Esempio n. 1
write_tree (const wfa_t *wfa, bitfile_t *output)
 *  Write bintree to stream 'output'.
 *  Traverse tree in breadth first order and save a '1' for each child
 *  and a '0' for each range image.
 *  No return value.
   unsigned  queue [MAXSTATES];		/* state numbers in BFO */
   unsigned  current;			/* current node to process */
   unsigned  last;			/* last node (update every new node) */
   unsigned  label;			/* current label */
   int	     into;			/* next child */
   byte_t   *tree_string;		/* bitstring to encode */
   unsigned  total = 0;			/* number of ranges */
   unsigned  bits  = bits_processed (output); /* number of bits */

    *  Traverse tree in breadth first order. Use a queue to store
    *  the childs of each node ('last' is the next free queue element).
    *  The first element ('current') of this queue will get the new parent
    *  node. 
   tree_string = Calloc (MAXSTATES * MAXLABELS, sizeof (byte_t));
   queue [0] = wfa->root_state;
   for (last = 1, current = 0; current < last; current++)
      for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
	 if (!isrange (into = wfa->tree [queue[current]][label])) /* child ? */
	    queue [last++]        = into;
	    tree_string [total++] = 1;
	 else				/* or range ? */
	    tree_string [total++] = 0;

   if (total != (wfa->states - wfa->basis_states) * MAXLABELS)
      error ("total [%d] != (states - basis_states) * 2 [%d]", total,
	     (wfa->states - wfa->basis_states) * MAXLABELS);
      unsigned scale = total / 20 ;

      encode_tree (output, tree_string, total, scale, 1, 11);

   Free (tree_string);
   debug_message ("tree:         %5d bits. (%5d symbols => %5.2f bps)",
		  bits_processed (output) - bits, total,
		  total > 0 ? ((bits_processed (output) - bits)
			       / (double) total) : 0);
Esempio n. 2
Parserange_simple (char **div, bool *revcomp, Genomicpos_T *chrstart, Genomicpos_T *chrend,
		   char *query) {
  char *coords;
  Genomicpos_T result, left, length;
  *revcomp = false;
  if (index(query,':')) {
    /* Segment must be a genome, chromosome, or contig */
    debug(printf("Parsed query %s into ",query));
    *div = strtok(query,":");
    if ((*div)[0] == '+') {
      *revcomp = false;
      *div = &((*div)[1]);
    } else if ((*div)[0] == '_') {
      *revcomp = true;
      *div = &((*div)[1]);
    coords = strtok(NULL,":");
    debug(printf("segment %s and coords %s\n",*div,coords));

    debug(printf("Interpreting segment %s as a chromosome\n",*div));
    if (coords == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Need region after ':'\n");
      return false;
    } else if (isnumberp(&result,coords)) {
      debug(printf("  and coords %s as a number\n",coords));
      left = result - 1;	/* Make 0-based */
      length = 1;
    } else if (isrange(&left,&length,&(*revcomp),coords)) {
      debug(printf("  and coords %s as a range starting at %u with length %u and revcomp = %d\n",
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr,"Coordinates after ':' is neither a number nor a range\n");
      debug(printf("  but coords %s is neither a number nor a range\n",coords));
      return false;

    /* Compute chromosomal coordinates */
    *chrstart = left;
    *chrend = *chrstart + length;
    *chrstart += 1U;		/* Make 1-based */

    return true;

  } else {
    fprintf(stderr,"Region %s does not contain ':'\n",query);
    return false;
Esempio n. 3
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	fz_document *doc = NULL;
	int c;
	fz_context *ctx;


	yctx = yutani_init();

	char * _width  = getenv("WIDTH");
	char * _height = getenv("HEIGHT");
	width  = _width  ? atoi(_width)  : 512;
	height = _height ? atoi(_height) : 512;


	window = yutani_window_create(yctx, width + decor_width(), height + decor_height());
	yutani_window_move(yctx, window, 50, 50);

	yutani_window_advertise_icon(yctx, window, "PDF Viewer", "pdfviewer");

	gfx_ctx = init_graphics_yutani(window);
	render_decorations(window, gfx_ctx, "PDFViewer - Loading...");

	while ((c = fz_getopt(argc, argv, "wf")) != -1) {
		switch (c) {
			case 'f':
				fit = 1;

	ctx = fz_new_context(NULL, NULL, FZ_STORE_DEFAULT);
	if (!ctx) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize fitz context.\n");

	fz_set_aa_level(ctx, alphabits);
	colorspace = fz_device_rgb;

	fz_try(ctx) {
		while (fz_optind < argc)
				filename = argv[fz_optind++];

					doc = fz_open_document(ctx, filename);
					fz_throw(ctx, "cannot open document: %s", filename);

				if (fz_optind == argc || !isrange(argv[fz_optind]))
					drawrange(ctx, doc, "1-");
				if (fz_optind < argc && isrange(argv[fz_optind]))
					drawrange(ctx, doc, argv[fz_optind++]);

				doc = NULL;
				if (!ignore_errors)

				doc = NULL;
				fz_warn(ctx, "ignoring error in '%s'", filename);
	fz_catch(ctx) {
		fprintf(stderr, "error: cannot draw '%s'\n", filename);
		errored = 1;


	return (errored != 0);
Esempio n. 4
Local int
compare_page(FIELD_PTR *a, FIELD_PTR *b)

    int     m = 0;
    short   i = 0;

    while((i < (*a)->count) && (i < (*b)->count) &&
				   ((m = (*a)->npg[i] - (*b)->npg[i]) == 0))
    if(m == 0)
       {				/* common leading page numbers match */
	if((i == (*a)->count) && (i == (*b)->count))
	   {			/* all page numbers match */

	    We have identical entries, except possibly in encap fields.
	    The ordering is tricky here.  Consider the following input
	    sequence of index names, encaps, and page numbers:

		foo|(	2
		foo|)	6
		foo|(	6
		foo|)	10

	    This might legimately occur when a page range ends, and
	    subsequently, a new range starts, on the same page.  If we
	    just order by range_open and range_close (here, parens),
	    then we will produce

		foo|(	2
		foo|(	6
		foo|)	6
		foo|)	10

	    This will later generate the index entry

		foo, 2--6, \({6}, 10

	    which is not only wrong, but has also introduced an illegal
	    LaTeX macro, \({6}, because the merging step treated this
	    like a \see{6} entry.

	    The solution is to preserve the original input order, which
	    we can do by treating range_open and range_close as equal,
	    and then ordering by input line number.  This will then
	    generate the correct index entry

		foo, 2--10

	    Ordering inconsistencies from missing range open or close
	    entries, or mixing roman and arabic page numbers, will be
	    detected later.

#define isrange(c) ( ((c) == idx_ropen) || ((c) == idx_rclose) )

	    /* Order two range values by input line number */

	    if(isrange(*(*a)->encap) && isrange(*(*b)->encap))
		m = (*a)->lc - (*b)->lc;

	    /* Handle identical encap fields; neither is a range delimiter */

	    else if(STREQ((*a)->encap, (*b)->encap))
		    /* If neither are yet marked duplicate, mark the second
		of them to be ignored. */

		if(((*a)->type != DUPLICATE) && ((*b)->type != DUPLICATE)) 
		    (*b)->type = DUPLICATE;

		/* leave m == 0 to show equality */

	    /* Encap fields differ: only one may be a range delimiter, */
	    /* or else neither of them is.   If either of them is a range */
	    /* delimiter, order by input line number; otherwise, order */
	    /* by name. */

		if(isrange(*(*a)->encap) || isrange(*(*b)->encap))
		    m = (*a)->lc - (*b)->lc; /* order by input line number */
		else			/* order non-range items by */
					/* their encap strings */
		    m = compare_string((unsigned char*)((*a)->encap),
					       (unsigned char*)((*b)->encap));
	else if((i == (*a)->count) && (i < (*b)->count))
	    m = -1;
	else if((i < (*a)->count) && (i == (*b)->count))
	    m = 1;
Esempio n. 5
int pdfmerge_main(int argc, char **argv)
	pdf_write_options opts = { 0 };
	char *output = "out.pdf";
	char *infile_src;
	int c;

	while ((c = fz_getopt(argc, argv, "adlszo:")) != -1)
		switch (c)
		case 'o': output = fz_optarg; break;
		case 'a': opts.do_ascii ++; break;
		case 'd': opts.do_expand ^= PDF_EXPAND_ALL; break;
		case 'l': opts.do_linear ++; break;
		case 's': opts.do_clean ++; break;
		case 'z': opts.do_deflate ++; break;
		default: usage(); break;

	if (fz_optind == argc)

	ctx = fz_new_context(NULL, NULL, FZ_STORE_UNLIMITED);
	if (!ctx)
		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot initialise context\n");

		doc_des = pdf_create_document(ctx);
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate destination document file %s\n", output);

	/* Step through the source files */
	while (fz_optind < argc)
			infile_src = argv[fz_optind++];
			pdf_drop_document(ctx, doc_src);
			doc_src = pdf_open_document(ctx, infile_src);

			if (fz_optind == argc || !isrange(argv[fz_optind]))
			fprintf(stderr, "Failed merging document %s\n", infile_src);

		pdf_save_document(ctx, doc_des, output, &opts);
		pdf_drop_document(ctx, doc_des);
		pdf_drop_document(ctx, doc_src);
		fprintf(stderr, "Error encountered during file save.\n");

	return 0;
Esempio n. 6
Parserange_universal_iit (char **div, bool *revcomp,
			  Genomicpos_T *genomicstart, Genomicpos_T *genomiclength,
			  Genomicpos_T *chrstart, Genomicpos_T *chrend,
			  Genomicpos_T *chroffset, Genomicpos_T *chrlength,
			  char *query, IIT_T chromosome_iit, IIT_T contig_iit) {
  char *coords;
  Genomicpos_T result, left, length;
  Interval_T interval;
  int theindex;
  int rc;
  *revcomp = false;
  if (index(query,':')) {
    /* Segment must be a genome, chromosome, or contig */
    debug(printf("Parsed query %s into ",query));
    *div = strtok(query,":");
    if ((*div)[0] == '+') {
      *revcomp = false;
      *div = &((*div)[1]);
    } else if ((*div)[0] == '_') {
      *revcomp = true;
      *div = &((*div)[1]);
    coords = strtok(NULL,":");
    debug(printf("segment %s and coords %s\n",*div,coords));

    debug(printf("Interpreting segment %s as a chromosome\n",*div));
    if (coords == NULL) {
      debug(printf("  entire chromosome\n"));
      rc = translate_chromosomepos_universal(&(*genomicstart),&(*genomiclength),*div,left=0,length=0,chromosome_iit);
    } else if (isnumberp(&result,coords)) {
      debug(printf("  and coords %s as a number\n",coords));
      rc = translate_chromosomepos_universal(&(*genomicstart),&(*genomiclength),*div,left=result-1,length=1,chromosome_iit);
    } else if (isrange(&left,&length,&(*revcomp),coords)) {
      debug(printf("  and coords %s as a range starting at %u with length %u and revcomp = %d\n",
      rc = translate_chromosomepos_universal(&(*genomicstart),&(*genomiclength),*div,left,length,chromosome_iit);
    } else {
      debug(printf("  but coords %s is neither a number nor a range\n",coords));
      rc = -1;

    /* Compute chromosomal coordinates */
    *chrstart = left;
    *chrend = *chrstart + *genomiclength;
    *chrstart += 1U;		/* Make 1-based */

    /* Get chromosomal information */
    if ((theindex = IIT_find_one(chromosome_iit,*div)) < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Cannot find chromosome %s in chromosome IIT file\n",*div);
      /* exit(9); */
    } else {
      interval = IIT_interval(chromosome_iit,theindex);
      *chroffset = Interval_low(interval);
      *chrlength = Interval_length(interval);

    if (rc != 0) {
      /* Try contig */
      debug(printf("Interpreting segment %s as a contig\n",*div));
      if (isnumberp(&result,coords)) {
	debug(printf("  and coords %s as a number\n",coords));
	rc = translate_contig(&(*genomicstart),&(*genomiclength),*div,left=result-1,length=1,contig_iit);
      } else if (isrange(&left,&length,&(*revcomp),coords)) {
	debug(printf("  and coords %s as a range starting at %u with length %u and revcomp = %d\n",
	rc = translate_contig(&(*genomicstart),&(*genomiclength),*div,left,length,contig_iit);
      } else {
	debug(printf("  but coords %s is neither a number nor a range\n",coords));
	rc = -1;

    if (rc != 0) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Can't find coordinates %s:%s\n",*div,coords);
      return false;
    } else {
      return true;

  } else {
    /* Query must be a genomic position, genomic range, or contig */
    *chrstart = *chroffset = *chrlength = 0;

    debug(printf("Parsed query %s as atomic ",query));
    if (isnumberp(&result,query)) {
      *genomicstart = result-1;
      *genomiclength = 1;

    } else if (isrange(&left,&length,&(*revcomp),query)) {
      *genomicstart = left;
      *genomiclength = length;

    } else {

      return false;
#if 0
      rc = translate_contig(&(*genomicstart),&(*genomiclength),query,left=0,length=0,contig_iit);

    *div = convert_to_chrpos_iit(&(*chrstart),chromosome_iit,*genomicstart);
    *chrend = *chrstart + *genomiclength;
    *chrstart += 1U;		/* Make 1-based */

    /* Try chromosome first */
    if ((theindex = IIT_find_one(chromosome_iit,*div)) < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Cannot find chromosome %s in chromosome IIT file\n",*div);
      return false;
    } else {
      interval = IIT_interval(chromosome_iit,theindex);
      *chroffset = Interval_low(interval);
      *chrlength = Interval_length(interval);
      return true;
Esempio n. 7
Parserange_universal (char **div, bool *revcomp,
		      Genomicpos_T *genomicstart, Genomicpos_T *genomiclength,
		      Genomicpos_T *chrstart, Genomicpos_T *chrend,
		      Genomicpos_T *chroffset, Genomicpos_T *chrlength,
		      char *query, char *genomesubdir, char *fileroot) {
  char *coords, *filename;
  Genomicpos_T result, left, length;
  IIT_T chromosome_iit, contig_iit;
  Interval_T interval;
  int theindex;
  int rc;
  *revcomp = false;
  if (index(query,':')) {
    /* Segment must be a genome, chromosome, or contig */
    debug(printf("Parsed query %s into ",query));
    *div = strtok(query,":");
    if ((*div)[0] == '+') {
      *revcomp = false;
      *div = &((*div)[1]);
    } else if ((*div)[0] == '_') {
      *revcomp = true;
      *div = &((*div)[1]);
    coords = strtok(NULL,":");
    debug(printf("segment %s and coords %s\n",*div,coords));

    /* Try chromosome first */
    filename = (char *) CALLOC(strlen(genomesubdir)+strlen("/")+strlen(fileroot)+
    chromosome_iit = IIT_read(filename,/*name*/NULL,/*readonlyp*/true,/*divread*/READ_ALL,

    debug(printf("Interpreting segment %s as a chromosome\n",*div));
    if (coords == NULL) {
      debug(printf("  entire chromosome\n"));
      rc = translate_chromosomepos_universal(&(*genomicstart),&(*genomiclength),*div,left=0,length=0,chromosome_iit);
    } else if (isnumberp(&result,coords)) {
      debug(printf("  and coords %s as a number\n",coords));
      rc = translate_chromosomepos_universal(&(*genomicstart),&(*genomiclength),*div,left=result-1,length=1,chromosome_iit);
    } else if (isrange(&left,&length,&(*revcomp),coords)) {
      debug(printf("  and coords %s as a range starting at %u with length %u and revcomp = %d\n",
      rc = translate_chromosomepos_universal(&(*genomicstart),&(*genomiclength),*div,left,length,chromosome_iit);
    } else {
      debug(printf("  but coords %s is neither a number nor a range\n",coords));
      rc = -1;

    /* Compute chromosomal coordinates */
    *chrstart = left;
    *chrend = *chrstart + *genomiclength;
    *chrstart += 1U;		/* Make 1-based */

    /* Get chromosomal information */
    if ((theindex = IIT_find_one(chromosome_iit,*div)) < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Cannot find chromosome %s in chromosome IIT file\n",*div);
      /* exit(9); */
    } else {
      interval = IIT_interval(chromosome_iit,theindex);
      *chroffset = Interval_low(interval);
      *chrlength = Interval_length(interval);


#if 0
    /* Contig IIT's are of type 1, which require some work to compute
       on current div-based scheme.  Just abandoning for now. */
    if (rc != 0) {
      /* Try contig */
      filename = (char *) CALLOC(strlen(genomesubdir)+strlen("/")+strlen(fileroot)+
      contig_iit = IIT_read(filename,/*name*/NULL,/*readonlyp*/true,/*divread*/READ_ALL,

      debug(printf("Interpreting segment %s as a contig\n",*div));
      if (coords == NULL) {
	debug(printf("  entire contig\n"));
	rc = translate_contig_universal(&(*genomicstart),&(*genomiclength),*div,left=0,length=0,chromosome_iit);
      } else if (isnumberp(&result,coords)) {
	debug(printf("  and coords %s as a number\n",coords));
	rc = translate_contig(&(*genomicstart),&(*genomiclength),*div,left=result-1,length=1,contig_iit);
      } else if (isrange(&left,&length,&(*revcomp),coords)) {
	debug(printf("  and coords %s as a range starting at %u with length %u and revcomp = %d\n",
	rc = translate_contig(&(*genomicstart),&(*genomiclength),*div,left,length,contig_iit);
      } else {
	debug(printf("  but coords %s is neither a number nor a range\n",coords));
	rc = -1;


    if (rc != 0) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Can't find coordinates %s:%s\n",*div,coords);
      return false;
    } else {
      return true;

  } else {
    /* Query must be a genomic position, genomic range, or contig */
    *chrstart = *chroffset = *chrlength = 0;

    debug(printf("Parsed query %s as atomic ",query));
    if (isnumberp(&result,query)) {
      *genomicstart = result-1;
      *genomiclength = 1;

    } else if (isrange(&left,&length,&(*revcomp),query)) {
      *genomicstart = left;
      *genomiclength = length;

    } else {

      return false;
#if 0
      filename = (char *) CALLOC(strlen(genomesubdir)+strlen("/")+strlen(fileroot)+
      contig_iit = IIT_read(filename,/*name*/NULL,/*readonlyp*/true,/*divread*/READ_ALL,

      rc = translate_contig(&(*genomicstart),&(*genomiclength),query,left=0,length=0,contig_iit);

    *div = convert_to_chrpos(&(*chrstart),genomesubdir,fileroot,*genomicstart);
    *chrend = *chrstart + *genomiclength;
    *chrstart += 1U;		/* Make 1-based */

    /* Try chromosome first */
    filename = (char *) CALLOC(strlen(genomesubdir)+strlen("/")+strlen(fileroot)+
    chromosome_iit = IIT_read(filename,/*name*/NULL,/*readonlyp*/true,/*divread*/READ_ALL,

    if ((theindex = IIT_find_one(chromosome_iit,*div)) < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Cannot find chromosome %s in chromosome IIT file\n",*div);
      return false;
    } else {
      interval = IIT_interval(chromosome_iit,theindex);
      *chroffset = Interval_low(interval);
      *chrlength = Interval_length(interval);
      return true;
Esempio n. 8
Parserange_query (char **divstring, unsigned int *coordstart, unsigned int *coordend, bool *revcomp,
		  char *query, char *filename) {
  char *coords;
  unsigned int result, left, length;
  int div_strlen;
  IIT_T iit;
  *divstring = NULL;
  *revcomp = false;

  if ((coords = find_div(&div_strlen,query,':')) != NULL) {
    /* Query may have a div */
    *divstring = (char *) CALLOC(div_strlen+1,sizeof(char));

    debug(printf("Parsed query %s into divstring %s and coords %s\n",

    if (IIT_read_divint(filename,*divstring,/*add_iit_p*/true) < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Chromosome %s not found in IIT file\n",*divstring);
      debug(printf("  but divstring not found, so treat as label\n"));
      FREE(*divstring);		/* free only when returning false */
      return false;
    } else if (coords == NULL || *coords == '\0') {
      debug(printf("  entire div\n"));
      if ((iit = IIT_read(filename,/*name*/NULL,/*readonlyp*/true,/*divread*/READ_ONE,*divstring,
			  /*add_iit_p*/true,/*labels_read_p*/false)) == NULL) {
	if (Access_file_exists_p(filename) == false) {
	  fprintf(stderr,"Cannot read file %s\n",filename);
	} else {
	  fprintf(stderr,"File %s appears to be an invalid IIT file\n",filename);
      } else {
	*coordstart= 0;
	*coordend = IIT_divlength(iit,*divstring);
	debug(printf("  divlength is %u\n",*coordend));
      return true;
    } else if (isnumberp(&result,coords)) {
      debug(printf("  and coords %s as a number\n",coords));
      *coordstart = result;
      *coordend = result;
      return true;
    } else if (isrange(&left,&length,&(*revcomp),coords)) {
      debug(printf("  and coords %s as a range starting at %u with length %u and revcomp = %d\n",
      *coordstart = left + 1;	/* Because isrange is 0-based */
      *coordend = left + length;
      return true;
    } else {
      debug(printf("  but coords %s is neither a number nor a range.  Interpret as a label.\n",coords));
      FREE(*divstring);		/* free only when returning false */
      return false;

  } else {
    /* No div.  Query must be a number, range, or label */

    debug(printf("Parsed query %s without a div ",query));
    if (isnumberp(&result,query)) {
      *coordstart = result;
      *coordend = result;
      return true;
    } else if (isrange(&left,&length,&(*revcomp),query)) {
      *coordstart = left + 1;	/* Because isrange is 0-based */
      *coordend = left + length;
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
Esempio n. 9
write_weights (unsigned total, const wfa_t *wfa, bitfile_t *output)
 *  Traverse the transition matrices of the 'wfa' and write #'total'
 *  weights != 0 to stream 'output'.
 *  No return value.
   unsigned  state, label;		/* current label */
   unsigned  offset1, offset2;		/* model offsets. */
   unsigned  offset3, offset4;		/* model offsets. */
   unsigned *weights_array;		/* array of weights to encode */
   unsigned *wptr;			/* pointer to current weight */
   unsigned *level_array;		/* array of corresponding levels */
   unsigned *lptr;			/* pointer to current corr. level */
   int	     min_level, max_level;	/* min and max range level */
   int	     d_min_level, d_max_level; 	/* min and max delta range level */
   bool_t    dc, d_dc;			/* true if dc or delta dc are used */
   bool_t    delta_approx = NO;		/* true if delta has been used */
   unsigned  delta_count  = 0;		/* number of delta ranges */
   unsigned  bits 	  = bits_processed (output);
    *  Check whether delta approximation has been used
   for (state = wfa->basis_states; state < wfa->states; state++)
      if (wfa->delta_state [state])
	 delta_approx = YES;
    *  Generate array of corresponding levels (context of probability model)
   min_level = d_min_level = MAXLEVEL;
   max_level = d_max_level = 0;
   dc 	     = d_dc	   = NO;
   for (state = wfa->basis_states; state < wfa->states; state++)
      for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
         if (isrange (wfa->tree [state][label]))
	    if (delta_approx && wfa->delta_state [state]) /* delta approx. */
	       d_min_level = min (d_min_level,
				  wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1);
	       d_max_level = max (d_max_level,
				  wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1);
	       if (wfa->into [state][label][0] == 0)
		  d_dc = YES;
	       min_level = min (min_level, wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1);
	       max_level = max (max_level, wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1);
	       if (wfa->into [state][label][0] == 0)
		  dc = YES;
   if (min_level > max_level)		/* no lc found */
      max_level = min_level - 1;
   if (d_min_level > d_max_level)
      d_max_level = d_min_level - 1;

    *  Context model:
    *		0		DC weight
    *		1		Delta DC weight
    *		2-k		normal weights per level
    *		k+1 - m		Delta weights per level

   offset1 = dc ? 1 : 0;
   offset2 = offset1 + (d_dc ? 1 : 0);
   offset3 = offset2 + (max_level - min_level + 1);
   offset4 = offset3 + (d_max_level - d_min_level + 1);
    *  Weights are encoded as follows:
    *  all weights of state n
    *     sorted by label
    *        sorted by domain number

   wptr = weights_array = Calloc (total, sizeof (unsigned));
   lptr = level_array   = Calloc (total, sizeof (unsigned));

   for (state = wfa->basis_states; state < wfa->states; state++)
      for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
         if (isrange (wfa->tree [state][label]))
	    int	edge;			/* current edge */
	    int	domain;			/* current domain (context of model) */
            for (edge = 0; isedge (domain = wfa->into [state][label][edge]);
	       if (wptr - weights_array >= (int) total)
		  error ("Can't write more than %d weights.", total);
	       if (domain)		/* not DC component */
		  if (delta_approx && wfa->delta_state [state]) /* delta */
		     *wptr++ = rtob (wfa->weight [state][label][edge],
		     *lptr++ = offset3
			       + wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1 - d_min_level;
		     *wptr++ = rtob (wfa->weight [state][label][edge],
		     *lptr++ = offset2
			       + wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1 - min_level;
	       else			/* DC component */
		  if (delta_approx && wfa->delta_state [state]) /* delta */
		     *wptr++ = rtob (wfa->weight [state][label][edge],
		     *lptr++ = offset1;
		     *wptr++ = rtob (wfa->weight [state][label][edge],
		     *lptr++ = 0;

      unsigned	 i;
      unsigned	*c_symbols = Calloc (offset4, sizeof (int));
      const int	 scale 	   = 500;	/* scaling of probability model */

      c_symbols [0] = 1 << (wfa->wfainfo->dc_rpf->mantissa_bits + 1);
      if (offset1 != offset2)
	 c_symbols [offset1] = 1 << (wfa->wfainfo->d_dc_rpf->mantissa_bits
				     + 1);
      for (i = offset2; i < offset3; i++)
	 c_symbols [i] = 1 << (wfa->wfainfo->rpf->mantissa_bits + 1);
      for (; i < offset4; i++)
	 c_symbols [i] = 1 << (wfa->wfainfo->d_rpf->mantissa_bits + 1);
      encode_array (output, weights_array, level_array, c_symbols, offset4,
		    total, scale);
      Free (c_symbols);
   debug_message ("%d delta weights out of %d.", delta_count, total);
   debug_message ("weights:      %5d bits. (%5d symbols => %5.2f bps)",
		  bits_processed (output) - bits, total,
		  (bits_processed (output) - bits) / (double) total);

   Free (weights_array);
   Free (level_array);
Esempio n. 10
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int grayscale = 0;
	int accelerate = 1;
	xps_context *ctx;
	int code;
	int c;

	while ((c = fz_getopt(argc, argv, "o:p:r:Aadglmtx5")) != -1)
		switch (c)
		case 'o': output = fz_optarg; break;
		case 'r': resolution = atof(fz_optarg); break;
		case 'A': accelerate = 0; break;
		case 'a': savealpha = 1; break;
		case 'l': showoutline++; break;
		case 'm': showtime++; break;
		case 't': showtext++; break;
		case 'x': showxml++; break;
		case '5': showmd5++; break;
		case 'g': grayscale++; break;
		case 'd': uselist = 0; break;
		default: usage(); break;

	if (fz_optind == argc)

	if (!showtext && !showxml && !showtime && !showmd5 && !showoutline && !output)
		printf("nothing to do\n");

	if (accelerate)

	glyphcache = fz_new_glyph_cache();

	colorspace = fz_device_rgb;
	if (grayscale)
		colorspace = fz_device_gray;
	if (output && strstr(output, ".pgm"))
		colorspace = fz_device_gray;
	if (output && strstr(output, ".ppm"))
		colorspace = fz_device_rgb;

	timing.count = 0; = 0;
	timing.min = 1 << 30;
	timing.max = 0;
	timing.minpage = 0;
	timing.maxpage = 0;

	if (showxml)
		printf("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n");

	while (fz_optind < argc)
		filename = argv[fz_optind++];

		code = xps_open_file(&ctx, filename);
		if (code)
			die(fz_rethrow(code, "cannot open document: %s", filename));

		if (showxml)
			printf("<document name=\"%s\">\n", filename);

		if (showoutline)

		if (showtext || showxml || showtime || showmd5 || output)
			if (fz_optind == argc || !isrange(argv[fz_optind]))
				drawrange(ctx, "1-");
			if (fz_optind < argc && isrange(argv[fz_optind]))
				drawrange(ctx, argv[fz_optind++]);

		if (showxml)


	if (showtime)
		printf("total %dms / %d pages for an average of %dms\n",, timing.count, / timing.count);
		printf("fastest page %d: %dms\n", timing.minpage, timing.min);
		printf("slowest page %d: %dms\n", timing.maxpage, timing.max);


	return 0;
Esempio n. 11
read_weights (unsigned total, wfa_t *wfa, bitfile_t *input)
 *  Read #'total' weights from input stream 'input' and
 *  update transitions of the WFA states with corresponding weights.
 *  No return value.
 *  Side effects:
 *	'wfa->weights' are filled with the decoded values
   unsigned	    state;
   unsigned	    label;
   unsigned	    edge;		/* current edge */
   unsigned	   *weights_array;	/* array of weights to encode */
   unsigned	   *level_array;	/* array of corresponding levels */
   unsigned	    offset1, offset2;	/* prob. model offsets. */
   unsigned	    offset3, offset4;	/* prob. model offsets. */
   bool_t	    delta_approx = NO; 	/* true if delta has been used */
    *  Check whether delta approximation has been used
   for (state = wfa->basis_states; state < wfa->states; state++)
      if (wfa->delta_state [state])
	 delta_approx = YES;
    *  Generate array of corresponding levels (context of probability model)
      int 	min_level, max_level; 	/* min and max range level */
      int 	d_min_level, d_max_level; /* min and max range level (delta) */
      unsigned *lptr;			/* pointer to current corresp. level */
      int	domain;			/* current domain */
      bool_t	dc, d_dc;		/* indicates whether DC is used */

       *  Compute minimum and maximum level of delta and normal approximations
      min_level = d_min_level = MAXLEVEL;
      max_level = d_max_level = 0;
      dc 	= d_dc	   = NO;
      for (state = wfa->basis_states; state < wfa->states; state++)
	 for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
	    if (isrange (wfa->tree [state][label]))
	       if (delta_approx && wfa->delta_state [state])
		  d_min_level = min (d_min_level,
				     wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1);
		  d_max_level = max (d_max_level,
				     wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1);
		  if (wfa->into [state][label][0] == 0)
		     d_dc = YES;
		  min_level = min (min_level, wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1);
		  max_level = max (max_level, wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1);
		  if (wfa->into [state][label][0] == 0)
		     dc = YES;
      if (min_level > max_level)		/* no lc found */
	 max_level = min_level - 1;
      if (d_min_level > d_max_level)
	 d_max_level = d_min_level - 1;

      offset1 = dc ? 1 : 0;
      offset2 = offset1 + (d_dc ? 1 : 0);
      offset3 = offset2 + (max_level - min_level + 1);
      offset4 = offset3 + (d_max_level - d_min_level + 1);

      lptr = level_array = Calloc (total, sizeof (int));
      for (state = wfa->basis_states; state < wfa->states; state++)
	 for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
	    if (isrange (wfa->tree[state][label]))
	       for (edge = 0; isedge (domain = wfa->into[state][label][edge]);
		  if ((unsigned) (lptr - level_array) >= total)
		     error ("Can't read more than %d weights.", total);
		  if (domain)
		     if (delta_approx && wfa->delta_state [state])
			*lptr++ = offset3 + wfa->level_of_state [state]
				  - 1 - d_min_level;
			*lptr++ = offset2 + wfa->level_of_state [state]
				  - 1 - min_level;
		     *lptr++ = delta_approx && wfa->delta_state [state]
			       ? offset1 : 0;

    *  Decode the list of weights with an arithmetic decoder
      unsigned	      i;
      unsigned	     *c_symbols = Calloc (offset4, sizeof (unsigned));
      const unsigned  scale 	= 500; 	/* scaling of probability model */

      c_symbols [0] = 1 << (wfa->wfainfo->dc_rpf->mantissa_bits + 1);
      if (offset1 != offset2)
	 c_symbols [offset1] = 1 << (wfa->wfainfo->d_dc_rpf->mantissa_bits
				     + 1);
      for (i = offset2; i < offset3; i++)
	 c_symbols [i] = 1 << (wfa->wfainfo->rpf->mantissa_bits + 1);
      for (; i < offset4; i++)
	 c_symbols [i] = 1 << (wfa->wfainfo->d_rpf->mantissa_bits + 1);
      weights_array = decode_array (input, level_array, c_symbols,
				    offset4, total, scale);
      Free (c_symbols);
   Free (level_array);

    *  Update transitions with decoded weights
      unsigned *wptr = weights_array;	/* pointer to current weight */
      int	domain;			/* current domain */

      for (state = wfa->basis_states; state < wfa->states; state++)
	 for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++)
	    if (isrange (wfa->tree[state][label]))
	       for (edge = 0; isedge (domain = wfa->into[state][label][edge]);
		  if (domain)		/* not DC component */
		     if (delta_approx && wfa->delta_state [state])
			wfa->weight [state][label][edge]
			   = btor (*wptr++, wfa->wfainfo->d_rpf);
			wfa->weight [state][label][edge]
			   = btor (*wptr++, wfa->wfainfo->rpf);
		     if (delta_approx && wfa->delta_state [state])
			wfa->weight [state][label][edge]
			   = btor (*wptr++, wfa->wfainfo->d_dc_rpf);
			wfa->weight [state][label][edge]
			   = btor (*wptr++, wfa->wfainfo->dc_rpf);
		  wfa->int_weight [state][label][edge]
		     = wfa->weight [state][label][edge] * 512 + 0.5;
   Free (weights_array);