Esempio n. 1
// Initialize matrix to random.
// Having this in separate function ensures the same ISEED is always used,
// so we can re-generate the identical matrix.
void init_matrix( int m, int n, double *h_A, magma_int_t lda )
    magma_int_t ione = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    magma_int_t n2 = lda*n;
    lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
Esempio n. 2
// Initialize matrix to random & symmetrize.
// Having this in separate function ensures the same ISEED is always used,
// so we can re-generate the identical matrix.
void init_matrix( int m, int n, double *h_A, magma_int_t lda )
    assert( m == n );
    magma_int_t ione = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    magma_int_t n2 = lda*n;
    lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
    magma_dmake_symmetric( n, h_A, lda );
Esempio n. 3
void init_matrix( magma_int_t N, double *h_A, magma_int_t lda )
    magma_int_t ione = 1, n2 = N*lda;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
    /* Symmetrize and increase the diagonal */
    for (magma_int_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        h_A(i,i) = MAGMA_D_MAKE( MAGMA_D_REAL(h_A(i,i)) + N, 0 );
        for (magma_int_t j = 0; j < i; ++j)
            h_A(i, j) = MAGMA_D_CNJG( h_A(j, i) );
Esempio n. 4
// On input, A and ipiv is LU factorization of A. On output, A is overwritten.
// Requires m == n.
// Uses init_matrix() to re-generate original A as needed.
// Generates random RHS b and solves Ax=b.
// Returns residual, |Ax - b| / (n |A| |x|).
double get_residual(
    magma_int_t m, magma_int_t n,
    double *A, magma_int_t lda,
    magma_int_t *ipiv )
    if ( m != n ) {
        printf( "\nERROR: residual check defined only for square matrices\n" );
        return -1;
    const double c_one     = MAGMA_D_ONE;
    const double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    const magma_int_t ione = 1;
    // this seed should be DIFFERENT than used in init_matrix
    // (else x is column of A, so residual can be exactly zero)
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,2};
    magma_int_t info = 0;
    double *x, *b;
    // initialize RHS
    TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( x, double, n );
    TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( b, double, n );
    lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n, b );
    blasf77_dcopy( &n, b, &ione, x, &ione );
    // solve Ax = b
    lapackf77_dgetrs( "Notrans", &n, &ione, A, &lda, ipiv, x, &n, &info );
    if (info != 0)
        printf("lapackf77_dgetrs returned error %d: %s.\n",
               (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
    // reset to original A
    init_matrix( m, n, A, lda );
    // compute r = Ax - b, saved in b
    blasf77_dgemv( "Notrans", &m, &n, &c_one, A, &lda, x, &ione, &c_neg_one, b, &ione );
    // compute residual |Ax - b| / (n*|A|*|x|)
    double norm_x, norm_A, norm_r, work[1];
    norm_A = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &m, &n, A, &lda, work );
    norm_r = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &n, &ione, b, &n, work );
    norm_x = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &n, &ione, x, &n, work );
    //printf( "r=\n" ); magma_dprint( 1, n, b, 1 );
    //printf( "r=%.2e, A=%.2e, x=%.2e, n=%d\n", norm_r, norm_A, norm_x, n );
    return norm_r / (n * norm_A * norm_x);
Esempio n. 5
double *generate_sym_matrix(int m) {
 	double *a;
 	magma_int_t i,j;
 	magma_int_t mm = m*m;
 	magma_err_t err;
 	err = magma_dmalloc_cpu ( &a , mm );

 	magma_int_t ione = 1;
 	magma_int_t ISEED [4] = {0 ,0 ,0 ,1};
 	lapackf77_dlarnv (&ione ,ISEED ,&mm ,a);
 	for(i=0; i<m; i++) {
 		MAGMA_D_SET2REAL (a[i*m+i],( MAGMA_D_REAL (a[i*m+i ])+1.* m ) );
 		for (j=0; j<i; j++)
 			a[i*m+j] = (a[j*m+i]);

 	return a;
Esempio n. 6
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_d_solver_par *solver_par,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    magma_int_t info = 0;
    double *initial_guess=NULL;
    solver_par->eigenvectors = NULL;
    solver_par->eigenvalues = NULL;
    if ( solver_par->solver == Magma_LOBPCG ) {
        CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &solver_par->eigenvalues ,
                                3*solver_par->num_eigenvalues ));
        // setup initial guess EV using lapack
        // then copy to GPU
        magma_int_t ev = solver_par->num_eigenvalues * solver_par->ev_length;

        CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &initial_guess, ev ));
        CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &solver_par->eigenvectors, ev ));
        magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1}, ione = 1;
        lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &ev, initial_guess );

        magma_dsetmatrix( solver_par->ev_length, solver_par->num_eigenvalues,
            initial_guess, solver_par->ev_length, solver_par->eigenvectors,
                                                    solver_par->ev_length );
    } else {
        solver_par->eigenvectors = NULL;
        solver_par->eigenvalues = NULL;

    if( info != 0 ){
        magma_free( solver_par->eigenvectors );
        magma_free( solver_par->eigenvalues );
    magma_free_cpu( initial_guess );
    return info;
Esempio n. 7
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dlange
int main( int argc, char** argv)

    real_Double_t   gbytes, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    double *h_A;
    double *h_work;
    double *d_A;
    double *d_work;
    magma_int_t M, N, n2, lda, ldda;
    magma_int_t idist    = 3;  // normal distribution (otherwise max norm is always ~ 1)
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    double      error, norm_magma, norm_lapack;
    magma_int_t status = 0;

    magma_opts opts;
    parse_opts( argc, argv, &opts );
    double tol = opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("E");
    // Only one norm supported for now, but leave this here for future support
    // of different norms. See similar code in testing_dlansy.cpp.
    const char* norm[] = { MagmaInfNormStr };
    printf("    M     N   norm   CPU GByte/s (ms)    GPU GByte/s (ms)    error   \n");
    for( int i = 0; i < opts.ntest; ++i ) {
        for( int inorm = 0; inorm < 1; ++inorm ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            M   = opts.msize[i];
            N   = opts.nsize[i];
            lda = M;
            n2  = lda*N;
            ldda = roundup( M, opts.pad );
            // read whole matrix
            gbytes = M*N*sizeof(double) / 1e9;
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A,    double, n2 );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_work, double, M );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_A,    double, ldda*N );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_work, double, M );
            /* Initialize the matrix */
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &idist, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
            magma_dsetmatrix( M, N, h_A, lda, d_A, ldda );
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA
               =================================================================== */
            gpu_time = magma_wtime();
            norm_magma = magmablas_dlange( *norm[inorm], M, N, d_A, ldda, d_work );
            gpu_time = magma_wtime() - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gbytes / gpu_time;
            if (norm_magma < 0)
                printf("magmablas_dlange returned error %f: %s.\n",
                       norm_magma, magma_strerror( (int) norm_magma ));
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            cpu_time = magma_wtime();
            norm_lapack = lapackf77_dlange( norm[inorm], &M, &N, h_A, &lda, h_work );
            cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
            cpu_perf = gbytes / cpu_time;
            if (norm_lapack < 0)
                printf("lapackf77_dlange returned error %f: %s.\n",
                       norm_lapack, magma_strerror( (int) norm_lapack ));
            /* =====================================================================
               Check the result compared to LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            if ( lapackf77_lsame( norm[inorm], MagmaMaxNormStr ))
                error = fabs( norm_magma - norm_lapack );
                error = fabs( norm_magma - norm_lapack ) / norm_lapack;
            printf("%5d %5d   %4s   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %8.2e  %s\n",
                   (int) M, (int) N, norm[inorm],
                   cpu_perf, cpu_time*1000., gpu_perf, gpu_time*1000.,
                   error, (error < tol ? "ok" : "failed") );
            status |= ! (error < tol);
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_A    );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_work );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_A    );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_work );
        }} // end inorm, iter
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );

    return status;
Esempio n. 8
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dlansy
int main( int argc, char** argv)

    real_Double_t   gbytes, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    double *h_A;
    double *h_work;
    double *d_A;
    double *d_work;
    magma_int_t N, n2, lda, ldda;
    magma_int_t idist    = 3;  // normal distribution (otherwise max norm is always ~ 1)
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    double      error, norm_magma, norm_lapack;
    magma_int_t status = 0;
    bool mkl_warning = false;

    magma_opts opts;
    parse_opts( argc, argv, &opts );

    double tol = opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("E");

    magma_uplo_t uplo[] = { MagmaLower, MagmaUpper };
    magma_norm_t norm[] = { MagmaInfNorm, MagmaOneNorm, MagmaMaxNorm };

    // Double-Complex inf-norm not supported on Tesla (CUDA arch 1.x)
#if defined(PRECISION_z)
    magma_int_t arch = magma_getdevice_arch();
    if ( arch < 200 ) {
        printf("!!!! NOTE: Double-Complex %s and %s norm are not supported\n"
               "!!!! on CUDA architecture %d; requires arch >= 200.\n"
               "!!!! It should report \"parameter number 1 had an illegal value\" below.\n\n",
               MagmaInfNormStr, MagmaOneNormStr, (int) arch );
        for( int inorm = 0; inorm < 2; ++inorm ) {
            for( int iuplo = 0; iuplo < 2; ++iuplo ) {
                printf( "Testing that magmablas_dlansy( %s, %s, ... ) returns -1 error...\n",
                        lapack_norm_const( norm[inorm] ),
                        lapack_uplo_const( uplo[iuplo] ));
                norm_magma = magmablas_dlansy( norm[inorm], uplo[iuplo], 1, NULL, 1, NULL );
                if ( norm_magma != -1 ) {
                    printf( "expected magmablas_dlansy to return -1 error, but got %f\n", norm_magma );
                    status = 1;
        printf( "...return values %s\n\n", (status == 0 ? "ok" : "failed") );

    printf("    N   norm   uplo   CPU GByte/s (ms)    GPU GByte/s (ms)    error   \n");
    for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int inorm = 0; inorm < 3; ++inorm ) {
            for( int iuplo = 0; iuplo < 2; ++iuplo ) {
                for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
                    N   = opts.nsize[itest];
                    lda = N;
                    n2  = lda*N;
                    ldda = roundup( N, opts.pad );
                    // read upper or lower triangle
                    gbytes = 0.5*(N+1)*N*sizeof(double) / 1e9;

                    TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A,    double, n2 );
                    TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_work, double, N );

                    TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_A,    double, ldda*N );
                    TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_work, double, N );

                    /* Initialize the matrix */
                    lapackf77_dlarnv( &idist, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
                    //magma_dmake_symmetric( N, h_A, lda );
                    // make diagonal real -- according to docs, should NOT be necesary
                    //for( int i=0; i < N; ++i ) {
                    //    h_A[i + i*lda] = MAGMA_D_MAKE( MAGMA_D_REAL( h_A[i + i*lda] ), 0 );
                    magma_dsetmatrix( N, N, h_A, lda, d_A, ldda );

                    /* ====================================================================
                       Performs operation using MAGMA
                       =================================================================== */
                    gpu_time = magma_wtime();
                    norm_magma = magmablas_dlansy( norm[inorm], uplo[iuplo], N, d_A, ldda, d_work );
                    gpu_time = magma_wtime() - gpu_time;
                    gpu_perf = gbytes / gpu_time;
                    if (norm_magma == -1) {
                        printf( "%5d   %4c   skipped because it isn't supported on this GPU\n",
                                (int) N, lapacke_norm_const( norm[inorm] ));
                    if (norm_magma < 0)
                        printf("magmablas_dlansy returned error %f: %s.\n",
                               norm_magma, magma_strerror( (int) norm_magma ));

                    /* =====================================================================
                       Performs operation using LAPACK
                       =================================================================== */
                    cpu_time = magma_wtime();
                    norm_lapack = lapackf77_dlansy(
                                      lapack_norm_const( norm[inorm] ),
                                      lapack_uplo_const( uplo[iuplo] ),
                                      &N, h_A, &lda, h_work );
                    cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
                    cpu_perf = gbytes / cpu_time;
                    if (norm_lapack < 0)
                        printf("lapackf77_dlansy returned error %f: %s.\n",
                               norm_lapack, magma_strerror( (int) norm_lapack ));

                    /* =====================================================================
                       Check the result compared to LAPACK
                       Note: MKL (11.1.0) has bug for uplo=Lower with multiple threads.
                       Try with $MKL_NUM_THREADS = 1.
                       =================================================================== */
                    error = fabs( norm_magma - norm_lapack ) / norm_lapack;
                    double tol2 = tol;
                    if ( norm[inorm] == MagmaMaxNorm ) {
                        // max-norm depends on only one element, so for Real precisions,
                        // MAGMA and LAPACK should exactly agree (tol2 = 0),
                        // while Complex precisions incur roundoff in fabs.
#if defined(PRECISION_s) || defined(PRECISION_d)
                        tol2 = 0;

                    if ( error > tol2 && norm[inorm] == MagmaInfNorm && uplo[iuplo] == MagmaLower ) {
                        mkl_warning = true;

                    printf("%5d   %4c   %4c   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %#9.3g   %s\n",
                           (int) N,
                           lapacke_norm_const( norm[inorm] ),
                           lapacke_uplo_const( uplo[iuplo] ),
                           cpu_perf, cpu_time*1000., gpu_perf, gpu_time*1000.,
                           error, (error <= tol2 ? "ok" : "failed") );
                    status += ! (error <= tol2);

                    TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_A    );
                    TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_work );

                    TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_A    );
                    TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_work );
                    fflush( stdout );
                if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
                    printf( "\n" );
        } // end iuplo, inorm, iter
        printf( "\n" );

    if ( mkl_warning ) {
        printf("* Some versions of MKL (e.g., 11.1.0) have a bug in dlansy with uplo=L\n"
               "  and multiple threads. Try again with MKL_NUM_THREADS=1.\n" );

    return status;
Esempio n. 9
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dgetri
int main( int argc, char** argv )

    // constants
    const double c_zero    = MAGMA_D_ZERO;
    const double c_one     = MAGMA_D_ONE;
    const double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    real_Double_t   gflops, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    double *h_A, *h_Ainv, *h_R, *work;
    magmaDouble_ptr d_A, dwork;
    magma_int_t N, n2, lda, ldda, info, lwork, ldwork;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    double tmp;
    double error, rwork[1];
    magma_int_t *ipiv;
    magma_int_t status = 0;
    magma_opts opts;
    opts.parse_opts( argc, argv );
    double tol = opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("E");
    printf("%%   N   CPU Gflop/s (sec)   GPU Gflop/s (sec)   ||I - A*A^{-1}||_1 / (N*cond(A))\n");
    for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            N = opts.nsize[itest];
            lda    = N;
            n2     = lda*N;
            ldda   = magma_roundup( N, opts.align );  // multiple of 32 by default
            ldwork = N * magma_get_dgetri_nb( N );
            gflops = FLOPS_DGETRI( N ) / 1e9;
            // query for workspace size
            lwork = -1;
            lapackf77_dgetri( &N, NULL, &lda, NULL, &tmp, &lwork, &info );
            if (info != 0) {
                printf("lapackf77_dgetri returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            lwork = magma_int_t( MAGMA_D_REAL( tmp ));
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( ipiv,   magma_int_t,        N      );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( work,   double, lwork  );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A,    double, n2     );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_Ainv, double, n2     );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_R,    double, n2     );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_A,    double, ldda*N );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dwork,  double, ldwork );
            /* Initialize the matrix */
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
            /* Factor the matrix. Both MAGMA and LAPACK will use this factor. */
            magma_dsetmatrix( N, N, h_A, lda, d_A, ldda, opts.queue );
            magma_dgetrf_gpu( N, N, d_A, ldda, ipiv, &info );
            magma_dgetmatrix( N, N, d_A, ldda, h_Ainv, lda, opts.queue );
            if (info != 0) {
                printf("magma_dgetrf_gpu returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            // check for exact singularity
            //h_Ainv[ 10 + 10*lda ] = MAGMA_D_MAKE( 0.0, 0.0 );
            //magma_dsetmatrix( N, N, h_Ainv, lda, d_A, ldda, opts.queue );
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA
               =================================================================== */
            gpu_time = magma_wtime();
            magma_dgetri_gpu( N, d_A, ldda, ipiv, dwork, ldwork, &info );
            gpu_time = magma_wtime() - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gflops / gpu_time;
            if (info != 0) {
                printf("magma_dgetri_gpu returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.lapack ) {
                cpu_time = magma_wtime();
                lapackf77_dgetri( &N, h_Ainv, &lda, ipiv, work, &lwork, &info );
                cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
                cpu_perf = gflops / cpu_time;
                if (info != 0) {
                    printf("lapackf77_dgetri returned error %d: %s.\n",
                           (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
                printf( "%5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)",
                        (int) N, cpu_perf, cpu_time, gpu_perf, gpu_time );
            else {
                printf( "%5d     ---   (  ---  )   %7.2f (%7.2f)",
                        (int) N, gpu_perf, gpu_time );
            /* =====================================================================
               Check the result
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.check ) {
                magma_dgetmatrix( N, N, d_A, ldda, h_Ainv, lda, opts.queue );
                // compute 1-norm condition number estimate, following LAPACK's zget03
                double normA, normAinv, rcond;
                normA    = lapackf77_dlange( "1", &N, &N, h_A,    &lda, rwork );
                normAinv = lapackf77_dlange( "1", &N, &N, h_Ainv, &lda, rwork );
                if ( normA <= 0 || normAinv <= 0 ) {
                    rcond = 0;
                    error = 1 / (tol/opts.tolerance);  // == 1/eps
                else {
                    rcond = (1 / normA) / normAinv;
                    // R = I
                    // R -= A*A^{-1}
                    // err = ||I - A*A^{-1}|| / ( N ||A||*||A^{-1}|| ) = ||R|| * rcond / N, using 1-norm
                    lapackf77_dlaset( "full", &N, &N, &c_zero, &c_one, h_R, &lda );
                    blasf77_dgemm( "no", "no", &N, &N, &N,
                                   &c_neg_one, h_A,    &lda,
                                               h_Ainv, &lda,
                                   &c_one,     h_R,    &lda );
                    error = lapackf77_dlange( "1", &N, &N, h_R, &lda, rwork );
                    error = error * rcond / N;
                bool okay = (error < tol);
                status += ! okay;
                printf( "   %8.2e   %s\n",
                        error, (okay ? "ok" : "failed"));
            else {
                printf( "\n" );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( ipiv   );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( work   );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_A    );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_Ainv );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_R    );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_A    );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( dwork  );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );

    return status;
Esempio n. 10
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dlag2s and slag2d
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    real_Double_t   gbytes, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    double error, work[1];
    float serror, swork[1];
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    float  s_neg_one = MAGMA_S_NEG_ONE;
    magma_int_t ione = 1;
    magma_int_t m, n, lda, ldda, size, info;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    magma_int_t status = 0;
    float   *SA, *SR;
    double   *A,  *R;
    magmaFloat_ptr dSA;
    magmaDouble_ptr dA;
    magma_opts opts;
    opts.parse_opts( argc, argv );
    printf("%% func     M     N     CPU GB/s (ms)       GPU GB/s (ms)     ||R||_F\n");
    for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            m = opts.msize[itest];
            n = opts.nsize[itest];
            lda  = m;
            ldda = magma_roundup( m, opts.align );  // multiple of 32 by default
            // m*n double-real loads and m*n single-real stores (and vice-versa for slag2d)
            gbytes = (real_Double_t) m*n * (sizeof(double) + sizeof(float)) / 1e9;
            size = ldda*n;  // ldda >= lda
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU(  SA, float,  size );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU(   A, double, size );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU(  SR, float,  size );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU(   R, double, size );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dSA, float,  size );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV(  dA, double, size );
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size,  A );
            lapackf77_slarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size, SA );
            magma_dsetmatrix( m, n, A,  lda, dA,  ldda, opts.queue );
            magma_ssetmatrix( m, n, SA, lda, dSA, ldda, opts.queue );
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK dlag2s
               =================================================================== */
            cpu_time = magma_wtime();
            lapackf77_dlag2s( &m, &n, A, &lda, SA, &lda, &info );
            cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
            cpu_perf = gbytes / cpu_time;
            if (info != 0) {
                printf("lapackf77_dlag2s returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA dlag2s
               =================================================================== */
            gpu_time = magma_sync_wtime( opts.queue );
            magmablas_dlag2s( m, n, dA, ldda, dSA, ldda, opts.queue, &info );
            gpu_time = magma_sync_wtime( opts.queue ) - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gbytes / gpu_time;
            if (info != 0) {
                printf("magmablas_dlag2s returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            magma_sgetmatrix( m, n, dSA, ldda, SR, lda, opts.queue );
            /* =====================================================================
               compute error |SA_magma - SA_lapack|
               should be zero if both are IEEE compliant
               =================================================================== */
            blasf77_saxpy( &size, &s_neg_one, SA, &ione, SR, &ione );
            serror = lapackf77_slange( "Fro", &m, &n, SR, &lda, swork );
            printf( "dlag2s %5d %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %8.2e   %s\n",
                    (int) m, (int) n,
                    cpu_perf, cpu_time*1000., gpu_perf, gpu_time*1000.,
                    serror, (serror == 0 ? "ok" : "failed") );
            status += ! (serror == 0);
            /* =====================================================================
               Reset matrices
               =================================================================== */
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size,  A );
            lapackf77_slarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size, SA );
            magma_dsetmatrix( m, n, A,  lda, dA,  ldda, opts.queue );
            magma_ssetmatrix( m, n, SA, lda, dSA, ldda, opts.queue );
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK slag2d
               =================================================================== */
            cpu_time = magma_wtime();
            lapackf77_slag2d( &m, &n, SA, &lda, A, &lda, &info );
            cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
            cpu_perf = gbytes / cpu_time;
            if (info != 0) {
                printf("lapackf77_slag2d returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA slag2d
               =================================================================== */
            magma_ssetmatrix( m, n, SA, lda, dSA, ldda, opts.queue );
            gpu_time = magma_sync_wtime( opts.queue );
            magmablas_slag2d( m, n, dSA, ldda, dA, ldda, opts.queue, &info );
            gpu_time = magma_sync_wtime( opts.queue ) - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gbytes / gpu_time;
            if (info != 0) {
                printf("magmablas_slag2d returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            magma_dgetmatrix( m, n, dA, ldda, R, lda, opts.queue );
            /* =====================================================================
               compute error |A_magma - A_lapack|
               should be zero if both are IEEE compliant
               =================================================================== */
            blasf77_daxpy( &size, &c_neg_one, A, &ione, R, &ione );
            error = lapackf77_dlange( "Fro", &m, &n, R, &lda, work );
            printf( "slag2d %5d %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %8.2e   %s\n",
                    (int) m, (int) n,
                    cpu_perf, cpu_time*1000., gpu_perf, gpu_time*1000.,
                    error, (error == 0 ? "ok" : "failed") );
            status += ! (error == 0);
            TESTING_FREE_CPU(  SA );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU(   A );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU(  SR );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU(   R );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( dSA );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV(  dA );
            printf( "\n" );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );
    return status;
Esempio n. 11
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    real_Double_t   gflops, t1, t2;
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    magma_int_t ione = 1;
    const char trans[] = { 'N', 'C', 'T' };
    const char uplo[]  = { 'L', 'U' };
    const char diag[]  = { 'U', 'N' };
    const char side[]  = { 'L', 'R' };
    double  *A,  *B,  *C,   *C2, *LU;
    double *dA, *dB, *dC1, *dC2;
    double alpha = MAGMA_D_MAKE( 0.5, 0.1 );
    double beta  = MAGMA_D_MAKE( 0.7, 0.2 );
    double dalpha = 0.6;
    double dbeta  = 0.8;
    double work[1], error, total_error;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    magma_int_t m, n, k, size, maxn, ld, info;
    magma_int_t *piv;
    magma_err_t err;
    magma_opts opts;
    parse_opts( argc, argv, &opts );
    printf( "Compares magma wrapper function to cublas function; all diffs should be exactly 0.\n\n" );
    total_error = 0.;
    for( int i = 0; i < opts.ntest; ++i ) {
        m = opts.msize[i];
        n = opts.nsize[i];
        k = opts.ksize[i];
        printf( "M %d, N %d, K %d\n", (int) m, (int) n, (int) k );
        // allocate matrices
        // over-allocate so they can be any combination of {m,n,k} x {m,n,k}.
        maxn = max( max( m, n ), k );
        ld = maxn;
        size = maxn*maxn;
        err = magma_malloc_cpu( (void**) &piv, maxn*sizeof(magma_int_t) );  assert( err == 0 );
        err = magma_dmalloc_pinned( &A,  size );  assert( err == 0 );
        err = magma_dmalloc_pinned( &B,  size );  assert( err == 0 );
        err = magma_dmalloc_pinned( &C,  size );  assert( err == 0 );
        err = magma_dmalloc_pinned( &C2, size );  assert( err == 0 );
        err = magma_dmalloc_pinned( &LU, size );  assert( err == 0 );
        err = magma_dmalloc( &dA,  size );        assert( err == 0 );
        err = magma_dmalloc( &dB,  size );        assert( err == 0 );
        err = magma_dmalloc( &dC1, size );        assert( err == 0 );
        err = magma_dmalloc( &dC2, size );        assert( err == 0 );
        // initialize matrices
        size = maxn*maxn;
        lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size, A  );
        lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size, B  );
        lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size, C  );
        printf( "========== Level 1 BLAS ==========\n" );
        // ----- test DSWAP
        // swap 2nd and 3rd columns of dA, then copy to C2 and compare with A
        assert( n >= 4 );
        magma_dsetmatrix( m, n, A, ld, dA, ld );
        magma_dsetmatrix( m, n, A, ld, dB, ld );
        magma_dswap( m, dA(0,1), 1, dA(0,2), 1 );
        magma_dswap( m, dB(0,1), 1, dB(0,2), 1 );
        // check results, storing diff between magma and cuda calls in C2
        cublasDaxpy( ld*n, c_neg_one, dA, 1, dB, 1 );
        magma_dgetmatrix( m, n, dB, ld, C2, ld );
        error = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &m, &k, C2, &ld, work );
        total_error += error;
        printf( "dswap             diff %.2g\n", error );
        // ----- test IDAMAX
        // get argmax of column of A
        magma_dsetmatrix( m, k, A, ld, dA, ld );
        error = 0;
        for( int j = 0; j < k; ++j ) {
            magma_int_t i1 = magma_idamax( m, dA(0,j), 1 );
            magma_int_t i2 = cublasIdamax( m, dA(0,j), 1 );
            assert( i1 == i2 );
            error += abs( i1 - i2 );
        total_error += error;
        gflops = (double)m * k / 1e9;
        printf( "idamax            diff %.2g\n", error );
        printf( "\n" );
        printf( "========== Level 2 BLAS ==========\n" );
        // ----- test DGEMV
        // c = alpha*A*b + beta*c,  with A m*n; b,c m or n-vectors
        // try no-trans/trans
        for( int ia = 0; ia < 3; ++ia ) {
            magma_dsetmatrix( m, n, A,  ld, dA,  ld );
            magma_dsetvector( maxn, B, 1, dB,  1 );
            magma_dsetvector( maxn, C, 1, dC1, 1 );
            magma_dsetvector( maxn, C, 1, dC2, 1 );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            magma_dgemv( trans[ia], m, n, alpha, dA, ld, dB, 1, beta, dC1, 1 );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t1;
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            cublasDgemv( trans[ia], m, n, alpha, dA, ld, dB, 1, beta, dC2, 1 );
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t2;
            // check results, storing diff between magma and cuda call in C2
            size = (trans[ia] == 'N' ? m : n);
            cublasDaxpy( size, c_neg_one, dC1, 1, dC2, 1 );
            magma_dgetvector( size, dC2, 1, C2, 1 );
            error = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &size, &ione, C2, &ld, work );
            total_error += error;
            gflops = FLOPS_DGEMV( m, n ) / 1e9;
            printf( "dgemv( %c )        diff %.2g,  Gflop/s %6.2f, %6.2f\n",
                    trans[ia], error, gflops/t1, gflops/t2 );
        printf( "\n" );
        // ----- test DSYMV
        // c = alpha*A*b + beta*c,  with A m*m symmetric; b,c m-vectors
        // try upper/lower
        for( int iu = 0; iu < 2; ++iu ) {
            magma_dsetmatrix( m, m, A, ld, dA, ld );
            magma_dsetvector( m, B, 1, dB,  1 );
            magma_dsetvector( m, C, 1, dC1, 1 );
            magma_dsetvector( m, C, 1, dC2, 1 );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            magma_dsymv( uplo[iu], m, alpha, dA, ld, dB, 1, beta, dC1, 1 );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t1;
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            cublasDsymv( uplo[iu], m, alpha, dA, ld, dB, 1, beta, dC2, 1 );
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t2;
            // check results, storing diff between magma and cuda call in C2
            cublasDaxpy( m, c_neg_one, dC1, 1, dC2, 1 );
            magma_dgetvector( m, dC2, 1, C2, 1 );
            error = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &m, &ione, C2, &ld, work );
            total_error += error;
            gflops = FLOPS_DSYMV( m ) / 1e9;
            printf( "dsymv( %c )        diff %.2g,  Gflop/s %6.2f, %6.2f\n",
                    uplo[iu], error, gflops/t1, gflops/t2 );
        printf( "\n" );
        // ----- test DTRSV
        // solve A*c = c,  with A m*m triangular; c m-vector
        // try upper/lower, no-trans/trans, unit/non-unit diag
        // Factor A into LU to get well-conditioned triangles, else solve yields garbage.
        // Still can give garbage if solves aren't consistent with LU factors,
        // e.g., using unit diag for U, so copy lower triangle to upper triangle.
        // Also used for trsm later.
        lapackf77_dlacpy( "Full", &maxn, &maxn, A, &ld, LU, &ld );
        lapackf77_dgetrf( &maxn, &maxn, LU, &ld, piv, &info );
        for( int j = 0; j < maxn; ++j ) {
            for( int i = 0; i < j; ++i ) {
                *LU(i,j) = *LU(j,i);
        for( int iu = 0; iu < 2; ++iu ) {
        for( int it = 0; it < 3; ++it ) {
        for( int id = 0; id < 2; ++id ) {
            magma_dsetmatrix( m, m, LU, ld, dA, ld );
            magma_dsetvector( m, C, 1, dC1, 1 );
            magma_dsetvector( m, C, 1, dC2, 1 );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            magma_dtrsv( uplo[iu], trans[it], diag[id], m, dA, ld, dC1, 1 );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t1;
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            cublasDtrsv( uplo[iu], trans[it], diag[id], m, dA, ld, dC2, 1 );
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t2;
            // check results, storing diff between magma and cuda call in C2
            cublasDaxpy( m, c_neg_one, dC1, 1, dC2, 1 );
            magma_dgetvector( m, dC2, 1, C2, 1 );
            error = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &m, &ione, C2, &ld, work );
            total_error += error;
            gflops = FLOPS_DTRSM( MagmaLeft, m, 1 ) / 1e9;
            printf( "dtrsv( %c, %c, %c )  diff %.2g,  Gflop/s %6.2f, %6.2f\n",
                    uplo[iu], trans[it], diag[id], error, gflops/t1, gflops/t2 );
        printf( "\n" );
        printf( "========== Level 3 BLAS ==========\n" );
        // ----- test DGEMM
        // C = alpha*A*B + beta*C,  with A m*k or k*m; B k*n or n*k; C m*n
        // try combinations of no-trans/trans
        for( int ia = 0; ia < 3; ++ia ) {
        for( int ib = 0; ib < 3; ++ib ) {
            bool nta = (trans[ia] == 'N');
            bool ntb = (trans[ib] == 'N');
            magma_dsetmatrix( (nta ? m : k), (nta ? m : k), A, ld, dA,  ld );
            magma_dsetmatrix( (ntb ? k : n), (ntb ? n : k), B, ld, dB,  ld );
            magma_dsetmatrix( m, n, C, ld, dC1, ld );
            magma_dsetmatrix( m, n, C, ld, dC2, ld );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            magma_dgemm( trans[ia], trans[ib], m, n, k, alpha, dA, ld, dB, ld, beta, dC1, ld );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t1;
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            cublasDgemm( trans[ia], trans[ib], m, n, k, alpha, dA, ld, dB, ld, beta, dC2, ld );
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t2;
            // check results, storing diff between magma and cuda call in C2
            cublasDaxpy( ld*n, c_neg_one, dC1, 1, dC2, 1 );
            magma_dgetmatrix( m, n, dC2, ld, C2, ld );
            error = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &m, &n, C2, &ld, work );
            total_error += error;
            gflops = FLOPS_DGEMM( m, n, k ) / 1e9;
            printf( "dgemm( %c, %c )     diff %.2g,  Gflop/s %6.2f, %6.2f\n",
                    trans[ia], trans[ib], error, gflops/t1, gflops/t2 );
        printf( "\n" );
        // ----- test DSYMM
        // C = alpha*A*B + beta*C  (left)  with A m*m symmetric; B,C m*n; or
        // C = alpha*B*A + beta*C  (right) with A n*n symmetric; B,C m*n
        // try left/right, upper/lower
        for( int is = 0; is < 2; ++is ) {
        for( int iu = 0; iu < 2; ++iu ) {
            magma_dsetmatrix( m, m, A, ld, dA,  ld );
            magma_dsetmatrix( m, n, B, ld, dB,  ld );
            magma_dsetmatrix( m, n, C, ld, dC1, ld );
            magma_dsetmatrix( m, n, C, ld, dC2, ld );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            magma_dsymm( side[is], uplo[iu], m, n, alpha, dA, ld, dB, ld, beta, dC1, ld );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t1;
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            cublasDsymm( side[is], uplo[iu], m, n, alpha, dA, ld, dB, ld, beta, dC2, ld );
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t2;
            // check results, storing diff between magma and cuda call in C2
            cublasDaxpy( ld*n, c_neg_one, dC1, 1, dC2, 1 );
            magma_dgetmatrix( m, n, dC2, ld, C2, ld );
            error = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &m, &n, C2, &ld, work );
            total_error += error;
            gflops = FLOPS_DSYMM( side[is], m, n ) / 1e9;
            printf( "dsymm( %c, %c )     diff %.2g,  Gflop/s %6.2f, %6.2f\n",
                    side[is], uplo[iu], error, gflops/t1, gflops/t2 );
        printf( "\n" );
        // ----- test DSYRK
        // C = alpha*A*A^H + beta*C  (no-trans) with A m*k and C m*m symmetric; or
        // C = alpha*A^H*A + beta*C  (trans)    with A k*m and C m*m symmetric
        // try upper/lower, no-trans/trans
        for( int iu = 0; iu < 2; ++iu ) {
        for( int it = 0; it < 3; ++it ) {
            magma_dsetmatrix( n, k, A, ld, dA,  ld );
            magma_dsetmatrix( n, n, C, ld, dC1, ld );
            magma_dsetmatrix( n, n, C, ld, dC2, ld );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            magma_dsyrk( uplo[iu], trans[it], n, k, dalpha, dA, ld, dbeta, dC1, ld );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t1;
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            cublasDsyrk( uplo[iu], trans[it], n, k, dalpha, dA, ld, dbeta, dC2, ld );
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t2;
            // check results, storing diff between magma and cuda call in C2
            cublasDaxpy( ld*n, c_neg_one, dC1, 1, dC2, 1 );
            magma_dgetmatrix( n, n, dC2, ld, C2, ld );
            error = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &n, &n, C2, &ld, work );
            total_error += error;
            gflops = FLOPS_DSYRK( k, n ) / 1e9;
            printf( "dsyrk( %c, %c )     diff %.2g,  Gflop/s %6.2f, %6.2f\n",
                    uplo[iu], trans[it], error, gflops/t1, gflops/t2 );
        printf( "\n" );
        // ----- test DSYR2K
        // C = alpha*A*B^H + ^alpha*B*A^H + beta*C  (no-trans) with A,B n*k; C n*n symmetric; or
        // C = alpha*A^H*B + ^alpha*B^H*A + beta*C  (trans)    with A,B k*n; C n*n symmetric
        // try upper/lower, no-trans/trans
        for( int iu = 0; iu < 2; ++iu ) {
        for( int it = 0; it < 3; ++it ) {
            bool nt = (trans[it] == 'N');
            magma_dsetmatrix( (nt ? n : k), (nt ? n : k), A, ld, dA,  ld );
            magma_dsetmatrix( n, n, C, ld, dC1, ld );
            magma_dsetmatrix( n, n, C, ld, dC2, ld );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            magma_dsyr2k( uplo[iu], trans[it], n, k, alpha, dA, ld, dB, ld, dbeta, dC1, ld );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t1;
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            cublasDsyr2k( uplo[iu], trans[it], n, k, alpha, dA, ld, dB, ld, dbeta, dC2, ld );
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t2;
            // check results, storing diff between magma and cuda call in C2
            cublasDaxpy( ld*n, c_neg_one, dC1, 1, dC2, 1 );
            magma_dgetmatrix( n, n, dC2, ld, C2, ld );
            error = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &n, &n, C2, &ld, work );
            total_error += error;
            gflops = FLOPS_DSYR2K( k, n ) / 1e9;
            printf( "dsyr2k( %c, %c )    diff %.2g,  Gflop/s %6.2f, %6.2f\n",
                    uplo[iu], trans[it], error, gflops/t1, gflops/t2 );
        printf( "\n" );
        // ----- test DTRMM
        // C = alpha*A*C  (left)  with A m*m triangular; C m*n; or
        // C = alpha*C*A  (right) with A n*n triangular; C m*n
        // try left/right, upper/lower, no-trans/trans, unit/non-unit
        for( int is = 0; is < 2; ++is ) {
        for( int iu = 0; iu < 2; ++iu ) {
        for( int it = 0; it < 3; ++it ) {
        for( int id = 0; id < 2; ++id ) {
            bool left = (side[is] == 'L');
            magma_dsetmatrix( (left ? m : n), (left ? m : n), A, ld, dA,  ld );
            magma_dsetmatrix( m, n, C, ld, dC1, ld );
            magma_dsetmatrix( m, n, C, ld, dC2, ld );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            magma_dtrmm( side[is], uplo[iu], trans[it], diag[id], m, n, alpha, dA, ld, dC1, ld );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t1;
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            cublasDtrmm( side[is], uplo[iu], trans[it], diag[id], m, n, alpha, dA, ld, dC2, ld );
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t2;
            // check results, storing diff between magma and cuda call in C2
            cublasDaxpy( ld*n, c_neg_one, dC1, 1, dC2, 1 );
            magma_dgetmatrix( m, n, dC2, ld, C2, ld );
            error = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &n, &n, C2, &ld, work );
            total_error += error;
            gflops = FLOPS_DTRMM( side[is], m, n ) / 1e9;
            printf( "dtrmm( %c, %c )     diff %.2g,  Gflop/s %6.2f, %6.2f\n",
                    uplo[iu], trans[it], error, gflops/t1, gflops/t2 );
        printf( "\n" );
        // ----- test DTRSM
        // solve A*X = alpha*B  (left)  with A m*m triangular; B m*n; or
        // solve X*A = alpha*B  (right) with A n*n triangular; B m*n
        // try left/right, upper/lower, no-trans/trans, unit/non-unit
        for( int is = 0; is < 2; ++is ) {
        for( int iu = 0; iu < 2; ++iu ) {
        for( int it = 0; it < 3; ++it ) {
        for( int id = 0; id < 2; ++id ) {
            bool left = (side[is] == 'L');
            magma_dsetmatrix( (left ? m : n), (left ? m : n), LU, ld, dA,  ld );
            magma_dsetmatrix( m, n, C, ld, dC1, ld );
            magma_dsetmatrix( m, n, C, ld, dC2, ld );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            magma_dtrsm( side[is], uplo[iu], trans[it], diag[id], m, n, alpha, dA, ld, dC1, ld );
            t1 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t1;
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            cublasDtrsm( side[is], uplo[iu], trans[it], diag[id], m, n, alpha, dA, ld, dC2, ld );
            t2 = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - t2;
            // check results, storing diff between magma and cuda call in C2
            cublasDaxpy( ld*n, c_neg_one, dC1, 1, dC2, 1 );
            magma_dgetmatrix( m, n, dC2, ld, C2, ld );
            error = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &n, &n, C2, &ld, work );
            total_error += error;
            gflops = FLOPS_DTRSM( side[is], m, n ) / 1e9;
            printf( "dtrsm( %c, %c )     diff %.2g,  Gflop/s %6.2f, %6.2f\n",
                    uplo[iu], trans[it], error, gflops/t1, gflops/t2 );
        printf( "\n" );
        // cleanup
        magma_free_cpu( piv );
        magma_free_pinned( A  );
        magma_free_pinned( B  );
        magma_free_pinned( C  );
        magma_free_pinned( C2 );
        magma_free_pinned( LU );
        magma_free( dA  );
        magma_free( dB  );
        magma_free( dC1 );
        magma_free( dC2 );
    if ( total_error != 0. ) {
        printf( "total error %.2g -- ought to be 0 -- some test failed (see above).\n",
                total_error );
    else {
        printf( "all tests passed\n" );
    return 0;
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dgeqrf
int main( int argc, char** argv)
    real_Double_t    gflops, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    double           error, work[1];
    double  c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    double *h_A, *h_T, *h_R, *tau, *h_work, tmp[1];
    magmaDouble_ptr d_A, d_T, ddA, dtau;
    magmaDouble_ptr dwork;

    /* Matrix size */
    magma_int_t M = 0, N = 0, n2, lda, ldda, lwork;
    const int MAXTESTS = 10;
    magma_int_t msize[MAXTESTS] = { 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 8100, 8192 };
    magma_int_t nsize[MAXTESTS] = { 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 8100, 8192 };

    magma_int_t i, info, min_mn;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    //magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    magma_int_t checkres;

    checkres = getenv("MAGMA_TESTINGS_CHECK") != NULL;

    // process command line arguments
    printf( "\nUsage: %s -N <m,n> -c\n", argv[0] );
    printf( "  -N can be repeated up to %d times. If only m is given, then m=n.\n", MAXTESTS );
    printf( "  -c or setting $MAGMA_TESTINGS_CHECK runs LAPACK and checks result.\n\n" );
    int ntest = 0;
    for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) {
        if ( strcmp("-N", argv[i]) == 0 && i+1 < argc ) {
            magma_assert( ntest < MAXTESTS, "error: -N repeated more than maximum %d tests\n", MAXTESTS );
            int m, n;
            info = sscanf( argv[++i], "%d,%d", &m, &n );
            if ( info == 2 && m > 0 && n > 0 ) {
                msize[ ntest ] = m;
                nsize[ ntest ] = n;
            else if ( info == 1 && m > 0 ) {
                msize[ ntest ] = m;
                nsize[ ntest ] = m;  // implicitly
            else {
                printf( "error: -N %s is invalid; ensure m > 0, n > 0.\n", argv[i] );
            M = max( M, msize[ ntest ] );
            N = max( N, nsize[ ntest ] );
        else if ( strcmp("-M", argv[i]) == 0 ) {
            printf( "-M has been replaced in favor of -N m,n to allow -N to be repeated.\n\n" );
        else if ( strcmp("-c", argv[i]) == 0 ) {
            checkres = true;
        else {
            printf( "invalid argument: %s\n", argv[i] );
    if ( ntest == 0 ) {
        ntest = MAXTESTS;
        M = msize[ntest-1];
        N = nsize[ntest-1];

    ldda   = ((M+31)/32)*32;
    n2     = M * N;
    min_mn = min(M, N);

    /* Initialize */
    magma_queue_t  queue;
    magma_device_t device[ MagmaMaxGPUs ];
    int num = 0;
    magma_err_t err;

    err = magma_get_devices( device, MagmaMaxGPUs, &num );
    if ( err != 0 || num < 1 ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "magma_get_devices failed: %d\n", err );
    err = magma_queue_create( device[0], &queue );
    if ( err != 0 ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "magma_queue_create failed: %d\n", err );

    /* Allocate memory for the matrix */
    TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( tau, double, min_mn );
    TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_A, double, n2     );
    TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_T, double, N*N    );
    TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_R, double, n2     );

    TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_A,  double, ldda*N );
    TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_T,  double, N*N    );
    TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( ddA,  double, N*N    );
    TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dtau, double, min_mn );

    TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dwork, double, max(5*min_mn, (32*2+2)*min_mn) );

    double *h1 = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*N*N);
    memset(h1, 0, N*N*sizeof(double));

    clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue, ddA, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(double)*N*N, h1, 0, NULL, NULL);
    clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue, d_T, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(double)*N*N, h1, 0, NULL, NULL);
    lwork = -1;
    lapackf77_dgeqrf(&M, &N, h_A, &M, tau, tmp, &lwork, &info);
    lwork = (magma_int_t)MAGMA_D_REAL( tmp[0] );
    lwork = max(lwork, N*N);

    TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_work, double, lwork );

    printf("  M     N     CPU GFlop/s (ms)    GPU GFlop/s (ms)   ||R||_F/||A||_F  ||R_T||\n");
    for( i = 0; i < ntest; ++i ) {
        M = msize[i];
        N = nsize[i];
        min_mn= min(M, N);
        lda   = M;
        n2    = lda*N;
        ldda  = ((M+31)/32)*32;
        gflops = (FLOPS_DGEQRF( M, N ) + FLOPS_DGEQRT( M, N)) / 1e9;

        /* Initialize the matrix */
        magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
        lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
        lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &M, &N, h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda );
        magma_dsetmatrix( M, N, h_R, 0, lda, d_A, 0, ldda, queue );

        /* ====================================================================
           Performs operation using MAGMA
           =================================================================== */
        // warm-up
       // magma_dgeqr2x3_gpu(&M, &N, d_A, 0, &ldda, dtau, 0, d_T, 0, ddA, 0, dwork, 0, &info, queue);
        magma_dsetmatrix( M, N, h_R, 0, lda, d_A, 0, ldda, queue );

        clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue, ddA, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(double)*N*N, h1, 0, NULL, NULL);
        clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue, d_T, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(double)*N*N, h1, 0, NULL, NULL);
        gpu_time = magma_wtime();
        magma_dgeqr2x3_gpu(&M, &N, d_A, 0, &ldda, dtau, 0, d_T, 0, ddA, 0, dwork, 0, &info, queue);
        gpu_time = magma_wtime() - gpu_time;
        gpu_perf = gflops / gpu_time;
        if (info != 0)
            printf("magma_dgeqrf returned error %d.\n", (int) info);

        if ( checkres ) {
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            cpu_time = magma_wtime();
            lapackf77_dgeqrf(&M, &N, h_A, &lda, tau, h_work, &lwork, &info);
            lapackf77_dlarft( MagmaForwardStr, MagmaColumnwiseStr,
                              &M, &N, h_A, &lda, tau, h_work, &N);

            cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
            cpu_perf = gflops / cpu_time;
            if (info != 0)
                printf("lapackf77_dgeqrf returned error %d.\n", (int) info);
            /* =====================================================================
               Check the result compared to LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            magma_dgetmatrix( M, N, d_A, 0, ldda, h_R, 0, M, queue );
            magma_dgetmatrix( N, N, ddA, 0, N,    h_T, 0, N, queue );

            // Restore the upper triangular part of A before the check 
            for(int col=0; col<N; col++){
                for(int row=0; row<=col; row++)
                    h_R[row + col*M] = h_T[row + col*N];
            error = lapackf77_dlange("M", &M, &N, h_A, &lda, work);
            blasf77_daxpy(&n2, &c_neg_one, h_A, &ione, h_R, &ione);
            error = lapackf77_dlange("M", &M, &N, h_R, &lda, work) / error;

            // Check if T is the same
            double terr = 0.;
            magma_dgetmatrix( N, N, d_T, 0, N, h_T, 0, N, queue );

            for(int col=0; col<N; col++)
                for(int row=0; row<=col; row++)
                    terr += (  MAGMA_D_ABS(h_work[row + col*N] - h_T[row + col*N])*
                               MAGMA_D_ABS(h_work[row + col*N] - h_T[row + col*N])  );
            terr = magma_dsqrt(terr);

            printf("%5d %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)     %8.2e     %8.2e\n",
                   (int) M, (int) N, cpu_perf, 1000.*cpu_time, gpu_perf, 1000.*gpu_time, 
                   error, terr);
        else {
            printf("%5d %5d     ---   (  ---  )   %7.2f (%7.2f)     ---  \n",
                   (int) M, (int) N, gpu_perf, 1000.*gpu_time);
    /* Memory clean up */
    TESTING_FREE_PIN( tau );
    TESTING_FREE_PIN( h_work );
    TESTING_FREE_DEV( dtau );


    magma_queue_destroy( queue );
Esempio n. 13
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dormbr
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    real_Double_t   gflops, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    double Cnorm, error, dwork[1];
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    magma_int_t ione = 1;
    magma_int_t m, n, k, mi, ni, mm, nn, nq, size, info;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    magma_int_t nb, ldc, lda, lwork, lwork_max;
    double *C, *R, *A, *work, *tau, *tauq, *taup;
    double *d, *e;
    magma_int_t status = 0;
    magma_opts opts;
    opts.parse_opts( argc, argv );
    // need slightly looser bound (60*eps instead of 30*eps) for some tests
    opts.tolerance = max( 60., opts.tolerance );
    double tol = opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("E");
    // test all combinations of input parameters
    magma_vect_t  vect [] = { MagmaQ,          MagmaP       };
    magma_side_t  side [] = { MagmaLeft,       MagmaRight   };
    magma_trans_t trans[] = { MagmaTrans, MagmaNoTrans };

    printf("%%   M     N     K   vect side   trans   CPU Gflop/s (sec)   GPU Gflop/s (sec)   ||R||_F / ||QC||_F\n");
    for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
      for( int ivect = 0; ivect < 2; ++ivect ) {
      for( int iside = 0; iside < 2; ++iside ) {
      for( int itran = 0; itran < 2; ++itran ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            m = opts.msize[itest];
            n = opts.nsize[itest];
            k = opts.ksize[itest];
            nb  = magma_get_dgebrd_nb( m, n );
            ldc = m;
            // A is nq x k (vect=Q) or k x nq (vect=P)
            // where nq=m (left) or nq=n (right)
            nq  = (side[iside] == MagmaLeft ? m  : n );
            mm  = (vect[ivect] == MagmaQ    ? nq : k );
            nn  = (vect[ivect] == MagmaQ    ? k  : nq);
            lda = mm;
            // MBR calls either MQR or MLQ in various ways
            if ( vect[ivect] == MagmaQ ) {
                if ( nq >= k ) {
                    gflops = FLOPS_DORMQR( m, n, k, side[iside] ) / 1e9;
                else {
                    if ( side[iside] == MagmaLeft ) {
                        mi = m - 1;
                        ni = n;
                    else {
                        mi = m;
                        ni = n - 1;
                    gflops = FLOPS_DORMQR( mi, ni, nq-1, side[iside] ) / 1e9;
            else {
                if ( nq > k ) {
                    gflops = FLOPS_DORMLQ( m, n, k, side[iside] ) / 1e9;
                else {
                    if ( side[iside] == MagmaLeft ) {
                        mi = m - 1;
                        ni = n;
                    else {
                        mi = m;
                        ni = n - 1;
                    gflops = FLOPS_DORMLQ( mi, ni, nq-1, side[iside] ) / 1e9;
            // workspace for gebrd is (mm + nn)*nb
            // workspace for unmbr is m*nb or n*nb, depending on side
            lwork_max = max( (mm + nn)*nb, max( m*nb, n*nb ));
            // this rounds it up slightly if needed to agree with lwork query below
            lwork_max = int( real( magma_dmake_lwork( lwork_max )));
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( C,    double, ldc*n );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( R,    double, ldc*n );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( A,    double, lda*nn );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( work, double, lwork_max );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( d,    double,             min(mm,nn) );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( e,    double,             min(mm,nn) );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( tauq, double, min(mm,nn) );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( taup, double, min(mm,nn) );
            // C is full, m x n
            size = ldc*n;
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size, C );
            lapackf77_dlacpy( "Full", &m, &n, C, &ldc, R, &ldc );
            size = lda*nn;
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size, A );
            // compute BRD factorization to get Householder vectors in A, tauq, taup
            //lapackf77_dgebrd( &mm, &nn, A, &lda, d, e, tauq, taup, work, &lwork_max, &info );
            magma_dgebrd( mm, nn, A, lda, d, e, tauq, taup, work, lwork_max, &info );
            if (info != 0) {
                printf("magma_dgebrd returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            if ( vect[ivect] == MagmaQ ) {
                tau = tauq;
            } else {
                tau = taup;
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            cpu_time = magma_wtime();
            lapackf77_dormbr( lapack_vect_const( vect[ivect] ),
                              lapack_side_const( side[iside] ),
                              lapack_trans_const( trans[itran] ),
                              &m, &n, &k,
                              A, &lda, tau, C, &ldc, work, &lwork_max, &info );
            cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
            cpu_perf = gflops / cpu_time;
            if (info != 0) {
                printf("lapackf77_dormbr returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA
               =================================================================== */
            // query for workspace size
            lwork = -1;
            magma_dormbr( vect[ivect], side[iside], trans[itran],
                          m, n, k,
                          A, lda, tau, R, ldc, work, lwork, &info );
            if (info != 0) {
                printf("magma_dormbr (lwork query) returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            lwork = (magma_int_t) MAGMA_D_REAL( work[0] );
            if ( lwork < 0 || lwork > lwork_max ) {
                printf("Warning: optimal lwork %d > allocated lwork_max %d\n", (int) lwork, (int) lwork_max );
                lwork = lwork_max;
            gpu_time = magma_wtime();
            magma_dormbr( vect[ivect], side[iside], trans[itran],
                          m, n, k,
                          A, lda, tau, R, ldc, work, lwork, &info );
            gpu_time = magma_wtime() - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gflops / gpu_time;
            if (info != 0) {
                printf("magma_dormbr returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            /* =====================================================================
               compute relative error |QC_magma - QC_lapack| / |QC_lapack|
               =================================================================== */
            size = ldc*n;
            blasf77_daxpy( &size, &c_neg_one, C, &ione, R, &ione );
            Cnorm = lapackf77_dlange( "Fro", &m, &n, C, &ldc, dwork );
            error = lapackf77_dlange( "Fro", &m, &n, R, &ldc, dwork ) / (magma_dsqrt(m*n) * Cnorm);
            printf( "%5d %5d %5d   %c   %4c   %5c   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %8.2e   %s\n",
                    (int) m, (int) n, (int) k,
                    lapacke_vect_const( vect[ivect] ),
                    lapacke_side_const( side[iside] ),
                    lapacke_trans_const( trans[itran] ),
                    cpu_perf, cpu_time, gpu_perf, gpu_time,
                    error, (error < tol ? "ok" : "failed") );
            status += ! (error < tol);
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( C );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( R );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( A );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( work );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( d );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( e );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( taup );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( tauq );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );
      }}}  // end ivect, iside, itran
      printf( "\n" );
    return status;
Esempio n. 14
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dgehrd_m
int main( int argc, char** argv)
    magma_setdevice( 0 );  // without this, T -> dT copy fails
    real_Double_t    gflops, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    double *h_A, *h_R, *h_Q, *h_work, *tau, *twork, *T, *dT;
    #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
    double      *rwork;
    double      eps, result[2];
    magma_int_t N, n2, lda, nb, lwork, ltwork, info;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    magma_int_t status = 0;
    eps   = lapackf77_dlamch( "E" );
    magma_opts opts;
    parse_opts( argc, argv, &opts );
    double tol = opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("E");
    printf("    N   CPU GFlop/s (sec)   GPU GFlop/s (sec)   |A-QHQ'|/N|A|   |I-QQ'|/N\n");
    for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            N = opts.nsize[itest];
            lda    = N;
            n2     = lda*N;
            nb     = magma_get_dgehrd_nb(N);
            // magma needs larger workspace than lapack, esp. multi-gpu verison
            lwork  = N*(nb + nb*MagmaMaxGPUs);
            gflops = FLOPS_DGEHRD( N ) / 1e9;
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A,    double, n2    );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( tau,    double, N     );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( T,      double, nb*N  );
            TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_R,    double, n2    );
            TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_work, double, lwork );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dT,     double, nb*N  );
            /* Initialize the matrices */
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
            lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &N, &N, h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda );
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA
               =================================================================== */
            gpu_time = magma_wtime();
            magma_dgehrd_m( N, ione, N, h_R, lda, tau, h_work, lwork, T, &info);
            gpu_time = magma_wtime() - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gflops / gpu_time;
            if (info != 0)
                printf("magma_dgehrd_m returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            /* =====================================================================
               Check the factorization
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.check ) {
                ltwork = 2*(N*N);
                TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_Q,   double, lda*N  );
                TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( twork, double, ltwork );
                #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
                TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( rwork, double, N );
                lapackf77_dlacpy(MagmaUpperLowerStr, &N, &N, h_R, &lda, h_Q, &lda);
                for( int j = 0; j < N-1; ++j )
                    for( int i = j+2; i < N; ++i )
                        h_R[i+j*lda] = MAGMA_D_ZERO;
                magma_dsetmatrix( nb, N, T, nb, dT, nb );
                magma_dorghr(N, ione, N, h_Q, lda, tau, dT, nb, &info);
                if ( info != 0 ) {
                    printf("magma_dorghr returned error %d: %s.\n",
                           (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
                #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
                lapackf77_dhst01(&N, &ione, &N,
                                 h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda,
                                 h_Q, &lda, twork, &ltwork, rwork, result);
                lapackf77_dhst01(&N, &ione, &N,
                                 h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda,
                                 h_Q, &lda, twork, &ltwork, result);
                TESTING_FREE_PIN( h_Q   );
                TESTING_FREE_CPU( twork );
                #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
                TESTING_FREE_CPU( rwork );
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.lapack ) {
                cpu_time = magma_wtime();
                lapackf77_dgehrd(&N, &ione, &N, h_R, &lda, tau, h_work, &lwork, &info);
                cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
                cpu_perf = gflops / cpu_time;
                if (info != 0)
                    printf("lapackf77_dgehrd returned error %d: %s.\n",
                           (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            /* =====================================================================
               Print performance and error.
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.lapack ) {
                printf("%5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)",
                       (int) N, cpu_perf, cpu_time, gpu_perf, gpu_time );
            else {
                printf("%5d     ---   (  ---  )   %7.2f (%7.2f)",
                       (int) N, gpu_perf, gpu_time );
            if ( opts.check ) {
                printf("   %8.2e        %8.2e   %s\n",
                       result[0]*eps, result[1]*eps,
                       ( ( (result[0]*eps < tol) && (result[1]*eps < tol) ) ? "ok" : "failed")  );
                status += ! (result[0]*eps < tol);
                status += ! (result[1]*eps < tol);
            else {
                printf("     ---             ---\n");
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_A    );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( tau    );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( T      );
            TESTING_FREE_PIN( h_R    );
            TESTING_FREE_PIN( h_work );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( dT     );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );
    return status;
Esempio n. 15
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dgeqrf
int main( int argc, char** argv)

    real_Double_t    gflops, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    double           error, work[1];

    double  c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    double *h_A, *h_T, *h_R, *tau, *h_work, tmp[1];
    double *d_A,  *d_T, *ddA, *dtau;
    double *d_A2, *d_T2, *ddA2, *dtau2;
    double *dwork, *dwork2;

    magma_int_t M, N, lda, ldda, lwork, n2, info, min_mn;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    magma_int_t status = 0;

    #define BLOCK_SIZE 64

    magma_opts opts;
    parse_opts( argc, argv, &opts );
    double tol = 10. * opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("E");
    magma_queue_t stream[2];
    magma_queue_create( &stream[0] );
    magma_queue_create( &stream[1] );

    printf("version %d\n", (int) opts.version );
    printf("  M     N     CPU GFlop/s (ms)    GPU GFlop/s (ms)   ||R||_F/||A||_F  ||R_T||\n");
    for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            M     = opts.msize[itest];
            N     = opts.nsize[itest];

            if (N > 128) {
                printf("%5d %5d   skipping because dgeqr2x requires N <= 128\n",
                        (int) M, (int) N);
            if (M < N) {
                printf("%5d %5d   skipping because dgeqr2x requires M >= N\n",
                        (int) M, (int) N);

            min_mn = min(M, N);
            lda    = M;
            n2     = lda*N;
            ldda   = ((M+31)/32)*32;
            gflops = (FLOPS_DGEQRF( M, N ) + FLOPS_DGEQRT( M, N )) / 1e9;

            /* Allocate memory for the matrix */
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( tau,   double, min_mn );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A,   double, n2     );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_T,   double, N*N    );
            TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_R,   double, n2     );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_A,   double, ldda*N );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_T,   double, N*N    );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( ddA,   double, N*N    );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dtau,  double, min_mn );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_A2,  double, ldda*N );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_T2,  double, N*N    );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( ddA2,  double, N*N    );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dtau2, double, min_mn );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dwork,  double, max(5*min_mn, (BLOCK_SIZE*2+2)*min_mn) );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dwork2, double, max(5*min_mn, (BLOCK_SIZE*2+2)*min_mn) );
            // todo replace with magma_dlaset
            cudaMemset(ddA, 0, N*N*sizeof(double));
            cudaMemset(d_T, 0, N*N*sizeof(double));
            cudaMemset(ddA2, 0, N*N*sizeof(double));
            cudaMemset(d_T2, 0, N*N*sizeof(double));
            lwork = -1;
            lapackf77_dgeqrf(&M, &N, NULL, &M, NULL, tmp, &lwork, &info);
            lwork = (magma_int_t)MAGMA_D_REAL( tmp[0] );
            lwork = max(lwork, N*N);
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_work, double, lwork );

            /* Initialize the matrix */
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
            lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &M, &N, h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda );
            magma_dsetmatrix( M, N, h_R, lda,  d_A, ldda );
            magma_dsetmatrix( M, N, h_R, lda, d_A2, ldda );
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA
               =================================================================== */
            gpu_time = magma_sync_wtime(0);
            if (opts.version == 1)
                magma_dgeqr2x_gpu(M, N, d_A, ldda, dtau, d_T, ddA, dwork, &info);
            else if (opts.version == 2)
                magma_dgeqr2x2_gpu(M, N, d_A, ldda, dtau, d_T, ddA, dwork, &info);
            else if (opts.version == 3)
                magma_dgeqr2x3_gpu(M, N, d_A, ldda, dtau, d_T, ddA, dwork, &info);
            else {
                printf( "call magma_dgeqr2x4_gpu\n" );
                  Going through NULL stream is faster
                  Going through any stream is slower
                  Doing two streams in parallel is slower than doing them sequentially
                  Queuing happens on the NULL stream - user defined buffers are smaller?
                magma_dgeqr2x4_gpu(M, N, d_A, ldda, dtau, d_T, ddA, dwork, &info, NULL);
                //magma_dgeqr2x4_gpu(M, N, d_A, ldda, dtau, d_T, ddA, dwork, &info, stream[1]);
                //magma_dgeqr2x4_gpu(M, N, d_A2, ldda, dtau2, d_T2, ddA2, dwork2, &info, stream[0]);
                //magma_dgeqr2x4_gpu(M, N, d_A2, ldda, dtau2, d_T2, ddA2, dwork2, &info, NULL);
                //gflops *= 2;
            gpu_time = magma_sync_wtime(0) - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gflops / gpu_time;

            if (info != 0) {
                printf("magma_dgeqr2x_gpu version %d returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) opts.version, (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            else {
                if ( opts.check ) {
                    /* =====================================================================
                       Performs operation using LAPACK
                       =================================================================== */
                    cpu_time = magma_wtime();
                    lapackf77_dgeqrf(&M, &N, h_A, &lda, tau, h_work, &lwork, &info);
                    lapackf77_dlarft( MagmaForwardStr, MagmaColumnwiseStr,
                                     &M, &N, h_A, &lda, tau, h_work, &N);
                    //magma_dgeqr2(&M, &N, h_A, &lda, tau, h_work, &info);
                    cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
                    cpu_perf = gflops / cpu_time;
                    if (info != 0)
                        printf("lapackf77_dgeqrf returned error %d: %s.\n",
                               (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
                    /* =====================================================================
                       Check the result compared to LAPACK
                       =================================================================== */
                    magma_dgetmatrix( M, N, d_A, ldda, h_R, M );
                    magma_dgetmatrix( N, N, ddA, N,    h_T, N );
                    // Restore the upper triangular part of A before the check
                    for(int col=0; col < N; col++){
                        for(int row=0; row <= col; row++)
                            h_R[row + col*M] = h_T[row + col*N];
                    error = lapackf77_dlange("M", &M, &N, h_A, &lda, work);
                    blasf77_daxpy(&n2, &c_neg_one, h_A, &ione, h_R, &ione);
                    error = lapackf77_dlange("M", &M, &N, h_R, &lda, work) / (N * error);
                    // Check if T is the same
                    magma_dgetmatrix( N, N, d_T, N, h_T, N );
                    double terr = 0.;
                    for(int col=0; col < N; col++)
                        for(int row=0; row <= col; row++)
                            terr += (  MAGMA_D_ABS(h_work[row + col*N] - h_T[row + col*N])*
                                       MAGMA_D_ABS(h_work[row + col*N] - h_T[row + col*N])  );
                    terr = magma_dsqrt(terr);
                    printf("%5d %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)     %8.2e     %8.2e   %s\n",
                           (int) M, (int) N, cpu_perf, 1000.*cpu_time, gpu_perf, 1000.*gpu_time,
                           error, terr, (error < tol ? "ok" : "failed") );
                    status += ! (error < tol);
                else {
                    printf("%5d %5d     ---   (  ---  )   %7.2f (%7.2f)     ---  \n",
                           (int) M, (int) N, gpu_perf, 1000.*gpu_time);
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( tau    );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_A    );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_T    );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_work );
            TESTING_FREE_PIN( h_R    );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_A   );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_T   );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( ddA   );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( dtau  );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( dwork );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_A2   );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_T2   );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( ddA2   );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( dtau2  );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( dwork2 );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );
    magma_queue_destroy( stream[0] );
    magma_queue_destroy( stream[1] );

    return status;
Esempio n. 16
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dtrtri
int main( int argc, char** argv )

    real_Double_t   gflops, magma_perf, magma_time=0;  //, cpu_perf=0, cpu_time=0;
    double          magma_error, norm_invA, work[1];
    magma_int_t N, lda, ldda, info;
    magma_int_t jb, nb, nblock, sizeA, size_inv;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    magma_int_t *ipiv;

    double *h_A, *h_dinvA;
    double *d_A, *d_dinvA;
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    magma_int_t status = 0;
    magma_opts opts;
    parse_opts( argc, argv, &opts );
    opts.lapack |= opts.check;  // check (-c) implies lapack (-l)
    double tol = opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("E");
    const char *uplo_ = lapack_uplo_const(opts.uplo);

    // this is the NB hard coded into dtrtri_diag.
    nb = 128;
    printf("uplo = %s, diag = %s\n",
           lapack_uplo_const(opts.uplo), lapack_diag_const(opts.diag) );
    printf("    N  MAGMA Gflop/s (ms)   MAGMA error\n");
    for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            N = opts.nsize[itest];
            lda = N;
            ldda = ((lda+31)/32)*32;
            nblock = (N+nb-1)/nb;
            gflops = nblock * FLOPS_DTRTRI( nb ) / 1e9;
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A,    double, lda*N );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( ipiv,   magma_int_t,        N     );
            size_inv = nblock*nb*nb;
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_A,    double, ldda*N );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_dinvA, double, size_inv );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_dinvA, double, size_inv );
            /* Initialize the matrices */
            /* Factor A into LU to get well-conditioned triangular matrix.
             * Copy L to U, since L seems okay when used with non-unit diagonal
             * (i.e., from U), while U fails when used with unit diagonal. */
            sizeA = lda*N;            
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &sizeA, h_A );
            lapackf77_dgetrf( &N, &N, h_A, &lda, ipiv, &info );
            for( int j = 0; j < N; ++j ) {
                for( int i = 0; i < j; ++i ) {
                    *h_A(i,j) = *h_A(j,i);
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMABLAS
               =================================================================== */
            magma_dsetmatrix( N, N, h_A, lda, d_A, ldda );
            magma_time = magma_sync_wtime( NULL );
            magmablas_dtrtri_diag( opts.uplo, opts.diag, N, d_A, ldda, d_dinvA );
            magma_time = magma_sync_wtime( NULL ) - magma_time;
            magma_perf = gflops / magma_time;
            magma_dgetvector( size_inv, d_dinvA, 1, h_dinvA, 1 );
            if ( opts.verbose ) {
                printf( "A%d=", (int) N );
                magma_dprint( N, N, h_A, lda );
                printf( "d_dinvA%d=", (int) N );
                magma_dprint( min(N+4, nb), min(N+4, nblock*nb), h_dinvA, nb );
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.lapack ) {
                //cpu_time = magma_wtime();
                    lapack_uplo_const(opts.uplo), lapack_diag_const(opts.diag),
                    &N, h_A, &lda, &info );
                //cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
                //cpu_perf = gflops / cpu_time;
            /* =====================================================================
               Check the result
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.check ) {
                // |invA - invA_magma| / |invA|, accumulated over all diagonal blocks
                magma_error = 0;
                norm_invA   = 0;
                for( int i=0; i < N; i += nb ) {
                    jb = min( nb, N-i );
                    dgeadd( jb, jb, c_neg_one, h_A(i, i), lda, h_dinvA(0, i), nb );
                    magma_error = max( magma_error, lapackf77_dlantr( "M", uplo_, MagmaNonUnitStr, &jb, &jb, h_dinvA(0, i), &nb,  work ));
                    norm_invA   = max( norm_invA,   lapackf77_dlantr( "M", uplo_, MagmaNonUnitStr, &jb, &jb, h_A(i, i),     &lda, work ));
                magma_error /= norm_invA;
                // CPU is doing N-by-N inverse, while GPU is doing (N/NB) NB-by-NB inverses.
                // So don't compare performance.
                printf("%5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %8.2e   %s\n",
                        (int) N,
                        magma_perf,  1000.*magma_time,
                        //cpu_perf,    1000.*cpu_time,
                        (magma_error < tol ? "ok" : "failed"));
                status += ! (magma_error < tol);
            else {
                printf("%5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)      ---\n",
                        (int) N,
                        magma_perf,  1000.*magma_time );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_A     );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( ipiv    );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_A     );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_dinvA );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_dinvA );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );

    return status;
Esempio n. 17
int main( int argc, char** argv)
    real_Double_t gpu_time, cpu_time;
    double *h_A, *h_R, *VL, *VR, *h_work, *w1, *w2;
    double *w1i, *w2i;
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    double matnorm, tnrm, result[8];

    /* Matrix size */
    magma_int_t N=0, n2, lda, nb, lwork;
    magma_int_t size[8] = {1024,2048,3072,4032,5184,6016,7040,8064};

    magma_int_t i, j, info, checkres, once = 0;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};

    magma_vec_t jobl = MagmaVec;
    magma_vec_t jobr = MagmaVec;

    if (argc != 1){
        for(i = 1; i<argc; i++){
            if (strcmp("-N", argv[i])==0) {
                N = atoi(argv[++i]);
                once = 1;
            else if (strcmp("-LN", argv[i])==0)
                jobl = MagmaNoVec;
            else if (strcmp("-LV", argv[i])==0)
                jobl = MagmaVec;
            else if (strcmp("-RN", argv[i])==0)
                jobr = MagmaNoVec;
            else if (strcmp("-RV", argv[i])==0)
                jobr = MagmaVec;
        if ( N > 0 )
            printf("  testing_dgeev -L[N|V] -R[N|V] -N %d\n\n", (int) N);
            printf("\nUsage: \n");
            printf("  testing_dgeev -L[N|V] -R[N|V] -N %d\n\n", 1024);
    else {
        printf("\nUsage: \n");
        printf("  testing_dgeev -L[N|V] -R[N|V] -N %d\n\n", 1024);
        N = size[7];

    checkres = getenv("MAGMA_TESTINGS_CHECK") != NULL;

    lda   = N;
    n2    = lda * N;
    nb    = magma_get_dgehrd_nb(N);

    lwork = N*(2+nb);

    // generous workspace - required by dget22
    lwork = max(lwork, N * ( 5 + 2*N));

    TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( w1,  double, N  );
    TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( w2,  double, N  );
    TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( w1i, double, N  );
    TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( w2i, double, N  );
    TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A, double, n2 );
    TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_R,    double, n2    );
    TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( VL,     double, n2    );
    TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( VR,     double, n2    );
    TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_work, double, lwork );

    /* Initialize */
    magma_queue_t  queue;
    magma_device_t device[ MagmaMaxGPUs ];
    int num = 0;
    magma_err_t err;


    err = magma_get_devices( device, MagmaMaxGPUs, &num );
    if ( err != 0 || num < 1 ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "magma_get_devices failed: %d\n", err );
    err = magma_queue_create( device[0], &queue );
    if ( err != 0 ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "magma_queue_create failed: %d\n", err );

    printf("  N     CPU Time(s)    GPU Time(s)     ||R||_F / ||A||_F\n");
    for(i=0; i<8; i++){
        if ( argc == 1 ){
            N = size[i];
        lda = N;
        n2  = lda*N;

        /* Initialize the matrix */
        lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
        lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &N, &N, h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda );

        /* ====================================================================
           Performs operation using MAGMA
           =================================================================== */
        // warm-up
        magma_dgeev(jobl, jobr,
                     N, h_R, lda, w1, w1i,
                    VL, lda, VR, lda,
                    h_work, lwork, &info, queue);
        lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &N, &N, h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda );
        gpu_time = magma_wtime();
        magma_dgeev(jobl, jobr,
                     N, h_R, lda, w1, w1i,
                    VL, lda, VR, lda,
                    h_work, lwork, &info, queue);

        gpu_time = magma_wtime() - gpu_time;
        if (info < 0)
            printf("Argument %d of magma_dgeev had an illegal value.\n", (int) -info);

        /* =====================================================================
           Performs operation using LAPACK
           =================================================================== */
        cpu_time = magma_wtime();
        lapackf77_dgeev(lapack_const(jobl), lapack_const(jobr),
                        &N, h_A, &lda, w2, w2i,
                        VL, &lda, VR, &lda,
                        h_work, &lwork, &info);
        cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
        if (info < 0)
            printf("Argument %d of dgeev had an illegal value.\n", (int) -info);

        /* =====================================================================
           Check the result compared to LAPACK
           =================================================================== */
        if ( checkres )
            /* ===================================================================
               Check the result following LAPACK's [zcds]drvev routine.
               The following 7 tests are performed:
               *     (1)     | A * VR - VR * W | / ( n |A| )
               *       Here VR is the matrix of unit right eigenvectors.
               *       W is a diagonal matrix with diagonal entries W(j).
               *     (2)     | A**T * VL - VL * W**T | / ( n |A| )
               *       Here VL is the matrix of unit left eigenvectors, A**T is the
               *       ugate-transpose of A, and W is as above.
               *     (3)     | |VR(i)| - 1 |   and whether largest component real
               *       VR(i) denotes the i-th column of VR.
               *     (4)     | |VL(i)| - 1 |   and whether largest component real
               *       VL(i) denotes the i-th column of VL.
               *     (5)     W(full) = W(partial)
               *       W(full) denotes the eigenvalues computed when both VR and VL
               *       are also computed, and W(partial) denotes the eigenvalues
               *       computed when only W, only W and VR, or only W and VL are
               *       computed.
               *     (6)     VR(full) = VR(partial)
               *       VR(full) denotes the right eigenvectors computed when both VR
               *       and VL are computed, and VR(partial) denotes the result
               *       when only VR is computed.
               *     (7)     VL(full) = VL(partial)
               *       VL(full) denotes the left eigenvectors computed when both VR
               *       and VL are also computed, and VL(partial) denotes the result
               *       when only VL is computed.
               ================================================================= */
            int jj;
            double ulp, ulpinv, vmx, vrmx, vtst, res[2];

            double *LRE, DUM;
            TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( LRE, double, n2 );

            ulp = lapackf77_dlamch( "P" );
            ulpinv = 1./ulp;

            // Initialize RESULT
            for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
              result[j] = -1.;

            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
            lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &N, &N, h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda );
            magma_dgeev(MagmaVec, MagmaVec,
                        N, h_R, lda, w1, w1i,
                        VL, lda, VR, lda,
                        h_work, lwork, &info, queue);

            // Do test 1
            lapackf77_dget22("N", "N", "N", &N, h_A, &lda, VR, &lda, w1, w1i,
                             h_work, res);
            result[0] = res[0];
            result[0] *= ulp;

            // Do test 2
            lapackf77_dget22("T", "N", "T", &N, h_A, &lda, VL, &lda, w1, w1i,
                             h_work, &result[1]);
            result[1] *= ulp;

            // Do test 3
            result[2] = -1.;
            for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
              tnrm = 1.;
              if (w1i[j] == 0.)
                tnrm = cblas_dnrm2(N, &VR[j * lda], ione);
              else if (w1i[j] > 0.)
                tnrm = magma_dlapy2( cblas_dnrm2(N, &VR[j    * lda], ione),
                                     cblas_dnrm2(N, &VR[(j+1)* lda], ione) );
              result[2] = fmax(result[2], fmin(ulpinv, magma_abs(tnrm-1.)/ulp));
              if (w1i[j] > 0.)
                  vmx  = vrmx = 0.;
                  for (jj = 0; jj <N; ++jj) {
                    vtst = magma_dlapy2( VR[jj+j*lda], VR[jj+(j+1)*lda]);
                    if (vtst > vmx)
                      vmx = vtst;
                    if ( (VR[jj + (j+1)*lda])==0. &&
                         magma_abs( VR[jj+j*lda] ) > vrmx)
                      vrmx = magma_abs( VR[jj+j*lda] );
                  if (vrmx / vmx < 1. - ulp * 2.)
                    result[2] = ulpinv;
            result[2] *= ulp;

            // Do test 4
            result[3] = -1.;
            for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
              tnrm = 1.;
              if (w1i[j] == 0.)
                tnrm = cblas_dnrm2(N, &VL[j * lda], ione);
              else if (w1i[j] > 0.)
                tnrm = magma_dlapy2( cblas_dnrm2(N, &VL[j    * lda], ione),
                                     cblas_dnrm2(N, &VL[(j+1)* lda], ione) );

              result[3] = fmax(result[3], fmin(ulpinv, magma_abs(tnrm-1.)/ulp));

              if (w1i[j] > 0.)
                  vmx  = vrmx = 0.;
                  for (jj = 0; jj <N; ++jj) {
                    vtst = magma_dlapy2( VL[jj+j*lda], VL[jj+(j+1)*lda]);
                    if (vtst > vmx)
                      vmx = vtst;

                    if ( (VL[jj + (j+1)*lda])==0. &&
                         magma_abs( VL[jj+j*lda]) > vrmx)
                      vrmx = magma_abs( VL[jj+j*lda] );
                  if (vrmx / vmx < 1. - ulp * 2.)
                    result[3] = ulpinv;
            result[3] *= ulp;

            // Compute eigenvalues only, and test them
            lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &N, &N, h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda );
            magma_dgeev(MagmaNoVec, MagmaNoVec,
                        N, h_R, lda, w2, w2i,
                        &DUM, 1, &DUM, 1,
                        h_work, lwork, &info, queue);

            if (info != 0) {
              result[0] = ulpinv;
              info = abs(info);
              printf("Info = %d fo case N, N\n", (int) info);

            // Do test 5
            result[4] = 1;
            for (j = 0; j < N; ++j)
              if ( w1[j] != w2[j] || w1i[j] != w2i[j] )
                result[4] = 0;
            //if (result[4] == 0) printf("test 5 failed with N N\n");

            // Compute eigenvalues and right eigenvectors, and test them
            lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &N, &N, h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda );
            magma_dgeev(MagmaNoVec, MagmaVec,
                        N, h_R, lda, w2, w2i,
                        &DUM, 1, LRE, lda,
                        h_work, lwork, &info, queue);

            if (info != 0) {
              result[0] = ulpinv;
              info = abs(info);
              printf("Info = %d fo case N, V\n", (int) info);

            // Do test 5 again
            result[4] = 1;
            for (j = 0; j < N; ++j)
              if ( w1[j] != w2[j] || w1i[j] != w2i[j] )
                result[4] = 0;
            //if (result[4] == 0) printf("test 5 failed with N V\n");

            // Do test 6
            result[5] = 1;
            for (j = 0; j < N; ++j)
              for (jj = 0; jj < N; ++jj)
                if ( VR[j+jj*lda] != LRE[j+jj*lda] )
                  result[5] = 0;
            // Compute eigenvalues and left eigenvectors, and test them
            lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &N, &N, h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda );
            magma_dgeev(MagmaVec, MagmaNoVec,
                        N, h_R, lda, w2, w2i,
                        LRE, lda, &DUM, 1,
                        h_work, lwork, &info, queue);

            if (info != 0) {
              result[0] = ulpinv;

              info = abs(info);
              printf("Info = %d fo case V, N\n", (int) info);

            // Do test 5 again
            result[4] = 1;
            for (j = 0; j < N; ++j)
              if ( w1[j] != w2[j] || w1i[j] != w2i[j] )
                result[4] = 0;
            //if (result[4] == 0) printf("test 5 failed with V N\n");
            // Do test 7
            result[6] = 1;
            for (j = 0; j < N; ++j)
              for (jj = 0; jj < N; ++jj)
                if ( VL[j+jj*lda] != LRE[j+jj*lda] )
                  result[6] = 0;
            printf("Test 1: | A * VR - VR * W | / ( n |A| ) = %e\n", result[0]);
            printf("Test 2: | A'* VL - VL * W'| / ( n |A| ) = %e\n", result[1]);
            printf("Test 3: |  |VR(i)| - 1    |             = %e\n", result[2]);
            printf("Test 4: |  |VL(i)| - 1    |             = %e\n", result[3]);
            printf("Test 5:   W (full)  ==  W (partial)     = %f\n", result[4]);
            printf("Test 6:  VR (full)  == VR (partial)     = %f\n", result[5]);
            printf("Test 7:  VL (full)  == VL (partial)     = %f\n", result[6]);


            matnorm = lapackf77_dlange("f", &N, &ione, w1, &N, h_work);
            blasf77_daxpy(&N, &c_neg_one, w1, &ione, w2, &ione);

            result[7] = lapackf77_dlange("f", &N, &ione, w2, &N, h_work) / matnorm;

            printf("%5d     %6.2f         %6.2f         %e\n",
                   (int) N, cpu_time, gpu_time, result[7]);

            TESTING_FREE_PIN( LRE );
            printf("%5d     %6.2f         %6.2f\n",
                   (int) N, cpu_time, gpu_time);

        if (argc != 1)

    /* Memory clean up */
    TESTING_FREE_CPU( w1  );
    TESTING_FREE_CPU( w2  );
    TESTING_FREE_CPU( w1i );
    TESTING_FREE_CPU( w2i );
    TESTING_FREE_PIN( h_work );

    /* Shutdown */
    magma_queue_destroy( queue );
Esempio n. 18
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dpotrf
int main( int argc, char** argv)

    real_Double_t   gflops, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    double *h_A, *h_R;
    double *d_A;
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    magma_int_t N, n2, lda, ldda, info;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    double      work[1], error;
    magma_int_t status = 0;

    magma_opts opts;
    parse_opts( argc, argv, &opts );
    opts.lapack |= opts.check;  // check (-c) implies lapack (-l)
    double tol = opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("E");
    printf("    N   CPU GFlop/s (sec)   GPU GFlop/s (sec)   ||R||_F / ||A||_F\n");
    for( int i = 0; i < opts.ntest; ++i ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            N = opts.nsize[i];
            lda    = N;
            n2     = lda*N;
            ldda   = ((N+31)/32)*32;
            gflops = FLOPS_DPOTRI( N ) / 1e9;
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A, double, n2 );
            TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_R, double, n2 );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_A, double, ldda*N );
            /* Initialize the matrix */
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
            magma_dmake_hpd( N, h_A, lda );
            lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &N, &N, h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda );
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA
               =================================================================== */
            /* factorize matrix */
            magma_dsetmatrix( N, N, h_A, lda, d_A, ldda );
            magma_dpotrf_gpu( opts.uplo, N, d_A, ldda, &info );
            // check for exact singularity
            //magma_dgetmatrix( N, N, d_A, ldda, h_R, lda );
            //h_R[ 10 + 10*lda ] = MAGMA_D_MAKE( 0.0, 0.0 );
            //magma_dsetmatrix( N, N, h_R, lda, d_A, ldda );
            gpu_time = magma_wtime();
            magma_dpotri_gpu( opts.uplo, N, d_A, ldda, &info );
            gpu_time = magma_wtime() - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gflops / gpu_time;
            if (info != 0)
                printf("magma_dpotri_gpu returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.lapack ) {
                lapackf77_dpotrf( &opts.uplo, &N, h_A, &lda, &info );
                cpu_time = magma_wtime();
                lapackf77_dpotri( &opts.uplo, &N, h_A, &lda, &info );
                cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
                cpu_perf = gflops / cpu_time;
                if (info != 0)
                    printf("lapackf77_dpotri returned error %d: %s.\n",
                           (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
                /* =====================================================================
                   Check the result compared to LAPACK
                   =================================================================== */
                magma_dgetmatrix( N, N, d_A, ldda, h_R, lda );
                error = lapackf77_dlange("f", &N, &N, h_A, &lda, work);
                blasf77_daxpy(&n2, &c_neg_one, h_A, &ione, h_R, &ione);
                error = lapackf77_dlange("f", &N, &N, h_R, &lda, work) / error;
                printf("%5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %8.2e%s\n",
                       (int) N, cpu_perf, cpu_time, gpu_perf, gpu_time,
                       error, (error < tol ? "" : "  failed") );
                status |= ! (error < tol);
            else {
                printf("%5d     ---   (  ---  )   %7.2f (%7.2f)     ---\n",
                       (int) N, gpu_perf, gpu_time );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_A );
            TESTING_FREE_PIN( h_R );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_A );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );

    return status;
Esempio n. 19
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dgetrf
int main( int argc, char** argv)

    real_Double_t   gflops, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf=0, cpu_time=0;
    double          error;
    double *h_A, *h_R;
    magmaDouble_ptr d_A;
    magma_int_t     *ipiv;
    magma_int_t M, N, n2, lda, ldda, info, min_mn;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    magma_int_t status = 0;

    magma_opts opts;
    opts.parse_opts( argc, argv );

    double tol = opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("E");
    printf("%%   M     N   CPU Gflop/s (ms)    GPU Gflop/s (ms)  Copy time (ms)  ||PA-LU||/(||A||*N)\n");
    for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            M = opts.msize[itest];
            N = opts.nsize[itest];
            min_mn = min(M, N);
            lda    = M;
            n2     = lda*N;
            ldda   = magma_roundup( M, opts.align );  // multiple of 32 by default
            gflops = FLOPS_DGETRF( M, N ) / 1e9;
            if ( N > 512 ) {
                printf( "%5d %5d   skipping because dgetf2 does not support N > 512\n", (int) M, (int) N );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( ipiv, magma_int_t,        min_mn );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A,  double, n2     );
            TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_R,  double, n2     );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_A,  double, ldda*N );
            /* Initialize the matrix */
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
            lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaFullStr, &M, &N, h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda );

            real_Double_t set_time = magma_wtime();
            magma_dsetmatrix( M, N, h_R, lda, d_A, ldda, opts.queue );
            set_time =  magma_wtime() - set_time;

            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.lapack ) {
                cpu_time = magma_wtime();
                lapackf77_dgetrf( &M, &N, h_A, &lda, ipiv, &info );
                cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
                cpu_perf = gflops / cpu_time;
                if (info != 0) {
                    printf("lapackf77_dgetrf returned error %d: %s.\n",
                           (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA
               =================================================================== */
            gpu_time = magma_sync_wtime( opts.queue );
            magma_dgetf2_gpu( M, N, d_A, ldda, ipiv, opts.queue, &info );
            gpu_time = magma_sync_wtime( opts.queue ) - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gflops / gpu_time;
            if (info != 0) {
                printf("magma_dgetf2_gpu returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            real_Double_t get_time = magma_wtime();
            magma_dgetmatrix( M, N, d_A, ldda, h_A, lda, opts.queue );
            get_time =  magma_wtime() - get_time;

            /* =====================================================================
               Check the factorization
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.lapack ) {
                printf("%5d %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f",
                       (int) M, (int) N, cpu_perf, cpu_time*1000., gpu_perf, gpu_time*1000.,
            else {
                printf("%5d %5d     ---   (  ---  )   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f",
                       (int) M, (int) N, gpu_perf, gpu_time*1000., set_time*1000.+get_time*1000. );
            if ( opts.check ) {
                magma_dgetmatrix( M, N, d_A, ldda, h_A, lda, opts.queue );
                error = get_LU_error( M, N, h_R, lda, h_A, ipiv );
                printf("   %8.2e   %s\n", error, (error < tol ? "ok" : "failed") );
                status += ! (error < tol);
            else {
                printf("     ---  \n");
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( ipiv );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_A );
            TESTING_FREE_PIN( h_R );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_A );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );

    return status;
Esempio n. 20
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dlarfb_gpu
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    double c_zero    = MAGMA_D_ZERO;
    double c_one     = MAGMA_D_ONE;
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    magma_int_t ione =  1;
    printf( "\nUsage: %s -M m -N n -K k\n\n", argv[0] );

    magma_int_t m = 500;
    magma_int_t n = 300;
    magma_int_t k = 32;
    for( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) {
        if      (strcmp("-M", argv[i]) == 0 && i+1 < argc) {
            m = atoi( argv[++i] );
        else if (strcmp("-N", argv[i]) == 0 && i+1 < argc) {
            n = atoi( argv[++i] );
        else if (strcmp("-K", argv[i]) == 0 && i+1 < argc) {
            k = atoi( argv[++i] );
        else {
            printf( "invalid argument: %s\n", argv[i] );
    if ( k <= 0 || k > m || k > n ) {
        printf( "requires 0 < k <= min(m,n)\n" );
    magma_int_t ldc = m;
    magma_int_t ldv = max(m,n);
    magma_int_t ldt = k;
    magma_int_t ldw = max(m,n);
    magma_int_t nv;
    ldc = ((ldc+31)/32)*32;
    ldv = ((ldv+31)/32)*32;
    ldt = ((ldt+31)/32)*32; 
    ldw = ((ldw+31)/32)*32;
    // Allocate memory for matrices
    double *C, *R, *V, *T, *W;
    TESTING_MALLOC( C, double, ldc*n );
    TESTING_MALLOC( R, double, ldc*n );
    TESTING_MALLOC( V, double, ldv*k );
    TESTING_MALLOC( T, double, ldt*k );
    TESTING_MALLOC( W, double, ldw*k );
    double *dC, *dV, *dT, *dW;
    TESTING_DEVALLOC( dC, double, ldc*n );
    TESTING_DEVALLOC( dV, double, ldv*k );
    TESTING_DEVALLOC( dT, double, ldt*k );
    TESTING_DEVALLOC( dW, double, ldw*k );
    magma_int_t size;
    magma_int_t iseed[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
    double error, work[1];
    // test all combinations of input parameters
    const char* side[]   = { MagmaLeftStr,       MagmaRightStr    };
    const char* trans[]  = { MagmaTransStr,  MagmaNoTransStr  };
    const char* direct[] = { MagmaForwardStr,    MagmaBackwardStr };
    const char* storev[] = { MagmaColumnwiseStr, MagmaRowwiseStr  };

    printf("    M     N     K  storev     side       direct     trans       ||R||_F / ||HC||_F\n");
    for( int istor = 0; istor < 2; ++istor ) {
    for( int iside = 0; iside < 2; ++iside ) {
    for( int idir  = 0; idir  < 2; ++idir  ) {
    for( int itran = 0; itran < 2; ++itran ) {
        //printf( "# ----------\n" );
        //printf( "# %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s\n", storev[istor], side[iside], direct[idir], trans[itran] );
        // C is full
        size = ldc*n;
        lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, iseed, &size, C );
        //printf( "C=" );  magma_dprint( m, n, C, ldc );
        // V is ldv x nv. See larfb docs for description.
        ldv  = (*side[iside] == 'L' ? m : n);
        nv   = k;
        size = ldv*nv;
        lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, iseed, &size, V );
        if ( *storev[istor] == MagmaColumnwise ) {
            if ( *direct[idir] == MagmaForward ) {
                lapackf77_dlaset( MagmaUpperStr, &k, &k, &c_zero, &c_one, V, &ldv );
            else {
                lapackf77_dlaset( MagmaLowerStr, &k, &k, &c_zero, &c_one, &V[(ldv-k)], &ldv );
        else {
            // rowwise, swap V's dimensions
            std::swap( ldv, nv );
            if ( *direct[idir] == MagmaForward ) {
                lapackf77_dlaset( MagmaLowerStr, &k, &k, &c_zero, &c_one, V, &ldv );
            else {
                lapackf77_dlaset( MagmaUpperStr, &k, &k, &c_zero, &c_one, &V[(nv-k)*ldv], &ldv );
        //printf( "# ldv %d, nv %d\n", ldv, nv );
        //printf( "V=" );  magma_dprint( ldv, nv, V, ldv );
        // T is upper triangular for forward, and lower triangular for backward
        magma_int_t k1 = k-1;
        size = ldt*k;
        lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, iseed, &size, T );
        if ( *direct[idir] == MagmaForward ) {
            lapackf77_dlaset( MagmaLowerStr, &k1, &k1, &c_zero, &c_zero, &T[1], &ldt );
        else {
            lapackf77_dlaset( MagmaUpperStr, &k1, &k1, &c_zero, &c_zero, &T[1*ldt], &ldt );
        //printf( "T=" );  magma_dprint( k, k, T, ldt );
        magma_dsetmatrix( m,   n,  C, ldc, dC, ldc );
        magma_dsetmatrix( ldv, nv, V, ldv, dV, ldv );
        magma_dsetmatrix( k,   k,  T, ldt, dT, ldt );
        lapackf77_dlarfb( side[iside], trans[itran], direct[idir], storev[istor],
                          &m, &n, &k,
                          V, &ldv, T, &ldt, C, &ldc, W, &ldw );
        //printf( "HC=" );  magma_dprint( m, n, C, ldc );
        magma_dlarfb_gpu( *side[iside], *trans[itran], *direct[idir], *storev[istor],
                          m, n, k,
                          dV, ldv, dT, ldt, dC, ldc, dW, ldw );
        magma_dgetmatrix( m, n, dC, ldc, R, ldc );
        //printf( "dHC=" );  magma_dprint( m, n, R, ldc );
        // compute relative error |HC_magma - HC_lapack| / |HC_lapack|
        error = lapackf77_dlange( "Fro", &m, &n, C, &ldc, work );
        size = ldc*n;
        blasf77_daxpy( &size, &c_neg_one, C, &ione, R, &ione );
        error = lapackf77_dlange( "Fro", &m, &n, R, &ldc, work ) / error;
        printf( "%5d %5d %5d  %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s  %8.2e\n",
                (int) m, (int) n, (int) k,
                storev[istor], side[iside], direct[idir], trans[itran], error );
    // Memory clean up
    // Shutdown
    return 0;
Esempio n. 21
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dgesv_gpu
int main(int argc, char **argv)

    real_Double_t   gflops, cpu_perf, cpu_time, gpu_perf, gpu_time;
    double          error, Rnorm, Anorm, Xnorm, *work;
    double c_one     = MAGMA_D_ONE;
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    double *h_A, *h_B, *h_X;
    magmaDouble_ptr d_A, d_B;
    magma_int_t *ipiv;
    magma_int_t N, nrhs, lda, ldb, ldda, lddb, info, sizeA, sizeB;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    magma_int_t status = 0;
    magma_opts opts;
    opts.parse_opts( argc, argv );
    double tol = opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("E");
    nrhs = opts.nrhs;
    printf("%%   N  NRHS   CPU Gflop/s (sec)   GPU Gflop/s (sec)   ||B - AX|| / N*||A||*||X||\n");
    for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            N = opts.nsize[itest];
            lda    = N;
            ldb    = lda;
            ldda   = magma_roundup( N, opts.align );  // multiple of 32 by default
            lddb   = ldda;
            gflops = ( FLOPS_DGETRF( N, N ) + FLOPS_DGETRS( N, nrhs ) ) / 1e9;
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A, double, lda*N    );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_B, double, ldb*nrhs );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_X, double, ldb*nrhs );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( work, double,      N );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( ipiv, magma_int_t, N );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_A, double, ldda*N    );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_B, double, lddb*nrhs );
            /* Initialize the matrices */
            sizeA = lda*N;
            sizeB = ldb*nrhs;
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &sizeA, h_A );
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &sizeB, h_B );
            magma_dsetmatrix( N, N,    h_A, lda, d_A, ldda, opts.queue );
            magma_dsetmatrix( N, nrhs, h_B, ldb, d_B, lddb, opts.queue );
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA
               =================================================================== */
            gpu_time = magma_wtime();
            magma_dgesv_gpu( N, nrhs, d_A, ldda, ipiv, d_B, lddb, &info );
            gpu_time = magma_wtime() - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gflops / gpu_time;
            if (info != 0) {
                printf("magma_dgesv_gpu returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            // Residual
            magma_dgetmatrix( N, nrhs, d_B, lddb, h_X, ldb, opts.queue );
            Anorm = lapackf77_dlange("I", &N, &N,    h_A, &lda, work);
            Xnorm = lapackf77_dlange("I", &N, &nrhs, h_X, &ldb, work);
            blasf77_dgemm( MagmaNoTransStr, MagmaNoTransStr, &N, &nrhs, &N,
                           &c_one,     h_A, &lda,
                                       h_X, &ldb,
                           &c_neg_one, h_B, &ldb);
            Rnorm = lapackf77_dlange("I", &N, &nrhs, h_B, &ldb, work);
            error = Rnorm/(N*Anorm*Xnorm);
            status += ! (error < tol);
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.lapack ) {
                cpu_time = magma_wtime();
                lapackf77_dgesv( &N, &nrhs, h_A, &lda, ipiv, h_B, &ldb, &info );
                cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
                cpu_perf = gflops / cpu_time;
                if (info != 0) {
                    printf("lapackf77_dgesv returned error %d: %s.\n",
                           (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
                printf( "%5d %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %8.2e   %s\n",
                        (int) N, (int) nrhs, cpu_perf, cpu_time, gpu_perf, gpu_time,
                        error, (error < tol ? "ok" : "failed"));
            else {
                printf( "%5d %5d     ---   (  ---  )   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %8.2e   %s\n",
                        (int) N, (int) nrhs, gpu_perf, gpu_time,
                        error, (error < tol ? "ok" : "failed"));
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_A );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_B );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_X );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( work );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( ipiv );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_A );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_B );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );

    return status;
Esempio n. 22
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dgetrf
int main( int argc, char** argv )

    real_Double_t   gflops, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    double *h_A, *h_R, *work;
    magmaDouble_ptr d_A, dwork;
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    magma_int_t N, n2, lda, ldda, info, lwork, ldwork;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    double tmp;
    double error, rwork[1];
    magma_int_t *ipiv;
    magma_int_t status = 0;
    magma_opts opts;
    parse_opts( argc, argv, &opts );
    opts.lapack |= opts.check;  // check (-c) implies lapack (-l)
    // need looser bound (3000*eps instead of 30*eps) for tests
    // TODO: should compute ||I - A*A^{-1}|| / (n*||A||*||A^{-1}||)
    opts.tolerance = max( 3000., opts.tolerance );
    double tol = opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("E");
    printf("    N   CPU GFlop/s (sec)   GPU GFlop/s (sec)   ||R||_F / (N*||A||_F)\n");
    for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            N = opts.nsize[itest];
            lda    = N;
            n2     = lda*N;
            ldda   = ((N+31)/32)*32;
            ldwork = N * magma_get_dgetri_nb( N );
            gflops = FLOPS_DGETRI( N ) / 1e9;
            // query for workspace size
            lwork = -1;
            lapackf77_dgetri( &N, NULL, &lda, NULL, &tmp, &lwork, &info );
            if (info != 0)
                printf("lapackf77_dgetri returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            lwork = int( MAGMA_D_REAL( tmp ));
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( ipiv,  magma_int_t,        N      );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( work,  double, lwork  );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A,   double, n2     );
            TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_R,   double, n2     );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_A,   double, ldda*N );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dwork, double, ldwork );
            /* Initialize the matrix */
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
            error = lapackf77_dlange( "f", &N, &N, h_A, &lda, rwork );  // norm(A)
            /* Factor the matrix. Both MAGMA and LAPACK will use this factor. */
            magma_dsetmatrix( N, N, h_A, lda, d_A, 0, ldda, opts.queue );
            magma_dgetrf_gpu( N, N, d_A, 0, ldda, ipiv, opts.queue, &info );
            magma_dgetmatrix( N, N, d_A, 0, ldda, h_A, lda, opts.queue );
            if ( info != 0 )
                printf("magma_dgetrf_gpu returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            // check for exact singularity
            //h_A[ 10 + 10*lda ] = MAGMA_D_MAKE( 0.0, 0.0 );
            //magma_dsetmatrix( N, N, h_A, lda, d_A, 0, ldda, opts.queue );
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA
               =================================================================== */
            gpu_time = magma_wtime();
            magma_dgetri_gpu( N, d_A, 0, ldda, ipiv, dwork, 0, ldwork, opts.queues2, &info );
            gpu_time = magma_wtime() - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gflops / gpu_time;
            if (info != 0)
                printf("magma_dgetri_gpu returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            magma_dgetmatrix( N, N, d_A, 0, ldda, h_R, lda, opts.queue );
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.lapack ) {
                cpu_time = magma_wtime();
                lapackf77_dgetri( &N, h_A, &lda, ipiv, work, &lwork, &info );
                cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
                cpu_perf = gflops / cpu_time;
                if (info != 0)
                    printf("lapackf77_dgetri returned error %d: %s.\n",
                           (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
                /* =====================================================================
                   Check the result compared to LAPACK
                   =================================================================== */
                blasf77_daxpy( &n2, &c_neg_one, h_A, &ione, h_R, &ione );
                error = lapackf77_dlange( "f", &N, &N, h_R, &lda, rwork ) / (N*error);
                printf( "%5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %8.2e   %s\n",
                        (int) N, cpu_perf, cpu_time, gpu_perf, gpu_time,
                        error, (error < tol ? "ok" : "failed"));
                status += ! (error < tol);
            else {
                printf( "%5d     ---   (  ---  )   %7.2f (%7.2f)     ---\n",
                        (int) N, gpu_perf, gpu_time );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( ipiv  );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( work  );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_A   );
            TESTING_FREE_PIN( h_R   );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_A   );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( dwork );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );

    return status;
Esempio n. 23
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dsyevd
int main( int argc, char** argv)

    real_Double_t   gpu_time, cpu_time;
    double *h_A, *h_R, *h_work;
    double *w1, *w2;
    magma_int_t *iwork;
    magma_int_t N, n2, info, lwork, liwork, lda, aux_iwork[1];
    magma_int_t izero    = 0;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    double result[3], eps, aux_work[1];
    eps = lapackf77_dlamch( "E" );
    magma_int_t status = 0;

    magma_opts opts;
    parse_opts( argc, argv, &opts );

    double tol    = opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("E");
    double tolulp = opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("P");
    if ( opts.check && opts.jobz == MagmaNoVec ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "checking results requires vectors; setting jobz=V (option -JV)\n" );
        opts.jobz = MagmaVec;
    printf("using: jobz = %s, uplo = %s\n",
           lapack_vec_const(opts.jobz), lapack_uplo_const(opts.uplo));

    printf("    N   CPU Time (sec)   GPU Time (sec)\n");
    for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            N = opts.nsize[itest];
            n2  = N*N;
            lda = N;
            // query for workspace sizes
            magma_dsyevd( opts.jobz, opts.uplo,
                          N, NULL, lda, NULL,
                          aux_work,  -1,
                          aux_iwork, -1,
                          opts.queue, &info );
            lwork  = (magma_int_t) aux_work[0];
            liwork = aux_iwork[0];
            /* Allocate host memory for the matrix */
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A,    double, N*lda );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( w1,     double, N     );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( w2,     double, N     );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( iwork,  magma_int_t, liwork );
            TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_R,    double, N*lda  );
            TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_work, double, lwork  );
            /* Initialize the matrix */
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
            lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &N, &N, h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda );
            /* warm up run */
            if ( opts.warmup ) {
                magma_dsyevd( opts.jobz, opts.uplo,
                              N, h_R, lda, w1,
                              h_work, lwork,
                              iwork, liwork,
                              opts.queue, &info );
                if (info != 0)
                    printf("magma_dsyevd returned error %d: %s.\n",
                           (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
                lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &N, &N, h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda );
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA
               =================================================================== */
            gpu_time = magma_wtime();
            magma_dsyevd( opts.jobz, opts.uplo,
                          N, h_R, lda, w1,
                          h_work, lwork,
                          iwork, liwork,
                          opts.queue, &info );
            gpu_time = magma_wtime() - gpu_time;
            if (info != 0)
                printf("magma_dsyevd returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            if ( opts.check ) {
                /* =====================================================================
                   Check the results following the LAPACK's [zcds]drvst routine.
                   A is factored as A = U S U' and the following 3 tests computed:
                   (1)    | A - U S U' | / ( |A| N )
                   (2)    | I - U'U | / ( N )
                   (3)    | S(with U) - S(w/o U) | / | S |
                   =================================================================== */
                double temp1, temp2;
                // tau=NULL is unused since itype=1
                lapackf77_dsyt21( &ione, lapack_uplo_const(opts.uplo), &N, &izero,
                                  h_A, &lda,
                                  w1, h_work,
                                  h_R, &lda,
                                  h_R, &lda,
                                  NULL, h_work, &result[0] );
                lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &N, &N, h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda );
                magma_dsyevd( MagmaNoVec, opts.uplo,
                              N, h_R, lda, w2,
                              h_work, lwork,
                              iwork, liwork,
                              opts.queue, &info );
                if (info != 0)
                    printf("magma_dsyevd returned error %d: %s.\n",
                           (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
                temp1 = temp2 = 0;
                for( int j=0; j<N; j++ ) {
                    temp1 = max(temp1, fabs(w1[j]));
                    temp1 = max(temp1, fabs(w2[j]));
                    temp2 = max(temp2, fabs(w1[j]-w2[j]));
                result[2] = temp2 / (((double)N)*temp1);
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.lapack ) {
                cpu_time = magma_wtime();
                lapackf77_dsyevd( lapack_vec_const(opts.jobz), lapack_uplo_const(opts.uplo),
                                  &N, h_A, &lda, w2,
                                  h_work, &lwork,
                                  iwork, &liwork,
                                  &info );
                cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
                if (info != 0)
                    printf("lapackf77_dsyevd returned error %d: %s.\n",
                           (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
                printf("%5d   %7.2f          %7.2f\n",
                       (int) N, cpu_time, gpu_time);
            else {
                printf("%5d     ---            %7.2f\n",
                       (int) N, gpu_time);
            /* =====================================================================
               Print execution time
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.check ) {
                printf("Testing the factorization A = U S U' for correctness:\n");
                printf("(1)    | A - U S U' | / (|A| N)     = %8.2e   %s\n",   result[0]*eps, (result[0]*eps < tol ? "ok" : "failed") );
                printf("(2)    | I -   U'U  | /  N          = %8.2e   %s\n",   result[1]*eps, (result[1]*eps < tol ? "ok" : "failed") );
                printf("(3)    | S(w/ U) - S(w/o U) | / |S| = %8.2e   %s\n\n", result[2]    , (result[2]  < tolulp ? "ok" : "failed") );
                status += ! (result[0]*eps < tol && result[1]*eps < tol && result[2] < tolulp);
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_A   );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( w1    );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( w2    );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( iwork );
            TESTING_FREE_PIN( h_R    );
            TESTING_FREE_PIN( h_work );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );
    return status;
Esempio n. 24
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dgeqrs_gpu
int main( int argc, char** argv)
//#if defined(PRECISION_s)
    /* Initialize */
    magma_queue_t  queue;
    magma_device_t device[ MagmaMaxGPUs ];
    int num = 0;
    magma_err_t err;
    err = magma_get_devices( device, MagmaMaxGPUs, &num );
    if ( err != 0 || num < 1 ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "magma_get_devices failed: %d\n", err );
    err = magma_queue_create( device[0], &queue );
    if ( err != 0 ) {
        fprintf( stderr, "magma_queue_create failed: %d\n", err );
    real_Double_t gflops, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    double           matnorm, work[1];
    double  c_one     = MAGMA_D_ONE;
    double  c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    double *h_A, *h_A2, *h_B, *h_X, *h_R, *tau, *hwork, tmp[1];
    magmaDouble_ptr d_A, d_B;

    /* Matrix size */
    magma_int_t M = 0, N = 0, n2;
    magma_int_t lda, ldb, ldda, lddb, lworkgpu, lhwork;
    magma_int_t size[7] = {1024,2048,3072,4032,5184,6016,7000};

    magma_int_t i, info, min_mn, nb, l1, l2;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t nrhs     = 3;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};

    if (argc != 1){
        for(i = 1; i<argc; i++){
            if (strcmp("-N", argv[i])==0)
                N = atoi(argv[++i]);
            else if (strcmp("-M", argv[i])==0)
                M = atoi(argv[++i]);
            else if (strcmp("-nrhs", argv[i])==0)
                nrhs = atoi(argv[++i]);
        if (N>0 && M>0 && M >= N)
            printf("  testing_dgeqrs_gpu -nrhs %d -M %d -N %d\n\n", nrhs, M, N);
                printf("\nUsage: \n");
                printf("  testing_dgeqrs_gpu -nrhs %d  -M %d  -N %d\n\n", nrhs, M, N);
                printf("  M has to be >= N, exit.\n");
    else {
        printf("\nUsage: \n");
        printf("  testing_dgeqrs_gpu -nrhs %d  -M %d  -N %d\n\n", nrhs, 1024, 1024);
        M = N = size[6];

    ldda   = ((M+31)/32)*32;
    lddb   = ldda;
    n2     = M * N;
    min_mn = min(M, N);
    nb     = magma_get_dgeqrf_nb(M);
    lda = ldb = M;
    lworkgpu = (M-N + nb)*(nrhs+2*nb);

    /* Allocate host memory for the matrix */
    TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( tau,  double, min_mn   );
    TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_A,  double, lda*N    );
    TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_A2, double, lda*N    );
    TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_B,  double, ldb*nrhs );
    TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_X,  double, ldb*nrhs );
    TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_R,  double, ldb*nrhs );

    TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_A, double, ldda*N      );
    TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_B, double, lddb*nrhs   );

     * Get size for host workspace
    lhwork = -1;
    lapackf77_dgeqrf(&M, &N, h_A, &M, tau, tmp, &lhwork, &info);
    l1 = (magma_int_t)MAGMA_D_REAL( tmp[0] );
    lhwork = -1;
    lapackf77_dormqr( MagmaLeftStr, MagmaTransStr,
                      &M, &nrhs, &min_mn, h_A, &lda, tau,
                      h_X, &ldb, tmp, &lhwork, &info);
    l2 = (magma_int_t)MAGMA_D_REAL( tmp[0] );
    lhwork = max( max( l1, l2 ), lworkgpu );

    TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( hwork, double, lhwork );

    printf("                                         ||b-Ax|| / (N||A||)\n");
    printf("  M     N    CPU GFlop/s   GPU GFlop/s      CPU      GPU    \n");
    for(i=0; i<7; i++){
        if (argc == 1){
            M = N = size[i];
        min_mn= min(M, N);
        ldb = lda = M;
        n2    = lda*N;
        ldda  = ((M+31)/32)*32;
        gflops = (FLOPS_GEQRF( (double)M, (double)N )
                 + FLOPS_GEQRS( (double)M, (double)N, (double)nrhs )) / 1e9;

        /* Initialize the matrices */
        lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
        lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &M, &N, h_A, &lda, h_A2, &lda );

        n2 = M*nrhs;
        lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n2, h_B );
        lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &M, &nrhs, h_B, &ldb, h_R, &ldb );

        /* ====================================================================
           Performs operation using MAGMA
           =================================================================== */
        /* Warm up to measure the performance */
        magma_dsetmatrix( M, N,    h_A, 0, lda, d_A, 0, ldda, queue );
        magma_dsetmatrix( M, nrhs, h_B, 0, ldb, d_B, 0, lddb, queue );
        magma_dgels_gpu( MagmaNoTrans, M, N, nrhs, d_A, 0, ldda,
                         d_B, 0, lddb, hwork, lworkgpu, &info, queue);
        magma_dsetmatrix( M, N,    h_A, 0, lda, d_A, 0, ldda, queue );
        magma_dsetmatrix( M, nrhs, h_B, 0, ldb, d_B, 0, lddb, queue );
        gpu_time = magma_wtime();
        magma_dgels_gpu( MagmaNoTrans, M, N, nrhs, d_A, 0, ldda,
                         d_B, 0, lddb, hwork, lworkgpu, &info, queue);
        gpu_time = magma_wtime() - gpu_time;
        if (info < 0)
            printf("Argument %d of magma_dgels had an illegal value.\n", -info);
        gpu_perf = gflops / gpu_time;

        // Get the solution in h_X
        magma_dgetmatrix( N, nrhs, d_B, 0, lddb, h_X, 0, ldb, queue );

        // compute the residual
        blasf77_dgemm( MagmaNoTransStr, MagmaNoTransStr, &M, &nrhs, &N,
                       &c_neg_one, h_A, &lda,
                                   h_X, &ldb,
                       &c_one,     h_R, &ldb);
        matnorm = lapackf77_dlange("f", &M, &N, h_A, &lda, work);

        /* =====================================================================
           Performs operation using LAPACK
           =================================================================== */
        lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &M, &nrhs, h_B, &ldb, h_X, &ldb );

        cpu_time = magma_wtime();
        lapackf77_dgels( MagmaNoTransStr, &M, &N, &nrhs,
                         h_A, &lda, h_X, &ldb, hwork, &lhwork, &info);
        cpu_time = magma_wtime()-cpu_time;
        cpu_perf = gflops / cpu_time;
        if (info < 0)
          printf("Argument %d of lapackf77_dgels had an illegal value.\n", -info);

        blasf77_dgemm( MagmaNoTransStr, MagmaNoTransStr, &M, &nrhs, &N,
                       &c_neg_one, h_A2, &lda,
                                   h_X,  &ldb,
                       &c_one,     h_B,  &ldb);

        printf("%5d %5d   %6.1f       %6.1f       %7.2e   %7.2e\n",
               M, N, cpu_perf, gpu_perf,
               lapackf77_dlange("f", &M, &nrhs, h_B, &M, work)/(min_mn*matnorm),
               lapackf77_dlange("f", &M, &nrhs, h_R, &M, work)/(min_mn*matnorm) );

        if (argc != 1)

    /* Memory clean up */
    TESTING_FREE_PIN( tau );
    TESTING_FREE_PIN( hwork );

    /* Shutdown */
    magma_queue_destroy( queue );
Esempio n. 25
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dgels
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    real_Double_t    gflops, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    double           gpu_error, cpu_error, error, Anorm, work[1];
    double  c_one     = MAGMA_D_ONE;
    double  c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    double *h_A, *h_A2, *h_B, *h_X, *h_R, *tau, *h_work, tmp[1];
    magmaDouble_ptr d_A, d_B;
    magma_int_t M, N, size, nrhs, lda, ldb, ldda, lddb, min_mn, max_mn, nb, info;
    magma_int_t lworkgpu, lhwork;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};

    magma_opts opts;
    opts.parse_opts( argc, argv );
    magma_int_t status = 0;
    double tol = opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("E");

    nrhs = opts.nrhs;
    printf("%%                                                           ||b-Ax|| / (N||A||)   ||dx-x||/(N||A||)\n");
    printf("%%   M     N  NRHS   CPU Gflop/s (sec)   GPU Gflop/s (sec)   CPU        GPU                         \n");
    for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            M = opts.msize[itest];
            N = opts.nsize[itest];
            if ( M < N ) {
                printf( "%5d %5d %5d   skipping because M < N is not yet supported.\n", (int) M, (int) N, (int) nrhs );
            min_mn = min(M, N);
            max_mn = max(M, N);
            lda    = M;
            ldb    = max_mn;
            ldda   = magma_roundup( M, opts.align );  // multiple of 32 by default
            lddb   = magma_roundup( max_mn, opts.align );  // multiple of 32 by default
            nb     = magma_get_dgeqrf_nb( M, N );
            gflops = (FLOPS_DGEQRF( M, N ) + FLOPS_DGEQRS( M, N, nrhs )) / 1e9;
            lworkgpu = (M - N + nb)*(nrhs + nb) + nrhs*nb;
            // query for workspace size
            lhwork = -1;
            lapackf77_dgels( MagmaNoTransStr, &M, &N, &nrhs,
                             NULL, &lda, NULL, &ldb, tmp, &lhwork, &info );
            lhwork = (magma_int_t) MAGMA_D_REAL( tmp[0] );
            lhwork = max( lhwork, lworkgpu );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( tau,    double, min_mn    );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A,    double, lda*N     );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A2,   double, lda*N     );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_B,    double, ldb*nrhs  );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_X,    double, ldb*nrhs  );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_R,    double, ldb*nrhs  );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_work, double, lhwork    );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_A,    double, ldda*N    );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_B,    double, lddb*nrhs );
            /* Initialize the matrices */
            size = lda*N;
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size, h_A );
            lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaFullStr, &M, &N, h_A, &lda, h_A2, &lda );
            // make random RHS
            size = ldb*nrhs;
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size, h_B );
            lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaFullStr, &M, &nrhs, h_B, &ldb, h_R, &ldb );
            // make consistent RHS
            //size = N*nrhs;
            //lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size, h_X );
            //blasf77_dgemm( MagmaNoTransStr, MagmaNoTransStr, &M, &nrhs, &N,
            //               &c_one,  h_A, &lda,
            //                        h_X, &ldb,
            //               &c_zero, h_B, &ldb );
            //lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaFullStr, &M, &nrhs, h_B, &ldb, h_R, &ldb );
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA
               =================================================================== */
            magma_dsetmatrix( M, N,    h_A, lda, d_A, ldda );
            magma_dsetmatrix( M, nrhs, h_B, ldb, d_B, lddb );
            gpu_time = magma_wtime();
            magma_dgels_gpu( MagmaNoTrans, M, N, nrhs, d_A, ldda,
                             d_B, lddb, h_work, lworkgpu, &info );
            gpu_time = magma_wtime() - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gflops / gpu_time;
            if (info != 0) {
                printf("magma_dgels_gpu returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            // compute the residual
            magma_dgetmatrix( N, nrhs, d_B, lddb, h_X, ldb );
            blasf77_dgemm( MagmaNoTransStr, MagmaNoTransStr, &M, &nrhs, &N,
                           &c_neg_one, h_A, &lda,
                                       h_X, &ldb,
                           &c_one,     h_R, &ldb );
            Anorm = lapackf77_dlange("f", &M, &N, h_A, &lda, work);
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaFullStr, &M, &nrhs, h_B, &ldb, h_X, &ldb );
            cpu_time = magma_wtime();
            lapackf77_dgels( MagmaNoTransStr, &M, &N, &nrhs,
                             h_A, &lda, h_X, &ldb, h_work, &lhwork, &info );
            cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
            cpu_perf = gflops / cpu_time;
            if (info != 0) {
                printf("lapackf77_dgels returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            blasf77_dgemm( MagmaNoTransStr, MagmaNoTransStr, &M, &nrhs, &N,
                           &c_neg_one, h_A2, &lda,
                                       h_X,  &ldb,
                           &c_one,     h_B,  &ldb );
            cpu_error = lapackf77_dlange("f", &M, &nrhs, h_B, &ldb, work) / (min_mn*Anorm);
            gpu_error = lapackf77_dlange("f", &M, &nrhs, h_R, &ldb, work) / (min_mn*Anorm);
            // error relative to LAPACK
            size = M*nrhs;
            blasf77_daxpy( &size, &c_neg_one, h_B, &ione, h_R, &ione );
            error = lapackf77_dlange("f", &M, &nrhs, h_R, &ldb, work) / (min_mn*Anorm);
            printf("%5d %5d %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %8.2e   %8.2e   %8.2e",
                   (int) M, (int) N, (int) nrhs,
                   cpu_perf, cpu_time, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_error, gpu_error, error );
            bool okay;
            if ( M == N ) {
                okay = (gpu_error < tol && error < tol);
            else {
                okay = (error < tol);
            status += ! okay;
            printf( "   %s\n", (okay ? "ok" : "failed"));

            TESTING_FREE_CPU( tau    );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_A    );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_A2   );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_B    );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_X    );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_R    );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_work );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_A    );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_B    );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );

    return status;
Esempio n. 26
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dsyr2k
int main( int argc, char** argv)

    real_Double_t   gflops, cublas_perf, cublas_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    double          cublas_error, Cnorm, work[1];
    magma_int_t N, K;
    magma_int_t Ak, An, Bk, Bn;
    magma_int_t sizeA, sizeB, sizeC;
    magma_int_t lda, ldb, ldc, ldda, lddb, lddc;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    double *h_A, *h_B, *h_C, *h_Ccublas;
    magmaDouble_ptr d_A, d_B, d_C;
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    double alpha = MAGMA_D_MAKE(  0.29, -0.86 );
    double beta  = MAGMA_D_MAKE( -0.48,  0.38 );
    magma_int_t status = 0;
    magma_opts opts;
    opts.parse_opts( argc, argv );
    opts.lapack |= opts.check;  // check (-c) implies lapack (-l)
    double tol = opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("E");
    #ifdef COMPLEX
    if (opts.transA == MagmaTrans) {
        opts.transA = MagmaConjTrans; 
        printf("%% WARNING: transA = MagmaTrans changed to MagmaConjTrans\n");
    printf("%% If running lapack (option --lapack), CUBLAS error is computed\n"
           "%% relative to CPU BLAS result.\n\n");
    printf("%% uplo = %s, transA = %s\n",
           lapack_uplo_const(opts.uplo), lapack_trans_const(opts.transA) );
    printf("%%   N     K   CUBLAS Gflop/s (ms)   CPU Gflop/s (ms)  CUBLAS error\n");
    for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            N = opts.msize[itest];
            K = opts.ksize[itest];
            gflops = FLOPS_DSYR2K(K, N) / 1e9;

            if ( opts.transA == MagmaNoTrans ) {
                lda = An = N;
                Ak = K;
                ldb = Bn = N;
                Bk = K;
            } else {
                lda = An = K;
                Ak = N;
                ldb = Bn = K;
                Bk = N;
            ldc = N;
            ldda = magma_roundup( lda, opts.align );  // multiple of 32 by default
            lddb = magma_roundup( ldb, opts.align );  // multiple of 32 by default
            lddc = magma_roundup( ldc, opts.align );  // multiple of 32 by default
            sizeA = lda*Ak;
            sizeB = ldb*Ak;
            sizeC = ldc*N;
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_A,       double, lda*Ak );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_B,       double, ldb*Bk );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_C,       double, ldc*N  );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( h_Ccublas, double, ldc*N  );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_A, double, ldda*Ak );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_B, double, lddb*Bk );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( d_C, double, lddc*N  );
            /* Initialize the matrices */
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &sizeA, h_A );
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &sizeB, h_B );
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &sizeC, h_C );
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using CUBLAS
               =================================================================== */
            magma_dsetmatrix( An, Ak, h_A, lda, d_A, ldda );
            magma_dsetmatrix( Bn, Bk, h_B, ldb, d_B, lddb );
            magma_dsetmatrix( N, N, h_C, ldc, d_C, lddc );
            magmablasSetKernelStream( opts.queue );  // opts.handle also uses opts.queue
            cublas_time = magma_sync_wtime( opts.queue );
            #ifdef HAVE_CUBLAS
                cublasDsyr2k( opts.handle, cublas_uplo_const(opts.uplo), cublas_trans_const(opts.transA), N, K,
                              &alpha, d_A, ldda,
                                      d_B, lddb,
                              &beta,  d_C, lddc );
                magma_dsyr2k( opts.uplo, opts.transA, N, K,
                              alpha, d_A, 0, ldda,
                                     d_B, 0, lddb,
                              beta,  d_C, 0, lddc, opts.queue );
            cublas_time = magma_sync_wtime( opts.queue ) - cublas_time;
            cublas_perf = gflops / cublas_time;
            magma_dgetmatrix( N, N, d_C, lddc, h_Ccublas, ldc );
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using CPU BLAS
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.lapack ) {
                cpu_time = magma_wtime();
                blasf77_dsyr2k( lapack_uplo_const(opts.uplo), lapack_trans_const(opts.transA), &N, &K,
                               &alpha, h_A, &lda,
                                       h_B, &ldb,
                               &beta,  h_C, &ldc );
                cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
                cpu_perf = gflops / cpu_time;
            /* =====================================================================
               Check the result
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.lapack ) {
                // compute relative error for both magma & cublas, relative to lapack,
                // |C_magma - C_lapack| / |C_lapack|
                Cnorm = lapackf77_dlange( "M", &N, &N, h_C, &ldc, work );
                blasf77_daxpy( &sizeC, &c_neg_one, h_C, &ione, h_Ccublas, &ione );
                cublas_error = lapackf77_dlange( "M", &N, &N, h_Ccublas, &ldc, work ) / Cnorm;
                printf("%5d %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)    %8.2e   %s\n",
                       (int) N, (int) K,
                       cublas_perf, 1000.*cublas_time,
                       cpu_perf,    1000.*cpu_time,
                       cublas_error, (cublas_error < tol ? "ok" : "failed"));
                status += ! (cublas_error < tol);
            else {
                printf("%5d %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)    ---   (  ---  )    ---     ---\n",
                       (int) N, (int) K,
                       cublas_perf, 1000.*cublas_time);
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_A );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_B );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_C );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( h_Ccublas );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_A );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_B );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( d_C );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );

    return status;
Esempio n. 27
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dgeqrf_mgpu
int main( int argc, char** argv )

    real_Double_t    gflops, gpu_perf, gpu_time, cpu_perf=0, cpu_time=0;
    double           error, work[1];
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    double *h_A, *h_R, *tau, *h_work, tmp[1];
    double *d_lA[ MagmaMaxGPUs ];
    magma_int_t M, N, n2, lda, ldda, n_local, ngpu;
    magma_int_t info, min_mn, nb, lhwork;
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1}, ISEED2[4];

    magma_opts opts;
    parse_opts( argc, argv, &opts );
    opts.lapack |= (opts.check == 2);  // check (-c2) implies lapack (-l)

    magma_int_t status = 0;
    double tol, eps = lapackf77_dlamch("E");
    tol = opts.tolerance * eps;

    printf("ngpu %d\n", (int) opts.ngpu );
    if ( opts.check == 1 ) {
        printf("  M     N     CPU GFlop/s (sec)   GPU GFlop/s (sec)   ||R-Q'A||_1 / (M*||A||_1) ||I-Q'Q||_1 / M\n");

    } else {
        printf("    M     N   CPU GFlop/s (sec)   GPU GFlop/s (sec)   ||R||_F /(M*||A||_F)\n");
    for( int i = 0; i < opts.ntest; ++i ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            M = opts.msize[i];
            N = opts.nsize[i];
            min_mn = min(M, N);
            lda    = M;
            n2     = lda*N;
            ldda   = ((M+31)/32)*32;
            nb     = magma_get_dgeqrf_nb( M );
            gflops = FLOPS_DGEQRF( M, N ) / 1e9;

            // ngpu must be at least the number of blocks
            ngpu = min( opts.ngpu, int((N+nb-1)/nb) );
            if ( ngpu < opts.ngpu ) {
                printf( " * too many GPUs for the matrix size, using %d GPUs\n", (int) ngpu );

            // query for workspace size
            lhwork = -1;
            lapackf77_dgeqrf( &M, &N, h_A, &M, tau, tmp, &lhwork, &info );
            lhwork = (magma_int_t) MAGMA_D_REAL( tmp[0] );

            // Allocate host memory for the matrix
            TESTING_MALLOC(    tau,    double, min_mn );
            TESTING_MALLOC(    h_A,    double, n2     );
            TESTING_HOSTALLOC( h_R,    double, n2     );
            TESTING_MALLOC(    h_work, double, lhwork );

            // Allocate device memory
            for( int dev = 0; dev < ngpu; dev++ ) {
                n_local = ((N/nb)/ngpu)*nb;
                if (dev < (N/nb) % ngpu)
                    n_local += nb;
                else if (dev == (N/nb) % ngpu)
                    n_local += N % nb;
                magma_setdevice( dev );
                TESTING_DEVALLOC(  d_lA[dev], double, ldda*n_local );

            /* Initialize the matrix */
            for ( int j=0; j<4; j++ ) ISEED2[j] = ISEED[j]; // saving seeds
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &n2, h_A );
            lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaUpperLowerStr, &M, &N, h_A, &lda, h_R, &lda );

            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.lapack ) {
                double *tau;
                TESTING_MALLOC( tau, double, min_mn );
                cpu_time = magma_wtime();
                lapackf77_dgeqrf( &M, &N, h_A, &M, tau, h_work, &lhwork, &info );
                cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
                cpu_perf = gflops / cpu_time;
                if (info != 0)
                    printf("lapack_dgeqrf returned error %d: %s.\n",
                           (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
                TESTING_FREE( tau );

            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA
               =================================================================== */
            magma_dsetmatrix_1D_col_bcyclic( M, N, h_R, lda, d_lA, ldda, ngpu, nb );

            gpu_time = magma_wtime();
            magma_dgeqrf2_mgpu( ngpu, M, N, d_lA, ldda, tau, &info );
            gpu_time = magma_wtime() - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gflops / gpu_time;
            if (info != 0)
                printf("magma_dgeqrf2 returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));

            magma_dgetmatrix_1D_col_bcyclic( M, N, d_lA, ldda, h_R, lda, ngpu, nb );
            magma_queue_sync( NULL );

            if ( opts.check == 1 ) {
                /* =====================================================================
                   Check the result
                   =================================================================== */
                magma_int_t lwork = n2+N;
                double *h_W1, *h_W2, *h_W3;
                double *h_RW, results[2];

                TESTING_MALLOC( h_W1, double, n2 ); // Q
                TESTING_MALLOC( h_W2, double, n2 ); // R
                TESTING_MALLOC( h_W3, double, lwork ); // WORK
                TESTING_MALLOC( h_RW, double, M );  // RWORK
                lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED2, &n2, h_A );
                lapackf77_dqrt02( &M, &N, &min_mn, h_A, h_R, h_W1, h_W2, &lda, tau, h_W3, &lwork,
                                  h_RW, results );
                results[0] *= eps;
                results[1] *= eps;

                if ( opts.lapack ) {
                    printf("%5d %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %8.2e                 %8.2e",
                           (int) M, (int) N, cpu_perf, cpu_time, gpu_perf, gpu_time, results[0],results[1] );
                    printf("%s\n", (results[0] < tol ? "" : "  failed"));
                } else {
                    printf("%5d %5d     ---   (  ---  )   %7.2f (%7.2f)    %8.2e                 %8.2e",
                           (int) M, (int) N, gpu_perf, gpu_time, results[0],results[1] );
                    printf("%s\n", (results[0] < tol ? "" : "  failed"));
                status |= ! (results[0] < tol);

                TESTING_FREE( h_W1 );
                TESTING_FREE( h_W2 );
                TESTING_FREE( h_W3 );
                TESTING_FREE( h_RW );
            } else if ( opts.check == 2 ) {
                /* =====================================================================
                   Check the result compared to LAPACK
                   =================================================================== */
                error = lapackf77_dlange("f", &M, &N, h_A, &lda, work );
                blasf77_daxpy( &n2, &c_neg_one, h_A, &ione, h_R, &ione );
                error = lapackf77_dlange("f", &M, &N, h_R, &lda, work ) / (min_mn*error);

                printf("%5d %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %8.2e",
                       (int) M, (int) N, cpu_perf, cpu_time, gpu_perf, gpu_time, error );
                printf("%s\n", (error < tol ? "" : "  failed"));
                status |= ! (error < tol);
            else {
                if ( opts.lapack ) {
                    printf("%5d %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)   ---\n",
                           (int) M, (int) N, cpu_perf, cpu_time, gpu_perf, gpu_time );
                } else {
                    printf("%5d %5d     ---   (  ---  )   %7.2f (%7.2f)     ---  \n",
                           (int) M, (int) N, gpu_perf, gpu_time);


            TESTING_FREE( tau );
            TESTING_FREE( h_A );
            TESTING_FREE( h_work );
            TESTING_HOSTFREE( h_R );
            for( int dev=0; dev < ngpu; dev++ ) {
                magma_setdevice( dev );
                TESTING_DEVFREE( d_lA[dev] );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );

    return status;
Esempio n. 28
int main(int argc, char **argv)

    real_Double_t   gflops, magma_perf, magma_time, cublas_perf, cublas_time, cpu_perf, cpu_time;
    double          magma_error, cublas_error, work[1];
    magma_int_t ione     = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};
    magma_int_t M, N, Xm, Ym, lda, sizeA, sizeX, sizeY;
    magma_int_t incx = 1;
    magma_int_t incy = 1;
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    double alpha = MAGMA_D_MAKE(  1.5, -2.3 );
    double beta  = MAGMA_D_MAKE( -0.6,  0.8 );
    double *A, *X, *Y, *Ycublas, *Ymagma;
    double *dA, *dX, *dY;
    magma_int_t status = 0;
    magma_opts opts;
    parse_opts( argc, argv, &opts );
    double tol = opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("E");

    printf("trans = %s\n", lapack_trans_const(opts.transA) );
    printf("    M     N   MAGMA Gflop/s (ms)  CUBLAS Gflop/s (ms)   CPU Gflop/s (ms)  MAGMA error  CUBLAS error\n");
    for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            M = opts.msize[itest];
            N = opts.nsize[itest];
            lda    = ((M+31)/32)*32;
            gflops = FLOPS_DGEMV( M, N ) / 1e9;

            if ( opts.transA == MagmaNoTrans ) {
                Xm = N;
                Ym = M;
            } else {
                Xm = M;
                Ym = N;

            sizeA = lda*N;
            sizeX = incx*Xm;
            sizeY = incy*Ym;
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( A,       double, sizeA );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( X,       double, sizeX );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( Y,       double, sizeY );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( Ycublas, double, sizeY );
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( Ymagma,  double, sizeY );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dA, double, sizeA );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dX, double, sizeX );
            TESTING_MALLOC_DEV( dY, double, sizeY );
            /* Initialize the matrix */
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &sizeA, A );
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &sizeX, X );
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &sizeY, Y );
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using CUBLAS
               =================================================================== */
            magma_dsetmatrix( M, N, A, lda, dA, lda );
            magma_dsetvector( Xm, X, incx, dX, incx );
            magma_dsetvector( Ym, Y, incy, dY, incy );
            cublas_time = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            cublasDgemv( handle, cublas_trans_const(opts.transA),
                         M, N, &alpha, dA, lda, dX, incx, &beta, dY, incy );
            cublas_time = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - cublas_time;
            cublas_perf = gflops / cublas_time;
            magma_dgetvector( Ym, dY, incy, Ycublas, incy );
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMABLAS
               =================================================================== */
            magma_dsetvector( Ym, Y, incy, dY, incy );
            magma_time = magma_sync_wtime( 0 );
            magmablas_dgemv( opts.transA, M, N, alpha, dA, lda, dX, incx, beta, dY, incy );
            magma_time = magma_sync_wtime( 0 ) - magma_time;
            magma_perf = gflops / magma_time;
            magma_dgetvector( Ym, dY, incx, Ymagma, incx );
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using CPU BLAS
               =================================================================== */
            cpu_time = magma_wtime();
            blasf77_dgemv( lapack_trans_const(opts.transA), &M, &N,
                           &alpha, A, &lda,
                                   X, &incx,
                           &beta,  Y, &incy );
            cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
            cpu_perf = gflops / cpu_time;
            /* =====================================================================
               Check the result
               =================================================================== */
            blasf77_daxpy( &Ym, &c_neg_one, Y, &incy, Ymagma, &incy );
            magma_error = lapackf77_dlange( "M", &Ym, &ione, Ymagma, &Ym, work ) / Ym;
            blasf77_daxpy( &Ym, &c_neg_one, Y, &incy, Ycublas, &incy );
            cublas_error = lapackf77_dlange( "M", &Ym, &ione, Ycublas, &Ym, work ) / Ym;
            printf("%5d %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)    %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)    %8.2e     %8.2e   %s\n",
                   (int) M, (int) N,
                   magma_perf,  1000.*magma_time,
                   cublas_perf, 1000.*cublas_time,
                   cpu_perf,    1000.*cpu_time,
                   magma_error, cublas_error,
                   (magma_error < tol && cublas_error < tol ? "ok" : "failed"));
            status += ! (magma_error < tol && cublas_error < tol);
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( A );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( X );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( Y );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( Ycublas );
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( Ymagma  );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( dA );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( dX );
            TESTING_FREE_DEV( dY );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );
    return status;
Esempio n. 29
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    cublasHandle_t handle;
    cudaSetDevice( 0 );
    cublasCreate( &handle );
    double *A, *B, *C;
    double *dA, *dB, *dC;
    double error, work[1];
    double c_one     = MAGMA_D_ONE;
    double c_neg_one = MAGMA_D_NEG_ONE;
    magma_int_t ione = 1;
    magma_int_t ISEED[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
    magma_int_t n = 10;
    magma_int_t lda = n;
    magma_int_t ldda = ((n+31)/32)*32;
    magma_int_t size = lda*n;
    magma_int_t info;
    magma_dmalloc_cpu( &A, lda*n );
    magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B, lda*n );
    magma_dmalloc_cpu( &C, lda*n );
    magma_dmalloc( &dA, ldda*n );
    magma_dmalloc( &dB, ldda*n );
    magma_dmalloc( &dC, ldda*n );
    // initialize matrices
    lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size, A );
    lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size, B );
    lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &size, C );
    // increase diagonal to be SPD
    for( int i=0; i < n; ++i ) {
        C[i+i*lda] = MAGMA_D_ADD( C[i+i*lda], MAGMA_D_MAKE( n*n, 0 ));
    magma_dsetmatrix( n, n, A, lda, dA, ldda );
    magma_dsetmatrix( n, n, B, lda, dB, ldda );
    magma_dsetmatrix( n, n, C, lda, dC, ldda );
    // compute with cublas
    cublasDgemm( handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, n, n, n,
                 &c_neg_one, dA, ldda, dB, ldda, &c_one, dC, ldda );
    magma_dpotrf_gpu( MagmaLower, n, dC, ldda, &info );
    if (info != 0)
        printf("magma_dpotrf returned error %d: %s.\n",
               (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
    // compute with LAPACK
    blasf77_dgemm( MagmaNoTransStr, MagmaNoTransStr, &n, &n, &n,
                   &c_neg_one, A, &lda, B, &lda, &c_one, C, &lda );
    lapackf77_dpotrf( MagmaLowerStr, &n, C, &lda, &info );
    if (info != 0)
        printf("lapackf77_dpotrf returned error %d: %s.\n",
               (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
    // compute difference
    magma_dgetmatrix( n, n, dC, ldda, A, lda );
    blasf77_daxpy( &size, &c_neg_one, C, &ione, A, &ione );
    error = lapackf77_dlange( "F", &n, &n, A, &lda, work );
    printf( "n %d, error %8.2e\n", n, error );
    magma_free( dA );
    magma_free( dB );
    magma_free( dC );
    magma_free_cpu( A );
    magma_free_cpu( B );
    magma_free_cpu( C );
    cublasDestroy( handle );
    return 0;
Esempio n. 30
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   -- Testing dsysv
int main( int argc, char** argv)

    double *h_A, *h_B, *h_X, *work, temp;
    real_Double_t   gflops, gpu_perf, gpu_time = 0.0, cpu_perf=0, cpu_time=0;
    double          error, error_lapack = 0.0;
    magma_int_t     *ipiv;
    magma_int_t     N, n2, lda, ldb, sizeB, lwork, info;
    magma_int_t     status = 0, ione = 1;
    magma_int_t     ISEED[4] = {0,0,0,1};

    magma_opts opts;
    opts.parse_opts( argc, argv );
    double tol = opts.tolerance * lapackf77_dlamch("E");

    printf("%%   M     N   CPU Gflop/s (sec)   GPU Gflop/s (sec)   |Ax-b|/(N*|A|*|x|)\n");
    for( int itest = 0; itest < opts.ntest; ++itest ) {
        for( int iter = 0; iter < opts.niter; ++iter ) {
            N = opts.nsize[itest];
            ldb    = N;
            lda    = N;
            n2     = lda*N;
            sizeB  = ldb*opts.nrhs;
            gflops = ( FLOPS_DPOTRF( N ) + FLOPS_DPOTRS( N, opts.nrhs ) ) / 1e9;
            TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( ipiv, magma_int_t, N );
            TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_A,  double, n2 );
            TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_B,  double, sizeB );
            TESTING_MALLOC_PIN( h_X,  double, sizeB );
            /* =====================================================================
               Performs operation using LAPACK
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.lapack ) {
                lwork = -1;
                lapackf77_dsysv(lapack_uplo_const(opts.uplo), &N, &opts.nrhs,
                                h_A, &lda, ipiv, h_X, &ldb, &temp, &lwork, &info);
                lwork = (int)MAGMA_D_REAL(temp);
                TESTING_MALLOC_CPU( work, double, lwork );

                init_matrix( N, N, h_A, lda );
                lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &sizeB, h_B );
                lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaFullStr, &N, &opts.nrhs, h_B, &ldb, h_X, &ldb );

                cpu_time = magma_wtime();
                lapackf77_dsysv(lapack_uplo_const(opts.uplo), &N, &opts.nrhs,
                                h_A, &lda, ipiv, h_X, &ldb, work, &lwork, &info);
                cpu_time = magma_wtime() - cpu_time;
                cpu_perf = gflops / cpu_time;
                if (info != 0) {
                    printf("lapackf77_dsysv returned error %d: %s.\n",
                           (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
                error_lapack = get_residual( opts.uplo, N, opts.nrhs, h_A, lda, ipiv, h_X, ldb, h_B, ldb );

                TESTING_FREE_CPU( work );
            /* ====================================================================
               Performs operation using MAGMA
               =================================================================== */
            init_matrix( N, N, h_A, lda );
            lapackf77_dlarnv( &ione, ISEED, &sizeB, h_B );
            lapackf77_dlacpy( MagmaFullStr, &N, &opts.nrhs, h_B, &ldb, h_X, &ldb );

            gpu_time = magma_wtime();
            magma_dsysv( opts.uplo, N, opts.nrhs, h_A, lda, ipiv, h_X, ldb, &info);
            gpu_time = magma_wtime() - gpu_time;
            gpu_perf = gflops / gpu_time;
            if (info != 0) {
                printf("magma_dsysv returned error %d: %s.\n",
                       (int) info, magma_strerror( info ));
            /* =====================================================================
               Check the factorization
               =================================================================== */
            if ( opts.lapack ) {
                printf("%5d %5d   %7.2f (%7.2f)   %7.2f (%7.2f)",
                       (int) N, (int) N, cpu_perf, cpu_time, gpu_perf, gpu_time );
            else {
                printf("%5d %5d     ---   (  ---  )   %7.2f (%7.2f)",
                       (int) N, (int) N, gpu_perf, gpu_time );
            if ( opts.check == 0 ) {
                printf("     ---   \n");
            } else {
                error = get_residual( opts.uplo, N, opts.nrhs, h_A, lda, ipiv, h_X, ldb, h_B, ldb );
                printf("   %8.2e   %s", error, (error < tol ? "ok" : "failed"));
                if (opts.lapack)
                    printf(" (lapack rel.res. = %8.2e)", error_lapack);
                status += ! (error < tol);
            TESTING_FREE_CPU( ipiv );
            TESTING_FREE_PIN( h_X  );
            TESTING_FREE_PIN( h_B  );
            TESTING_FREE_PIN( h_A  );
            fflush( stdout );
        if ( opts.niter > 1 ) {
            printf( "\n" );

    return status;