Esempio n. 1
 * \brief Calculates the face normal of the stick when one vertex is overridden.
 * \param self Terrain stick.
 * \param vertex_x Index of the overridden vertex.
 * \param vertex_y Index of the overridden vertex.
 * \param vertex_offset Overridden vertex offset.
 * \param result Return location for the vector.
void liext_terrain_stick_get_normal_override (
	const LIExtTerrainStick* self,
	int                      vertex_x,
	int                      vertex_y,
	float                    vertex_offset,
	LIMatVector*             result)
	float offsets[2][2];
	LIMatVector v1;
	LIMatVector v2;
	LIMatVector v3;
	LIMatVector v4;
	LIMatVector n1;
	LIMatVector n2;

	offsets[0][0] = self->vertices[0][0].offset;
	offsets[1][0] = self->vertices[1][0].offset;
	offsets[0][1] = self->vertices[0][1].offset;
	offsets[1][1] = self->vertices[1][1].offset;
	offsets[vertex_x][vertex_y] = vertex_offset;
	v1 = limat_vector_init (1.0f, offsets[1][0] - offsets[0][0], 0.0f);
	v2 = limat_vector_init (0.0f, offsets[0][1] - offsets[0][0], 1.0f);
	v3 = limat_vector_init (-1.0f, offsets[1][0] - offsets[1][1], 0.0f);
	v4 = limat_vector_init (0.0f, offsets[0][1] - offsets[1][1], -1.0f);
	n1 = limat_vector_normalize (limat_vector_cross (v2, v1));
	n2 = limat_vector_normalize (limat_vector_cross (v4, v3));
	*result = limat_vector_multiply (limat_vector_add (n1, n2), 0.5f);
Esempio n. 2
static void Model_get_center_offset (LIScrArgs* args)
	LIMatVector ctr;
	LIMdlModel* self;

	self = args->self;
	ctr = limat_vector_add (self->bounds.min, self->bounds.max);
	ctr = limat_vector_multiply (ctr, 0.5f);
	liscr_args_seti_vector (args, &ctr);
Esempio n. 3
static void Camera_picking_ray (LIScrArgs* args)
	float fardist = 50.0f;
	float neardist = 0.0f;
	LIMatVector cursor;
	LIMatVector dir;
	LIMatVector ray0;
	LIMatVector ray1;
	LIExtCamera* self = args->self;

	/* Handle arguments. */
	liscr_args_gets_float (args, "far", &fardist);
	liscr_args_gets_float (args, "near", &neardist);
	if (!liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "cursor", &cursor))
		cursor.x = self->view.viewport[0] + self->view.viewport[2] / 2.0f;
		cursor.y = self->view.viewport[1] + self->view.viewport[3] / 2.0f;
		cursor.y = self->view.viewport[3] - cursor.y - 1;

	/* Calculate ray vector. */
	cursor.z = 0.0f;
	if (!liext_camera_unproject (self, &cursor, &ray0))
	cursor.z = 1.0f;
	if (!liext_camera_unproject (self, &cursor, &ray1))
	dir = limat_vector_subtract (ray1, ray0);
	dir = limat_vector_normalize (dir);

	/* Apply near and far distances specified by the user. */
	ray1 = limat_vector_add (ray0, limat_vector_multiply (dir, fardist));
	ray0 = limat_vector_add (ray0, limat_vector_multiply (dir, neardist));
	liscr_args_seti_vector (args, &ray0);
	liscr_args_seti_vector (args, &ray1);
Esempio n. 4
static void Voxel_copy_region (LIScrArgs* args)
	int i;
	int length;
	int sector;
	int offset[3];
	LIArcPacket* packet;
	LIScrData* data;
	LIExtModule* module;
	LIMatVector point;
	LIMatVector size;
	LIVoxVoxel* result;

	/* Get region offset and size. */
	module = liscr_script_get_userdata (args->script, LIEXT_SCRIPT_VOXEL);
	if (liscr_args_gets_int (args, "sector", &sector))
		lialg_sectors_index_to_offset (module->program->sectors, sector,
			offset + 0, offset + 1, offset + 2);
		point = limat_vector_init (offset[0], offset[1], offset[2]);
		point = limat_vector_multiply (point, module->voxels->tiles_per_line);
		size.x = size.y = size.z = module->voxels->tiles_per_line;
		length = module->voxels->tiles_per_sector;
	else if (liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "point", &point) &&
	         liscr_args_gets_vector (args, "size", &size))
		if (point.x < 0.0f || point.y < 0.0f || point.z < 0.0f ||
		    size.x < 1.0f || size.y < 1.0f || size.z < 1.0f)
		length = (int) size.x * (int) size.y * (int) size.z;

	/* Read voxel data. */
	result = lisys_calloc (length, sizeof (LIVoxVoxel));
	if (result == NULL)
	livox_manager_copy_voxels (module->voxels,
		(int) point.x, (int) point.y, (int) point.z,
		(int) size.x, (int) size.y, (int) size.z, result);

	/* Create a packet writer. */
	packet = liarc_packet_new_writable (0);
	if (packet == NULL)
		lisys_free (result);

	/* Write the dimensions. */
	if (!liarc_writer_append_uint32 (packet->writer, (int) size.x) ||
		!liarc_writer_append_uint32 (packet->writer, (int) size.y) ||
		!liarc_writer_append_uint32 (packet->writer, (int) size.z))
		lisys_free (result);

	/* Write voxel data. */
	for (i = 0 ; i < length ; i++)
		if (!livox_voxel_write (result + i, packet->writer))
			lisys_free (result);
	lisys_free (result);

	/* Return data. */
	data = liscr_data_new (args->script, args->lua, packet, LISCR_SCRIPT_PACKET, liarc_packet_free);
	if (data == NULL)
		liarc_packet_free (packet);
	liscr_args_seti_stack (args);
Esempio n. 5
 * \brief Casts a sphere against the stick and returns the hit fraction.
 * FIXME: Doesn't work yet.
 * \param self Terrain stick.
 * \param bot00 Bottom surface Y offset.
 * \param bot10 Bottom surface Y offset.
 * \param bot01 Bottom surface Y offset.
 * \param bot11 Bottom surface Y offset.
 * \param top00 Top surface Y offset.
 * \param top10 Top surface Y offset.
 * \param top01 Top surface Y offset.
 * \param top11 Top surface Y offset.
 * \param sphere_rel_cast_start Cast start position of the sphere, in grid units relative to the column origin.
 * \param sphere_rel_cast_end Cast end position of the sphere, in grid units relative to the column origin.
 * \param sphere_radius Sphere radius, in grid units.
 * \param result Return location for the hit fraction.
 * \return Nonzero if hit. Zero otherwise.
int liext_terrain_stick_cast_sphere (
	const LIExtTerrainStick* self,
	float                    bot00,
	float                    bot10,
	float                    bot01,
	float                    bot11,
	float                    top00,
	float                    top10,
	float                    top01,
	float                    top11,
	const LIMatVector*       sphere_rel_cast_start,
	const LIMatVector*       sphere_rel_cast_end,
	float                    sphere_radius,
	LIExtTerrainCollision*   result)
	float min;
	float max;
	LIExtTerrainCollision best;
	LIExtTerrainCollision frac;
	LIMatVector v;
	LIMatVector vtx[3];
	LIMatVector point;
	LIMatPlane plane;

	frac.x = 0;
	frac.z = 0;
	best.fraction = LIMAT_INFINITE;
	v = limat_vector_subtract (*sphere_rel_cast_end, *sphere_rel_cast_start);

	/* Left. */
	limat_plane_init (&plane, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
	frac.fraction = limat_plane_cast_sphere (&plane, sphere_rel_cast_start, sphere_rel_cast_end, sphere_radius);
	if (frac.fraction >= 0.0f && best.fraction > frac.fraction)
		point = limat_vector_add (*sphere_rel_cast_start, limat_vector_multiply (v, frac.fraction));
		min = limat_mix (bot00, bot01, point.z);
		max = limat_mix (top00, top01, point.z);
		if (point.z >= 0 && point.z <= 1.0f && min <= point.y && point.y <= max)
			/* Direct face hit. */
			best = frac;
			best.normal = limat_vector_init (-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			best.point = limat_vector_init (0.0f, point.y, point.z);
			/* Potential edge hit. */
			point.z = LIMAT_CLAMP (point.z, 0.0f, 1.0f);
			min = limat_mix (bot00, bot01, point.z);
			max = limat_mix (top00, top01, point.z);
			point.y = LIMAT_CLAMP (point.y, min, max);
			if (limat_intersect_point_cast_sphere (&point, sphere_rel_cast_start, sphere_rel_cast_end, sphere_radius, &frac.fraction))
				if (frac.fraction >= 0.0f && best.fraction > frac.fraction)
					best = frac;
					best.normal = limat_vector_init (-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
					best.point = limat_vector_init (0.0f, point.y, point.z);

	/* Right. */
	limat_plane_init (&plane, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	frac.fraction = limat_plane_cast_sphere (&plane, sphere_rel_cast_start, sphere_rel_cast_end, sphere_radius);
	if (frac.fraction >= 0.0f && best.fraction > frac.fraction)
		point = limat_vector_add (*sphere_rel_cast_start, limat_vector_multiply (v, frac.fraction));
		min = limat_mix (bot10, bot11, point.z);
		max = limat_mix (top10, top11, point.z);
		if (point.z >= 0 && point.z <= 1.0f && min <= point.y && point.y <= max)
			/* Direct face hit. */
			best = frac;
			best.normal = limat_vector_init (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			best.point = limat_vector_init (1.0f, point.y, point.z);
			/* Potential edge hit. */
			point.z = LIMAT_CLAMP (point.z, 0.0f, 1.0f);
			min = limat_mix (bot10, bot11, point.z);
			max = limat_mix (top10, top11, point.z);
			point.y = LIMAT_CLAMP (point.y, min, max);
			if (limat_intersect_point_cast_sphere (&point, sphere_rel_cast_start, sphere_rel_cast_end, sphere_radius, &frac.fraction))
				if (frac.fraction >= 0.0f && best.fraction > frac.fraction)
					best = frac;
					best.normal = limat_vector_init (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
					best.point = limat_vector_init (1.0f, point.y, point.z);

	/* Front. */
	limat_plane_init (&plane, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
	frac.fraction = limat_plane_cast_sphere (&plane, sphere_rel_cast_start, sphere_rel_cast_end, sphere_radius);
	if (frac.fraction >= 0.0f && best.fraction > frac.fraction)
		point = limat_vector_add (*sphere_rel_cast_start, limat_vector_multiply (v, frac.fraction));
		min = limat_mix (bot00, bot10, point.z);
		max = limat_mix (top00, top10, point.z);
		if (point.x >= 0 && point.x <= 1.0f && min <= point.y && point.y <= max)
			/* Direct face hit. */
			best = frac;
			best.normal = limat_vector_init (0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
			best.point = limat_vector_init (point.x, point.y, 0.0f);
			/* Potential edge hit. */
			point.x = LIMAT_CLAMP (point.x, 0.0f, 1.0f);
			min = limat_mix (bot00, bot10, point.z);
			max = limat_mix (top00, top10, point.z);
			point.y = LIMAT_CLAMP (point.y, min, max);
			if (limat_intersect_point_cast_sphere (&point, sphere_rel_cast_start, sphere_rel_cast_end, sphere_radius, &frac.fraction))
				if (frac.fraction >= 0.0f && best.fraction > frac.fraction)
					best = frac;
					best.normal = limat_vector_init (0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
					best.point = limat_vector_init (point.x, point.y, 0.0f);

	/* Back. */
	limat_plane_init (&plane, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
	frac.fraction = limat_plane_cast_sphere (&plane, sphere_rel_cast_start, sphere_rel_cast_end, sphere_radius);
	if (frac.fraction >= 0.0f && best.fraction > frac.fraction)
		point = limat_vector_add (*sphere_rel_cast_start, limat_vector_multiply (v, frac.fraction));
		min = limat_mix (bot01, bot11, point.z);
		max = limat_mix (top01, top11, point.z);
		if (point.x >= 0 && point.x <= 1.0f && min <= point.y && point.y <= max)
			/* Direct face hit. */
			best = frac;
			best.normal = limat_vector_init (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
			best.point = limat_vector_init (point.x, point.y, 1.0f);
			/* Potential edge hit. */
			point.x = LIMAT_CLAMP (point.x, 0.0f, 1.0f);
			min = limat_mix (bot01, bot11, point.z);
			max = limat_mix (top01, top11, point.z);
			point.y = LIMAT_CLAMP (point.y, min, max);
			if (limat_intersect_point_cast_sphere (&point, sphere_rel_cast_start, sphere_rel_cast_end, sphere_radius, &frac.fraction))
				if (frac.fraction >= 0.0f && best.fraction > frac.fraction)
					best = frac;
					best.normal = limat_vector_init (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
					best.point = limat_vector_init (point.x, point.y, 1.0f);

	/* Bottom. */
	vtx[2] = limat_vector_init (0.0f, bot00, 0.0f);
	vtx[1] = limat_vector_init (0.0f, bot01, 1.0f);
	vtx[0] = limat_vector_init (1.0f, bot11, 1.0f);
	limat_plane_init_from_points (&plane, vtx + 0, vtx + 1, vtx + 2);
	lisys_assert (plane.y < 0.0f);
	frac.fraction = limat_plane_cast_sphere (&plane, sphere_rel_cast_start, sphere_rel_cast_end, sphere_radius);
	if (frac.fraction >= 0.0f && best.fraction > frac.fraction)
		point = limat_vector_add (*sphere_rel_cast_start, limat_vector_multiply (v, frac.fraction));
		if (point.x >= 0.0f && point.z >= 0.0f && point.z <= 1.0f && point.z >= point.x)
			/* Direct face hit. */
			best = frac;
			limat_plane_get_normal (&plane, &best.normal);
			best.point = limat_vector_add (point, limat_vector_multiply (best.normal, -sphere_radius));
			/* TODO: Potential edge hit. */
	vtx[2] = limat_vector_init (0.0f, bot00, 0.0f);
	vtx[1] = limat_vector_init (1.0f, bot11, 1.0f);
	vtx[0] = limat_vector_init (1.0f, bot10, 0.0f);
	limat_plane_init_from_points (&plane, vtx + 0, vtx + 1, vtx + 2);
	lisys_assert (plane.y < 0.0f);
	frac.fraction = limat_plane_cast_sphere (&plane, sphere_rel_cast_start, sphere_rel_cast_end, sphere_radius);
	if (frac.fraction >= 0.0f && best.fraction > frac.fraction)
		point = limat_vector_add (*sphere_rel_cast_start, limat_vector_multiply (v, frac.fraction));
		if (point.x >= 0.0f && point.z >= 0.0f && point.x <= 1.0f && point.x >= point.z)
			/* Direct face hit. */
			best = frac;
			limat_plane_get_normal (&plane, &best.normal);
			best.point = limat_vector_add (point, limat_vector_multiply (best.normal, -sphere_radius));
			/* TODO: Potential edge hit. */

	/* Top. */
	vtx[2] = limat_vector_init (0.0f, top00, 0.0f);
	vtx[1] = limat_vector_init (1.0f, top10, 0.0f);
	vtx[0] = limat_vector_init (1.0f, top11, 1.0f);
	limat_plane_init_from_points (&plane, vtx + 0, vtx + 1, vtx + 2);
	frac.fraction = limat_plane_cast_sphere (&plane, sphere_rel_cast_start, sphere_rel_cast_end, sphere_radius);
	lisys_assert (plane.y > 0.0f);
	if (frac.fraction >= 0.0f && best.fraction > frac.fraction)
		point = limat_vector_add (*sphere_rel_cast_start, limat_vector_multiply (v, frac.fraction));
		if (point.x >= 0.0f && point.z >= 0.0f && point.x <= 1.0f && point.x >= point.z)
			/* Direct face hit. */
			best = frac;
			limat_plane_get_normal (&plane, &best.normal);
			best.point = limat_vector_add (point, limat_vector_multiply (best.normal, -sphere_radius));
			/* TODO: Potential edge hit. */
	vtx[2] = limat_vector_init (0.0f, top00, 0.0f);
	vtx[1] = limat_vector_init (1.0f, top11, 1.0f);
	vtx[0] = limat_vector_init (0.0f, top10, 1.0f);
	limat_plane_init_from_points (&plane, vtx + 0, vtx + 1, vtx + 2);
	lisys_assert (plane.y > 0.0f);
	frac.fraction = limat_plane_cast_sphere (&plane, sphere_rel_cast_start, sphere_rel_cast_end, sphere_radius);
	if (frac.fraction >= 0.0f && best.fraction > frac.fraction)
		point = limat_vector_add (*sphere_rel_cast_start, limat_vector_multiply (v, frac.fraction));
		if (point.x >= 0.0f && point.z >= 0.0f && point.z <= 1.0f && point.z >= point.x)
			/* Direct face hit. */
			best = frac;
			limat_plane_get_normal (&plane, &best.normal);
			best.point = limat_vector_add (point, limat_vector_multiply (best.normal, -sphere_radius));
			/* TODO: Potential edge hit. */

	/* Check whether a collision occurred. */
	if (best.fraction > 1.0f || best.fraction == LIMAT_INFINITE)
		return 0;
	*result = best;
	return 1;