Esempio n. 1
static void PopContext
    Parser_t* parserPtr
    // Don't do anything if a client handler has already stopped parsing.
    if (NotStopped(parserPtr))
        // Pop the top one and release it.
        le_sls_Link_t* linkPtr = le_sls_Pop(&parserPtr->contextStack);
        le_mem_Release(CONTAINER_OF(linkPtr, Context_t, link));

        // Check the new context
        le_json_ContextType_t context = GetContext(parserPtr)->type;

        switch (context)
            case LE_JSON_CONTEXT_DOC:

                // We've finished parsing the whole document.
                // Automatically stop parsing and report the document end to the client.
                Report(parserPtr, LE_JSON_DOC_END);

            case LE_JSON_CONTEXT_OBJECT:

                // We've finished parsing an object member.
                // Expect a comma separator or the end of the object next.
                parserPtr->next = EXPECT_COMMA_OR_OBJECT_END;

            case LE_JSON_CONTEXT_MEMBER:

                // We've finished parsing the value of an object member.
                // This is also the end of the member, so pop that context too.

            case LE_JSON_CONTEXT_ARRAY:

                // We've finished parsing an array element value.
                // Expect a comma separator or the end of the array next.
                parserPtr->next = EXPECT_COMMA_OR_ARRAY_END;

            // These are all leaf contexts.  That is, we should never find one of these
            // contexts after popping another one off the stack.
            case LE_JSON_CONTEXT_STRING:
            case LE_JSON_CONTEXT_NUMBER:
            case LE_JSON_CONTEXT_TRUE:
            case LE_JSON_CONTEXT_FALSE:
            case LE_JSON_CONTEXT_NULL:

                LE_FATAL("Unexpected context after pop: %s", le_json_GetContextName(context));
Esempio n. 2
void* le_mem_TryAlloc
    le_mem_PoolRef_t    pool    ///< [IN] The pool from which the object is to be allocated.
    LE_ASSERT(pool != NULL);

    MemBlock_t* blockPtr = NULL;
    void* userPtr = NULL;


    #ifndef LE_MEM_VALGRIND
        // Pop a link off the pool.
        le_sls_Link_t* blockLinkPtr = le_sls_Pop(&(pool->freeList));

        if (blockLinkPtr != NULL)
            // Get the block from the block link.
            blockPtr = CONTAINER_OF(blockLinkPtr, MemBlock_t, link);
        blockPtr = malloc(pool->blockSize);

        if (blockPtr != NULL)
            InitBlock(pool, blockPtr);

    if (blockPtr != NULL)
        // Update the pool and the block.

        if (pool->numBlocksInUse > pool->maxNumBlocksUsed)
            pool->maxNumBlocksUsed = pool->numBlocksInUse;

        blockPtr->refCount = 1;

        // Return the user object in the block.
        #ifdef USE_GUARD_BAND
            userPtr = blockPtr->data + GUARD_BAND_SIZE;
            userPtr = blockPtr->data;


    return userPtr;
Esempio n. 3
static void CleanupThread
    void* objPtr    ///< Pointer to the Thread object.
    ThreadObj_t* threadObjPtr = objPtr;

    // Call all destructors in the list.
    le_sls_Link_t* destructorLinkPtr = le_sls_Pop(&(threadObjPtr->destructorList));

    while (destructorLinkPtr != NULL)
        // Get the destructor object
        DestructorObj_t* destructorObjPtr = CONTAINER_OF(destructorLinkPtr, DestructorObj_t, link);

        // Call the destructor.
        if (destructorObjPtr->destructor != NULL)

        // Free the destructor object.

        destructorLinkPtr = le_sls_Pop(&(threadObjPtr->destructorList));

    // Destruct the event loop.

    // If this thread is NOT joinable, then immediately invalidate its safe reference and free
    // the thread object.  Otherwise, wait until someone joins with it.
    if (! threadObjPtr->isJoinable)

        le_ref_DeleteRef(ThreadRefMap, threadObjPtr->safeRef);


Esempio n. 4
static void MoveBlocks
    le_mem_PoolRef_t    destPool,   ///< [IN] The pool to move the blocks to.
    le_mem_PoolRef_t    srcPool,    ///< [IN] The pool to get the blocks from.
    size_t              numBlocks   ///< [IN] The maximum number of blocks to move.
    #ifndef LE_MEM_VALGRIND
        // Get the first block to move.
        le_sls_Link_t* blockLinkPtr = le_sls_Pop(&(srcPool->freeList));

        size_t i = 0;
        while (i < numBlocks)
            if (blockLinkPtr == NULL)
                LE_FATAL("Asked to move %zu blocks from pool '%s' to pool '%s', "
                         "but only %zu were available.",

            // Add the block to the destination pool.
            le_sls_Stack(&(destPool->freeList), blockLinkPtr);

            // Update the blocks parent pool.
            MemBlock_t* blockPtr = CONTAINER_OF(blockLinkPtr, MemBlock_t, link);
            blockPtr->poolPtr = destPool;

            // Get the next block.
            blockLinkPtr = le_sls_Pop(&(srcPool->freeList));

Esempio n. 5
static void ParserDestructor
    void* blockPtr
    Parser_t* parserPtr = blockPtr;


    le_sls_Link_t* linkPtr;

    while ((linkPtr = le_sls_Pop(&parserPtr->contextStack)) != NULL)
        le_mem_Release(CONTAINER_OF(linkPtr, Context_t, link));

Esempio n. 6
static le_result_t TestSinglyLinkLists(size_t maxListSize)
    // Node definition.
    typedef struct
        le_sls_Link_t link;
        uint32_t id;  

    int i;
    le_sls_List_t list0, list1;

    printf("*** Unit Test for le_singlyLinkedList module. ***\n");

    // Multiple list creation
    // Initialize the lists
    list0 = LE_SLS_LIST_INIT;
    list1 = LE_SLS_LIST_INIT;
    printf("One singly linked list was successfully created.\n");

    // Attempt to query empty list
    if ( (le_sls_Peek(&list0) != NULL) || (le_sls_Pop(&list0) != NULL) )
        printf("Query of empty list failed: %d", __LINE__);
        return LE_FAULT;
    printf("Query of empty list correct.\n");

    // Node insertions
        idRecord_t* newNodePtr;
        le_sls_Link_t* prevLinkPtr;
        // Queue nodes to list0.
        for (i = 0; i < maxListSize; i++)
            // Create the new node
            newNodePtr = (idRecord_t*)malloc(sizeof(idRecord_t));
            newNodePtr->id = i;
            // Initialize the link.
            newNodePtr->link = LE_SLS_LINK_INIT;

            if (i < maxListSize/2)
                // Insert the new node to the tail.
                le_sls_Queue(&list0, &(newNodePtr->link));
                // Insert to the tail using insert after.
                le_sls_AddAfter(&list0, prevLinkPtr, &(newNodePtr->link));

            prevLinkPtr = &(newNodePtr->link);
        printf("%zu nodes were queued to the tail of list0.\n", maxListSize);
        // Stack nodes to list1.
        for (i = 0; i < maxListSize; i++)
            // Create the new node
            newNodePtr = (idRecord_t*)malloc(sizeof(idRecord_t));
            newNodePtr->id = i;
            // Initialize the link.
            newNodePtr->link = LE_SLS_LINK_INIT;

            // Insert the new node to the head.
            le_sls_Stack(&list1, &(newNodePtr->link));
        printf("%zu nodes were stacked to the head of list1.\n", maxListSize);

    // Check that all the nodes have been added properly
        idRecord_t* nodePtr;
        le_sls_Link_t* link0Ptr = le_sls_Peek(&list0);
        le_sls_Link_t* link1Ptr = le_sls_Peek(&list1);
        if ( (link0Ptr == NULL) || (link1Ptr == NULL) )
            printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;
        i = 0;
            // Get the node from list 0
            nodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(link0Ptr, idRecord_t, link);

            // Check the node.
            if ( nodePtr->id != i)
                printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
                return LE_FAULT;

            // Get the node from list 1
            nodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(link1Ptr, idRecord_t, link);

            // Check the node.
            if ( nodePtr->id != maxListSize - i - 1)
                printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
                return LE_FAULT;

            // Move to the next node.
            link0Ptr = le_sls_PeekNext(&list0, link0Ptr);
            link1Ptr = le_sls_PeekNext(&list1, link1Ptr);

        } while (link0Ptr != NULL);
        // Make sure everything is correct.
        if ( (i != maxListSize) || (link1Ptr != NULL) )
            printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;
    printf("Checked that all nodes added to the head and tails are all correct.\n");

    // Pop nodes.
        //pop half the list.
        for (i = 0; i < (maxListSize / 2); i++)
    printf("Popped half the nodes from the head of list0.\n");
    // Check that the list is still in tact.
        idRecord_t* nodePtr;
        // For list 0.
        le_sls_Link_t* linkPtr = le_sls_Peek(&list0);    
        i = maxListSize/2;
            nodePtr = CONTAINER_OF(linkPtr, idRecord_t, link);

            if (nodePtr->id != i++)
                printf("Link error: %d", __LINE__);
                return LE_FAULT;
            linkPtr = le_sls_PeekNext(&list0, linkPtr);
        } while (linkPtr != NULL);
        // Check that the number of links left is correct.
        if (i != maxListSize)
            printf("Wrong number of links: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;
    printf("Checked that all nodes were properly popped from the lists.\n");

    // Check for list corruption.
        le_sls_Link_t* linkPtr;
        if (le_sls_IsListCorrupted(&list0))
            printf("List0 is corrupt but shouldn't be: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;

        // Access one of the links directly.  This should corrupt the list.
        linkPtr = le_sls_Peek(&list0);
        linkPtr = le_sls_PeekNext(&list0, linkPtr);
        linkPtr->nextPtr = NULL;

        if (!le_sls_IsListCorrupted(&list0))
            printf("List0 is not corrupted but should be: %d", __LINE__);
            return LE_FAULT;

    printf("Checked lists for corruption.\n");
    printf("*** Unit Test for le_singlyLinkedList module passed. ***\n");
    return LE_OK;