int elektraCryptoGcryHandleCreate (elektraCryptoHandle ** handle, KeySet * config, Key * errorKey)
	gcry_error_t gcry_err;
	unsigned char keyBuffer[64], ivBuffer[64];
	size_t keyLength, ivLength;

	(*handle) = NULL;

	// retrieve keys from configuration
	Key * key = elektraCryptoReadParamKey (config, errorKey);
	Key * iv = elektraCryptoReadParamIv (config, errorKey);
	if (key == NULL || iv == NULL)
		return (-1);

	keyLength = keyGetBinary (key, keyBuffer, sizeof (keyBuffer));
	ivLength = keyGetBinary (iv, ivBuffer, sizeof (ivBuffer));

	// create the handle
	(*handle) = elektraMalloc (sizeof (elektraCryptoHandle));
	if (*handle == NULL)
		memset (keyBuffer, 0, sizeof (keyBuffer));
		memset (ivBuffer, 0, sizeof (ivBuffer));
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, errorKey, "Memory allocation failed");
		return (-1);

	if ((gcry_err = gcry_cipher_open (*handle, GCRY_CIPHER_AES256, GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CBC, 0)) != 0)
		goto error;

	if ((gcry_err = gcry_cipher_setkey (**handle, keyBuffer, keyLength)) != 0)
		goto error;

	if ((gcry_err = gcry_cipher_setiv (**handle, ivBuffer, ivLength)) != 0)
		goto error;

	memset (keyBuffer, 0, sizeof (keyBuffer));
	memset (ivBuffer, 0, sizeof (ivBuffer));
	return 1;

	memset (keyBuffer, 0, sizeof (keyBuffer));
	memset (ivBuffer, 0, sizeof (ivBuffer));
	ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (ELEKTRA_ERROR_CRYPTO_CONFIG_FAULT, errorKey, "Failed to create handle because: %s", gcry_strerror (gcry_err));
	gcry_cipher_close (**handle);
	elektraFree (*handle);
	(*handle) = NULL;
	return (-1);
static void test_keyGetBinary (const size_t storagePlugin, const char * tmpFile)
	Key * parentKey = keyNew (TEST_ROOT_KEY, KEY_VALUE, tmpFile, KEY_END);
	open_storage_plugin (storagePlugin);
	Plugin * plugin = plugins[storagePlugin];

	KeySet * ks = metaTestKeySet ();
	const char * name = "user/tests/storage/specialkey";
	size_t realValueSize = 42;
	void * value = elektraMalloc (realValueSize);
	memset (value, 42, realValueSize);

	Key * key = keyNew (name, KEY_END);
	keySetBinary (key, value, realValueSize);
	ksAppendKey (ks, key);
	succeed_if (plugin->kdbSet (plugin, ks, parentKey) == 1, "kdbSet was not successful");
	succeed_if (plugin->kdbGet (plugin, ks, parentKey) == 1, "kdbGet was not successful");

	Key * found = ksLookupByName (ks, name, 0);
	succeed_if (found, "did not find key");

	ssize_t apiValueSize = keyGetValueSize (found);
	char * apiValue = elektraMalloc (apiValueSize);
	succeed_if (keyGetBinary (found, apiValue, apiValueSize) == (ssize_t) realValueSize, "Key binary has wrong size");

	succeed_if (elektraStrNCmp (value, apiValue, realValueSize) == 0, "Key binary value is wrong");

	elektraFree (apiValue);
	elektraFree (value);
	keyDel (parentKey);
	ksDel (ks);
	closeStoragePlugin (storagePlugin);
Esempio n. 3
 * Generate a C-Style key and stream it.
 * This keyset can be used to include as c-code for
 * applikations using elektra.
 * @param key the key object to work with
 * @param stream the file pointer where to send the stream
 * @retval 1 on success
 * @ingroup stream
int keyGenerate(const Key * key, FILE *stream, option_t options)
	size_t s;
	char * str;

	size_t c;
	char * com;

	size_t n;
	char * nam;

	n = keyGetNameSize (key);
	if (n>1)
		nam = (char*) elektraMalloc (n);
		if (nam == NULL) return -1;
		keyGetName (key, nam, n);
		fprintf(stream,"\tkeyNew (\"%s\"", nam);
		elektraFree (nam);

	s = keyGetValueSize (key);
	if (s>1)
		str = (char*) elektraMalloc (s);
		if (str == NULL) return -1;
		if (keyIsBinary(key)) keyGetBinary(key, str, s);
		else keyGetString (key, str, s);
		fprintf(stream,", KEY_VALUE, \"%s\"", str);
		elektraFree (str);

	c = keyGetCommentSize (key);
	if (c>1)
		com = (char*) elektraMalloc (c);
		if (com == NULL) return -1;
		keyGetComment (key, com, c);
		fprintf(stream,", KEY_COMMENT, \"%s\"", com);
		elektraFree (com);

	if (! (keyGetMode(key) == 0664 || (keyGetMode(key) == 0775)))
		fprintf(stream,", KEY_MODE, 0%3o", keyGetMode(key));

	fprintf(stream,", KEY_END)");

	if (options == 0) return 1; /* dummy to make icc happy */
	return 1;
void test_checkfile ()
	printf ("Check file\n");

	KeySet * modules = ksNew (0, KS_END);
	elektraModulesInit (modules, 0);
	Plugin * plugin = elektraPluginOpen ("resolver", modules, set_pluginconf (), 0);
	exit_if_fail (plugin, "did not find a resolver");

	Key * root = keyNew ("system/elektra/modules", KEY_END);
	keyAddBaseName (root, plugin->name);

	KeySet * contract = ksNew (5, KS_END);

	plugin->kdbGet (plugin, contract, root);
	keyAddName (root, "/exports/checkfile");
	Key * found = ksLookup (contract, root, 0);
	exit_if_fail (found, "did not find checkfile symbol");

	typedef int (*func_t) (const char *);
	union {
		func_t f;
		void * v;
	} conversation;

	succeed_if (keyGetBinary (found, &conversation.v, sizeof (conversation)) == sizeof (conversation), "could not get binary");
	func_t checkFile = conversation.f;

	succeed_if (checkFile ("valid") == 1, "valid file not recognised");
	succeed_if (checkFile ("/valid") == 0, "valid absolute file not recognised");
	succeed_if (checkFile ("/absolute/valid") == 0, "valid absolute file not recognised");
	succeed_if (checkFile ("../valid") == -1, "invalid file not recognised");
	succeed_if (checkFile ("valid/..") == -1, "invalid file not recognised");
	succeed_if (checkFile ("/../valid") == -1, "invalid absolute file not recognised");
	succeed_if (checkFile ("/valid/..") == -1, "invalid absolute file not recognised");
	succeed_if (checkFile ("very..strict") == -1, "resolver is currently very strict");
	succeed_if (checkFile ("very/..strict") == -1, "resolver is currently very strict");
	succeed_if (checkFile ("very../strict") == -1, "resolver is currently very strict");
	succeed_if (checkFile ("very/../strict") == -1, "resolver is currently very strict");
	succeed_if (checkFile ("/") == -1, "invalid absolute file not recognised");
	succeed_if (checkFile (".") == -1, "invalid file not recognised");
	succeed_if (checkFile ("..") == -1, "invalid file not recognised");

	ksDel (contract);
	keyDel (root);

	elektraPluginClose (plugin, 0);
	elektraModulesClose (modules, 0);
	ksDel (modules);
Esempio n. 5
 * Generate a C-Style key and stream it.
 * This keyset can be used to include as c-code for
 * applikations using elektra.
 * @param key the key object to work with
 * @param stream the file pointer where to send the stream
 * @retval 1 on success
 * @ingroup stream
int keyGenerate (const Key * key, FILE * stream, option_t options)
	size_t n = keyGetNameSize (key);
	if (n > 1)
		char * nam = (char *) elektraMalloc (n);
		if (nam == NULL) return -1;
		keyGetName (key, nam, n);
		fprintf (stream, "\tkeyNew (\"%s\"", nam);
		elektraFree (nam);

	size_t s = keyGetValueSize (key);
	if (s > 1)
		char * str = (char *) elektraMalloc (s);
		if (str == NULL) return -1;
		if (keyIsBinary (key))
			keyGetBinary (key, str, s);
			fprintf (stream, ", KEY_SIZE, \"%zd\"", keyGetValueSize (key));
			keyGetString (key, str, s);
		fprintf (stream, ", KEY_VALUE, \"%s\"", str);
		elektraFree (str);

	const Key * meta;
	Key * dup = keyDup (key);
	keyRewindMeta (dup);
	while ((meta = keyNextMeta (dup)))
		fprintf (stream, ", KEY_META, \"%s\", \"%s\"", keyName (meta), keyString (meta));
	keyDel (dup);

	fprintf (stream, ", KEY_END)");

	if (options == 0) return 1; /* dummy to make icc happy */
	return 1;
static void test_enc_and_dec_with_binary()
	elektraCryptoHandle *handle;
	KeySet *config;
	Key *errorKey = keyNew(KEY_END);
	const unsigned char original[] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 };
	unsigned char content[64];
	unsigned long read = 0;

	Key *k = keyNew("user/plugins/crypto/gcrypt/test-enc-dec-bin", KEY_END);
	keySetBinary(k, original, sizeof(original));

	succeed_if( elektraCryptoInit(errorKey) == 1, "crypto initialization failed" );

	// 1. encrypt
	succeed_if( elektraCryptoHandleCreate(&handle, config, errorKey) == 1, "handle initialization with compliant config failed" );
	succeed_if( elektraCryptoEncrypt(handle, k, errorKey) == 1, "encryption failed" );

	// 2. decrypt
	succeed_if( elektraCryptoHandleCreate(&handle, config, errorKey) == 1, "handle initialization with compliant config failed" );
	succeed_if( elektraCryptoDecrypt(handle, k, errorKey) == 1, "decryption failed" );

	// 3. check result
	succeed_if( keyIsBinary(k) == 1, "key is of non-binary type");
	read = keyGetBinary(k, content, sizeof(content));
	succeed_if( read == sizeof(original), "decrypted value is of different length than original" );
	if(read == sizeof(original))
		succeed_if( memcmp(original, content, read) == 0, "decrypted value differs from original");

Esempio n. 7
 * Output every information of a single key depending on options.
 * The format is not very strict and only intend to be read
 * by human eyes for debugging purposes. Don't rely on the
 * format in your applications.
 * @param k the key object to work with
 * @param stream the file pointer where to send the stream
 * @param options see text above
 * @see ksOutput()
 * @retval 1 on success
 * @retval -1 on allocation errors
 * @ingroup stream
int keyOutput (const Key * k, FILE *stream, option_t options)
	time_t t;
	size_t s;
	char * tmc;
	char * str;

	size_t c;
	char * com;

	size_t n;
	char * nam;

	n = keyGetNameSize (k);
	if (n>1)
		nam = (char*) elektraMalloc (n);
		if (nam == NULL) return -1;
		keyGetName (k, nam, n);

		fprintf(stream,"Name[%d]: %s : ", (int)n, nam);

		elektraFree (nam);

	s = keyGetValueSize (k);
	if (options & KEY_VALUE && s>1)
		str = (char*) elektraMalloc (s);
		if (str == NULL) return -1;
		if (keyIsBinary(k))
			char * bin;
			bin = (char*) elektraMalloc (s*3+1);
			keyGetBinary(k, str, s);
			kdbbEncode (str, s, bin);
			elektraFree (bin);
			keyGetBinary (k, str, s);
			fprintf(stream,"Binary[%d]: %s : ", (int)s, str);
		} else {
			keyGetString (k, str, s);
			fprintf(stream,"String[%d]: %s : ", (int)s, str);

		elektraFree (str);

	c = keyGetCommentSize (k);
	if (options & KEY_COMMENT && c>1)
		com = (char*) elektraMalloc (c);
		if (com == NULL) return -1;
		keyGetComment (k, com, c);

		fprintf(stream,"Comment[%d]: %s : ", (int)c, com);

		elektraFree (com);

	if (options & KDB_O_SHOWMETA) fprintf(stream," : ");
	if (options & KEY_UID) fprintf(stream,"UID: %d : ", (int)keyGetUID (k));
	if (options & KEY_GID) fprintf(stream,"GID: %d : ", (int)keyGetGID (k));
	if (options & KEY_MODE) fprintf(stream,"Mode: %o : ", (int)keyGetMode (k));

	if (options & KEY_ATIME)
		tmc = ctime (& t);
		tmc[24] = '\0';
		fprintf(stream,"ATime: %s : ", tmc);

	if (options & KEY_MTIME)
		tmc = ctime (& t);
		tmc[24] = '\0';
		fprintf(stream,"MTime: %s : ", tmc);

	if (options & KEY_CTIME)
		tmc = ctime (& t);
		tmc[24] = '\0';
		fprintf(stream,"CTime: %s : ", tmc);

	if (options & KDB_O_SHOWFLAGS)
		if (!(options & KDB_O_SHOWMETA)) fprintf(stream, " ");
		fprintf (stream,"Flags: ");
		if (keyIsBinary(k)) fprintf(stream,"b");
		if (keyIsString(k)) fprintf(stream,"s");
		if (keyIsInactive(k)) fprintf(stream,"i");
		if (keyNeedSync(k)) fprintf(stream,"s");

	return 1;
Esempio n. 8
int elektraCryptoGcryHandleCreate (elektraCryptoHandle ** handle, KeySet * config, Key * errorKey, Key * masterKey, Key * k,
				   const enum ElektraCryptoOperation op)
	gcry_error_t gcry_err;
	unsigned char keyBuffer[64], ivBuffer[64];
	size_t keyLength, ivLength;

	(*handle) = NULL;

	// retrieve/derive the cryptographic material
	Key * key = keyNew (0);
	Key * iv = keyNew (0);
	switch (op)
		if (getKeyIvForEncryption (config, errorKey, masterKey, k, key, iv) != 1)
			keyDel (key);
			keyDel (iv);
			return -1;

		if (getKeyIvForDecryption (config, errorKey, masterKey, k, key, iv) != 1)
			keyDel (key);
			keyDel (iv);
			return -1;

	default: // not supported
		keyDel (key);
		keyDel (iv);
		return -1;

	keyLength = keyGetBinary (key, keyBuffer, sizeof (keyBuffer));
	ivLength = keyGetBinary (iv, ivBuffer, sizeof (ivBuffer));

	// create the handle
	(*handle) = elektraMalloc (sizeof (elektraCryptoHandle));
	if (*handle == NULL)
		memset (keyBuffer, 0, sizeof (keyBuffer));
		memset (ivBuffer, 0, sizeof (ivBuffer));
		keyDel (key);
		keyDel (iv);
		ELEKTRA_SET_ERROR (87, errorKey, "Memory allocation failed");
		return -1;

	if ((gcry_err = gcry_cipher_open (*handle, GCRY_CIPHER_AES256, GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CBC, 0)) != 0)
		goto error;

	if ((gcry_err = gcry_cipher_setkey (**handle, keyBuffer, keyLength)) != 0)
		goto error;

	if ((gcry_err = gcry_cipher_setiv (**handle, ivBuffer, ivLength)) != 0)
		goto error;

	memset (keyBuffer, 0, sizeof (keyBuffer));
	memset (ivBuffer, 0, sizeof (ivBuffer));
	keyDel (key);
	keyDel (iv);
	return 1;

	memset (keyBuffer, 0, sizeof (keyBuffer));
	memset (ivBuffer, 0, sizeof (ivBuffer));
	ELEKTRA_SET_ERRORF (ELEKTRA_ERROR_CRYPTO_CONFIG_FAULT, errorKey, "Failed to create handle because: %s", gcry_strerror (gcry_err));
	gcry_cipher_close (**handle);
	elektraFree (*handle);
	(*handle) = NULL;
	keyDel (key);
	keyDel (iv);
	return -1;