void LASPointWriter::write(const Point &point){

	coordinates[0] = point.position.x;
	coordinates[1] = point.position.y;
	coordinates[2] = point.position.z;
	laszip_set_coordinates(writer, coordinates);

	this->point->rgb[0] = point.color.x * 256;
	this->point->rgb[1] = point.color.y * 256;
	this->point->rgb[2] = point.color.z * 256;

	this->point->intensity = point.intensity;
	this->point->classification = point.classification;
	this->point->return_number = point.returnNumber;
	this->point->number_of_returns = point.numberOfReturns;
	this->point->point_source_ID = point.pointSourceID;
	laszip_set_point(writer, this->point);

Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  double start_time = 0.0;
  char* file_name_in = 0;
  char* file_name_out = 0;

  // load LASzip DLL

  if (laszip_load_dll())
    fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: loading LASzip DLL\n");
    byebye(true, argc==1);

  // get version of LASzip DLL

  laszip_U8 version_major;
  laszip_U8 version_minor;
  laszip_U16 version_revision;
  laszip_U32 version_build;

  if (laszip_get_version(&version_major, &version_minor, &version_revision, &version_build))
    fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: getting LASzip DLL version number\n");
    byebye(true, argc==1);

  fprintf(stderr,"LASzip DLL v%d.%d r%d (build %d)\n", (int)version_major, (int)version_minor, (int)version_revision, (int)version_build);

  if (argc == 1)
    char file_name[256];
    fprintf(stderr,"%s is better run in the command line\n", argv[0]);
    fprintf(stderr,"enter input file%s: ", ((EXAMPLE == EXAMPLE_THREE) ? " (not used)" : "")); fgets(file_name, 256, stdin);
    file_name[strlen(file_name)-1] = '\0';
    file_name_in = strdup(file_name);
    fprintf(stderr,"enter output file: "); fgets(file_name, 256, stdin);
    file_name[strlen(file_name)-1] = '\0';
    file_name_out = strdup(file_name);
  else if (argc == 3)
    file_name_in = strdup(argv[1]);
    file_name_out = strdup(argv[2]);
    if ((argc != 2) || (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") != 0))
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot understand arguments\n");

  start_time = taketime();

    fprintf(stderr,"running EXAMPLE_ONE\n");

    // create the reader

    laszip_POINTER laszip_reader;
    if (laszip_create(&laszip_reader))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: creating laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);

    // open the reader

    laszip_BOOL is_compressed = 0;
    if (laszip_open_reader(laszip_reader, file_name_in, &is_compressed))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: opening laszip reader for '%s'\n", file_name_in);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);
    fprintf(stderr,"file '%s' is %scompressed\n", file_name_in, (is_compressed ? "" : "un"));

    // get a pointer to the header of the reader that was just populated

    laszip_header* header;

    if (laszip_get_header_pointer(laszip_reader, &header))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: getting header pointer from laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

    // report how many points the file has

    fprintf(stderr,"file '%s' contains %u points\n", file_name_in, header->number_of_point_records);

    // get a pointer to the points that will be read

    laszip_point* point;

    if (laszip_get_point_pointer(laszip_reader, &point))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: getting point pointer from laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

    // create the writer

    laszip_POINTER laszip_writer;
    if (laszip_create(&laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: creating laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);

    // initialize the header for the writer using the header of the reader 

    if (laszip_set_header(laszip_writer, header))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: setting header for laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // open the writer

    laszip_BOOL compress = (strstr(file_name_out, ".laz") != 0);

    if (laszip_open_writer(laszip_writer, file_name_out, compress))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: opening laszip writer for '%d'\n", file_name_out);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);
    fprintf(stderr,"writing file '%s' %scompressed\n", file_name_out, (compress ? "" : "un"));

    // read the points

    laszip_U32 count = 0;

    while (count < header->number_of_point_records)
      // read a point

      if (laszip_read_point(laszip_reader))
        fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: reading point %u\n", count);
        byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

      // copy the point

      if (laszip_set_point(laszip_writer, point))
        fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: setting point %u\n", count);
        byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

      // write the point

      if (laszip_write_point(laszip_writer))
        fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: writing point %u\n", count);
        byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);


    fprintf(stderr,"successfully read and written %u points\n", count);

    // close the writer

    if (laszip_close_writer(laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: closing laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // destroy the writer

    if (laszip_destroy(laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: destroying laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);

    // close the reader

    if (laszip_close_reader(laszip_reader))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: closing laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

    // destroy the reader

    if (laszip_destroy(laszip_reader))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: destroying laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);

    fprintf(stderr,"total time: %g sec for reading %scompressed and writing %scompressed\n", taketime()-start_time, (is_compressed ? "" : "un"), (compress ? "" : "un"));

    fprintf(stderr,"running EXAMPLE_TWO\n");

    // create the reader

    laszip_POINTER laszip_reader;
    if (laszip_create(&laszip_reader))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: creating laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);

    // open the reader

    laszip_BOOL is_compressed = 0;
    if (laszip_open_reader(laszip_reader, file_name_in, &is_compressed))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: opening laszip reader for '%s'\n", file_name_in);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);
    fprintf(stderr,"file '%s' is %scompressed\n", file_name_in, (is_compressed ? "" : "un"));

    // get a pointer to the header of the reader that was just populated

    laszip_header* header_read;

    if (laszip_get_header_pointer(laszip_reader, &header_read))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: getting header pointer from laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

    // report how many points the file has

    fprintf(stderr,"file '%s' contains %u points\n", file_name_in, header_read->number_of_point_records);

    // create the writer

    laszip_POINTER laszip_writer;
    if (laszip_create(&laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: creating laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);

    // get a pointer to the header of the writer so we can populate it

    laszip_header* header_write;

    if (laszip_get_header_pointer(laszip_writer, &header_write))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: getting header pointer from laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // copy entries from the reader header to the writer header

    laszip_U32 i;

    header_write->file_source_ID = header_read->file_source_ID;
    header_write->global_encoding = header_read->global_encoding;
    header_write->project_ID_GUID_data_1 = header_read->project_ID_GUID_data_1;
    header_write->project_ID_GUID_data_2 = header_read->project_ID_GUID_data_2;
    header_write->project_ID_GUID_data_3 = header_read->project_ID_GUID_data_3;
    memcpy(header_write->project_ID_GUID_data_4, header_read->project_ID_GUID_data_4, 8);
    header_write->version_major = header_read->version_major;
    header_write->version_minor = header_read->version_minor;
    memcpy(header_write->system_identifier, header_read->system_identifier, 32);
    memcpy(header_write->generating_software, header_read->generating_software, 32);
    header_write->file_creation_day = header_read->file_creation_day;
    header_write->file_creation_year = header_read->file_creation_year;
    header_write->header_size = header_read->header_size;
    header_write->offset_to_point_data = header_read->header_size; /* note !!! */ 
    header_write->number_of_variable_length_records = header_read->number_of_variable_length_records;
    header_write->point_data_format = header_read->point_data_format;
    header_write->point_data_record_length = header_read->point_data_record_length;
    header_write->number_of_point_records = header_read->number_of_point_records;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      header_write->number_of_points_by_return[i] = header_read->number_of_points_by_return[i];
    header_write->x_scale_factor = header_read->x_scale_factor;
    header_write->y_scale_factor = header_read->y_scale_factor;
    header_write->z_scale_factor = header_read->z_scale_factor;
    header_write->x_offset = header_read->x_offset;
    header_write->y_offset = header_read->y_offset;
    header_write->z_offset = header_read->z_offset;
    header_write->max_x = header_read->max_x;
    header_write->min_x = header_read->min_x;
    header_write->max_y = header_read->max_y;
    header_write->min_y = header_read->min_y;
    header_write->max_z = header_read->max_z;
    header_write->min_z = header_read->min_z;

    // LAS 1.3 and higher only
    header_write->start_of_waveform_data_packet_record = header_read->start_of_waveform_data_packet_record;

    // LAS 1.4 and higher only
    header_write->start_of_first_extended_variable_length_record = header_read->start_of_first_extended_variable_length_record;
    header_write->number_of_extended_variable_length_records = header_read->number_of_extended_variable_length_records;
    header_write->extended_number_of_point_records = header_read->extended_number_of_point_records;
    for (i = 0; i < 15; i++)
      header_write->extended_number_of_points_by_return[i] = header_read->extended_number_of_points_by_return[i];

    // we may modify output because we omit any user defined data that may be ** the header

    if (header_read->user_data_in_header_size)
      header_write->header_size -= header_read->user_data_in_header_size;
      header_write->offset_to_point_data -= header_read->user_data_in_header_size;
      fprintf(stderr,"omitting %d bytes of user_data_in_header\n", header_read->user_data_after_header_size);

    // add all the VLRs

    if (header_read->number_of_variable_length_records)
      fprintf(stderr,"offset_to_point_data before adding %u VLRs is %d\n", header_read->number_of_variable_length_records, (laszip_I32)header_write->offset_to_point_data);
      for (i = 0; i < header_read->number_of_variable_length_records; i++)
        if (laszip_add_vlr(laszip_writer, &(header_read->vlrs[i])))
          fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: adding VLR %u of %u to the header of the laszip writer\n", i+i, header_read->number_of_variable_length_records);
          byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);
        fprintf(stderr,"                     after adding VLR number %u is %d\n", i+1, (laszip_I32)header_write->offset_to_point_data);

    // we may modify output because we omit any user defined data that may be *after* the header

    if (header_read->user_data_after_header_size)
      fprintf(stderr,"omitting %d bytes of user_data_after_header\n", header_read->user_data_after_header_size);

    // open the writer

    laszip_BOOL compress = (strstr(file_name_out, ".laz") != 0);

    if (laszip_open_writer(laszip_writer, file_name_out, compress))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: opening laszip writer for '%d'\n", file_name_out);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);
    fprintf(stderr,"writing file '%s' %scompressed\n", file_name_out, (compress ? "" : "un"));

    // get a pointer to the point of the reader will be read

    laszip_point* point_read;

    if (laszip_get_point_pointer(laszip_reader, &point_read))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: getting point pointer from laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

    // get a pointer to the point of the writer that we will populate and write

    laszip_point* point_write;

    if (laszip_get_point_pointer(laszip_writer, &point_write))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: getting point pointer from laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // read the points

    laszip_U32 count = 0;

    while (count < header_read->number_of_point_records)
      // read a point

      if (laszip_read_point(laszip_reader))
        fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: reading point %u\n", count);
        byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

      // copy the point

      point_write->X = point_read->X;
      point_write->Y = point_read->Y;
      point_write->Z = point_read->Z;
      point_write->intensity = point_read->intensity;
      point_write->return_number = point_read->return_number;
      point_write->number_of_returns_of_given_pulse = point_read->number_of_returns_of_given_pulse;
      point_write->scan_direction_flag = point_read->scan_direction_flag;
      point_write->edge_of_flight_line = point_read->edge_of_flight_line;
      point_write->classification = point_read->classification;
      point_write->scan_angle_rank = point_read->scan_angle_rank;
      point_write->user_data = point_read->user_data;
      point_write->point_source_ID = point_read->point_source_ID;

      point_write->gps_time = point_read->gps_time;
      memcpy(point_write->rgb, point_read->rgb, 8);
      memcpy(point_write->wave_packet, point_read->wave_packet, 29);

      // LAS 1.4 only
      point_write->extended_point_type = point_read->extended_point_type;
      point_write->extended_scanner_channel = point_read->extended_scanner_channel;
      point_write->extended_classification_flags = point_read->extended_classification_flags;
      point_write->extended_classification = point_read->extended_classification;
      point_write->extended_return_number = point_read->extended_return_number;
      point_write->extended_number_of_returns_of_given_pulse = point_read->extended_number_of_returns_of_given_pulse;
      point_write->extended_scan_angle = point_read->extended_scan_angle;

      if (point_read->num_extra_bytes)
        memcpy(point_write->extra_bytes, point_read->extra_bytes, point_read->num_extra_bytes);

      // write the point

      if (laszip_write_point(laszip_writer))
        fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: writing point %u\n", count);
        byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);


    fprintf(stderr,"successfully read and written %u points\n", count);

    // close the writer

    if (laszip_close_writer(laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: closing laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // destroy the writer

    if (laszip_destroy(laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: destroying laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);

    // close the reader

    if (laszip_close_reader(laszip_reader))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: closing laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

    // destroy the reader

    if (laszip_destroy(laszip_reader))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: destroying laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);
    fprintf(stderr,"total time: %g sec for reading %scompressed and writing %scompressed\n", taketime()-start_time, (is_compressed ? "" : "un"), (compress ? "" : "un"));


    fprintf(stderr,"running EXAMPLE_THREE\n");

    // create the writer

    laszip_POINTER laszip_writer;
    if (laszip_create(&laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: creating laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);

    // get a pointer to the header of the writer so we can populate it

    laszip_header* header;

    if (laszip_get_header_pointer(laszip_writer, &header))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: getting header pointer from laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // populate the header

    header->global_encoding = 0;             // see LAS specification for details
    header->version_major = 1;
    header->version_minor = 2;
    strncpy(header->system_identifier, "my LAS file writer", 32);
    header->file_creation_day = 120;
    header->file_creation_year = 2013;
    header->point_data_format = 1;
    header->point_data_record_length = 28;
    header->number_of_point_records = 5;
    header->number_of_points_by_return[0] = 3;
    header->number_of_points_by_return[1] = 2;
    header->max_x = 630499.95;
    header->min_x = 630498.56;
    header->max_y = 4834749.66;
    header->min_y = 4834748.73;
    header->max_z = 63.68;
    header->min_z = 61.33;

    // optional: use the bounding box and the scale factor to create a "good" offset

    if (laszip_auto_offset(laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: during automatic offset creation\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // create some funny VLR

    laszip_vlr funny_vlr;
    memset(&funny_vlr, 0, sizeof(laszip_vlr));
    strcpy(funny_vlr.user_id, "funny");
    funny_vlr.record_id = 12345;
    funny_vlr.record_length_after_header = 0;
    strcpy(funny_vlr.description, "just a funny VLR");

    // add the funny VLR

    fprintf(stderr,"offset_to_point_data before adding funny VLR is    : %d\n", (laszip_I32)header->offset_to_point_data);

    if (laszip_add_vlr(laszip_writer, &funny_vlr))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: adding funny VLR to the header\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // create the geokeys with the projection information

    laszip_geokey_struct key_entries[5];

    // projected coordinates
    key_entries[0].key_id = 1024; // GTModelTypeGeoKey
    key_entries[0].tiff_tag_location = 0;
    key_entries[0].count = 1;
    key_entries[0].value_offset = 1; // ModelTypeProjected

    // projection
    key_entries[1].key_id = 3072; // ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey
    key_entries[1].tiff_tag_location = 0;
    key_entries[1].count = 1;
    key_entries[1].value_offset = 32613; // PCS_WGS84_UTM_zone_13N

    // horizontal units
    key_entries[2].key_id = 3076; // ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey
    key_entries[2].tiff_tag_location = 0;
    key_entries[2].count = 1;
    key_entries[2].value_offset = 9001; // meters

    // vertical units
    key_entries[3].key_id = 4099; // VerticalUnitsGeoKey
    key_entries[3].tiff_tag_location = 0;
    key_entries[3].count = 1;
    key_entries[3].value_offset = 9001; // meters

    // vertical datum
    key_entries[4].key_id = 4096; // VerticalCSTypeGeoKey
    key_entries[4].tiff_tag_location = 0;
    key_entries[4].count = 1;
    key_entries[4].value_offset = 5030; // WGS84

    // add the geokeys (create or replace the appropriate VLR)

    fprintf(stderr,"                     before adding projection VLR  : %d\n", (laszip_I32)header->offset_to_point_data);

    if (laszip_set_geokeys(laszip_writer, 5, key_entries))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: adding funny VLR to the header\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);
    fprintf(stderr,"                     after adding two VLRs         : %d\n", (laszip_I32)header->offset_to_point_data);

    // open the writer

    laszip_BOOL compress = (strstr(file_name_out, ".laz") != 0);

    if (laszip_open_writer(laszip_writer, file_name_out, compress))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: opening laszip writer for '%d'\n", file_name_out);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);
    fprintf(stderr,"writing file '%s' %scompressed\n", file_name_out, (compress ? "" : "un"));

    // get a pointer to the point of the writer that we will populate and write

    laszip_point* point;

    if (laszip_get_point_pointer(laszip_writer, &point))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: getting point pointer from laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // write five points

    laszip_I64 count = 0;
    laszip_F64 coordinates[3];

    // populate the first point

    coordinates[0] = 630499.95;
    coordinates[1] = 4834749.17;
    coordinates[2] = 62.15;

    if (laszip_set_coordinates(laszip_writer, coordinates))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: setting coordinates for point %u\n", (laszip_U32)count);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    point->intensity = 60;
    point->return_number = 2;
    point->number_of_returns_of_given_pulse = 2;
    point->classification = 2;
    point->scan_angle_rank = 21;
    point->gps_time = 413162.560400;

    // write the first point

    if (laszip_write_point(laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: writing point %u\n", (laszip_U32)count);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // populate the second point

    coordinates[0] = 630499.83;
    coordinates[1] = 4834748.88;
    coordinates[2] = 62.68;

    if (laszip_set_coordinates(laszip_writer, coordinates))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: setting coordinates for point %u\n", (laszip_U32)count);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    point->intensity = 90;
    point->return_number = 1;
    point->number_of_returns_of_given_pulse = 1;
    point->classification = 1;
    point->scan_angle_rank = 21;
    point->gps_time = 413162.563600;

    // write the second point

    if (laszip_write_point(laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: writing point %u\n", (laszip_U32)count);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);
    // populate the third point

    coordinates[0] = 630499.54;  
    coordinates[1] = 4834749.66;
    coordinates[2] = 62.66;

    if (laszip_set_coordinates(laszip_writer, coordinates))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: setting coordinates for point %u\n", (laszip_U32)count);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    point->intensity = 70;
    point->return_number = 1;
    point->number_of_returns_of_given_pulse = 1;
    point->classification = 1;
    point->scan_angle_rank = 22;
    point->gps_time = 413162.566800;

    // write the third point

    if (laszip_write_point(laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: writing point %u\n", (laszip_U32)count);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // populate the fourth point

    coordinates[0] = 630498.56;     
    coordinates[1] = 4834749.41;
    coordinates[2] = 63.68;

    if (laszip_set_coordinates(laszip_writer, coordinates))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: setting coordinates for point %u\n", (laszip_U32)count);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    point->intensity = 20;
    point->return_number = 1;
    point->number_of_returns_of_given_pulse = 2;
    point->classification = 3;
    point->scan_angle_rank = 22;
    point->gps_time = 413162.580200;

    // write the fourth point

    if (laszip_write_point(laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: writing point %u\n", (laszip_U32)count);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // populate the fifth point

    coordinates[0] = 630498.80; 
    coordinates[1] = 4834748.73;
    coordinates[2] = 62.16;

    if (laszip_set_coordinates(laszip_writer, coordinates))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: setting coordinates for point %u\n", (laszip_U32)count);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    point->intensity = 110;
    point->return_number = 2;
    point->number_of_returns_of_given_pulse = 2;
    point->classification = 2;
    point->scan_angle_rank = 22;
    point->gps_time = 413162.580200;

    // write the fifth point

    if (laszip_write_point(laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: writing point %u\n", (laszip_U32)count);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);
    // get the number of points written so far

    if (laszip_get_point_count(laszip_writer, &count))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: getting point count\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    fprintf(stderr,"successfully written %u points\n", (laszip_U32)count);

    // close the writer

    if (laszip_close_writer(laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: closing laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // destroy the writer

    if (laszip_destroy(laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: destroying laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);
    fprintf(stderr,"total time: %g sec for writing %scompressed\n", taketime()-start_time, (compress ? "" : "un"));


    fprintf(stderr,"running EXAMPLE_FOUR\n");

    // create the reader

    laszip_POINTER laszip_reader;
    if (laszip_create(&laszip_reader))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: creating laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);

    // signal that spatial queries are coming

    laszip_BOOL exploit = 1;
    if (laszip_exploit_spatial_index(laszip_reader, exploit))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: signaling laszip reader that spatial queries are coming for '%s'\n", file_name_in);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

    // open the reader

    laszip_BOOL is_compressed = 0;
    if (laszip_open_reader(laszip_reader, file_name_in, &is_compressed))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: opening laszip reader for '%s'\n", file_name_in);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);
    fprintf(stderr,"file '%s' is %scompressed\n", file_name_in, (is_compressed ? "" : "un"));

    // check whether spatial indexing information is available

    laszip_BOOL is_indexed = 0;
    laszip_BOOL is_appended = 0;
    if (laszip_has_spatial_index(laszip_reader, &is_indexed, &is_appended))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: checking laszip reader whether spatial indexing information is present for '%s'\n", file_name_in);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

    fprintf(stderr,"file '%s' does %shave spatial indexing information\n", file_name_in, (is_indexed ? "" : "not "));

    // get a pointer to the header of the reader that was just populated

    laszip_header* header;

    if (laszip_get_header_pointer(laszip_reader, &header))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: getting header pointer from laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

    // report how many points the file has

    fprintf(stderr,"file '%s' contains %u points\n", file_name_in, header->number_of_point_records);

    // create a rectangular box enclosing a subset of points at the center of the full bounding box

    const laszip_F64 sub = 0.05;

    laszip_F64 mid_x = (header->min_x + header->max_x) / 2;
    laszip_F64 mid_y = (header->min_y + header->max_y) / 2;

    laszip_F64 range_x = header->max_x - header->min_x;
    laszip_F64 range_y = header->max_y - header->min_y;

    laszip_F64 sub_min_x = mid_x - sub * range_x;
    laszip_F64 sub_min_y = mid_y - sub * range_y;

    laszip_F64 sub_max_x = mid_x + sub * range_x;
    laszip_F64 sub_max_y = mid_y + sub * range_y;

    // request the reader to only read this specified rectangular subset of points

    laszip_BOOL is_empty = 0;
    if (laszip_inside_rectangle(laszip_reader, sub_min_x, sub_min_y, sub_max_x, sub_max_y, &is_empty))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: requesting points inside of rectangle [%g,%g] (%g,%g) from laszip reader\n", sub_min_x, sub_min_y, sub_max_x, sub_max_y);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

    // get a pointer to the points that will be read

    laszip_point* point;

    if (laszip_get_point_pointer(laszip_reader, &point))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: getting point pointer from laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

    // create the writer

    laszip_POINTER laszip_writer;
    if (laszip_create(&laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: creating laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);

    // initialize the header for the writer using the header of the reader 

    if (laszip_set_header(laszip_writer, header))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: setting header for laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // open the writer

    laszip_BOOL compress = (strstr(file_name_out, ".laz") != 0);

    if (laszip_open_writer(laszip_writer, file_name_out, compress))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: opening laszip writer for '%d'\n", file_name_out);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);
    fprintf(stderr,"writing file '%s' %scompressed\n", file_name_out, (compress ? "" : "un"));

    // read the points

    laszip_U32 count = 0;
    laszip_BOOL is_done = 0;

    while (count < header->number_of_point_records)
      // read a point

      if (laszip_read_inside_point(laszip_reader, &is_done))
        fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: reading point %u\n", count);
        byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

      // are we done reading

      if (is_done)

      // copy the point

      if (laszip_set_point(laszip_writer, point))
        fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: setting point %u\n", count);
        byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

      // write the point

      if (laszip_write_point(laszip_writer))
        fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: writing point %u\n", count);
        byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

      // update the inventory

      if (laszip_update_inventory(laszip_writer))
        fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: updating inventory for point %u\n", count);
        byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);


    fprintf(stderr,"successfully read and written %u points\n", count);

    // close the writer

    if (laszip_close_writer(laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: closing laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // destroy the writer

    if (laszip_destroy(laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: destroying laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);

    // close the reader

    if (laszip_close_reader(laszip_reader))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: closing laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

    // destroy the reader

    if (laszip_destroy(laszip_reader))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: destroying laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);

    fprintf(stderr,"total time: %g sec for reading %scompressed and writing %scompressed\n", taketime()-start_time, (is_compressed ? "" : "un"), (compress ? "" : "un"));


    fprintf(stderr,"running EXAMPLE_FIVE\n");
    // create the reader

    laszip_POINTER laszip_reader;
    if (laszip_create(&laszip_reader))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: creating laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);

    // open the reader

    laszip_BOOL is_compressed = 0;
    if (laszip_open_reader(laszip_reader, file_name_in, &is_compressed))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: opening laszip reader for '%s'\n", file_name_in);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);
    fprintf(stderr,"file '%s' is %scompressed\n", file_name_in, (is_compressed ? "" : "un"));

    // get a pointer to the header of the reader that was just populated

    laszip_header* header;

    if (laszip_get_header_pointer(laszip_reader, &header))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: getting header pointer from laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

    // report how many points the file has

    fprintf(stderr,"file '%s' contains %u points\n", file_name_in, header->number_of_point_records);

    // get a pointer to the points that will be read

    laszip_point* point;

    if (laszip_get_point_pointer(laszip_reader, &point))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: getting point pointer from laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

    // create the writer

    laszip_POINTER laszip_writer;
    if (laszip_create(&laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: creating laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);

    // initialize the header for the writer using the header of the reader 

    if (laszip_set_header(laszip_writer, header))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: setting header for laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // enable the creation of spatial indices

    laszip_BOOL create = 1;
    laszip_BOOL append = 0; /* not supported yet */

    if (laszip_create_spatial_index(laszip_writer, create, append))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: signaling laszip writer to create spatial indexing information\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // open the writer

    laszip_BOOL compress = (strstr(file_name_out, ".laz") != 0);

    if (laszip_open_writer(laszip_writer, file_name_out, compress))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: opening laszip writer for '%d'\n", file_name_out);
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);
    fprintf(stderr,"writing file '%s' spatially indexed and %scompressed\n", file_name_out, (compress ? "" : "un"));

    // read the points

    laszip_U32 count = 0;

    while (count < header->number_of_point_records)
      // read a point

      if (laszip_read_point(laszip_reader))
        fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: reading point %u\n", count);
        byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

      // copy the point

      if (laszip_set_point(laszip_writer, point))
        fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: setting point %u\n", count);
        byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

      // write the point

      if (laszip_write_indexed_point(laszip_writer))
        fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: writing indexed point %u\n", count);
        byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);


    fprintf(stderr,"successfully read and written %u indexed points\n", count);

    // close the writer

    if (laszip_close_writer(laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: closing laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_writer);

    // destroy the writer

    if (laszip_destroy(laszip_writer))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: destroying laszip writer\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);

    // close the reader

    if (laszip_close_reader(laszip_reader))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: closing laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1, laszip_reader);

    // destroy the reader

    if (laszip_destroy(laszip_reader))
      fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: destroying laszip reader\n");
      byebye(true, argc==1);

    fprintf(stderr,"total time: %g sec for reading %scompressed and writing indexed & %scompressed\n", taketime()-start_time, (is_compressed ? "" : "un"), (compress ? "" : "un"));


  // unload LASzip DLL

  if (laszip_unload_dll())
    fprintf(stderr,"DLL ERROR: unloading LASzip DLL\n");
    byebye(true, argc==1);

  return 0;