Esempio n. 1
static void arm_shooter( npc &shooter, std::string gun_type, std::vector<std::string> mods = {} )

    itype_id gun_id( gun_type );
    // Give shooter a loaded gun of the requested type.
    item &gun = shooter.i_add( item( gun_id ) );
    const itype_id ammo_id = gun.ammo_default();
    if( gun.magazine_integral() ) {
        item &ammo = shooter.i_add( item( ammo_id, calendar::turn, gun.ammo_capacity() ) );
        REQUIRE( gun.is_reloadable_with( ammo_id ) );
        REQUIRE( shooter.can_reload( gun, ammo_id ) );
        gun.reload( shooter, item_location( shooter, &ammo ), gun.ammo_capacity() );
    } else {
        const itype_id magazine_id = gun.magazine_default();
        item &magazine = shooter.i_add( item( magazine_id ) );
        item &ammo = shooter.i_add( item( ammo_id, calendar::turn, magazine.ammo_capacity() ) );
        REQUIRE( magazine.is_reloadable_with( ammo_id ) );
        REQUIRE( shooter.can_reload( magazine, ammo_id ) );
        magazine.reload( shooter, item_location( shooter, &ammo ), magazine.ammo_capacity() );
        gun.reload( shooter, item_location( shooter, &magazine ), magazine.ammo_capacity() );
    for( auto mod : mods ) {
        gun.contents.push_back( item( itype_id( mod ) ) );
    shooter.wield( gun );
static item_location inv_internal( player &u, const inventory_selector_preset &preset,
                                   const std::string &title, int radius,
                                   const std::string &none_message )
    u.inv.restack( &u );

    inventory_pick_selector inv_s( u, preset );

    inv_s.set_title( title );
    inv_s.set_display_stats( false );

    inv_s.add_character_items( u );
    inv_s.add_nearby_items( radius );

    if( inv_s.empty() ) {
        const std::string msg = none_message.empty()
                                ? _( "You don't have the necessary item at hand." )
                                : none_message;
        popup( msg, PF_GET_KEY );
        return item_location();

    return inv_s.execute();
item_location inventory_selector::execute_pick_map( const std::string &title, std::unordered_map<item *, item_location> &opts )
    prepare_columns( false );

    while( true ) {
        display( title, SM_PICK );

        const std::string action = ctxt.handle_input();
        const long ch = ctxt.get_raw_input().get_first_input();
        const auto entry = find_entry_by_invlet( ch );

        if( entry != nullptr ) {
            item *it = const_cast<item *>( entry->it );
            const auto iter = opts.find( it );
            return ( iter != opts.end() ) ? std::move( iter->second ) : item_location( u, it );
        } else if( action == "QUIT" ) {
            return item_location();

        } else if( action == "RIGHT" || action == "CONFIRM" ) {
            const auto selected = get_active_column().get_selected();
            const auto it = const_cast<item *>( );

            // Item in inventory
            if( selected.item_pos != INT_MIN ) {
                return item_location( u, it );
            // Item on ground or in vehicle
            auto iter = opts.find( it );
            if( iter != opts.end() ) {
                return std::move( iter->second );

            return item_location();
        } else {
            on_action( action );
item_location game_menus::inv::saw_barrel( player &p, item &tool )
    const auto actor = dynamic_cast<const saw_barrel_actor *>
                       ( tool.type->get_use( "saw_barrel" )->get_actor_ptr() );

    if( !actor ) {
        debugmsg( "Tried to use a wrong item." );
        return item_location();

    return inv_internal( p, saw_barrel_inventory_preset( p, tool, *actor ),
                         _( "Saw barrel" ), 1,
                         _( "You don't have any guns." ),
                         string_format( _( "Choose a weapon to use your %s on" ),
                                        tool.tname( 1, false ).c_str()
item_location game_menus::inv::holster( player &p, item &holster )
    const std::string holster_name = holster.tname( 1, false );
    const auto actor = dynamic_cast<const holster_actor *>
                       ( holster.type->get_use( "holster" )->get_actor_ptr() );

    if( !actor ) {
        const std::string msg = string_format( _( "You can't put anything into your %s." ),
                                               holster_name.c_str() );
        popup( msg, PF_GET_KEY );
        return item_location();

    const std::string title = actor->holster_prompt.empty()
                              ? _( "Holster item" )
                              : _( actor->holster_prompt.c_str() );
    const std::string hint = string_format( _( "Choose a weapon to put into your %s" ),
                                            holster_name.c_str() );

    return inv_internal( p, holster_inventory_preset( p, *actor ), title, 1,
                         string_format( _( "You have no weapons you could put into your %s." ),
                                        holster_name.c_str() ),
                         hint );
Esempio n. 6
const item_location turret_data::base() const
    return item_location( vehicle_cursor( *veh, veh->index_of_part( part ) ), &part->base );
Esempio n. 7
item_location game::inv_map_splice(
    item_filter inv_filter, item_filter ground_filter, item_filter vehicle_filter,
    const std::string &title, int radius )
    inventory_selector inv_s( false, false, title );

    // first get matching items from the inventory
    u.inv.restack( &u );
    inv_s.make_item_list( u.inv.slice_filter_by( inv_filter ) );

    std::list<item_category> categories;
    int rank = -1000;

    // items are stacked per tile considering vehicle and map tiles separately
    // in the below loops identical items on the same tile are grouped into lists
    // each element of stacks represents one tile and is a vector of such lists
    std::vector<std::vector<std::list<item>>> stacks;

    // an indexed_invslice is created for each map or vehicle tile
    // each list of items created above for the tile will be added to it
    std::vector<indexed_invslice> slices;

    // inv_s.first_item will later contain the chosen item as a pointer to first item
    // of one of the above lists so use this as the key when storing the item location
    std::unordered_map<item *, item_location> opts;

    // the closest 10 items also have their location added to the invlets vector
    const char min_invlet = '0';
    const char max_invlet = '9';
    char cur_invlet = min_invlet;
    std::vector<item_location> invlets;

    for( const auto &pos : closest_tripoints_first( radius, g->u.pos() ) ) {
        // second get all matching items on the map within radius
        if( m.accessible_items( g->u.pos(), pos, radius ) ) {
            auto items = m.i_at( pos );

            // create a new slice and stack for the current map tile

            // reserve sufficient capacity to ensure reallocation is not required
            auto &current_stack = stacks.back();
            current_stack.reserve( items.size() );

            for( item &it : items ) {
                if( ground_filter( it ) ) {
                    auto match = std::find_if( current_stack.begin(),
                    current_stack.end(), [&]( const std::list<item> &e ) {
                        return it.stacks_with( e.back() );
                    } );
                    if( match != current_stack.end() ) {
                        match->push_back( it );
                    } else {
                        // item doesn't stack with any previous so start new list and append to current indexed_invslice
                        current_stack.emplace_back( 1, it );
                        slices.back().emplace_back( &current_stack.back(), INT_MIN );
                        opts.emplace( &current_stack.back().front(), item_location( pos, &it ) );

                        if( cur_invlet <= max_invlet ) {
                            current_stack.back().front().invlet = cur_invlet++;
                            invlets.emplace_back( pos, &it );
                        } else {
                            current_stack.back().front().invlet = 0;
            std::string name = trim( std::string( _( "GROUND" ) ) + " " + direction_suffix( g->u.pos(), pos ) );
            categories.emplace_back( name, name, rank-- );
            inv_s.make_item_list( slices.back(), &categories.back() );

        // finally get all matching items in vehicle cargo spaces
        int part = -1;
        vehicle *veh = m.veh_at( pos, part );
        if( veh && part >= 0 ) {
            part = veh->part_with_feature( part, "CARGO" );
            if( part != -1 ) {
                auto items = veh->get_items( part );

                // create a new slice and stack for the current vehicle part

                // reserve sufficient capacity to ensure reallocation is not required
                auto &current_stack = stacks.back();
                current_stack.reserve( items.size() );

                for( item &it : items ) {
                    if( vehicle_filter( it ) ) {
                        auto match = std::find_if( current_stack.begin(),
                        current_stack.end(), [&]( const std::list<item> &e ) {
                            return it.stacks_with( e.back() );
                        } );
                        if( match != current_stack.end() ) {
                            match->push_back( it );
                        } else {
                            // item doesn't stack with any previous so start new list and append to current indexed_invslice
                            current_stack.emplace_back( 1, it );
                            slices.back().emplace_back( &current_stack.back(), INT_MIN );
                            opts.emplace( &current_stack.back().front(), item_location( vehicle_cursor( *veh, part ), &it ) );

                            if( cur_invlet <= max_invlet ) {
                                current_stack.back().front().invlet = cur_invlet++;
                                invlets.emplace_back( vehicle_cursor( *veh, part ), &it );
                            } else {
                                current_stack.back().front().invlet = 0;
                std::string name = trim( std::string( _( "VEHICLE" ) )  + " " + direction_suffix( g->u.pos(), pos ) );
                categories.emplace_back( name, name, rank-- );
                inv_s.make_item_list( slices.back(), &categories.back() );


    while( true ) {
        const std::string action = inv_s.ctxt.handle_input();
        const long ch = inv_s.ctxt.get_raw_input().get_first_input();
        const int item_pos = g->u.invlet_to_position( ch );

        if( item_pos != INT_MIN ) {
            // Indexed item in inventory
            inv_s.set_to_drop( item_pos, 0 );
            return item_location( u, inv_s.first_item );

        } else if( ch >= min_invlet && ch <= max_invlet ) {
            // Indexed item on ground or in vehicle
            if( (long)invlets.size() > ch - min_invlet ) {
                return std::move( invlets[ch - min_invlet] );

        } else if( inv_s.handle_movement( action ) ) {
            // continue with comparison below

        } else if( action == "QUIT" ) {
            return item_location();

        } else if( action == "RIGHT" || action == "CONFIRM" ) {
            inv_s.set_selected_to_drop( 0 );

            // Item in inventory
            if( inv_s.get_selected_item_position() != INT_MIN ) {
                return item_location( u, inv_s.first_item );
            // Item on ground or in vehicle
            auto it = opts.find( inv_s.first_item );
            if( it != opts.end() ) {
                return std::move( it->second );

            return item_location();
item_location game::inv_map_splice(
    item_filter inv_filter, item_filter ground_filter, item_filter vehicle_filter,
    const std::string &title, int radius, const std::string &none_message )
    u.inv.restack( &u );

    inventory_selector inv_s( u, inv_filter );

    std::list<item_category> categories;
    int rank = -1000;

    // items are stacked per tile considering vehicle and map tiles separately
    // in the below loops identical items on the same tile are grouped into lists
    // each element of stacks represents one tile and is a vector of such lists
    std::vector<std::vector<std::list<item>>> stacks;

    // an indexed_invslice is created for each map or vehicle tile
    // each list of items created above for the tile will be added to it
    std::vector<indexed_invslice> slices;

    // of one of the above lists so use this as the key when storing the item location
    std::unordered_map<item *, item_location> opts;

    // the closest 10 items also have their location added to the invlets vector
    const char min_invlet = '0';
    const char max_invlet = '9';
    char cur_invlet = min_invlet;

    for( const auto &pos : closest_tripoints_first( radius, g->u.pos() ) ) {
        // second get all matching items on the map within radius
        if( m.accessible_items( g->u.pos(), pos, radius ) ) {
            auto items = m.i_at( pos );

            // create a new slice and stack for the current map tile

            // reserve sufficient capacity to ensure reallocation is not required
            auto &current_stack = stacks.back();
            current_stack.reserve( items.size() );

            for( item &it : items ) {
                if( ground_filter( it ) ) {
                    auto match = std::find_if( current_stack.begin(),
                    current_stack.end(), [&]( const std::list<item> &e ) {
                        return it.stacks_with( e.back() );
                    } );
                    if( match != current_stack.end() ) {
                        match->push_back( it );
                    } else {
                        // item doesn't stack with any previous so start new list and append to current indexed_invslice
                        current_stack.emplace_back( 1, it );
                        slices.back().emplace_back( &current_stack.back(), INT_MIN );
                        opts.emplace( &current_stack.back().front(), item_location( pos, &it ) );

                        current_stack.back().front().invlet = ( cur_invlet <= max_invlet ) ? cur_invlet++ : 0;
            std::string name = trim( std::string( _( "GROUND" ) ) + " " + direction_suffix( g->u.pos(), pos ) );
            categories.emplace_back( name, name, rank++ );
            inv_s.add_entries( slices.back(), &categories.back() );

        // finally get all matching items in vehicle cargo spaces
        int part = -1;
        vehicle *veh = m.veh_at( pos, part );
        if( veh && part >= 0 ) {
            part = veh->part_with_feature( part, "CARGO" );
            if( part != -1 ) {
                auto items = veh->get_items( part );

                // create a new slice and stack for the current vehicle part

                // reserve sufficient capacity to ensure reallocation is not required
                auto &current_stack = stacks.back();
                current_stack.reserve( items.size() );

                for( item &it : items ) {
                    if( vehicle_filter( it ) ) {
                        auto match = std::find_if( current_stack.begin(),
                        current_stack.end(), [&]( const std::list<item> &e ) {
                            return it.stacks_with( e.back() );
                        } );
                        if( match != current_stack.end() ) {
                            match->push_back( it );
                        } else {
                            // item doesn't stack with any previous so start new list and append to current indexed_invslice
                            current_stack.emplace_back( 1, it );
                            slices.back().emplace_back( &current_stack.back(), INT_MIN );
                            opts.emplace( &current_stack.back().front(), item_location( vehicle_cursor( *veh, part ), &it ) );

                            current_stack.back().front().invlet = ( cur_invlet <= max_invlet ) ? cur_invlet++ : 0;
                std::string name = trim( std::string( _( "VEHICLE" ) )  + " " + direction_suffix( g->u.pos(), pos ) );
                categories.emplace_back( name, name, rank-- );
                inv_s.add_entries( slices.back(), &categories.back() );

    if( inv_s.empty() ) {
        const std::string msg = ( none_message.empty() ) ? _( "You don't have the necessary item at hand." ) : none_message;
        popup( msg, PF_GET_KEY );
        return item_location();
    return inv_s.execute_pick_map( title, opts );
    CHECK( mag.is_reloadable_with( bad_ammo ) == false );
    CHECK( p.can_reload( mag ) == true );
    CHECK( p.can_reload( mag, ammo_id ) == true );
    CHECK( p.can_reload( mag, alt_ammo ) == true );
    CHECK( p.can_reload( mag, bad_ammo ) == false );
    CHECK( mag.ammo_type() == gun_ammo );
    CHECK( mag.ammo_capacity() == mag_cap );
    CHECK( mag.ammo_current() == "null" );
    CHECK( mag.ammo_data() == nullptr );

    GIVEN( "An empty magazine" ) {
        CHECK( mag.ammo_remaining() == 0 );

        WHEN( "the magazine is reloaded with incompatible ammo" ) {
            item& ammo = p.i_add( item( bad_ammo ) );
            bool ok = mag.reload( g->u, item_location( p, &ammo ), mag.ammo_capacity() );
            THEN( "reloading should fail" ) {
                REQUIRE_FALSE( ok );
                REQUIRE( mag.ammo_remaining() == 0 );

        WHEN( "the magazine is loaded with an excess of ammo" ) {
            item& ammo = p.i_add( item( ammo_id, calendar::turn, mag_cap + 5 ) );
            REQUIRE( ammo.charges == mag_cap + 5 );

            bool ok = mag.reload( g->u, item_location( p, &ammo ), mag.ammo_capacity() );
            THEN( "reloading is sucessful" ) {
                REQUIRE( ok );

                AND_THEN( "the current ammo is updated" ) {