LUA_API int lua_dump(lua_State *L, lua_Writer writer, void *data) { cTValue *o = L->top-1; api_check(L, L->top > L->base); if (tvisfunc(o) && isluafunc(funcV(o))) return lj_bcwrite(L, funcproto(funcV(o)), writer, data, 0); else return 1; }
/* Return bytecode position for function/frame or NO_BCPOS. */ static BCPos debug_framepc(lua_State *L, GCfunc *fn, cTValue *nextframe) { const BCIns *ins; GCproto *pt; BCPos pos; lua_assert(fn->c.gct == ~LJ_TFUNC || fn->c.gct == ~LJ_TTHREAD); if (!isluafunc(fn)) { /* Cannot derive a PC for non-Lua functions. */ return NO_BCPOS; } else if (nextframe == NULL) { /* Lua function on top. */ void *cf = cframe_raw(L->cframe); if (cf == NULL || (char *)cframe_pc(cf) == (char *)cframe_L(cf)) return NO_BCPOS; ins = cframe_pc(cf); /* Only happens during error/hook handling. */ } else { if (frame_islua(nextframe)) { ins = frame_pc(nextframe); } else if (frame_iscont(nextframe)) { ins = frame_contpc(nextframe); } else { /* Lua function below errfunc/gc/hook: find cframe to get the PC. */ void *cf = cframe_raw(L->cframe); TValue *f = L->base-1; for (;;) { if (cf == NULL) return NO_BCPOS; while (cframe_nres(cf) < 0) { if (f >= restorestack(L, -cframe_nres(cf))) break; cf = cframe_raw(cframe_prev(cf)); if (cf == NULL) return NO_BCPOS; } if (f < nextframe) break; if (frame_islua(f)) { f = frame_prevl(f); } else { if (frame_isc(f) || (LJ_HASFFI && frame_iscont(f) && (f-1)->u32.lo == LJ_CONT_FFI_CALLBACK)) cf = cframe_raw(cframe_prev(cf)); f = frame_prevd(f); } } ins = cframe_pc(cf); } } pt = funcproto(fn); pos = proto_bcpos(pt, ins) - 1; #if LJ_HASJIT if (pos > pt->sizebc) { /* Undo the effects of lj_trace_exit for JLOOP. */ GCtrace *T = (GCtrace *)((char *)(ins-1) - offsetof(GCtrace, startins)); lua_assert(bc_isret(bc_op(ins[-1]))); pos = proto_bcpos(pt, mref(T->startpc, const BCIns)); }
static int debug_getupvalue(lua_State *L, int get) { int32_t n = lj_lib_checkint(L, 2); if (isluafunc(lj_lib_checkfunc(L, 1))) { const char *name = get ? lua_getupvalue(L, 1, n) : lua_setupvalue(L, 1, n); if (name) { lua_pushstring(L, name); if (!get) return 1; copyTV(L, L->top, L->top-2); L->top++; return 2; } } return 0; }
/* Return prototype of first argument (Lua function or prototype object) */ static GCproto *check_Lproto(lua_State *L, int nolua) { TValue *o = L->base; if (L->top > o) { if (tvisproto(o)) { return protoV(o); } else if (tvisfunc(o)) { if (isluafunc(funcV(o))) return funcproto(funcV(o)); else if (nolua) return NULL; } } lj_err_argt(L, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION); return NULL; /* unreachable */ }
/* Initialize call. Ensure stack space and return # of missing parameters. */ static int call_init(lua_State *L, GCfunc *fn) { if (isluafunc(fn)) { GCproto *pt = funcproto(fn); int numparams = pt->numparams; int gotparams = (int)(L->top - L->base); int need = pt->framesize; if ((pt->flags & PROTO_IS_VARARG)) need += 1+gotparams; lj_state_checkstack(L, (MSize)need); numparams -= gotparams; return numparams >= 0 ? numparams : 0; } else { lj_state_checkstack(L, LUA_MINSTACK); return 0; } }
/* Public API function: control the JIT engine. */ int luaJIT_setmode(lua_State *L, int idx, int mode) { global_State *g = G(L); int mm = mode & LUAJIT_MODE_MASK; lj_trace_abort(g); /* Abort recording on any state change. */ /* Avoid pulling the rug from under our own feet. */ if ((g->hookmask & HOOK_GC)) lj_err_caller(L, LJ_ERR_NOGCMM); switch (mm) { #if LJ_HASJIT case LUAJIT_MODE_ENGINE: if ((mode & LUAJIT_MODE_FLUSH)) { lj_trace_flushall(L); } else { if (!(mode & LUAJIT_MODE_ON)) G2J(g)->flags &= ~(uint32_t)JIT_F_ON; #if LJ_TARGET_X86ORX64 else if ((G2J(g)->flags & JIT_F_SSE2)) G2J(g)->flags |= (uint32_t)JIT_F_ON; else return 0; /* Don't turn on JIT compiler without SSE2 support. */ #else else G2J(g)->flags |= (uint32_t)JIT_F_ON; #endif lj_dispatch_update(g); } break; case LUAJIT_MODE_FUNC: case LUAJIT_MODE_ALLFUNC: case LUAJIT_MODE_ALLSUBFUNC: { cTValue *tv = idx == 0 ? frame_prev(L->base-1) : idx > 0 ? L->base + (idx-1) : L->top + idx; GCproto *pt; if ((idx == 0 || tvisfunc(tv)) && isluafunc(&gcval(tv)->fn)) pt = funcproto(&gcval(tv)->fn); /* Cannot use funcV() for frame slot. */ else if (tvisproto(tv)) pt = protoV(tv); else return 0; /* Failed. */ if (mm != LUAJIT_MODE_ALLSUBFUNC) setptmode(g, pt, mode); if (mm != LUAJIT_MODE_FUNC) setptmode_all(g, pt, mode); break; } case LUAJIT_MODE_TRACE: if (!(mode & LUAJIT_MODE_FLUSH)) return 0; /* Failed. */ lj_trace_flush(G2J(g), idx); break; #else case LUAJIT_MODE_ENGINE: case LUAJIT_MODE_FUNC: case LUAJIT_MODE_ALLFUNC: case LUAJIT_MODE_ALLSUBFUNC: UNUSED(idx); if ((mode & LUAJIT_MODE_ON)) return 0; /* Failed. */ break; #endif case LUAJIT_MODE_WRAPCFUNC: if ((mode & LUAJIT_MODE_ON)) { if (idx != 0) { cTValue *tv = idx > 0 ? L->base + (idx-1) : L->top + idx; if (tvislightud(tv)) g->wrapf = (lua_CFunction)lightudV(tv); else return 0; /* Failed. */ } else { return 0; /* Failed. */ } g->bc_cfunc_ext = BCINS_AD(BC_FUNCCW, 0, 0); } else { g->bc_cfunc_ext = BCINS_AD(BC_FUNCC, 0, 0); } break; default: return 0; /* Failed. */ }
/* Restore interpreter state from exit state with the help of a snapshot. */ const BCIns *lj_snap_restore(jit_State *J, void *exptr) { ExitState *ex = (ExitState *)exptr; SnapNo snapno = J->exitno; /* For now, snapno == exitno. */ GCtrace *T = traceref(J, J->parent); SnapShot *snap = &T->snap[snapno]; MSize n, nent = snap->nent; SnapEntry *map = &T->snapmap[snap->mapofs]; SnapEntry *flinks = map + nent + snap->depth; int32_t ftsz0; BCReg nslots = snap->nslots; TValue *frame; BloomFilter rfilt = snap_renamefilter(T, snapno); const BCIns *pc = snap_pc(map[nent]); lua_State *L = J->L; /* Set interpreter PC to the next PC to get correct error messages. */ setcframe_pc(cframe_raw(L->cframe), pc+1); /* Make sure the stack is big enough for the slots from the snapshot. */ if (LJ_UNLIKELY(L->base + nslots > tvref(L->maxstack))) { L->top = curr_topL(L); lj_state_growstack(L, nslots - curr_proto(L)->framesize); } /* Fill stack slots with data from the registers and spill slots. */ frame = L->base-1; ftsz0 = frame_ftsz(frame); /* Preserve link to previous frame in slot #0. */ for (n = 0; n < nent; n++) { SnapEntry sn = map[n]; IRRef ref = snap_ref(sn); BCReg s = snap_slot(sn); TValue *o = &frame[s]; /* Stack slots are relative to start frame. */ IRIns *ir = &T->ir[ref]; if (irref_isk(ref)) { /* Restore constant slot. */ lj_ir_kvalue(L, o, ir); if ((sn & (SNAP_CONT|SNAP_FRAME))) { /* Overwrite tag with frame link. */ o-> = s != 0 ? (int32_t)*flinks-- : ftsz0; if ((sn & SNAP_FRAME)) { GCfunc *fn = ir_kfunc(ir); if (isluafunc(fn)) { MSize framesize = funcproto(fn)->framesize; L->base = ++o; if (LJ_UNLIKELY(o + framesize > tvref(L->maxstack))) { ptrdiff_t fsave = savestack(L, frame); L->top = o; lj_state_growstack(L, framesize); /* Grow again. */ frame = restorestack(L, fsave); } } } } } else if (!(sn & SNAP_NORESTORE)) { IRType1 t = ir->t; RegSP rs = ir->prev; lua_assert(!(sn & (SNAP_CONT|SNAP_FRAME))); if (LJ_UNLIKELY(bloomtest(rfilt, ref))) rs = snap_renameref(T, snapno, ref, rs); if (ra_hasspill(regsp_spill(rs))) { /* Restore from spill slot. */ int32_t *sps = &ex->spill[regsp_spill(rs)]; if (LJ_SOFTFP && (sn & SNAP_SOFTFPNUM)) { o->u32.lo = (uint32_t)*sps; } else if (irt_isinteger(t)) { setintV(o, *sps); #if !LJ_SOFTFP } else if (irt_isnum(t)) { o->u64 = *(uint64_t *)sps; #endif #if LJ_64 } else if (irt_islightud(t)) { /* 64 bit lightuserdata which may escape already has the tag bits. */ o->u64 = *(uint64_t *)sps; #endif } else { lua_assert(!irt_ispri(t)); /* PRI refs never have a spill slot. */ setgcrefi(o->gcr, *sps); setitype(o, irt_toitype(t)); } } else { /* Restore from register. */ Reg r = regsp_reg(rs); lua_assert(ra_hasreg(r)); if (LJ_SOFTFP && (sn & SNAP_SOFTFPNUM)) { o->u32.lo = (uint32_t)ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR]; } else if (irt_isinteger(t)) { setintV(o, (int32_t)ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR]); #if !LJ_SOFTFP } else if (irt_isnum(t)) { setnumV(o, ex->fpr[r-RID_MIN_FPR]); #endif #if LJ_64 } else if (irt_islightud(t)) { /* 64 bit lightuserdata which may escape already has the tag bits. */ o->u64 = ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR]; #endif } else { if (!irt_ispri(t)) setgcrefi(o->gcr, ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR]); setitype(o, irt_toitype(t)); } } if (LJ_SOFTFP && (sn & SNAP_SOFTFPNUM)) { rs = (ir+1)->prev; if (LJ_UNLIKELY(bloomtest(rfilt, ref+1))) rs = snap_renameref(T, snapno, ref+1, rs); o->u32.hi = (ra_hasspill(regsp_spill(rs))) ? (uint32_t)*&ex->spill[regsp_spill(rs)] : (uint32_t)ex->gpr[regsp_reg(rs)-RID_MIN_GPR]; } } } switch (bc_op(*pc)) { case BC_CALLM: case BC_CALLMT: case BC_RETM: case BC_TSETM: L->top = frame + nslots; break; default: L->top = curr_topL(L); break; } lua_assert(map + nent == flinks); return pc; }
/* Restore interpreter state from exit state with the help of a snapshot. */ void lj_snap_restore(jit_State *J, void *exptr) { ExitState *ex = (ExitState *)exptr; SnapNo snapno = J->exitno; /* For now, snapno == exitno. */ Trace *T = J->trace[J->parent]; SnapShot *snap = &T->snap[snapno]; BCReg s, nslots = snap->nslots; IRRef2 *map = &T->snapmap[snap->mapofs]; IRRef2 *flinks = map + nslots + snap->nframelinks; TValue *o, *newbase, *ntop; BloomFilter rfilt = snap_renamefilter(T, snapno); lua_State *L = J->L; /* Make sure the stack is big enough for the slots from the snapshot. */ if (L->base + nslots >= L->maxstack) { L->top = curr_topL(L); lj_state_growstack(L, nslots - curr_proto(L)->framesize); } /* Fill stack slots with data from the registers and spill slots. */ newbase = NULL; ntop = L->base; for (s = 0, o = L->base-1; s < nslots; s++, o++) { IRRef ref = snap_ref(map[s]); if (ref) { IRIns *ir = &T->ir[ref]; if (irref_isk(ref)) { /* Restore constant slot. */ lj_ir_kvalue(L, o, ir); } else { IRType1 t = ir->t; RegSP rs = ir->prev; if (LJ_UNLIKELY(bloomtest(rfilt, ref))) rs = snap_renameref(T, snapno, ref, rs); if (ra_hasspill(regsp_spill(rs))) { /* Restore from spill slot. */ int32_t *sps = &ex->spill[regsp_spill(rs)]; if (irt_isinteger(t)) { setintV(o, *sps); } else if (irt_isnum(t)) { o->u64 = *(uint64_t *)sps; } else { lua_assert(!irt_ispri(t)); /* PRI refs never have a spill slot. */ setgcrefi(o->gcr, *sps); setitype(o, irt_toitype(t)); } } else if (ra_hasreg(regsp_reg(rs))) { /* Restore from register. */ Reg r = regsp_reg(rs); if (irt_isinteger(t)) { setintV(o, ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR]); } else if (irt_isnum(t)) { setnumV(o, ex->fpr[r-RID_MIN_FPR]); } else { if (!irt_ispri(t)) setgcrefi(o->gcr, ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR]); setitype(o, irt_toitype(t)); } } else { /* Restore frame slot. */ lua_assert(ir->o == IR_FRAME); /* This works for both PTR and FUNC IR_FRAME. */ setgcrefp(o->fr.func, mref(T->ir[ir->op2].ptr, void)); if (s != 0) /* Do not overwrite link to previous frame. */ o-> = (int32_t)*--flinks; if (irt_isfunc(ir->t)) { GCfunc *fn = gco2func(gcref(T->ir[ir->op2].gcr)); if (isluafunc(fn)) { TValue *fs; newbase = o+1; fs = newbase + funcproto(fn)->framesize; if (fs > ntop) ntop = fs; /* Update top for newly added frames. */ } } } } } else if (newbase) { setnilV(o); /* Clear unreferenced slots of newly added frames. */ } }