Esempio n. 1
// ErrlManager::ackErrLogInPnor()
bool ErrlManager::ackErrLogInPnor( uint32_t i_errEid )
    TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl, ENTER_MRK"ackErrLogInPnor(%.8x)", i_errEid);
    bool rc = true;

    // look for an un-ACKed log that matches this eid
    uint32_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < iv_maxErrlInPnor; i++)
        if (!isSlotEmpty(i) && !isSlotACKed(i))
            uint32_t l_eid = readEidFromFlattened(i);
            if (l_eid == i_errEid)
                TRACDCOMP( g_trac_errl, INFO_MRK"ackErrLogInPnor: match in slot %d", i);
    } // for

    // if we made it through the loop w/out breaking early
    if (i == iv_maxErrlInPnor)
        //could not find the errorlog to mark for acknowledgment
        TRACDCOMP( g_trac_errl, ERR_MRK"ackErrLogInPnor failed to find the error log" );
        rc = false;

    TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl, EXIT_MRK"ackErrLogInPnor returning %s",
            rc ? "true" : "false");
    return rc;
} // ackErrLogInPnor
Esempio n. 2
void Account::addCharacter(Character *character)
    unsigned slot = (unsigned) character->getCharacterSlot();

    mCharacters[slot] = character;
Esempio n. 3
// ErrlManager::incrementPnorOpenSlot()
bool ErrlManager::incrementPnorOpenSlot()
    uint32_t initialSlot = iv_pnorOpenSlot; // starting slot
        if (iv_pnorOpenSlot == iv_maxErrlInPnor)
        {   // wrap
            iv_pnorOpenSlot = 0;
    } while (   !isSlotEmpty(iv_pnorOpenSlot) &&
                !isSlotACKed(iv_pnorOpenSlot) &&
                (iv_pnorOpenSlot != initialSlot));

    // if we got a different slot, return true; else false - no open slots
    return (iv_pnorOpenSlot != initialSlot);
} // incrementPnorOpenSlot
Esempio n. 4
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// setupPnorInfo
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
void ErrlManager::setupPnorInfo()
    TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl, ENTER_MRK"setupPnorInfo" );

        // Get SPD PNOR section info from PNOR RP
        PNOR::SectionInfo_t info;
        errlHndl_t err = PNOR::getSectionInfo( PNOR::HB_ERRLOGS, info );

        if (err)
            TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl, INFO_MRK"setupPnorInfo getSectionInfo failed");
            assert(err == NULL);

        TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl, INFO_MRK"setupPnorInfo sectionInfo id %d name \"%s\" size %d",
      ,, info.size );

        // Set the globals appropriately
        iv_pnorAddr = reinterpret_cast<char *> (info.vaddr);
        iv_maxErrlInPnor = info.size / PNOR_ERROR_LENGTH;

        TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl, INFO_MRK"setupPnorInfo iv_pnorAddr %p maxErrlInPnor %d",
                iv_pnorAddr, iv_maxErrlInPnor );

        // initial value, in case PNOR is empty - start at this end slot
        // so that our first save will increment and wrap correctly
        iv_pnorOpenSlot = (iv_maxErrlInPnor - 1);

        // walk thru memory, finding error logs and determine the highest ID
        uint32_t l_maxId = 0;
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < iv_maxErrlInPnor; i++)
            if (!isSlotEmpty(i))
                uint32_t l_id = readEidFromFlattened(i);
                // If id is not from HB (0x9XXXXXXX) grab plid instead
                if ( (l_id & FIRST_BYTE_ERRLOG) != ERRLOG_PLID_BASE )
                    l_id = readPlidFromFlattened(i);
                if (l_id > l_maxId )
                    l_maxId = l_id;

                    // set this - start at this 'max' slot so that our first
                    // save will increment correctly
                    iv_pnorOpenSlot = i;
                // also check if it's ACKed or not
                if (!isSlotACKed(i))
                    TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl,
                        INFO_MRK"setupPnorInfo slot %d eid %.8X was not ACKed.",
                        i, l_id);

                    // for IPMI systems, unflatten to send down to the BMC
                    err = new ERRORLOG::ErrlEntry(
                            ERRORLOG::ERRL_SEV_UNRECOVERABLE, 0,0);
                    char *l_errlAddr = iv_pnorAddr + (PNOR_ERROR_LENGTH * i);
                    uint64_t rc = err->unflatten(l_errlAddr, PNOR_ERROR_LENGTH);
                    if (rc != 0)
                        // unflatten didn't work, nothing we can do
                        TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl,
                            ERR_MRK"setupPnorInfo unflatten failed on slot %d eid %.8X.",
                            i, l_id);
                        if (iv_isIpmiEnabled)
                            // convert to SEL/eSEL and send to BMC over IPMI
                            delete err;
                            TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl,
                                INFO_MRK"setupPnorInfo pushing slot %d eid %.8X to iv_errList.",
                                i, l_id);
                            // Pair with IPMI flag to add to the errlList
                            // so that it'll get sent down when IPMI is up
                            ErrlFlagPair_t l_pair(err, IPMI_FLAG);
                    // for FSP system, this shouldn't ever happen.
                } // not ACKed
            } // not empty
        } // for

        // bump the current eid to 1 past the max eid found
        while (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&iv_currLogId, iv_currLogId,
                    (iv_currLogId & ERRLOG_PLID_BASE_MASK) +
                    (l_maxId & ERRLOG_PLID_MASK) + 1));
        TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl, INFO_MRK"setupPnorInfo reseting LogId 0x%X", iv_currLogId);

        // if error(s) came in before PNOR was ready,
        // the error log(s) would be on this list. save now.
        ErrlListItr_t it = iv_errlList.begin();
        while(it != iv_errlList.end())
            // Check if PNOR processing is needed
            if (_isFlagSet(*it, PNOR_FLAG))
                //ACK it if no one is there to receive
                bool l_savedToPnor = saveErrLogToPnor(it->first);

                // check if we actually saved the msg to PNOR
                if (l_savedToPnor)
                    // Mark PNOR processing complete
                    _clearFlag(*it, PNOR_FLAG);
                    // still couldn't save it (PNOR maybe full) so
                    // it's still on the list.
                    break; // get out of this while loop.
    } while (0);

    TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl, EXIT_MRK"setupPnorInfo");
} // setupPnorInfo
Esempio n. 5
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// setupPnorInfo
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
void ErrlManager::setupPnorInfo()
    TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl, ENTER_MRK"setupPnorInfo" );

        // Get SPD PNOR section info from PNOR RP
        PNOR::SectionInfo_t info;
        errlHndl_t err = PNOR::getSectionInfo( PNOR::HB_ERRLOGS, info );

        if (err)
            TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl, INFO_MRK"setupPnorInfo getSectionInfo failed");
            assert(err == NULL);

        TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl, INFO_MRK"setupPnorInfo sectionInfo id %d name \"%s\" size %d",
      ,, info.size );

        // Set the globals appropriately
        iv_pnorAddr = reinterpret_cast<char *> (info.vaddr);
        iv_maxErrlInPnor = info.size / PNOR_ERROR_LENGTH;

        TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl, INFO_MRK"setupPnorInfo iv_pnorAddr %p maxErrlInPnor %d",
                iv_pnorAddr, iv_maxErrlInPnor );

        // initial value, in case PNOR is empty - start at this end slot
        // so that our first save will increment and wrap correctly
        iv_pnorOpenSlot = (iv_maxErrlInPnor - 1);

        // walk thru memory, finding error logs and determine the highest ID
        uint32_t l_maxId = 0;
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < iv_maxErrlInPnor; i++)
            if (!isSlotEmpty(i))
                uint32_t l_id = readEidFromFlattened(i);
                // If id is not from HB (0x9XXXXXXX) grab plid instead
                if ( (l_id & FIRST_BYTE_ERRLOG) != ERRLOG_PLID_BASE )
                    l_id = readPlidFromFlattened(i);
                if (l_id > l_maxId )
                    l_maxId = l_id;

                    // set this - start at this 'max' slot so that our first
                    // save will increment correctly
                    iv_pnorOpenSlot = i;
                // also check if it's ACKed or not. and ACK it.
                // for FSP system, this shouldn't ever happen.
                // for non-FSP systems, this clears out all 'last IPL' logs
                if (!isSlotACKed(i))
                    TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl, INFO_MRK"setupPnorInfo slot %d eid %.8X was not ACKed.",
                        i, l_id);
                } // not ACKed
            } // not empty
        } // for

        // bump the current eid to 1 past the max eid found
        while (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&iv_currLogId, iv_currLogId,
                    (iv_currLogId & ERRLOG_PLID_BASE_MASK) +
                    (l_maxId & ERRLOG_PLID_MASK) + 1));
        TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl, INFO_MRK"setupPnorInfo reseting LogId 0x%X", iv_currLogId);

        // if error(s) came in before PNOR was ready,
        // the error log(s) would be on this list. save now.
        ErrlListItr_t it = iv_errlList.begin();
        while(it != iv_errlList.end())
            // Check if PNOR processing is needed
            if (_isPnorFlagSet(*it))
                //ACK it if no one is there to receive
                bool l_savedToPnor = saveErrLogToPnor(it->first);

                // check if we actually saved the msg to PNOR
                if (l_savedToPnor)
                    // Mark PNOR processing complete
                    // still couldn't save it (PNOR maybe full) so
                    // it's still on the list.
                    break; // get out of this while loop.
    } while (0);

    TRACFCOMP( g_trac_errl, EXIT_MRK"setupPnorInfo");
} // setupPnorInfo
Esempio n. 6
bool WidgetFiles::getFilename() {
	Events &events = *_vm->_events;
	TattooScene &scene = *(TattooScene *)_vm->_scene;
	Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen;
	Talk &talk = *_vm->_talk;
	int index = 0;
	int done = 0;
	bool blinkFlag = false;
	int blinkCountdown = 0;
	int cursorColor = 192;
	byte color, textColor;
	bool insert = true;

	assert(_selector != -1);
	Common::Point pt(_surface.stringWidth("00.") + _surface.widestChar() + 5,
		_surface.fontHeight() + 14 + (_selector - _savegameIndex) * (_surface.fontHeight() + 1));

	Common::String numStr = Common::String::format("%d.", _selector + 1);
	_surface.writeString(numStr, Common::Point(_surface.widestChar(), pt.y), COMMAND_HIGHLIGHTED);

	Common::String filename = _savegames[_selector];

	if (isSlotEmpty(_selector)) {
		index = 0;
		_surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(pt.x, pt.y, _bounds.right - BUTTON_SIZE - 9, pt.y + _surface.fontHeight() - 1), TRANSPARENCY);
		filename = "";
	} else {
		index = filename.size();
		_surface.writeString(filename, pt, COMMAND_HIGHLIGHTED);
		pt.x = _surface.stringWidth("00.") + _surface.stringWidth(filename) + _surface.widestChar() + 5;

	do {

		if (talk._talkToAbort)
			return false;

		char currentChar = (index == (int)filename.size()) ? ' ' : filename[index];
		Common::String charString = Common::String::format("%c", currentChar);
		int width = screen.charWidth(currentChar);

		// Wait for keypress
		while (!events.kbHit()) {


			if (talk._talkToAbort)
				return false;

			if (--blinkCountdown <= 0) {
				blinkCountdown = 3;
				blinkFlag = !blinkFlag;
				if (blinkFlag) {
					textColor = 236;
					color = cursorColor;
				} else {
					color = TRANSPARENCY;

				_surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(pt.x, pt.y, pt.x + width, pt.y + _surface.fontHeight()), color);
				if (currentChar != ' ')
					_surface.writeString(charString, pt, textColor);
			if (_vm->shouldQuit())
				return false;

		Common::KeyState keyState = events.getKey();
		if (keyState.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE && index > 0) {
			pt.x -= _surface.charWidth(filename[index - 1]);

			if (insert) {
			} else {
				filename.setChar(' ', index);

			_surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(pt.x, pt.y, _surface.width() - BUTTON_SIZE - 9, pt.y + _surface.fontHeight() - 1), TRANSPARENCY);
			_surface.writeString(filename.c_str() + index, pt, COMMAND_HIGHLIGHTED);

		} else if ((keyState.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_LEFT && index > 0)
				|| (keyState.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_RIGHT && index < 49 && pt.x < (_bounds.right - BUTTON_SIZE - 20))
				|| (keyState.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_HOME && index > 0)
				|| (keyState.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_END)) {
			_surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(pt.x, pt.y, pt.x + width, pt.y + _surface.fontHeight()), TRANSPARENCY);
			if (currentChar)
				_surface.writeString(charString, pt, COMMAND_HIGHLIGHTED);

			switch (keyState.keycode) {
			case Common::KEYCODE_LEFT:
				pt.x -= _surface.charWidth(filename[index - 1]);

			case Common::KEYCODE_RIGHT:
				pt.x += _surface.charWidth(filename[index]);

			case Common::KEYCODE_HOME:
				pt.x = _surface.stringWidth("00.") + _surface.widestChar() + 5;
				index = 0;

			case Common::KEYCODE_END:
				pt.x = _surface.stringWidth("00.") + _surface.stringWidth(filename) + _surface.widestChar() + 5;
				index = filename.size();

				while (filename[index - 1] == ' ' && index > 0) {
					pt.x -= _surface.charWidth(filename[index - 1]);

		} else if (keyState.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_INSERT) {
			insert = !insert;
			if (insert)
				cursorColor = 192;
				cursorColor = 200;

		} else if (keyState.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_DELETE) {

			_surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(pt.x, pt.y, _bounds.right - BUTTON_SIZE - 9, pt.y + _surface.fontHeight() - 1), TRANSPARENCY);
			_surface.writeString(filename + index, pt, COMMAND_HIGHLIGHTED);

		} else  if (keyState.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_RETURN) {
			done = 1;

		} else if (keyState.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE) {
			_selector = -1;
			done = -1;

		if ((keyState.ascii >= ' ') && (keyState.ascii <= 'z') && (index < 50)) {
			if (pt.x + _surface.charWidth(keyState.ascii) < _surface.w - BUTTON_SIZE - 20) {
				if (insert)
					filename.insertChar(keyState.ascii, index);
					filename.setChar(keyState.ascii, index);

				_surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(pt.x, pt.y, _bounds.width() - BUTTON_SIZE - 9,
					pt.y + _surface.fontHeight() - 1), TRANSPARENCY);
				_surface.writeString(filename.c_str() + index, pt, COMMAND_HIGHLIGHTED);
				pt.x += _surface.charWidth(keyState.ascii);
	} while (!done && !_vm->shouldQuit());


	if (talk._talkToAbort)
		return false;

	if (done == 1)
		_savegames[_selector] = filename;

	return done == 1;