Esempio n. 1
 * Performs initialization of the MANDATORY components of the Video Engine
  CSFLogDebug(logTag,  "%s this=%p", __FUNCTION__, this);

  // already know we must be on MainThread barring unit test weirdness

  nsresult rv;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefService> prefs = do_GetService(";1", &rv);
  if (!NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv)))
    nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> branch = do_QueryInterface(prefs);

    if (branch)
      int32_t temp;
      (void) NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(branch->GetBoolPref("", &mVideoLatencyTestEnable)));
      (void) NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(branch->GetIntPref("", &temp)));
      if (temp >= 0) {
        mMinBitrate = temp;
      (void) NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(branch->GetIntPref("", &temp)));
      if (temp >= 0) {
        mStartBitrate = temp;
      (void) NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(branch->GetIntPref("", &temp)));
      if (temp >= 0) {
        mMaxBitrate = temp;
      bool use_loadmanager = false;
      (void) NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(branch->GetBoolPref("media.navigator.load_adapt", &use_loadmanager)));
      if (use_loadmanager) {
        mLoadManager = LoadManagerBuild();

  // get the JVM
  JavaVM *jvm = jsjni_GetVM();

  if (webrtc::VideoEngine::SetAndroidObjects(jvm) != 0) {
    CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s: could not set Android objects", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  // Per WebRTC APIs below function calls return nullptr on failure
  mVideoEngine = webrtc::VideoEngine::Create();
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to create video engine ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViEBase = ViEBase::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video base interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViECapture = ViECapture::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video capture interface", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViECodec = ViECodec::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video codec interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViENetwork = ViENetwork::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video network interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViERender = ViERender::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video render interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  mPtrExtCodec = webrtc::ViEExternalCodec::GetInterface(mVideoEngine);
  if (!mPtrExtCodec) {
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get external codec interface: %d ",
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrRTP = webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video RTCP interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if ( !(mPtrExtCodec = webrtc::ViEExternalCodec::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get external codec interface %d ",
                __FUNCTION__, mPtrViEBase->LastError());
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Engine Created: Init'ng the interfaces ",__FUNCTION__);

  if(mPtrViEBase->Init() == -1)
    CSFLogError(logTag, " %s Video Engine Init Failed %d ",__FUNCTION__,
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if(mPtrViEBase->CreateChannel(mChannel) == -1)
    CSFLogError(logTag, " %s Channel creation Failed %d ",__FUNCTION__,
    return kMediaConduitChannelError;

  if(mPtrViENetwork->RegisterSendTransport(mChannel, *this) == -1)
    CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s ViENetwork Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
    return kMediaConduitTransportRegistrationFail;

                                                   mPtrExtCapture) == -1)
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to Allocate capture module: %d ",
                __FUNCTION__, mPtrViEBase->LastError());
    return kMediaConduitCaptureError;

  if(mPtrViECapture->ConnectCaptureDevice(mCapId,mChannel) == -1)
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to Connect capture module: %d ",
    return kMediaConduitCaptureError;
  // Set up some parameters, per juberti. Set MTU.
  if(mPtrViENetwork->SetMTU(mChannel, 1200) != 0)
    CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s MTU Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
    return kMediaConduitMTUError;
  // Turn on RTCP and loss feedback reporting.
  if(mPtrRTP->SetRTCPStatus(mChannel, webrtc::kRtcpCompound_RFC4585) != 0)
    CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s RTCPStatus Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
    return kMediaConduitRTCPStatusError;

  if (mPtrViERender->AddRenderer(mChannel,
                                (webrtc::ExternalRenderer*) this) == -1) {
      CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Failed to added external renderer ", __FUNCTION__);
      return kMediaConduitInvalidRenderer;

  if (mLoadManager) {
    mPtrViEBase->RegisterCpuOveruseObserver(mChannel, mLoadManager);

  CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Initialization Done", __FUNCTION__);
  return kMediaConduitNoError;
Esempio n. 2
 * WebRTCAudioConduit Implementation
MediaConduitErrorCode WebrtcAudioConduit::Init(WebrtcAudioConduit *other)
  CSFLogDebug(logTag,  "%s this=%p other=%p", __FUNCTION__, this, other);

  if (other) {
    other->mOtherDirection = this;
    mOtherDirection = other;

    // only one can call ::Create()/GetVoiceEngine()
    mVoiceEngine = other->mVoiceEngine;
  } else {
      jobject context = jsjni_GetGlobalContextRef();

      // get the JVM
      JavaVM *jvm = jsjni_GetVM();
      JNIEnv* jenv = jsjni_GetJNIForThread();

      if (webrtc::VoiceEngine::SetAndroidObjects(jvm, jenv, (void*)context) != 0) {
        CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to set Android objects", __FUNCTION__);
        return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

    // Per WebRTC APIs below function calls return nullptr on failure
    if(!(mVoiceEngine = webrtc::VoiceEngine::Create()))
      CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to create voice engine", __FUNCTION__);
      return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

    PRLogModuleInfo *logs = GetWebRTCLogInfo();
    if (!gWebrtcTraceLoggingOn && logs && logs->level > 0) {
      // no need to a critical section or lock here
      gWebrtcTraceLoggingOn = 1;

      const char *file = PR_GetEnv("WEBRTC_TRACE_FILE");
      if (!file) {
        file = "WebRTC.log";
      CSFLogDebug(logTag,  "%s Logging webrtc to %s level %d", __FUNCTION__,
                  file, logs->level);

  if(!(mPtrVoEBase = VoEBase::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoEBase", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if(!(mPtrVoENetwork = VoENetwork::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoENetwork", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if(!(mPtrVoECodec = VoECodec::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoEBCodec", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if(!(mPtrVoEProcessing = VoEAudioProcessing::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoEProcessing", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
  if(!(mPtrVoEXmedia = VoEExternalMedia::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoEExternalMedia", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
  if(!(mPtrVoERTP_RTCP = VoERTP_RTCP::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoERTP_RTCP", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if(!(mPtrVoEVideoSync = VoEVideoSync::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoEVideoSync", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
  if (!(mPtrRTP = webrtc::VoERTP_RTCP::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get audio RTP/RTCP interface ",
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if (other) {
    mChannel = other->mChannel;
  } else {
    // init the engine with our audio device layer
    if(mPtrVoEBase->Init() == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag, "%s VoiceEngine Base Not Initialized", __FUNCTION__);
      return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

    if( (mChannel = mPtrVoEBase->CreateChannel()) == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag, "%s VoiceEngine Channel creation failed",__FUNCTION__);
      return kMediaConduitChannelError;

    CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Channel Created %d ",__FUNCTION__, mChannel);

    if(mPtrVoENetwork->RegisterExternalTransport(mChannel, *this) == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag, "%s VoiceEngine, External Transport Failed",__FUNCTION__);
      return kMediaConduitTransportRegistrationFail;

    if(mPtrVoEXmedia->SetExternalRecordingStatus(true) == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag, "%s SetExternalRecordingStatus Failed %d",__FUNCTION__,
      return kMediaConduitExternalPlayoutError;

    if(mPtrVoEXmedia->SetExternalPlayoutStatus(true) == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag, "%s SetExternalPlayoutStatus Failed %d ",__FUNCTION__,
      return kMediaConduitExternalRecordingError;
    CSFLogDebug(logTag ,  "%s AudioSessionConduit Initialization Done (%p)",__FUNCTION__, this);
  return kMediaConduitNoError;
Esempio n. 3
 * Peforms intialization of the MANDATORY components of the Video Engine
MediaConduitErrorCode WebrtcVideoConduit::Init(WebrtcVideoConduit *other)
  CSFLogDebug(logTag,  "%s this=%p other=%p", __FUNCTION__, this, other);

  if (other) {
    other->mOtherDirection = this;
    mOtherDirection = other;

    // only one can call ::Create()/GetVideoEngine()
    mVideoEngine = other->mVideoEngine;
  } else {

    jobject context = jsjni_GetGlobalContextRef();

    // get the JVM
    JavaVM *jvm = jsjni_GetVM();

    if (webrtc::VideoEngine::SetAndroidObjects(jvm, (void*)context) != 0) {
      CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s: could not set Android objects", __FUNCTION__);
      return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

    // Per WebRTC APIs below function calls return nullptr on failure
    if( !(mVideoEngine = webrtc::VideoEngine::Create()) )
      CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to create video engine ", __FUNCTION__);
      return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

    PRLogModuleInfo *logs = GetWebRTCLogInfo();
    if (!gWebrtcTraceLoggingOn && logs && logs->level > 0) {
      // no need to a critical section or lock here
      gWebrtcTraceLoggingOn = 1;

      const char *file = PR_GetEnv("WEBRTC_TRACE_FILE");
      if (!file) {
        file = "WebRTC.log";
      CSFLogDebug(logTag,  "%s Logging webrtc to %s level %d", __FUNCTION__,
                  file, logs->level);

  if( !(mPtrViEBase = ViEBase::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video base interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViECapture = ViECapture::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video capture interface", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViECodec = ViECodec::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video codec interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViENetwork = ViENetwork::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video network interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViERender = ViERender::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video render interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrRTP = webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video RTCP interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if ( !(mPtrExtCodec = webrtc::ViEExternalCodec::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get external codec interface %d ",
                __FUNCTION__, mPtrViEBase->LastError());
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if (other) {
    mChannel = other->mChannel;
    mPtrExtCapture = other->mPtrExtCapture;
    mCapId = other->mCapId;
  } else {
    CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Engine Created: Init'ng the interfaces ",__FUNCTION__);

    if(mPtrViEBase->Init() == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag, " %s Video Engine Init Failed %d ",__FUNCTION__,
      return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

    if(mPtrViEBase->CreateChannel(mChannel) == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag, " %s Channel creation Failed %d ",__FUNCTION__,
      return kMediaConduitChannelError;

    if(mPtrViENetwork->RegisterSendTransport(mChannel, *this) == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s ViENetwork Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
      return kMediaConduitTransportRegistrationFail;

                                                     mPtrExtCapture) == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to Allocate capture module: %d ",
                  __FUNCTION__, mPtrViEBase->LastError());
      return kMediaConduitCaptureError;

    if(mPtrViECapture->ConnectCaptureDevice(mCapId,mChannel) == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to Connect capture module: %d ",
      return kMediaConduitCaptureError;

                                  (webrtc::ExternalRenderer*) this) == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Failed to added external renderer ", __FUNCTION__);
      return kMediaConduitInvalidRenderer;
    // Set up some parameters, per juberti. Set MTU.
    if(mPtrViENetwork->SetMTU(mChannel, 1200) != 0)
      CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s MTU Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
      return kMediaConduitMTUError;
    // Turn on RTCP and loss feedback reporting.
    if(mPtrRTP->SetRTCPStatus(mChannel, webrtc::kRtcpCompound_RFC4585) != 0)
      CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s RTCPStatus Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
      return kMediaConduitRTCPStatusError;

  CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Initialization Done", __FUNCTION__);
  return kMediaConduitNoError;
Esempio n. 4
 * WebRTCAudioConduit Implementation
MediaConduitErrorCode WebrtcAudioConduit::Init()
  CSFLogDebug(logTag,  "%s this=%p", __FUNCTION__, this);

    jobject context = jsjni_GetGlobalContextRef();

    // get the JVM
    JavaVM *jvm = jsjni_GetVM();
    JNIEnv* jenv = jsjni_GetJNIForThread();

    if (webrtc::VoiceEngine::SetAndroidObjects(jvm, jenv, (void*)context) != 0) {
      CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to set Android objects", __FUNCTION__);
      return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  // Per WebRTC APIs below function calls return nullptr on failure
  if(!(mVoiceEngine = webrtc::VoiceEngine::Create()))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to create voice engine", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;


  if(!(mPtrVoEBase = VoEBase::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoEBase", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if(!(mPtrVoENetwork = VoENetwork::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoENetwork", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if(!(mPtrVoECodec = VoECodec::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoEBCodec", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if(!(mPtrVoEProcessing = VoEAudioProcessing::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoEProcessing", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
  if(!(mPtrVoEXmedia = VoEExternalMedia::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoEExternalMedia", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
  if(!(mPtrVoERTP_RTCP = VoERTP_RTCP::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoERTP_RTCP", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if(!(mPtrVoEVideoSync = VoEVideoSync::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to initialize VoEVideoSync", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
  if (!(mPtrRTP = webrtc::VoERTP_RTCP::GetInterface(mVoiceEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get audio RTP/RTCP interface ",
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  // init the engine with our audio device layer
  if(mPtrVoEBase->Init() == -1)
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s VoiceEngine Base Not Initialized", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( (mChannel = mPtrVoEBase->CreateChannel()) == -1)
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s VoiceEngine Channel creation failed",__FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitChannelError;

  CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Channel Created %d ",__FUNCTION__, mChannel);

  if(mPtrVoENetwork->RegisterExternalTransport(mChannel, *this) == -1)
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s VoiceEngine, External Transport Failed",__FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitTransportRegistrationFail;

  if(mPtrVoEXmedia->SetExternalRecordingStatus(true) == -1)
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s SetExternalRecordingStatus Failed %d",__FUNCTION__,
    return kMediaConduitExternalPlayoutError;

  if(mPtrVoEXmedia->SetExternalPlayoutStatus(true) == -1)
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s SetExternalPlayoutStatus Failed %d ",__FUNCTION__,
    return kMediaConduitExternalRecordingError;

  CSFLogDebug(logTag ,  "%s AudioSessionConduit Initialization Done (%p)",__FUNCTION__, this);
  return kMediaConduitNoError;
Esempio n. 5
 * Peforms intialization of the MANDATORY components of the Video Engine
MediaConduitErrorCode WebrtcVideoConduit::Init()

  CSFLogDebug(logTag,  "%s ", __FUNCTION__);

  jobject context = jsjni_GetGlobalContextRef();

  // get the JVM
  JavaVM *jvm = jsjni_GetVM();

  JNIEnv* env;
  if (jvm->GetEnv((void**)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK) {
      CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s: could not get Java environment", __FUNCTION__);
      return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;
  jvm->AttachCurrentThread(&env, nullptr);

  if (webrtc::VideoEngine::SetAndroidObjects(jvm, (void*)context) != 0) {
    CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s: could not set Android objects", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;


  if( !(mVideoEngine = webrtc::VideoEngine::Create()) )
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to create video engine ", __FUNCTION__);
     return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  PRLogModuleInfo *logs = GetWebRTCLogInfo();
  if (!gWebrtcTraceLoggingOn && logs && logs->level > 0) {
    // no need to a critical section or lock here
    gWebrtcTraceLoggingOn = 1;

    const char *file = PR_GetEnv("WEBRTC_TRACE_FILE");
    if (!file) {
      file = "WebRTC.log";
    CSFLogDebug(logTag,  "%s Logging webrtc to %s level %d", __FUNCTION__,
                file, logs->level);

  if( !(mPtrViEBase = ViEBase::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video base interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViECapture = ViECapture::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video capture interface", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViECodec = ViECodec::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video codec interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViENetwork = ViENetwork::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video network interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViERender = ViERender::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video render interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrRTP = webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video RTCP interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Engine Created: Init'ng the interfaces ",__FUNCTION__);

  if(mPtrViEBase->Init() == -1)
    CSFLogError(logTag, " %s Video Engine Init Failed %d ",__FUNCTION__,
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if(mPtrViEBase->CreateChannel(mChannel) == -1)
    CSFLogError(logTag, " %s Channel creation Failed %d ",__FUNCTION__,
    return kMediaConduitChannelError;

  if(mPtrViENetwork->RegisterSendTransport(mChannel, *this) == -1)
    CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s ViENetwork Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
    return kMediaConduitTransportRegistrationFail;

  mPtrExtCapture = 0;

                                                   mPtrExtCapture) == -1)
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to Allocate capture module: %d ",
                               __FUNCTION__, mPtrViEBase->LastError());
    return kMediaConduitCaptureError;

  if(mPtrViECapture->ConnectCaptureDevice(mCapId,mChannel) == -1)
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to Connect capture module: %d ",
    return kMediaConduitCaptureError;

                                (webrtc::ExternalRenderer*) this) == -1)
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Failed to added external renderer ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitInvalidRenderer;
  // Set up some parameters, per juberti. Set MTU.
  if(mPtrViENetwork->SetMTU(mChannel, 1200) != 0)
    CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s MTU Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
    return kMediaConduitMTUError;
  // Turn on RTCP and loss feedback reporting.
  if(mPtrRTP->SetRTCPStatus(mChannel, webrtc::kRtcpCompound_RFC4585) != 0)
    CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s RTCPStatus Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
    return kMediaConduitRTCPStatusError;
  // Enable pli as key frame request method.
                                    webrtc::kViEKeyFrameRequestPliRtcp) != 0)
    CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s KeyFrameRequest Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
    return kMediaConduitKeyFrameRequestError;
  // Enable lossless transport
  // XXX Note: We may want to disable this or limit it
  if (mPtrRTP->SetNACKStatus(mChannel, true) != 0)
    CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s NACKStatus Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
    return kMediaConduitNACKStatusError;
  CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Initialization Done", __FUNCTION__);
  return kMediaConduitNoError;
Esempio n. 6
 * Performs initialization of the MANDATORY components of the Video Engine
MediaConduitErrorCode WebrtcVideoConduit::Init(WebrtcVideoConduit *other)
  CSFLogDebug(logTag,  "%s this=%p other=%p", __FUNCTION__, this, other);

  // already know we must be on MainThread barring unit test weirdness

  nsresult rv;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefService> prefs = do_GetService(";1", &rv);
  if (!NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv)))
    nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> branch = do_QueryInterface(prefs);

    if (branch)
      int32_t temp;
      NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(branch->GetBoolPref("", &mVideoLatencyTestEnable)));
      NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(branch->GetIntPref("", &temp)));
      if (temp >= 0) {
        mMinBitrate = temp;
      NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(branch->GetIntPref("", &temp)));
      if (temp >= 0) {
        mStartBitrate = temp;
      NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(branch->GetIntPref("", &temp)));
      if (temp >= 0) {
        mMaxBitrate = temp;

  if (other) {
    other->mOtherDirection = this;
    mOtherDirection = other;

    // only one can call ::Create()/GetVideoEngine()
    mVideoEngine = other->mVideoEngine;
  } else {

    // get the JVM
    JavaVM *jvm = jsjni_GetVM();

    if (webrtc::VideoEngine::SetAndroidObjects(jvm) != 0) {
      CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s: could not set Android objects", __FUNCTION__);
      return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

    // Per WebRTC APIs below function calls return nullptr on failure
    if( !(mVideoEngine = webrtc::VideoEngine::Create()) )
      CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to create video engine ", __FUNCTION__);
      return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

    PRLogModuleInfo *logs = GetWebRTCLogInfo();
    if (!gWebrtcTraceLoggingOn && logs && logs->level > 0) {
      // no need to a critical section or lock here
      gWebrtcTraceLoggingOn = 1;

      const char *file = PR_GetEnv("WEBRTC_TRACE_FILE");
      if (!file) {
        file = "WebRTC.log";
      CSFLogDebug(logTag,  "%s Logging webrtc to %s level %d", __FUNCTION__,
                  file, logs->level);

  if( !(mPtrViEBase = ViEBase::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video base interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViECapture = ViECapture::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video capture interface", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViECodec = ViECodec::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video codec interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViENetwork = ViENetwork::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video network interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrViERender = ViERender::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video render interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if( !(mPtrRTP = webrtc::ViERTP_RTCP::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get video RTCP interface ", __FUNCTION__);
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if ( !(mPtrExtCodec = webrtc::ViEExternalCodec::GetInterface(mVideoEngine)))
    CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to get external codec interface %d ",
                __FUNCTION__, mPtrViEBase->LastError());
    return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

  if (other) {
    mChannel = other->mChannel;
    mPtrExtCapture = other->mPtrExtCapture;
    mCapId = other->mCapId;
  } else {
    CSFLogDebug(logTag, "%s Engine Created: Init'ng the interfaces ",__FUNCTION__);

    if(mPtrViEBase->Init() == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag, " %s Video Engine Init Failed %d ",__FUNCTION__,
      return kMediaConduitSessionNotInited;

    if(mPtrViEBase->CreateChannel(mChannel) == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag, " %s Channel creation Failed %d ",__FUNCTION__,
      return kMediaConduitChannelError;

    if(mPtrViENetwork->RegisterSendTransport(mChannel, *this) == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s ViENetwork Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
      return kMediaConduitTransportRegistrationFail;

                                                     mPtrExtCapture) == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to Allocate capture module: %d ",
                  __FUNCTION__, mPtrViEBase->LastError());
      return kMediaConduitCaptureError;

    if(mPtrViECapture->ConnectCaptureDevice(mCapId,mChannel) == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Unable to Connect capture module: %d ",
      return kMediaConduitCaptureError;

                                  (webrtc::ExternalRenderer*) this) == -1)
      CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Failed to added external renderer ", __FUNCTION__);
      return kMediaConduitInvalidRenderer;
    // Set up some parameters, per juberti. Set MTU.
    if(mPtrViENetwork->SetMTU(mChannel, 1200) != 0)
      CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s MTU Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
      return kMediaConduitMTUError;
    // Turn on RTCP and loss feedback reporting.
    if(mPtrRTP->SetRTCPStatus(mChannel, webrtc::kRtcpCompound_RFC4585) != 0)
      CSFLogError(logTag,  "%s RTCPStatus Failed %d ", __FUNCTION__,
      return kMediaConduitRTCPStatusError;

  CSFLogError(logTag, "%s Initialization Done", __FUNCTION__);
  return kMediaConduitNoError;