int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { librdf_world* world; GMainLoop *loop; DBusServer *server; DBusError error; char *program=argv[0]; if (argc < 2) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: USAGE [server address]\n", program); return 1; } world=librdf_new_world(); librdf_world_open(world); g_thread_init (NULL); dbus_gthread_init (); dbus_error_init (&error); server = dbus_server_listen (argv[1], &error); if (server == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to start server on %s: %s\n", argv[1], error.message); dbus_error_free (&error); return 1; } if (!dbus_connection_allocate_data_slot (&handler_slot)) g_error ("no memory for data slot"); disconnect_handler = dbus_message_handler_new (handle_disconnect, NULL, NULL); if (disconnect_handler == NULL) g_error ("no memory for handler"); dbus_server_set_new_connection_function (server, new_connection_callback, NULL, NULL); dbus_server_setup_with_g_main (server, NULL); loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE); g_main_run (loop); librdf_free_world(world); #ifdef LIBRDF_MEMORY_DEBUG librdf_memory_report(stderr); #endif /* keep gcc -Wall happy */ return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { librdf_world* world; librdf_storage *storage; librdf_model* model; librdf_statement* statement; raptor_world *raptor_world_ptr; raptor_iostream* iostr; world=librdf_new_world(); librdf_world_open(world); raptor_world_ptr = librdf_world_get_raptor(world); model=librdf_new_model(world, storage=librdf_new_storage(world, "hashes", "test", "hash-type='bdb',dir='.'"), NULL); librdf_model_add_statement(model, statement=librdf_new_statement_from_nodes(world, librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)""), librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)""), librdf_new_node_from_literal(world, (const unsigned char*)"Dave Beckett", NULL, 0) ) ); librdf_free_statement(statement); iostr = raptor_new_iostream_to_file_handle(raptor_world_ptr, stdout); librdf_model_write(model, iostr); raptor_free_iostream(iostr); librdf_free_model(model); librdf_free_storage(storage); librdf_free_world(world); #ifdef LIBRDF_MEMORY_DEBUG librdf_memory_report(stderr); #endif /* keep gcc -Wall happy */ return(0); }
bool RdfNode::dummy() { librdf_world* world; librdf_storage *storage; librdf_model* model; librdf_statement* statement; raptor_world *raptor_world_ptr; raptor_iostream* iostr; world=librdf_new_world(); librdf_world_open(world); raptor_world_ptr = librdf_world_get_raptor(world); model=librdf_new_model(world, storage=librdf_new_storage(world, "hashes", nullptr, "hash-type='memory'"), nullptr); librdf_model_add_statement(model, statement=librdf_new_statement_from_nodes(world, librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)""), librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)""), librdf_new_node_from_literal(world, (const unsigned char*)"Dave Beckett", nullptr, 0) ) ); librdf_free_statement(statement); iostr = raptor_new_iostream_to_file_handle(raptor_world_ptr, stdout); librdf_model_write(model, iostr); raptor_free_iostream(iostr); librdf_free_model(model); librdf_free_storage(storage); librdf_free_world(world); #ifdef LIBRDF_MEMORY_DEBUG librdf_memory_report(stderr); #endif return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { librdf_world* world; librdf_storage *storage; librdf_model* model; librdf_uri* uri; unsigned char *string; librdf_world_open(world=librdf_new_world()); model=librdf_new_model(world, storage=librdf_new_storage(world, "memory", NULL, NULL), NULL); uri=librdf_new_uri(world, (const unsigned char*)""); librdf_model_load(model, uri, NULL, NULL, NULL); string=librdf_model_to_string(model, uri, "ntriples", NULL, NULL); if(!string) printf("Failed to serialize model\n"); else { printf("Made a %d byte string\n", (int)strlen((char*)string)); free(string); } librdf_free_uri(uri); librdf_free_model(model); librdf_free_storage(storage); librdf_free_world(world); #ifdef LIBRDF_MEMORY_DEBUG librdf_memory_report(stderr); #endif /* keep gcc -Wall happy */ return(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { librdf_world* world; librdf_storage *storage, *new_storage; librdf_model *model, *new_model; librdf_stream *stream; char *program=argv[0]; char *name; char *new_name; int count; if(argc < 2 || argc >3) { fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s: <Redland BDB name> [new DB name]\n", program); return(1); } name=argv[1]; if(argc < 3) { new_name=librdf_heuristic_gen_name(name); if(!new_name) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to create new name from '%s'\n", program, name); return(1); } } else { new_name=argv[2]; } fprintf(stderr, "%s: Upgrading DB '%s' to '%s'\n", program, name, new_name); world=librdf_new_world(); librdf_world_open(world); storage=librdf_new_storage(world, "hashes", name, "hash-type='bdb',dir='.',write='no',new='no'"); if(!storage) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to open old storage '%s'\n", program, name); return(1); } new_storage=librdf_new_storage(world, "hashes", new_name, "hash-type='bdb',dir='.',write='yes',new='yes'"); if(!storage) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to create new storage '%s'\n", program, new_name); return(1); } model=librdf_new_model(world, storage, NULL); if(!model) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to create model for '%s'\n", program, name); return(1); } new_model=librdf_new_model(world, new_storage, NULL); if(!new_model) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to create new model for '%s'\n", program, new_name); return(1); } stream=librdf_model_as_stream(model); if(!stream) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: librdf_model_as_stream returned NULL stream\n", program); return(1); } else { count=0; while(!librdf_stream_end(stream)) { librdf_statement *statement=librdf_stream_get_object(stream); if(!statement) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: librdf_stream_next returned NULL\n", program); break; } librdf_model_add_statement(new_model, statement); librdf_stream_next(stream); count++; } librdf_free_stream(stream); } librdf_free_model(model); librdf_free_model(new_model); librdf_free_storage(storage); librdf_free_storage(new_storage); librdf_free_world(world); if(argc < 3) free(new_name); #ifdef LIBRDF_MEMORY_DEBUG librdf_memory_report(stderr); #endif /* keep gcc -Wall happy */ return(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { librdf_world* world; librdf_parser* parser; librdf_serializer* serializer; librdf_storage *storage; librdf_model* model; librdf_node *source, *arc, *target, *node; librdf_node *subject, *predicate, *object; librdf_node* context_node=NULL; librdf_stream* stream; librdf_iterator* iterator; librdf_uri *uri; librdf_uri *base_uri=NULL; librdf_query *query; librdf_query_results *results; librdf_hash *options; int count; int rc; int transactions=0; const char* storage_name; const char* storage_options; const char* context; const char* identifier; const char* results_format; librdf_statement* statement=NULL; char* query_cmd=NULL; char* s; /* * Initialize */ storage_name="virtuoso"; results_format="xml"; context=DEFAULT_CONTEXT; identifier=DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER; /* * Get connection options */ if(argc == 2 && argv[1][0] != '\0') storage_options=argv[1]; else if((s=getenv ("VIRTUOSO_STORAGE_OPTIONS")) != NULL) storage_options=s; else storage_options=DEFAULT_STORAGE_OPTIONS; world=librdf_new_world(); librdf_world_set_logger(world, world, log_handler); librdf_world_open(world); options=librdf_new_hash(world, NULL); librdf_hash_open(options, NULL, 0, 1, 1, NULL); librdf_hash_put_strings(options, "contexts", "yes"); transactions=1; librdf_hash_from_string(options, storage_options); storage=librdf_new_storage_with_options(world, storage_name, identifier, options); if(!storage) { fprintf(stderr, ": Failed to open %s storage '%s'\n", storage_name, identifier); return(1); } model=librdf_new_model(world, storage, NULL); if(!model) { fprintf(stderr, ": Failed to create model\n"); return(1); } if(transactions) librdf_model_transaction_start(model); /* Do this or gcc moans */ stream=NULL; iterator=NULL; parser=NULL; serializer=NULL; source=NULL; arc=NULL; target=NULL; subject=NULL; predicate=NULL; object=NULL; uri=NULL; node=NULL; query=NULL; results=NULL; context_node=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char *)context); /**** Test 1 *******/ startTest(1, " Remove all triples in <%s> context\n", context); { rc=librdf_model_context_remove_statements(model, context_node); if(rc) endTest(0, " failed to remove context triples from the graph\n"); else endTest(1, " removed context triples from the graph\n"); } /**** Test 2 *******/ startTest(2, " Add triples to <%s> context\n", context); { rc=0; rc |= add_triple(world, context_node, model, "aa", "bb", "cc"); rc |= add_triple(world, context_node, model, "aa", "bb1", "cc"); rc |= add_triple(world, context_node, model, "aa", "a2", "_:cc"); rc |= add_triple_typed(world, context_node, model, "aa", "a2", "cc"); rc |= add_triple_typed(world, context_node, model, "mm", "nn", "Some long literal with language@en"); rc |= add_triple_typed(world, context_node, model, "oo", "pp", "12345^^<>"); if(rc) endTest(0, " failed add triple\n"); else endTest(1, " add triple to context\n"); } /**** Test 3 *******/ startTest(3, " Print all triples in <%s> context\n", context); { raptor_iostream* iostr = raptor_new_iostream_to_file_handle(librdf_world_get_raptor(world), stdout); librdf_model_write(model, iostr); raptor_free_iostream(iostr); endTest(1, "\n"); } /***** Test 4 *****/ startTest(4, " Count of triples in <%s> context\n", context); { count=librdf_model_size(model); if(count >= 0) endTest(1, " graph has %d triples\n", count); else endTest(0, " graph has unknown number of triples\n"); } /***** Test 5 *****/ startTest(5, " Exec: ARC aa bb \n"); { subject=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"aa"); predicate=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"bb"); node=librdf_model_get_target(model, subject, predicate); librdf_free_node(subject); librdf_free_node(predicate); if(!node) { endTest(0, " Failed to get arc\n"); } else { print_node(stdout, node); librdf_free_node(node); endTest(1, "\n"); } } /***** Test 6 *****/ startTest(6, " Exec: ARCS aa cc \n"); { subject=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"aa"); object=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"cc"); iterator=librdf_model_get_arcs(model, subject, object); librdf_free_node(subject); librdf_free_node(object); if(!iterator) { endTest(0, " Failed to get arcs\n"); } else { print_nodes(stdout, iterator); endTest(1, "\n"); } } /***** Test 7 *****/ startTest(7, " Exec: ARCS-IN cc \n"); { object=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"cc"); iterator=librdf_model_get_arcs_in(model, object); librdf_free_node(object); if(!iterator) { endTest(0, " Failed to get arcs in\n"); } else { int ok=1; count=0; while(!librdf_iterator_end(iterator)) { context_node=(librdf_node*)librdf_iterator_get_context(iterator); node=(librdf_node*)librdf_iterator_get_object(iterator); /*returns SHARED pointer */ if(!node) { ok=0; endTest(ok, " librdf_iterator_get_next returned NULL\n"); break; } fputs("Matched arc: ", stdout); librdf_node_print(node, stdout); if(context_node) { fputs(" with context ", stdout); librdf_node_print(context_node, stdout); } fputc('\n', stdout); count++; librdf_iterator_next(iterator); } librdf_free_iterator(iterator); endTest(ok, " matching arcs: %d\n", count); } } /***** Test 8 *****/ startTest(8, " Exec: ARCS-OUT aa \n"); { subject=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"aa"); iterator=librdf_model_get_arcs_out(model, subject); librdf_free_node(subject); if(!iterator) endTest(0, " Failed to get arcs out\n"); else { int ok=1; count=0; while(!librdf_iterator_end(iterator)) { context_node=(librdf_node*)librdf_iterator_get_context(iterator); node=(librdf_node*)librdf_iterator_get_object(iterator); if(!node) { ok=0; endTest(ok, " librdf_iterator_get_next returned NULL\n"); break; } fputs("Matched arc: ", stdout); librdf_node_print(node, stdout); if(context_node) { fputs(" with context ", stdout); librdf_node_print(context_node, stdout); } fputc('\n', stdout); count++; librdf_iterator_next(iterator); } librdf_free_iterator(iterator); endTest(ok, " matching arcs: %d\n", count); } } /***** Test 9 *****/ startTest(9, " Exec: CONTAINS aa bb1 cc \n"); { subject=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"aa"); predicate=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"bb1"); object=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"cc"); statement=librdf_new_statement(world); librdf_statement_set_subject(statement, subject); librdf_statement_set_predicate(statement, predicate); librdf_statement_set_object(statement, object); if(librdf_model_contains_statement(model, statement)) endTest(1, " the graph contains the triple\n"); else endTest(0, " the graph does not contain the triple\n"); librdf_free_statement(statement); } /***** Test 10 *****/ startTest(10, " Exec: FIND aa - - \n"); { subject=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"aa"); statement=librdf_new_statement(world); librdf_statement_set_subject(statement, subject); stream=librdf_model_find_statements_in_context(model, statement, context_node); if(!stream) { endTest(0, " FIND returned no results (NULL stream)\n"); } else { librdf_node* ctxt_node=NULL; int ok=1; count=0; while(!librdf_stream_end(stream)) { librdf_statement *stmt=librdf_stream_get_object(stream); ctxt_node=(librdf_node*)librdf_stream_get_context(stream); if(!stmt) { ok=0; endTest(ok, " librdf_stream_next returned NULL\n"); break; } fputs("Matched triple: ", stdout); librdf_statement_print(stmt, stdout); if(context) { fputs(" with context ", stdout); librdf_node_print(ctxt_node, stdout); } fputc('\n', stdout); count++; librdf_stream_next(stream); } librdf_free_stream(stream); endTest(ok, " matching triples: %d\n", count); } librdf_free_statement(statement); } /***** Test 11 *****/ startTest(11, " Exec: HAS-ARC-IN cc bb \n"); { predicate=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"bb"); object=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"cc"); if(librdf_model_has_arc_in(model, object, predicate)) endTest(1, " the graph contains the arc\n"); else endTest(0, " the graph does not contain the arc\n"); librdf_free_node(predicate); librdf_free_node(object); } /***** Test 12 *****/ startTest(12, " Exec: HAS-ARC-OUT aa bb \n"); { subject=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"aa"); predicate=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"bb"); if(librdf_model_has_arc_out(model, subject, predicate)) endTest(1, " the graph contains the arc\n"); else endTest(0, " the graph does not contain the arc\n"); librdf_free_node(predicate); librdf_free_node(subject); } /***** Test 13 *****/ startTest(13, " Exec: SOURCE aa cc \n"); { predicate=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"bb"); object=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"cc"); node=librdf_model_get_source(model, predicate, object); librdf_free_node(predicate); librdf_free_node(object); if(!node) { endTest(0, " Failed to get source\n"); } else { print_node(stdout, node); librdf_free_node(node); endTest(1, "\n"); } } /***** Test 14 *****/ startTest(14, " Exec: SOURCES bb cc \n"); { predicate=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"bb"); object=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"cc"); iterator=librdf_model_get_sources(model, predicate, object); librdf_free_node(predicate); librdf_free_node(object); if(!iterator) { endTest(0, " Failed to get sources\n"); } else { print_nodes(stdout, iterator); endTest(1, "\n"); } } /***** Test 15 *****/ startTest(15, " Exec: TARGET aa bb \n"); { subject=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"aa"); predicate=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"bb"); node=librdf_model_get_target(model, subject, predicate); librdf_free_node(subject); librdf_free_node(predicate); if(!node) { endTest(0, " Failed to get target\n"); } else { print_node(stdout, node); librdf_free_node(node); endTest(1, "\n"); } } /***** Test 16 *****/ startTest(16, " Exec: TARGETS aa bb \n"); { subject=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"aa"); predicate=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"bb"); iterator=librdf_model_get_targets(model, subject, predicate); librdf_free_node(subject); librdf_free_node(predicate); if(!iterator) { endTest(0, " Failed to get targets\n"); } else { print_nodes(stdout, iterator); endTest(1, "\n"); } } /***** Test 17 *****/ startTest(17, " Exec: REMOVE aa bb1 cc \n"); { subject=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"aa"); predicate=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"bb1"); object=librdf_new_node_from_uri_string(world, (const unsigned char*)"cc"); statement=librdf_new_statement(world); librdf_statement_set_subject(statement, subject); librdf_statement_set_predicate(statement, predicate); librdf_statement_set_object(statement, object); if(librdf_model_context_remove_statement(model, context_node, statement)) endTest(0, " failed to remove triple from the graph\n"); else endTest(1, " removed triple from the graph\n"); librdf_free_statement(statement); } /***** Test 18 *****/ query_cmd=(char *)"CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} FROM <http://red> WHERE {?s ?p ?o}"; startTest(18, " Exec: QUERY \"%s\" \n", query_cmd); { query=librdf_new_query(world, (char *)"vsparql", NULL, (const unsigned char *)query_cmd, NULL); if(!(results=librdf_model_query_execute(model, query))) { endTest(0, " Query of model with '%s' failed\n", query_cmd); librdf_free_query(query); query=NULL; } else { stream=librdf_query_results_as_stream(results); if(!stream) { endTest(0, " QUERY returned no results (NULL stream)\n"); } else { librdf_node* ctxt=NULL; count=0; while(!librdf_stream_end(stream)) { librdf_statement *stmt=librdf_stream_get_object(stream); /*returns SHARED pointer */ ctxt=(librdf_node*)librdf_stream_get_context(stream); if(!stmt) { endTest(0, " librdf_stream_next returned NULL\n"); break; } fputs("Matched triple: ", stdout); librdf_statement_print(stmt, stdout); if(ctxt) { fputs(" with context ", stdout); librdf_node_print(ctxt, stdout); } fputc('\n', stdout); count++; librdf_stream_next(stream); } librdf_free_stream(stream); endTest(1, " matching triples: %d\n", count); librdf_free_query_results(results); } } librdf_free_query(query); } /***** Test 19 *****/ query_cmd=(char *)"SELECT * WHERE {graph <http://red> { ?s ?p ?o }}"; startTest(19, " Exec1: QUERY_AS_BINDINGS \"%s\" \n", query_cmd); { query=librdf_new_query(world, (char *)"vsparql", NULL, (const unsigned char *)query_cmd, NULL); if(!(results=librdf_model_query_execute(model, query))) { endTest(0, " Query of model with '%s' failed\n", query_cmd); librdf_free_query(query); query=NULL; } else { raptor_iostream *iostr; librdf_query_results_formatter *formatter; fprintf(stderr, "**: Formatting query result as '%s':\n", results_format); iostr = raptor_new_iostream_to_file_handle(librdf_world_get_raptor(world), stdout); formatter = librdf_new_query_results_formatter2(results, results_format, NULL /* mime type */, NULL /* format_uri */); base_uri = librdf_new_uri(world, (const unsigned char*)""); librdf_query_results_formatter_write(iostr, formatter, results, base_uri); librdf_free_query_results_formatter(formatter); raptor_free_iostream(iostr); librdf_free_uri(base_uri); endTest(1, "\n"); librdf_free_query_results(results); } librdf_free_query(query); } /***** Test 20 *****/ query_cmd=(char *)"SELECT * WHERE {graph <http://red> { ?s ?p ?o }}"; startTest(20, " Exec2: QUERY_AS_BINDINGS \"%s\" \n", query_cmd); { query=librdf_new_query(world, (char *)"vsparql", NULL, (const unsigned char *)query_cmd, NULL); if(!(results=librdf_model_query_execute(model, query))) { endTest(0, " Query of model with '%s' failed\n", query_cmd); librdf_free_query(query); query=NULL; } else { if(print_query_results(world, model, results)) endTest(0, "\n"); else endTest(1, "\n"); librdf_free_query_results(results); } librdf_free_query(query); } getTotal(); if(transactions) librdf_model_transaction_commit(model); librdf_free_node(context_node); librdf_free_node(context_node); librdf_free_hash(options); librdf_free_model(model); librdf_free_storage(storage); librdf_free_world(world); #ifdef LIBRDF_MEMORY_DEBUG librdf_memory_report(stderr); #endif /* keep gcc -Wall happy */ return(0); }