/* Tests the libevtx_chunk_initialize function * Returns 1 if successful or 0 if not */ int evtx_test_chunk_initialize( void ) { libcerror_error_t *error = NULL; libevtx_chunk_t *chunk = NULL; int result = 0; #if defined( HAVE_EVTX_TEST_MEMORY ) int number_of_malloc_fail_tests = 1; int number_of_memset_fail_tests = 1; int test_number = 0; #endif /* Test regular cases */ result = libevtx_chunk_initialize( &chunk, &error ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( "result", result, 1 ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL( "chunk", chunk ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NULL( "error", error ); result = libevtx_chunk_free( &chunk, &error ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( "result", result, 1 ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NULL( "chunk", chunk ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NULL( "error", error ); /* Test error cases */ result = libevtx_chunk_initialize( NULL, &error ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( "result", result, -1 ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL( "error", error ); libcerror_error_free( &error ); chunk = (libevtx_chunk_t *) 0x12345678UL; result = libevtx_chunk_initialize( &chunk, &error ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( "result", result, -1 ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL( "error", error ); libcerror_error_free( &error ); chunk = NULL; #if defined( HAVE_EVTX_TEST_MEMORY ) for( test_number = 0; test_number < number_of_malloc_fail_tests; test_number++ ) { /* Test libevtx_chunk_initialize with malloc failing */ evtx_test_malloc_attempts_before_fail = test_number; result = libevtx_chunk_initialize( &chunk, &error ); if( evtx_test_malloc_attempts_before_fail != -1 ) { evtx_test_malloc_attempts_before_fail = -1; if( chunk != NULL ) { libevtx_chunk_free( &chunk, NULL ); } } else { EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( "result", result, -1 ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NULL( "chunk", chunk ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL( "error", error ); libcerror_error_free( &error ); } } for( test_number = 0; test_number < number_of_memset_fail_tests; test_number++ ) { /* Test libevtx_chunk_initialize with memset failing */ evtx_test_memset_attempts_before_fail = test_number; result = libevtx_chunk_initialize( &chunk, &error ); if( evtx_test_memset_attempts_before_fail != -1 ) { evtx_test_memset_attempts_before_fail = -1; if( chunk != NULL ) { libevtx_chunk_free( &chunk, NULL ); } } else { EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( "result", result, -1 ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NULL( "chunk", chunk ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL( "error", error ); libcerror_error_free( &error ); } } #endif /* defined( HAVE_EVTX_TEST_MEMORY ) */ return( 1 ); on_error: if( error != NULL ) { libcerror_error_free( &error ); } if( chunk != NULL ) { libevtx_chunk_free( &chunk, NULL ); } return( 0 ); }
/* Opens a file for reading * Returns 1 if successful or -1 on error */ int libevtx_file_open_read( libevtx_internal_file_t *internal_file, libbfio_handle_t *file_io_handle, libcerror_error_t **error ) { libevtx_chunk_t *chunk = NULL; libevtx_record_values_t *record_values = NULL; libevtx_chunks_table_t *chunks_table = NULL; static char *function = "libevtx_file_open_read"; off64_t file_offset = 0; size64_t file_size = 0; uint16_t chunk_index = 0; uint16_t number_of_chunks = 0; uint16_t number_of_records = 0; uint16_t record_index = 0; int element_index = 0; int result = 0; int segment_index = 0; #if defined( HAVE_VERBOSE_OUTPUT ) uint64_t previous_record_identifier = 0; #endif #if defined( HAVE_DEBUG_OUTPUT ) uint8_t *trailing_data = NULL; size_t trailing_data_size = 0; ssize_t read_count = 0; #endif if( internal_file == NULL ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_ARGUMENTS, LIBCERROR_ARGUMENT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE, "%s: invalid file.", function ); return( -1 ); } if( internal_file->io_handle == NULL ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_VALUE_MISSING, "%s: invalid file - missing IO handle.", function ); return( -1 ); } if( internal_file->chunks_vector != NULL ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_VALUE_ALREADY_SET, "%s: invalid file - chunks vector already set.", function ); return( -1 ); } if( internal_file->chunks_cache != NULL ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_VALUE_ALREADY_SET, "%s: invalid file - chunks cache already set.", function ); return( -1 ); } if( internal_file->records_list != NULL ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_VALUE_ALREADY_SET, "%s: invalid file - records list already set.", function ); return( -1 ); } if( internal_file->recovered_records_list != NULL ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_VALUE_ALREADY_SET, "%s: invalid file - recovered records list already set.", function ); return( -1 ); } if( internal_file->records_cache != NULL ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_VALUE_ALREADY_SET, "%s: invalid file - records cache already set.", function ); return( -1 ); } if( libbfio_handle_get_size( file_io_handle, &file_size, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_GET_FAILED, "%s: unable to retrieve file size.", function ); goto on_error; } #if defined( HAVE_DEBUG_OUTPUT ) if( libcnotify_verbose != 0 ) { libcnotify_printf( "Reading file header:\n" ); } #endif if( libevtx_io_handle_read_file_header( internal_file->io_handle, file_io_handle, 0, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_IO, LIBCERROR_IO_ERROR_READ_FAILED, "%s: unable to read file header.", function ); goto on_error; } internal_file->io_handle->chunks_data_size = file_size - internal_file->io_handle->chunks_data_offset; /* TODO clone function ? */ if( libfdata_vector_initialize( &( internal_file->chunks_vector ), (size64_t) internal_file->io_handle->chunk_size, (intptr_t *) internal_file->io_handle, NULL, NULL, (int (*)(intptr_t *, intptr_t *, libfdata_vector_t *, libfcache_cache_t *, int, int, off64_t, size64_t, uint32_t, uint8_t, libcerror_error_t **)) &libevtx_io_handle_read_chunk, NULL, LIBFDATA_DATA_HANDLE_FLAG_NON_MANAGED, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_INITIALIZE_FAILED, "%s: unable to create chunks vector.", function ); goto on_error; } if( libfdata_vector_append_segment( internal_file->chunks_vector, &segment_index, 0, internal_file->io_handle->chunks_data_offset, internal_file->io_handle->chunks_data_size, 0, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_APPEND_FAILED, "%s: unable to append segment to chunks vector.", function ); goto on_error; } if( libfcache_cache_initialize( &( internal_file->chunks_cache ), LIBEVTX_MAXIMUM_CACHE_ENTRIES_CHUNKS, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_INITIALIZE_FAILED, "%s: unable to create chunks cache.", function ); goto on_error; } #if defined( HAVE_DEBUG_OUTPUT ) if( libcnotify_verbose != 0 ) { libcnotify_printf( "Reading chunks:\n" ); } #endif if( libevtx_chunks_table_initialize( &chunks_table, internal_file->io_handle, internal_file->chunks_vector, internal_file->chunks_cache, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_INITIALIZE_FAILED, "%s: unable to create chunks table.", function ); goto on_error; } /* TODO clone function ? */ if( libfdata_list_initialize( &( internal_file->records_list ), (intptr_t *) chunks_table, (int (*)(intptr_t **, libcerror_error_t **)) &libevtx_chunks_table_free, NULL, (int (*)(intptr_t *, intptr_t *, libfdata_list_element_t *, libfcache_cache_t *, int, off64_t, size64_t, uint32_t, uint8_t, libcerror_error_t **)) &libevtx_chunks_table_read_record, NULL, LIBFDATA_DATA_HANDLE_FLAG_MANAGED, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_INITIALIZE_FAILED, "%s: unable to create records list.", function ); goto on_error; } /* The chunks_table is managed by the list */ if( libfdata_list_initialize( &( internal_file->recovered_records_list ), (intptr_t *) chunks_table, NULL, NULL, (int (*)(intptr_t *, intptr_t *, libfdata_list_element_t *, libfcache_cache_t *, int, off64_t, size64_t, uint32_t, uint8_t, libcerror_error_t **)) &libevtx_chunks_table_read_record, NULL, LIBFDATA_DATA_HANDLE_FLAG_NON_MANAGED, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_INITIALIZE_FAILED, "%s: unable to create recovered records list.", function ); chunks_table = NULL; goto on_error; } chunks_table = NULL; if( libfcache_cache_initialize( &( internal_file->records_cache ), LIBEVTX_MAXIMUM_CACHE_ENTRIES_RECORDS, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_INITIALIZE_FAILED, "%s: unable to create records cache.", function ); goto on_error; } file_offset = internal_file->io_handle->chunks_data_offset; while( ( file_offset + internal_file->io_handle->chunk_size ) <= (off64_t) file_size ) { if( libevtx_chunk_initialize( &chunk, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_INITIALIZE_FAILED, "%s: unable to create chunk: %" PRIu16 ".", function, chunk_index ); goto on_error; } result = libevtx_chunk_read( chunk, internal_file->io_handle, file_io_handle, file_offset, error ); if( result == -1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_IO, LIBCERROR_IO_ERROR_READ_FAILED, "%s: unable to read chunk: %" PRIu16 ".", function, chunk_index ); goto on_error; } else if( result == 0 ) { if( chunk_index < internal_file->io_handle->number_of_chunks ) { #if defined( HAVE_VERBOSE_OUTPUT ) if( libcnotify_verbose != 0 ) { libcnotify_printf( "%s: corruption detected in chunk: %" PRIu16 ".\n", function, chunk_index ); } #endif internal_file->io_handle->flags |= LIBEVTX_IO_HANDLE_FLAG_IS_CORRUPTED; } } else { if( ( chunk->flags & LIBEVTX_CHUNK_FLAG_IS_CORRUPTED ) != 0 ) { #if defined( HAVE_VERBOSE_OUTPUT ) if( libcnotify_verbose != 0 ) { libcnotify_printf( "%s: corruption detected in chunk: %" PRIu16 ".\n", function, chunk_index ); } #endif if( chunk_index < internal_file->io_handle->number_of_chunks ) { internal_file->io_handle->flags |= LIBEVTX_IO_HANDLE_FLAG_IS_CORRUPTED; } } if( ( chunk_index < internal_file->io_handle->number_of_chunks ) || ( ( chunk->flags & LIBEVTX_CHUNK_FLAG_IS_CORRUPTED ) == 0 ) ) { number_of_chunks++; } if( libevtx_chunk_get_number_of_records( chunk, &number_of_records, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_GET_FAILED, "%s: unable to retrieve chunk: %" PRIu16 " number of records.", function, chunk_index ); goto on_error; } for( record_index = 0; record_index < number_of_records; record_index++ ) { if( libevtx_chunk_get_record( chunk, record_index, &record_values, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_GET_FAILED, "%s: unable to retrieve chunk: %" PRIu16 " record: %" PRIu16 ".", function, chunk_index, record_index ); goto on_error; } if( record_values == NULL ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_VALUE_MISSING, "%s: missing chunk: %" PRIu16 " record: %" PRIu16 ".", function, chunk_index, record_index ); goto on_error; } if( record_values->identifier < internal_file->io_handle->first_record_identifier ) { internal_file->io_handle->first_record_identifier = record_values->identifier; } if( record_values->identifier > internal_file->io_handle->last_record_identifier ) { internal_file->io_handle->last_record_identifier = record_values->identifier; } #if defined( HAVE_VERBOSE_OUTPUT ) if( ( chunk_index == 0 ) && ( record_index == 0 ) ) { previous_record_identifier = record_values->identifier; } else { previous_record_identifier++; if( record_values->identifier != previous_record_identifier ) { if( libcnotify_verbose != 0 ) { libcnotify_printf( "%s: detected gap in record identifier ( %" PRIu64 " != %" PRIu64 " ).\n", function, previous_record_identifier, record_values->identifier ); } previous_record_identifier = record_values->identifier; } } #endif /* The chunk index is stored in the element data size */ if( ( chunk_index < internal_file->io_handle->number_of_chunks ) || ( ( internal_file->io_handle->file_flags & LIBEVTX_FILE_FLAG_IS_DIRTY ) != 0 ) ) { if( libfdata_list_append_element( internal_file->records_list, &element_index, 0, file_offset + record_values->chunk_data_offset, (size64_t) chunk_index, 0, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_APPEND_FAILED, "%s: unable to append element to records list.", function ); goto on_error; } } else { /* If the file is not dirty, records found in chunks outside the indicated * range are considered recovered */ if( libfdata_list_append_element( internal_file->recovered_records_list, &element_index, 0, file_offset + record_values->chunk_data_offset, (size64_t) chunk_index, 0, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_APPEND_FAILED, "%s: unable to append element to recovered records list.", function ); goto on_error; } } /* TODO cache record values ? */ } if( libevtx_chunk_get_number_of_recovered_records( chunk, &number_of_records, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_GET_FAILED, "%s: unable to retrieve chunk: %" PRIu16 " number of recovered records.", function, chunk_index ); goto on_error; } for( record_index = 0; record_index < number_of_records; record_index++ ) { if( libevtx_chunk_get_recovered_record( chunk, record_index, &record_values, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_GET_FAILED, "%s: unable to retrieve chunk: %" PRIu16 " recovered record: %" PRIu16 ".", function, chunk_index, record_index ); goto on_error; } if( record_values == NULL ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_VALUE_MISSING, "%s: missing chunk: %" PRIu16 " recovered record: %" PRIu16 ".", function, chunk_index, record_index ); goto on_error; } /* TODO check for and remove duplicate identifiers ? */ /* The chunk index is stored in the element data size */ if( libfdata_list_append_element( internal_file->recovered_records_list, &element_index, 0, file_offset + record_values->chunk_data_offset, (size64_t) chunk_index, 0, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_APPEND_FAILED, "%s: unable to append element to recovered records list.", function ); goto on_error; } } } file_offset += chunk->data_size; if( libevtx_chunk_free( &chunk, error ) != 1 ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_RUNTIME, LIBCERROR_RUNTIME_ERROR_FINALIZE_FAILED, "%s: unable to free chunk: %" PRIu16 ".", function, chunk_index ); goto on_error; } chunk_index++; } internal_file->io_handle->chunks_data_size = file_offset - internal_file->io_handle->chunks_data_offset; if( number_of_chunks != internal_file->io_handle->number_of_chunks ) { #if defined( HAVE_VERBOSE_OUTPUT ) if( libcnotify_verbose != 0 ) { libcnotify_printf( "%s: mismatch in number of chunks ( %" PRIu16 " != %" PRIu16 " ).\n", function, internal_file->io_handle->number_of_chunks, chunk_index ); } #endif internal_file->io_handle->flags |= LIBEVTX_IO_HANDLE_FLAG_IS_CORRUPTED; } #if defined( HAVE_DEBUG_OUTPUT ) if( libcnotify_verbose != 0 ) { if( file_offset < (off64_t) file_size ) { trailing_data_size = (size_t) ( file_size - file_offset ); trailing_data = (uint8_t *) memory_allocate( sizeof( uint8_t ) * trailing_data_size ); if( trailing_data == NULL ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_MEMORY, LIBCERROR_MEMORY_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT, "%s: unable to create trailing data.", function ); goto on_error; } read_count = libbfio_handle_read_buffer( file_io_handle, trailing_data, trailing_data_size, error ); if( read_count != (ssize_t) trailing_data_size ) { libcerror_error_set( error, LIBCERROR_ERROR_DOMAIN_IO, LIBCERROR_IO_ERROR_READ_FAILED, "%s: unable to read trailing data.", function ); memory_free( trailing_data ); goto on_error; } file_offset += read_count; libcnotify_printf( "%s: trailing data:\n", function ); libcnotify_print_data( trailing_data, trailing_data_size, LIBCNOTIFY_PRINT_DATA_FLAG_GROUP_DATA ); memory_free( trailing_data ); trailing_data = NULL; } } #endif return( 1 ); on_error: #if defined( HAVE_DEBUG_OUTPUT ) if( trailing_data != NULL ) { memory_free( trailing_data ); } #endif if( chunk != NULL ) { libevtx_chunk_free( &chunk, NULL ); } if( internal_file->records_cache != NULL ) { libfcache_cache_free( &( internal_file->records_cache ), NULL ); } if( internal_file->records_list != NULL ) { libfdata_list_free( &( internal_file->records_list ), NULL ); } if( chunks_table != NULL ) { libevtx_chunks_table_free( &chunks_table, NULL ); } if( internal_file->chunks_cache != NULL ) { libfcache_cache_free( &( internal_file->chunks_cache ), NULL ); } if( internal_file->chunks_vector != NULL ) { libfdata_vector_free( &( internal_file->chunks_vector ), NULL ); } return( -1 ); }
/* Tests the libevtx_chunk_get_number_of_recovered_records function * Returns 1 if successful or 0 if not */ int evtx_test_chunk_get_number_of_recovered_records( void ) { libcerror_error_t *error = NULL; libevtx_chunk_t *chunk = NULL; uint16_t number_of_recovered_records = 0; int number_of_recovered_records_is_set = 0; int result = 0; /* Initialize test */ result = libevtx_chunk_initialize( &chunk, &error ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( "result", result, 1 ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL( "chunk", chunk ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NULL( "error", error ); /* Test regular cases */ result = libevtx_chunk_get_number_of_recovered_records( chunk, &number_of_recovered_records, &error ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL_INT( "result", result, -1 ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NULL( "error", error ); number_of_recovered_records_is_set = result; /* Test error cases */ result = libevtx_chunk_get_number_of_recovered_records( NULL, &number_of_recovered_records, &error ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( "result", result, -1 ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL( "error", error ); libcerror_error_free( &error ); if( number_of_recovered_records_is_set != 0 ) { result = libevtx_chunk_get_number_of_recovered_records( chunk, NULL, &error ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( "result", result, -1 ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NOT_NULL( "error", error ); libcerror_error_free( &error ); } /* Clean up */ result = libevtx_chunk_free( &chunk, &error ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( "result", result, 1 ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NULL( "chunk", chunk ); EVTX_TEST_ASSERT_IS_NULL( "error", error ); return( 1 ); on_error: if( error != NULL ) { libcerror_error_free( &error ); } if( chunk != NULL ) { libevtx_chunk_free( &chunk, NULL ); } return( 0 ); }