Esempio n. 1
bool DebuggerScope::getOwnPropertySlot(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
    DebuggerScope* scope = jsCast<DebuggerScope*>(object);
    if (!scope->isValid())
        return false;
    JSObject* thisObject = JSScope::objectAtScope(scope->jsScope());

    // By default, JSObject::getPropertySlot() will look in the DebuggerScope's prototype
    // chain and not the wrapped scope, and JSObject::getPropertySlot() cannot be overridden
    // to behave differently for the DebuggerScope.
    // Instead, we'll treat all properties in the wrapped scope and its prototype chain as
    // the own properties of the DebuggerScope. This is fine because the WebInspector
    // does not presently need to distinguish between what's owned at each level in the
    // prototype chain. Hence, we'll invoke getPropertySlot() on the wrapped scope here
    // instead of getOwnPropertySlot().
    bool result = thisObject->getPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot);
    if (result && slot.isValue() && slot.getValue(exec, propertyName) == jsTDZValue()) {
        // FIXME:
        // We hit a scope property that has the TDZ empty value.
        // Currently, we just lie to the inspector and claim that this property is undefined.
        // This is not ideal and we should fix it.
        slot.setValue(slot.slotBase(), DontEnum, jsUndefined());
        return true;
    return result;
Esempio n. 2
JSObject* ProgramExecutable::initializeGlobalProperties(VM& vm, CallFrame* callFrame, JSScope* scope)
    auto throwScope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
    JSGlobalObject* globalObject = scope->globalObject();
    ASSERT(&globalObject->vm() == &vm);

    ParserError error;
    JSParserStrictMode strictMode = isStrictMode() ? JSParserStrictMode::Strict : JSParserStrictMode::NotStrict;
    DebuggerMode debuggerMode = globalObject->hasInteractiveDebugger() ? DebuggerOn : DebuggerOff;

    UnlinkedProgramCodeBlock* unlinkedCodeBlock = vm.codeCache()->getUnlinkedProgramCodeBlock(
        vm, this, source(), strictMode, debuggerMode, error);

    if (globalObject->hasDebugger())
        globalObject->debugger()->sourceParsed(callFrame, source().provider(), error.line(), error.message());

    if (error.isValid())
        return error.toErrorObject(globalObject, source());

    JSValue nextPrototype = globalObject->getPrototypeDirect();
    while (nextPrototype && nextPrototype.isObject()) {
        if (UNLIKELY(asObject(nextPrototype)->type() == ProxyObjectType)) {
            ExecState* exec = globalObject->globalExec();
            return createTypeError(exec, ASCIILiteral("Proxy is not allowed in the global prototype chain."));
        nextPrototype = asObject(nextPrototype)->getPrototypeDirect();
    JSGlobalLexicalEnvironment* globalLexicalEnvironment = globalObject->globalLexicalEnvironment();
    const VariableEnvironment& variableDeclarations = unlinkedCodeBlock->variableDeclarations();
    const VariableEnvironment& lexicalDeclarations = unlinkedCodeBlock->lexicalDeclarations();
    // The ES6 spec says that no vars/global properties/let/const can be duplicated in the global scope.
    // This carried out section 15.1.8 of the ES6 spec:
        ExecState* exec = globalObject->globalExec();
        // Check for intersection of "var" and "let"/"const"/"class"
        for (auto& entry : lexicalDeclarations) {
            if (variableDeclarations.contains(entry.key))
                return createSyntaxError(exec, makeString("Can't create duplicate variable: '", String(entry.key.get()), "'"));

        // Check if any new "let"/"const"/"class" will shadow any pre-existing global property names, or "var"/"let"/"const" variables.
        // It's an error to introduce a shadow.
        for (auto& entry : lexicalDeclarations) {
            bool hasProperty = globalObject->hasProperty(exec, entry.key.get());
            RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, throwScope.exception());
            if (hasProperty) {
                // The ES6 spec says that just RestrictedGlobalProperty can't be shadowed
                // This carried out section of the ES6 spec:
                PropertyDescriptor descriptor;
                globalObject->getOwnPropertyDescriptor(exec, entry.key.get(), descriptor);
                if (descriptor.value() != jsUndefined() && !descriptor.configurable())
                    return createSyntaxError(exec, makeString("Can't create duplicate variable that shadows a global property: '", String(entry.key.get()), "'"));

            hasProperty = globalLexicalEnvironment->hasProperty(exec, entry.key.get());
            RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, throwScope.exception());
            if (hasProperty) {
                if (UNLIKELY(entry.value.isConst() && !vm.globalConstRedeclarationShouldThrow() && !isStrictMode())) {
                    // We only allow "const" duplicate declarations under this setting.
                    // For example, we don't "let" variables to be overridden by "const" variables.
                    if (globalLexicalEnvironment->isConstVariable(entry.key.get()))
                return createSyntaxError(exec, makeString("Can't create duplicate variable: '", String(entry.key.get()), "'"));

        // Check if any new "var"s will shadow any previous "let"/"const"/"class" names.
        // It's an error to introduce a shadow.
        if (!globalLexicalEnvironment->isEmpty()) {
            for (auto& entry : variableDeclarations) {
                bool hasProperty = globalLexicalEnvironment->hasProperty(exec, entry.key.get());
                RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, throwScope.exception());
                if (hasProperty)
                    return createSyntaxError(exec, makeString("Can't create duplicate variable: '", String(entry.key.get()), "'"));

    m_unlinkedProgramCodeBlock.set(vm, this, unlinkedCodeBlock);

    BatchedTransitionOptimizer optimizer(vm, globalObject);

    for (size_t i = 0, numberOfFunctions = unlinkedCodeBlock->numberOfFunctionDecls(); i < numberOfFunctions; ++i) {
        UnlinkedFunctionExecutable* unlinkedFunctionExecutable = unlinkedCodeBlock->functionDecl(i);
        globalObject->addFunction(callFrame, unlinkedFunctionExecutable->name());
        if (vm.typeProfiler() || vm.controlFlowProfiler()) {

    for (auto& entry : variableDeclarations) {
        globalObject->addVar(callFrame, Identifier::fromUid(&vm, entry.key.get()));

        JSGlobalLexicalEnvironment* globalLexicalEnvironment = jsCast<JSGlobalLexicalEnvironment*>(globalObject->globalScope());
        SymbolTable* symbolTable = globalLexicalEnvironment->symbolTable();
        ConcurrentJSLocker locker(symbolTable->m_lock);
        for (auto& entry : lexicalDeclarations) {
            if (UNLIKELY(entry.value.isConst() && !vm.globalConstRedeclarationShouldThrow() && !isStrictMode())) {
                if (symbolTable->contains(locker, entry.key.get()))
            ScopeOffset offset = symbolTable->takeNextScopeOffset(locker);
            SymbolTableEntry newEntry(VarOffset(offset), entry.value.isConst() ? ReadOnly : 0);
            symbolTable->add(locker, entry.key.get(), newEntry);
            ScopeOffset offsetForAssert = globalLexicalEnvironment->addVariables(1, jsTDZValue());
            RELEASE_ASSERT(offsetForAssert == offset);
    return nullptr;
Esempio n. 3
void JSModuleRecord::instantiateDeclarations(ExecState* exec, ModuleProgramExecutable* moduleProgramExecutable)
    VM& vm = exec->vm();
    auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);


    SymbolTable* symbolTable = moduleProgramExecutable->moduleEnvironmentSymbolTable();
    JSModuleEnvironment* moduleEnvironment = JSModuleEnvironment::create(vm, exec->lexicalGlobalObject(), exec->lexicalGlobalObject(), symbolTable, jsTDZValue(), this);

    // section step 9.
    // Ensure all the indirect exports are correctly resolved to unique bindings.
    // Even if we avoided duplicate exports in the parser, still ambiguous exports occur due to the star export (`export * from "mod"`).
    // When we see this type of ambiguity for the indirect exports here, throw a syntax error.
    for (const auto& pair : exportEntries()) {
        const ExportEntry& exportEntry = pair.value;
        if (exportEntry.type == JSModuleRecord::ExportEntry::Type::Indirect) {
            Resolution resolution = resolveExport(exec, exportEntry.exportName);
            switch (resolution.type) {
            case Resolution::Type::NotFound:
                throwSyntaxError(exec, scope, makeString("Indirectly exported binding name '", String(exportEntry.exportName.impl()), "' is not found."));

            case Resolution::Type::Ambiguous:
                throwSyntaxError(exec, scope, makeString("Indirectly exported binding name '", String(exportEntry.exportName.impl()), "' cannot be resolved due to ambiguous multiple bindings."));

            case Resolution::Type::Error:
                throwSyntaxError(exec, scope, makeString("Indirectly exported binding name 'default' cannot be resolved by star export entries."));

            case Resolution::Type::Resolved:

    // section step 12.
    // Instantiate namespace objects and initialize the bindings with them if required.
    // And ensure that all the imports correctly resolved to unique bindings.
    for (const auto& pair : importEntries()) {
        const ImportEntry& importEntry = pair.value;
        AbstractModuleRecord* importedModule = hostResolveImportedModule(exec, importEntry.moduleRequest);
        if (importEntry.isNamespace(vm)) {
            JSModuleNamespaceObject* namespaceObject = importedModule->getModuleNamespace(exec);
            RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, void());
            bool putResult = false;
            symbolTablePutTouchWatchpointSet(moduleEnvironment, exec, importEntry.localName, namespaceObject, /* shouldThrowReadOnlyError */ false, /* ignoreReadOnlyErrors */ true, putResult);
        } else {
            Resolution resolution = importedModule->resolveExport(exec, importEntry.importName);
            switch (resolution.type) {
            case Resolution::Type::NotFound:
                throwSyntaxError(exec, scope, makeString("Importing binding name '", String(importEntry.importName.impl()), "' is not found."));

            case Resolution::Type::Ambiguous:
                throwSyntaxError(exec, scope, makeString("Importing binding name '", String(importEntry.importName.impl()), "' cannot be resolved due to ambiguous multiple bindings."));

            case Resolution::Type::Error:
                throwSyntaxError(exec, scope, makeString("Importing binding name 'default' cannot be resolved by star export entries."));

            case Resolution::Type::Resolved:

    // section step 14.
    // Module environment contains the heap allocated "var", "function", "let", "const", and "class".
    // When creating the environment, we initialized all the slots with empty, it's ok for lexical values.
    // But for "var" and "function", we should initialize it with undefined. They are contained in the declared variables.
    for (const auto& variable : declaredVariables()) {
        SymbolTableEntry entry = symbolTable->get(variable.key.get());
        VarOffset offset = entry.varOffset();
        if (!offset.isStack()) {
            bool putResult = false;
            symbolTablePutTouchWatchpointSet(moduleEnvironment, exec, Identifier::fromUid(exec, variable.key.get()), jsUndefined(), /* shouldThrowReadOnlyError */ false, /* ignoreReadOnlyErrors */ true, putResult);

    // section step 16-a-iv.
    // Initialize heap allocated function declarations.
    // They can be called before the body of the module is executed under circular dependencies.
    UnlinkedModuleProgramCodeBlock* unlinkedCodeBlock = moduleProgramExecutable->unlinkedModuleProgramCodeBlock();
    for (size_t i = 0, numberOfFunctions = unlinkedCodeBlock->numberOfFunctionDecls(); i < numberOfFunctions; ++i) {
        UnlinkedFunctionExecutable* unlinkedFunctionExecutable = unlinkedCodeBlock->functionDecl(i);
        SymbolTableEntry entry = symbolTable->get(unlinkedFunctionExecutable->name().impl());
        VarOffset offset = entry.varOffset();
        if (!offset.isStack()) {
            if (vm.typeProfiler() || vm.controlFlowProfiler()) {
            JSFunction* function = JSFunction::create(vm, unlinkedFunctionExecutable->link(vm, moduleProgramExecutable->source()), moduleEnvironment);
            bool putResult = false;
            symbolTablePutTouchWatchpointSet(moduleEnvironment, exec, unlinkedFunctionExecutable->name(), function, /* shouldThrowReadOnlyError */ false, /* ignoreReadOnlyErrors */ true, putResult);

    m_moduleEnvironment.set(vm, this, moduleEnvironment);
Esempio n. 4
JSObject* ProgramExecutable::initializeGlobalProperties(VM& vm, CallFrame* callFrame, JSScope* scope)
    JSGlobalObject* globalObject = scope->globalObject();
    ASSERT(&globalObject->vm() == &vm);

    JSObject* exception = 0;
    UnlinkedProgramCodeBlock* unlinkedCodeBlock = globalObject->createProgramCodeBlock(callFrame, this, &exception);
    if (exception)
        return exception;

    JSGlobalLexicalEnvironment* globalLexicalEnvironment = globalObject->globalLexicalEnvironment();
    const VariableEnvironment& variableDeclarations = unlinkedCodeBlock->variableDeclarations();
    const VariableEnvironment& lexicalDeclarations = unlinkedCodeBlock->lexicalDeclarations();
    // The ES6 spec says that no vars/global properties/let/const can be duplicated in the global scope.
    // This carried out section 15.1.8 of the ES6 spec:
        ExecState* exec = globalObject->globalExec();
        // Check for intersection of "var" and "let"/"const"/"class"
        for (auto& entry : lexicalDeclarations) {
            if (variableDeclarations.contains(entry.key))
                return createSyntaxError(exec, makeString("Can't create duplicate variable: '", String(entry.key.get()), "'"));

        // Check if any new "let"/"const"/"class" will shadow any pre-existing global property names, or "var"/"let"/"const" variables.
        // It's an error to introduce a shadow.
        for (auto& entry : lexicalDeclarations) {
            if (globalObject->hasProperty(exec, entry.key.get()))
                return createSyntaxError(exec, makeString("Can't create duplicate variable that shadows a global property: '", String(entry.key.get()), "'"));

            if (globalLexicalEnvironment->hasProperty(exec, entry.key.get()))
                return createSyntaxError(exec, makeString("Can't create duplicate variable: '", String(entry.key.get()), "'"));

        // Check if any new "var"s will shadow any previous "let"/"const"/"class" names.
        // It's an error to introduce a shadow.
        if (!globalLexicalEnvironment->isEmpty()) {
            for (auto& entry : variableDeclarations) {
                if (globalLexicalEnvironment->hasProperty(exec, entry.key.get()))
                    return createSyntaxError(exec, makeString("Can't create duplicate variable: '", String(entry.key.get()), "'"));

    m_unlinkedProgramCodeBlock.set(vm, this, unlinkedCodeBlock);

    BatchedTransitionOptimizer optimizer(vm, globalObject);

    for (size_t i = 0, numberOfFunctions = unlinkedCodeBlock->numberOfFunctionDecls(); i < numberOfFunctions; ++i) {
        UnlinkedFunctionExecutable* unlinkedFunctionExecutable = unlinkedCodeBlock->functionDecl(i);
        globalObject->addFunction(callFrame, unlinkedFunctionExecutable->name());
        if (vm.typeProfiler() || vm.controlFlowProfiler()) {

    for (auto& entry : variableDeclarations) {
        globalObject->addVar(callFrame, Identifier::fromUid(&vm, entry.key.get()));

        JSGlobalLexicalEnvironment* globalLexicalEnvironment = jsCast<JSGlobalLexicalEnvironment*>(globalObject->globalScope());
        SymbolTable* symbolTable = globalLexicalEnvironment->symbolTable();
        ConcurrentJITLocker locker(symbolTable->m_lock);
        for (auto& entry : lexicalDeclarations) {
            ScopeOffset offset = symbolTable->takeNextScopeOffset(locker);
            SymbolTableEntry newEntry(VarOffset(offset), entry.value.isConst() ? ReadOnly : 0);
            symbolTable->add(locker, entry.key.get(), newEntry);
            ScopeOffset offsetForAssert = globalLexicalEnvironment->addVariables(1, jsTDZValue());
            RELEASE_ASSERT(offsetForAssert == offset);
    return 0;