Esempio n. 1
/* Testing correctness of parsed values */
void test_suite_2(JSON_Value *root_value) {
    JSON_Object *root_object;
    JSON_Array *array;
    size_t i;
    TEST(json_value_get_type(root_value) == JSONObject);
    root_object = json_value_get_object(root_value);
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_get_string(root_object, "string"), "lorem ipsum"));
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_get_string(root_object, "utf string"), "lorem ipsum"));
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_get_string(root_object, "utf-8 string"), "あいうえお"));
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_get_string(root_object, "surrogate string"), "lorem𝄞ipsum𝍧lorem"));
    TEST(json_object_get_number(root_object, "positive one") == 1.0);
    TEST(json_object_get_number(root_object, "negative one") == -1.0);
    TEST(json_object_get_number(root_object, "hard to parse number") == -0.000314);
    TEST(json_object_get_boolean(root_object, "boolean true") == 1);
    TEST(json_object_get_boolean(root_object, "boolean false") == 0);
    TEST(json_value_get_type(json_object_get_value(root_object, "null")) == JSONNull);
    array = json_object_get_array(root_object, "string array");
    if (array != NULL && json_array_get_count(array) > 1) {
        TEST(STREQ(json_array_get_string(array, 0), "lorem"));
        TEST(STREQ(json_array_get_string(array, 1), "ipsum"));
    } else {
    array = json_object_get_array(root_object, "x^2 array");
    if (array != NULL) {
        for (i = 0; i < json_array_get_count(array); i++) {
            TEST(json_array_get_number(array, i) == (i * i));
    } else {
    TEST(json_object_get_array(root_object, "non existent array") == NULL);
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_dotget_string(root_object, "object.nested string"), "str"));
    TEST(json_object_dotget_boolean(root_object, "object.nested true") == 1);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_boolean(root_object, "object.nested false") == 0);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(root_object, "object.nested null") != NULL);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_number(root_object, "object.nested number") == 123);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(root_object, "") == NULL);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(root_object, "") == NULL);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(root_object, ".") == NULL);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(root_object, "") == NULL);
    array = json_object_dotget_array(root_object, "object.nested array");
    if (array != NULL && json_array_get_count(array) > 1) {
        TEST(STREQ(json_array_get_string(array, 0), "lorem"));
        TEST(STREQ(json_array_get_string(array, 1), "ipsum"));
    } else {
    TEST(json_object_dotget_boolean(root_object, "nested true"));
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_get_string(root_object, "/**/"), "comment"));
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_get_string(root_object, "//"), "comment"));
Esempio n. 2
/* Testing correctness of parsed values */
void test_suite_2(void) {
    JSON_Value *root_value;
    JSON_Object *object;
    JSON_Array *array;
    int i;
    const char *filename = "tests/test_2.txt";
    printf("Testing %s:\n", filename);
    root_value = json_parse_file(filename);
    TEST(json_value_get_type(root_value) == JSONObject);
    object = json_value_get_object(root_value);
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_get_string(object, "string"), "lorem ipsum"));
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_get_string(object, "utf string"), "lorem ipsum"));
    TEST(json_object_get_number(object, "positive one") == 1.0);
    TEST(json_object_get_number(object, "negative one") == -1.0);
    TEST(json_object_get_number(object, "hard to parse number") == -0.000314);
    TEST(json_object_get_boolean(object, "boolean true") == 1);
    TEST(json_object_get_boolean(object, "boolean false") == 0);
    TEST(json_value_get_type(json_object_get_value(object, "null")) == JSONNull);
    array = json_object_get_array(object, "string array");
    if (array != NULL && json_array_get_count(array) > 1) {
        TEST(STREQ(json_array_get_string(array, 0), "lorem"));
        TEST(STREQ(json_array_get_string(array, 1), "ipsum"));
    } else {
    array = json_object_get_array(object, "x^2 array");
    if (array != NULL) {
        for (i = 0; i < json_array_get_count(array); i++) {
            TEST(json_array_get_number(array, i) == (i * i));
    } else {
    TEST(json_object_get_array(object, "non existent array") == NULL);
    TEST(STREQ(json_object_dotget_string(object, "object.nested string"), "str"));
    TEST(json_object_dotget_boolean(object, "object.nested true") == 1);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_boolean(object, "object.nested false") == 0);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(object, "object.nested null") != NULL);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_number(object, "object.nested number") == 123);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(object, "") == NULL);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(object, "") == NULL);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(object, ".") == NULL);
    TEST(json_object_dotget_value(object, "") == NULL);
    array = json_object_dotget_array(object, "object.nested array");
    if (array != NULL && json_array_get_count(array) > 1) {
        TEST(STREQ(json_array_get_string(array, 0), "lorem"));
        TEST(STREQ(json_array_get_string(array, 1), "ipsum"));
    } else {
    TEST(json_object_dotget_boolean(object, "nested true"));    
Esempio n. 3
File: config.c Progetto: indutny/bud
bud_error_t bud_config_load_frontend(JSON_Object* obj,
                                     bud_config_frontend_t* frontend) {
  JSON_Value* val;

  bud_config_load_addr(obj, (bud_config_addr_t*) frontend);

  frontend->max_send_fragment = -1;
  frontend->allow_half_open = -1;
  frontend->reneg_limit = -1;
  if (obj == NULL)
    return bud_ok();

  frontend->security = json_object_get_string(obj, "security");
  frontend->reneg_window = json_object_get_number(obj, "reneg_window");
  val = json_object_get_value(obj, "reneg_limit");
  if (val != NULL)
    frontend->reneg_limit = json_value_get_number(val);

  val = json_object_get_value(obj, "max_send_fragment");
  if (val != NULL)
    frontend->max_send_fragment = json_value_get_number(val);
  val = json_object_get_value(obj, "allow_half_open");
  if (val != NULL)
    frontend->allow_half_open = json_value_get_boolean(val);

  return bud_config_load_frontend_ifaces(obj, &frontend->interface);
Esempio n. 4
bud_error_t bud_config_load_frontend(JSON_Object* obj,
                                     bud_config_frontend_t* frontend) {
  bud_error_t err;
  JSON_Value* val;

  bud_config_load_addr(obj, (bud_config_addr_t*) frontend);

  frontend->server_preference = -1;
  frontend->ssl3 = -1;
  frontend->max_send_fragment = -1;
  frontend->allow_half_open = -1;
  if (obj == NULL)
    return bud_ok();

  frontend->security = json_object_get_string(obj, "security");
  frontend->ciphers = json_object_get_string(obj, "ciphers");
  frontend->ecdh = json_object_get_string(obj, "ecdh");
  frontend->cert_file = json_object_get_string(obj, "cert");
  frontend->key_file = json_object_get_string(obj, "key");
  frontend->reneg_window = json_object_get_number(obj, "reneg_window");
  frontend->reneg_limit = json_object_get_number(obj, "reneg_limit");
  frontend->ticket_key = json_object_get_string(obj, "ticket_key");

  /* Get and verify NPN */
  frontend->npn = json_object_get_array(obj, "npn");
  err = bud_config_verify_npn(frontend->npn);
  if (!bud_is_ok(err))
    goto fatal;

  val = json_object_get_value(obj, "server_preference");
  if (val != NULL)
    frontend->server_preference = json_value_get_boolean(val);
  val = json_object_get_value(obj, "ssl3");
  if (val != NULL)
    frontend->ssl3 = json_value_get_boolean(val);
  val = json_object_get_value(obj, "max_send_fragment");
  if (val != NULL)
    frontend->max_send_fragment = json_value_get_number(val);
  val = json_object_get_value(obj, "allow_half_open");
  if (val != NULL)
    frontend->allow_half_open = json_value_get_boolean(val);

  return err;
Esempio n. 5
// retrieves the balancer url with the lowest load, if there are several balancers with the same load one of these is randomly selected
static char *GetBalancerUrl(void)
    char *bestUrl = NULL;

    char *balance = GetUrl(URL_BALANCE);
    if (balance != NULL)
        JSON_Value *rootJson = json_parse_string(balance);
        balance = NULL;

        if (rootJson != NULL && rootJson->type == JSONObject)
            JSON_Object *serversJson = json_value_get_object(rootJson);

            if (serversJson != NULL)
                size_t serverCount = json_object_get_count(serversJson);
                int bestLoad = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < serverCount; i++)
                    const char *url = json_object_get_name(serversJson, i);

                    JSON_Value *value = json_object_get_value(serversJson, url);

                    if (value != NULL && value->type == JSONNumber)
                        int load = (int) json_object_get_number(serversJson, url);

                        if (load != 0 && (bestUrl == NULL || load <= bestLoad/* || (load == bestLoad && rand() % 2)*/))
                            if (bestUrl != NULL)
                                bestUrl = NULL;

                            bestUrl = (char*) malloc(strlen(url) + 1);
                            if (bestUrl != NULL)
                                strcpy(bestUrl, url);

                            bestLoad = load;

            rootJson = NULL;

    return bestUrl;
Esempio n. 6
void test_suite_precincts(JSON_Value *root_value) {
    JSON_Object *root_object;
    JSON_Array *array;

    TEST(json_value_get_type(root_value) == JSONObject);
    root_object = json_value_get_object(root_value);

    unsigned int number_of_precincts = (int) json_object_get_number(root_object, "number_of_precincts");
    printf("number_of_precincts: %d\n", number_of_precincts);

    TEST(number_of_precincts == 60);

    array = json_object_get_array(root_object, "precincts");
    if (array != NULL && json_array_get_count(array) == number_of_precincts) {
        JSON_Object *precinct_object;
        JSON_Array *layers_array;
        int id, coord_x, coord_y;
        unsigned int j;
        for(j = 0; j < number_of_precincts; j++) {
            precinct_object = json_array_get_object(array, j);
            id = (int) json_object_get_number(precinct_object, "id");
            coord_x = (int) json_object_get_number(precinct_object, "coord_x");
            coord_y = (int) json_object_get_number(precinct_object, "coord_y");

            printf("id: %d \t coord_x: %d \t coord_y: %d\n", id, coord_x, coord_y);

            layers_array = json_object_get_array(precinct_object, "layers");
            if (layers_array != NULL && json_array_get_count(layers_array) >= 1) {
                JSON_Object *layer_object;
                int ql, bytes, psnr;
                unsigned k;

                for(k = 0; k < json_array_get_count(layers_array); k++) {

                    layer_object = json_array_get_object(layers_array, k);
                    ql = (int) json_object_get_number(layer_object, "ql");
                    bytes = (int) json_object_get_number(layer_object, "bytes");
                    psnr = (int) json_object_get_number(layer_object, "psnr");

                    printf("\tql: %d \t bytes: %d \t psnr: %d\n", ql, bytes, psnr);
            } else {


    } else {
Esempio n. 7
void bud_config_read_pool_conf(JSON_Object* obj,
                               const char* key,
                               bud_config_http_pool_t* pool) {
  JSON_Object* p;

  p = json_object_get_object(obj, key);
  if (p != NULL) {
    pool->enabled = json_object_get_boolean(p, "enabled");
    pool->port = (uint16_t) json_object_get_number(p, "port");
    pool->host = json_object_get_string(p, "host");
    pool->query_fmt = json_object_get_string(p, "query");
Esempio n. 8
void bud_config_load_addr(JSON_Object* obj, bud_config_addr_t* addr) {
  JSON_Value* val;

  /* Backend configuration */
  addr->keepalive = -1;
  if (obj == NULL)

  addr->port = (uint16_t) json_object_get_number(obj, "port");
  addr->host = json_object_get_string(obj, "host");
  val = json_object_get_value(obj, "keepalive");
  if (val != NULL)
    addr->keepalive = json_value_get_number(val);
Esempio n. 9
File: port.c Progetto: migadu/gmimex
int main(void) {
    int bytes_read;
    gchar buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
    JSON_Value *root_value;
    JSON_Object *root_object;
    gchar *json_str;
    gchar *func_name;
    gchar *path;

    while((bytes_read = read_msg(buffer)) > 0) {
    	json_str = g_strndup((const gchar *)buffer, bytes_read);
    	root_value = json_parse_string(json_str);
    	root_object = json_value_get_object(root_value);
    	func_name = (gchar *)json_object_get_string(root_object, "exec");
    	path = (gchar *)json_object_get_string(root_object, "path");
			GString *json_message = NULL;

    	if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(func_name, "get_preview_json")) {
				json_message = gmimex_get_json(path, JSON_NO_MESSAGE_CONTENT);
  			if (!json_message) {
  			} else {
					send_msg((gchar *)json_message->str, json_message->len);
			  	g_string_free(json_message, TRUE);
    	} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(func_name, "get_json")) {
  			gboolean raw = json_object_get_boolean(root_object, "raw");
  			json_message = gmimex_get_json(path, (raw ? JSON_RAW_MESSAGE_CONTENT : JSON_PREPARED_MESSAGE_CONTENT));
  			if (!json_message) {
  			} else {
					send_msg((gchar *)json_message->str, json_message->len);
			  	g_string_free(json_message, TRUE);
    	} else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(func_name, "get_part")) {
    		int part_id = json_object_get_number(root_object, "partId");
			  GByteArray *part_content = gmimex_get_part(path, part_id);
			  if (!part_content) {
			  } else {
    			send_msg((gchar *)part_content->data, part_content->len);
    			g_byte_array_free(part_content, TRUE);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 10
int parse_blueprint_root(JSON_Object *root, blueprint bp)
	bp->version = json_object_get_number(root, "Version");

	bp->Name = bfromcstr(json_object_get_string(root, "Name"));

	JSON_Object *blueprint = json_object_get_object(root, "Blueprint");
	if (blueprint == NULL)
		return 1;

	int retval;
	if ((retval = parse_blueprint_json(blueprint, bp)) != 0)
		return retval;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 11
int djcs_import_public_key(djcs_public_key *pk, const char *json)
    JSON_Value *root = json_parse_string(json);
    JSON_Object *obj = json_value_get_object(root);
    pk->s = json_object_get_number(obj, "s");
    pk->n = malloc(sizeof(mpz_t) * (pk->s + 1));

    mpz_set_str(pk->n[0], json_object_get_string(obj, "n"), HCS_INTERNAL_BASE);

    /* Calculate remaining values */
    mpz_add_ui(pk->g, pk->n[0], 1);
    for (unsigned long i = 1; i <= pk->s; ++i) {
        mpz_init_set(pk->n[i], pk->n[i-1]);
        mpz_mul(pk->n[i], pk->n[i], pk->n[0]);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 12
int djcs_import_private_key(djcs_private_key *vk, const char *json)
    JSON_Value *root = json_parse_string(json);
    JSON_Object *obj = json_value_get_object(root);
    vk->s = json_object_get_number(obj, "s");
    vk->n = malloc(sizeof(mpz_t) * (vk->s + 1));

    mpz_set_str(vk->n[0], json_object_get_string(obj, "n"), HCS_INTERNAL_BASE);
    mpz_set_str(vk->d, json_object_get_string(obj, "d"), HCS_INTERNAL_BASE);

    /* Calculate remaining values */
    for (unsigned long i = 1; i <= vk->s; ++i) {
        mpz_init_set(vk->n[i], vk->n[i-1]);
        mpz_mul(vk->n[i], vk->n[i], vk->n[0]);

    mpz_add_ui(vk->mu, vk->n[0], 1);
    mpz_powm(vk->mu, vk->mu, vk->d, vk->n[vk->s]);
    dlog_s(vk, vk->mu, vk->mu);
    mpz_invert(vk->mu, vk->mu, vk->n[vk->s-1]);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 13
static void* SimulatorModule_ParseConfigurationFromJson(const char* configuration)
    if (configuration == NULL)
        LogError("Simulator module expects configuration");
        result = NULL;
        JSON_Value* json = json_parse_string((const char*)configuration);
        if (json == NULL)
            LogError("unable to json_parse_string");
            result = NULL;
            JSON_Object* obj = json_value_get_object(json);
            if (obj == NULL)
                LogError("unable to json_value_get_object");
                result = NULL;
                const char* deviceIdValue = json_object_get_string(obj, "deviceId");
                if (deviceIdValue == NULL)
                    LogError("deviceId is a required field in configuration");
                    result = NULL;
                    result = (SIMULATOR_MODULE_CONFIG *)malloc(sizeof(SIMULATOR_MODULE_CONFIG));
                    if (result == NULL)
                        LogError("Could not allocated Module data");
                        if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&(result->device_id), deviceIdValue) != 0)
                            LogError("could not allocate memory for deviceID string");
                            result = NULL;
                            result->message_delay = 0;
                            result->message_size = 256;
                            result->properties_count = 2;
                            result->properties_size = 16;

                            if (json_object_has_value_of_type(obj, "message.delay", JSONNumber))
                                result->message_delay = static_cast<unsigned int>(json_object_get_number(obj, "message.delay"));
                            double message_size_value = json_object_get_number(obj, "message.size");
                            if (message_size_value > 0)
                                result->message_size = static_cast<unsigned int>(message_size_value);
                            double properties_count_value = json_object_get_number(obj, "properties.count");
                            if (properties_count_value > 0)
                                result->properties_count = static_cast<unsigned int>(properties_count_value);
                            double properties_size_value = json_object_get_number(obj, "properties.size");
                            if (properties_size_value > 0)
                                result->properties_size = static_cast<unsigned int>(properties_size_value);
    return result;
Esempio n. 14
ACVP_RESULT acvp_kdf135_ikev1_kat_handler(ACVP_CTX *ctx, JSON_Object *obj) {
    unsigned int tc_id;
    JSON_Value *groupval;
    JSON_Object *groupobj = NULL;
    JSON_Value *testval;
    JSON_Object *testobj = NULL;
    JSON_Array *groups;
    JSON_Array *tests;

    JSON_Value *reg_arry_val = NULL;
    JSON_Object *reg_obj = NULL;
    JSON_Array *reg_arry = NULL;

    int i, g_cnt;
    int j, t_cnt;

    JSON_Value *r_vs_val = NULL;
    JSON_Object *r_vs = NULL;
    JSON_Array *r_tarr = NULL, *r_garr = NULL;  /* Response testarray, grouparray */
    JSON_Value *r_tval = NULL, *r_gval = NULL;  /* Response testval, groupval */
    JSON_Object *r_tobj = NULL, *r_gobj = NULL; /* Response testobj, groupobj */
    ACVP_CAPS_LIST *cap;
    ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_TC stc;
    const char *alg_str = json_object_get_string(obj, "algorithm");
    const char *mode_str = NULL;
    ACVP_CIPHER alg_id;
    char *json_result;

    ACVP_HASH_ALG hash_alg = 0;
    ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_AUTH_METHOD auth_method = 0;
    const char *hash_alg_str = NULL, *auth_method_str = NULL;
    char *init_ckey = NULL, *resp_ckey = NULL, *gxy = NULL, *psk = NULL, *init_nonce = NULL, *resp_nonce = NULL;
    int init_nonce_len = 0, resp_nonce_len = 0, dh_secret_len = 0, psk_len = 0;

    if (!ctx) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("No ctx for handler operation");
        return ACVP_NO_CTX;

    if (!alg_str) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("unable to parse 'algorithm' from JSON.");
        return ACVP_MALFORMED_JSON;

    mode_str = json_object_get_string(obj, "mode");
    if (!mode_str) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("unable to parse 'mode' from JSON.");
        return ACVP_MALFORMED_JSON;

    alg_id = acvp_lookup_cipher_w_mode_index(alg_str, mode_str);
    if (alg_id != ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("Server JSON invalid 'algorithm' or 'mode'");
        return ACVP_INVALID_ARG;

     * Get a reference to the abstracted test case
     */ = &stc;
    stc.cipher = alg_id;

    cap = acvp_locate_cap_entry(ctx, alg_id);
    if (!cap) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("ACVP server requesting unsupported capability %s : %d.", alg_str, alg_id);
        return ACVP_UNSUPPORTED_OP;

     * Create ACVP array for response
    rv = acvp_create_array(&reg_obj, &reg_arry_val, &reg_arry);
    if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to create JSON response struct. ");
        return rv;

     * Start to build the JSON response
    rv = acvp_setup_json_rsp_group(&ctx, &reg_arry_val, &r_vs_val, &r_vs, alg_str, &r_garr);
    if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to setup json response");
        return rv;

    groups = json_object_get_array(obj, "testGroups");
    g_cnt = json_array_get_count(groups);
    for (i = 0; i < g_cnt; i++) {
        int tgId = 0;
        groupval = json_array_get_value(groups, i);
        groupobj = json_value_get_object(groupval);

         * Create a new group in the response with the tgid
         * and an array of tests
        r_gval = json_value_init_object();
        r_gobj = json_value_get_object(r_gval);
        tgId = json_object_get_number(groupobj, "tgId");
        if (!tgId) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("Missing tgid from server JSON groub obj");
            rv = ACVP_MALFORMED_JSON;
            goto err;
        json_object_set_number(r_gobj, "tgId", tgId);
        json_object_set_value(r_gobj, "tests", json_value_init_array());
        r_tarr = json_object_get_array(r_gobj, "tests");

        hash_alg_str = json_object_get_string(groupobj, "hashAlg");
        if (!hash_alg_str) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include hashAlg");
            rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
            goto err;
        hash_alg = acvp_lookup_hash_alg(hash_alg_str);
        if (hash_alg != ACVP_SHA1 && hash_alg != ACVP_SHA224 &&
            hash_alg != ACVP_SHA256 && hash_alg != ACVP_SHA384 &&
            hash_alg != ACVP_SHA512) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("ACVP server requesting invalid hashAlg");
            rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
            goto err;

        auth_method_str = json_object_get_string(groupobj, "authenticationMethod");
        if (!auth_method_str) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include authenticationMethod");
            rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
            goto err;
        auth_method = read_auth_method(auth_method_str);
        if (!auth_method) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("ACVP server requesting invalid authenticationMethod");
            rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
            goto err;

        init_nonce_len = json_object_get_number(groupobj, "nInitLength");
        if (!(init_nonce_len >= ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_INIT_NONCE_BIT_MIN &&
              init_nonce_len <= ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_INIT_NONCE_BIT_MAX)) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("nInitLength incorrect, %d", init_nonce_len);
            rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
            goto err;

        resp_nonce_len = json_object_get_number(groupobj, "nRespLength");
        if (!(resp_nonce_len >= ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_RESP_NONCE_BIT_MIN &&
              resp_nonce_len <= ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_RESP_NONCE_BIT_MAX)) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("nRespLength incorrect, %d", resp_nonce_len);
            rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
            goto err;

        dh_secret_len = json_object_get_number(groupobj, "dhLength");
        if (!(dh_secret_len >= ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_DH_SHARED_SECRET_BIT_MIN &&
              dh_secret_len <= ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_DH_SHARED_SECRET_BIT_MAX)) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("dhLength incorrect, %d", dh_secret_len);
            rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
            goto err;

        if (auth_method == ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_AMETH_PSK) {
            /* Only for PSK authentication method */
            psk_len = json_object_get_number(groupobj, "preSharedKeyLength");
            if (!(psk_len >= ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_PSK_BIT_MIN &&
                  psk_len <= ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_PSK_BIT_MAX)) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("preSharedKeyLength incorrect, %d", psk_len);
                rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
                goto err;

        ACVP_LOG_INFO("\n    Test group: %d", i);
        ACVP_LOG_INFO("        hash alg: %s", hash_alg_str);
        ACVP_LOG_INFO("     auth method: %s", auth_method_str);
        ACVP_LOG_INFO("  init nonce len: %d", init_nonce_len);
        ACVP_LOG_INFO("  resp nonce len: %d", resp_nonce_len);
        ACVP_LOG_INFO("   dh secret len: %d", dh_secret_len);
        ACVP_LOG_INFO("         psk len: %d", psk_len);

        tests = json_object_get_array(groupobj, "tests");
        t_cnt = json_array_get_count(tests);

        for (j = 0; j < t_cnt; j++) {
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("Found new KDF IKEv1 test vector...");
            testval = json_array_get_value(tests, j);
            testobj = json_value_get_object(testval);

            tc_id = (unsigned int)json_object_get_number(testobj, "tcId");

            init_nonce = (char *)json_object_get_string(testobj, "nInit");
            if (!init_nonce) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include nInit");
                rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                goto err;
            if (strnlen_s((char *)init_nonce,
                        ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_INIT_NONCE_STR_MAX + 1) != ((init_nonce_len + 7) / 8) * 2) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("nInit length(%d) incorrect, expected(%d)",
                             strnlen_s((char *)init_nonce,
                                     ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_INIT_NONCE_STR_MAX + 1),
                             ((init_nonce_len + 7) / 8) * 2);
                rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
                goto err;

            resp_nonce = (char *)json_object_get_string(testobj, "nResp");
            if (!resp_nonce) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include nResp");
                rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                goto err;
            if (strnlen_s((char *)resp_nonce,
                        ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_RESP_NONCE_STR_MAX + 1) != ((resp_nonce_len + 7) / 8) * 2) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("nResp length(%d) incorrect, expected(%d)",
                             strnlen_s((char *)resp_nonce,
                                     ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_RESP_NONCE_STR_MAX + 1),
                             ((resp_nonce_len + 7) / 8) * 2);
                rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
                goto err;

            init_ckey = (char *)json_object_get_string(testobj, "ckyInit");
            if (!init_ckey) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include ckyInit");
                rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                goto err;
            if (strnlen_s((char *)init_ckey, ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_COOKIE_STR_MAX + 1)
                > ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_COOKIE_STR_MAX) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("ckyInit too long, max allowed=(%d)",
                rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
                goto err;

            resp_ckey = (char *)json_object_get_string(testobj, "ckyResp");
            if (!resp_ckey) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include ckyResp");
                rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                goto err;
            if (strnlen_s((char *)resp_ckey, ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_COOKIE_STR_MAX + 1)
                > ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_COOKIE_STR_MAX) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("ckyResp too long, max allowed=(%d)",
                rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
                goto err;

            gxy = (char *)json_object_get_string(testobj, "gxy");
            if (!gxy) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include gxy");
                rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                goto err;
            if (strnlen_s((char *)gxy, ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_DH_SHARED_SECRET_STR_MAX + 1)
                > ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_DH_SHARED_SECRET_STR_MAX) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("gxy too long, max allowed=(%d)",
                rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
                goto err;

            if (auth_method == ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_AMETH_PSK) {
                /* Only for PSK authentication method */
                psk = (char *)json_object_get_string(testobj, "preSharedKey");
                if (!psk) {
                    ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include preSharedKey");
                    rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                    goto err;
                if (strnlen_s((char *)psk, ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_PSK_STR_MAX + 1)
                    > ACVP_KDF135_IKEV1_PSK_STR_MAX) {
                    ACVP_LOG_ERR("preSharedKey too long, max allowed=(%d)",
                    rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
                    goto err;

            ACVP_LOG_INFO("        Test case: %d", j);
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("             tcId: %d", tc_id);

             * Create a new test case in the response
            r_tval = json_value_init_object();
            r_tobj = json_value_get_object(r_tval);

            json_object_set_number(r_tobj, "tcId", tc_id);

             * Setup the test case data that will be passed down to
             * the crypto module2
            rv = acvp_kdf135_ikev1_init_tc(ctx, &stc, tc_id, hash_alg, auth_method,
                                           init_nonce_len, resp_nonce_len,
                                           dh_secret_len, psk_len,
                                           init_nonce, resp_nonce,
                                           init_ckey, resp_ckey,
                                           gxy, psk);
            if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
                goto err;

            /* Process the current test vector... */
            if ((cap->crypto_handler)(&tc)) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("crypto module failed the KDF IKEv1 operation");
                rv = ACVP_CRYPTO_MODULE_FAIL;
                goto err;

             * Output the test case results using JSON
            rv = acvp_kdf135_ikev1_output_tc(ctx, &stc, r_tobj);
            if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("JSON output failure in hash module");
                goto err;
             * Release all the memory associated with the test case

            /* Append the test response value to array */
            json_array_append_value(r_tarr, r_tval);
        json_array_append_value(r_garr, r_gval);

    json_array_append_value(reg_arry, r_vs_val);

    json_result = json_serialize_to_string_pretty(ctx->kat_resp, NULL);
    if (ctx->debug == ACVP_LOG_LVL_VERBOSE) {
        printf("\n\n%s\n\n", json_result);
    } else {
        ACVP_LOG_INFO("\n\n%s\n\n", json_result);
    rv = ACVP_SUCCESS;

    if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
        acvp_release_json(r_vs_val, r_gval);
    return rv;
Esempio n. 15
bud_config_t* bud_config_load(uv_loop_t* loop,
                              const char* path,
                              bud_error_t* err) {
  int i;
  int context_count;
  JSON_Value* json;
  JSON_Value* val;
  JSON_Object* obj;
  JSON_Object* log;
  JSON_Object* frontend;
  JSON_Object* backend;
  JSON_Array* contexts;
  bud_config_t* config;
  bud_context_t* ctx;

  json = json_parse_file(path);
  if (json == NULL) {
    *err = bud_error_str(kBudErrJSONParse, path);
    goto end;

  obj = json_value_get_object(json);
  if (obj == NULL) {
    *err = bud_error(kBudErrJSONNonObjectRoot);
    goto failed_get_object;
  contexts = json_object_get_array(obj, "contexts");
  context_count = contexts == NULL ? 0 : json_array_get_count(contexts);

  config = calloc(1,
                  sizeof(*config) +
                      context_count * sizeof(*config->contexts));
  if (config == NULL) {
    *err = bud_error_str(kBudErrNoMem, "bud_config_t");
    goto failed_get_object;

  config->loop = loop;
  config->json = json;

  /* Workers configuration */
  config->worker_count = -1;
  config->restart_timeout = -1;
  val = json_object_get_value(obj, "workers");
  if (val != NULL)
    config->worker_count = json_value_get_number(val);
  val = json_object_get_value(obj, "restart_timeout");
  if (val != NULL)
    config->restart_timeout = json_value_get_number(val);

  /* Logger configuration */
  log = json_object_get_object(obj, "log");
  config->log.stdio = -1;
  config->log.syslog = -1;
  if (log != NULL) {
    config->log.level = json_object_get_string(log, "level");
    config->log.facility = json_object_get_string(log, "facility");

    val = json_object_get_value(log, "stdio");
    if (val != NULL)
      config->log.stdio = json_value_get_boolean(val);
    val = json_object_get_value(log, "syslog");
    if (val != NULL)
      config->log.syslog = json_value_get_boolean(val);

  /* Frontend configuration */

  frontend = json_object_get_object(obj, "frontend");
  config->frontend.proxyline = -1;
  config->frontend.keepalive = -1;
  config->frontend.server_preference = -1;
  config->frontend.ssl3 = -1;
  if (frontend != NULL) {
    config->frontend.port = (uint16_t) json_object_get_number(frontend, "port");
    config-> = json_object_get_string(frontend, "host");
    config-> = json_object_get_string(frontend, "security");
    config->frontend.npn = json_object_get_array(frontend, "npn");
    config->frontend.ciphers = json_object_get_string(frontend, "ciphers");
    config->frontend.cert_file = json_object_get_string(frontend, "cert");
    config->frontend.key_file = json_object_get_string(frontend, "key");
    config->frontend.reneg_window = json_object_get_number(frontend,
    config->frontend.reneg_limit = json_object_get_number(frontend,

    *err = bud_config_verify_npn(config->frontend.npn);
    if (!bud_is_ok(*err))
      goto failed_get_index;

    val = json_object_get_value(frontend, "proxyline");
    if (val != NULL)
      config->frontend.proxyline = json_value_get_boolean(val);
    val = json_object_get_value(frontend, "keepalive");
    if (val != NULL)
      config->frontend.keepalive = json_value_get_number(val);
    val = json_object_get_value(frontend, "server_preference");
    if (val != NULL)
      config->frontend.server_preference = json_value_get_boolean(val);
    val = json_object_get_value(frontend, "ssl3");
    if (val != NULL)
      config->frontend.ssl3 = json_value_get_boolean(val);

  /* Backend configuration */
  backend = json_object_get_object(obj, "backend");
  config->backend.keepalive = -1;
  if (backend != NULL) {
    config->backend.port = (uint16_t) json_object_get_number(backend, "port");
    config-> = json_object_get_string(backend, "host");
    val = json_object_get_value(backend, "keepalive");
    if (val != NULL)
      config->backend.keepalive = json_value_get_number(val);

  /* SNI configuration */
  bud_config_read_pool_conf(obj, "sni", &config->sni);

  /* OCSP Stapling configuration */
  bud_config_read_pool_conf(obj, "stapling", &config->stapling);

  /* SSL Contexts */

  /* TODO(indutny): sort them and do binary search */
  for (i = 0; i < context_count; i++) {
    /* NOTE: contexts[0] - is a default context */
    ctx = &config->contexts[i + 1];
    obj = json_array_get_object(contexts, i);
    if (obj == NULL) {
      *err = bud_error(kBudErrJSONNonObjectCtx);
      goto failed_get_index;

    ctx->servername = json_object_get_string(obj, "servername");
    ctx->servername_len = ctx->servername == NULL ? 0 : strlen(ctx->servername);
    ctx->cert_file = json_object_get_string(obj, "cert");
    ctx->key_file = json_object_get_string(obj, "key");
    ctx->npn = json_object_get_array(obj, "npn");
    ctx->ciphers = json_object_get_string(obj, "ciphers");

    *err = bud_config_verify_npn(ctx->npn);
    if (!bud_is_ok(*err))
      goto failed_get_index;
  config->context_count = context_count;


  *err = bud_ok();
  return config;



  return NULL;
Esempio n. 16
ACVP_RESULT acvp_cmac_kat_handler(ACVP_CTX *ctx, JSON_Object *obj) {
    unsigned int tc_id, msglen, keyLen = 0, keyingOption = 0, maclen, verify = 0;
    char *msg = NULL, *key1 = NULL, *key2 = NULL, *key3 = NULL, *mac = NULL;
    JSON_Value *groupval;
    JSON_Object *groupobj = NULL;
    JSON_Value *testval;
    JSON_Object *testobj = NULL;
    JSON_Array *groups;
    JSON_Array *tests;

    JSON_Value *reg_arry_val = NULL;
    JSON_Object *reg_obj = NULL;
    JSON_Array *reg_arry = NULL;

    int i, g_cnt;
    int j, t_cnt;

    JSON_Value *r_vs_val = NULL;
    JSON_Object *r_vs = NULL;
    JSON_Array *r_tarr = NULL, *r_garr = NULL;  /* Response testarray, grouparray */
    JSON_Value *r_tval = NULL, *r_gval = NULL;  /* Response testval, groupval */
    JSON_Object *r_tobj = NULL, *r_gobj = NULL; /* Response testobj, groupobj */
    ACVP_CAPS_LIST *cap;
    ACVP_CMAC_TC stc;
    const char *alg_str = json_object_get_string(obj, "algorithm");
    ACVP_CIPHER alg_id;
    char *json_result, *direction = NULL;
    int key1_len, key2_len, key3_len, json_msglen;

    if (!ctx) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("No ctx for handler operation");
        return ACVP_NO_CTX;

    if (!obj) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("No obj for handler operation");
        return ACVP_MALFORMED_JSON;

    if (!alg_str) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("ERROR: unable to parse 'algorithm' from JSON");
        return ACVP_MALFORMED_JSON;

     * Get a reference to the abstracted test case
     */ = &stc;

     * Get the crypto module handler for this hash algorithm
    alg_id = acvp_lookup_cipher_index(alg_str);
    if (alg_id < ACVP_CIPHER_START) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("ERROR: unsupported algorithm (%s)", alg_str);
        return ACVP_UNSUPPORTED_OP;
    cap = acvp_locate_cap_entry(ctx, alg_id);
    if (!cap) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("ERROR: ACVP server requesting unsupported capability");
        return ACVP_UNSUPPORTED_OP;

     * Create ACVP array for response
    rv = acvp_create_array(&reg_obj, &reg_arry_val, &reg_arry);
    if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("ERROR: Failed to create JSON response struct. ");
        return rv;

     * Start to build the JSON response
    rv = acvp_setup_json_rsp_group(&ctx, &reg_arry_val, &r_vs_val, &r_vs, alg_str, &r_garr);
    if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to setup json response");
        return rv;

    groups = json_object_get_array(obj, "testGroups");
    g_cnt = json_array_get_count(groups);
    for (i = 0; i < g_cnt; i++) {
        int tgId = 0;
        int diff = 0;

        groupval = json_array_get_value(groups, i);
        groupobj = json_value_get_object(groupval);

         * Create a new group in the response with the tgid
         * and an array of tests
        r_gval = json_value_init_object();
        r_gobj = json_value_get_object(r_gval);
        tgId = json_object_get_number(groupobj, "tgId");
        if (!tgId) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("Missing tgid from server JSON groub obj");
            rv = ACVP_MALFORMED_JSON;
            goto err;
        json_object_set_number(r_gobj, "tgId", tgId);
        json_object_set_value(r_gobj, "tests", json_value_init_array());
        r_tarr = json_object_get_array(r_gobj, "tests");

        if (alg_id == ACVP_CMAC_AES) {
            keyLen = (unsigned int)json_object_get_number(groupobj, "keyLen");
            if (!keyLen) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("keylen missing from cmac aes json");
                rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                goto err;
        } else if (alg_id == ACVP_CMAC_TDES) {
            keyingOption = (unsigned int)json_object_get_number(groupobj, "keyingOption");
            if (keyingOption <= ACVP_CMAC_TDES_KEYING_OPTION_MIN ||
                keyingOption >= ACVP_CMAC_TDES_KEYING_OPTION_MAX) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("keyingOption missing or wrong from cmac tdes json");
                rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
                goto err;

        direction = (char *)json_object_get_string(groupobj, "direction");
        if (!direction) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("Unable to parse 'direction' from JSON.");
            rv = ACVP_MALFORMED_JSON;
            goto err;

        strcmp_s("ver", 3, direction, &diff);
        if (!diff) {
            verify = 1;
        } else {
            strcmp_s("gen", 3, direction, &diff);
            if (diff) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("'direction' should be 'gen' or 'ver'");
                rv = ACVP_UNSUPPORTED_OP;
                goto err;

        msglen = (unsigned int)json_object_get_number(groupobj, "msgLen") / 8;

        maclen = (unsigned int)json_object_get_number(groupobj, "macLen") / 8;
        if (!maclen) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("Server JSON missing 'macLen'");
            rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
            goto err;

        ACVP_LOG_INFO("\n\n    Test group: %d", i);

        tests = json_object_get_array(groupobj, "tests");
        t_cnt = json_array_get_count(tests);
        for (j = 0; j < t_cnt; j++) {
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("Found new cmac test vector...");
            testval = json_array_get_value(tests, j);
            testobj = json_value_get_object(testval);

            tc_id = (unsigned int)json_object_get_number(testobj, "tcId");
            msg = (char *)json_object_get_string(testobj, "message");

            /* msg can be null if msglen is 0 */
            if (msg) {
                json_msglen = strnlen_s(msg, ACVP_CMAC_MSGLEN_MAX_STR + 1);
                if (json_msglen > ACVP_CMAC_MSGLEN_MAX_STR) {
                    ACVP_LOG_ERR("'msg' too long");
                    rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
                    goto err;
                if (!msglen && json_msglen > 0) {
                    ACVP_LOG_ERR("Server JSON missing 'msgLen'");
                    rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                    goto err;
            } else if (msglen) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("msglen is nonzero, expected 'msg' in json");
                rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                goto err;

            if (alg_id == ACVP_CMAC_AES) {
                key1 = (char *)json_object_get_string(testobj, "key");
                if (!key1) {
                    ACVP_LOG_ERR("Server JSON missing 'key'");
                    rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                    goto err;
                key1_len = strnlen_s(key1, ACVP_CMAC_KEY_MAX + 1);
                if (key1_len > ACVP_CMAC_KEY_MAX) {
                    ACVP_LOG_ERR("Invalid length for 'key' attribute in CMAC-AES test");
                    rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
                    goto err;
            } else if (alg_id == ACVP_CMAC_TDES) {
                key1 = (char *)json_object_get_string(testobj, "key1");
                key2 = (char *)json_object_get_string(testobj, "key2");
                key3 = (char *)json_object_get_string(testobj, "key3");
                if (!key1 || !key2 || !key3) {
                    ACVP_LOG_ERR("Server JSON missing 'key(1,2,3)' value");
                    rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                    goto err;
                key1_len = strnlen_s(key1, ACVP_CMAC_KEY_MAX + 1);
                key2_len = strnlen_s(key2, ACVP_CMAC_KEY_MAX + 1);
                key3_len = strnlen_s(key3, ACVP_CMAC_KEY_MAX + 1);
                if (key1_len > ACVP_CMAC_KEY_MAX ||
                    key2_len > ACVP_CMAC_KEY_MAX ||
                    key3_len > ACVP_CMAC_KEY_MAX) {
                    ACVP_LOG_ERR("Invalid length for 'key(1|2|3)' attribute in CMAC-TDES test");
                    rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
                    goto err;

            if (verify) {
                mac = (char *)json_object_get_string(testobj, "mac");
                if (!mac) {
                    ACVP_LOG_ERR("Server JSON missing 'mac'");
                    rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                    goto err;

            ACVP_LOG_INFO("\n        Test case: %d", j);
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("             tcId: %d", tc_id);
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("        direction: %s", direction);

            ACVP_LOG_INFO("           msgLen: %d", msglen);
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("              msg: %s", msg);
            if (alg_id == ACVP_CMAC_AES) {
                ACVP_LOG_INFO("           keyLen: %d", keyLen);
                ACVP_LOG_INFO("              key: %s", key1);
            } else if (alg_id == ACVP_CMAC_TDES) {
                ACVP_LOG_INFO("     keyingOption: %d", keyingOption);
                ACVP_LOG_INFO("             key1: %s", key1);
                ACVP_LOG_INFO("             key2: %s", key2);
                ACVP_LOG_INFO("             key3: %s", key3);

            if (verify) {
                ACVP_LOG_INFO("              mac: %s", mac);

             * Create a new test case in the response
            r_tval = json_value_init_object();
            r_tobj = json_value_get_object(r_tval);

            json_object_set_number(r_tobj, "tcId", tc_id);

             * Setup the test case data that will be passed down to
             * the crypto module.
            rv = acvp_cmac_init_tc(ctx, &stc, tc_id, msg, msglen, keyLen, key1, key2, key3,
                                   verify, mac, maclen, alg_id);
            if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
                goto err;

            /* Process the current test vector... */
            if ((cap->crypto_handler)(&tc)) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("ERROR: crypto module failed the operation");
                rv = ACVP_CRYPTO_MODULE_FAIL;
                goto err;

             * Output the test case results using JSON
            rv = acvp_cmac_output_tc(ctx, &stc, r_tobj);
            if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("ERROR: JSON output failure in hash module");
                goto err;

             * Release all the memory associated with the test case

            /* Append the test response value to array */
            json_array_append_value(r_tarr, r_tval);
        json_array_append_value(r_garr, r_gval);

    json_array_append_value(reg_arry, r_vs_val);

    json_result = json_serialize_to_string_pretty(ctx->kat_resp, NULL);
    if (ctx->debug == ACVP_LOG_LVL_VERBOSE) {
        printf("\n\n%s\n\n", json_result);
    } else {
        ACVP_LOG_INFO("\n\n%s\n\n", json_result);
    rv = ACVP_SUCCESS;

    if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
        acvp_release_json(r_vs_val, r_gval);
    return rv;
Esempio n. 17
int parse_blueprint_json(JSON_Object *blueprint, blueprint_t *bp)
	bstring Name, bp_name, name, game_version;
	uint32_t resource_cost[5];

	bp->revision = json_object_get_number(blueprint, "blueprintVersion");

	bp_name = bfromcstr(json_object_get_string(blueprint, "blueprintName"));
	name = bfromcstr(json_object_get_string(blueprint, "Name"));
	game_version = bfromcstr(json_object_get_string(blueprint, "GameVersion"));

	bstring param1 = bfromcstr(json_object_get_string(blueprint, "Parameter1"));
	bstring param2 = bfromcstr(json_object_get_string(blueprint, "Parameter2"));
	bstring lpos = bfromcstr(json_object_get_string(blueprint, "LocalPosition"));
	bstring lrot = bfromcstr(json_object_get_string(blueprint, "LocalRotation"));

	bp->name = name;
	bp->blueprint_name = bp_name;
	bp->Name = Name;
	bp->game_version = game_version;

	const char* cpos = json_object_get_string(blueprint, "LocalPosition");
	bstring pos = bfromcstr(cpos);
	struct bstrList *pval = bsplit(pos, ',');
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		char *ptr;
		char *str = bstr2cstr(pval->entry[i], '0');
		uint32_t n = strtol(str, &ptr, 10);

	const char* crot = json_object_get_string(blueprint, "LocalRotation");
	bstring rot = bfromcstr(crot);
	struct bstrList *rval = bsplit(rot, ',');
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		char *ptr;
		char *str = bstr2cstr(rval->entry[i], '0');
		double dbl = strtod(str, &ptr);
		bp->local_rotation[i] = dbl;

	bp->parameter1 = param1;
	bp->parameter2 = param2;

	bp->design_changed = json_object_get_boolean(blueprint, "designChanged");

	bp->id = json_object_get_number(blueprint, "Id");
	bp->force_id = json_object_get_number(blueprint, "ForceId");
	bp->item_number = json_object_get_number(blueprint, "ItemNumber");

	JSON_Array *jresource_cost = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "ResourceCost");
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		bp->resource_cost[i] = (uint32_t) json_array_get_number(jresource_cost, i);

	JSON_Array *min_coords = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "MinCords");
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		bp->min_coords[i] = (int32_t) json_array_get_number(min_coords, i);

	JSON_Array *max_coords = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "MaxCords");
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		bp->max_coords[i] = (int32_t) json_array_get_number(max_coords, i);

	JSON_Array *csi = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "CSI");
	for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
		bp->constructable_special_info[i] = json_array_get_number(csi, i);

	bp->last_alive_block = (uint32_t) json_object_get_number(blueprint, "LastAliveBlock");

	JSON_Array *palette = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "COL");
	for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
		uint32_t rbga = 0;

		const char* ccolor = json_array_get_string(palette, i);
		bstring color = bfromcstr(ccolor);

		// Create array of substrings
		struct bstrList *values = bsplit(color, ',');
		for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
			char *ptr;
			char *str = bstr2cstr(values->entry[n], '0');
			double dbl = strtod(str, &ptr);
			bp->color_palette[i].array[n] = round(dbl * 255.0);

	JSON_Array *material = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "BlockIds");
	JSON_Array *position = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "BLP");
	JSON_Array *rotation = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "BLR");
	JSON_Array *color = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "BCI");

	JSON_Array *bp1 = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "BP1");
	JSON_Array *bp2 = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "BP2");
	JSON_Array *block_string_ids = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "BlockStringDataIds");
	JSON_Array *block_data = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "BlockStringData");

	bp->total_block_count = (uint32_t) json_object_get_number(blueprint, "TotalBlockCount");
	bp->main_block_count = (uint32_t) json_object_get_number(blueprint, "BlockCount");
	bp->blocks = calloc(bp->main_block_count, sizeof(block_t));

	for (int i = 0; i < bp->main_block_count; i++)
		block_t *act = &bp->blocks[i];

		act->material = (uint32_t) json_array_get_number(material, i);
		act->rotation = (uint32_t) json_array_get_number(rotation, i);
		act->color = (uint32_t) json_array_get_number(color, i);

		bstring pos_string = bfromcstr(json_array_get_string(position, i));
		struct bstrList *pos_list = bsplit(pos_string, ',');
		for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
			char *ptr;
			char *str = bstr2cstr(pos_list->entry[n], '0');
			double dbl = strtod(str, &ptr);
			uint32_t val = round(dbl);
			act->position.array[n] = val;

		bstring bp1_string = bfromcstr(json_array_get_string(bp1, i));
		struct bstrList *bp1_values = bsplit(bp1_string, ',');
		for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
			char *ptr;
			char *str = bstr2cstr(bp1_values->entry[n], '0');
			double dbl = strtod(str, &ptr);
			act->bp1[n] = dbl;

		bstring bp2_string = bfromcstr(json_array_get_string(bp2, i));
		struct bstrList *bp2_values = bsplit(bp2_string, ',');
		for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
			char *ptr;
			char *str = bstr2cstr(bp2_values->entry[n], '0');
			double dbl = strtod(str, &ptr);
			uint32_t val = round(dbl);
			act->bp2[n] = val;

		// Only used for lookup, not saved after that since it has no further semantic value
		const char *cb1 = json_array_get_string(bp1, i);

		if (act->bp1[3] != 0)
			for (int n = 0; n < json_array_get_count(block_string_ids); n++)
				uint32_t test_id = json_array_get_number(block_string_ids, n);
				if (test_id == 0)
				if (test_id == act->bp1[3])
					// BlockStringData at index n is the one we want
					act->string_data = bfromcstr(json_array_get_string(block_data, n));

	JSON_Array *subconstructables = json_object_get_array(blueprint, "SCs");
	bp->num_sc = json_array_get_count(subconstructables);
	bp->SCs = calloc(bp->num_sc, sizeof(blueprint_t));
	for (int i = 0; i < bp->num_sc; i++)
		JSON_Value *sc_json = json_array_get_value(subconstructables, i);
		JSON_Object *sc_obj = json_value_get_object(sc_json);
		int retval = parse_blueprint_json(sc_obj, &bp->SCs[i]);
		if (retval != 0)
			return retval;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 18
ACVP_RESULT acvp_kdf135_ssh_kat_handler(ACVP_CTX *ctx, JSON_Object *obj) {
    unsigned int tc_id;
    JSON_Value *groupval;
    JSON_Object *groupobj = NULL;
    JSON_Value *testval;
    JSON_Object *testobj = NULL;
    JSON_Array *groups;
    JSON_Array *tests;

    JSON_Value *reg_arry_val = NULL;
    JSON_Object *reg_obj = NULL;
    JSON_Array *reg_arry = NULL;

    int i, g_cnt;
    int j, t_cnt;

    JSON_Value *r_vs_val = NULL;
    JSON_Object *r_vs = NULL;
    JSON_Array *r_tarr = NULL, *r_garr = NULL;  /* Response testarray, grouparray */
    JSON_Value *r_tval = NULL, *r_gval = NULL;  /* Response testval, groupval */
    JSON_Object *r_tobj = NULL, *r_gobj = NULL; /* Response testobj, groupobj */
    ACVP_CAPS_LIST *cap;
    ACVP_KDF135_SSH_TC stc;

    ACVP_CIPHER alg_id;
    const char *alg_str = NULL;
    const char *mode_str = NULL;
    const char *cipher_str = NULL;
    const char *shared_secret_str = NULL;
    const char *session_id_str = NULL;
    const char *hash_str = NULL;
    char *json_result;

    if (!ctx) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("No ctx for handler operation");
        return ACVP_NO_CTX;

    if (!obj) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("No obj for handler operation");
        return ACVP_MALFORMED_JSON;

    alg_str = json_object_get_string(obj, "algorithm");
    if (!alg_str) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("unable to parse 'algorithm' from JSON");
        return ACVP_MALFORMED_JSON;

    mode_str = json_object_get_string(obj, "mode");
    if (!mode_str) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("unable to parse 'mode' from JSON");
        return ACVP_MALFORMED_JSON;

    alg_id = acvp_lookup_cipher_w_mode_index(alg_str, mode_str);
    if (alg_id != ACVP_KDF135_SSH) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("Server JSON invalid 'algorithm' or 'mode'");
        return ACVP_INVALID_ARG;

     * Get a reference to the abstracted test case
     */ = &stc;

     * Get the crypto module handler for this hash algorithm
    cap = acvp_locate_cap_entry(ctx, alg_id);
    if (!cap) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("ACVP server requesting unsupported capability %s : %d.", alg_str, alg_id);
        return ACVP_UNSUPPORTED_OP;

     * Create ACVP array for response
    rv = acvp_create_array(&reg_obj, &reg_arry_val, &reg_arry);
    if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to create JSON response struct. ");
        return rv;

     * Start to build the JSON response
    rv = acvp_setup_json_rsp_group(&ctx, &reg_arry_val, &r_vs_val, &r_vs, alg_str, &r_garr);
    if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to setup json response");
        return rv;

    groups = json_object_get_array(obj, "testGroups");
    if (!groups) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include testGroups. ");
        rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
        goto err;

    g_cnt = json_array_get_count(groups);
    for (i = 0; i < g_cnt; i++) {
        int tgId = 0;
        int diff = 1;
        unsigned int e_key_len = 0, i_key_len = 0,
                     hash_len = 0, iv_len = 0;
        ACVP_HASH_ALG sha_type = 0;
        const char *sha_str = NULL;
        groupval = json_array_get_value(groups, i);
        groupobj = json_value_get_object(groupval);

         * Create a new group in the response with the tgid
         * and an array of tests
        r_gval = json_value_init_object();
        r_gobj = json_value_get_object(r_gval);
        tgId = json_object_get_number(groupobj, "tgId");
        if (!tgId) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("Missing tgid from server JSON groub obj");
            rv = ACVP_MALFORMED_JSON;
            goto err;
        json_object_set_number(r_gobj, "tgId", tgId);
        json_object_set_value(r_gobj, "tests", json_value_init_array());
        r_tarr = json_object_get_array(r_gobj, "tests");

        // Get the expected (user will generate) key and iv lengths
        cipher_str = json_object_get_string(groupobj, "cipher");
        if (!cipher_str) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include cipher. ");
            rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
            goto err;

        sha_str = json_object_get_string(groupobj, "hashAlg");
        if (!sha_str) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include hashAlg. ");
            rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
            goto err;

        sha_type = acvp_lookup_hash_alg(sha_str);
        if (sha_type == ACVP_SHA1) {
            i_key_len = hash_len = ACVP_SHA1_BYTE_LEN;
        } else if (sha_type == ACVP_SHA224) {
            i_key_len = hash_len = ACVP_SHA224_BYTE_LEN;
        } else if (sha_type == ACVP_SHA256) {
            i_key_len = hash_len = ACVP_SHA256_BYTE_LEN;
        } else if (sha_type == ACVP_SHA384) {
            i_key_len = hash_len = ACVP_SHA384_BYTE_LEN;
        } else if (sha_type == ACVP_SHA512) {
            i_key_len = hash_len = ACVP_SHA512_BYTE_LEN;
        } else {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("ACVP server requesting invalid hashAlg");
            rv = ACVP_NO_CAP;
            goto err;

         * Determine the encrypt key_len, inferred from cipher.
        strcmp_s(ACVP_MODE_TDES, 4, cipher_str, &diff);
        if (!diff) {
            e_key_len = ACVP_KEY_LEN_TDES;
            iv_len = ACVP_BLOCK_LEN_TDES;

        strcmp_s(ACVP_MODE_AES_128, 7, cipher_str, &diff);
        if (!diff) {
            e_key_len = ACVP_KEY_LEN_AES128;
            iv_len = ACVP_BLOCK_LEN_AES128;

        strcmp_s(ACVP_MODE_AES_192, 7, cipher_str, &diff);
        if (!diff) {
            e_key_len = ACVP_KEY_LEN_AES192;
            iv_len = ACVP_BLOCK_LEN_AES192;

        strcmp_s(ACVP_MODE_AES_256, 7, cipher_str, &diff);
        if (!diff) {
            e_key_len = ACVP_KEY_LEN_AES256;
            iv_len = ACVP_BLOCK_LEN_AES256;

        if (!e_key_len || !iv_len) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("Unsupported cipher type");
            rv = ACVP_NO_CAP;
            goto err;

         * Log Test Group information...
        ACVP_LOG_INFO("    Test group: %d", i);
        ACVP_LOG_INFO("        cipher: %s", cipher_str);
        ACVP_LOG_INFO("       hashAlg: %s", sha_str);

        tests = json_object_get_array(groupobj, "tests");
        if (!tests) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include tests. ");
            rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
            goto err;

        t_cnt = json_array_get_count(tests);
        if (!t_cnt) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include tests in array. ");
            rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
            goto err;

        for (j = 0; j < t_cnt; j++) {
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("Found new KDF SSH test vector...");
            testval = json_array_get_value(tests, j);
            testobj = json_value_get_object(testval);

            tc_id = (unsigned int)json_object_get_number(testobj, "tcId");
            if (!tc_id) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include tc_id. ");
                rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                goto err;

            shared_secret_str = json_object_get_string(testobj, "k");
            if (!shared_secret_str) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include k. ");
                rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                goto err;

            hash_str = json_object_get_string(testobj, "h");
            if (!hash_str) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include h. ");
                rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                goto err;

            session_id_str = json_object_get_string(testobj, "sessionId");
            if (!session_id_str) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include sessionId. ");
                rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                goto err;

            ACVP_LOG_INFO("        Test case: %d", j);
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("             tcId: %d", tc_id);
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("                k: %s", shared_secret_str);
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("                h: %s", hash_str);
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("       session_id: %s", session_id_str);

             * Create a new test case in the response
            r_tval = json_value_init_object();
            r_tobj = json_value_get_object(r_tval);

            json_object_set_number(r_tobj, "tcId", tc_id);

             * Setup the test case data that will be passed down to
             * the crypto module.
            rv = acvp_kdf135_ssh_init_tc(ctx, &stc, tc_id, alg_id,
                                         sha_type, e_key_len, i_key_len, iv_len, hash_len,
                                         shared_secret_str, hash_str, session_id_str);
            if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
                goto err;

            /* Process the current test vector... */
            if ((cap->crypto_handler)(&tc)) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("crypto module failed the KDF SSH operation");
                rv = ACVP_CRYPTO_MODULE_FAIL;
                goto err;

             * Output the test case results using JSON
            rv = acvp_kdf135_ssh_output_tc(ctx, &stc, r_tobj);
            if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("JSON output failure in hash module");
                goto err;
             * Release all the memory associated with the test case

            /* Append the test response value to array */
            json_array_append_value(r_tarr, r_tval);
        json_array_append_value(r_garr, r_gval);

    json_array_append_value(reg_arry, r_vs_val);

    json_result = json_serialize_to_string_pretty(ctx->kat_resp, NULL);
    if (ctx->debug == ACVP_LOG_LVL_VERBOSE) {
        printf("\n\n%s\n\n", json_result);
    } else {
        ACVP_LOG_INFO("\n\n%s\n\n", json_result);
    rv = ACVP_SUCCESS;

    if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
        acvp_release_json(r_vs_val, r_gval);
    return rv;
Esempio n. 19
ACVP_RESULT acvp_kdf135_srtp_kat_handler(ACVP_CTX *ctx, JSON_Object *obj) {
    unsigned int tc_id;
    JSON_Value *groupval;
    JSON_Object *groupobj = NULL;
    JSON_Value *testval;
    JSON_Object *testobj = NULL;
    JSON_Array *groups;
    JSON_Array *tests;

    JSON_Value *reg_arry_val = NULL;
    JSON_Object *reg_obj = NULL;
    JSON_Array *reg_arry = NULL;

    int i, g_cnt;
    int j, t_cnt;

    JSON_Value *r_vs_val = NULL;
    JSON_Object *r_vs = NULL;
    JSON_Array *r_tarr = NULL, *r_garr = NULL;  /* Response testarray, grouparray */
    JSON_Value *r_tval = NULL, *r_gval = NULL;  /* Response testval, groupval */
    JSON_Object *r_tobj = NULL, *r_gobj = NULL; /* Response testobj, groupobj */
    ACVP_CAPS_LIST *cap;
    ACVP_KDF135_SRTP_TC stc;
    const char *alg_str = json_object_get_string(obj, "algorithm");
    const char *mode_str = NULL;
    ACVP_CIPHER alg_id;
    char *json_result;

    int aes_key_length;
    char *kdr = NULL, *master_key = NULL, *master_salt = NULL, *index = NULL, *srtcp_index = NULL;

    if (!ctx) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("No ctx for handler operation");
        return ACVP_NO_CTX;

    if (!alg_str) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("unable to parse 'algorithm' from JSON.");
        return ACVP_MALFORMED_JSON;

    mode_str = json_object_get_string(obj, "mode");
    if (!mode_str) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("unable to parse 'mode' from JSON.");
        return ACVP_MALFORMED_JSON;

    alg_id = acvp_lookup_cipher_w_mode_index(alg_str, mode_str);
    if (alg_id != ACVP_KDF135_SRTP) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("Server JSON invalid 'algorithm' or 'mode'");
        return ACVP_INVALID_ARG;

     * Get a reference to the abstracted test case
     */ = &stc;
    stc.cipher = alg_id;

    cap = acvp_locate_cap_entry(ctx, alg_id);
    if (!cap) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("ACVP server requesting unsupported capability %s : %d.", alg_str, alg_id);
        return ACVP_UNSUPPORTED_OP;

     * Create ACVP array for response
    rv = acvp_create_array(&reg_obj, &reg_arry_val, &reg_arry);
    if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to create JSON response struct. ");
        return rv;

     * Start to build the JSON response
    rv = acvp_setup_json_rsp_group(&ctx, &reg_arry_val, &r_vs_val, &r_vs, alg_str, &r_garr);
    if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
        ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to setup json response");
        goto err;

    groups = json_object_get_array(obj, "testGroups");
    g_cnt = json_array_get_count(groups);
    for (i = 0; i < g_cnt; i++) {
        int tgId = 0;
        groupval = json_array_get_value(groups, i);
        groupobj = json_value_get_object(groupval);

         * Create a new group in the response with the tgid
         * and an array of tests
        r_gval = json_value_init_object();
        r_gobj = json_value_get_object(r_gval);
        tgId = json_object_get_number(groupobj, "tgId");
        if (!tgId) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("Missing tgid from server JSON groub obj");
            rv = ACVP_MALFORMED_JSON;
            goto err;
        json_object_set_number(r_gobj, "tgId", tgId);
        json_object_set_value(r_gobj, "tests", json_value_init_array());
        r_tarr = json_object_get_array(r_gobj, "tests");

        aes_key_length = (unsigned int)json_object_get_number(groupobj, "aesKeyLength");
        if (!aes_key_length) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("aesKeyLength incorrect, %d", aes_key_length);
            rv = ACVP_INVALID_ARG;
            goto err;

        kdr = (char *)json_object_get_string(groupobj, "kdr");
        if (!kdr) {
            ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include kdr");
            rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
            goto err;

        ACVP_LOG_INFO("\n    Test group: %d", i);
        ACVP_LOG_INFO("           kdr: %s", kdr);
        ACVP_LOG_INFO("    key length: %d", aes_key_length);

        tests = json_object_get_array(groupobj, "tests");
        t_cnt = json_array_get_count(tests);

        for (j = 0; j < t_cnt; j++) {
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("Found new KDF SRTP test vector...");
            testval = json_array_get_value(tests, j);
            testobj = json_value_get_object(testval);

            tc_id = (unsigned int)json_object_get_number(testobj, "tcId");

            master_key = (char *)json_object_get_string(testobj, "masterKey");
            if (!master_key) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include JSON key:\"masterKey\"");
                rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                goto err;

            master_salt = (char *)json_object_get_string(testobj, "masterSalt");
            if (!master_salt) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include JSON key:\"masterSalt\"");
                rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                goto err;

            index = (char *)json_object_get_string(testobj, "index");
            if (!index) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include JSON key:\"index\"");
                rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                goto err;

            srtcp_index = (char *)json_object_get_string(testobj, "srtcpIndex");
            if (!srtcp_index) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("Failed to include JSON key:\"srtcpIndex\"");
                rv = ACVP_MISSING_ARG;
                goto err;

            ACVP_LOG_INFO("        Test case: %d", j);
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("             tcId: %d", tc_id);
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("        masterKey: %s", master_key);
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("       masterSalt: %s", master_salt);
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("            index: %s", index);
            ACVP_LOG_INFO("       srtcpIndex: %s", srtcp_index);

             * Create a new test case in the response
            r_tval = json_value_init_object();
            r_tobj = json_value_get_object(r_tval);

            json_object_set_number(r_tobj, "tcId", tc_id);

             * Setup the test case data that will be passed down to
             * the crypto module.
            rv = acvp_kdf135_srtp_init_tc(ctx, &stc, tc_id, aes_key_length, kdr, master_key, master_salt, index, srtcp_index);
            if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
                goto err;

            /* Process the current test vector... */
            if ((cap->crypto_handler)(&tc)) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("crypto module failed");
                rv = ACVP_CRYPTO_MODULE_FAIL;
                goto err;

             * Output the test case results using JSON
            rv = acvp_kdf135_srtp_output_tc(ctx, &stc, r_tobj);
            if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
                ACVP_LOG_ERR("JSON output failure");
                goto err;
             * Release all the memory associated with the test case

            /* Append the test response value to array */
            json_array_append_value(r_tarr, r_tval);
        json_array_append_value(r_garr, r_gval);

    json_array_append_value(reg_arry, r_vs_val);

    json_result = json_serialize_to_string_pretty(ctx->kat_resp, NULL);
    if (ctx->debug == ACVP_LOG_LVL_VERBOSE) {
        printf("\n\n%s\n\n", json_result);
    } else {
        ACVP_LOG_INFO("\n\n%s\n\n", json_result);
    rv = ACVP_SUCCESS;

    if (rv != ACVP_SUCCESS) {
        acvp_release_json(r_vs_val, r_gval);
    return rv;