Esempio n. 1
is_rooted_web (url u) {
    is_root_web (u) ||
    (is_concat (u) && is_rooted_web (u[1])) ||
    (is_or (u) && is_rooted_web (u[1]) && is_rooted_web (u[2]));
Esempio n. 2
get_from_web (url name) {
    if (!is_rooted_web (name)) return url_none ();
    url res= get_cache (name);
    if (!is_none (res)) return res;

#ifdef OS_WIN32
    string urlString = as_string (name);
    url tmp = url_temp();

    if (starts (urlString, "www."))
        urlString = "http://" * urlString;
    else if (starts (urlString, "ftp."))
        urlString = "ftp://" * urlString;
    else if (starts (urlString, "ftp://"))
        urlPath = NULL;
    else if (starts (urlString, "http://"))
        urlPath = NULL;
        urlString = "http://" * urlString;
    urlString= web_encode (urlString);

    c_string urlPath (urlString);
    c_string tempFilePath (as_string (tmp));

    if(!URL_Get(urlPath, tempFilePath))
        return url_none();
    else return set_cache (name, tmp);
    string test= var_eval_system ("which wget");
    if (!ends (test, "wget")) return url_none ();
    url tmp= url_temp ();
    string tmp_s= escape_sh (concretize (tmp));
    string cmd= "wget --header='User-Agent: TeXmacs-" TEXMACS_VERSION "' -q";
    cmd << " -O " << tmp_s << " " << escape_sh (web_encode (as_string (name)));
    // cout << cmd << "\n";
    system (cmd);
    // cout << "got " << name << " as " << tmp << "\n";

    if (var_eval_system ("cat " * tmp_s * " 2> /dev/null") == "") {
        remove (tmp);
        return url_none ();
    else return set_cache (name, tmp);
Esempio n. 3
concretize (url u) {
  // This routine transforms a resolved url into a system file name.
  // In the case of distant files from the web, a local copy is created.
  if (is_rooted (u, "default") ||
      is_rooted (u, "file") ||
      is_rooted (u, "blank"))
        return as_string (reroot (u, "default"));
  if (is_rooted_web (u)) return concretize (get_from_web (u));
  if (is_rooted_tmfs (u)) return concretize (get_from_server (u));
  if (is_ramdisc (u)) return concretize (get_from_ramdisc (u));
  if (is_here (u)) return as_string (url_pwd ());
  if (is_parent (u)) return as_string (url_pwd () * url_parent ());
  if (is_wildcard (u, 1)) return u->t[1]->label;
  std_warning << "Couldn't concretize " << u->t << LF;
  // failed_error << "u= " << u << LF;
  // FAILED ("url has no root");
  return "xxx";
Esempio n. 4
complete (url base, url u, string filter, bool flag) {
  // cout << "complete " << base << " |||| " << u << LF;
  if (!is_rooted(u)) {
     if (is_none (base)) return base;
     if (is_none (u)) return u;
     if ((!is_root (base)) && (!is_rooted_name (base))) {
        failed_error << "base= " << base << LF;
        FAILED ("invalid base url");
  if (is_name (u) || (is_concat (u) && is_root (u[1]) && is_name (u[2]))) {
    url comp= base * u;
    if (is_rooted (comp, "default") || is_rooted (comp, "file")) {
      if (is_of_type (comp, filter)) return reroot (u, "default");
      return url_none ();
    if (is_rooted_web (comp) || is_rooted_tmfs (comp) || is_ramdisc (comp)) {
      if (is_of_type (comp, filter)) return u;
      return url_none ();
    failed_error << "base= " << base << LF;
    failed_error << "u= " << u << LF;
    ASSERT (is_rooted (comp), "unrooted url");
    FAILED ("bad protocol in url");
  if (is_root (u)) {
    // FIXME: test filter flags here
    return u;
  if (is_concat (u) && is_wildcard (u[1], 0) && is_wildcard (u[2], 1)) {
    // FIXME: ret= ret | ... is unefficient (quadratic) in main loop
    if (!(is_rooted (base, "default") || is_rooted (base, "file"))) {
      failed_error << "base= " << base << LF;
      FAILED ("wildcards only implemented for files");
    url ret= url_none ();
    bool error_flag;
    array<string> dir= read_directory (base, error_flag);
    int i, n= N(dir);
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      if ((!is_none (ret)) && flag) return ret;
      if ((dir[i] == ".") || (dir[i] == "..")) continue;
      if (starts (dir[i], "http://") || starts (dir[i], "ftp://"))
        if (is_directory (base * dir[i])) continue;
      ret= ret | (dir[i] * complete (base * dir[i], u, filter, flag));
      if (match_wildcard (dir[i], u[2][1]->t->label))
	ret= ret | complete (base, dir[i], filter, flag);
    return ret;
  if (is_concat (u)) {
    url sub= complete (base, u[1], "", false);
    // "" should often be faster than the more correct "d" here
    return complete (base, sub, u[2], filter, flag);
  if (is_or (u)) {
    url res1= complete (base, u[1], filter, flag);
    if ((!is_none (res1)) && flag) return res1;
    return res1 | complete (base, u[2], filter, flag);
  if (is_wildcard (u)) {
    // FIXME: ret= ret | ... is unefficient (quadratic) in main loop
    if (!(is_rooted (base, "default") || is_rooted (base, "file"))) {
      failed_error << "base= " << base << LF;
      FAILED ("wildcards only implemented for files");
    url ret= url_none ();
    if (is_wildcard (u, 0) && is_of_type (base, filter)) ret= url_here ();
    bool error_flag;
    array<string> dir= read_directory (base, error_flag);
    int i, n= N(dir);
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      if ((!is_none (ret)) && flag) return ret;
      if ((dir[i] == ".") || (dir[i] == "..")) continue;
      if (starts (dir[i], "http://") || starts (dir[i], "ftp://"))
        if (is_directory (base * dir[i])) continue;
      if (is_wildcard (u, 0))
	ret= ret | (dir[i] * complete (base * dir[i], u, filter, flag));
      else if (match_wildcard (dir[i], u[1]->t->label))
	ret= ret | complete (base, dir[i], filter, flag);
    return ret;
  failed_error << "url= " << u << LF;
  FAILED ("bad url");
  return u;