Esempio n. 1
static void List
    le_msg_MessageRef_t msgRef = le_msg_CreateMsg(SessionRef);

    le_msg_SetFd(msgRef, 1);

    le_sdtp_Msg_t* msgPtr = le_msg_GetPayloadPtr(msgRef);

    msgPtr->msgType = LE_SDTP_MSGID_LIST;

    msgRef = le_msg_RequestSyncResponse(msgRef);

    if (msgRef == NULL)
        ExitWithErrorMsg("Communication with Service Directory failed.");


Esempio n. 2
void FileTestRespond
    ServerCmdRef_t _cmdRef,
    int dataOut
    LE_ASSERT(_cmdRef != NULL);

    // Get the message related data
    le_msg_MessageRef_t _msgRef = (le_msg_MessageRef_t)_cmdRef;
    _Message_t* _msgPtr = le_msg_GetPayloadPtr(_msgRef);
    __attribute__((unused)) uint8_t* _msgBufPtr = _msgPtr->buffer;

    // Ensure the passed in msgRef is for the correct message
    LE_ASSERT(_msgPtr->id == _MSGID_FileTest);

    // Ensure that this Respond function has not already been called
    LE_FATAL_IF( !le_msg_NeedsResponse(_msgRef), "Response has already been sent");

    // Pack any "out" parameters
    le_msg_SetFd(_msgRef, dataOut);

    // Return the response
    LE_DEBUG("Sending response to client session %p", le_msg_GetSession(_msgRef));
Esempio n. 3
static void AsyncResponse_TestCallback
    uint32_t data,
    const char* name,
    int dataFile,
    void* contextPtr
    le_msg_MessageRef_t _msgRef;
    _Message_t* _msgPtr;
    _ServerData_t* serverDataPtr = (_ServerData_t*)contextPtr;

    // This is a one-time handler; if the server accidently calls it a second time, then
    // the client sesssion ref would be NULL.
    if ( serverDataPtr->clientSessionRef == NULL )
        LE_FATAL("Handler passed to TestCallback() can't be called more than once");

    // Will not be used if no data is sent back to client
    __attribute__((unused)) uint8_t* _msgBufPtr;

    // Create a new message object and get the message buffer
    _msgRef = le_msg_CreateMsg(serverDataPtr->clientSessionRef);
    _msgPtr = le_msg_GetPayloadPtr(_msgRef);
    _msgPtr->id = _MSGID_TestCallback;
    _msgBufPtr = _msgPtr->buffer;

    // Always pack the client context pointer first
    _msgBufPtr = PackData( _msgBufPtr, &(serverDataPtr->contextPtr), sizeof(void*) );

    // Pack the input parameters
    _msgBufPtr = PackData( _msgBufPtr, &data, sizeof(uint32_t) );
    _msgBufPtr = PackString( _msgBufPtr, name );
    le_msg_SetFd(_msgRef, dataFile);

    // Send the async response to the client
    LE_DEBUG("Sending message to client session %p : %ti bytes sent",

    // The registered handler has been called, so no longer need the server data.
    // Explicitly set clientSessionRef to NULL, so that we can catch if this function gets
    // accidently called again.
    serverDataPtr->clientSessionRef = NULL;
Esempio n. 4
static void Handle_FileTest
    le_msg_MessageRef_t _msgRef

    // Get the message buffer pointer
    uint8_t* _msgBufPtr = ((_Message_t*)le_msg_GetPayloadPtr(_msgRef))->buffer;

    // Needed if we are returning a result or output values
    uint8_t* _msgBufStartPtr = _msgBufPtr;

    // Unpack the input parameters from the message
    int dataFile;
    dataFile = le_msg_GetFd(_msgRef);

    // Define storage for output parameters
    int dataOut;

    // Call the function
    FileTest ( dataFile, &dataOut );

    // Re-use the message buffer for the response
    _msgBufPtr = _msgBufStartPtr;

    // Pack any "out" parameters
    le_msg_SetFd(_msgRef, dataOut);

    // Return the response
    LE_DEBUG("Sending response to client session %p : %ti bytes sent",