Esempio n. 1
 static inline AA1 case_1(AA1 & x,  int32_t sn, const AA1 & n)
   typedef typename meta::scalar_of<AA1>::type sA1; 
   /*		Power series expansion		*/
   AA1 eqzx = is_eqz(x);
   x = seladd(is_eqz(x), x, One<A1>()); //loop is infinite for x == 0
   sA1 psi1 = Zero<sA1>(); 
   for( int32_t i=sn-1; i; --i )  psi1 += rec((sA1)i);
   AA1 psi = -Euler<A1>()-nt2::log(x)+splat<A1>(psi1); 
   AA1 t; 
   AA1 z = -x;
   AA1 xk = Zero<A1>();
   AA1 yk = One<A1>();
   AA1 pk = One<A1>() - n;
   AA1 ans = ( sn == 1 ) ? Zero<A1>() : rec(pk);
     xk += One<AA1>();
     yk *= z/xk;
     pk += One<AA1>();
     ans = seladd(is_nez(pk), ans, yk/pk); 
     t = select(is_nez(ans), nt2::abs(yk/ans), One<AA1>());
   while( nt2::bitwise_any(gt(t, Halfeps<A1>())));
   return seladd(eqzx,(nt2::powi(z, sn-1) * psi / nt2::gamma(n)) - ans, Inf<A1>());
   //TO DO pow->powi and gamma splatted from scalar or mere factorial call
Esempio n. 2
	static inline A0 cosa(const A0& a0)
	  static const sint_type de = sizeof(sint_type)*8-1;   // size in bits of the scalar types minus one
	  if (is_invalid(a0)) return Nan<A0>(); //Nan or Inf input
	  A0 x =  nt2::abs(a0);
	  if (redu_t::replacement_needed(x))
	      return redu_t::cos_replacement(a0);
	      A0 xr = Nan<A0>(), xc;
	      int_type n = redu_t::reduce(x, xr, xc);
	      int_type swap_bit = n&One<int_type>();
	      int_type sign_bit = shli(b_xor(swap_bit, (n&2)>>1), de);
	      A0 z = sqr(xr);
	      if (is_nez(swap_bit))
		  z = eval_t::sin_eval(z, xr, xc);
		  z = eval_t::cos_eval(z, xr, xc);
	      return b_xor(z,sign_bit);
Esempio n. 3
	static inline void sincosa(const A0& a0, A0& s, A0& c)
	  if (is_invalid(a0)) { s = c = Nan<A0>(); return; }
	  A0 x =  nt2::abs(a0);
	  if (redu_t::replacement_needed(x))
	      redu_t::sincos_replacement(a0, s, c);
	      static const sint_type de = sizeof(sint_type)*8-1;
	      A0 xr, xc;
	      int_type n = redu_t::reduce(x, xr, xc);
	      int_type swap_bit = n&One<int_type>();
	      A0 z = sqr(xr);
	      int_type cos_sign_bit = shli(b_xor(swap_bit, (n&Two<int_type>())>>1), de);
	      A0 sin_sign_bit = b_xor(bitofsign(a0), shli(n&Two<int_type>(), de-1));

	      if (is_nez(swap_bit))
		  c = eval_t::sin_eval(z, xr, xc);
		  s = eval_t::cos_eval(z, xr, xc);
		  c = eval_t::cos_eval(z, xr, xc);
		  s = eval_t::sin_eval(z, xr, xc);
	      c = b_xor(c,cos_sign_bit);
	      s = b_xor(s,sin_sign_bit);
Esempio n. 4
	static inline A0 sincosa(const A0& a0,  A0& c, const regular&)
	  A0 s; 
	  if (is_invalid(a0)) { c = Nan<A0>(); return c; }
 	  const A0 x =  nt2::abs(a0);
	  static const sint_type de = sizeof(sint_type)*8-1;
	  A0 xr, xc;
	  const int_type n = redu_t::reduce(x, xr, xc);
	  const int_type swap_bit = n&One<int_type>();
	  const A0 z = sqr(xr);
	  const int_type cos_sign_bit = shli(b_xor(swap_bit, (n&Two<int_type>())>>1), de);
	  const A0 sin_sign_bit = b_xor(bitofsign(a0), shli(n&Two<int_type>(), de-1));
	  if (is_nez(swap_bit))
	      c = eval_t::sin_eval(z, xr, xc);
	      s = eval_t::cos_eval(z, xr, xc);
	      c = eval_t::cos_eval(z, xr, xc);
	      s = eval_t::sin_eval(z, xr, xc);
	  c = b_xor(c,cos_sign_bit);
	  return b_xor(s,sin_sign_bit);
Esempio n. 5
 static inline AA1 case_2(const AA1 & x,  int32_t /*sn*/, const AA1 & n)
   typedef typename meta::scalar_of<AA1>::type sAA1;
   int32_t sk = 1;
   AA1 t; 
   AA1 pkm2 = One<AA1>();
   AA1 qkm2 = x;
   AA1 pkm1 = One<AA1>();
   AA1 qkm1 = x + n;
   AA1 ans = pkm1/qkm1;
     AA1 test =  is_nez(splat<AA1>(is_odd(++sk)));
     AA1 k_2 =  splat<AA1>(sk >> 1); 
     AA1 yk = sel(test, One<AA1>(), x);
     AA1 xk = seladd(test, k_2, n); 
     AA1 pk = pkm1 * yk  +  pkm2 * xk;
     AA1 qk = qkm1 * yk  +  qkm2 * xk;
     AA1 r = pk/qk;
     test = is_nez(qk); 
     t = sel(test,nt2::abs((ans-r)/r),One<AA1>());
     ans = sel(test, r, ans);
     pkm2 = pkm1;
     pkm1 = pk;
     qkm2 = qkm1;
     qkm1 = qk;
     test = gt(nt2::abs(pk), Expnibig<AA1>());
     AA1 fac = sel(test, Halfeps<AA1>(), One<AA1>()); 
     pkm2 *= fac;
     pkm1 *= fac;
     qkm2 *= fac;
     qkm1 *= fac;
   while( nt2::bitwise_any(gt(t, Halfeps<AA1>())) );
   return ans*nt2::exp(-x);
Esempio n. 6

namespace nt2 { namespace functors
  //  no special validate for majority

  // Compute majority(const A0& a0, const A0& a1, const A0& a2)
  template<class Extension,class Info>
  struct call<majority_,
    template<class Sig> struct result;
    template<class This,class A0>
    struct result<This(A0,A0,A0)>
      : meta::strip<A0>{};//

      A0 aa0 = is_nez(a0);
      A0 aa1 = is_nez(a1);
      A0 aa2 = is_nez(a2);
      return b_or(b_or(b_and(aa0, aa1),b_and(aa1, aa2)),b_and(aa2, aa0));
} }

Esempio n. 7
namespace nt2 { namespace ext
  template<class X, class Dummy>
  struct call<tag::gcd_(tag::simd_<tag::arithmetic_, X> ,
                        tag::simd_<tag::arithmetic_, X> ),
              tag::cpu_, Dummy> : callable
    template<class Sig> struct result;
    template<class This,class A0>
    struct result<This(A0,A0)> : meta::strip<A0>{};

      A0 a = a0, b = a1;
      A0 t= is_nez(b);
      while (nt2::any(t))
        A0 r = t&rem(a, b);
        a = sel(t, b, a);
        b = r;
        t= is_nez(b);
      return a;
} }

// Implementation when type A0 is real_
Esempio n. 8
 static inline logic cot_invalid(const A0& x) { return /*is_invalid(x)|*/(is_nez(x)&is_flint(x)); }
Esempio n. 9
namespace nt2 { namespace ext
  template<class X, class Dummy>
  struct call<tag::negate_(tag::simd_<tag::arithmetic_, X> ,
                           tag::simd_<tag::arithmetic_, X> ),
              tag::cpu_, Dummy> : callable
    template<class Sig> struct result;
    template<class This,class A0>
    struct result<This(A0,A0)>
      : meta::strip<A0>{};//

        return  sel(is_ltz(a1),-a0,is_nez(a1)&a0);
} }

// Implementation when type A0 is unsigned
NT2_REGISTER_DISPATCH(tag::negate_, tag::cpu_,

namespace nt2 { namespace ext
Esempio n. 10

namespace nt2 { namespace ext
  template<class X, class Dummy>
  struct call<tag::negation_(tag::simd_<tag::arithmetic_, X> ,
                             tag::simd_<tag::arithmetic_, X> ),
              tag::cpu_, Dummy> : callable
    template<class Sig> struct result;
    template<class This,class A0>
    struct result<This(A0,A0)> : meta::strip<A0>{};//

      return  sel(is_ltz(a1),-a0,b_and(is_nez(a1), a0));
} }

// Implementation when type A0 is unsigned
NT2_REGISTER_DISPATCH(tag::negation_, tag::cpu_,

namespace nt2 { namespace ext