Esempio n. 1
 /* call when cursor's location changes so that we can update the
    cursorsbylocation map.  if you are locked and internally iterating, only
    need to call when you are ready to "unlock".
 void ClientCursor::updateLocation() {
     assert( cursorid );
     _idleAgeMillis = 0;
     DiskLoc cl = c->refLoc();
     if ( lastLoc() == cl ) {
         //log() << "info: lastloc==curloc " << ns << '\n';
     } else {
         recursive_scoped_lock lock(ccmutex);
     // may be necessary for MultiCursor even when cl hasn't changed
Esempio n. 2
 /* call when cursor's location changes so that we can update the
    cursorsbylocation map.  if you are locked and internally iterating, only
    need to call when you are ready to "unlock".
 void ClientCursor::updateLocation() {
     verify( _cursorid );
     _idleAgeMillis = 0;
     DiskLoc cl = _c->refLoc();
     if ( lastLoc() == cl ) {
         //log() << "info: lastloc==curloc " << ns << '\n';
     else {
         recursive_scoped_lock lock(ccmutex);
int main(const int argc, const char **argv)

        mgr = new ModelManager("Test LabelMeSaliency");

                seqc(new SimEventQueueConfigurator(*mgr));

        //our brain
        nub::ref<StdBrain>  brain(new StdBrain(*mgr));

        mgr->setOptionValString(&OPT_RawVisualCortexChans, "IOC");
        //mgr.setOptionValString(&OPT_RawVisualCortexChans, "I");
        //mgr->setOptionValString(&OPT_RawVisualCortexChans, "GNO");
        //mgr.setOptionValString(&OPT_RawVisualCortexChans, "N");
        //manager.setOptionValString(&OPT_UseOlderVersion, "false");
        // set the FOA and fovea radii
        mgr->setOptionValString(&OPT_SaliencyMapType, "Fast");
        mgr->setOptionValString(&OPT_SMfastInputCoeff, "1");

        mgr->setOptionValString(&OPT_WinnerTakeAllType, "Fast");
        mgr->setOptionValString(&OPT_SimulationTimeStep, "0.2");

        mgr->setModelParamVal("FOAradius", 128, MC_RECURSE);
        mgr->setModelParamVal("FoveaRadius", 128, MC_RECURSE);

        mgr->setOptionValString(&OPT_IORtype, "Disc");

        if (mgr->parseCommandLine(
                                (const int)argc, (const char**)argv, "<path to images>", 1, 1) == false);

        nub::soft_ref<SimEventQueue> seq = seqc->getQ();

        //nub::ref<StdBrain>  brain = dynCastWeak<StdBrain>(mgr->subComponent("Brain"));


        ComplexChannel *cc =

        TestImages testImages(mgr->getExtraArg(0).c_str(), TestImages::MIT_LABELME);

        Image<float> allObjImg = Raster::ReadFloat("allObjImg.pfm", RASFMT_PFM);
        inplaceNormalize(allObjImg, 0.0F, 1.0F);

        printf("## \"Filename\", \"Size\",\"fovea Radius\",\"Number of objects\",\"Salient Location\", \"Hits\",");
        printf("\"Obj Saliency Max\",\"Obj Saliency Min\",\"Obj Saliency Sum\",\"Obj Saliency Area\"");
        printf("\"Dist Saliency Max\",\"Dist Saliency Min\",\"Dist Saliency Sum\",\"Dist Saliency Area\"");

        for(uint scene=0; scene<testImages.getNumScenes(); scene++)

                //get the image
                LINFO("Get scene %i", scene);
                Image<PixRGB<byte> > img = testImages.getScene(scene);
                std::string sceneFile = testImages.getSceneFilename(scene);
                LINFO("Size %ix%i", img.getWidth(), img.getHeight());

                //set the fovea and foa radius to be 1/4 the size of the image width
                int fRadius = 128; //(img.getWidth()/16);
                //TODO: fixme


                if (testImages.getNumObj() > 0)  //if we have any labled objects

                        //bias the vc
                        Image<float> mask = rescale(allObjImg, img.getDims());
                        biasVC(*cc, mask);
                        //evolve the brain

                        Image<float> SMap;

                        rutz::shared_ptr<SimEventInputFrame> //place the image in the queue
                                e(new SimEventInputFrame(brain.get(), GenericFrame(img), 0));

                        //set the task relevance map

                        Point2D<int> winner;
                        float interestLevel=100.0F;
                        int nHits=0;
                        int nTimes=95;

                        printf("[ ");
                        Point2D<int> lastLoc(-1,-1);
                        while(interestLevel > 0.01F && nTimes < 100) //do until no more activation
                                LINFO("InterestLevel %f", interestLevel);
                                Point2D<int> currentWinner = evolveBrain(img, SMap, &interestLevel, seq);

                                if (debug)
                                        if (lastLoc.isValid())
                                                        drawLine(img, lastLoc, currentWinner,
                                                                         PixRGB<byte>(0, 255, 0), 4);
                                        } else {
                                                drawCircle(img, currentWinner, fRadius-10, PixRGB<byte>(255,0,0), 3);
                                        lastLoc = currentWinner;

                                         drawCircle(img, currentWinner, fRadius, PixRGB<byte>(0,255,0), 3);

                                //check if the winner is inside an object (all objects)
                                int hit = -1;
                                for (uint obj=0; obj<testImages.getNumObj(); obj++)
                                        int lineWidth = int(img.getWidth()*0.003);
                                        std::vector<Point2D<int> > objPoly = testImages.getObjPolygon(obj);
                                        if (debug)
                                                Point2D<int> p1 = objPoly[0];
                                                for(uint i=1; i<objPoly.size(); i++)
                                                        drawLine(img, p1, objPoly[i], PixRGB<byte>(255, 0, 0), lineWidth);
                                                        p1 = objPoly[i];
                                                drawLine(img, p1, objPoly[0], PixRGB<byte>(255, 0, 0), lineWidth); //close the polygon

                                        // if (testImages.pnpoly(objPoly, winner))
                                        //  hit = 1;
                                        if (testImages.pnpoly(objPoly, currentWinner))
                                                hit = obj;

                                printf("%i ", hit);
                                if (hit != -1)
                                        winner = currentWinner;


                        if (debug)
                                                        Raster::WriteRGB(img, "IORSaliency.ppm");
                                Image<PixRGB<byte> > tmp  = rescale(img, 512, 512);
                        printf("] ");
                                        sceneFile.c_str(), img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), fRadius,
                                        testImages.getNumObj(), winner.i, winner.j, nHits);

                        if (debug)
                                Image<PixRGB<byte> > tmp  = rescale(img, 512, 512);


                        //Compute the saliency ratio
                        /*Image<byte> imgMask;
                        //get the obj mask
                        for (uint obj=0; obj<testImages.getNumObj(); obj++)
                        LINFO("Adding obj %i", obj);
                        Image<byte> objMask = testImages.getObjMask(obj);
                        if (imgMask.initialized())
                        imgMask += objMask;
                        imgMask = objMask;
                        if (debug) SHOWIMG(rescale((Image<float>)imgMask, 512, 512));

                        LINFO("Mask %ix%i", imgMask.getWidth(), imgMask.getHeight());
                        Image<float> distMask = chamfer34(imgMask, (byte)255);
                        Image<float> objMask = binaryReverse(distMask, 255.0F);

                        //normalize mask from 0 to 1
                        inplaceNormalize(objMask, 0.0F, 1.0F);
                        inplaceNormalize(distMask, 0.0F, 1.0F);

                        if (debug) SHOWIMG(rescale((Image<float>)objMask, 512, 512));
                        if (debug) SHOWIMG(rescale((Image<float>)distMask, 512, 512));

                        //resize the saliency map to the orig img size
                        SMap = rescale(SMap, imgMask.getDims());

                        float objMin, objMax, objSum, objArea;
                        getMaskedMinMaxSumArea(SMap, objMask, objMin, objMax, objSum, objArea);

                        float distMin, distMax, distSum, distArea;
                        getMaskedMinMaxSumArea(SMap, distMask, distMin, distMax, distSum, distArea);

                        objMax, objMin, objSum, objArea,
                        distMax, distMin, distSum, distArea);
                } else {
                        printf("##%s has no objects \n", sceneFile.c_str());
