Esempio n. 1
jas_cmprof_t *jas_cmprof_createfromiccprof(jas_iccprof_t *iccprof)
	jas_cmprof_t *prof;
	jas_icchdr_t icchdr;
	jas_cmpxformseq_t *fwdpxformseq;
	jas_cmpxformseq_t *revpxformseq;

	if (!(prof = jas_cmprof_create()))
		goto error;
	jas_iccprof_gethdr(iccprof, &icchdr);
	if (!(prof->iccprof = jas_iccprof_copy(iccprof)))
		goto error;
	prof->clrspc = icctoclrspc(icchdr.colorspc, 0);
	prof->refclrspc = icctoclrspc(icchdr.refcolorspc, 1);
	prof->numchans = jas_clrspc_numchans(prof->clrspc);
	prof->numrefchans = jas_clrspc_numchans(prof->refclrspc);

	if (prof->numchans == 1) {
		if (mono(prof->iccprof, 0, &fwdpxformseq))
			goto error;
		if (mono(prof->iccprof, 1, &revpxformseq))
			goto error;
	} else if (prof->numchans == 3) {
		if (triclr(prof->iccprof, 0, &fwdpxformseq))
			goto error;
		if (triclr(prof->iccprof, 1, &revpxformseq))
			goto error;
	prof->pxformseqs[SEQFWD(0)] = fwdpxformseq;
	prof->pxformseqs[SEQREV(0)] = revpxformseq;

#if 0
	if (prof->numchans > 1) {
		lut(prof->iccprof, 0, PER, &pxformseq);
		pxformseqs_set(prof, SEQFWD(PER), pxformseq);
		lut(prof->iccprof, 1, PER, &pxformseq);
		pxformseqs_set(prof, SEQREV(PER), pxformseq);
		lut(prof->iccprof, 0, CLR, &pxformseq);
		pxformseqs_set(prof, SEQREV(CLR), pxformseq);
		lut(prof->iccprof, 1, CLR, &pxformseq);
		pxformseqs_set(prof, SEQREV(CLR), pxformseq);
		lut(prof->iccprof, 0, SAT, &pxformseq);
		pxformseqs_set(prof, SEQREV(SAT), pxformseq);
		lut(prof->iccprof, 1, SAT, &pxformseq);
		pxformseqs_set(prof, SEQREV(SAT), pxformseq);

	return prof;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
jas_image_t *jp2_decode(jas_stream_t *in, char *optstr)
	jp2_box_t *box;
	int found;
	jas_image_t *image;
	jp2_dec_t *dec;
	bool samedtype;
	int dtype;
	unsigned int i;
	jp2_cmap_t *cmapd;
	jp2_pclr_t *pclrd;
	jp2_cdef_t *cdefd;
	unsigned int channo;
	int newcmptno;
	int_fast32_t *lutents;
#if 0
	jp2_cdefchan_t *cdefent;
	int cmptno;
	jp2_cmapent_t *cmapent;
	jas_icchdr_t icchdr;
	jas_iccprof_t *iccprof;

	dec = 0;
	box = 0;
	image = 0;

	if (!(dec = jp2_dec_create())) {
		goto error;

	/* Get the first box.  This should be a JP box. */
	if (!(box = jp2_box_get(in))) {
		jas_eprintf("error: cannot get box\n");
		goto error;
	if (box->type != JP2_BOX_JP) {
		jas_eprintf("error: expecting signature box\n");
		goto error;
	if (box-> != JP2_JP_MAGIC) {
		jas_eprintf("incorrect magic number\n");
		goto error;
	box = 0;

	/* Get the second box.  This should be a FTYP box. */
	if (!(box = jp2_box_get(in))) {
		goto error;
	if (box->type != JP2_BOX_FTYP) {
		jas_eprintf("expecting file type box\n");
		goto error;
	box = 0;

	/* Get more boxes... */
	found = 0;
	while ((box = jp2_box_get(in))) {
		if (jas_getdbglevel() >= 1) {
			jas_eprintf("box type %s\n", box->info->name);
		switch (box->type) {
		case JP2_BOX_JP2C:
			found = 1;
		case JP2_BOX_IHDR:
			if (!dec->ihdr) {
				dec->ihdr = box;
				box = 0;
		case JP2_BOX_BPCC:
			if (!dec->bpcc) {
				dec->bpcc = box;
				box = 0;
		case JP2_BOX_CDEF:
			if (!dec->cdef) {
				dec->cdef = box;
				box = 0;
		case JP2_BOX_PCLR:
			if (!dec->pclr) {
				dec->pclr = box;
				box = 0;
		case JP2_BOX_CMAP:
			if (!dec->cmap) {
				dec->cmap = box;
				box = 0;
		case JP2_BOX_COLR:
			if (!dec->colr) {
				dec->colr = box;
				box = 0;
		if (box) {
			box = 0;
		if (found) {

	if (!found) {
		jas_eprintf("error: no code stream found\n");
		goto error;

	if (!(dec->image = jpc_decode(in, optstr))) {
		jas_eprintf("error: cannot decode code stream\n");
		goto error;

	/* An IHDR box must be present. */
	if (!dec->ihdr) {
		jas_eprintf("error: missing IHDR box\n");
		goto error;

	/* Does the number of components indicated in the IHDR box match
	  the value specified in the code stream? */
	if (dec->ihdr->data.ihdr.numcmpts != JAS_CAST(uint, jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image))) {
		jas_eprintf("warning: number of components mismatch\n");

	/* At least one component must be present. */
	if (!jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image)) {
		jas_eprintf("error: no components\n");
		goto error;

	/* Determine if all components have the same data type. */
	samedtype = true;
	dtype = jas_image_cmptdtype(dec->image, 0);
	for (i = 1; i < JAS_CAST(uint, jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image)); ++i) {
		if (jas_image_cmptdtype(dec->image, i) != dtype) {
			samedtype = false;

	/* Is the component data type indicated in the IHDR box consistent
	  with the data in the code stream? */
	if ((samedtype && dec->ihdr->data.ihdr.bpc != JP2_DTYPETOBPC(dtype)) ||
	  (!samedtype && dec->ihdr->data.ihdr.bpc != JP2_IHDR_BPCNULL)) {
		jas_eprintf("warning: component data type mismatch\n");

	/* Is the compression type supported? */
	if (dec->ihdr->data.ihdr.comptype != JP2_IHDR_COMPTYPE) {
		jas_eprintf("error: unsupported compression type\n");
		goto error;

	if (dec->bpcc) {
		/* Is the number of components indicated in the BPCC box
		  consistent with the code stream data? */
		if (dec->bpcc->data.bpcc.numcmpts != JAS_CAST(uint, jas_image_numcmpts(
		  dec->image))) {
			jas_eprintf("warning: number of components mismatch\n");
		/* Is the component data type information indicated in the BPCC
		  box consistent with the code stream data? */
		if (!samedtype) {
			for (i = 0; i < JAS_CAST(uint, jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image)); ++i) {
				if (jas_image_cmptdtype(dec->image, i) != JP2_BPCTODTYPE(dec->bpcc->data.bpcc.bpcs[i])) {
					jas_eprintf("warning: component data type mismatch\n");
		} else {
			jas_eprintf("warning: superfluous BPCC box\n");

	/* A COLR box must be present. */
	if (!dec->colr) {
		jas_eprintf("error: no COLR box\n");
		goto error;

	switch (dec->colr->data.colr.method) {
	case JP2_COLR_ENUM:
		jas_image_setclrspc(dec->image, jp2_getcs(&dec->colr->data.colr));
	case JP2_COLR_ICC:
		iccprof = jas_iccprof_createfrombuf(dec->colr->data.colr.iccp,
		jas_iccprof_gethdr(iccprof, &icchdr);
		jas_eprintf("ICC Profile CS %08x\n", icchdr.colorspc);
		jas_image_setclrspc(dec->image, fromiccpcs(icchdr.colorspc));
		dec->image->cmprof_ = jas_cmprof_createfromiccprof(iccprof);

	/* If a CMAP box is present, a PCLR box must also be present. */
	if (dec->cmap && !dec->pclr) {
		jas_eprintf("warning: missing PCLR box or superfluous CMAP box\n");
		dec->cmap = 0;

	/* If a CMAP box is not present, a PCLR box must not be present. */
	if (!dec->cmap && dec->pclr) {
		jas_eprintf("warning: missing CMAP box or superfluous PCLR box\n");
		dec->pclr = 0;

	/* Determine the number of channels (which is essentially the number
	  of components after any palette mappings have been applied). */
	dec->numchans = dec->cmap ? dec->cmap->data.cmap.numchans : JAS_CAST(uint, jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image));

	/* Perform a basic sanity check on the CMAP box if present. */
	if (dec->cmap) {
		for (i = 0; i < dec->numchans; ++i) {
			/* Is the component number reasonable? */
			if (dec->cmap->data.cmap.ents[i].cmptno >= JAS_CAST(uint, jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image))) {
				jas_eprintf("error: invalid component number in CMAP box\n");
				goto error;
			/* Is the LUT index reasonable? */
			if (dec->cmap->data.cmap.ents[i].pcol >= dec->pclr->data.pclr.numchans) {
				jas_eprintf("error: invalid CMAP LUT index\n");
				goto error;

	/* Allocate space for the channel-number to component-number LUT. */
	if (!(dec->chantocmptlut = jas_malloc(dec->numchans * sizeof(uint_fast16_t)))) {
		jas_eprintf("error: no memory\n");
		goto error;

	if (!dec->cmap) {
		for (i = 0; i < dec->numchans; ++i) {
			dec->chantocmptlut[i] = i;
	} else {
		cmapd = &dec->cmap->data.cmap;
		pclrd = &dec->pclr->data.pclr;
		cdefd = &dec->cdef->data.cdef;
		for (channo = 0; channo < cmapd->numchans; ++channo) {
			cmapent = &cmapd->ents[channo];
			if (cmapent->map == JP2_CMAP_DIRECT) {
				dec->chantocmptlut[channo] = channo;
			} else if (cmapent->map == JP2_CMAP_PALETTE) {
				lutents = jas_malloc(pclrd->numlutents * sizeof(int_fast32_t));
				for (i = 0; i < pclrd->numlutents; ++i) {
					lutents[i] = pclrd->lutdata[cmapent->pcol + i * pclrd->numchans];
				newcmptno = jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image);
				jas_image_depalettize(dec->image, cmapent->cmptno, pclrd->numlutents, lutents, JP2_BPCTODTYPE(pclrd->bpc[cmapent->pcol]), newcmptno);
				dec->chantocmptlut[channo] = newcmptno;
#if 0
				if (dec->cdef) {
					cdefent = jp2_cdef_lookup(cdefd, channo);
					if (!cdefent) {
				jas_image_setcmpttype(dec->image, newcmptno, jp2_getct(jas_image_clrspc(dec->image), cdefent->type, cdefent->assoc));
				} else {
				jas_image_setcmpttype(dec->image, newcmptno, jp2_getct(jas_image_clrspc(dec->image), 0, channo + 1));

	/* Mark all components as being of unknown type. */

	for (i = 0; i < JAS_CAST(uint, jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image)); ++i) {
		jas_image_setcmpttype(dec->image, i, JAS_IMAGE_CT_UNKNOWN);

	/* Determine the type of each component. */
	if (dec->cdef) {
		for (i = 0; i < dec->numchans; ++i) {
			  dec->cdef->data.cdef.ents[i].type, dec->cdef->data.cdef.ents[i].assoc));
	} else {
		for (i = 0; i < dec->numchans; ++i) {
			jas_image_setcmpttype(dec->image, dec->chantocmptlut[i],
			  jp2_getct(jas_image_clrspc(dec->image), 0, i + 1));

	/* Delete any components that are not of interest. */
	for (i = jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image); i > 0; --i) {
		if (jas_image_cmpttype(dec->image, i - 1) == JAS_IMAGE_CT_UNKNOWN) {
			jas_image_delcmpt(dec->image, i - 1);

	/* Ensure that some components survived. */
	if (!jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image)) {
		jas_eprintf("error: no components\n");
		goto error;
#if 0
jas_eprintf("no of components is %d\n", jas_image_numcmpts(dec->image));

	/* Prevent the image from being destroyed later. */
	image = dec->image;
	dec->image = 0;


	return image;

	if (box) {
	if (dec) {
	return 0;