Esempio n. 1
smt_astt array_sym_smt_ast::eq(smt_convt *ctx, smt_astt other) const
  // We have two tuple_sym_smt_asts and need to create a boolean ast representing
  // their equality: iterate over all their members, compute an equality for
  // each of them, and then combine that into a final ast.
  tuple_sym_smt_astt ta = this;
  tuple_sym_smt_astt tb = to_tuple_sym_ast(other);
  const array_type2t &arrtype = to_array_type(sort->get_tuple_type());
  const struct_union_data &data = ctx->get_type_def(arrtype.subtype);

  smt_convt::ast_vec eqs;

  // Iterate through each field and encode an equality.
  unsigned int i = 0;
  for(auto const &it : data.members)
    type2tc tmparrtype(
      new array_type2t(it, arrtype.array_size, arrtype.size_is_infinite));
    smt_astt side1 = ta->project(ctx, i);
    smt_astt side2 = tb->project(ctx, i);
    eqs.push_back(side1->eq(ctx, side2));

  // Create an ast representing the fact that all the members are equal.
  return ctx->make_n_ary(ctx, &smt_convt::mk_and, eqs);
Esempio n. 2
char fortran_basic_type_is_implicit_none(type_t* t)
    if (t == NULL)
        return 0;
    else if (is_implicit_none_type(t))
        return 1;
    else if (is_array_type(t))
        return fortran_basic_type_is_implicit_none(array_type_get_element_type(t));
    else if (is_function_type(t))
        return fortran_basic_type_is_implicit_none(function_type_get_return_type(t));
    else if (is_lvalue_reference_type(t))
        return fortran_basic_type_is_implicit_none(reference_type_get_referenced_type(t));
    else if (is_pointer_type(t))
        return fortran_basic_type_is_implicit_none(pointer_type_get_pointee_type(t));
        return 0;
Esempio n. 3
char fortran_is_array_type(type_t* t)
    t = no_ref(t);

    return is_array_type(t)
        && !fortran_is_character_type(t);
Esempio n. 4
static void select_move(Node node, Symbol type_name)		/*;select_move*/

	if (is_simple_type(type_name)) {
		if ((N_KIND(node) != as_null
		  && is_simple_name(node) && !is_renaming(N_UNQ(node)))
		  || (N_KIND(node) == as_selector || N_KIND(node) == as_index
		  || N_KIND(node) == as_all)) {
			gen_k(I_INDIRECT_MOVE, kind_of(type_name));
		else {
			gen_k(I_MOVE, kind_of(type_name));
	else {
		if (is_array_type(type_name)) {
		else {
			gen_s(I_RECORD_MOVE, type_name);
Esempio n. 5
char fortran_is_character_type(type_t* t)
    t = no_ref(t);

    return (is_array_type(t)
            && is_character_type(array_type_get_element_type(t)));
Esempio n. 6
char fortran_is_scalar_type(type_t* t)
    return (!is_pointer_type(t)
            && !is_pointer_to_member_type(t)
            && !is_array_type(t)
            && !is_lvalue_reference_type(t)
            && !is_rvalue_reference_type(t)
            && !is_function_type(t)
            && !is_vector_type(t));
Esempio n. 7
static type_t* adjust_type_for_parameter_type(type_t* orig)
    type_t* result = get_unqualified_type(orig);

    if (is_function_type(result))
        result = get_pointer_type(result);
    else if (is_array_type(result))
        result = get_pointer_type(array_type_get_element_type(result));

    return result;
Esempio n. 8
XI_CAST_FUNC(ast_pointer, tt, fe) {
    ast_type*       t_elt = tt->element_type;

    // Cast from another pointer type
    // ------------------------------
    if(is_pointer_type(fe->type)) {
        ast_type*   f_elt = fe->type->as<ast_pointer_type>()->element_type;
        if(_builder.sametype(t_elt, f_elt)) return fe;  // same type
        else                                return bitcast_to(tt, fe);

    // Cast from an integer type
    // -------------------------
    if(is_integer_type(fe->type)) {
        auto            ft = fe->type->as<ast_integer_type>();
        uint32_t        fw = ft->bitwidth;
        bool            fu = ft->is_unsigned;
        if(!fu) {
            return this->visit(tt,
                    this->visit(_builder.get_integer_type(fw, true), fe));
        else {
            return new ast_cast(tt, ast_op::utop, fe);

    // Cast from an array type
    // -----------------------
    if(is_array_type(fe->type)) {
        //TODO: check that array expression is addressable
        auto            ft      = fe->type->as<ast_array_type>();
        ast_type*       f_elt   = ft->element_type;

        return new ast_addressof(tt,
                _builder.make_index_expr(fe, _builder.make_zero(_builder.get_size_type())));

    __throw_unhandled_ast_type(__FILE__, __LINE__, fe->type, "CAST_FUNC(ast_pointer)");
Esempio n. 9
bool goto_symex_statet::constant_propagation(const expr2tc &expr) const
  static unsigned int with_counter=0;

  // Don't permit const propagaion of infinite-size arrays. They're going to
  // be special modelling arrays that require special handling either at SMT
  // or some other level, so attempting to optimse them is a Bad Plan (TM).
  if (is_array_type(expr) && to_array_type(expr->type).size_is_infinite)
    return false;

  if (is_nil_expr(expr)) {
    return true; // It's fine to constant propagate something that's absent.
  } else if (is_constant_expr(expr)) {
    return true;
  else if (is_symbol2t(expr) && to_symbol2t(expr).thename == "NULL")
    // Null is also essentially a constant.
    return true;
  else if (is_address_of2t(expr))
    return constant_propagation_reference(to_address_of2t(expr).ptr_obj);
  else if (is_typecast2t(expr))
    return constant_propagation(to_typecast2t(expr).from);
  else if (is_add2t(expr))
    forall_operands2(it, idx, expr)
        return false;

    return true;
  else if (is_constant_array_of2t(expr))
Esempio n. 10
array_sym_smt_ast::ite(smt_convt *ctx, smt_astt cond, smt_astt falseop) const
  // Similar to tuple ite's, but the leafs are arrays.
  tuple_sym_smt_astt true_val = this;
  tuple_sym_smt_astt false_val = to_tuple_sym_ast(falseop);

  const array_type2t &array_type = to_array_type(sort->get_tuple_type());

  std::string name = ctx->mk_fresh_name("tuple_array_ite::") + ".";
  symbol2tc result(sort->get_tuple_type(), name);
  smt_astt result_sym = ctx->convert_ast(result);

  const struct_union_data &data = ctx->get_type_def(array_type.subtype);

  // Iterate through each field and encode an ite.
  unsigned int i = 0;
  for(auto const &it : data.members)
    array_type2tc arrtype(
      it, array_type.array_size, array_type.size_is_infinite);

    smt_astt truepart = true_val->project(ctx, i);
    smt_astt falsepart = false_val->project(ctx, i);

    smt_astt result_ast = truepart->ite(ctx, cond, falsepart);

    smt_astt result_sym_ast = result_sym->project(ctx, i);

    ctx->assert_ast(result_sym_ast->eq(ctx, result_ast));

  return ctx->convert_ast(result);
 bool Type::is_array() const
     return (is_array_type(_type_info));
Esempio n. 12
void gen_subscript(Node node)								/*;gen_subscript*/
	Symbol	comp_type;
	Node	index_name, array_node;
	Node	index_list_node, subscript;
	Tuple	index_type_list, subscripts, tup;
	Symbol	array_name, array_type;
	int		optimized;
	int		index, seg, offset;
	Fortup	ft1;

#ifdef TRACE
	if (debug_flag)
		gen_trace_node("GEN_SUBSCRIPT", node);

	array_node = N_AST1(node);
	index_list_node = N_AST2(node);
	array_name = N_UNQ(array_node);
	array_type = get_type(array_node);
	tup = SIGNATURE(array_type);
	index_type_list = (Tuple) tup[1];
	comp_type = (Symbol) tup[2];
	/* need tup_copy since subscripts used in tup_fromb below */
	subscripts = tup_copy(N_LIST(index_list_node));

	 *  Before applying the brute force method of the 'do-it-all' instruction
	 *  "subscript", which can solve any case, some optimizations will be
	 *  attempted.
	 *  First, we try to compute the address of the indexed element directly,
	 *  when subscripts are immediate values and the index check can be done
	 *  at compile time:

	if ((Symbol)index_type_list[1] == symbol_none) {
		optimized = FALSE;
	else if (!(is_unconstrained(array_type))) {
		index     = compute_index(subscripts, index_type_list);
		optimized = index != -1;
		if (optimized) {
			if (has_static_size(comp_type)) {
				index = index * size_of(comp_type);
				if (is_simple_name(array_node) && !is_renaming(array_name) ) {
					if (is_global(array_name)) {
						offset = REFERENCE_OFFSET;
						/*gen_todo(I_PUSH_EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS,[seg, offset+index],
						 *   array_name + '(" + str(get_ivalue(subscripts(1)))
						 *      +/ [', '+str(get_ivalue(subscripts(i))):
						 *                  i in [2..#subscripts] ]
						 *      + ")' );
						gen_rc(I_PUSH_EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS, explicit_ref_new(seg,
						  offset+index), "");
					else {
						gen_s(I_PUSH_EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS, array_name);
						if (index != 0)
							gen_kic(I_ADD_IMMEDIATE, mu_word, index, "offset");
				else {
					gen_ks(I_DISCARD_ADDR, 1, array_type);
					if (index != 0)
						gen_ki(I_ADD_IMMEDIATE, mu_word, index);
			else {
				optimized = FALSE;
	else {
		optimized = FALSE;

	 *  Nothing worked, we are left with the worse case, solved by the
	 *  "subscript" instruction

	if (!optimized) {
		FORTUP( index_name=(Node), index_type_list, ft1);
			subscript = (Node) tup_fromb(subscripts);
			gen_value(subscript) ;

	if (is_array_type(comp_type)) {
		gen_s(I_PUSH_EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS, comp_type);
Esempio n. 13
static Tuple proc_init_rec(Symbol type_name, Tuple field_names,
  Node variant_node, Node out_param)					/*;proc_init_rec*/
	 *  This is a subsidiary procedure to BUILD_PROC_INIT, which performs
	 *  the recursive part of construction of an initialization procedure
	 *  for a record type.
	 *  Input: field_names is a list of component unique names (excluding
	 *         discriminants. Variant node is the AST for the variant part
	 *         of a component list.
	 *	  variant_node is the variant part of the record declaration
	 *	  and has the same structure as a case statement.
	 *         out_param designates the object being initialized
	 *  Output: the statement list required to initialize this fragment of
	 *          the record, or [] if not default initialization is needed.

	Tuple	init_stmt, stmts;
	Node		one_component, f_init, c_node, variant_list;
	Symbol	f_type, f_name, ip;
	Fortup	ft1;
	int		empty_case;
	Tuple	case_list, comp_case_list;
	Node		choice_list, comp_list, disc_node;
	Node		invariant_node, new_case, list_node, case_node;

	Tuple	tup, index_list;
	int		nb_dim, i;
	Node		d_node,  node, node1, node2, node3, node4, node5;
	Symbol	one_index_type;

	/* process fixed part first. */
	init_stmt = tup_new(0);
	FORTUP(f_name=(Symbol), field_names, ft1);
		one_component    = new_selector_node(out_param, f_name);
		f_type           = TYPE_OF(f_name);
                CONTAINS_TASK(type_name) = (char *)
                  ((int)CONTAINS_TASK(type_name) | (int) CONTAINS_TASK(f_type));

		f_init = (Node) default_expr(f_name);
		if (f_init  != OPT_NODE) {
			init_stmt = tup_with(init_stmt,
			  (char *) new_assign_node(one_component,
			   remove_discr_ref(f_init, out_param)));
		else if ((ip = INIT_PROC(base_type(f_type)))!=(Symbol)0) {
			init_stmt  = tup_with(init_stmt,
		      (char *) build_init_call(one_component, ip, f_type, out_param));
		else if (is_task_type(f_type)) {
			init_stmt  = tup_with(init_stmt, (char *)
		      new_assign_node(one_component, new_create_task_node(f_type)));
		else if (is_access_type(f_type)) {
			init_stmt  = tup_with(init_stmt, (char *)
		      new_assign_node(one_component, new_null_node(f_type)));

		/* if we have an aray then we have to check if its bounds are
		 * compatible with the index subtypes (of the unconstrained array) 
		 * (This code was generated beforehand in type.c ("need_qual_r") but
		 * it was wrong : we have to test the bounds only if the field is
		 * present (case of variant record).
		 * The generation of the tests is easier here

		if (is_array_type (f_type)) {
			tup = (Tuple) SIGNATURE(TYPE_OF(f_type));
			index_list = tup_copy((Tuple) tup[1]);
			nb_dim = tup_size(index_list);

			for (i = 1; i <= nb_dim; i++) {
				one_index_type = (Symbol) (tup_fromb (index_list));

				d_node   = new_ivalue_node(int_const(i), symbol_integer);

				node1 = new_attribute_node(ATTR_O_FIRST,
			      one_component, d_node, one_index_type);

				node2 = new_attribute_node(ATTR_O_LAST,
			      one_component, d_node, one_index_type);

				node3 = new_attribute_node(ATTR_T_FIRST,
				  new_name_node(one_index_type), OPT_NODE, one_index_type);

				node4 = new_attribute_node(ATTR_T_LAST,
				  new_name_node(one_index_type), OPT_NODE, one_index_type);

				node5 = new_binop_node(symbol_or,
			      new_binop_node(symbol_lt, node1, node3, symbol_boolean),
			      new_binop_node(symbol_gt, node2, node4, symbol_boolean),

				node = node_new (as_list);
			    tup_new1((char *) new_cond_stmts_node(
			      new_binop_node(symbol_le, node1, node2, symbol_boolean),
			      node5, symbol_boolean),
			      new_raise_node(symbol_constraint_error))), OPT_NODE);
				init_stmt  = tup_with(init_stmt, (char *) (node));

	/* then build case statement to parallel structure of variant part. */

	empty_case = TRUE;    /* assumption */
	if (variant_node != OPT_NODE) {

		disc_node= N_AST1(variant_node);
		variant_list = N_AST2(variant_node);

		case_list = tup_new(0);

		comp_case_list = N_LIST(variant_list);

		FORTUP(c_node=(Node), comp_case_list, ft1);
			choice_list = N_AST1(c_node);
			comp_list = N_AST2(c_node);
			invariant_node = N_AST1(comp_list);
			variant_node = N_AST2(comp_list);

			field_names = build_comp_names(invariant_node);
			stmts = proc_init_rec(type_name,field_names,variant_node, out_param);

			/*empty_case and= stmts = [];*/
			empty_case = empty_case ? (tup_size(stmts)==0) : FALSE;
			new_case = (N_KIND(c_node) == as_others_choice) ?
			  new_node(as_others_choice) : new_node(as_variant_choices);
			N_AST1(new_case) = copy_tree(choice_list);
			N_AST2(new_case) = new_statements_node(stmts);
			case_list = tup_with(case_list, (char *)  new_case );

		if (! empty_case) {
			/* Build a case statement ruled by the value of the discriminant */
			/* for this variant part. */

			list_node         = new_node(as_list);
			N_LIST(list_node) = case_list;
			case_node         = new_node(as_case);
			N_AST1(case_node)  = new_selector_node(out_param, N_UNQ(disc_node));
			N_AST2(case_node) = list_node;
			init_stmt    = tup_with(init_stmt, (char *) case_node );
	return init_stmt;
Esempio n. 14
void gen_condition(Node node, Symbol destination, int branch_cond)
	/* IMPORTANT WARNING: destination is where to go when expression is
	 *                    equal to branch_cond
	/* These maps are realized in procedures immediately following.
	 *  const
	 * jump_false_code = {
	 *    ['=', I_JUMP_IF_FALSE],
	 *    ['!=', I_JUMP_IF_TRUE],
	 *    ['>', I_JUMP_IF_LESS_OR_EQUAL],
	 *    ['<=', I_JUMP_IF_GREATER],
	 *    ['>=', I_JUMP_IF_LESS] },
	 * jump_true_code = {
	 *    ['=', I_JUMP_IF_TRUE],
	 *    ['<', I_JUMP_IF_LESS],
	 *    ['>', I_JUMP_IF_GREATER],
	 *    ['<=', I_JUMP_IF_LESS_OR_EQUAL],
	 *    ['>=', I_JUMP_IF_GREATER_OR_EQUAL] };

	Tuple	tup;
	Node	opnode, args, op1, op2;
	Symbol	opcode, optype;

#ifdef TRACE
	if (debug_flag)
		gen_trace_node("GEN_CONDITION", node);

	if (N_KIND(node) == as_op) {
		opnode = N_AST1(node);
		args = N_AST2(node);
		opcode  = N_UNQ(opnode);
		if (opcode == symbol_eq || opcode == symbol_ne || opcode == symbol_lt
		  || opcode == symbol_gt || opcode == symbol_le || opcode == symbol_ge){
			tup = N_LIST(args);
			op1 = (Node) tup[1];
			op2     = (Node) tup[2];

			optype = get_type(op1);
			if (is_simple_type(optype)) {
				if (is_float_type(optype))
					gen_k(I_FLOAT_COMPARE, kind_of(optype));
					gen_k(I_COMPARE, kind_of(optype));
			else {
				if (is_record_type(optype)) {
					gen_s(I_PUSH_EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS, optype);
				if (is_array_type(optype) && 
				    (opcode != symbol_eq) && (opcode != symbol_ne)) {
				else {
		else {
			opcode = symbol_eq;
	else {
		opcode = symbol_eq;

	if (branch_cond)
		gen_s(jump_true_code(opcode), destination);
		gen_s(jump_false_code(opcode), destination);
Esempio n. 15
static void put_typ P1 (const TYP *, tp)
    if (tp == NIL_TYP) {
    if (is_const_qualified (tp)) {
	lprintf ("const ");
    if (is_volatile_qualified (tp)) {
	lprintf ("volatile ");
    switch (tp->type) {
    case bt_void:
    case bt_schar:
    case bt_uchar:
    case bt_char:
    case bt_charu:
    case bt_ushort:
    case bt_short:
    case bt_uint16:
    case bt_uint32:
    case bt_int16:
    case bt_int32:
    case bt_ulong:
    case bt_long:
    case bt_float:
    case bt_longdouble:
    case bt_double:
    case bt_ellipsis:
	lprintf ("%s", nameoftype (tp));
    case bt_pointer16:
    case bt_pointer32:
	if (is_array_type (tp)) {
	    put_typ (referenced_type (tp));
	    lprintf ("[]");
	} else {
	    put_typ (referenced_type (tp));
	    lprintf ("*");
    case bt_union:
	lprintf ("union");
	goto ucont;	    /*lint !e801*/  /* use of goto is deprecated */
    case bt_struct:
	lprintf ("struct");
	if (nameoftype (tp) != NIL_CHAR) {
	    lprintf (" %s", nameoftype (tp));
    case bt_func:
	put_typ (returned_type (tp));
	put_parms (parameters (tp));
    case bt_bitfield:
    case bt_ubitfield:
    case bt_bbitfield:
Esempio n. 16
// Returns trhe if `e` has array type.
has_array_type(Expr const& e)
  return is_array_type(e.type());
Esempio n. 17
File: type.c Progetto: certik/nwcc
 * XXX  warn about ``unsigned char *'' vs ``char *'',
 * unlike gcc
static int
compare_tlist(struct type_node *dest, struct type_node *src, int flag) {
	struct type_node	*dest_start = dest;

	for (;
		dest != NULL && src != NULL;
		dest = dest->next, src = src->next) {

		if (src->type == TN_FUNCTION
			|| dest->type == TN_FUNCTION) {
			if (dest->type != src->type) {
				/* XXX fix this later */
				if (dest == dest_start) {
					 * Ordinary function symbols are
					 * compatible with pointers to
					 * functions
					if (dest->type == TN_FUNCTION) {
						if (src->type
							== TN_POINTER_TO) {
							src = src->next;
						} else {
							return -1;
					} else {
						if (dest->type
							== TN_POINTER_TO) {
							dest = dest->next;
						} else {
							return -1;

		if (dest->type != src->type) {
			/* Pointer vs array vs function */
			if (flag & CMPTY_ARRAYPTR) {
				if ((dest->type == TN_ARRAY_OF
					|| src->type == TN_ARRAY_OF
					|| dest->type == TN_VARARRAY_OF
					|| src->type == TN_VARARRAY_OF)

					&& (dest->type == TN_POINTER_TO
					|| src->type == TN_POINTER_TO)) {
			return -1;

		switch (dest->type) {
		case TN_ARRAY_OF:
			if (flag & CMPTY_TENTDEC) {
				if (!dest->have_array_size
					|| !src->have_array_size) {	
				if (dest->arrarg->const_value == NULL
					|| src->arrarg->const_value == NULL) {
					 * probably
					 * extern int foo[];
					 * int foo[123];
					 * -> OK!
			if (dest->arrarg_const != src->arrarg_const
				&& ((flag & CMPTY_ARRAYPTR) == 0
				|| dest_start != dest)) {
				if (!src->have_array_size
					|| !dest->have_array_size) {	
				if (src->arrarg->const_value == NULL
					|| dest->arrarg->const_value == NULL) {
					 * One side has unspecified size, this
					 * is OK!
					 * extern char foo[];
					 * char (*p)[5] = &foo;
					 * char bar[5];
					 * char (*p2)[] = &bar;
				} else {
					/* Array sizes differ */
					return -1;
			if (compare_tfunc(dest->tfunc, src->tfunc) == -1) {
				return -1;
	if (dest != NULL || src != NULL) {
		/* One list is longer, so it differs by definition */
		return -1;
	return 0;
#endif /* #ifndef PREPROCESSOR */

compare_types(struct type *dest, struct type *src, int flag) {
	int	is_void_ptr = 0;

	/* 04/08/08: Changed this (for the better, hopefully!) */
	if (dest->tlist != NULL
		&& dest->tlist->type == TN_POINTER_TO	
		&& dest->tlist->next == NULL
		&& dest->code == TY_VOID) {
		is_void_ptr = 1;
	} else if (src->tlist != NULL
		&& src->tlist->type == TN_POINTER_TO
		&& src->tlist->next == NULL
		&& src->code == TY_VOID) {
		is_void_ptr = 1;
	if (dest->code != src->code) {
		 * Differing base type - This is ok if we have a void
		 * pointer vs a non-void pointer, otherwise return error
		if (!is_void_ptr || src->tlist == NULL || dest->tlist == NULL) {
			return -1;

	if (flag & CMPTY_SIGN) {
		if (dest->sign != dest->sign) {
			/* Differing sign */
			return -1;
	if (flag & CMPTY_CONST) {
		if (IS_CONST(dest->flags) != IS_CONST(src->flags)) {
			/* One is const-qualified */
			/*return -1;*/

	 * 04/08/08: Skip the tlist comparison if this is void pointer
	 * vs non-void pointer; Otherwise tlists of different length
	 * will compare uneven, as in void * vs int **, which is wrong
	if (is_void_ptr) {
		return 0;

	return compare_tlist(dest->tlist, src->tlist, flag);
	return -1;

check_init_type(struct type *ofwhat, struct expr *init) {
	if (ofwhat->tlist == NULL) {
		if (init->next != NULL) {
	} else if (ofwhat->tlist->type == TN_ARRAY_OF) {
		if (init->type->code == TOK_STRING_LITERAL) {
			return 0;
		} else {
			struct expr	*ex;
			for (ex = init; ex != NULL; ex = ex->next) {
	return 0;

copy_type(struct type *dest, const struct type *src, int fullcopy) {
	if (fullcopy) {
		memcpy(dest, src, sizeof *dest);
	} else {
		memcpy(dest, src, sizeof *dest);

struct type_node *
copy_tlist(struct type_node **dest, const struct type_node *src) {
	struct type_node	*head;
	struct type_node	*tail;
	struct type_node	*tn;

	if (src == NULL) {
		*dest = NULL;
		return NULL;
	head = tail = NULL;
	do {
		tn = n_xmalloc(sizeof *tn);
		memcpy(tn, src, sizeof *tn);
		if (head == NULL) {
			head = tail = tn;
		} else {
			tail->next = tn;
			tail = tail->next;
	} while ((src = src->next) != NULL);	
	*dest = head;
	return tail;

set_type_sign(struct type *ty) {
	if (ty->code == TY_UCHAR
		|| ty->code == TY_USHORT
		|| ty->code == TY_UINT
		|| ty->code == TY_ULONG
		|| ty->code == TY_ULLONG) {
		ty->sign = TOK_KEY_UNSIGNED;
	} else if (!IS_FLOATING(ty->code)
		&& ty->code != TY_STRUCT
		&& ty->code != TY_UNION) {
		ty->sign = TOK_KEY_SIGNED;

struct type *
make_basic_type(int code) {
#define N_TYPES (TY_MAX - TY_MIN)
#if 0
	static struct type	basic_types[N_TYPES];
	static int		inited;
	static struct type	*basic_types;

	if (!inited) {
		int	i;
		int	nbytes = N_TYPES * sizeof(struct type);
		int	need_mprotect = 1;

		basic_types = debug_malloc_pages(nbytes);
		if (basic_types == NULL) {
			 * Probably debug_malloc_pages() doesn't work
		 	 * on this system
			basic_types = n_xmalloc(nbytes);
			need_mprotect = 0;
		memset(basic_types, 0, nbytes);
		for (i = 0; i < N_TYPES; ++i) {
			basic_types[i].code = i + TY_MIN;
		inited = 1;

		if (need_mprotect) {
			 * We make the array unwritable because it really
			 * should not be written to; Modifying it is a bug
			 * that has happend more than once. 
			 * The void cast is necessary because of a broken
			 * Solaris prototype that takes caddr_t :-/
			mprotect((void *)basic_types, nbytes, PROT_READ); 
	if (code < 0 || (code - TY_MIN) >= N_TYPES) {
		printf("BUG: bad code for make_basic_type: %d\n", code);

#if 0 
	if (code == TY_PSEUDEO_SIZE_T) {
		static struct type	ty;
		static struct type	*p;

		if (p == NULL) {
			ty = basic_types[TY_UINT];

#if 0
	/* As of Jan 6 2007, the basic types may not be modified anymore */
	basic_types[code - TY_MIN].tlist = NULL;
	return &basic_types[code - TY_MIN];

struct type *
make_void_ptr_type(void) {
	static struct type	*ty;

	if (ty == NULL) {
		ty = make_basic_type(TY_VOID);
		ty = n_xmemdup(ty, sizeof *ty);
		append_typelist(ty, TN_POINTER_TO, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	return ty;

struct type *
make_array_type(int size, int is_wide_char) {
	struct type	*ret = alloc_type();

	if (is_wide_char) {
		ret->code = backend->get_wchar_t()->code;
		ret->sign = backend->get_wchar_t()->sign;
	} else {
		ret->code = TY_CHAR;
		if (CHAR_MAX == UCHAR_MAX) { /* XXX */
			ret->sign = TOK_KEY_UNSIGNED;
		} else {
			ret->sign = TOK_KEY_SIGNED;
	ret->storage = TOK_KEY_STATIC;

	ret->tlist = alloc_type_node();
	ret->tlist->type = TN_ARRAY_OF;
	ret->tlist->arrarg_const = size;
	ret->tlist->have_array_size = 1;
	return ret;

 * Helper function for parse_declarator()- stores pointer/array-of/function
 * property (specified by ``type'' argument) with optional arguments type_arg
 * (for pointer/array-of) and tf (for function) in type specified by t
 * 01/26/08: Extended to do some sanity checking (functions may not return
 * functions or arrays). This means some type constructions are now REQUIRED
 * to go through append_typelist()! May not be the best approach, needs
 * testing?!
append_typelist(struct type *t, 
		int type,
		void *type_arg,
		struct ty_func *tf,
		struct token *tok) {
	struct type_node	*te;
	struct expr		*ex;

	(void) tok; /* XXX unneeded?!?! */

	/* Allocate and insert new type node */
	if (t->tlist == NULL) {
		te = t->tlist = t->tlist_tail = alloc_type_node();
		te->prev = NULL;
		if (type == TN_FUNCTION) {
			 * If the first node in the type list is a function
			 * designator, this means we are dealing with a genuine
			 * function declaration/definition (as opposed to a
			 * pointer)
			t->is_func = 1;
	} else {
		 * 01/26/08: Some sanity checking!
		int	tailtype = t->tlist_tail->type;

		if (tailtype == TN_ARRAY_OF || tailtype == TN_VARARRAY_OF) {
			if (type == TN_FUNCTION) {
				errorfl(tok, "Invalid declaration of `array of "
					"functions' - Maybe you meant `array "
					"of pointer to function'; `void (*ar[N])();'?");
				return /* -1  XXX */   ;
		} else if (tailtype == TN_FUNCTION) {
			if (type == TN_ARRAY_OF || type == TN_VARARRAY_OF) {
				errorfl(tok, "Invalid declaration of `function "
					"returning array' - If you really want "
					"to return an array by value, put it "
					"into a structure!");
				return /* -1  XXX */   ;
			} else if (type == TN_FUNCTION) {
				errorfl(tok, "Invalid declaration of `function "
					"returning function' - You can at most "
					"return a pointer to a function; "
					"`void (*foo())();'");
				return /* -1 XXX */   ;

		te = alloc_type_node();
		te->prev = t->tlist_tail;
		t->tlist_tail->next = te;
		t->tlist_tail = t->tlist_tail->next;

	te->next = NULL;

	te->type = type;

	switch (type) {
	case TN_ARRAY_OF:
		ex = type_arg;
		if (ex->const_value == NULL) {
			/* Size not specified - extern char buf[]; */
			te->have_array_size = 0;
		} else {
			te->have_array_size = 1;
			ex->const_value->type =
						sizeof(struct type));
			cross_convert_tyval(ex->const_value, NULL, NULL);
			te->arrarg_const = cross_to_host_size_t(
			if (te->arrarg_const == 0) {
				 * In GNU C,
				 * int foo[0];
				 * may be a flexible array member
				te->have_array_size = 0;
#if 0
					"Cannot create zero-sized arrays");
		if (type == TN_VARARRAY_OF) {
			te->variable_arrarg = ex;
#else /* Using arrarg */
		te->arrarg = type_arg;
		if (te->arrarg->const_value) {
			te->arrarg->const_value->type =
				sizeof(struct type));
			cross_convert_tyval(te->arrarg->const_value, NULL, NULL);
			te->arrarg_const = /* *(size_t *) */
				te->arrarg->const_value);  /*->value; */
			if (te->arrarg_const == 0) {
				 * In GNU C,
				 * int foo[0];
				 * may be a flexible array member
				te->arrarg->const_value = NULL;
#if 0
					"Cannot create zero-sized arrays");
#endif /* REMOVE_ARRARG is disabled */
		te->ptrarg = type_arg? *(int *)type_arg: 0;
		te->tfunc = tf; 

static struct {
	char	*name;
	int	code;
} basic_type_names[] = {
	{ "char", TY_CHAR },
	{ "unsigned char", TY_UCHAR },
	{ "signed char", TY_SCHAR },
	{ "short", TY_SHORT },
	{ "unsigned short", TY_USHORT },
	{ "int", TY_INT },
	{ "unsigned int", TY_UINT },
	{ "long", TY_LONG },
	{ "unsigned long", TY_ULONG },
	{ "float", TY_FLOAT },
	{ "double", TY_DOUBLE },
	{ "long double", TY_LDOUBLE },
	{ "struct", TY_STRUCT },
	{ "union", TY_UNION },
	{ "enum", TY_ENUM },
	{ "void", TY_VOID },
	{ "long long", TY_LLONG },
	{ "unsigned long long", TY_ULLONG },
	{ "_Bool", TY_BOOL },
	{ NULL, 0 }

char *
ret_type_to_text(struct type *ty) {
	struct type_node	*orig_tlist = NULL;
	char			*ret;

	if (ty->tlist != NULL) {
		orig_tlist = ty->tlist;
		if (ty->tlist->type == TN_FUNCTION) {
			ty->tlist = ty->tlist->next;
		} else if (ty->tlist->type == TN_POINTER_TO
			&& ty->tlist->next != NULL
			&& ty->tlist->next->type == TN_FUNCTION) {
			ty->tlist = ty->tlist->next->next;
		ret = type_to_text(ty);
		ty->tlist = orig_tlist;
	} else {
		ret = type_to_text(ty);
	return ret;

char *
type_to_text(struct type *dt) {
	struct type_node	*t;
	char			*buf = NULL;
	char			*p = NULL;
	size_t			size = 0;
	size_t			used = 0;
	int			i;

	for (t = dt->tlist; t != NULL; t = t->next) {
		switch (t->type) {
		case TN_ARRAY_OF:
			make_room(&buf, &size, used + 64);
			used += sprintf(buf+used, "an array of %d ",
		case TN_POINTER_TO: {
			char	*quali = "";
			if (t->ptrarg != 0) {
				switch (t->ptrarg) {
					quali = "volatile";
				case TOK_KEY_CONST:
					quali = "constant";
					quali = "restricted";
			make_room(&buf, &size, used + 32);
			used += sprintf(buf+used, "a %s pointer to ", quali);
			make_room(&buf, &size, used + 32);
			used += sprintf(buf+used, "a function (with %d args) returning ", t->tfunc->nargs);

#if 0
	p = basic_type_names[dt->code - TY_MIN];
	for (i = 0; basic_type_names[i].name != NULL; ++i) {
		if (dt->code == basic_type_names[i].code) {
			p = basic_type_names[i].name;
	make_room(&buf, &size, strlen(p) + 5);
	used += sprintf(buf+used, "%s", p);
	if (dt->code == TY_STRUCT) {
		if (dt->tstruc && dt->tstruc->tag) {
			make_room(&buf, &size,
				used + strlen(dt->tstruc->tag) + 2);
			sprintf(buf+used, " %s", dt->tstruc->tag);

	return buf;


extern void	put_ppc_llong(struct num *);

 * XXX same stupid size_t cross-compilaion bug as const_from_value()..
 * this stuff SUCKS!!!
struct token *
const_from_type(struct type *ty, int from_alignment, int extype, struct token *t) {
	struct token	*ret = alloc_token();
	size_t		size;
	int		size_t_size;

#if 0
	ret->type = TY_ULONG; /* XXX size_t */
	ret->type = backend->get_size_t()->code;
	if (from_alignment) {
		size = backend->get_align_type(ty);
	} else {	
		size = backend->get_sizeof_type(ty, t);
	/*ret->data = n_xmemdup(&size, sizeof size);*/
	ret->data = n_xmalloc(16); /* XXX */

	size_t_size = backend->get_sizeof_type(backend->get_size_t(), NULL);
	if (sizeof size == size_t_size) {
		memcpy(ret->data, &size, sizeof size);
	} else if (sizeof(int) == size_t_size) {
		unsigned int	i = (unsigned int)size;
		memcpy(ret->data, &i, sizeof i);
	} else if (sizeof(long) == size_t_size) {
		unsigned long	l = (unsigned long)size;
		memcpy(ret->data, &l, sizeof l);
	} else if (sizeof(long long) == size_t_size) {
		unsigned long long ll = (unsigned long long)size;
		memcpy(ret->data, &ll, sizeof ll);
	} else {
	if (backend->abi == ABI_POWER64
		&& extype != EXPR_CONST
		&& extype != EXPR_CONSTINIT
		/* What about EXPR_OPTCONSTINIT?! */ ) {
		struct num	*n = n_xmalloc(sizeof *n);
		 * XXX see definition of put_ppc_llong() for an
		 * explanation of this mess
		n->type = ret->type;
		n->value = ret->data;
		/*ret->data = llong_const;*/
		ret->data2 = llong_const;
	return ret;

 * XXX this interface is ROTTEN!!
 * too easy to pass a ``size_t'' for value with ty=NULL by accident!!
 * XXXX WOAH this was totally broken WRT cross-compilation! ``type''
 * is interpreted as host type when dealing with ``value'', and as
 * target type too by making it the type of the token! Current ad-hoc
 * kludge sucks!
struct token *
const_from_value(void *value, struct type *ty) {
	struct token	*ret = alloc_token();
	size_t		size;

	if (ty == NULL) {
		ret->type = TY_INT;
		size = backend->get_sizeof_type(make_basic_type(
			TY_INT), NULL);;
	} else {
		ret->type = ty->code;
		size = backend->get_sizeof_type(ty, NULL);
	if (ty && (IS_LONG(ty->code) || IS_LLONG(ty->code))) {
		if (sizeof(long) == size) {
			/* Size matches - nothing to do */
		} else {
			static long long	llv;
			llv = *(int *)value;
			value = &llv;
	ret->data = n_xmemdup(value, size);
	if (backend->abi == ABI_POWER64
		&& ty != NULL
		&& is_integral_type(ty)
		&& size == 8) {
		struct num	*n = n_xmalloc(sizeof *n);
		static struct num nullnum;
		*n = nullnum;
		n->type = ret->type;
		n->value = ret->data;
		ret->data2 = llong_const;
	return ret;

 * Construct a floating point constant token of type ``type'' 
 * containing ``value'' (which must be a string parsable by sscanf().)
struct token *
fp_const_from_ascii(const char *value, int type) {
	struct num	*n;
	struct token	*ret = n_xmalloc(sizeof *ret);

	n = cross_scan_value(value, type, 0, 0, 1);
	if (n == NULL) {
		return NULL;
	 * XXX is ``struct ty_float'', not 
	 * ``struct num''. Because the interfaces are
	 * still messed up, we have to get the current
	 * ty_float corresponding to ``n'' from the
	 * float list. This SUCKS!
	ret->data = float_const/*n->value*/;
	ret->type = type;
	ret->ascii = n_xstrdup(value);
	return ret;

struct token *
const_from_string(const char *value) {
	struct token		*ret = alloc_token();
	struct type		*ty;
	struct ty_string        *tmpstr;
	tmpstr = alloc_ty_string();
	tmpstr->size = strlen(value) + 1;
	tmpstr->str = n_xmemdup(value, tmpstr->size);
	tmpstr->is_wide_char = 0;

	ret->type = TOK_STRING_LITERAL;
	ty = make_array_type(tmpstr->size, tmpstr->is_wide_char);
	tmpstr->ty = ty;

	ret->data = tmpstr;
	return ret;

is_integral_type(struct type *t) {
	if (t->tlist != NULL) {
		return 0;
	if (IS_CHAR(t->code)
		|| IS_SHORT(t->code)
		|| IS_INT(t->code)
		|| IS_LONG(t->code)
		|| IS_LLONG(t->code)
		|| t->code == TY_ENUM) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

is_floating_type(struct type *t) {
	if (t->tlist != NULL) {
		return 0;
	if (t->code == TY_FLOAT
		|| t->code == TY_DOUBLE
		|| t->code == TY_LDOUBLE) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

is_arithmetic_type(struct type *t) {
	if (t->tlist != NULL) {
		return 0;
	if (IS_FLOATING(t->code)
		|| is_integral_type(t)) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

is_array_type(struct type *t) {
	struct type_node	*tn;

	if (t->tlist == NULL) {
		return 0;
	for (tn = t->tlist; tn != NULL; tn = tn->next) {
		if (tn->type != TN_ARRAY_OF) {
			return 0;
		} else {
	return 1;

is_basic_agg_type(struct type *t) {
	if (t->tlist == NULL) {
		if (t->code == TY_STRUCT || t->code == TY_UNION) {
			return 1;
	} else if (is_array_type(t)) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

is_scalar_type(struct type *t) {
	if (t->tlist == NULL
		&& (t->code == TY_STRUCT
		|| t->code == TY_UNION
		|| t->code == TY_VOID)) {
		return 0;
	return 1;

is_arr_of_ptr(struct type *t) {
	struct type_node	*tn;

	for (tn = t->tlist; tn != NULL; tn = tn->next) {
		if (tn->type == TN_POINTER_TO) {
			return 1;
		} else if (tn->type == TN_FUNCTION) {
			return 0;
	return 0;

is_nullptr_const(struct token *constant, struct type *ty) {
	if (IS_INT(ty->code)
		&& *(unsigned *)constant->data == 0) {
		return 1;
	} else if (IS_LONG(ty->code)
		&& *(unsigned long *)constant->data == 0) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

 * The source type must be passed with a vreg because we need the null
 * pointer constant and object backing information it gives us
	struct token *t,
	struct type *left,
	struct vreg *right,
	int to_const_ok,
	int silent) {

	struct type	*ltype = left;
	struct type	*rtype = right->type;

	if (ltype == NULL || rtype == NULL) {
		printf("attempt to assign to/from value without type :(\n");

	 * 01/26/08: Changed this to call is_modifyable(), which also
	 * rules out assignment to const-qualified pointers
	/*if (ltype->tlist == NULL && ltype->is_const && !to_const_ok) { */
	if (!is_modifyable(ltype) && !to_const_ok) {
		if (!silent) {
				"Assignment to const-qualified object");	
		return -1;

	if (is_arithmetic_type(ltype)) {
		if (!is_arithmetic_type(rtype)) {
			if (ltype->code == TY_BOOL
				&& rtype->tlist != NULL) {
				/* ok - pointer to bool */
				return 0;
			} else {
				int	allow = 0;

				if (rtype->tlist != NULL
					&& is_integral_type(ltype)) {
					 * 03/09/09: Give in and allow pointer
					 * to integer assignment with a warning
					allow = 1;

				if (!silent) {
					if (allow) {
						"Assignment from non-arithmetic to "
						"arithmetic type");
					} else {
						"Assignment from non-arithmetic to "
						"arithmetic type");
				if (allow) {
					return 0;
				} else {
					return -1;
		} else if (ltype->sign != rtype->sign
			&& !right->from_const) {
			 * Do not warn about signedness differences if the
			 * right side is a constant!
#if 0
			/* XXX Too verbose */
			"Assignment from type of differing signedness");
			return 0;
		return 0;		
	} else if (ltype->tlist == NULL) {
		/* Must be struct/union */
		if (rtype->tlist != NULL) {
			if (ltype->code == TY_BOOL) {
				return 0;
			} else {	
				if (!silent) {
					/* 06/01/08: Warn, not error */
				"Assignment from pointer to non-pointer type");

				 * 07/20/08: The return below was commented out!
				 * That's wrong because pointer to struct will
				 * compare assignable to struct
				 * Why was this removed?
				return -1;
		} else if (ltype->code == TY_BOOL) {
			return 0; /* _Bool b = ptr; is OK */
		} else if (rtype->code != ltype->code
			|| rtype->tstruc != ltype->tstruc) {
			if (!silent) {
				"Assignment from incompatible type");
			return -1;
		} else {
			return 0;
	} else {
		/* Left is pointer of some sort */
		if (right->is_nullptr_const) {
			; /* ok */
		} else if (rtype->tlist == NULL) {
			if (!silent) {
				warningfl(t, "Assignment from non-pointer "
					"to pointer type");
/*			return -1;*/
		} else if (rtype->code == TY_VOID
			&& rtype->tlist->type == TN_POINTER_TO
			&& rtype->tlist->next == NULL) {
			; /* void pointer - compatible */
		} else if (ltype->code == TY_VOID
			&& ltype->tlist->type == TN_POINTER_TO
			&& ltype->tlist->next == NULL) {
			; /* void pointer - compatible */
		} else if (compare_tlist(ltype->tlist, rtype->tlist,
			if (!silent) {
			warningfl(t, "Assignment from incompatible pointer type"
					" (illegal in ISO C, and very "
					"probably not what you want)");
			} else {
				 * This is only used for transparent_union
				 * right now... in that case we do not want
				 * to allow this assignment because type-
				 * checking is the whole point of that
				 * language extension
				return -1;
			return 0;
		} else if (!IS_CONST(ltype->flags) && IS_CONST(rtype->flags)) {
			if (!silent) {
					"Assignment from const-qualified type "
					"to unqualified one");
			return 0;
		} else if (rtype->code != ltype->code
			&& rtype->code != TY_VOID
			&& ltype->code != TY_VOID
		/* XXX */ && (!IS_CHAR(ltype->code) || !IS_CHAR(rtype->code))) {
			if (type_without_sign(ltype->code)
				== type_without_sign(rtype->code)) {
				if (!silent) {
					warningfl(t, "Assignment from pointer of "
						"differing signedness");
				} else {
					return -1;
				return 0;
			} else {	
				if (!silent) {
					warningfl(t, "Assignment from incompatible "
					"pointer type (illegal in ISO C, and "
					"very probably not what you want)");
				} else {
					return -1;
#if 0
				return -1;
				return 0;
		} else if (IS_CONST(ltype->flags) && !IS_CONST(rtype->flags)
			&& ltype->tlist != NULL
			&& ltype->tlist->next != NULL) {
			if (!silent) {
				warningfl(t, "ISO C does not allow assignment "
					"from `T **' to `const T **' without a "
					"cast (otherwise invalid code like "
					"`const char dont_modify; char *p; const "
					"char **cp = &p; *cp = &dont_modify; *p = 0;' "
					"would pass without warning)");
			return 0;

	return 0;

struct type *
addrofify_type(struct type *ty) {
	struct type		*ret = n_xmemdup(ty, sizeof *ty);
	struct type_node	*tn;

	copy_tlist(&ret->tlist, ret->tlist);
	tn = alloc_type_node();
	tn->type = TN_POINTER_TO;
	tn->next = ret->tlist;
	ret->tlist = tn;
	return ret;

type_without_sign(int code) {
	int	rc = code;

	if (code == TY_UCHAR) rc = TY_CHAR;
	else if (code == TY_USHORT) rc = TY_SHORT;
	else if (code == TY_UINT) rc = TY_INT;
	else if (code == TY_ULONG) rc = TY_LONG;
	else if (code == TY_ULLONG) rc = TY_LLONG;
	return rc;
Esempio n. 18
/* Object evaluation */
void gen_address(Node node)										/*;gen_address*/
	 *  This procedure generates code for the o_expressions
	 *  or, in other words, the left-handsides.

	Node   pre_node, array_node, range_node, lbd_node, ubd_node, record_node,
	  field_node, id_node;
	Symbol	node_name, type_name, record_name, record_type,
	  field_name, comp_type, proc_name, return_type;
	int		f_off, bse, off, nk;
	Fortup	ft1;

#ifdef TRACE
	if (debug_flag)
		gen_trace_node("GEN_ADDRESS", node);

	while (N_KIND(node) == as_insert) {
		FORTUP(pre_node=(Node), N_LIST(node), ft1);
		node = N_AST1(node);

	node_name = N_UNQ(node);
	if (is_simple_name(node)) {
		type_name = get_type(node);
		if (is_renaming(node_name))
			gen_ks(I_PUSH, mu_addr, node_name);
			gen_s(I_PUSH_EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS, node_name);

		/* Arrays are treated in a different manner, depending on their */
		/* nature: parameters, constants, variables... */
		if (is_array_type(type_name)) {
			if (is_formal_parameter(node_name)) {
				type_name = assoc_symbol_get(node_name, FORMAL_TEMPLATE);
			gen_s(I_PUSH_EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS, type_name);

	else {
		switch (nk = N_KIND(node)) {
		case as_raise:

		case as_index:

		case as_slice:
			array_node = N_AST1(node);
			range_node = N_AST2(node);
			/*range_name = N_UNQ(range_node); -- never used   ds 7-8-85 */

			/* Note: case of type simple name changed into range attribute */
			/* by expander */
			if (N_KIND(range_node) == as_attribute) {
			else { /* range */
				lbd_node = N_AST1(range_node);
				ubd_node = N_AST2(range_node);
			if (N_KIND(array_node) == as_attribute) {
			else {

		case as_selector:
			record_node = N_AST1(node);
			field_node = N_AST2(node);
			record_name = N_UNQ(record_node);
			record_type = get_type(record_node);
			field_name = N_UNQ(field_node);
			f_off = FIELD_OFFSET(field_name);
			if (f_off >= 0 &&
			  ((! has_discriminant(record_type))
			  || NATURE(field_name) == na_discriminant)){
				if (is_simple_name(record_node)
				  && !(is_renaming(record_name)) && is_global(record_name)) {
					/* The SETL version has generate(I_PUSH_IMMEDIATE, mu_addr,
					 *  ref, field_name);
					 * which we translate as (I_PUSH_EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS ...
					 * ref       = [bse, off+f_off];
					 * Replace use of explicit ref by PUSH_IMMEDIATE
					/*  gen_rc(I_PUSH_IMMEDIATE, explicit_ref_new(bse,
					 *   off+f_off), "");
					gen_kv(I_PUSH_IMMEDIATE, mu_word, int_const(bse));
					gen_kv(I_PUSH_IMMEDIATE, mu_word, int_const(off+f_off));
				else {
					if (f_off != 0 ) {
						gen_ki(I_ADD_IMMEDIATE, mu_word, f_off);
				if (is_array_type(comp_type=TYPE_OF(field_name))) {
					gen_s(I_PUSH_EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS, comp_type);
			else {
				gen_s(I_PUSH_EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS, record_type);
				/* translating following assuming field_name is comment part of
				 *-- instruction		ds	7-5-86
				 * 		gen_i(I_SELECT, FIELD_NUMBER(field_name), field_name);
				gen_i(I_SELECT, (int) FIELD_NUMBER(field_name));

		case as_all:
			id_node = N_AST1(node);
			if (is_array_type(N_TYPE(node)))
				gen_k(I_DEREF, mu_dble);

		case as_call:
			id_node   = N_AST1(node);
			proc_name   = N_UNQ(id_node);
			return_type = TYPE_OF(proc_name);
			gen_kc(I_DUPLICATE, kind_of(return_type), "place holder");
			compile(node);  	 /* processed from now as a procedure call */

		case as_un_op:

		case as_op:

		case as_string_ivalue:

			compiler_error_k("GEN_ADDRESS called with kind ", node);