Esempio n. 1
    bool MapBuilder::shouldSkipMap(uint32 mapID)
        if (m_skipContinents)
            switch (mapID)
                case 0:		// Eastern Kingdoms
                case 1:		// Kalimdor
                case 530:	// Outland
                case 571:	// Northrend
				case 870:	// Pandaria
                    return true;

        if (m_skipJunkMaps)
            switch (mapID)
                case 13:    // test.wdt
                case 25:    // ScottTest.wdt
                case 29:    // Test.wdt
                case 42:    // Colin.wdt
                case 169:   // EmeraldDream.wdt (unused, and very large)
                case 451:   // development.wdt
                case 573:   // ExteriorTest.wdt
                case 597:   // CraigTest.wdt
                case 605:   // development_nonweighted.wdt
                case 606:   // QA_DVD.wdt
                case 627:   // unused.wdt
				case 930:	// (UNUSED) Scenario: Alcaz Island
				case 995:	// The Depths [UNUSED]
				case 1014:  // (UNUSED) Peak of Serenity Scenario
				case 1028:  // (UNUSED) Scenario: Mogu Ruins
				case 1029:  // (UNUSED) Scenario: Mogu Crypt
				case 1049:  // (UNUSED) Scenario: Black Ox Temple
                    return true;
                    if (isTransportMap(mapID))
                        return true;

        if (m_skipBattlegrounds)
            switch (mapID)
                case 30:    // AV
                case 37:    // AC
                case 489:   // WSG
                case 529:   // AB
                case 566:   // EotS
                case 607:   // SotA
                case 628:   // IoC
                case 726:   // TP
                case 727:   // SM
                case 728:   // BfG
                case 761:   // BfG2
                case 968:   // EotS2
				case 998:	// VOP
				case 1010:  // CTF3
				case 1101:  // DOTA
				case 1105:  // GR
                    return true;

        return false;
Esempio n. 2
    bool MapBuilder::shouldSkipMap(uint32 mapID)
        if (m_skipContinents)
            switch (mapID)
                case 0:
                case 1:
                case 530:
                case 571:
                case 870:
                case 1116:
                    return true;

        if (m_skipJunkMaps)
            switch (mapID)
                case 13:    // test.wdt
                case 25:    // ScottTest.wdt
                case 29:    // Test.wdt
                case 42:    // Colin.wdt
                case 169:   // EmeraldDream.wdt (unused, and very large)
                case 451:   // development.wdt
                case 573:   // ExteriorTest.wdt
                case 597:   // CraigTest.wdt
                case 605:   // development_nonweighted.wdt
                case 606:   // QA_DVD.wdt
                case 651:   // ElevatorSpawnTest.wdt
                case 1060:  // LevelDesignLand-DevOnly.wdt
                case 1181:  // PattyMackTestGarrisonBldgMap.wdt
                case 1264:  // Propland-DevOnly.wdt
                case 1270:  // devland3.wdt
                case 1427:  // PattyMackTestGarrisonBldgMap2.wdt
                    return true;
                    if (isTransportMap(mapID))
                        return true;

        if (m_skipBattlegrounds)
            switch (mapID)
                case 30:    // Alterac Valley
                case 37:    // ?
                case 489:   // Warsong Gulch
                case 529:   // Arathi Basin
                case 566:   // Eye of the Storm
                case 607:   // Strand of the Ancients
                case 628:   // Isle of Conquest
                case 726:   // Twin Peaks
                case 727:   // Silvershard Mines
                case 761:   // The Battle for Gilneas
                case 968:   // Rated Eye of the Storm
                case 998:   // Temple of Kotmogu
                case 1010:  // CTF3
                case 1105:  // Deepwind Gorge
                case 1280:  // Southshore vs. Tarren Mill
                    return true;

        return false;