Esempio n. 1
   Calculate the transformation that is needed to paint a label
   depending on its alignment and rotation.

   \param pos Position where to paint the label
   \param size Size of the label

   \sa setLabelAlignment(), setLabelRotation()
QTransform QwtScaleDraw::labelTransformation(
    const QPointF &pos, const QSizeF &size ) const
    QTransform transform;
    transform.translate( pos.x(), pos.y() );
    transform.rotate( labelRotation() );

    int flags = labelAlignment();
    if ( flags == 0 )
        switch ( alignment() )
            case RightScale:
                if ( flags == 0 )
                    flags = Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter;
            case LeftScale:
                if ( flags == 0 )
                    flags = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter;
            case BottomScale:
                if ( flags == 0 )
                    flags = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom;
            case TopScale:
                if ( flags == 0 )
                    flags = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop;

    double x, y;

    if ( flags & Qt::AlignLeft )
        x = -size.width();
    else if ( flags & Qt::AlignRight )
        x = 0.0;
    else // Qt::AlignHCenter
        x = -( 0.5 * size.width() );

    if ( flags & Qt::AlignTop )
        y = -size.height();
    else if ( flags & Qt::AlignBottom )
        y = 0;
    else // Qt::AlignVCenter
        y = -( 0.5 * size.height() );

    transform.translate( x, y );

    return transform;
Esempio n. 2
   Calculate the matrix that is needed to paint a label
   depending on its alignment and rotation.

   \param pos Position where to paint the label
   \param size Size of the label

   \sa setLabelAlignment(), setLabelRotation()
QwtMatrix QwtScaleDraw::labelMatrix( 
    const QPoint &pos, const QSize &size) const
    QwtMatrix m;
    m.translate(pos.x(), pos.y());
    int flags = labelAlignment();
    if ( flags == 0 )
            case RightScale:
                if ( flags == 0 )
                    flags = Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter;
            case LeftScale:
                if ( flags == 0 )
                    flags = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter;
            case BottomScale:
                if ( flags == 0 )
                    flags = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom;
            case TopScale:
                if ( flags == 0 )
                    flags = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop;

    const int w = size.width();
    const int h = size.height();

    int x, y;
    if ( flags & Qt::AlignLeft )
        x = -w;
    else if ( flags & Qt::AlignRight )
        x = -(w % 2); 
    else // Qt::AlignHCenter
        x = -(w / 2);
    if ( flags & Qt::AlignTop )
        y =  -h ;
    else if ( flags & Qt::AlignBottom )
        y = -(h % 2); 
    else // Qt::AlignVCenter
        y = -(h/2);
    m.translate(x, y);
    return m;
Esempio n. 3
int QwtScaleDraw::minLabelDist(const QFont &font) const
    if ( !hasComponent(QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Labels) )
        return 0;

    const QwtValueList &ticks = scaleDiv().ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick);
    if (ticks.count() == 0)
        return 0;

    const QFontMetrics fm(font);

    const bool vertical = (orientation() == Qt::Vertical);

    QRect bRect1;
    QRect bRect2 = labelRect(font, ticks[0]);
    if ( vertical )
        bRect2.setRect(-bRect2.bottom(), 0, bRect2.height(), bRect2.width());
    int maxDist = 0;

    for (uint i = 1; i < (uint)ticks.count(); i++ )
        bRect1 = bRect2;
        bRect2 = labelRect(font, ticks[i]);
        if ( vertical )
            bRect2.setRect(-bRect2.bottom(), 0,
                bRect2.height(), bRect2.width());

        int dist = fm.leading(); // space between the labels
        if ( bRect1.right() > 0 )
            dist += bRect1.right();
        if ( bRect2.left() < 0 )
            dist += -bRect2.left();

        if ( dist > maxDist )
            maxDist = dist;

    double angle = labelRotation() / 180.0 * M_PI;
    if ( vertical )
        angle += M_PI / 2;

    if ( sin(angle) == 0.0 )
        return maxDist;

    const int fmHeight = fm.ascent() - 2; 

    // The distance we need until there is
    // the height of the label font. This height is needed
    // for the neighbour labal.

    int labelDist = (int)(fmHeight / sin(angle) * cos(angle));
    if ( labelDist < 0 )
        labelDist = -labelDist;

    // The cast above floored labelDist. We want to ceil.

    // For text orientations close to the scale orientation 

    if ( labelDist > maxDist )
        labelDist = maxDist;

    // For text orientations close to the opposite of the 
    // scale orientation

    if ( labelDist < fmHeight )
        labelDist = fmHeight;

    return labelDist;
Esempio n. 4
int QwtScaleDraw::minLabelDist( const QFont &font ) const
    if ( !hasComponent( QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Labels ) )
        return 0;

    const QList<double> &ticks = scaleDiv().ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick );
    if ( ticks.isEmpty() )
        return 0;

    const QFontMetrics fm( font );

    const bool vertical = ( orientation() == Qt::Vertical );

    QRectF bRect1;
    QRectF bRect2 = labelRect( font, ticks[0] );
    if ( vertical )
        bRect2.setRect( -bRect2.bottom(), 0.0, bRect2.height(), bRect2.width() );

    double maxDist = 0.0;

    for ( int i = 1; i < ticks.count(); i++ )
        bRect1 = bRect2;
        bRect2 = labelRect( font, ticks[i] );
        if ( vertical )
            bRect2.setRect( -bRect2.bottom(), 0.0,
                            bRect2.height(), bRect2.width() );

        double dist = fm.leading(); // space between the labels
        if ( bRect1.right() > 0 )
            dist += bRect1.right();
        if ( bRect2.left() < 0 )
            dist += -bRect2.left();

        if ( dist > maxDist )
            maxDist = dist;

    double angle = qwtRadians( labelRotation() );
    if ( vertical )
        angle += M_PI / 2;

    const double sinA = qFastSin( angle ); // qreal -> double
    if ( qFuzzyCompare( sinA + 1.0, 1.0 ) )
        return qCeil( maxDist );

    const int fmHeight = fm.ascent() - 2;

    // The distance we need until there is
    // the height of the label font. This height is needed
    // for the neighbored label.

    double labelDist = fmHeight / qFastSin( angle ) * qFastCos( angle );
    if ( labelDist < 0 )
        labelDist = -labelDist;

    // For text orientations close to the scale orientation

    if ( labelDist > maxDist )
        labelDist = maxDist;

    // For text orientations close to the opposite of the
    // scale orientation

    if ( labelDist < fmHeight )
        labelDist = fmHeight;

    return qCeil( labelDist );