Esempio n. 1
** The HAE to HEEQ transformation is given by the matrix
** 	S2 = <theta0,Z>*<i,X>*<Omega,Z>
** where the rotation angle theta0 is the the longitude of the Sun's
** central meridian, i is the the inclination of the Sun's equator and
** Omega is the the ecliptic longitude of the ascending node of the Sun's
** equator. This transformation comprises a rotation in the plane of the
** ecliptic from the First Point of Aries to the ascending node of the
** solar equator, then a rotation from the plane of the ecliptic to the 
** plane of the equator and finally a rotation in the plane of the solar
** equator from the ascending node to the central meridian. 
** Implemented by Kristi Keller on 2/2/2004
mat_S2(const double et, Mat mat)
  Mat mat_tmp;
  double Omega = 73.6667+0.013958*(MJD(et)+3242)/365.25;
  double theta0 = atand(cosd(7.25) * tand(lambda0(et)-Omega));
  double angle_1 = lambda0(et)-Omega;
  if (angle_1 < 0.0) angle_1+=360.0;

  if (theta0 < 0.0) theta0+=360.0;
  if (angle_1 < 180.0) {
      if (theta0 < 180.0) theta0+=180.0;
  if (angle_1 > 180.0) {
      if (theta0 > 180.0) theta0-=180.0;
  hapgood_matrix(theta0, Z, mat);

  hapgood_matrix(7.25, X, mat_tmp);
  mat_times_mat(mat, mat_tmp, mat);

  hapgood_matrix(Omega, Z, mat_tmp);
  mat_times_mat(mat, mat_tmp, mat);
Esempio n. 2
** Hapgood defines a transformation between GSE and HEE in his 1992
** paper (section 6), but this part isn't online.  
** The gist of it is, we rotate 180 degrees about Z, and then translate
** along X.
** But we also need to add "R", a constant vector defined by
**      R = [ Rsun, 0, 0 ]
** where
**             r0 (1 - e^2)
**    Rsun =   ------------
**             1 + e cos(v)
**   r0 = 1.495985E8 km        	mean distance of the Sun from Earth.
**    e = 0.016709 - 0.0000418T0	eccentricity of the Sun's apparent
**					orbit around the Earth.
**    w = 282.94 + 1.72 T0		longitude of perigee of that orbit
**    v = lambda0 - w			(see lambda0 above)
** Implemented by Ed Santiago, Updated by Kristi Keller
gse_twixt_hee(const double et, Vec v_in, Vec v_out, Direction direction)
  Mat mat;
  double r0,e, w,v, Rsun;
  hapgood_matrix(180, Z, mat);

  ** Note that there's no transposition here if the direction is "back";
  ** the operation works identically in both directions.
  mat_times_vec(mat, v_in, v_out);

  /* Translate the X axis about the earth-sun distance */
  r0 = (double)1.495985e8;  
  e = 0.016709 - 0.0000418*T0(et);
  w = 282.94 + 1.72*T0(et);
  v = lambda0(et) - w; 
  Rsun = r0*(1-e*e)/(1.+e*cosd(v)); 
  /*  v_out[0] += (double)1.5e8;  */

  v_out[0] += Rsun;

  return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// "Sleep": 3675000
	pLambda0 lambda0 = (pLambda0)GetProcAddressByHash(L"kernel32.dll", 3675000);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
** The GEI to GSE transformation is given by the matrix 
**	T2 = <lambdaO,Z>*<epsilon,X>
** where the rotation angle lambdaO is the Sun's ecliptic longitude and 
** the angle epsilon is the obliquity of the ecliptic. This transformation 
** is a rotation from the Earth's equator to the plane of the ecliptic
** followed by a rotation in the plane of the ecliptic from the First Point 
** of Aries to the Earth-Sun direction. 
mat_T2(const double et, Mat mat)
  Mat mat_tmp;

  hapgood_matrix(lambda0(et), Z, mat);

  hapgood_matrix(epsilon(et), X, mat_tmp);
  mat_times_mat(mat, mat_tmp, mat);
Esempio n. 5
RcppExport SEXP nsem3b(SEXP data,  
		      SEXP theta,
		      SEXP Sigma,
		      SEXP modelpar,
		    SEXP control
		    ) {   

  //  srand ( time(NULL) ); /* initialize random seed: */
  Rcpp::NumericVector Theta(theta);  
  Rcpp::NumericMatrix D(data);
  unsigned nobs = D.nrow(), k = D.ncol();
  mat Data(D.begin(), nobs, k, false); // Avoid copying
  Rcpp::NumericMatrix V(Sigma);  
  mat S(V.begin(), V.nrow(), V.ncol()); 
  S(0,0) = 1;
  mat iS = inv(S);
  double detS = det(S);

  Rcpp::List Modelpar(modelpar);
  // Rcpp::IntegerVector _nlatent = Modelpar["nlatent"]; unsigned nlatent = _nlatent[0];
  Rcpp::IntegerVector _ny0 = Modelpar["nvar0"]; unsigned ny0 = _ny0[0];
  Rcpp::IntegerVector _ny1 = Modelpar["nvar1"]; unsigned ny1 = _ny1[0];
  Rcpp::IntegerVector _ny2 = Modelpar["nvar2"]; unsigned ny2 = _ny2[0];
  Rcpp::IntegerVector _npred0 = Modelpar["npred0"]; unsigned npred0 = _npred0[0];
  Rcpp::IntegerVector _npred1 = Modelpar["npred1"]; unsigned npred1 = _npred1[0];
  Rcpp::IntegerVector _npred2 = Modelpar["npred2"]; unsigned npred2 = _npred2[0];
  Rcpp::List Control(control);   
  Rcpp::NumericVector _lambda = Control["lambda"]; double lambda = _lambda[0];
  Rcpp::NumericVector _niter = Control["niter"]; double niter = _niter[0];
  Rcpp::NumericVector _Dtol = Control["Dtol"]; double Dtol = _Dtol[0];

  rowvec mu0(ny0), lambda0(ny0);
  rowvec mu1(ny1), lambda1(ny1);
  rowvec mu2(ny2), lambda2(ny2);
  rowvec beta0(npred0); 
  rowvec beta1(npred1); 
  rowvec beta2(npred2);
  rowvec gamma(2);
  rowvec gamma2(2);  
  unsigned pos=0;
  for (unsigned i=0; i<ny0; i++) {
    mu0(i) = Theta[pos];
  for (unsigned i=0; i<ny1; i++) {
    mu1(i) = Theta[pos];
  for (unsigned i=0; i<ny2; i++) {
    mu2(i) = Theta[pos];
  for (unsigned i=0; i<ny0; i++) {
    lambda0(i) = Theta[pos];
  lambda1(0) = 1;
  for (unsigned i=1; i<ny1; i++) {
    lambda1(i) = Theta[pos];
  lambda2(0) = 1;
  for (unsigned i=1; i<ny2; i++) {
    lambda2(i) = Theta[pos];
  for (unsigned i=0; i<npred0; i++) {
    beta0(i) = Theta[pos];
  for (unsigned i=0; i<npred1; i++) {
    beta1(i) = Theta[pos];
  for (unsigned i=0; i<npred2; i++) {
    beta2(i) = Theta[pos];
  gamma(0) = Theta[pos]; gamma(1) = Theta[pos+1];
  gamma2(0) = Theta[pos+2]; gamma2(1) = Theta[pos+3];

  // cerr << "mu0=" << mu0 << endl;
  // cerr << "mu1=" << mu1 << endl;
  // cerr << "mu2=" << mu2 << endl;
  // cerr << "lambda0=" << lambda0 << endl;
  // cerr << "lambda1=" << lambda1 << endl;
  // cerr << "lambda2=" << lambda2 << endl;
  // cerr << "beta0=" << beta0 << endl;
  // cerr << "beta1=" << beta1 << endl;
  // cerr << "beta2=" << beta2 << endl;
  // cerr << "gamma=" << gamma << endl;
  // cerr << "gamma2=" << gamma2 << endl;
  mat lap(nobs,4);
  for (unsigned i=0; i<nobs; i++) {
    rowvec newlap = laNRb(Data.row(i), iS, detS,
			  mu0, mu1, mu2, 
			  lambda0, lambda1, lambda2, 
			  beta0,beta1, beta2, gamma, gamma2,
    lap.row(i) = newlap;

  List  res;
  res["indiv"] = lap;
  res["logLik"] = sum(lap.col(0)) + (3-V.nrow())*log(2.0*datum::pi)*nobs/2;
  res["norm0"] = (3-V.nrow())*log(2*datum::pi)/2;
  return res;
Esempio n. 6
static double refmap_tetra_f2(double x, double y, double z) { return lambda0(x, y, z); }
Esempio n. 7
** The HAE to HEE transformation is given by the matrix
**	S1 = <lambdaO + 180,Z>
** where the rotation angle lambdaO is the Sun's ecliptic longitude.  
** This transformation is a rotation in the plane of the ecliptic from 
** the First Point of Aries to the Sun-Earth direction. 
mat_S1(const double et, Mat mat)
  hapgood_matrix(lambda0(et) + 180.0, Z, mat);