Esempio n. 1
void Forest::createNewFile()
   // Release the current file if we have one.
   mData = NULL;

   // We need to construct a default file name
   String missionName( Con::getVariable( "$Client::MissionFile" ) );
   String levelDirectory( Con::getVariable( "$pref::Directories::Level" ) );
   if ( levelDirectory.isEmpty() )
      levelDirectory = "levels";
   missionName.replace( "tools/levels", levelDirectory );
   missionName = Platform::makeRelativePathName(missionName, Platform::getMainDotCsDir());

   Torque::Path basePath( missionName );
   String fileName = Torque::FS::MakeUniquePath( basePath.getPath(), basePath.getFileName(), "forest" );
   mDataFileName = StringTable->insert( fileName );

   ForestData *file = new ForestData;
   file->write( mDataFileName );
   delete file;

   mData = ResourceManager::get().load( mDataFileName );
   mZoningDirty = true;
Esempio n. 2
void MainWindow::on_actionCDATA_clear_unused_triggered()
    //QMessageBox::information(this, "Dummy", "This feature comming soon!", QMessageBox::Ok);
        QStringList filesForRemove;
        LevelEdit * box = activeLvlEditWin();
        if(!box) return;
        if(!box->sceneCreated) return;
            QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("File not saved"),
                tr("File doesn't saved on disk."), QMessageBox::Ok);

        LvlScene * s = box->scene;
        QString levelDirectory(box->LvlData.meta.path);

        QString levelCustomDirectory(box->LvlData.meta.path+"/"+box->LvlData.meta.filename);
        QDir levelCustomDirectory_dir(levelCustomDirectory);

        filesForRemove.append( levelCustomDirectory_dir.entryList(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot) );

        qDebug() << levelCustomDirectory << "Total custom files" << filesForRemove.size();

        QRegExp reg;

        QList<unsigned long > npcContainers;
        npcContainers << 91;
        npcContainers << 96;
        npcContainers << 283;
        npcContainers << 284;

        //SMBX64 entries
        QStringList whiteList;
        whiteList << "lunadll.txt"; //LunaDLL stuff
        whiteList << "lunadll.lua";

        whiteList << "*.tileset.ini"; //PGE Tilesets

        whiteList << "effect-*.gif"; //All SMBX64 effects
        whiteList << "effect-*.png";

        whiteList << "mario-*.gif"; //All SMBX64 playable characters
        whiteList << "peach-*.gif";
        whiteList << "toad-*.gif";
        whiteList << "luigi-*.gif";
        whiteList << "link-*.gif";
        whiteList << "yoshit-*.gif";
        whiteList << "yoshib-*.gif";
        whiteList << "mario-*.png";
        whiteList << "peach-*.png";
        whiteList << "toad-*.png";
        whiteList << "luigi-*.png";
        whiteList << "link-*.png";
        whiteList << "yoshit-*.png";
        whiteList << "yoshib-*.png";

        QString npcFile = "npc-%1.png|npc-%1.gif|npc-%1.txt|npc-%1m.txt";

        typedef QPair<unsigned long, QStringList > bossNPC;
        QList<bossNPC > bossNPCs;

        bossNPCs << bossNPC(15, npcFile.arg(16).split('|') ); //boom-boom

        bossNPCs << bossNPC(39, npcFile.arg(41).split('|') ); //Birdo
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(39, npcFile.arg(40).split('|') );

        //giant coopa
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(72, npcFile.arg(73).split('|') );

        //green parakoopa 1
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(76, npcFile.arg(4).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(76, npcFile.arg(5).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(4, npcFile.arg(5).split('|') );

        //green parakoopa 2
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(176, npcFile.arg(173).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(176, npcFile.arg(172).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(173, npcFile.arg(172).split('|') );

        //red parakoopa 1
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(161, npcFile.arg(6).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(161, npcFile.arg(7).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(6, npcFile.arg(7).split('|') );

        //red parakoopa 2
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(177, npcFile.arg(175).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(177, npcFile.arg(174).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(175, npcFile.arg(174).split('|') );

        //Blue parakoopa 3
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(111, npcFile.arg(115).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(111, npcFile.arg(55).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(111, npcFile.arg(119).split('|') );

        bossNPCs << bossNPC(123, npcFile.arg(111).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(123, npcFile.arg(115).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(123, npcFile.arg(55).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(123, npcFile.arg(119).split('|') );

        //Red parakoopa 3
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(110, npcFile.arg(118).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(110, npcFile.arg(114).split('|') );

        bossNPCs << bossNPC(122, npcFile.arg(110).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(123, npcFile.arg(118).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(123, npcFile.arg(114).split('|') );

        //Green parakoopa 3
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(109, npcFile.arg(113).split('|') );//shell
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(109, npcFile.arg(117).split('|') );//beach

        bossNPCs << bossNPC(121, npcFile.arg(109).split('|') );//koopa
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(121, npcFile.arg(113).split('|') );//shell
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(121, npcFile.arg(117).split('|') );//beach

        //Yellow parakoopa 3
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(112, npcFile.arg(116).split('|') );//shell
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(112, npcFile.arg(120).split('|') );//beach

        bossNPCs << bossNPC(124, npcFile.arg(112).split('|') );//koopa
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(124, npcFile.arg(116).split('|') );//shell
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(124, npcFile.arg(120).split('|') );//beach

        bossNPCs << bossNPC(124, npcFile.arg(194).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(112, npcFile.arg(194).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(116, npcFile.arg(194).split('|') );

        //rainbow shell
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(194, npcFile.arg(195).split('|') );

        bossNPCs << bossNPC(243, npcFile.arg(242).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(244, npcFile.arg(1).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(3, npcFile.arg(2).split('|') );

        //random vegetable
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(147, npcFile.arg(146).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(147, npcFile.arg(140).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(147, npcFile.arg(142).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(147, npcFile.arg(92).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(147, npcFile.arg(139).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(147, npcFile.arg(141).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(147, npcFile.arg(143).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(147, npcFile.arg(144).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(147, npcFile.arg(145).split('|') );

        //random powerup
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(287, npcFile.arg(9).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(287, npcFile.arg(184).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(287, npcFile.arg(185).split('|') );

        bossNPCs << bossNPC(287, npcFile.arg(14).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(287, npcFile.arg(182).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(287, npcFile.arg(183).split('|') );

        bossNPCs << bossNPC(287, npcFile.arg(34).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(287, npcFile.arg(170).split('|') );

        bossNPCs << bossNPC(287, npcFile.arg(264).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(287, npcFile.arg(277).split('|') );

        //bill blasters
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(21, npcFile.arg(17).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(22, npcFile.arg(17).split('|') );

        bossNPCs << bossNPC(49, npcFile.arg(50).split('|') );

        //Small Lakitu
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(47, npcFile.arg(48).split('|') );

        bossNPCs << bossNPC(286, npcFile.arg(285).split('|') );

        bossNPCs << bossNPC(162, npcFile.arg(163).split('|') );

        //Magic potion
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(288, npcFile.arg(289).split('|') );

        //vined heads
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(226, npcFile.arg(213).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(225, npcFile.arg(214).split('|') );
        bossNPCs << bossNPC(227, npcFile.arg(224).split('|') );

        //Add into white SMBX64 dependencied of exists ID
        for(int q=0; q < box->LvlData.npc.size(); q++)
            bool isConainer=false;

            foreach(unsigned long x, npcContainers)
                if(box->LvlData.npc[q].id == x)
                    qDebug() << "container! " <<  box->LvlData.npc[q].contents;
                    isConainer=true; break;

            unsigned long npcID = (isConainer ? box->LvlData.npc[q].contents : box->LvlData.npc[q].id);
            for(int r=0;r<bossNPCs.size();r++)
                if( npcID == bossNPCs[r].first)
                    r=-1;//reset loot to 0

            if(bossNPCs.isEmpty()) break;

        //into included into blocks
        for(int q=0;q<box->LvlData.blocks.size();q++)
            for(int r=0;r<bossNPCs.size();r++)
                if( box->LvlData.blocks[q].npc_id == (signed)bossNPCs[r].first)
                    whiteList << bossNPCs[r].second;
                    r=-1;//reset loot to 0
            if(bossNPCs.isEmpty()) break;

        //SMBX64 system items
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(10).split('|'); //coin

        whiteList << npcFile.arg(40).split('|'); //bullets
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(85).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(87).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(159).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(13).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(30).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(171).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(263).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(237).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(265).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(269).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(368).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(266).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(282).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(281).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(191).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(210).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(133).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(292).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(50).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(246).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(276).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(202).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(108).split('|');

        whiteList << npcFile.arg(35).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(191).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(193).split('|');

        whiteList << npcFile.arg(95).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(98).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(99).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(100).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(148).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(149).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(150).split('|');
        whiteList << npcFile.arg(228).split('|');

        whiteList << "background-98.gif"; //door lock
        whiteList << "background-98m.gif";
        whiteList << "background-160.gif"; //star lock
        whiteList << "background-160m.gif";
        whiteList << "background-98.png"; //door lock
        whiteList << "background-98m.png";
        whiteList << "background-160.png"; //star lock
        whiteList << "background-160m.png";

        for(int i=0; i < filesForRemove.size(); i++)
            bool removed=false;
                {filesForRemove.removeAt(i); i--; continue;}
            foreach(QString f, whiteList)
                    {filesForRemove.removeAt(i); i--; removed=true; break;}

                filesForRemove[i] = levelCustomDirectory+"/"+filesForRemove[i];