Esempio n. 1
            void operator()() {
                v8::Locker v8lock(_config._scope->getIsolate());
                v8::Isolate::Scope iscope(_config._scope->getIsolate());
                v8::HandleScope handle_scope;
                v8::Context::Scope context_scope(_config._scope->getContext());

                BSONObj args = _config._args;
                v8::Local<v8::Function> f = v8::Function::Cast(
                        *(_config._scope->mongoToV8Element(args.firstElement(), true)));
                int argc = args.nFields() - 1;

                // TODO SERVER-8016: properly allocate handles on the stack
                v8::Local<v8::Value> argv[24];
                BSONObjIterator it(args);
                for(int i = 0; i < argc && i < 24; ++i) {
                    argv[i] = v8::Local<v8::Value>::New(
                            _config._scope->mongoToV8Element(*it, true));
                v8::TryCatch try_catch;
                v8::Handle<v8::Value> ret =
                        f->Call(_config._scope->getContext()->Global(), argc, argv);
                if (ret.IsEmpty() || try_catch.HasCaught()) {
                    string e = _config._scope->v8ExceptionToSTLString(&try_catch);
                    log() << "js thread raised exception: " << e << endl;
                    ret = v8::Undefined();
                // ret is translated to BSON to switch isolate
                BSONObjBuilder b;
                _config._scope->v8ToMongoElement(b, "ret", ret);
                _config._returnData = b.obj();
Esempio n. 2
            void operator()() {
                config_._scope.reset( dynamic_cast< V8Scope * >( globalScriptEngine->newScope() ) );
                v8::Locker v8lock(config_._scope->getIsolate());
                v8::Isolate::Scope iscope(config_._scope->getIsolate());
                HandleScope handle_scope;
                Context::Scope context_scope(config_._scope->getContext());

                BSONObj args = config_.args_;
                Local< v8::Function > f = v8::Function::Cast( *(config_._scope->mongoToV8Element(args.firstElement(), true)) );
                int argc = args.nFields() - 1;

                // TODO SERVER-8016: properly allocate handles on the stack
                Local<Value> argv[24];
                BSONObjIterator it(args);
                for(int i = 0; i < argc && i < 24; ++i) {
                    argv[i] = Local< Value >::New(config_._scope->mongoToV8Element(*it, true));
                TryCatch try_catch;
                Handle<Value> ret = f->Call(config_._scope->getContext()->Global(), argc, argv);
                if (ret.IsEmpty() || try_catch.HasCaught()) {
                    string e = toSTLString( &try_catch );
                    log() << "js thread raised exception: " << e << endl;
                    // v8 probably does something sane if ret is empty, but not going to assume that for now
                    ret = v8::Undefined();
                // ret is translated to BSON to switch isolate
                BSONObjBuilder b;
                config_._scope->v8ToMongoElement(b, "ret", ret);
                config_.returnData_ = b.obj();
Esempio n. 3
            void operator()() {
                V8Scope* scope = config_._scope.get();
                v8::Isolate::Scope iscope(scope->getIsolate());
                v8::Locker l(scope->getIsolate());
                HandleScope handle_scope;
                Context::Scope context_scope( scope->getContext() );

                BSONObj args = config_.args_;
                Local< v8::Function > f = v8::Function::Cast( *(scope->mongoToV8Element(args.firstElement(), true)) );
                int argc = args.nFields() - 1;

                boost::scoped_array< Local< Value > > argv( new Local< Value >[ argc ] );
                BSONObjIterator it(args);
                for( int i = 0; i < argc; ++i ) {
                    argv[ i ] = Local< Value >::New( scope->mongoToV8Element(*it, true) );
                TryCatch try_catch;
                Handle< Value > ret = f->Call( scope->getContext()->Global(), argc, argv.get() );
                if ( ret.IsEmpty() ) {
                    string e = toSTLString( &try_catch );
                    log() << "js thread raised exception: " << e << endl;
                    // v8 probably does something sane if ret is empty, but not going to assume that for now
                    ret = v8::Undefined();
                // ret is translated to BSON to switch isolate
                BSONObjBuilder b;
                scope->v8ToMongoElement(b, "ret", ret);
                config_.returnData_ = b.obj();
Esempio n. 4
            void operator()() {
                try {
                    v8::Locker v8lock(_config._scope->getIsolate());
                    v8::Isolate::Scope iscope(_config._scope->getIsolate());
                    v8::HandleScope handle_scope(_config._scope->getIsolate());
                    v8::Context::Scope context_scope(_config._scope->getContext());

                    BSONObj args = _config._args;
                    v8::Local<v8::Function> f =
                        v8::Local<v8::Function>::Cast( v8::Local<v8::Value>(
                            _config._scope->mongoToV8Element(args.firstElement(), true)));
                    int argc = args.nFields() - 1;

                    // TODO SERVER-8016: properly allocate handles on the stack
                    v8::Local<v8::Value> argv[24];
                    BSONObjIterator it(args);
                    for(int i = 0; i < argc && i < 24; ++i) {
                        argv[i] = v8::Local<v8::Value>::New(
                                _config._scope->mongoToV8Element(*it, true));
                    v8::TryCatch try_catch;
                    v8::Local<v8::Value> ret =
                            f->Call(_config._scope->getGlobal(), argc, argv);
                    if (ret.IsEmpty() || try_catch.HasCaught()) {
                        string e = _config._scope->v8ExceptionToSTLString(&try_catch);
                        log() << "js thread raised js exception: " << e << endl;
                        ret = v8::Undefined(_config._scope->getIsolate());
                        // TODO propagate exceptions (or at least the fact that an exception was
                        // thrown) to the calling js on either join() or returnData().
                    // ret is translated to BSON to switch isolate
                    BSONObjBuilder b;
                    _config._scope->v8ToMongoElement(b, "ret", ret);
                    _config._returnData = b.obj();
                catch (const DBException& e) {
                    // Keeping behavior the same as for js exceptions.
                    log() << "js thread threw c++ exception: " << e.toString();
                    _config._returnData = BSON("ret" << BSONUndefined);
                catch (const std::exception& e) {
                    log() << "js thread threw c++ exception: " << e.what();
                    _config._returnData = BSON("ret" << BSONUndefined);
                catch (...) {
                    log() << "js thread threw c++ non-exception";
                    _config._returnData = BSON("ret" << BSONUndefined);