Esempio n. 1
 * @brief Gets all the adjacent systems to a system.
 * @usage for _,s in ipairs( sys:adjacentSystems() ) do -- Iterate over adjacent systems.
 *    @luatparam System s System to get adjacent systems of.
 *    @luatparam[opt=false] boolean hidden Whether or not to show hidden jumps also.
 *    @luatreturn {System,...} An ordered table with all the adjacent systems.
 * @luafunc adjacentSystems( s, hidden )
static int systemL_adjacent( lua_State *L )
   int i, id, h;
   LuaSystem sysp;
   StarSystem *s;

   id = 1;
   s  = luaL_validsystem(L,1);
   h  = lua_toboolean(L,2);

   /* Push all adjacent systems. */
   for (i=0; i<s->njumps; i++) {
      if (jp_isFlag(&s->jumps[i], JP_EXITONLY ))
      if (!h && jp_isFlag(&s->jumps[i], JP_HIDDEN))
      sysp = system_index( s->jumps[i].target );
      lua_pushnumber(L, id);   /* key. */
      lua_pushsystem(L, sysp); /* value. */


   return 1;
Esempio n. 2
 * @brief Check to see if a jump point is in sensor range of the pilot.
 *    @param p Pilot who is trying to check to see if the jump point is in sensor range.
 *    @param target Jump point to see if is in sensor range.
 *    @return 1 if they are in range, 0 if they aren't.
int pilot_inRangeJump( const Pilot *p, int i )
   double d;
   JumpPoint *jp;
   double sense;
   double hide;

   /* pilot must exist */
   if ( p == NULL )
      return 0;

   /* Get the jump point. */
   jp = &cur_system->jumps[i];

   /* We don't want exit-only or unknown hidden jumps. */
   if ((jp_isFlag(jp, JP_EXITONLY)) || ((jp_isFlag(jp, JP_HIDDEN)) && (!jp_isKnown(jp)) ))
      return 0;

   sense = sensor_curRange * p->ew_jumpDetect;
   hide = jp->hide;

   /* Get distance. */
   d = vect_dist2( &p->solid->pos, &jp->pos );

   if (d * hide < sense)
      return 1;

   return 0;
Esempio n. 3
 * @brief Check to see if a jump point is in sensor range of the pilot.
 *    @param p Pilot who is trying to check to see if the jump point is in sensor range.
 *    @param target Jump point to see if is in sensor range.
 *    @return 1 if they are in range, 0 if they aren't.
int pilot_inRangeJump( const Pilot *p, int i )
    double d;
    JumpPoint *jp;
    double sense;
    double hide;

    /* pilot must exist */
    if ( p == NULL )
        return 0;

    /* Get the jump point. */
    jp = &cur_system->jumps[i];

    /* We don't want exit-only jumps. */
    if (jp_isFlag(jp, JP_EXITONLY))
        return 0;

    /* Handle hidden jumps separately, as they use a special range parameter. */
    if (jp_isFlag(jp, JP_HIDDEN))
        sense = pow(p->stats.misc_hidden_jump_detect, 2);
        sense = sensor_curRange * p->ew_jump_detect;

    hide = jp->hide;

    /* Get distance. */
    d = vect_dist2( &p->solid->pos, &jp->pos );

    if (d * hide < sense)
        return 1;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
 * @brief Checks whether a jump is exit-only.
 * @usage if jump.exitonly("Eneguoz", "Zied") then -- The jump point in Eneguoz cannot be entered.
 *    @luaparam j Jump to get the exit-only status of.
 *    @luareturn Whether the jump is exit-only.
 * @luafunc exitonly( j )
static int jumpL_exitonly( lua_State *L )
   JumpPoint *jp;
   jp = luaL_validjump(L,1);
   lua_pushboolean(L, jp_isFlag(jp, JP_EXITONLY) );
   return 1;
Esempio n. 5
 * @brief Checks whether a jump is hidden.
 * @usage if not j:hidden() then -- Exclude hidden jumps.
 *    @luaparam j Jump to get the hidden status of.
 *    @luareturn Whether the jump is hidden.
 * @luafunc hidden( j )
static int jumpL_hidden( lua_State *L )
   JumpPoint *jp;
   jp = luaL_validjump(L,1);
   lua_pushboolean(L, jp_isFlag(jp, JP_HIDDEN) );
   return 1;
Esempio n. 6
 * @brief Gets all the jumps in a system.
 * @usage for _,s in ipairs( sys:jumps() ) do -- Iterate over jumps.
 *    @luaparam s System to get the jumps of.
 *    @luaparam exitonly Whether to exclude exit-only jumps (default false).
 *    @luareturn An ordered table with all the jumps.
 * @luafunc jumps( s )
static int systemL_jumps( lua_State *L )
   int i, exitonly, pushed;
   LuaJump lj;
   StarSystem *s;

   s = luaL_validsystem(L,1);
   exitonly = lua_toboolean(L,2);
   pushed = 0;

   /* Push all jumps. */
   for (i=0; i<s->njumps; i++) {
      /* Skip exit-only jumps if requested. */
      if ((exitonly) && (jp_isFlag( jump_getTarget( s->jumps[i].target, s ),

      lj.srcid  = s->id;
      lj.destid = s->jumps[i].targetid;
      lua_pushnumber(L,++pushed); /* key. */
      lua_pushjump(L,lj); /* value. */

   return 1;
Esempio n. 7
 * @brief Renders the overlay map.
 *    @param dt Current delta tick.
void ovr_render( double dt )
   (void) dt;
   int i, j;
   Pilot **pstk;
   int n;
   double w, h, res;
   double x,y;
   glColour c = { .r=0., .g=0., .b=0., .a=0.5 };

   /* Must be open. */
   if (!ovr_open)

   /* Player must be alive. */
   if (player_isFlag( PLAYER_DESTROYED ) || (player.p == NULL))

   /* Default values. */
   w     = SCREEN_W;
   h     = SCREEN_H;
   res   = ovr_res;

   /* First render the background overlay. */
   gl_renderRect( 0., 0., w, h, &c );

   /* Render planets. */
   for (i=0; i<cur_system->nplanets; i++)
      if ((cur_system->planets[ i ]->real == ASSET_REAL) && (i != player.p->nav_planet))
         gui_renderPlanet( i, RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );
   if (player.p->nav_planet > -1)
      gui_renderPlanet( player.p->nav_planet, RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );

   /* Render jump points. */
   for (i=0; i<cur_system->njumps; i++)
      if ((i != player.p->nav_hyperspace) && !jp_isFlag(&cur_system->jumps[i], JP_EXITONLY))
         gui_renderJumpPoint( i, RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );
   if (player.p->nav_hyperspace > -1)
      gui_renderJumpPoint( player.p->nav_hyperspace, RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );

   /* Render pilots. */
   pstk  = pilot_getAll( &n );
   j     = 0;
   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      if (pstk[i]->id == PLAYER_ID) /* Skip player. */
      if (pstk[i]->id == player.p->target)
         j = i;
         gui_renderPilot( pstk[i], RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );
   /* Render the targeted pilot */
   if (j!=0)
      gui_renderPilot( pstk[j], RADAR_RECT, w, h, res, 1 );

   /* Check if player has goto target. */
   if (player_isFlag(PLAYER_AUTONAV) && (player.autonav == AUTONAV_POS_APPROACH)) {
      x = player.autonav_pos.x / res + w / 2.;
      y = player.autonav_pos.y / res + h / 2.;
      gl_renderCross( x, y, 5., &cRadar_hilight );
      gl_printRaw( &gl_smallFont, x+10., y-gl_smallFont.h/2., &cRadar_hilight, "GOTO" );

   /* Render the player. */
   gui_renderPlayer( res, 1 );

   /* Render markers. */
   ovr_mrkRenderAll( res );

 * @brief Renders all the markers.
 *    @param res Resolution to render at.
static void ovr_mrkRenderAll( double res )
   int i;
   ovr_marker_t *mrk;
   double x, y;

   if (ovr_markers == NULL)

   for (i=0; i<array_size(ovr_markers); i++) {
      mrk = &ovr_markers[i];

      x = mrk-> / res + SCREEN_W / 2.;
      y = mrk-> / res + SCREEN_H / 2.;
      gl_renderCross( x, y, 5., &cRadar_hilight );

      if (mrk->text != NULL)
         gl_printRaw( &gl_smallFont, x+10., y-gl_smallFont.h/2., &cRadar_hilight, mrk->text );
Esempio n. 8
 * @brief Saves a star system.
 *    @param writer Write to use for saving the star system.
 *    @param sys Star system to save.
 *    @return 0 on success.
int dsys_saveSystem( StarSystem *sys )
   int i;
   xmlDocPtr doc;
   xmlTextWriterPtr writer;
   const Planet **sorted_planets;
   const JumpPoint **sorted_jumps, *jp;
   char file[PATH_MAX], *cleanName;

   /* Reconstruct jumps so jump pos are updated. */

   /* Create the writer. */
   writer = xmlNewTextWriterDoc(&doc, 0);
   if (writer == NULL) {
      WARN("testXmlwriterDoc: Error creating the xml writer");
      return -1;

   /* Set the writer parameters. */
   xmlw_setParams( writer );

   /* Start writer. */
   xmlw_startElem( writer, "ssys" );

   /* Attributes. */
   xmlw_attr( writer, "name", "%s", sys->name );

   /* General. */
   xmlw_startElem( writer, "general" );
   if (sys->background != NULL)
      xmlw_elem( writer, "background", "%s", sys->background );
   xmlw_elem( writer, "radius", "%f", sys->radius );
   xmlw_elem( writer, "stars", "%d", sys->stars );
   xmlw_elem( writer, "interference", "%f", sys->interference );
   xmlw_startElem( writer, "nebula" );
   xmlw_attr( writer, "volatility", "%f", sys->nebu_volatility );
   xmlw_str( writer, "%f", sys->nebu_density );
   xmlw_endElem( writer ); /* "nebula" */
   xmlw_endElem( writer ); /* "general" */

   /* Position. */
   xmlw_startElem( writer, "pos" );
   xmlw_elem( writer, "x", "%f", sys->pos.x );
   xmlw_elem( writer, "y", "%f", sys->pos.y );
   xmlw_endElem( writer ); /* "pos" */

   /* Planets. */
   sorted_planets = malloc( sizeof(Planet*) * sys->nplanets);
   memcpy( sorted_planets, sys->planets, sizeof(Planet*) * sys->nplanets );
   qsort( sorted_planets, sys->nplanets, sizeof(Planet*), dsys_compPlanet );
   xmlw_startElem( writer, "assets" );
   for (i=0; i<sys->nplanets; i++)
      xmlw_elem( writer, "asset", "%s", sorted_planets[i]->name );
   xmlw_endElem( writer ); /* "assets" */

   /* Jumps. */
   sorted_jumps = malloc( sizeof(JumpPoint*) * sys->njumps );
   for (i=0; i<sys->njumps; i++)
      sorted_jumps[i] = &sys->jumps[i];
   qsort( sorted_jumps, sys->njumps, sizeof(JumpPoint*), dsys_compJump );
   xmlw_startElem( writer, "jumps" );
   for (i=0; i<sys->njumps; i++) {
      jp = sorted_jumps[i];
      xmlw_startElem( writer, "jump" );
      xmlw_attr( writer, "target", "%s", jp->target->name );
      /* Position. */
      if (!jp_isFlag( jp, JP_AUTOPOS )) {
         xmlw_startElem( writer, "pos" );
         xmlw_attr( writer, "x", "%f", jp->pos.x );
         xmlw_attr( writer, "y", "%f", jp->pos.y );
         xmlw_endElem( writer ); /* "pos" */
         xmlw_elemEmpty( writer, "autopos" );
      /* Radius and misc properties. */
      if (jp->radius != 200.)
         xmlw_elem( writer, "radius", "%f", jp->radius );
      /* More flags. */
      if (jp_isFlag( jp, JP_HIDDEN ))
         xmlw_elemEmpty( writer, "hidden" );
      if (jp_isFlag( jp, JP_EXITONLY ))
         xmlw_elemEmpty( writer, "exitonly" );
      xmlw_elem( writer, "hide", "%f", sqrt(jp->hide) );
      xmlw_endElem( writer ); /* "jump" */
   xmlw_endElem( writer ); /* "jumps" */

   xmlw_endElem( writer ); /** "ssys" */

   /* No need for writer anymore. */

   /* Write data. */
   cleanName = uniedit_nameFilter( sys->name );
   nsnprintf( file, sizeof(file), "%s/%s.xml", conf.dev_save_sys, cleanName );
   xmlSaveFileEnc( file, doc, "UTF-8" );

   /* Clean up. */

   return 0;
Esempio n. 9
 * @brief Saves selected systems as a map outfit file.
 *    @return 0 on success.
int dsys_saveMap (StarSystem **uniedit_sys, int uniedit_nsys)
   int i, j, k;
   xmlDocPtr doc;
   xmlTextWriterPtr writer;
   StarSystem *s;
   char file[PATH_MAX], *cleanName;

   /* Create the writer. */
   writer = xmlNewTextWriterDoc(&doc, 0);
   if (writer == NULL) {
      WARN("testXmlwriterDoc: Error creating the xml writer");
      return -1;

   /* Set the writer parameters. */
   xmlw_setParams( writer );

   /* Start writer. */
   xmlw_startElem( writer, "outfit" );

   /* Attributes. */
   xmlw_attr( writer, "name", "Editor-generated Map" );

   /* General. */
   xmlw_startElem( writer, "general" );
   xmlw_elem( writer, "mass", "%d", 0 );
   xmlw_elem( writer, "price", "%d", 1000 );
   xmlw_elem( writer, "description", "%s", "This map has been created by the universe editor." );
   xmlw_elem( writer, "gfx_store", "%s", "map" );
   xmlw_endElem( writer ); /* "general" */

   xmlw_startElem( writer, "specific" );
   xmlw_attr( writer, "type", "map" );

   /* Iterate over all selected systems. Save said systems and any NORMAL jumps they might share. */
   for (i = 0; i < uniedit_nsys; i++) {
      s = uniedit_sys[i];
      xmlw_startElem( writer, "sys" );
      xmlw_attr( writer, "name", "%s", s->name );

      /* Iterate jumps and see if they lead to any other systems in our array. */
      for (j = 0; j < s->njumps; j++) {
         /* Ignore hidden and exit-only jumps. */
         if (jp_isFlag(&s->jumps[j], JP_EXITONLY ))
         if (jp_isFlag(&s->jumps[j], JP_HIDDEN))
         /* This is a normal jump. */
         for (k = 0; k < uniedit_nsys; k++) {
            if (s->jumps[j].target == uniedit_sys[k]) {
               xmlw_elem( writer, "jump", "%s", uniedit_sys[k]->name );

      /* Iterate assets and add them */
      for (j = 0; j < s->nplanets; j++) {
         if (s->planets[j]->real)
            xmlw_elem( writer, "asset", "%s", s->planets[j]->name );

      xmlw_endElem( writer ); /* "sys" */

   xmlw_endElem( writer ); /* "specific" */
   xmlw_endElem( writer ); /* "outfit" */

   /* No need for writer anymore. */

   /* Write data. */
   cleanName = uniedit_nameFilter( "saved map" );
   nsnprintf( file, sizeof(file), "%s/%s.xml", conf.dev_save_map, cleanName );
   xmlSaveFileEnc( file, doc, "UTF-8" );

   /* Clean up. */

   return 0;