLogicalNoNA(hasNA, "hasNA");

  /* Argument 'rows' and 'cols': */
  R_xlen_t nrows, ncols;
  int rowsType, colsType;
  void *crows = validateIndices(rows, nrow, 0, &nrows, &rowsType);
  void *ccols = validateIndices(cols, ncol, 0, &ncols, &colsType);

  /* Argument 'byRow': */
  byrow = asLogical(byRow);

  if (!byrow) {
    SWAP(R_xlen_t, nrow, ncol);
    SWAP(void*, crows, ccols);
    SWAP(R_xlen_t, nrows, ncols);
    SWAP(int, rowsType, colsType);

  /* R allocate a double vector of length 'nrow'
     Note that 'nrow' means 'ncol' if byrow=FALSE. */
  PROTECT(ans = allocVector(REALSXP, nrows));

  /* Double matrices are more common to use. */
  if (isReal(x)) {
    rowMads_dbl[rowsType][colsType](REAL(x), nrow, ncol, crows, nrows, ccols, ncols, scale, narm, hasna, byrow, REAL(ans));
  } else if (isInteger(x)) {
    rowMads_int[rowsType][colsType](INTEGER(x), nrow, ncol, crows, nrows, ccols, ncols, scale, narm, hasna, byrow, REAL(ans));


} /* rowMads() */
Esempio n. 14
bool	xbnode::getBool()
	if( isBool() )
		return (this->getText()=="true");
	if( isNumeric() )
		return getNumeric()!=0;
	if( isText() )
		return !getText().empty();

	raiseError( "getBool() cant convert", __FILE__,__LINE__);
	return false;
Esempio n. 15
void OSGConverter::invoke(const InvokeRequest& req) {
	int nrThreads = 1;

	if (req.params.find("threads") != req.params.end() && isNumeric(req.params.find("threads")->second.atom.c_str(), 10)) {
		nrThreads = strTo<int>(req.params.find("threads")->second);

	_isRunning = true;
	for (int i = 0; i < nrThreads; i++) {
		_threads.insert(new tthread::thread(OSGConverter::run, this));
Esempio n. 16
    * Collects all GUIDs (and related info) from deleted characters which are still in the database.
    * @param foundList    a reference to an std::list which will be filled with info data
    * @param searchString the search string which either contains a player GUID or a part fo the character-name
    * @return             returns false if there was a problem while selecting the characters (e.g. player name not normalizeable)
    static bool GetDeletedCharacterInfoList(DeletedInfoList& foundList, std::string searchString)
        PreparedQueryResult result;
        PreparedStatement* stmt;
        if (!searchString.empty())
            // search by GUID
            if (isNumeric(searchString.c_str()))
                stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHARACTER_SELECT_CHARACTER_DELETE_INFO_BY_GUID);
                stmt->setUInt32(0, uint32(atoi(searchString.c_str())));
                result = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);
            // search by name
                if (!normalizePlayerName(searchString))
                    return false;

                stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHARACTER_SELECT_CHARACTER_DELETE_INFO_BY_NAME);
                stmt->setString(0, searchString);
                result = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);
            stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHARACTER_SELECT_CHARACTER_DELETE_INFO);
            result = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);

        if (result)
                Field* fields = result->Fetch();

                DeletedInfo info;

                info.lowGuid    = fields[0].GetUInt32();
             = fields[1].GetString();
                info.accountId  = fields[2].GetUInt32();

                // account name will be empty for not existed account
                AccountMgr::GetName(info.accountId, info.accountName);
                info.deleteDate = time_t(fields[3].GetUInt32());
            while (result->NextRow());

        return true;
Esempio n. 17
double KeyListOpsMethods::getColValNum() {
	const QuickString &strVal = (*_iter)->getField(_column);
	if (!isNumeric(strVal)) {
		_nonNumErrFlag = true;
		_errMsg = " ***** WARNING: Non numeric value ";
		_errMsg.append(" in ");
		return NAN;
	return atof(strVal.c_str());
Esempio n. 18
File: list.c Progetto: wch/rspeed
// Set the value of an item in a list, in-place
SEXP C_set_list_item(SEXP x, SEXP idx, SEXP value) {
  if (!isNewList(x))
    error("x must be a list");
  if (!isNumeric(idx))
    error("idx must be a numeric");

  int i = asInteger(idx);
  if (i < 1 || i > length(x))
    error("i must a number between 1 and the length of the list");

  SET_VECTOR_ELT(x, i-1, value);
  return x;
Esempio n. 19
void loadVar(VarType type, uint16_t localId, uint16_t context, Bytecode* bc) {
  bool isInt = type == VT_INT;

  if (context != 0) {
    bc->addInsn(isInt ? BC_LOADCTXIVAR : BC_LOADCTXDVAR);
  } else {
    bc->addInsn(isInt ? BC_LOADIVAR : BC_LOADDVAR);
Esempio n. 20
double getScalarReal(SEXP foo)
    if (! isNumeric(foo))
        error("argument must be numeric");
    if (LENGTH(foo) != 1)
        error("argument must be scalar");
    if (isReal(foo)) {
        return REAL(foo)[0];
    } else {
        SEXP bar = coerceVector(foo, REALSXP);
        return REAL(bar)[0];
Esempio n. 21
// Validate the IMSI string "IMSI"+digits; return pointer to digits or NULL if invalid.
const char* extractIMSI(const char *IMSI)
	// Form of the name is IMSI<digits>, and it should always be 18 or 19 char.
	// IMSIs are 14 or 15 char + "IMSI" prefix
	unsigned namelen = strlen(IMSI);
	if (strncmp(IMSI,"IMSI",4) || (namelen>19) || (namelen<18) || !isNumeric(IMSI+4)) {
		// Note that if you use this on a non-INVITE it will fail, because it may have fields like "222-0123" which are not IMSIs.
		// Dont warn here.  We print a better warning just once in newCheckInvite.
		// LOG(WARNING) << "INVITE with malformed username \"" << IMSI << "\"";
		return "";
	// Skip first 4 char "IMSI".
	return IMSI+4;
Esempio n. 22
void IdMatch(char * buf, int * ppos){
	FILE * fp = globalFile(SCAN_GET, "");
	int pos = *ppos;
	char c;// = readNext(fp);
		c = readNext(fp);
		buf[pos] = c;
	}while(isAlpha(c) || isNumeric(c));
	buf[pos] = ' ';
	ungetc(c, fp);
	*ppos = pos;
Esempio n. 23
static double statement_list(){
    printf("Inside statement_list \n");

    if ( isNumeric(global_current->val) != 0 ){
        double temp = statement();
        return temp;

    if (strcmp(global_current->val,"(") == 0){
        double temp = statement();
        return temp;

Esempio n. 24
const DynamicAny DynamicAny::operator * (const DynamicAny& other) const
	if (isInteger())
			return multiply<Poco::Int64>(other);
			return multiply<Poco::UInt64>(other);
	else if (isNumeric())
		return multiply<double>(other);
		throw InvalidArgumentException("Invalid operation for this data type.");
Esempio n. 25
DynamicAny& DynamicAny::operator /= (const DynamicAny& other)
	if (isInteger())
			return *this = divide<Poco::Int64>(other);
			return *this = divide<Poco::UInt64>(other);
	else if (isNumeric())
		return *this = divide<double>(other);
		throw InvalidArgumentException("Invalid operation for this data type.");
Esempio n. 26
SEXP rowCounts(SEXP x, SEXP dim, SEXP rows, SEXP cols, SEXP value, SEXP what, SEXP naRm, SEXP hasNA) {
  SEXP ans;
  int narm, hasna, what2;
  R_xlen_t nrow, ncol;

  /* Argument 'x' & 'dim': */
  assertArgMatrix(x, dim, (R_TYPE_LGL | R_TYPE_INT | R_TYPE_REAL), "x");
  nrow = asR_xlen_t(dim, 0);
  ncol = asR_xlen_t(dim, 1);

  /* Argument 'value': */
  if (length(value) != 1)
    error("Argument 'value' must be a single value.");

  if (!isNumeric(value))
    error("Argument 'value' must be a numeric value.");

  /* Argument 'what': */
  what2 = asInteger(what);
  if (what2 < 0 || what2 > 2)
    error("INTERNAL ERROR: Unknown value of 'what' for rowCounts: %d", what2);

  /* Argument 'naRm': */
  narm = asLogicalNoNA(naRm, "na.rm");

  /* Argument 'hasNA': */
  hasna = asLogicalNoNA(hasNA, "hasNA");

  /* Argument 'rows' and 'cols': */
  R_xlen_t nrows, ncols;
  int rowsType, colsType;
  void *crows = validateIndices(rows, nrow, 0, &nrows, &rowsType);
  void *ccols = validateIndices(cols, ncol, 0, &ncols, &colsType);

  /* R allocate a double vector of length 'nrow' */
  PROTECT(ans = allocVector(INTSXP, nrows));

  /* Double matrices are more common to use. */
  if (isReal(x)) {
    rowCounts_Real[rowsType][colsType](REAL(x), nrow, ncol, crows, nrows, ccols, ncols, asReal(value), what2, narm, hasna, INTEGER(ans));
  } else if (isInteger(x)) {
    rowCounts_Integer[rowsType][colsType](INTEGER(x), nrow, ncol, crows, nrows, ccols, ncols, asInteger(value), what2, narm, hasna, INTEGER(ans));
  } else if (isLogical(x)) {
    rowCounts_Logical[rowsType][colsType](LOGICAL(x), nrow, ncol, crows, nrows, ccols, ncols, asLogical(value), what2, narm, hasna, INTEGER(ans));


} // rowCounts()
Esempio n. 27
float DexCalc::bind(std::string a, char op, std::string b)
	float numA;
	float numB;
	bool assign;
	std::string name;
	float value;
	if (a != "var" && a != "kill")
		if (isNumeric(b))
			numB = val(b);
			numB = this->getVar(b);
	if (op == '@')
		if (a == "var")
		else if (a == "kill")
			return TS_Util::bind(a, numB);
		return 0;
	if (op != OP_SET)
		if (isNumeric(a))
			numA = val(a);
			numA = this->getVar(a);
	assign = true;
	switch (op)
	case OP_INC:
		if (!isNumeric(a))
			this->setVar(name = a, (value = numA) + 1);
		if (!isNumeric(b))
			this->setVar(name = b, value = (numB + 1));
	case OP_DEC:
		if (!isNumeric(a))
			this->setVar(name = a, (value = numA) - 1);
		if (!isNumeric(b))
			this->setVar(name = b, value = (numB - 1));
	case OP_SET: this->setVar(name = a, value = numB); break;
	case OP_ADD_SET: this->setVar(name = a, value = numA + numB); break;
	case OP_SUB_SET: this->setVar(name = a, value = numA - numB); break;
	case OP_MUL_SET: this->setVar(name = a, value = numA * numB); break;
	case OP_DIV_SET:
		this->setVar(name = a, value = TS_Util::safeDiv2(numA, numB));
	case OP_POW_SET: this->setVar(name = a, value = (float) pow(numA, numB)); break;
		assign = false;
	if (assign)
		return value;
	return TS_Util::bind(numA, op, numB);
Esempio n. 28
bool tvCanBeCoercedToNumber(TypedValue* tv) {
  switch (tv->m_type) {
    case KindOfUninit:
    case KindOfBoolean:
    case KindOfInt64:
    case KindOfDouble:
      return true;

    case KindOfNull:
      // In PHP 7 mode handling of null types is stricter
      return !RuntimeOption::PHP7_ScalarTypes;

    case KindOfPersistentString:
    case KindOfString: {
      // Simplified version of is_numeric_string
      // which also allows for non-numeric garbage
      // Because PHP
      auto str = tv->m_data.pstr;
      auto p = str->data();
      auto l = tv->m_data.pstr->size();
      while (l && isspace(*p)) { ++p; --l; }
      if (l && (*p == '+' || *p == '-')) { ++p; --l; }
      if (l && *p == '.') { ++p; --l; }
      bool okay = l && isdigit(*p);
      // In PHP7 garbage at the end of a numeric string will trigger a notice
      if (RuntimeOption::PHP7_ScalarTypes && okay && !str->isNumeric()) {
        raise_notice("A non well formed numeric value encountered");
      return okay;

    case KindOfPersistentVec:
    case KindOfVec:
    case KindOfPersistentDict:
    case KindOfDict:
    case KindOfPersistentKeyset:
    case KindOfKeyset:
    case KindOfPersistentArray:
    case KindOfArray:
    case KindOfObject:
    case KindOfResource:
      return false;

    case KindOfRef:
    case KindOfClass:
Esempio n. 29
std::vector<cv::Rect> MxArray::toVector() const
    if (isNumeric()) {
        std::vector<cv::Rect> vr;
        if (numel() == 4)
            toMat(CV_32S).reshape(4, 0).copyTo(vr);
        return vr;
    else {
        return toVector(
            std::const_mem_fun_ref_t<cv::Rect, MxArray>(&MxArray::toRect));
Esempio n. 30
double KeyListOpsMethods::getColValNum() {
	const string &strVal = (*_iter)->getField(_column);
	if (!isNumeric(strVal)) {
		_nonNumErrFlag = true;
		ostringstream s;
		_errMsg = " ***** WARNING: Non numeric value ";
		s << strVal;
		s << " in ";
		s << _column;
		s << ".";
		return NAN;
	return atof(strVal.c_str());