static void domcreate_bootloader_done(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__bootloader_state *bl, int rc) { libxl__domain_create_state *dcs = CONTAINER_OF(bl, *dcs, bl); STATE_AO_GC(bl->ao); /* convenience aliases */ const uint32_t domid = dcs->guest_domid; libxl_domain_config *const d_config = dcs->guest_config; libxl_domain_build_info *const info = &d_config->b_info; const int restore_fd = dcs->restore_fd; libxl__domain_build_state *const state = &dcs->build_state; libxl__srm_restore_autogen_callbacks *const callbacks = &dcs->shs.callbacks.restore.a; if (rc) { domcreate_rebuild_done(egc, dcs, rc); return; } /* consume bootloader outputs. state->pv_{kernel,ramdisk} have * been initialised by the bootloader already. */ state->pv_cmdline = bl->cmdline; /* We might be going to call libxl__spawn_local_dm, or _spawn_stub_dm. * Fill in any field required by either, including both relevant * callbacks (_spawn_stub_dm will overwrite our trespass if needed). */ dcs-> = ao; dcs-> = dcs->guest_config; dcs-> = &dcs->build_state; dcs-> = domcreate_devmodel_started; dcs->dmss.callback = domcreate_devmodel_started; if ( restore_fd < 0 ) { rc = libxl__domain_build(gc, &d_config->b_info, domid, state); domcreate_rebuild_done(egc, dcs, rc); return; } /* Restore */ rc = libxl__build_pre(gc, domid, info, state); if (rc) goto out; /* read signature */ int hvm, pae, superpages; switch (info->type) { case LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_HVM: hvm = 1; superpages = 1; pae = libxl_defbool_val(info->u.hvm.pae); callbacks->toolstack_restore = libxl__toolstack_restore; break; case LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_PV: hvm = 0; superpages = 0; pae = 1; break; default: rc = ERROR_INVAL; goto out; } libxl__xc_domain_restore(egc, dcs, hvm, pae, superpages, 1); return; out: libxl__xc_domain_restore_done(egc, dcs, rc, 0, 0); }
void libxl__spawn_stub_dm(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__stub_dm_spawn_state *sdss) { STATE_AO_GC(sdss->; libxl_ctx *ctx = libxl__gc_owner(gc); int ret; libxl_device_vfb *vfb; libxl_device_vkb *vkb; char **args; struct xs_permissions perm[2]; xs_transaction_t t; /* convenience aliases */ libxl_domain_config *const dm_config = &sdss->dm_config; libxl_domain_config *const guest_config = sdss->dm.guest_config; const int guest_domid = sdss->dm.guest_domid; libxl__domain_build_state *const d_state = sdss->dm.build_state; libxl__domain_build_state *const stubdom_state = &sdss->dm_state; if (guest_config->b_info.device_model_version != LIBXL_DEVICE_MODEL_VERSION_QEMU_XEN_TRADITIONAL) { ret = ERROR_INVAL; goto out; } sdss->pvqemu.guest_domid = 0; libxl_domain_create_info_init(&dm_config->c_info); dm_config->c_info.type = LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_PV; dm_config-> = libxl__stub_dm_name(gc, libxl__domid_to_name(gc, guest_domid)); dm_config->c_info.ssidref = guest_config->b_info.device_model_ssidref; libxl_uuid_generate(&dm_config->c_info.uuid); libxl_domain_build_info_init(&dm_config->b_info); libxl_domain_build_info_init_type(&dm_config->b_info, LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_PV); dm_config->b_info.max_vcpus = 1; dm_config->b_info.max_memkb = 32 * 1024; dm_config->b_info.target_memkb = dm_config->b_info.max_memkb; dm_config->b_info.u.pv.features = ""; dm_config->b_info.device_model_version = guest_config->b_info.device_model_version; dm_config->b_info.device_model = guest_config->b_info.device_model; dm_config->b_info.extra = guest_config->b_info.extra; dm_config->b_info.extra_pv = guest_config->b_info.extra_pv; dm_config->b_info.extra_hvm = guest_config->b_info.extra_hvm; dm_config->disks = guest_config->disks; dm_config->num_disks = guest_config->num_disks; libxl__dm_vifs_from_hvm_guest_config(gc, guest_config, dm_config); dm_config->c_info.run_hotplug_scripts = guest_config->c_info.run_hotplug_scripts; ret = libxl__domain_create_info_setdefault(gc, &dm_config->c_info); if (ret) goto out; ret = libxl__domain_build_info_setdefault(gc, &dm_config->b_info); if (ret) goto out; GCNEW(vfb); GCNEW(vkb); libxl__vfb_and_vkb_from_hvm_guest_config(gc, guest_config, vfb, vkb); dm_config->vfbs = vfb; dm_config->num_vfbs = 1; dm_config->vkbs = vkb; dm_config->num_vkbs = 1; stubdom_state->pv_kernel.path = libxl__abs_path(gc, "ioemu-stubdom.gz", libxl__xenfirmwaredir_path()); stubdom_state->pv_cmdline = libxl__sprintf(gc, " -d %d", guest_domid); stubdom_state->pv_ramdisk.path = ""; /* fixme: this function can leak the stubdom if it fails */ ret = libxl__domain_make(gc, &dm_config->c_info, &sdss->pvqemu.guest_domid); if (ret) goto out; uint32_t dm_domid = sdss->pvqemu.guest_domid; ret = libxl__domain_build(gc, dm_config, dm_domid, stubdom_state); if (ret) goto out; args = libxl__build_device_model_args(gc, "stubdom-dm", guest_domid, guest_config, d_state); if (!args) { ret = ERROR_FAIL; goto out; } libxl__write_stub_dmargs(gc, dm_domid, guest_domid, args); libxl__xs_write(gc, XBT_NULL, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/image/device-model-domid", libxl__xs_get_dompath(gc, guest_domid)), "%d", dm_domid); libxl__xs_write(gc, XBT_NULL, libxl__sprintf(gc, "%s/target", libxl__xs_get_dompath(gc, dm_domid)), "%d", guest_domid); ret = xc_domain_set_target(ctx->xch, dm_domid, guest_domid); if (ret<0) { LIBXL__LOG_ERRNO(ctx, LIBXL__LOG_ERROR, "setting target domain %d -> %d", dm_domid, guest_domid); ret = ERROR_FAIL; goto out; } xs_set_target(ctx->xsh, dm_domid, guest_domid); perm[0].id = dm_domid; perm[0].perms = XS_PERM_NONE; perm[1].id = guest_domid; perm[1].perms = XS_PERM_READ; retry_transaction: t = xs_transaction_start(ctx->xsh); xs_mkdir(ctx->xsh, t, libxl__sprintf(gc, "/local/domain/0/device-model/%d", guest_domid)); xs_set_permissions(ctx->xsh, t, libxl__sprintf(gc, "/local/domain/0/device-model/%d", guest_domid), perm, ARRAY_SIZE(perm)); if (!xs_transaction_end(ctx->xsh, t, 0)) if (errno == EAGAIN) goto retry_transaction; libxl__multidev_begin(ao, &sdss->multidev); sdss->multidev.callback = spawn_stub_launch_dm; libxl__add_disks(egc, ao, dm_domid, dm_config, &sdss->multidev); libxl__multidev_prepared(egc, &sdss->multidev, 0); return; out: assert(ret); spawn_stubdom_pvqemu_cb(egc, &sdss->pvqemu, ret); }
static int libxl_create_stubdom(libxl_ctx *ctx, libxl_device_model_info *info, libxl_device_disk *disks, int num_disks, libxl_device_nic *vifs, int num_vifs, libxl_device_vfb *vfb, libxl_device_vkb *vkb, libxl__device_model_starting **starting_r) { libxl__gc gc = LIBXL_INIT_GC(ctx); int i, num_console = STUBDOM_SPECIAL_CONSOLES, ret; libxl_device_console *console; libxl_domain_create_info c_info; libxl_domain_build_info b_info; libxl_domain_build_state state; uint32_t domid; char **args; struct xs_permissions perm[2]; xs_transaction_t t; libxl__device_model_starting *dm_starting = 0; args = libxl_build_device_model_args(&gc, info, vifs, num_vifs); if (!args) { ret = ERROR_FAIL; goto out; } memset(&c_info, 0x00, sizeof(libxl_domain_create_info)); c_info.hvm = 0; = libxl__sprintf(&gc, "%s-dm", libxl__domid_to_name(&gc, info->domid)); libxl_uuid_copy(&c_info.uuid, &info->uuid); memset(&b_info, 0x00, sizeof(libxl_domain_build_info)); b_info.max_vcpus = 1; b_info.max_memkb = 32 * 1024; b_info.target_memkb = b_info.max_memkb; b_info.kernel.path = libxl__abs_path(&gc, "ioemu-stubdom.gz", libxl_xenfirmwaredir_path()); b_info.u.pv.cmdline = libxl__sprintf(&gc, " -d %d", info->domid); b_info.u.pv.ramdisk.path = ""; b_info.u.pv.features = ""; b_info.hvm = 0; /* fixme: this function can leak the stubdom if it fails */ ret = libxl__domain_make(ctx, &c_info, &domid); if (ret) goto out_free; ret = libxl__domain_build(ctx, &b_info, domid, &state); if (ret) goto out_free; libxl_write_dmargs(ctx, domid, info->domid, args); libxl__xs_write(&gc, XBT_NULL, libxl__sprintf(&gc, "%s/image/device-model-domid", libxl__xs_get_dompath(&gc, info->domid)), "%d", domid); libxl__xs_write(&gc, XBT_NULL, libxl__sprintf(&gc, "%s/target", libxl__xs_get_dompath(&gc, domid)), "%d", info->domid); ret = xc_domain_set_target(ctx->xch, domid, info->domid); if (ret<0) { LIBXL__LOG_ERRNO(ctx, LIBXL__LOG_ERROR, "setting target domain %d -> %d", domid, info->domid); ret = ERROR_FAIL; goto out_free; } xs_set_target(ctx->xsh, domid, info->domid); perm[0].id = domid; perm[0].perms = XS_PERM_NONE; perm[1].id = info->domid; perm[1].perms = XS_PERM_READ; retry_transaction: t = xs_transaction_start(ctx->xsh); xs_mkdir(ctx->xsh, t, libxl__sprintf(&gc, "/local/domain/0/device-model/%d", info->domid)); xs_set_permissions(ctx->xsh, t, libxl__sprintf(&gc, "/local/domain/0/device-model/%d", info->domid), perm, ARRAY_SIZE(perm)); xs_mkdir(ctx->xsh, t, libxl__sprintf(&gc, "/local/domain/%d/device/vfs", domid)); xs_set_permissions(ctx->xsh, t, libxl__sprintf(&gc, "/local/domain/%d/device/vfs",domid), perm, ARRAY_SIZE(perm)); if (!xs_transaction_end(ctx->xsh, t, 0)) if (errno == EAGAIN) goto retry_transaction; for (i = 0; i < num_disks; i++) { disks[i].domid = domid; ret = libxl_device_disk_add(ctx, domid, &disks[i]); if (ret) goto out_free; } for (i = 0; i < num_vifs; i++) { vifs[i].domid = domid; ret = libxl_device_nic_add(ctx, domid, &vifs[i]); if (ret) goto out_free; } vfb->domid = domid; ret = libxl_device_vfb_add(ctx, domid, vfb); if (ret) goto out_free; vkb->domid = domid; ret = libxl_device_vkb_add(ctx, domid, vkb); if (ret) goto out_free; if (info->serial) num_console++; console = libxl__calloc(&gc, num_console, sizeof(libxl_device_console)); if (!console) { ret = ERROR_NOMEM; goto out_free; } for (i = 0; i < num_console; i++) { console[i].devid = i; console[i].consback = LIBXL_CONSBACK_IOEMU; console[i].domid = domid; /* STUBDOM_CONSOLE_LOGGING (console 0) is for minios logging * STUBDOM_CONSOLE_SAVE (console 1) is for writing the save file * STUBDOM_CONSOLE_RESTORE (console 2) is for reading the save file */ switch (i) { char *filename; char *name; case STUBDOM_CONSOLE_LOGGING: name = libxl__sprintf(&gc, "qemu-dm-%s", libxl_domid_to_name(ctx, info->domid)); libxl_create_logfile(ctx, name, &filename); console[i].output = libxl__sprintf(&gc, "file:%s", filename); console[i].build_state = &state; free(filename); break; case STUBDOM_CONSOLE_SAVE: console[i].output = libxl__sprintf(&gc, "file:"SAVEFILE".%d", info->domid); break; case STUBDOM_CONSOLE_RESTORE: if (info->saved_state) console[i].output = libxl__sprintf(&gc, "pipe:%s", info->saved_state); break; default: console[i].output = "pty"; break; } ret = libxl_device_console_add(ctx, domid, &console[i]); if (ret) goto out_free; } if (libxl__create_xenpv_qemu(ctx, domid, vfb, &dm_starting) < 0) { ret = ERROR_FAIL; goto out_free; } if (libxl__confirm_device_model_startup(ctx, dm_starting) < 0) { ret = ERROR_FAIL; goto out_free; } libxl_domain_unpause(ctx, domid); if (starting_r) { *starting_r = calloc(sizeof(libxl__device_model_starting), 1); (*starting_r)->domid = info->domid; (*starting_r)->dom_path = libxl__xs_get_dompath(&gc, info->domid); (*starting_r)->for_spawn = NULL; } ret = 0; out_free: free(args); out: libxl__free_all(&gc); return ret; }