Esempio n. 1
size_t knh_InputStream_read(Ctx *ctx, knh_InputStream_t *in, char *buf, size_t bufsiz)
	if(knh_InputStream_isFILE(in)) {
		return SP(in)->dspi->fread(ctx, DP(in)->fd, buf, bufsiz);
	else {
		size_t inbufsiz = (DP(in)->bufend - DP(in)->bufpos);
		if(bufsiz <= inbufsiz) {
			knh_memcpy(buf, DP(in)->buf, bufsiz);
			DP(in)->bufpos += bufsiz;
				DP(in)->size += bufsiz;
			return bufsiz;
		// XXX when both and InputStream.readLine method call,
		// it seams strange. so, move DP(o)->buf's pointer to bufpos.
		knh_memcpy(buf, DP(in)->buf + DP(in)->bufpos, inbufsiz);
		DP(in)->bufpos += inbufsiz;
		DP(in)->size += bufsiz;
		buf += inbufsiz;
		size_t s = SP(in)->dspi->fread(ctx, DP(in)->fd, buf+inbufsiz, bufsiz-inbufsiz);
		DP(in)->size += s;
		return s + inbufsiz;
Esempio n. 2
/* modified by Wakamori */
static void opt_enforce_security(int mode, const char *optstr)
	if(optstr != NULL) {
		int len = knh_strlen(optstr);
		if (len < 64) {
			knh_memcpy(role, optstr, len);
			role[len] = '\0';
	else {
		knh_memcpy(role, "Default", 7);
		role[7] = '\0';
	enforce_security = 1;
Esempio n. 3
static char* readline(const char* prompt)
	static int checkCTL = 0;
	int ch, pos = 0;
	static char linebuf[1024]; // THREAD-UNSAFE
	fputs(prompt, stdout);
	while((ch = fgetc(stdin)) != EOF) {
		//fprintf(stderr, "%d: %c\n", ch, ch);
		if(ch == '\r') continue;
		if(ch == 27) {
			/* ^[[A */;
			fgetc(stdin); fgetc(stdin);
			if(checkCTL == 0) {
				fprintf(stdout, " - readline would provide you with better shell experience.\n");
				checkCTL = 1;
		if(ch == '\n' || pos == sizeof(linebuf) - 1) {
			linebuf[pos] = 0;
		linebuf[pos] = ch;
	if(ch == EOF) return NULL;
		char *p = (char*)malloc(pos+1);
		knh_memcpy(p, linebuf, pos+1);
		return p;
Esempio n. 4
void knh_EventTBL_expand(CTX)
	size_t s = ctx->share->sizeEventTBL, max = ctx->share->capacityEventTBL * 2;
	knh_EventTBL_t *newt = (knh_EventTBL_t*)KCALLOC(SIZEOF_TEXPT(max));
	knh_bzero(newt, SIZEOF_TEXPT(max));
	knh_memcpy(newt, ctx->share->EventTBL, SIZEOF_TEXPT(s));
	((kshare_t*)ctx->share)->EventTBL = newt;
	((kshare_t*)ctx->share)->capacityEventTBL = max;
Esempio n. 5
static char *write_b(char *p, char *ebuf, const char *text, size_t len)
	if(ebuf - p > len) {
		knh_memcpy(p, text, len);
		return p+len;
	else {
		return NULL;
Esempio n. 6
void knh_Bytes_write(Ctx *ctx, knh_Bytes_t *ba, knh_bytes_t t)
	if(t.len == 0) return ;
	if(BA_size(ba) + t.len >= ba->capacity) {
		size_t newsize = ba->capacity * 2;
		if(newsize < BA_size(ba) + t.len) newsize = knh_good_size(BA_size(ba) + t.len);
		knh_Bytes_expands(ctx, ba, newsize);
	knh_memcpy(ba->bu.ubuf + BA_size(ba), t.ustr, t.len);
	BA_size(ba) += t.len;
Esempio n. 7
void knh_Bytes_write(CTX ctx, knh_Bytes_t *ba, knh_bytes_t t)
	size_t capacity = ba->dim->capacity;
	if(t.len == 0) return ;
	if(BA_size(ba) + t.len >= capacity) {
		size_t newsize = k_grow(capacity);
		if(newsize < BA_size(ba) + t.len) newsize = k_goodsize(BA_size(ba) + t.len);
		knh_Bytes_expands(ctx, ba, newsize);
	knh_memcpy(ba->bu.ubuf + BA_size(ba), t.utext, t.len);
	BA_size(ba) += t.len;
Esempio n. 8
File: stmt.c Progetto: matsuu/konoha
void knh_Stmt_terms_expand(Ctx *ctx, Stmt *o)
    size_t i, newcapacity = DP(o)->capacity * 2;
    Object **newterms = (Object**)KNH_MALLOC(ctx, sizeof(Object*) * newcapacity);
    knh_memcpy(newterms, DP(o)->terms, sizeof(Object*) * DP(o)->capacity);
    for(i = DP(o)->capacity; i < newcapacity; i++) {
        KNH_INITv(newterms[i], KNH_NULL);
    KNH_FREE(ctx, DP(o)->terms, sizeof(Object*) * DP(o)->capacity);
    DP(o)->terms = newterms;
    DP(o)->capacity = newcapacity;
    KNH_ASSERT(DP(o)->size < DP(o)->capacity);
Esempio n. 9
void knh_path_reset(CTX ctx, knh_path_t *ph, const char *scheme, knh_bytes_t t)
	knh_index_t idx = knh_bytes_index(t, ':');
	char *buf = P_buf(ph);
	if(t.len + 1 > K_PATHMAX) t.len = K_PATHMAX - 1;
	if(idx > 0 || scheme == NULL) {
		knh_memcpy(buf, t.text, t.len); buf[t.len] = 0;
		ph->pbody = idx + 1;
		ph->plen = t.len;
	else {
		knh_snprintf(buf, K_PATHMAX, "%s:%s", scheme, t.text);
		ph->pbody = knh_strlen(scheme) + 1;
		ph->plen = t.len + ph->pbody;
	DBG_ASSERT(buf[ph->plen] == 0);
	ph->isRealPath = 0;
Esempio n. 10
static void knh_Bytes_expands(Ctx *ctx, knh_Bytes_t *ba, size_t newsize)
	if(ba->capacity == 0) {
		newsize = knh_good_size(newsize);
		ba->bu.ubuf = (knh_uchar_t*)KNH_MALLOC(ctx, newsize);
		ba->capacity = newsize;
	else {
		knh_uchar_t *buf = ba->bu.ubuf;
		size_t capacity = ba->capacity;
		knh_uchar_t *newa = (knh_uchar_t*)KNH_MALLOC(ctx, newsize);
		knh_memcpy(newa, buf, capacity);
		knh_bzero(&newa[capacity], newsize - capacity);
		ba->bu.ubuf = newa;
		ba->capacity = newsize;
		KNH_FREE(ctx, buf, capacity);
		if(unlikely(ctx->bufa == ba)) {
			KNH_SYSLOG(ctx, LOG_INFO, "ExtendedContextBuffer", "*newsize=%ld, pointer=(%p => %p)", newsize, buf, newa);
			knh_Bytes_checkstack(ctx, buf, buf + ba->bu.len, newa);