Esempio n. 1
/* Make eq[row][col] of both bmaps equal so we can add the row
 * add the column to the common matrix.
 * Note that because of the echelon form, the columns of row row
 * after column col are zero.
static void set_common_multiple(
	struct isl_basic_set *bset1, struct isl_basic_set *bset2,
	unsigned row, unsigned col)
	isl_int m, c;

	if (isl_int_eq(bset1->eq[row][col], bset2->eq[row][col]))

	isl_int_lcm(m, bset1->eq[row][col], bset2->eq[row][col]);
	isl_int_divexact(c, m, bset1->eq[row][col]);
	isl_seq_scale(bset1->eq[row], bset1->eq[row], c, col+1);
	isl_int_divexact(c, m, bset2->eq[row][col]);
	isl_seq_scale(bset2->eq[row], bset2->eq[row], c, col+1);
/* Compute a reduced basis for the set represented by the tableau "tab".
 * tab->basis, which must be initialized by the calling function to an affine
 * unimodular basis, is updated to reflect the reduced basis.
 * The first tab->n_zero rows of the basis (ignoring the constant row)
 * are assumed to correspond to equalities and are left untouched.
 * tab->n_zero is updated to reflect any additional equalities that
 * have been detected in the first rows of the new basis.
 * The final tab->n_unbounded rows of the basis are assumed to correspond
 * to unbounded directions and are also left untouched.
 * In particular this means that the remaining rows are assumed to
 * correspond to bounded directions.
 * This function implements the algorithm described in
 * "An Implementation of the Generalized Basis Reduction Algorithm
 *  for Integer Programming" of Cook el al. to compute a reduced basis.
 * We use \epsilon = 1/4.
 * If ctx->opt->gbr_only_first is set, the user is only interested
 * in the first direction.  In this case we stop the basis reduction when
 * the width in the first direction becomes smaller than 2.
struct isl_tab *isl_tab_compute_reduced_basis(struct isl_tab *tab)
    unsigned dim;
    struct isl_ctx *ctx;
    struct isl_mat *B;
    int unbounded;
    int i;
    GBR_LP *lp = NULL;
    GBR_type F_old, alpha, F_new;
    int row;
    isl_int tmp;
    struct isl_vec *b_tmp;
    GBR_type *F = NULL;
    GBR_type *alpha_buffer[2] = { NULL, NULL };
    GBR_type *alpha_saved;
    GBR_type F_saved;
    int use_saved = 0;
    isl_int mu[2];
    GBR_type mu_F[2];
    GBR_type two;
    GBR_type one;
    int empty = 0;
    int fixed = 0;
    int fixed_saved = 0;
    int mu_fixed[2];
    int n_bounded;
    int gbr_only_first;

    if (!tab)
        return NULL;

    if (tab->empty)
        return tab;

    ctx = tab->mat->ctx;
    gbr_only_first = ctx->opt->gbr_only_first;
    dim = tab->n_var;
    B = tab->basis;
    if (!B)
        return tab;

    n_bounded = dim - tab->n_unbounded;
    if (n_bounded <= tab->n_zero + 1)
        return tab;



    b_tmp = isl_vec_alloc(ctx, dim);
    if (!b_tmp)
        goto error;

    F = isl_alloc_array(ctx, GBR_type, n_bounded);
    alpha_buffer[0] = isl_alloc_array(ctx, GBR_type, n_bounded);
    alpha_buffer[1] = isl_alloc_array(ctx, GBR_type, n_bounded);
    alpha_saved = alpha_buffer[0];

    if (!F || !alpha_buffer[0] || !alpha_buffer[1])
        goto error;

    for (i = 0; i < n_bounded; ++i) {

    GBR_set_ui(two, 2);
    GBR_set_ui(one, 1);

    lp = GBR_lp_init(tab);
    if (!lp)
        goto error;

    i = tab->n_zero;

    GBR_lp_set_obj(lp, B->row[1+i]+1, dim);
    unbounded = GBR_lp_solve(lp);
    isl_assert(ctx, !unbounded, goto error);
    GBR_lp_get_obj_val(lp, &F[i]);

    if (GBR_lt(F[i], one)) {
        if (!GBR_is_zero(F[i])) {
            empty = GBR_lp_cut(lp, B->row[1+i]+1);
            if (empty)
                goto done;
            GBR_set_ui(F[i], 0);

    do {
        if (i+1 == tab->n_zero) {
            GBR_lp_set_obj(lp, B->row[1+i+1]+1, dim);
            unbounded = GBR_lp_solve(lp);
            isl_assert(ctx, !unbounded, goto error);
            GBR_lp_get_obj_val(lp, &F_new);
            fixed = GBR_lp_is_fixed(lp);
            GBR_set_ui(alpha, 0);
        } else if (use_saved) {
            row = GBR_lp_next_row(lp);
            GBR_set(F_new, F_saved);
            fixed = fixed_saved;
            GBR_set(alpha, alpha_saved[i]);
        } else {
            row = GBR_lp_add_row(lp, B->row[1+i]+1, dim);
            GBR_lp_set_obj(lp, B->row[1+i+1]+1, dim);
            unbounded = GBR_lp_solve(lp);
            isl_assert(ctx, !unbounded, goto error);
            GBR_lp_get_obj_val(lp, &F_new);
            fixed = GBR_lp_is_fixed(lp);

            GBR_lp_get_alpha(lp, row, &alpha);

            if (i > 0)
                save_alpha(lp, row-i, i, alpha_saved);

            if (GBR_lp_del_row(lp) < 0)
                goto error;
        GBR_set(F[i+1], F_new);

        GBR_floor(mu[0], alpha);
        GBR_ceil(mu[1], alpha);

        if (isl_int_eq(mu[0], mu[1]))
            isl_int_set(tmp, mu[0]);
        else {
            int j;

            for (j = 0; j <= 1; ++j) {
                isl_int_set(tmp, mu[j]);
                                ctx->one, B->row[1+i+1]+1,
                                tmp, B->row[1+i]+1, dim);
                GBR_lp_set_obj(lp, b_tmp->el, dim);
                unbounded = GBR_lp_solve(lp);
                isl_assert(ctx, !unbounded, goto error);
                GBR_lp_get_obj_val(lp, &mu_F[j]);
                mu_fixed[j] = GBR_lp_is_fixed(lp);
                if (i > 0)
                    save_alpha(lp, row-i, i, alpha_buffer[j]);

            if (GBR_lt(mu_F[0], mu_F[1]))
                j = 0;
                j = 1;

            isl_int_set(tmp, mu[j]);
            GBR_set(F_new, mu_F[j]);
            fixed = mu_fixed[j];
            alpha_saved = alpha_buffer[j];
        isl_seq_combine(B->row[1+i+1]+1, ctx->one, B->row[1+i+1]+1,
                        tmp, B->row[1+i]+1, dim);

        if (i+1 == tab->n_zero && fixed) {
            if (!GBR_is_zero(F[i+1])) {
                empty = GBR_lp_cut(lp, B->row[1+i+1]+1);
                if (empty)
                    goto done;
                GBR_set_ui(F[i+1], 0);

        GBR_set(F_old, F[i]);

        use_saved = 0;
        /* mu_F[0] = 4 * F_new; mu_F[1] = 3 * F_old */
        GBR_set_ui(mu_F[0], 4);
        GBR_mul(mu_F[0], mu_F[0], F_new);
        GBR_set_ui(mu_F[1], 3);
        GBR_mul(mu_F[1], mu_F[1], F_old);
        if (GBR_lt(mu_F[0], mu_F[1])) {
            B = isl_mat_swap_rows(B, 1 + i, 1 + i + 1);
            if (i > tab->n_zero) {
                use_saved = 1;
                GBR_set(F_saved, F_new);
                fixed_saved = fixed;
                if (GBR_lp_del_row(lp) < 0)
                    goto error;
            } else {
                GBR_set(F[tab->n_zero], F_new);
                if (gbr_only_first && GBR_lt(F[tab->n_zero], two))

                if (fixed) {
                    if (!GBR_is_zero(F[tab->n_zero])) {
                        empty = GBR_lp_cut(lp, B->row[1+tab->n_zero]+1);
                        if (empty)
                            goto done;
                        GBR_set_ui(F[tab->n_zero], 0);
        } else {
            GBR_lp_add_row(lp, B->row[1+i]+1, dim);
    } while (i < n_bounded - 1);