Esempio n. 1
 * Process the given kvmsg from the server. If create is set and we do
 * not have any charview for a changed glyph then we first create a
 * charview for it. This allows the updates from a server to be
 * processed at startup time, getting us up to speed with any glyphs
 * that have changed.
 * This function is mainly called in response to an update which is
 * published from the server. However, in sessionJoin() we also call
 * here to handle the incremental updates to glyphs that have occurred
 * after the SFD was sent to the server.
static void zeromq_subscriber_process_update( cloneclient_t* cc, kvmsg_t *kvmsg, int create )
    cc->sequence = kvmsg_sequence (kvmsg);
    if( cc->sequence >= cc->roundTripTimerWaitingSeq )
	cc->roundTripTimerWaitingSeq = 0;

    char* uuid = kvmsg_get_prop (kvmsg, "uuid" );
    byte* data = kvmsg_body (kvmsg);
    size_t data_size = kvmsg_size (kvmsg);

    printf("cc process_update() uuid:%s\n", uuid );
    FontView* fv = FontViewFind( FontViewFind_byXUIDConnected, uuid );
    printf("fv:%p\n", fv );
    if( fv )
	if( !data_size )
	    printf("WARNING: zero length message!\n" );
	SplineFont *sf = fv->b.sf;
	if( !sf )
	    printf("ERROR: font view does not have the splinefont set!\n" );
	char* pos  = kvmsg_get_prop (kvmsg, "pos" );
	char* name = kvmsg_get_prop (kvmsg, "name" );
	printf("pos:%s\n", pos );
//	SplineChar *sc = sf->glyphs[ atoi(pos) ];
	SplineChar* sc = SFGetOrMakeChar( sf, -1, name );
	printf("sc:%p\n", sc );
	if( !sc )
	    printf("WARNING: font view does not have a glyph for pos:%s\n",  pos );
	    printf("WARNING: font view does not have a glyph for name:%s\n", name );
	printf("\n", sc->name );
	printf("data.size:%ld\n", data_size );
	    printf("data:%s\n", data );
	int current_layer = 0;

	if( !sc->views && create )
	    int show = 0;
	    CharView* cv = CharViewCreateExtended( sc, fv, -1, show );
	    printf("created charview:%p\n", cv );
	for( CharViewBase* cv = sc->views; cv; cv = cv->next )
	    printf("have charview:%p\n", cv );
	    char filename[PATH_MAX];
	    snprintf(filename, PATH_MAX, "%s/fontforge-collab-inx-%d.sfd", getTempDir(), getpid() );
	    GFileWriteAll( filename, (char*)data);
	    FILE* file = fopen( filename, "rb" );
	    Undoes* undo = SFDGetUndo( sf, file, sc,
				       current_layer );
	    if( !undo )
		printf("***** ERROR ****** reading back undo instance!\n");
		printf("data: %s\n\n", data );
	    if( undo )
		if( undo->undotype == ut_statehint )
		    printf("*** warning ut_statehint not handled\n");
		printf("________________________ READ undo.layer: %d  dm:%d layer_sz:%d\n",
		       undo->layer, cv->drawmode, cv->sc->layer_cnt );
		int selectedlayer = cv->drawmode;
		if( undo->layer != UNDO_LAYER_UNKNOWN )
		    selectedlayer = undo->layer;    

		// use oldlayer to store current setting and switch to the
		// selected layer for this block.
		int oldlayer = cv->drawmode;
		cv->drawmode = selectedlayer;
		undo->next = 0;
		undo->next = cv->layerheads[selectedlayer]->redoes;
		cv->layerheads[selectedlayer]->redoes = undo;
		CVDoRedo( cv );

		char* isLocalUndo = kvmsg_get_prop (kvmsg, "isLocalUndo" );
		if( isLocalUndo )
		    if( isLocalUndo[0] == '1' )
			Undoes* undo = cv->layerheads[selectedlayer]->undoes;
			if( undo )
			    cv->layerheads[selectedlayer]->undoes = undo->next;
			    undo->next = cv->layerheads[selectedlayer]->redoes;
			    cv->layerheads[selectedlayer]->redoes = undo;

		if( cv->drawmode != oldlayer )
		    cv->drawmode = oldlayer;
		    CVCharChangedUpdate( cv );

    printf ("I: processed update=%d\n", (int) cc->sequence);
Esempio n. 2
FontViewBase* collabclient_sessionJoin( void* ccvp, FontView *fv )
    FontViewBase* ret = 0;
    cloneclient_t* cc = (cloneclient_t*)ccvp;

    //  Get state snapshot
    cc->sequence = 0;
    zstr_sendm (cc->snapshot, "ICANHAZ?");
    zstr_send  (cc->snapshot, SUBTREE);

    // if we wait for timeoutMS millisec then we assume failure
    // timeWaitedMS is used to keep track of how long we have waited
    kvmsg_t* lastSFD = 0;
    int timeWaitedMS = 0;
    int timeoutMS = pref_collab_sessionJoinTimeoutMS;
    while (true)
	printf("timeoutMS:%d timeWaitedMS:%d\n", timeoutMS, timeWaitedMS );
	if( timeWaitedMS >= timeoutMS )
	    char* addrport = collabclient_makeAddressString( cc->address, cc->port );
	    gwwv_post_error(_("FontForge Collaboration"),
			    _("Failed to connect to server session at %s"),
			    addrport );
	    return 0;

        kvmsg_t *kvmsg = kvmsg_recv_full( cc->snapshot, ZMQ_DONTWAIT );
	if (!kvmsg)
	    int msToWait = 50;
	    g_usleep( msToWait * 1000 );
	    timeWaitedMS += msToWait;
        /* kvmsg_t *kvmsg = kvmsg_recv (cc->snapshot); */
        /* if (!kvmsg) */
        /*     break;          //  Interrupted */
        if (streq (kvmsg_key (kvmsg), "KTHXBAI")) {
            cc->sequence = kvmsg_sequence (kvmsg);
            printf ("I: received snapshot=%d\n", (int) cc->sequence);
            kvmsg_destroy (&kvmsg);
	    // Done
	printf ("I: storing seq=%ld ", kvmsg_sequence (kvmsg));
	if( kvmsg_get_prop (kvmsg, "type") )
	    printf(" type:%s", kvmsg_get_prop (kvmsg, "type") );
	printf ("\n");
	if( !strcmp(kvmsg_get_prop (kvmsg, "type"), MSG_TYPE_SFD ))
	    if( !lastSFD ||
		kvmsg_sequence (kvmsg) > kvmsg_sequence (lastSFD))
		lastSFD = kvmsg;
	    size_t data_size = kvmsg_size(lastSFD);
	    printf("data_size:%ld\n", data_size );
	kvmsg_store (&kvmsg, cc->kvmap);
    printf("collabclient_sessionJoin(done with netio getting snapshot)\n");
    printf("collabclient_sessionJoin() lastSFD:%p\n", lastSFD );

//    int rc = 0;

//    void* out = 0;
//    rc = zhash_foreach ( cc->kvmap, collabclient_sessionJoin_findSFD_foreach_fn, &out );
//    printf("collabclient_sessionJoin() last sfd:%p\n", out );

    if( !lastSFD )
	gwwv_post_error(_("FontForge Collaboration"), _("No Font Snapshot received from the server"));
	return 0;
    if( lastSFD )
	int openflags = 0;
	char filename[PATH_MAX];
	snprintf(filename, PATH_MAX, "%s/fontforge-collab-import-%d.sfd",getTempDir(),getpid());
	GFileWriteAll( filename, kvmsg_body (lastSFD) );

	 * Since we are creating a new fontview window for the collab session
	 * we "hand over" the collabClient from the current fontview used to join
	 * the session to the fontview which owns the sfd from the wire.
	FontViewBase* newfv = ViewPostScriptFont( filename, openflags );
	newfv->collabClient = cc;
	fv->b.collabClient = 0;
	newfv->collabState = cs_client;
	FVTitleUpdate( newfv );
	collabclient_notifySessionJoining( cc, newfv );

	ret = newfv;
	/* cloneclient_t* newc = collabclient_new( cc->address, cc->port ); */
	/* collabclient_sessionJoin( newc, fv ); */

    printf("applying updates from server that were performed after the SFD snapshot was done...\n");
    kvmap_visit( cc->kvmap, kvmsg_sequence (lastSFD),
		 collabclient_sessionJoin_processmsg_foreach_fn, cc );

    /* struct collabclient_sessionJoin_processUpdates_foreach_args args; */
    /* = cc; */
    /* args.lastSFD = lastSFD; */
    /* rc = zhash_foreach ( cc->kvmap, collabclient_sessionJoin_processUpdates_foreach_fn, &args ); */


    return ret;