Vec2d predict2(InputArray _sample, OutputArray _probs) const { int ptype = CV_64F; Mat sample = _sample.getMat(); CV_Assert(isTrained()); CV_Assert(!sample.empty()); if(sample.type() != CV_64FC1) { Mat tmp; sample.convertTo(tmp, CV_64FC1); sample = tmp; } sample = sample.reshape(1, 1); Mat probs; if( _probs.needed() ) { if( _probs.fixedType() ) ptype = _probs.type(); _probs.create(1, nclusters, ptype); probs = _probs.getMat(); } return computeProbabilities(sample, !probs.empty() ? &probs : 0, ptype); }
bool MyFusion::train (ssi_size_t n_models, IModel **models, ISamples &samples) { if (samples.getSize () == 0) { ssi_wrn ("empty sample list"); return false; } if (isTrained ()) { ssi_wrn ("already trained"); return false; } ssi_size_t n_streams = samples.getStreamSize (); if (n_streams != n_models) { ssi_err ("#models (%u) differs from #streams (%u)", n_models, n_streams); } for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < n_models; n_model++) { if (!models[n_model]->isTrained ()) { models[n_model]->train (samples, n_model); } } _is_trained = true; return true; }
void FunctionApproximatorGPR::train(const MatrixXd& inputs, const MatrixXd& targets) { if (isTrained()) { cerr << "WARNING: You may not call FunctionApproximatorGPR::train more than once. Doing nothing." << endl; cerr << " (if you really want to retrain, call reTrain function instead)" << endl; return; } assert(inputs.rows() == targets.rows()); assert(inputs.cols()==getExpectedInputDim()); const MetaParametersGPR* meta_parameters_gpr = dynamic_cast<const MetaParametersGPR*>(getMetaParameters()); double max_covar = meta_parameters_gpr->maximum_covariance(); VectorXd sigmas = meta_parameters_gpr->sigmas(); // Compute the gram matrix // In a gram matrix, every input point is itself a center MatrixXd centers = inputs; // Replicate sigmas, because they are the same for each data point/center MatrixXd widths = sigmas.transpose().colwise().replicate(centers.rows()); MatrixXd gram(inputs.rows(),inputs.rows()); bool normalize_activations = false; bool asymmetric_kernels = false; BasisFunction::Gaussian::activations(centers,widths,inputs,gram,normalize_activations,asymmetric_kernels); gram *= max_covar; setModelParameters(new ModelParametersGPR(inputs,targets,gram,max_covar,sigmas)); }
void FunctionApproximatorGPR::predictVariance(const MatrixXd& inputs, MatrixXd& variances) { if (!isTrained()) { cerr << "WARNING: You may not call FunctionApproximatorLWPR::predict if you have not trained yet. Doing nothing." << endl; return; } const ModelParametersGPR* model_parameters_gpr = static_cast<const ModelParametersGPR*>(getModelParameters()); assert(inputs.cols()==getExpectedInputDim()); unsigned int n_samples = inputs.rows(); variances.resize(n_samples,1); MatrixXd ks; model_parameters_gpr->kernelActivations(inputs, ks); double maximum_covariance = model_parameters_gpr->maximum_covariance(); MatrixXd gram_inv = model_parameters_gpr->gram_inv(); for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<n_samples; ii++) variances(ii) = maximum_covariance - (ks.row(ii)*gram_inv).dot(ks.row(ii).transpose()); }
void MZTrafoModel::getCoefficients( double& intercept, double& slope, double& power ) { if (!isTrained()) throw Exception::Precondition(__FILE__, __LINE__, OPENMS_PRETTY_FUNCTION, "Model is not trained yet."); intercept = coeff_[0]; slope = coeff_[1]; power = coeff_[2]; }
void FunctionApproximatorIRFRLS::predict(const MatrixXd& input, MatrixXd& output) { if (!isTrained()) { cerr << "WARNING: You may not call FunctionApproximatorIRFRLS::predict if you have not trained yet. Doing nothing." << endl; return; } const ModelParametersIRFRLS* model_parameters_irfrls = static_cast<const ModelParametersIRFRLS*>(getModelParameters()); MatrixXd proj_inputs; proj(input, model_parameters_irfrls->cosines_periodes_, model_parameters_irfrls->cosines_phase_, proj_inputs); output = proj_inputs * model_parameters_irfrls->linear_models_; }
void FunctionApproximatorIRFRLS::train(const MatrixXd& inputs, const MatrixXd& targets) { if (isTrained()) { cerr << "WARNING: You may not call FunctionApproximatorIRFRLS::train more than once. Doing nothing." << endl; cerr << " (if you really want to retrain, call reTrain function instead)" << endl; return; } assert(inputs.rows() == targets.rows()); // Must have same number of examples assert(inputs.cols()==getExpectedInputDim()); const MetaParametersIRFRLS* meta_parameters_irfrls = static_cast<const MetaParametersIRFRLS*>(getMetaParameters()); int nb_cos = meta_parameters_irfrls->number_of_basis_functions_; // Init random generator. boost::mt19937 rng(getpid() + time(0)); // Draw periodes boost::normal_distribution<> twoGamma(0, sqrt(2 * meta_parameters_irfrls->gamma_)); boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::normal_distribution<> > genPeriods(rng, twoGamma); MatrixXd cosines_periodes(nb_cos, inputs.cols()); for (int r = 0; r < nb_cos; r++) for (int c = 0; c < inputs.cols(); c++) cosines_periodes(r, c) = genPeriods(); // Draw phase boost::uniform_real<> twoPi(0, 2 * boost::math::constants::pi<double>()); boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::uniform_real<> > genPhases(rng, twoPi); VectorXd cosines_phase(nb_cos); for (int r = 0; r < nb_cos; r++) cosines_phase(r) = genPhases(); MatrixXd proj_inputs; proj(inputs, cosines_periodes, cosines_phase, proj_inputs); // Compute linear model analatically double lambda = meta_parameters_irfrls->lambda_; MatrixXd toInverse = lambda * MatrixXd::Identity(nb_cos, nb_cos) + proj_inputs.transpose() * proj_inputs; VectorXd linear_model = toInverse.inverse() * (proj_inputs.transpose() * targets); setModelParameters(new ModelParametersIRFRLS(linear_model, cosines_periodes, cosines_phase)); }
bool MyModel::train (ISamples &samples, ssi_size_t stream_index) { if (samples.getSize () == 0) { ssi_wrn ("empty sample list"); return false; } if (isTrained ()) { ssi_wrn ("already trained"); return false; } _n_classes = samples.getClassSize (); _n_features = samples.getStream (stream_index).dim; _centers = new ssi_real_t *[_n_classes]; for (ssi_size_t i = 0; i < _n_classes; i++) { _centers[i] = new ssi_real_t[_n_features]; for (ssi_size_t j = 0; j < _n_features; j++) { _centers[i][j] = 0; } } ssi_sample_t *sample; samples.reset (); ssi_real_t *ptr = 0; while (sample = ()) { ssi_size_t id = sample->class_id; ptr = ssi_pcast (ssi_real_t, sample->streams[stream_index]->ptr); for (ssi_size_t j = 0; j < _n_features; j++) { _centers[id][j] += ptr[j]; } } for (ssi_size_t i = 0; i < _n_classes; i++) { ssi_size_t num = samples.getSize (i); for (ssi_size_t j = 0; j < _n_features; j++) { _centers[i][j] /= num; } } return true; }
void LayoutTest::testTrainer() { //cv::Mat testM(10, 10, CV_8UC1); // //for (int rIdx = 0; rIdx < testM.rows; rIdx++) { // unsigned char* ptr = testM.ptr<unsigned char>(rIdx); // for (int cIdx = 0; cIdx < testM.cols; cIdx++) { // ptr[cIdx] = cIdx*rIdx+cIdx; // } //} // //QJsonObject jo = Image::matToJson(testM); //cv::Mat t2 = Image::jsonToMat(jo); //cv::Scalar s = cv::sum(cv::abs(testM - t2)); //if (s[0] != 0) // qWarning() << "inconsistent json2Mat I/O"; //else // qInfo() << "json to mat is just fine..."; Timer dt; FeatureCollectionManager fcm = FeatureCollectionManager::read(mConfig.featureCachePath()); // train classifier SuperPixelTrainer spt(fcm); if (!spt.compute()) qCritical() << "could not train data..."; spt.write(mConfig.classifierPath()); // read back the model QSharedPointer<SuperPixelModel> model = SuperPixelModel::read(mConfig.classifierPath()); auto f = model->model(); if (f->isTrained()) qDebug() << "the classifier I loaded is trained..."; //qDebug() << fcm.numFeatures() << "SuperPixels trained in" << dt; }
bool SimpleFusion::train (ssi_size_t n_models, IModel **models, ISamples &samples) { if (samples.getSize () == 0) { ssi_wrn ("empty sample list"); return false; } if (isTrained ()) { ssi_wrn ("already trained"); return false; } ssi_size_t n_streams = samples.getStreamSize (); if (n_streams != 1 && n_streams != n_models) { ssi_err ("#models (%u) differs from #streams (%u)", n_models, n_streams); } if (samples.hasMissingData ()) { ISMissingData samples_h (&samples); for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < n_models; n_model++) { if (!models[n_model]->isTrained ()) { samples_h.setStream(n_streams == 1 ? 0 : n_model); models[n_model]->train (samples_h, n_model); } } } else { for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < n_models; n_model++) { if (!models[n_model]->isTrained ()) { models[n_model]->train(samples, n_streams == 1 ? 0 : n_model); } } } _is_trained = true; return true; }
bool MajorityVoting::train (ssi_size_t n_models, IModel **models, ISamples &samples) { if (samples.getSize () == 0) { ssi_wrn ("empty sample list"); return false; } if (samples.getStreamSize () != n_models) { ssi_wrn ("#models (%u) differs from #streams (%u)", n_models, samples.getStreamSize ()); return false; } if (isTrained ()) { ssi_wrn ("already trained"); return false; } _n_streams = samples.getStreamSize (); _n_classes = samples.getClassSize (); _n_models = n_models; if (samples.hasMissingData ()) { ISMissingData samples_h (&samples); for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < n_models; n_model++) { if (!models[n_model]->isTrained ()) { samples_h.setStream (n_model); models[n_model]->train (samples_h, n_model); } } } else{ for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < n_models; n_model++) { if (!models[n_model]->isTrained ()) { models[n_model]->train (samples, n_model); } } } return true; }
bool SimpleKNN::train (ISamples &samples, ssi_size_t stream_index) { if (samples.getSize () == 0) { ssi_wrn ("empty sample list"); return false; } if (samples.getSize () < _options.k) { ssi_wrn ("sample list has less than '%u' entries", _options.k); return false; } if (isTrained ()) { ssi_wrn ("already trained"); return false; } _n_classes = samples.getClassSize (); _n_samples = samples.getSize (); _n_features = samples.getStream (stream_index).dim; _data = new ssi_real_t[_n_features*_n_samples]; _classes = new ssi_size_t[_n_samples]; ssi_sample_t *sample; samples.reset (); ssi_real_t *data_ptr = _data; ssi_size_t *class_ptr = _classes; ssi_stream_t *stream_ptr = 0; ssi_size_t bytes_to_copy = _n_features * sizeof (ssi_real_t); while (sample = ()) { memcpy (data_ptr, sample->streams[stream_index]->ptr, bytes_to_copy); *class_ptr++ = sample->class_id; data_ptr += _n_features; } return true; }
void FunctionApproximatorGPR::predict(const MatrixXd& inputs, MatrixXd& outputs) { if (!isTrained()) { cerr << "WARNING: You may not call FunctionApproximatorLWPR::predict if you have not trained yet. Doing nothing." << endl; return; } const ModelParametersGPR* model_parameters_gpr = static_cast<const ModelParametersGPR*>(getModelParameters()); assert(inputs.cols()==getExpectedInputDim()); unsigned int n_samples = inputs.rows(); outputs.resize(n_samples,1); MatrixXd ks; model_parameters_gpr->kernelActivations(inputs, ks); VectorXd weights = model_parameters_gpr->weights(); for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<n_samples; ii++) outputs(ii) = ks.row(ii).dot(weights); }
bool SVM::train (ISamples &samples, ssi_size_t stream_index) { if (_options.seed > 0) { srand(_options.seed); } else { srand(ssi_time_ms()); } ISamples *s_balance = 0; switch (_options.balance) { case BALANCE::OFF: { s_balance = &samples; break; } case BALANCE::OVER: { s_balance = new ISOverSample(&samples); ssi_pcast(ISOverSample, s_balance)->setOver(ISOverSample::RANDOM); ssi_msg(SSI_LOG_LEVEL_BASIC, "balance training set '%u' -> '%u'", samples.getSize(), s_balance->getSize()); break; } case BALANCE::UNDER: { s_balance = new ISUnderSample(&samples); ssi_pcast(ISUnderSample, s_balance)->setUnder(ISUnderSample::RANDOM); ssi_msg(SSI_LOG_LEVEL_BASIC, "balance training set '%u' -> '%u'", samples.getSize(), s_balance->getSize()); break; } } _n_samples = s_balance->getSize(); if (_n_samples == 0) { ssi_wrn ("empty sample list"); return false; } if (isTrained ()) { ssi_wrn ("already trained"); return false; } _n_classes = s_balance->getClassSize(); _n_features = s_balance->getStream(stream_index).dim; ssi_size_t elements = _n_samples * (_n_features + 1); init_class_names(*s_balance); _problem = new svm_problem; _problem->l = ssi_cast (int, _n_samples); _problem->y = new double[_problem->l]; _problem->x = new svm_node *[_problem->l]; s_balance->reset(); ssi_sample_t *sample; int n_sample = 0; float *ptr = 0; svm_node *node = 0; while (sample = s_balance->next()) { ptr = ssi_pcast (float, sample->streams[stream_index]->ptr); _problem->x[n_sample] = new svm_node[_n_features + 1]; _problem->y[n_sample] = ssi_cast (float, sample->class_id); node = _problem->x[n_sample]; for (ssi_size_t nfeat = 0; nfeat < _n_features; nfeat++) { node->index = nfeat+1; node->value = *ptr; ptr++; ++node; } node->index = -1; ++n_sample; } if(_options.params.gamma == 0 && _n_features > 0) { _options.params.gamma = 1.0 / _n_features; } if (_options.params.kernel_type == PRECOMPUTED) { int max_index = ssi_cast (int, _n_features); for (int i = 0; i < _problem->l; i++) { if (_problem->x[i][0].index != 0) { ssi_err ("wrong input format: first column must be 0:sample_serial_number"); } if ((int)_problem->x[i][0].value <= 0 || (int)_problem->x[i][0].value > max_index) { ssi_err ("wrong input format: sample_serial_number out of range"); } } }
void FunctionApproximator::train(const MatrixXd& inputs, const MatrixXd& targets, string save_directory, bool overwrite) { train(inputs,targets); if (save_directory.empty()) return; if (!isTrained()) return; if (getExpectedInputDim()<3) { VectorXd min = inputs.colwise().minCoeff(); VectorXd max = inputs.colwise().maxCoeff(); int n_samples_per_dim = 100; if (getExpectedInputDim()==2) n_samples_per_dim = 40; VectorXi n_samples_per_dim_vec = VectorXi::Constant(getExpectedInputDim(),n_samples_per_dim); model_parameters_->saveGridData(min, max, n_samples_per_dim_vec, save_directory, overwrite); } MatrixXd outputs; predict(inputs,outputs); saveMatrix(save_directory,"inputs.txt",inputs,overwrite); saveMatrix(save_directory,"targets.txt",targets,overwrite); saveMatrix(save_directory,"outputs.txt",outputs,overwrite); string filename = save_directory+"/"; ofstream outfile;; if (!outfile.is_open()) { cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":"; cerr << "Could not open file " << filename << " for writing." << endl; } else { // Python code generation in C++. Rock 'n' roll! ;-) if (inputs.cols()==2) { outfile << "from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D \n"; } outfile << "import numpy \n"; outfile << "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt \n"; outfile << "directory = '" << save_directory << "' \n"; outfile << "inputs = numpy.loadtxt(directory+'/inputs.txt') \n"; outfile << "targets = numpy.loadtxt(directory+'/targets.txt') \n"; outfile << "outputs = numpy.loadtxt(directory+'/outputs.txt') \n"; outfile << "fig = plt.figure() \n"; if (inputs.cols()==2) { outfile << "ax = Axes3D(fig) \n"; outfile << "ax.plot(inputs[:,0],inputs[:,1],targets, '.', label='targets',color='black') \n"; outfile << "ax.plot(inputs[:,0],inputs[:,1],outputs, '.', label='predictions',color='red')\n"; outfile << "ax.set_xlabel('input_1'); ax.set_ylabel('input_2'); ax.set_zlabel('output') \n"; outfile << "ax.legend(loc='lower right') \n"; } else { outfile << "plt.plot(inputs,targets, '.', label='targets',color='black') \n"; outfile << "plt.plot(inputs,outputs, '.', label='predictions',color='red') \n"; outfile << "plt.xlabel('input'); plt.ylabel('output'); \n"; outfile << "plt.legend(loc='lower right') \n"; } outfile << " \n"; outfile << endl; outfile.close(); //cout << " ______________________________________________________________" << endl; //cout << " | Plot saved data with:" << " 'python " << filename << "'." << endl; //cout << " |______________________________________________________________" << endl; } }
bool WeightedMajorityVoting::forward (ssi_size_t n_models, IModel **models, ssi_size_t n_streams, ssi_stream_t *streams[], ssi_size_t n_probs, ssi_real_t *probs) { if (!isTrained ()) { ssi_wrn ("not trained"); return false; } if (n_streams != _n_streams) { ssi_wrn ("#streams (%u) differs from #streams (%u)", n_streams, _n_streams); return false; } if (_n_streams != n_models) { ssi_wrn ("#models (%u) differs from #streams (%u)", n_models, _n_streams); return false; } if (_n_classes != n_probs) { ssi_wrn ("#probs (%u) differs from #classes (%u)", n_probs ,_n_classes); return false; } bool found_data = false; IModel *model = 0; ssi_stream_t *stream = 0; //calculate actual models ssi_size_t miss_counter = 0; ssi_size_t *available = new ssi_size_t[n_models]; for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < n_models; n_model++) { stream = streams[n_model]; if (stream->num > 0) { found_data = true; available[n_model] = 1; } else{ miss_counter++; available[n_model] = 0; } } ssi_size_t counter = 0; ssi_size_t *models_actual = new ssi_size_t[(n_models - miss_counter)]; for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < n_models; n_model++) { if(available[n_model] == 1){ models_actual[counter] = n_model; counter++; } } if(found_data){ ssi_size_t *votes = new ssi_size_t[(n_models - miss_counter)]; for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < (n_models - miss_counter); n_model++) { model = models[models_actual[n_model]]; stream = streams[models_actual[n_model]]; model->forward (*stream, n_probs, probs); ssi_size_t max_ind = 0; ssi_real_t max_val = probs[0]; for (ssi_size_t i = 1; i < n_probs; i++) { if (probs[i] > max_val) { max_val = probs[i]; max_ind = i; } } votes[n_model] = max_ind; if (ssi_log_level >= SSI_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { for (ssi_size_t num_probs = 0; num_probs < n_probs; num_probs++){ ssi_print("%f ", probs[num_probs]); } ssi_print("- vote: %d\n", max_ind); } } //clear probs for (ssi_size_t num_probs = 0; num_probs < n_probs; num_probs++){ probs[num_probs] = 0; } //fill probs with votes ssi_char_t weighting_method = 'a'; //a = average //c = class for(ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < (n_models - miss_counter); n_model++){ switch (weighting_method) { case ('a'): probs[votes[n_model]] = (probs[votes[n_model]])+(_weights[models_actual[n_model]][_n_classes]); break; case ('c'): probs[votes[n_model]] = (probs[votes[n_model]])+(_weights[models_actual[n_model]][votes[n_model]]); break; } } if (ssi_log_level >= SSI_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { ssi_print("\n"); } if(votes){ delete[] votes; votes = 0; } } if(available){ delete [] available; available = 0; } if(models_actual){ delete [] models_actual; models_actual = 0; } /// is there a draw ? /// ssi_size_t max_ind = 0; ssi_size_t max_ind_draw = 0; ssi_real_t max_val = probs[0]; bool draw = false; for (ssi_size_t i = 1; i < n_probs; i++) { if (probs[i] >= max_val) { if(probs[i] == max_val){ draw = true; max_ind_draw = i; } max_val = probs[i]; max_ind = i; } } if(draw && (max_ind == max_ind_draw)){ return false; }else{ return found_data; } }
bool StatModel::empty() const { return !isTrained(); }
bool WeightedMajorityVoting::train (ssi_size_t n_models, IModel **models, ISamples &samples) { if (samples.getSize () == 0) { ssi_wrn ("empty sample list"); return false; } if (samples.getStreamSize () != n_models) { ssi_wrn ("#models (%u) differs from #streams (%u)", n_models, samples.getStreamSize ()); return false; } if (isTrained ()) { ssi_wrn ("already trained"); return false; } _n_streams = samples.getStreamSize (); _n_classes = samples.getClassSize (); _n_models = n_models; _weights = new ssi_real_t*[n_models]; for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < n_models; n_model++) { _weights[n_model] = new ssi_real_t[_n_classes+1]; } if (samples.hasMissingData ()) { ISMissingData samples_h (&samples); Evaluation eval; for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < n_models; n_model++) { if (!models[n_model]->isTrained ()) { samples_h.setStream (n_model); models[n_model]->train (samples_h, n_model); } eval.eval (*models[n_model], samples_h, n_model); for (ssi_size_t n_class = 0; n_class < _n_classes; n_class++) { _weights[n_model][n_class] = eval.get_class_prob (n_class); } _weights[n_model][_n_classes] = eval.get_classwise_prob (); } } else{ Evaluation eval; for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < n_models; n_model++) { if (!models[n_model]->isTrained ()) { models[n_model]->train (samples, n_model); } eval.eval (*models[n_model], samples, n_model); for (ssi_size_t n_class = 0; n_class < _n_classes; n_class++) { _weights[n_model][n_class] = eval.get_class_prob (n_class); } _weights[n_model][_n_classes] = eval.get_classwise_prob (); } } if (ssi_log_level >= SSI_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { ssi_print("\nClassifier Weights: \n"); for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < n_models; n_model++) { for (ssi_size_t n_class = 0; n_class < _n_classes; n_class++) { ssi_print ("%f ", _weights[n_model][n_class]); } ssi_print ("%f\n", _weights[n_model][_n_classes]); } } return true; }
bool FeatureFusion::train (ssi_size_t n_models, IModel **models, ISamples &samples) { if (samples.getSize () == 0) { ssi_wrn ("empty sample list"); return false; } if (isTrained ()) { ssi_wrn ("already trained"); return false; } _n_streams = samples.getStreamSize (); _n_classes = samples.getClassSize (); _n_models = n_models; //initialize weights ssi_real_t **weights = new ssi_real_t*[n_models]; for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < n_models; n_model++) { weights[n_model] = new ssi_real_t[_n_classes+1]; } if (samples.hasMissingData ()) { _handle_md = true; ISMissingData samples_h (&samples); Evaluation eval; if (ssi_log_level >= SSI_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { ssi_print("\nMissing data detected.\n"); } //models[0] is featfuse_model, followed by singlechannel_models ISMergeDim ffusionSamples (&samples); ISMissingData ffusionSamples_h (&ffusionSamples); ffusionSamples_h.setStream(0); if (!models[0]->isTrained ()) { models[0]->train (ffusionSamples_h, 0); } if (ssi_log_level >= SSI_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { eval.eval (*models[0], ffusionSamples_h, 0); eval.print(); } //dummy weights for fused model for (ssi_size_t n_class = 0; n_class < _n_classes; n_class++) { weights[0][n_class] = 0.0f; } weights[0][_n_classes] = 0.0f; for (ssi_size_t n_model = 1; n_model < n_models; n_model++) { if (!models[n_model]->isTrained ()) { samples_h.setStream (n_model - 1); models[n_model]->train (samples_h, n_model - 1); } eval.eval (*models[n_model], samples_h, n_model - 1); if (ssi_log_level >= SSI_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { eval.print(); } for (ssi_size_t n_class = 0; n_class < _n_classes; n_class++) { weights[n_model][n_class] = eval.get_class_prob (n_class); } weights[n_model][_n_classes] = eval.get_classwise_prob (); } //calculate fillers _filler = new ssi_size_t[_n_streams]; for (ssi_size_t n_fill = 0; n_fill < _n_streams; n_fill++) { _filler[n_fill] = 1; ssi_real_t filler_weight = weights[1][_n_classes]; for (ssi_size_t n_model = 2; n_model < n_models; n_model++) { if (filler_weight < weights[n_model][_n_classes]) { _filler[n_fill] = n_model; filler_weight = weights[n_model][_n_classes]; } } weights[_filler[n_fill]][_n_classes] = 0.0f; } if (ssi_log_level >= SSI_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { ssi_print("\nfiller:\n"); for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < _n_streams; n_model++) { ssi_print("%d ", _filler[n_model]); }ssi_print("\n"); } } else{ _handle_md = false; if (ssi_log_level >= SSI_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { ssi_print("\nNo missing data detected.\n"); } ISMergeDim ffusionSamples (&samples); if (!models[0]->isTrained ()) { models[0]->train (ffusionSamples, 0); } //dummy _filler = new ssi_size_t[_n_streams]; for (ssi_size_t n_fill = 0; n_fill < _n_streams; n_fill++) { _filler[n_fill] = 0; } } if (weights) { for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < _n_models; n_model++) { delete[] weights[n_model]; } delete[] weights; weights = 0; } return true; }
bool FeatureFusion::forward (ssi_size_t n_models, IModel **models, ssi_size_t n_streams, ssi_stream_t *streams[], ssi_size_t n_probs, ssi_real_t *probs) { if (!isTrained ()) { ssi_wrn ("not trained"); return false; } if (n_streams != _n_streams) { ssi_wrn ("#streams (%u) differs from #streams (%u)", n_streams, _n_streams); return false; } if (_n_models != n_models) { ssi_wrn ("#models (%u) differs from #models (%u)", n_models, _n_models); return false; } if (_n_classes != n_probs) { ssi_wrn ("#probs (%u) differs from #classes (%u)", n_probs ,_n_classes); return false; } //No Missing Data: if(!_handle_md){ IModel *model = 0; ssi_stream_t *stream = 0; model = models[0]; ssi_stream_t *fusion_stream = new ssi_stream_t; ssi_size_t fusion_stream_dim = 0; for(ssi_size_t nstrm = 0; nstrm < _n_streams; nstrm++){ fusion_stream_dim += streams[nstrm]->dim; } //create aligned streams ssi_stream_init (*fusion_stream, 1, fusion_stream_dim, streams[0]->byte, streams[0]->type, streams[0]->sr); ssi_byte_t *ptr = fusion_stream->ptr; for(ssi_size_t i = 0; i < _n_streams; i++){ memcpy(ptr, streams[i]->ptr, ( streams[i]->byte * streams[i]->dim ) ); ptr += ( streams[i]->byte * streams[i]->dim ); } //clear probs for (ssi_size_t num_probs = 0; num_probs < n_probs; num_probs++){ probs[num_probs] = 0.0f; } model->forward (*fusion_stream, n_probs, probs); ssi_stream_destroy(*fusion_stream); delete fusion_stream; fusion_stream = 0; ///// is there a draw ? /// ssi_size_t max_ind = 0; ssi_size_t max_ind_draw = 0; ssi_real_t max_val = probs[0]; bool draw = false; for (ssi_size_t i = 1; i < n_probs; i++) { if (probs[i] >= max_val) { if(probs[i] == max_val){ draw = true; max_ind_draw = i; } max_val = probs[i]; max_ind = i; } } if(draw && (max_ind == max_ind_draw)){ return false; }else{ return true; } }//No Missing Data //Missing Data: bool found_data = false; IModel *model = 0; ssi_stream_t *stream = 0; //calculate actual models ssi_size_t miss_counter = 0; ssi_size_t *available = new ssi_size_t[n_models]; available[0] = 1; for (ssi_size_t n_model = 1; n_model < _n_models; n_model++) { stream = streams[n_model - 1]; if (stream->num > 0) { found_data = true; available[n_model] = 1; } else{ miss_counter++; available[n_model] = 0; if(available[0] == 1){ available[0] = 0; miss_counter++; } } } ssi_size_t counter = 0; ssi_size_t *models_actual = new ssi_size_t[(n_models - miss_counter)]; for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < n_models; n_model++) { if(available[n_model] == 1){ models_actual[counter] = n_model; counter++; } } if (ssi_log_level >= SSI_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { ssi_print("\n\n-----------------------------\navailable models:\n"); for(ssi_size_t i = 0; i < (n_models - miss_counter); i++){ ssi_print("%d ", models_actual[i]); }ssi_print("\n"); } if(found_data){ if(available[0] == 1){ //feature fusion possible if (ssi_log_level >= SSI_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { ssi_print("\nfeature fusion possible\n"); } model = models[0]; stream = 0; ssi_stream_t *fusion_stream = new ssi_stream_t; ssi_size_t fusion_stream_dim = 0; for(ssi_size_t nstrm = 0; nstrm < _n_streams; nstrm++){ fusion_stream_dim += streams[nstrm]->dim; } //create aligned streams ssi_stream_init (*fusion_stream, 1, fusion_stream_dim, streams[0]->byte, streams[0]->type, streams[0]->sr); ssi_byte_t *ptr = fusion_stream->ptr; for(ssi_size_t i = 0; i < _n_streams; i++){ memcpy(ptr, streams[i]->ptr, ( streams[i]->byte * streams[i]->dim ) ); ptr += ( streams[i]->byte * streams[i]->dim ); } //clear probs for (ssi_size_t num_probs = 0; num_probs < n_probs; num_probs++){ probs[num_probs] = 0.0f; } model->forward (*fusion_stream, n_probs, probs); ssi_stream_destroy(*fusion_stream); delete fusion_stream; fusion_stream = 0; if(available){ delete [] available; available = 0; } if(models_actual){ delete [] models_actual; models_actual = 0; } return true; }else{ //feature fusion not possible, choose filler ... if (ssi_log_level >= SSI_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { ssi_print("\nfeature fusion not possible: filler needed\n"); ssi_print("\nfiller:\n"); for (ssi_size_t n_model = 0; n_model < _n_streams; n_model++) { ssi_print("%d ", _filler[n_model]); }ssi_print("\n"); } bool model_available = false; ssi_size_t model_id = 0; for(ssi_size_t h = 0; h < _n_streams; h++){ model_id = _filler[h]; for(ssi_size_t i = 0; i < (n_models - miss_counter); i++){ if(model_id == models_actual[i]){ model_available = true; break; } } if(model_available == true){ model = models[model_id]; if (ssi_log_level >= SSI_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { ssi_print("\nSelected Model: %d", model_id); } break; } } model->forward(*streams[model_id - 1], n_probs, probs); } } if(available){ delete [] available; available = 0; } if(models_actual){ delete [] models_actual; models_actual = 0; } /// is there a draw ? /// ssi_size_t max_ind = 0; ssi_size_t max_ind_draw = 0; ssi_real_t max_val = probs[0]; bool draw = false; for (ssi_size_t i = 1; i < n_probs; i++) { if (probs[i] >= max_val) { if(probs[i] == max_val){ draw = true; max_ind_draw = i; } max_val = probs[i]; max_ind = i; } } if(draw && (max_ind == max_ind_draw)){ return false; }else{ return found_data; } }