Esempio n. 1
//This returns the predictive distribution score for observation k, if it were to belong to cluster l thegraph is the graph associated with cluster l
Real DPmixGGM::predictiveDistribution (myInt k, myInt l, myInt *thexi, LPGraph thegraph)
  int i,j,ii; Real a; Real n0 = N0; Real *mu0 = new Real[p];
  Real *xbar = new Real[p]; Real *mu_bar = new Real[p]; Real *mu_tilde = new Real[p]; for(i = 0; i < p; i++) { mu0[i] = 0; }
  Real *D_prior = new Real[p*(p+1)/2]; Real *D_post = new Real[p*(p+1)/2];
  myInt n_sub = 0; Real coef; Real J_G; Real Norm_terms;  

  for(i = 0; i<n; i++) { if(thexi[i] == l) { n_sub++;  } } //count the number in this cluster
  if(l==L) { coef = lA(n, n, L+1) - lA(n-1, n, L); }
  else if(n_sub > 0) { coef = log(n_sub) + lA(n, n, L) - lA(n-1, n, L); }
  else { coef = 0; }
  if(l==L) { coef = log(alpha); } else if(n_sub > 0) { coef = log(n_sub); } else { coef = 0; }

  //----------- Form the sufficient statistics ----------
  make_sub_means_and_cov(X, thexi, l, p, n, n_sub, xbar, D_prior);

  //------------------ Update these ---------------------
  for(i = 0; i<p; i++) mu_bar[i] = (n_sub * xbar[i] + n0 * mu0[i]) / (n_sub + n0);
  for(i=0; i<p; i++) D_prior[i*(i+1)/2+i] += 1;
  //----------------- Factor in the mean for the matrix D_prior -------------
  for(i=0; i<p; i++)
  {   ii = i*(i+1)/2;
      for(j=0; j<=i; j++)
      {	D_prior[ii+j] += -(n_sub + n0) * mu_bar[i] * mu_bar[j] + n_sub * xbar[i] * xbar[j] + n0 * mu0[i] * mu0[j];	
  //--------------  Get the posterior information ----------------------------
  for(i=0; i<p*(p+1)/2; i++) D_post[i] = D_prior[i];
  for(i=0; i<p; i++) mu_tilde[i] = (X[k*p+i] + (n_sub + n0) * mu_bar[i]) / (n_sub + n0 + 1);
  for(i=0; i<p; i++)
  {   ii = i*(i+1)/2;
      for(j=0; j<=i; j++)
      {	  a = -(n_sub + 1 + n0) * mu_tilde[i] * mu_tilde[j] + X[k*p+i]*X[k*p+j] + (n_sub + n0) * mu_bar[i] * mu_bar[j];
	  D_post[ii+j] += a;

  //------------ Calculate the score --------------------------------------------- 
  J_G = j_g_decomposable(thegraph, D_prior, D_post, DELTA0 + n_sub, 1, 1);
  Norm_terms = - (p/2) * log_2_pi + (p/2) * log((n_sub + n0) / (n_sub + 1 + n0));

  delete[] D_post; delete[] D_prior; delete[] xbar; delete[] mu_bar; delete[] mu_tilde; delete[] mu0;
  return(coef + Norm_terms + J_G);
void addNuisanceWithToys(std::string iFileName,std::string iChannel,std::string iBkg,std::string iEnergy,std::string iName,std::string iDir,bool iRebin=true,bool iVarBin=false,int iFitModel=1,int iFitModel1=1,double iFirst=150,double iLast=1500,std::string iSigMass="800",double iSigScale=0.1,int iNToys=1000) { 
  std::cout << "======> " << iDir << "/" << iBkg << " -- " << iFileName << std::endl;  
  if(iVarBin) std::cout << "option not implemented yet!";
  if(iVarBin) return;
  //double lFirst = 200;
  //double lLast  = 1500;
  double lFirst = iFirst;
  double lLast  = iLast;

  std::cout << "===================================================================================================================================================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << "Using Initial fit model: " << iFitModel << ", fitting range: " << iFirst << "-" << iLast << " , using alternative fit model: " << iFitModel1 << std::endl; 
  std::cout << "===================================================================================================================================================" <<std::endl;

  TFile *lFile = new TFile(iFileName.c_str());
  TH1F  *lH0   = (TH1F*) lFile->Get((iDir+"/"+iBkg).c_str());
  TH1F  *lData = (TH1F*) lFile->Get((iDir+"/data_obs").c_str());
  TH1F  *lSig = 0;

  // for now, use bbH signal for testing in b-tag and ggH in no-btag
  if(iDir.find("_btag") != std::string::npos) lSig = (TH1F*)lFile->Get((iDir+"/bbH"+iSigMass+"_fine_binning").c_str());
  else lSig = (TH1F*)lFile->Get((iDir+"/ggH"+iSigMass+"_fine_binning").c_str());

  TH1F *lH0Clone = (TH1F*)lH0->Clone("lH0Clone");     // binning too fine as of now? start by rebinning
  TH1F *lDataClone = (TH1F*)lData->Clone("lDataClone");   
  TH1F *lSigClone = (TH1F*)lSig->Clone("lSigClone");  
 // lH0Clone->Rebin(2);
 // lDataClone->Rebin(2);
 // lSigClone->Rebin(2);


  //Define the fit function
  RooRealVar lM("m","m" ,0,5000);
  RooRealVar lA("a","a" ,50,  0.1,200);
  RooRealVar lB("b","b" ,0.0 , -10.5,10.5);
  RooRealVar lA1("a1","a1" ,50,  0.1,1000);
  RooRealVar lB1("b1","b1" ,0.0 , -10.5,10.5);

  RooDataHist *pH0  =  new RooDataHist("Data","Data" ,RooArgList(lM),lH0);
  double lNB0 = lH0->Integral(lH0->FindBin(lFirst),lH0->FindBin(lLast));
  double lNSig0 = lSig->Integral(lSig->FindBin(lFirst),lSig->FindBin(lLast));
// lNSig0=500;
 lSig->Scale(iSigScale*lNB0/lNSig0);                                         // scale signal to iSigScale*(Background yield), could try other options
 lNSig0 = lSig->Integral(lSig->FindBin(lFirst),lSig->FindBin(lLast));        // readjust norm of signal hist   
  //Generate the "default" fit model 

  RooGenericPdf *lFit  = 0; lFit = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","exp(-m/(a+b*m))",RooArgList(lM,lA,lB));
  if(iFitModel == 1) lFit = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","exp(-a*pow(m,b))",RooArgList(lM,lA,lB));
  if(iFitModel == 1) {lA.setVal(0.3); lB.setVal(0.5);}
  if(iFitModel == 2) lFit = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","a*exp(b*m)",RooArgList(lM,lA,lB));
  if(iFitModel == 2) {lA.setVal(0.01); lA.setRange(0,10); }
  if(iFitModel == 3) lFit = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","a/pow(m,b)",RooArgList(lM,lA,lB));
  // Generate the alternative model
  RooGenericPdf *lFit1  = 0; lFit1 = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","exp(-m/(a1+b1*m))",RooArgList(lM,lA1,lB1));
  if(iFitModel1 == 1) lFit1 = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","exp(-a1*pow(m,b1))",RooArgList(lM,lA1,lB1));
  if(iFitModel1 == 1) {lA1.setVal(0.3); lB1.setVal(0.5);}
  if(iFitModel1 == 2) lFit1 = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","a1*exp(b1*m)",RooArgList(lM,lA1,lB1));
  if(iFitModel1 == 2) {lA1.setVal(0.01); lA1.setRange(0,10); }
  if(iFitModel1 == 3) lFit1 = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","a1/pow(m,b1)",RooArgList(lM,lA1,lB1));
  //Perform the tail fit and generate the shift up and down histograms

  RooFitResult  *lRFit = 0;
  lRFit = lFit->fitTo(*pH0,RooFit::Save(kTRUE),RooFit::Range(lFirst,lLast),RooFit::Strategy(0)); 
  TMatrixDSym lCovMatrix   = lRFit->covarianceMatrix(); 
  TMatrixD  lEigVecs(2,2);    lEigVecs = TMatrixDSymEigen(lCovMatrix).GetEigenVectors();
  TVectorD  lEigVals(2);      lEigVals = TMatrixDSymEigen(lCovMatrix).GetEigenValues();
  cout << " Ve---> " << lEigVecs(0,0) << " -- " << lEigVecs(1,0) << " -- " << lEigVecs(0,1) << " -- " << lEigVecs(1,1) << endl;
  cout << " Co---> " << lCovMatrix(0,0) << " -- " << lCovMatrix(1,0) << " -- " << lCovMatrix(0,1) << " -- " << lCovMatrix(1,1) << endl;
  double lACentral = lA.getVal();
  double lBCentral = lB.getVal();
  lEigVals(0) = sqrt(lEigVals(0));
  lEigVals(1) = sqrt(lEigVals(1));
  cout << "===> " << lEigVals(0) << " -- " << lEigVals(1) << endl;
  TH1F* lH     = (TH1F*) lFit->createHistogram("fit" ,lM,RooFit::Binning(lH0->GetNbinsX(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()));

  lA.setVal(lACentral + lEigVals(0)*lEigVecs(0,0));
  lB.setVal(lBCentral + lEigVals(0)*lEigVecs(1,0));
  TH1F* lHUp   = (TH1F*) lFit->createHistogram("Up"  ,lM,RooFit::Binning(lH0->GetNbinsX(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()));

  lA.setVal(lACentral - lEigVals(0)*lEigVecs(0,0));
  lB.setVal(lBCentral - lEigVals(0)*lEigVecs(1,0));
  TH1F* lHDown = (TH1F*) lFit->createHistogram("Down",lM,RooFit::Binning(lH0->GetNbinsX(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()));

  lA.setVal(lACentral + lEigVals(1)*lEigVecs(0,1));
  lB.setVal(lBCentral + lEigVals(1)*lEigVecs(1,1));
  TH1F* lHUp1   = (TH1F*) lFit->createHistogram("Up1",lM,RooFit::Binning(lH0->GetNbinsX(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()));

  lA.setVal(lACentral - lEigVals(1)*lEigVecs(0,1));
  lB.setVal(lBCentral - lEigVals(1)*lEigVecs(1,1));
  TH1F* lHDown1 = (TH1F*) lFit->createHistogram("Down1",lM,RooFit::Binning(lH0->GetNbinsX(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()));

  std::string lNuisance1 =  iBkg+"_"+"CMS_"+iName+"1_" + iChannel + "_" + iEnergy;
  std::string lNuisance2 =  iBkg+"_"+"CMS_"+iName+"2_" + iChannel + "_" + iEnergy;
  lHUp    = merge(lNuisance1 + "Up"   ,lFirst,lH0,lHUp);
  lHDown  = merge(lNuisance1 + "Down" ,lFirst,lH0,lHDown);
  lHUp1   = merge(lNuisance2 + "Up"   ,lFirst,lH0,lHUp1);
  lHDown1 = merge(lNuisance2 + "Down" ,lFirst,lH0,lHDown1);
  lH      = merge(lH0->GetName()      ,lFirst,lH0,lH);

  //Set the variables A and B to the final central values from the tail fit

 // lA.removeRange();
 // lB.removeRange();
  //Generate the background pdf corresponding to the final result of the tail fit
 RooGenericPdf *lFitFinal  = 0; lFitFinal = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","exp(-m/(a+b*m))",RooArgList(lM,lA,lB));
  if(iFitModel == 1) lFitFinal = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","exp(-a*pow(m,b))",RooArgList(lM,lA,lB));
  if(iFitModel == 2) lFitFinal = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","a*exp(b*m)",RooArgList(lM,lA,lB));
  if(iFitModel == 3) lFitFinal = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","a/pow(m,b)",RooArgList(lM,lA,lB));

  //Perform the tail fit with the alternative fit function (once initially, before allowing tail fit to float in toy fit).

  RooFitResult  *lRFit1 = 0;
  //Generate the background pdf corresponding to the result of the alternative tail fit

  RooGenericPdf *lFit1Final  = 0; lFit1Final = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","exp(-m/(a1+b1*m))",RooArgList(lM,lA1,lB1));
  if(iFitModel1 == 1) lFit1Final = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","exp(-a1*pow(m,b1))",RooArgList(lM,lA1,lB1));
  if(iFitModel1 == 2) lFit1Final = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","a1*exp(b1*m)",RooArgList(lM,lA1,lB1));
  if(iFitModel1 == 3) lFit1Final = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","a1/pow(m,b1)",RooArgList(lM,lA1,lB1));

 // lA1.removeRange();
 // lB1.removeRange();

  //Define RooRealVar for the normalization of the signal and background, starting from the initial integral of the input histograms


  RooRealVar lNB("nb","nb",lNB0,0,10000);
  RooRealVar lNSig("nsig","nsig",lNSig0,-1000,1000);

  //Define a PDF for the signal histogram lSig
  RooDataHist  *pS      = new RooDataHist("sigH","sigH",RooArgList(lM),lSig);
  RooHistPdf   *lSPdf   = new RooHistPdf ("sigPdf","sigPdf",lM,*pS);
  //Define generator and fit functions for the RooMCStudy

  RooAddPdf    *lGenMod = new RooAddPdf  ("genmod","genmod",RooArgList(*lFitFinal ,*lSPdf),RooArgList(lNB,lNSig));
  RooAddPdf    *lFitMod = new RooAddPdf  ("fitmod","fitmod",RooArgList(*lFit1Final,*lSPdf),RooArgList(lNB,lNSig));

  //Generate plot of the signal and background models going into the toy generation   

  RooPlot* plot=lM.frame();
  TCanvas* lC11 = new TCanvas("pdf","pdf",600,600) ;
  lC11->SaveAs(("SBModel_"+iBkg+"_" + iDir + "_" + iEnergy+".pdf").c_str());

  std::cout << "===================================================================================================================================================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << "FIT PARAMETERS BEFORE ROOMCSTUDY: lA: " << lA.getVal() << " lB: " << lB.getVal() << " lA1: " << lA1.getVal() << " lB1: " << lB1.getVal() << std::endl;  
  std::cout << "===================================================================================================================================================" <<std::endl;

  RooMCStudy   *lToy    = new RooMCStudy(*lGenMod,lM,RooFit::FitModel(*lFitMod),RooFit::Binned(kTRUE),RooFit::Silence(),RooFit::Extended(kTRUE),RooFit::Verbose(kTRUE),RooFit::FitOptions(RooFit::Save(kTRUE),RooFit::Strategy(0)));

  // Generate and fit iNToys toy samples
  std::cout << "Number of background events: " << lNB0 << " Number of signal events: " << lNSig0 << " Sum: " << lNB0+lNSig0 << std::endl;
  // Generate and fit toys
  std::cout << "===================================================================================================================================================" <<std::endl;
  std::cout << "FIT PARAMETERS AFTER ROOMCSTUDY: lA: " << lA.getVal() << " lB: " << lB.getVal() << " lA1: " << lA1.getVal() << " lB1: " << lB1.getVal() << std::endl;  
  std::cout << "===================================================================================================================================================" <<std::endl;

  // Generate plots relevant to the toy fit

  RooPlot* lFrame1 = lToy->plotPull(lNSig,-5,5,100,kTRUE);
  lFrame1->SetTitle("distribution of pulls on signal yield from toys");
  lFrame1->SetXTitle("N_{sig} pull");
  TCanvas* lC00 = new TCanvas("pulls","pulls",600,600) ;
  lFrame1->Draw() ;
  lC00->SaveAs(("sig_pulls_toyfits_"+iBkg+"_" + iDir + "_" + iEnergy+".png").c_str());

  RooPlot* lFrame2 = lToy->plotParam(lA1);
  lFrame2->SetTitle("distribution of values of parameter 1 (a) after toy fit");
  lFrame2->SetXTitle("Parameter 1 (a)");
  TCanvas* lC01 = new TCanvas("valA","valA",600,600) ;
  lFrame2->Draw() ;
  lC01->SaveAs(("valA_toyfits_"+iBkg+"_" + iDir + "_" + iEnergy+".png").c_str());

  RooPlot* lFrame3 = lToy->plotParam(lB1);
  lFrame3->SetTitle("distribution of values of parameter 2 (b) after toy fit");
  lFrame3->SetXTitle("Parameter 2 (b)");
  TCanvas* lC02 = new TCanvas("valB","valB",600,600) ;
  lFrame3->Draw() ;
  lC02->SaveAs(("valB_toyfits_"+iBkg+"_" + iDir + "_" + iEnergy+".png").c_str());
  RooPlot* lFrame6 = lToy->plotNLL(0,1000,100);
  TCanvas* lC05 = new TCanvas("logl","logl",600,600) ;
  lFrame6->Draw() ;
  lC05->SaveAs(("logL_toyfits_"+iBkg+"_" + iDir + "_" + iEnergy+".png").c_str());

  RooPlot* lFrame7 = lToy->plotParam(lNSig);
  lFrame7->SetTitle("distribution of values of N_{sig} after toy fit");
  TCanvas* lC06 = new TCanvas("Nsig","Nsig",600,600) ;
  lFrame7->Draw() ;
  lC06->SaveAs(("NSig_toyfits_"+iBkg+"_" + iDir + "_" + iEnergy+".png").c_str());
  RooPlot* lFrame8 = lToy->plotParam(lNB);
  lFrame8->SetTitle("distribution of values of N_{bkg} after toy fit");
  TCanvas* lC07 = new TCanvas("Nbkg","Nbkg",600,600) ;
  lFrame8->Draw() ;
  lC07->SaveAs(("Nbkg_toyfits_"+iBkg+"_" + iDir + "_" + iEnergy+".png").c_str());

  if(iRebin) { 
    const int lNBins = lData->GetNbinsX();
    double *lAxis    = getAxis(lData);
    lH0     = rebin(lH0    ,lNBins,lAxis);
    lH      = rebin(lH     ,lNBins,lAxis);
    lHUp    = rebin(lHUp   ,lNBins,lAxis);
    lHDown  = rebin(lHDown ,lNBins,lAxis);
    lHUp1   = rebin(lHUp1  ,lNBins,lAxis);
    lHDown1 = rebin(lHDown1,lNBins,lAxis);

  // we dont need this bin errors since we do not use them (fit tails replaces bin-by-bin error!), therefore i set all errors to 0, this also saves us from modifying the script in which I otherwise would have to include a option for adding bbb only in specific ranges
  int lMergeBin = lH->GetXaxis()->FindBin(iFirst);
  for(int i0 = lMergeBin; i0 < lH->GetNbinsX()+1; i0++){
    lH->SetBinError  (i0,0);
    lHUp->SetBinError  (i0,0);
    lHDown->SetBinError  (i0,0);
    lHUp1->SetBinError  (i0,0);
    lHDown1->SetBinError  (i0,0);

  TFile *lOutFile =new TFile("Output.root","RECREATE");
  lH     ->Write();
  lHUp   ->Write(); 
  lHDown ->Write(); 
  lHUp1  ->Write(); 

  // Debug Plots
  lH0    ->SetLineWidth(1); lH0->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
  lH     ->SetLineColor(kGreen);
  lHUp   ->SetLineColor(kRed);
  lHDown ->SetLineColor(kRed);
  lHUp1  ->SetLineColor(kBlue);
  TCanvas *lC0 = new TCanvas("Can","Can",800,600);
  lC0->Divide(1,2); lC0->cd();  lC0->cd(1)->SetPad(0,0.2,1.0,1.0); gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.2) ; 
  lH     ->Draw("hist sames");
  lHUp   ->Draw("hist sames");
  lHDown ->Draw("hist sames");
  lHUp1  ->Draw("hist sames");
  lHDown1->Draw("hist sames");
  TLegend* leg1;
  /// setup the CMS Preliminary
  leg1 = new TLegend(0.7, 0.80, 1, 1); 
  leg1->SetBorderSize( 0 );
  leg1->SetFillStyle ( 1001 );
  leg1->SetFillColor (kWhite);
  leg1->AddEntry( lH0 , "orignal",  "PL" );
  leg1->AddEntry( lH , "cental fit",  "L" );
  leg1->AddEntry( lHUp , "shift1 up",  "L" );
  leg1->AddEntry( lHDown , "shift1 down",  "L" );
  leg1->AddEntry( lHUp1 , "shift2 up",  "L" );
  leg1->AddEntry( lHDown1 , "shift2 down",  "L" );

  lC0->cd(2)->SetPad(0,0,1.0,0.2); gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.2) ;
  lC0->SaveAs((iBkg+"_"+"CMS_"+iName+"1_" + iDir + "_" + iEnergy+".png").c_str());
void addNuisance(std::string iFileName,std::string iChannel,std::string iBkg,std::string iEnergy,std::string iName,std::string iDir,bool iRebin=true,bool iVarBin=false,int iFitModel=1,double iFirst=150,double iLast=1500) { 
  std::cout << "======> " << iDir << "/" << iBkg << " -- " << iFileName << std::endl;  
  if(iVarBin) addVarBinNuisance(iFileName,iChannel,iBkg,iEnergy,iName,iDir,iRebin,iFitModel,iFirst,iLast);
  if(iVarBin) return;

  TFile *lFile = new TFile(iFileName.c_str());
  TH1F  *lH0   = (TH1F*) lFile->Get((iDir+"/"+iBkg).c_str());
  TH1F  *lData = (TH1F*) lFile->Get((iDir+"/data_obs").c_str());

  //Define the fit function
  RooRealVar lM("m","m" ,0,5000);   //lM.setBinning(lBinning);
  RooRealVar lA("a","a" ,50,  0.1,100);
  RooRealVar lB("b","b" ,0.0 , -10.5,10.5); //lB.setConstant(kTRUE);
  RooDataHist *pH0  =  new RooDataHist("Data","Data" ,RooArgList(lM),lH0);
  RooGenericPdf *lFit  = 0; lFit = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","exp(-m/(a+b*m))",RooArgList(lM,lA,lB));
  if(iFitModel == 1) lFit = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","exp(-a*pow(m,b))",RooArgList(lM,lA,lB));
  if(iFitModel == 1) {lA.setVal(0.3); lB.setVal(0.5);}
  if(iFitModel == 2) lFit = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","a*exp(b*m)",RooArgList(lM,lA,lB));
  if(iFitModel == 3) lFit = new RooGenericPdf("genPdf","a/pow(m,b)",RooArgList(lM,lA,lB));
  RooFitResult  *lRFit = 0;
  double lFirst = iFirst;
  double lLast  = iLast;
  //lRFit = lFit->chi2FitTo(*pH0,RooFit::Save(kTRUE),RooFit::Range(lFirst,lLast));
  lRFit = lFit->fitTo(*pH0,RooFit::Save(kTRUE),RooFit::Range(lFirst,lLast),RooFit::Strategy(0)); 
  TMatrixDSym lCovMatrix   = lRFit->covarianceMatrix(); 
  TMatrixD  lEigVecs(2,2);    lEigVecs = TMatrixDSymEigen(lCovMatrix).GetEigenVectors();
  TVectorD  lEigVals(2);      lEigVals = TMatrixDSymEigen(lCovMatrix).GetEigenValues();
  cout << " Ve---> " << lEigVecs(0,0) << " -- " << lEigVecs(1,0) << " -- " << lEigVecs(0,1) << " -- " << lEigVecs(1,1) << endl;
  cout << " Co---> " << lCovMatrix(0,0) << " -- " << lCovMatrix(1,0) << " -- " << lCovMatrix(0,1) << " -- " << lCovMatrix(1,1) << endl;
  double lACentral = lA.getVal();
  double lBCentral = lB.getVal();
  lEigVals(0) = sqrt(lEigVals(0));
  lEigVals(1) = sqrt(lEigVals(1));
  cout << "===> " << lEigVals(0) << " -- " << lEigVals(1) << endl;
  TH1F* lH     = (TH1F*) lFit->createHistogram("fit" ,lM,RooFit::Binning(lH0->GetNbinsX(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()));
  lA.setVal(lACentral + lEigVals(0)*lEigVecs(0,0));
  lB.setVal(lBCentral + lEigVals(0)*lEigVecs(1,0));
  TH1F* lHUp   = (TH1F*) lFit->createHistogram("Up"  ,lM,RooFit::Binning(lH0->GetNbinsX(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()));
  lA.setVal(lACentral - lEigVals(0)*lEigVecs(0,0));
  lB.setVal(lBCentral - lEigVals(0)*lEigVecs(1,0));
  TH1F* lHDown = (TH1F*) lFit->createHistogram("Down",lM,RooFit::Binning(lH0->GetNbinsX(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()));

  lA.setVal(lACentral + lEigVals(1)*lEigVecs(0,1));
  lB.setVal(lBCentral + lEigVals(1)*lEigVecs(1,1));
  TH1F* lHUp1   = (TH1F*) lFit->createHistogram("Up1",lM,RooFit::Binning(lH0->GetNbinsX(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()));
  lA.setVal(lACentral - lEigVals(1)*lEigVecs(0,1));
  lB.setVal(lBCentral - lEigVals(1)*lEigVecs(1,1));
  TH1F* lHDown1 = (TH1F*) lFit->createHistogram("Down1",lM,RooFit::Binning(lH0->GetNbinsX(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),lH0->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()));

  std::string lNuisance1 =  iBkg+"_"+"CMS_"+iName+"1_" + iChannel + "_" + iEnergy;
  std::string lNuisance2 =  iBkg+"_"+"CMS_"+iName+"2_" + iChannel + "_" + iEnergy;
  lHUp    = merge(lNuisance1 + "Up"   ,lFirst,lH0,lHUp);
  lHDown  = merge(lNuisance1 + "Down" ,lFirst,lH0,lHDown);
  lHUp1   = merge(lNuisance2 + "Up"   ,lFirst,lH0,lHUp1);
  lHDown1 = merge(lNuisance2 + "Down" ,lFirst,lH0,lHDown1);
  lH      = merge(lH0->GetName()      ,lFirst,lH0,lH);

  if(iRebin) { 
    const int lNBins = lData->GetNbinsX();
    double *lAxis    = getAxis(lData);
    lH0     = rebin(lH0    ,lNBins,lAxis);
    lH      = rebin(lH     ,lNBins,lAxis);
    lHUp    = rebin(lHUp   ,lNBins,lAxis);
    lHDown  = rebin(lHDown ,lNBins,lAxis);
    lHUp1   = rebin(lHUp1  ,lNBins,lAxis);
    lHDown1 = rebin(lHDown1,lNBins,lAxis);

  // we dont need this bin errors since we do not use them (fit tails replaces bin-by-bin error!), therefore i set all errors to 0, this also saves us from modifying the script in which I otherwise would have to include a option for adding bbb only in specific ranges
  int lMergeBin = lH->GetXaxis()->FindBin(iFirst);
  for(int i0 = lMergeBin; i0 < lH->GetNbinsX()+1; i0++){
    lH->SetBinError  (i0,0);
    lHUp->SetBinError  (i0,0);
    lHDown->SetBinError  (i0,0);
    lHUp1->SetBinError  (i0,0);
    lHDown1->SetBinError  (i0,0);

  TFile *lOutFile =new TFile("Output.root","RECREATE");
  lH     ->Write();
  lHUp   ->Write(); 
  lHDown ->Write(); 
  lHUp1  ->Write(); 

  // Debug Plots
  lH0    ->SetLineWidth(1); lH0->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
  lH     ->SetLineColor(kGreen);
  lHUp   ->SetLineColor(kRed);
  lHDown ->SetLineColor(kRed);
  lHUp1  ->SetLineColor(kBlue);
  TCanvas *lC0 = new TCanvas("Can","Can",800,600);
  lC0->Divide(1,2); lC0->cd();  lC0->cd(1)->SetPad(0,0.2,1.0,1.0); gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.2) ; 
  lH     ->Draw("hist sames");
  lHUp   ->Draw("hist sames");
  lHDown ->Draw("hist sames");
  lHUp1  ->Draw("hist sames");
  lHDown1->Draw("hist sames");
  TLegend* leg1;
  /// setup the CMS Preliminary
  leg1 = new TLegend(0.7, 0.80, 1, 1); 
  leg1->SetBorderSize( 0 );
  leg1->SetFillStyle ( 1001 );
  leg1->SetFillColor (kWhite);
  leg1->AddEntry( lH0 , "orignal",  "PL" );
  leg1->AddEntry( lH , "cental fit",  "L" );
  leg1->AddEntry( lHUp , "shift1 up",  "L" );
  leg1->AddEntry( lHDown , "shift1 down",  "L" );
  leg1->AddEntry( lHUp1 , "shift2 up",  "L" );
  leg1->AddEntry( lHDown1 , "shift2 down",  "L" );

  lC0->cd(2)->SetPad(0,0,1.0,0.2); gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.2) ;
  lC0->SaveAs((iBkg+"_"+"CMS_"+iName+"1_" + iDir + "_" + iEnergy+".png").c_str());