Esempio n. 1
void readEpcr(struct lineFile *ef)
/* Read in and record epcr records */
int wordCount;
char *words[8];
char *pos[4];
struct epcr *epcr;
struct sts *sts;

while (lineFileChopNext(ef, words, 4))
    if (words[3])
	epcr->next = NULL;
	epcr->contig = cloneString(words[0]);
	epcr->bases = cloneString(words[1]);
	epcr->dbstsId = cloneString(words[2]);
	epcr->ucscId = cloneString(words[3]);
	wordCount = chopByChar(words[1], '.', pos, ArraySize(pos));
	if (wordCount != 3) 
	  errAbort("Not parsing epcr as expeceted\n");
	epcr->start = sqlUnsigned(pos[0]);
	epcr->end = sqlUnsigned(pos[2]);
	sts = hashMustFindVal(stsHash, epcr->dbstsId);
	if (!epcrInList(sts->epcr, epcr))
	    slAddHead(&sts->epcr, epcr);
Esempio n. 2
struct genePred *getPredsFromBeds(char *file, char *table, char *db)
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(file, TRUE);
char *words[5000];
int wordsRead;
struct genePred *list = NULL;

while( (wordsRead = lineFileChopNext(lf, words, sizeof(words)/sizeof(char *)) ))
    if (wordsRead != 4)
	errAbort("file '%s' must be bed4. Line %d has %d fields", 
	    file, lf->lineIx, wordsRead);

    char where[10 * 1024];
    sqlSafefFrag(where, sizeof where, 
	"name = '%s' and chrom='%s' and txStart = %d and txEnd = %d",
	words[3], words[0], sqlUnsigned(words[1]), sqlUnsigned(words[2]));

    //printf("table %s where %s\n",table,where);
    struct genePredReader *reader = genePredReaderQuery( conn, table, where);
    struct genePred *pred;
    while ((pred = genePredReaderNext(reader)) != NULL)
	slAddHead(&list, pred);



if (list != NULL)

return list;
Esempio n. 3
struct aaMap *readAAMap(char *fileName)
/* Read in a amino acid counts from a file. */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
char *words[1024];
int wordsRead;
int ii;
struct aaMap *am;

am = allocAAMap();

for(ii=0; ii < 256; ii++)
    am->empty[ii] = TRUE;

while( (wordsRead = lineFileChopNext(lf, words, sizeof(words)/sizeof(char *))) > 0)
    if (wordsRead != 2)
	errAbort("expect two words on line %d of %s\n", lf->lineIx, fileName);

    if (strlen(words[0]) > 1)
	errAbort("expect first word to be one char on line %d of %s\n", lf->lineIx, fileName);

    int aa = *words[0];
    am->map[aa] = atof(words[1]);
    am->empty[aa] = FALSE;

return am;
void readUnistsAliases(struct lineFile *uaf)
/* Read in UniSTS alias names */
char *words[4], *name = NULL, *id = NULL;
int nameCount, i = 0, j, k, l = 0;
struct alias *aliases = NULL, *testAlias = NULL;
struct aliasId *aliasId = NULL;
boolean idAdded = FALSE;

/* store marker names keyed by ID and marker UniSTS IDs indexed by name. */
/* there can be many names per ID and many IDs per name */

aliasHash = newHash(16);
aliasByNameHash = newHash(18);

while (lineFileChopNext(uaf, words, 2) )
    id = cloneString(words[0]);
    /* allocate memory for alias structure */
    nameCount = chopByChar(words[1], ';', aliases->names, ArraySize(aliases->names));
    for (i = 0; i < nameCount; i++)
        /* add alias to hash keyed by alias, value is UniSTS ID. */
        /* alias can have multiple IDs */
        idAdded = FALSE;
        name = cloneString(aliases->names[i]);
        /* get existing aliasId struct from hash for this name if exists */
        /* else allocate memory for an aliasId struct */
        /* and initialize array of ids */
        if ((aliasId = hashFindVal(aliasByNameHash, name)) == NULL)
           for (j = 0; j < MAXIDS; j++)
               aliasId->ids[j] = NULL;
        for (k = 0; (k < MAXIDS) && !idAdded; k++)
            /* find next empty slot in array to add UniSTS ID */
            if ((aliasId->ids[k] == NULL) && (!idAdded))
               aliasId->ids[k] = id;  
               idAdded = TRUE; 
        addHashElUnique(aliasByNameHash, name, aliasId);
    /* add entry of "0" to signify the end of the array */
    aliases->names[i] = "0";  
    /* Add this entry to a hash keyed by UniSTS id, hash key must be a string */
    addHashElUnique(aliasHash, id, aliases);
Esempio n. 5
boolean lineFileNextRow(struct lineFile *lf, char *words[], int wordCount)
/* Return next non-blank line that doesn't start with '#' chopped into words.
 * Returns FALSE at EOF.  Aborts on error. */
int wordsRead;
wordsRead = lineFileChopNext(lf, words, wordCount);
if (wordsRead == 0)
    return FALSE;
if (wordsRead < wordCount)
    lineFileExpectWords(lf, wordCount, wordsRead);
return TRUE;
struct bedNamedScore *bedNamedScoreLoadNext(struct lineFile *lf)
/* Takes in an open lineFile and reads out the next bedNamedScore line */
char *row[6];
int rowSize = lineFileChopNext(lf, row, ArraySize(row));

if (rowSize == 0)
    return NULL;
struct bedNamedScore *bg;
bg->chrom = cloneString(row[0]);
bg->chromStart = sqlUnsigned(row[1]);
bg->chromEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[2]);
bg->name = cloneString(row[3]);
bg->score = sqlFloat(row[4]);
bg->strand = row[5][0];

return bg;
struct hash *makeExpsTable(char *database, char *expTable, char *expFile,
                                 int *expCount)
/* Open experiment file and use it to create experiment table.
   Use optional fields if present, otherwise defaults.
   Return a hash of expId's, keyed by name */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(expFile, TRUE);
FILE *f = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, expTable);
int expId = 0;
char *words[6];
int wordCt;
struct hash *expHash = newHash(0);

while ((wordCt = lineFileChopNext(lf, words, ArraySize(words))))
    char *name = words[0];
    hashAddInt(expHash, name, expId);
    fprintf(f, "%d\t%s\t", expId++, name);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", wordCt > 1 ? words[1] : name);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", wordCt > 2 ? words[2] : expUrl);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", wordCt > 3 ? words[3] : expRef);
    fprintf(f, "%s\t", wordCt > 4 ? words[4] : expCredit);
    fprintf(f, "0\n");          /* extras */
if (expId <= 0)
    errAbort("No experiments in %s", lf->fileName);
verbose(2, "%d experiments\n", expId);

if (doLoad)
    struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database);
    expRecordCreateTable(conn, expTable);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, expTable, &f);
if (expCount)
    *expCount = expId;
return expHash;
Esempio n. 8
struct region *getUserRegions(char *fileName)
/* Get user defined regions from fileName. */
struct region *list = NULL, *region;
struct lineFile *lf;
char *words[4];
int wordCount;

lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE); /* TRUE == replace CR with 0 */
while (0 != (wordCount = lineFileChopNext(lf, words, ArraySize(words))))
    region->chrom = cloneString(words[0]);
    region->start = atoi(words[1]);
    region->end = atoi(words[2]);
    if (wordCount > 3)
	region->name = cloneString(words[3]);
	region->name = NULL;
    slAddHead(&list, region);
return list;
static struct sqlDeleter* buildReloadDeleter(char *reloadList, unsigned srcDb, char *tmpDir)
/* read reload list, building a deleter for the specified source DB */
struct sqlDeleter* deleter = NULL;
struct lineFile *lf = gzLineFileOpen(reloadList);
int cnt = 0;
char *row[1];

while (lineFileChopNext(lf, row, ArraySize(row)))
    char *acc = trimSpaces(row[0]);
    if (gbGuessSrcDb(acc) == srcDb)
        if (deleter == NULL)
            deleter = sqlDeleterNew(tmpDir, (gbVerbose >= 4));
        sqlDeleterAddAcc(deleter, acc);
        gbVerbMsg(5, "%s delete for reloading", acc);
gbVerbMsg(1, "delete %d entries for reloading", cnt);
return deleter;
Esempio n. 10
void writeSections(struct bbiChromUsage *usageList, struct lineFile *lf, 
	int itemsPerSlot, struct bbiBoundsArray *bounds, int sectionCount, FILE *f,
	int resTryCount, int resScales[], int resSizes[], 
	boolean doCompress, bits32 *retMaxSectionSize)
/* Read through lf, chunking it into sections that get written to f.  Save info
 * about sections in bounds. */
int maxSectionSize = 0;
struct bbiChromUsage *usage = usageList;
int itemIx = 0, sectionIx = 0;
bits32 reserved32 = 0;
UBYTE reserved8 = 0;
struct sectionItem items[itemsPerSlot];
struct sectionItem *lastB = NULL;
bits32 resEnds[resTryCount];
int resTry;
for (resTry = 0; resTry < resTryCount; ++resTry)
    resEnds[resTry] = 0;
struct dyString *stream = dyStringNew(0);

/* remove initial browser and track lines */

for (;;)
    /* Get next line of input if any. */
    char *row[5];
    int rowSize = lineFileChopNext(lf, row, ArraySize(row));

    /* Figure out whether need to output section. */
    boolean sameChrom = FALSE;
    if (rowSize > 0)
	sameChrom = sameString(row[0], usage->name);
    if (itemIx >= itemsPerSlot || rowSize == 0 || !sameChrom)
	/* Figure out section position. */
	bits32 chromId = usage->id;
	bits32 sectionStart = items[0].start;
	bits32 sectionEnd = items[itemIx-1].end;

	/* Save section info for indexing. */
	assert(sectionIx < sectionCount);
	struct bbiBoundsArray *section = &bounds[sectionIx++];
	section->offset = ftell(f);
	section->range.chromIx = chromId;
	section->range.start = sectionStart;
	section->range.end = sectionEnd;

	/* Output section header to stream. */
	UBYTE type = bwgTypeBedGraph;
	bits16 itemCount = itemIx;
	dyStringWriteOne(stream, chromId);			// chromId
	dyStringWriteOne(stream, sectionStart);		// start
	dyStringWriteOne(stream, sectionEnd);	// end
	dyStringWriteOne(stream, reserved32);		// itemStep
	dyStringWriteOne(stream, reserved32);		// itemSpan
	dyStringWriteOne(stream, type);			// type
	dyStringWriteOne(stream, reserved8);			// reserved
	dyStringWriteOne(stream, itemCount);			// itemCount

	/* Output each item in section to stream. */
	int i;
	for (i=0; i<itemIx; ++i)
	    struct sectionItem *item = &items[i];
	    dyStringWriteOne(stream, item->start);
	    dyStringWriteOne(stream, item->end);
	    dyStringWriteOne(stream, item->val);

	/* Save stream to file, compressing if need be. */
	if (stream->stringSize > maxSectionSize)
	    maxSectionSize = stream->stringSize;
	if (doCompress)
	    size_t maxCompSize = zCompBufSize(stream->stringSize);
	    char compBuf[maxCompSize];
	    int compSize = zCompress(stream->string, stream->stringSize, compBuf, maxCompSize);
	    mustWrite(f, compBuf, compSize);
	    mustWrite(f, stream->string, stream->stringSize);

	/* If at end of input we are done. */
	if (rowSize == 0)

	/* Set up for next section. */
	itemIx = 0;

	if (!sameChrom)
	    usage = usage->next;
	    assert(usage != NULL);
            if (!sameString(row[0], usage->name))
                errAbort("read %s, expecting %s on line %d in file %s\n", 
                    row[0], usage->name, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	    assert(sameString(row[0], usage->name));
	    lastB = NULL;
	    for (resTry = 0; resTry < resTryCount; ++resTry)
		resEnds[resTry] = 0;

    /* Parse out input. */
    lineFileExpectWords(lf, 4, rowSize);
    bits32 start = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 1);
    bits32 end = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 2);
    float val = lineFileNeedDouble(lf, row, 3);

    /* Verify that inputs meets our assumption - that it is a sorted bedGraph file. */
    if (start > end)
        errAbort("Start (%u) after end (%u) line %d of %s", start, end, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    if (lastB != NULL)
	if (lastB->start > start)
	    errAbort("BedGraph not sorted on start line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	if (lastB->end > start)
	    errAbort("Overlapping regions in bedGraph line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);

    /* Do zoom counting. */
    for (resTry = 0; resTry < resTryCount; ++resTry)
	bits32 resEnd = resEnds[resTry];
	if (start >= resEnd)
	    resSizes[resTry] += 1;
	    resEnds[resTry] = resEnd = start + resScales[resTry];
	while (end > resEnd)
	    resSizes[resTry] += 1;
	    resEnds[resTry] = resEnd = resEnd + resScales[resTry];

    /* Save values in output array. */
    struct sectionItem *b = &items[itemIx];
    b->start = start;
    b->end = end;
    b->val = val;
    lastB = b;
    itemIx += 1;
assert(sectionIx == sectionCount);

*retMaxSectionSize = maxSectionSize;
Esempio n. 11
static struct bed *parseRegionInput(char *inputString)
/* scan the user region definition, turn into a bed list */
int itemCount = 0;
struct bed *bedList = NULL;
struct bed *bedEl;
int wordCount;
char *words[5];
struct lineFile *lf;

lf = lineFileOnString("userData", TRUE, inputString);
while (0 != (wordCount = lineFileChopNext(lf, words, ArraySize(words))))
    char *chromName = NULL;
    int chromStart = 0;
    int chromEnd = 0;
    char *regionName = NULL;
    /*	might be something of the form: chrom:start-end optionalRegionName */
    if (((1 == wordCount) || (2 == wordCount)) &&
	    hgParseChromRange(NULL, words[0], &chromName,
		&chromStart, &chromEnd))
	if (2 == wordCount)
	    regionName = cloneString(words[1]);
    else if (!((3 == wordCount) || (4 == wordCount)))
	int i;
	struct dyString *errMessage = dyStringNew(0);
	for (i = 0; i < wordCount; ++i)
	    dyStringPrintf(errMessage, "%s ", words[i]);
	errAbort("line %d: '%s'<BR>\n"
	"illegal bed size, expected 3 or 4 fields, found %d\n",
		    lf->lineIx, dyStringCannibalize(&errMessage), wordCount);
	chromName = hgOfficialChromName(database, words[0]);
	chromStart = sqlSigned(words[1]);
	chromEnd = sqlSigned(words[2]);
	if (wordCount > 3)
	    regionName = cloneString(words[3]);
    if (itemCount > 1000)
	warn("limit 1000 region definitions reached at line %d<BR>\n",
    bedEl->chrom = chromName;
    if (NULL == bedEl->chrom)
	errAbort("at line %d, chrom name '%s' %s %s not recognized in this assembly %d",
	    lf->lineIx, words[0], words[1], words[2], wordCount);
    bedEl->chromStart = chromStart;
    bedEl->chromEnd = chromEnd;
    if (illegalCoordinate(bedEl->chrom, bedEl->chromStart, bedEl->chromEnd))
	errAbort("illegal input at line %d: %s %d %d",
		lf->lineIx, bedEl->chrom, bedEl->chromStart, bedEl->chromEnd);
    if (wordCount > 3)
	bedEl->name = regionName;
	bedEl->name = NULL;
/* if we wanted to give artifical names to each item */
#ifdef NOT
	char name[128];
	safef(name, ArraySize(name), "item_%04d", itemCount);
	bedEl->name = cloneString(name);
    slAddHead(&bedList, bedEl);
//    slSort(&bedList, bedCmp);	/* this would do chrom,chromStart order */
slReverse(&bedList);	/* with no sort, it is in order as user entered */
return (bedList);
Esempio n. 12
void parseFasta(struct lineFile *lf, int numSpecies, struct slName *list,
    struct hash *seqHash, alignFunc afunc, columnFunc cfunc, void *closure)
/* Parse an AA fasta, calling the alignment and column functions where appropriate. */
char *words[5000];
int wordsRead;
boolean expectGreat = TRUE;
char *seqBuffer = NULL;
struct alignDetail detail;
struct slName *name;

memset(&detail, 0, sizeof(detail));
detail.numSpecies = numSpecies;
detail.seqBuffers = needMem(numSpecies * sizeof(struct seqBuffer));
int ii = 0;

for(name = list; name; name = name->next)
    struct hashContent *hc = hashMustFindVal(seqHash, name->name);

    detail.seqBuffers[ii].position = hc->position;
    detail.seqBuffers[ii].buffer = hc->seqBuffer;
    detail.seqBuffers[ii].species = name->name;
    detail.seqBuffers[ii].lastTwo[0] = '-';
    detail.seqBuffers[ii].lastTwo[1] = '-';

while( (wordsRead = lineFileChopNext(lf, words, sizeof(words)/sizeof(char *)) ))
    if (expectGreat)
	if (*words[0] != '>')
	    errAbort("expect '>' as first char on line %d",lf->lineIx);

	char *pName = words[0];
	char *exonCountStr = strrchr(pName, '_');
	if (exonCountStr == NULL)
	    errAbort("expected to find underbar on line %d",lf->lineIx);
	int newExonCount = atoi(exonCountStr + 1);
	if (newExonCount == 0)
	    errAbort("bad exon count on line %d",lf->lineIx);
	*exonCountStr = 0;
	char *exonNumStr = strrchr(pName, '_');
	if (exonNumStr == NULL)
	    errAbort("expected to find underbar on line %d",lf->lineIx);
	int newExonNum = atoi(exonNumStr + 1);
	*exonNumStr = 0;
	char *species = strrchr(pName, '_');
	*species++ = 0;
	if (species == NULL)
	    errAbort("expected to find species underbar on line %d",lf->lineIx);
	int newExonSize = atoi(words[1]);


	if (newExonSize > SEQBUFFER_SIZE)
	    errAbort("exon is too big (%d) for constant SEQBUFFER (%d)",
		newExonSize, SEQBUFFER_SIZE);
	if (newExonSize <= 0)
	    errAbort("expected size > 0 (2nd arg)  on line %d",lf->lineIx);

	if ((detail.proName == NULL) || 
	    !sameString(pName, detail.proName)||
	    (detail.exonNum != newExonNum) ||
	    (detail.exonSize != newExonSize))
	    if (detail.proName != NULL)
		analyzeAlign(&detail, afunc, cfunc, closure);
		detail.exonSize = SEQBUFFER_SIZE; // initialize whole buffer

	    struct seqBuffer *sb = detail.seqBuffers;
	    struct seqBuffer *lastSb = &detail.seqBuffers[detail.numSpecies];

	    for(; sb < lastSb; sb++)
		if (detail.exonSize == 1)
		    sb->lastTwo[0] = '-';
		    sb->lastTwo[1] = sb->buffer[detail.exonSize-1];
		    memcpy(sb->lastTwo, &sb->buffer[detail.exonSize-2], 2); 
	    clearSpecies(seqHash, detail.exonSize);

	    detail.proName = cloneString(pName);

	    detail.exonNum = newExonNum;
	    detail.exonCount = newExonCount;
	    detail.exonSize = newExonSize;
	    detail.startFrame = atoi(words[2]);
	    detail.endFrame = atoi(words[3]);
	    if (wordsRead == 6)
		detail.geneName = cloneString(words[5]);

	struct hashContent *hc = hashMustFindVal(seqHash, species);
	seqBuffer = hc->seqBuffer;
	if (strlen(words[4]) >  MAX_POSITION_SIZE)
	    errAbort("overflowed position buffer have %d need %d",
		MAX_POSITION_SIZE, (int)strlen(words[4]));

	strcpy(hc->position, words[4]);

	expectGreat = FALSE;
	expectGreat = TRUE;
	if (wordsRead != 1)
	    errAbort("expect only one word with sequence on line %d\n",lf->lineIx);
	if (strlen(words[0]) != detail.exonSize)
	    errAbort("expect exonSize to be %d on line %d\n",detail.exonSize,lf->lineIx);
	memcpy(seqBuffer, words[0], detail.exonSize);
if (detail.proName != NULL)
    analyzeAlign(&detail, afunc, cfunc, closure);
Esempio n. 13
void bedSplitOnChrom(char *inFile, char *outDir)
/* bedSplitOnChrom - Split bed into a directory with one file per chromosome. */
/* Create output directory. */

/* Open file and figure out how many fields there are. */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(inFile, TRUE);
char *row[100];
int numFields = lineFileChopNext(lf, row, ArraySize(row));
char lastChrom[2048];

lastChrom[0] = 0;

if (numFields == 0)
    return;	/* Empty file, nothing to do. */
if (numFields >= ArraySize(row))
    errAbort("Too many fields (%d) in bed file %s.  Max is %d", 
    	numFields, lf->fileName, (int)(ArraySize(row)-1));
if (numFields < 3 || !isdigit(row[1][0]) || !isdigit(row[2][0]))
    errAbort("%s does not appear to be a bed file.", lf->fileName);

/* Output as needed, creating a hash of open files. */
char path[PATH_LEN];
struct hash *fileHash = hashNew(8);
char buffer[4096];

for (;;)
    /* Look up file in hash, creating a new file if need be. */
    char *chrom = row[0];

    if (doStrand)
	char *ptr = buffer;

	for(;*chrom; chrom++, ptr++)
	    *ptr = *chrom;

	*ptr++ = row[5][0];
	*ptr++ = 0;

	chrom = buffer;

    if (differentString(chrom, lastChrom))
	f = hashFindVal(fileHash, chrom);
	strcpy(lastChrom, chrom);
	verbose(2, "new chrom %s f %p\n", lastChrom,f);

    if (f == NULL)
	if (fileHash->elCount >= maxChromCount)
	    errAbort("%s is the %dth chromosome, which is too many. "
	             "Use maxChromCount option if need be.",
		     chrom, fileHash->elCount+1);
	safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s.bed", outDir, chrom);
	f = mustOpen(path, doAppend ? "a" : "w");
	verbose(2, "opened %s f %p\n",path, f);
	hashAdd(fileHash, chrom, f);

    /* Output line of bed file, starting with the three fields that are always there. */
    fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s", row[0], row[1], row[2]);
    int i;
    for (i=3; i<numFields; ++i)
	fprintf(f, "\t%s", row[i]);
    fputc('\n', f);
    if (ferror(f))
	safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s.bed", outDir, chrom);
        errnoAbort("Couldn't write to %s.", path);

    /* Fetch next line, breaking loop if it's not there, 
     * and maybe insuring that it has the usual number of fields. */
    int fieldsInLine = lineFileChopNext(lf, row, ArraySize(row));
    if (fieldsInLine == 0)
    if (nfCheck && (fieldsInLine != numFields))
	errAbort("First line in %s had %d fields, but line %d has %d fields.",
		lf->fileName, numFields, lf->lineIx, fieldsInLine);

/* Careful close all output files to make sure last bytes really written. */
struct hashEl *hel;
for (hel = hashElListHash(fileHash); hel != NULL; hel = hel->next)
    FILE *f = hel->val;
void initGapAid(char *gapFileName)
/* Initialize gap aid structure for faster gap
 * computations. */
int i, tableSize, startLong = -1;
char *sizeDesc[2];
char *words[128];

if (gapFileName != NULL)
    struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(gapFileName, TRUE);
    int count;

    lineFileNextRowTab(lf, sizeDesc, 2);
    tableSize = atoi(sizeDesc[1]);
    while (count = lineFileChopNext(lf, words, tableSize+1))
        if (sameString(words[0],"smallSize"))
            aid.smallSize = atoi(words[1]);
        if (sameString(words[0],"position"))
            for (i=0 ; i<count-1 ; i++)
                gapInitPos[i] = atoi(words[i+1]);
        if (sameString(words[0],"qGap"))
            for (i=0 ; i<count-1 ; i++)
                gapInitQGap[i] = atoi(words[i+1]);
        if (sameString(words[0],"tGap"))
            for (i=0 ; i<count-1 ; i++)
                gapInitTGap[i] = atoi(words[i+1]);
        if (sameString(words[0],"bothGap"))
            for (i=0 ; i<count-1 ; i++)
                gapInitBothGap[i] = atoi(words[i+1]);
    if (aid.smallSize == 0)
        errAbort("missing smallSize parameter in %s\n",gapFileName);
    /* if no gap file, then setup default values */ 
    /* Set up to handle small values */
    aid.smallSize = 111;
    tableSize = 11;
    for (i = 0 ; i < tableSize ; i++)
        gapInitPos[i] = gapInitPosDefault[i];
        gapInitTGap[i] = gapInitTGapDefault[i];
        gapInitQGap[i] = gapInitQGapDefault[i];
        gapInitBothGap[i] = gapInitBothGapDefault[i];
    AllocArray(aid.qSmall, aid.smallSize);
    AllocArray(aid.tSmall, aid.smallSize);
    AllocArray(aid.bSmall, aid.smallSize);
    for (i=1; i<aid.smallSize; ++i)
        aid.qSmall[i] = 
            interpolate(i, gapInitPos, gapInitQGap, tableSize);
        aid.tSmall[i] = 
            interpolate(i, gapInitPos, gapInitTGap, tableSize);
        aid.bSmall[i] = interpolate(i, gapInitPos, 
            gapInitBothGap, tableSize);

    /* Set up to handle intermediate values. */
    for (i=0; i<tableSize; ++i)
        if (aid.smallSize == gapInitPos[i])
            startLong = i;
    if (startLong < 0)
        errAbort("No position %d in initGapAid()\n", aid.smallSize);
    aid.longCount = tableSize - startLong;
    aid.qPosCount = tableSize - startLong;
    aid.tPosCount = tableSize - startLong;
    aid.bPosCount = tableSize - startLong;
    aid.longPos = cloneMem(gapInitPos + startLong, aid.longCount * sizeof(int));
    aid.qLong = cloneMem(gapInitQGap + startLong, aid.qPosCount * sizeof(double));
    aid.tLong = cloneMem(gapInitTGap + startLong, aid.tPosCount * sizeof(double));
    aid.bLong = cloneMem(gapInitBothGap + startLong, aid.bPosCount * sizeof(double));

    /* Set up to handle huge values. */
    aid.qLastPos = aid.longPos[aid.qPosCount-1];
    aid.tLastPos = aid.longPos[aid.tPosCount-1];
    aid.bLastPos = aid.longPos[aid.bPosCount-1];
    aid.qLastPosVal = aid.qLong[aid.qPosCount-1];
    aid.tLastPosVal = aid.tLong[aid.tPosCount-1];
    aid.bLastPosVal = aid.bLong[aid.bPosCount-1];
    aid.qLastSlope = calcSlope(aid.qLastPosVal, aid.qLong[aid.qPosCount-2],
                               aid.qLastPos, aid.longPos[aid.qPosCount-2]);
    aid.tLastSlope = calcSlope(aid.tLastPosVal, aid.tLong[aid.tPosCount-2],
                               aid.tLastPos, aid.longPos[aid.tPosCount-2]);
    aid.bLastSlope = calcSlope(aid.bLastPosVal, aid.bLong[aid.bPosCount-2],
                               aid.bLastPos, aid.longPos[aid.bPosCount-2]);
    // uglyf("qLastPos %d, qlastPosVal %f, qLastSlope %f\n", aid.qLastPos, aid.qLastPosVal, aid.qLastSlope);
    // uglyf("tLastPos %d, tlastPosVal %f, tLastSlope %f\n", aid.tLastPos, aid.tLastPosVal, aid.tLastSlope);
    // uglyf("bLastPos %d, blastPosVal %f, bLastSlope %f\n", aid.bLastPos, aid.bLastPosVal, aid.bLastSlope);
Esempio n. 15
void readDbstsNames(struct lineFile *daf)
/* Read in dbSTS names and create new stsInfo record, if necessary */
  struct sts *s;
  struct stsInfo2 *si;
  struct primer *p;
  char *words[4], *names[64], name[64], *org;
  int dbstsId, nameCount, i;

  while (lineFileChopNext(daf, words, 2))
      /* Make sure this is a human marker */
      org = hashFindVal(orgHash, words[0]);
      if (hashLookup(orgHash, words[0]) && !sameString(org, "H**o sapiens\0") && !sameString(org, "\0"))
      dbstsId = sqlUnsigned(words[0]);
      /* Find the primers for this dbSTS id */
      if (hashLookup(primerHash, words[0])) 
	p = hashMustFindVal(primerHash, words[0]);
      /* Determine if this id is already being used */
      if (hashLookup(ucscIdHash, words[0]))
	s = hashMustFindVal(ucscIdHash, words[0]);
	s = NULL;
      /* If the id has not been assigned, see any of the names are being used */
      if (s == NULL) 
	  nameCount = chopByChar(words[1], ';', names, ArraySize(names));
	  for (i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) 
	      /* See if this name associated with a ucsc record already */
	      if (hashLookup(nameHash, names[i]))
		  s = hashMustFindVal(nameHash, names[i]);
		  /* See if this record needs an dbSTS id */
		  if ((s->si->dbSTSid == 0) || (s->si->dbSTSid >= MAX_STS_ID) ||  
		      (sameString(s->si->leftPrimer, "\0")))
		      s->si->dbSTSid = dbstsId;
		      /* If no primer info recorded, add it if possible */
		      if (((!s->mapped) || (sameString(s->si->leftPrimer, "\0")))
			  && (hashLookup(primerHash, words[0])))
			  p = hashMustFindVal(primerHash, words[0]);
			  s->si->leftPrimer = cloneString(p->left);
			  s->si->rightPrimer = cloneString(p->right);
			  s->si->distance = cloneString(p->dist);
		      i = nameCount;
	    addElementInt(dbstsId, &s->si->otherDbSTS, &s->si->otherDbstsCount);
      if (s != NULL)
	  /* Determine if all of the names are recorded */
	  if (s->si->dbSTSid == dbstsId)
	    s->dbstsIdExists = TRUE;
	  nameCount = chopByChar(words[1], ';', names, ArraySize(names));
	  for (i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) 
	      if (!hashLookup(nameHash, names[i]))
		  addName(s, names[i]);
		  hashAdd(nameHash, names[i], s);
	  /* If valid primers exist, then add record */
	  if (hashLookup(primerHash, words[0]))
	    p = hashMustFindVal(primerHash, words[0]);
	    p = NULL;
	  if (p != NULL)
	      nameCount = chopByChar(words[1], ';', names, ArraySize(names));
	      si->next = NULL;
	      s->si = si;
	      s->mapped = FALSE;
	      s->dbstsIdExists = TRUE;
	      s->fa = NULL;
	      si->next = NULL;
	      si->identNo = nextUcscId;
	      si->name = cloneString(names[0]);
	      si->gbCount = 0;
	      si->genbank = NULL;
	      si->gdbCount = 0;
	      si->gdb = NULL;
	      si->nameCount = 0;
	      si->otherNames = NULL;
	      if (checkGb(names[0]) || checkGdb(names[0]))
		addName(s, names[0]);
	      hashAdd(nameHash, names[0], s);
	      for (i = 1; i < nameCount; i++) 
		  subChar(names[i], ',', ':');
		  addName(s, names[i]);
		  hashAdd(nameHash, names[i], s);
	      si->dbSTSid = dbstsId;
	      si->otherDbstsCount = 0;
	      si->otherDbSTS = NULL;
	      si->leftPrimer = cloneString(p->left);
	      si->rightPrimer = cloneString(p->right);
	      si->distance = cloneString(p->dist);
	      si->organism = cloneString("H**o sapiens");
	      si->sequence = 0;
	      si->otherUCSCcount = 0;
	      si->otherUCSC = NULL;
	      si->mergeUCSCcount = 0;
	      si->mergeUCSC = NULL;
	      si->genethonName = cloneString("");
	      si->genethonChr = cloneString("");
	      si->marshfieldName = cloneString("");
	      si->marshfieldChr = cloneString("");
	      si->wiyacName = cloneString("");
	      si->wiyacChr = cloneString("");
	      si->wirhName = cloneString("");
	      si->wirhChr = cloneString("");
	      si->gm99gb4Name = cloneString("");
	      si->gm99gb4Chr = cloneString("");
	      si->gm99g3Name = cloneString("");
	      si->gm99g3Chr = cloneString("");
	      si->tngName = cloneString("");
	      si->tngChr = cloneString("");
	      si->decodeName = cloneString("");
	      si->decodeChr = cloneString("");
	      slAddHead(&sList, s);
	      hashAdd(ucscIdHash, words[0], s);
	      safef(name, ArraySize(name), "%d", s->si->identNo);
	      hashAdd(stsHash, name, s);
	      hashAddInt(dbStsIdHash, name, dbstsId); 
	      p->ucscId = s->si->identNo;
Esempio n. 16
struct hash *agpLoadAll(char *agpFile)
/* load AGP entries into a hash of AGP lists, one per chromosome */
struct hash *agpHash = newHash(0);
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(agpFile, TRUE);
char *words[9];
int lastPos = 0;
int wordCount;
struct agpFrag *agpFrag;
struct agpGap *agpGap;
char *chrom;
struct agp *agp;
struct hashEl *hel;

while ((wordCount = lineFileChopNext(lf, words, ArraySize(words))) != 0)
    lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, 8, wordCount);
    chrom = words[0];
    if (!hashFindVal(agpHash, chrom))
        lastPos = 1;
    if (words[4][0] != 'N' && words[4][0] != 'U')
        /* not a gap */
        lineFileExpectWords(lf, 9, wordCount);
        agpFrag = agpFragLoad(words);
        if (agpFrag->chromStart != lastPos)
               "Frag start (%d, %d) doesn't match previous end line %d of %s\n",
                     agpFrag->chromStart, lastPos, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
        if (agpFrag->chromEnd - agpFrag->chromStart != 
                        agpFrag->fragEnd - agpFrag->fragStart)
            errAbort("Sizes don't match in %s and %s line %d of %s\n",
                    agpFrag->chrom, agpFrag->frag, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
        lastPos = agpFrag->chromEnd + 1;
        agp->entry = agpFrag;
        agp->isFrag = TRUE;
        /* gap */
        lineFileExpectWords(lf, 8, wordCount);
        agpGap = agpGapLoad(words);
        if (agpGap->chromStart != lastPos)
            errAbort("Gap start (%d, %d) doesn't match previous end line %d of %s\n",
                     agpGap->chromStart, lastPos, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
        lastPos = agpGap->chromEnd + 1;
        agp->entry = agpGap;
        agp->isFrag = FALSE;
    if ((hel = hashLookup(agpHash, chrom)) == NULL)
        hashAdd(agpHash, chrom, agp);
        slAddHead(&(hel->val), agp);
#ifndef DEBUG
struct hashCookie cookie;
struct hashEl *hel;
cookie = hashFirst(agpHash);
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    struct agp *agpList;
    agpList = (struct agp *)hel->val;
    for (agp = agpList; agp != NULL; agp = agp->next)
        printf("isFrag: %d\n", agp->isFrag);
/* reverse AGP lists */
//hashTraverseVals(agpHash, slReverse);
#ifndef DEBUG
struct hashCookie cookie;
struct hashEl *hel;
cookie = hashFirst(agpHash);
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    struct agp *agpList;
    agpList = hel->val;
    agpList = (struct agp *)hel->val;
    hashRemove(agpHash, hel->name);
    hashAdd(agpHash, hel->name, agpList);
    for (agp = agpList; agp != NULL; agp = agp->next)
        printf("isFrag: %d\n", agp->isFrag);
return agpHash;
Esempio n. 17
struct bbiChromUsage *bbiChromUsageFromBedFile(struct lineFile *lf, struct hash *chromSizesHash, 
	struct bbExIndexMaker *eim, int *retMinDiff, double *retAveSize, bits64 *retBedCount)
/* Go through bed file and collect chromosomes and statistics.  If eim parameter is non-NULL
 * collect max field sizes there too. */
int maxRowSize = (eim == NULL ? 3 : bbExIndexMakerMaxIndexField(eim) + 1);
char *row[maxRowSize];
struct hash *uniqHash = hashNew(0);
struct bbiChromUsage *usage = NULL, *usageList = NULL;
int lastStart = -1;
bits32 id = 0;
bits64 totalBases = 0, bedCount = 0;
int minDiff = BIGNUM;


for (;;)
    int rowSize = lineFileChopNext(lf, row, maxRowSize);
    if (rowSize == 0)
    lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, maxRowSize, rowSize);
    char *chrom = row[0];
    int start = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 1);
    int end = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 2);
    if (eim != NULL)
	bbExIndexMakerUpdateMaxFieldSize(eim, row);
    if (start > end)
	    errAbort("end (%d) before start (%d) line %d of %s",
	    	end, start, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    totalBases += (end - start);
    if (usage == NULL || differentString(usage->name, chrom))
	if (hashLookup(uniqHash, chrom))
	    errAbort("%s is not sorted at line %d.  Please use \"sort -k1,1 -k2,2n\" or bedSort and try again.",
	    	lf->fileName, lf->lineIx);
	hashAdd(uniqHash, chrom, NULL);
	struct hashEl *chromHashEl = hashLookup(chromSizesHash, chrom);
	if (chromHashEl == NULL)
	    errAbort("%s is not found in chromosome sizes file", chrom);
	int chromSize = ptToInt(chromHashEl->val);
	usage->name = cloneString(chrom);
	usage->id = id++;
	usage->size = chromSize;
	slAddHead(&usageList, usage);
	lastStart = -1;
    if (end > usage->size)
        errAbort("End coordinate %d bigger than %s size of %d line %d of %s", end, usage->name, usage->size, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    usage->itemCount += 1;
    if (lastStart >= 0)
	int diff = start - lastStart;
	if (diff < minDiff)
	    if (diff < 0)
		errAbort("%s is not sorted at line %d.  Please use \"sort -k1,1 -k2,2n\" or bedSort and try again.",
		    lf->fileName, lf->lineIx);
	    minDiff = diff;
    lastStart = start;
double aveSize = 0;
if (bedCount > 0)
    aveSize = (double)totalBases/bedCount;
*retMinDiff = minDiff;
*retAveSize = aveSize;
*retBedCount = bedCount;
return usageList;
Esempio n. 18
struct bbiSummary *bedGraphWriteReducedOnceReturnReducedTwice(struct bbiChromUsage *usageList, 
	int fieldCount, struct lineFile *lf, bits32 initialReduction, bits32 initialReductionCount, 
	int zoomIncrement, int blockSize, int itemsPerSlot, boolean doCompress,
	struct lm *lm, FILE *f, bits64 *retDataStart, bits64 *retIndexStart,
	struct bbiSummaryElement *totalSum)
/* Write out data reduced by factor of initialReduction.  Also calculate and keep in memory
 * next reduction level.  This is more work than some ways, but it keeps us from having to
 * keep the first reduction entirely in memory. */
struct bbiSummary *twiceReducedList = NULL;
bits32 doubleReductionSize = initialReduction * zoomIncrement;
struct bbiChromUsage *usage = usageList;
struct bbiSummary oneSummary, *sum = NULL;
struct bbiBoundsArray *boundsArray, *boundsPt, *boundsEnd;
boundsPt = AllocArray(boundsArray, initialReductionCount);
boundsEnd = boundsPt + initialReductionCount;

*retDataStart = ftell(f);
writeOne(f, initialReductionCount);
boolean firstRow = TRUE;

struct bbiSumOutStream *stream = bbiSumOutStreamOpen(itemsPerSlot, f, doCompress);

/* remove initial browser and track lines */

for (;;)
    /* Get next line of input if any. */
    char *row[5];
    int rowSize = lineFileChopNext(lf, row, ArraySize(row));

    /* Output last section and break if at end of file. */
    if (rowSize == 0 && sum != NULL)
	bbiOutputOneSummaryFurtherReduce(sum, &twiceReducedList, doubleReductionSize, 
		&boundsPt, boundsEnd, lm, stream);

    /* Parse out row. */
    char *chrom = row[0];
    bits32 start = sqlUnsigned(row[1]);
    bits32 end = sqlUnsigned(row[2]);
    float val = sqlFloat(row[3]);

    /* Update total summary stuff. */
    bits32 size = end-start;
    if (firstRow)
        totalSum->validCount = size;
	totalSum->minVal = totalSum->maxVal = val;
	totalSum->sumData = val*size;
	totalSum->sumSquares = val*val*size;
	firstRow = FALSE;
	totalSum->validCount += size;
	if (val < totalSum->minVal) totalSum->minVal = val;
	if (val > totalSum->maxVal) totalSum->maxVal = val;
	totalSum->sumData += val*size;
	totalSum->sumSquares += val*val*size;

    /* If new chromosome output existing block. */
    if (differentString(chrom, usage->name))
	usage = usage->next;
	bbiOutputOneSummaryFurtherReduce(sum, &twiceReducedList, doubleReductionSize,
		&boundsPt, boundsEnd, lm, stream);
	sum = NULL;

    /* If start past existing block then output it. */
    else if (sum != NULL && sum->end <= start)
	bbiOutputOneSummaryFurtherReduce(sum, &twiceReducedList, doubleReductionSize, 
		&boundsPt, boundsEnd, lm, stream);
	sum = NULL;

    /* If don't have a summary we're working on now, make one. */
    if (sum == NULL)
	oneSummary.chromId = usage->id;
	oneSummary.start = start;
	oneSummary.end = start + initialReduction;
	if (oneSummary.end > usage->size) oneSummary.end = usage->size;
	oneSummary.minVal = oneSummary.maxVal = val;
	oneSummary.sumData = oneSummary.sumSquares = 0.0;
	oneSummary.validCount = 0;
	sum = &oneSummary;
    /* Deal with case where might have to split an item between multiple summaries.  This
     * loop handles all but the final affected summary in that case. */
    while (end > sum->end)
	verbose(3, "Splitting start %d, end %d, sum->start %d, sum->end %d\n", start, end, sum->start, sum->end);
	/* Fold in bits that overlap with existing summary and output. */
	bits32 overlap = rangeIntersection(start, end, sum->start, sum->end);
	sum->validCount += overlap;
	if (sum->minVal > val) sum->minVal = val;
	if (sum->maxVal < val) sum->maxVal = val;
	sum->sumData += val * overlap;
	sum->sumSquares += val*val * overlap;
	bbiOutputOneSummaryFurtherReduce(sum, &twiceReducedList, doubleReductionSize, 
		&boundsPt, boundsEnd, lm, stream);
	size -= overlap;

	/* Move summary to next part. */
	sum->start = start = sum->end;
	sum->end = start + initialReduction;
	if (sum->end > usage->size) sum->end = usage->size;
	sum->minVal = sum->maxVal = val;
	sum->sumData = sum->sumSquares = 0.0;
	sum->validCount = 0;

    /* Add to summary. */
    sum->validCount += size;
    if (sum->minVal > val) sum->minVal = val;
    if (sum->maxVal < val) sum->maxVal = val;
    sum->sumData += val * size;
    sum->sumSquares += val*val * size;

/* Write out 1st zoom index. */
int indexOffset = *retIndexStart = ftell(f);
assert(boundsPt == boundsEnd);
cirTreeFileBulkIndexToOpenFile(boundsArray, sizeof(boundsArray[0]), initialReductionCount,
    blockSize, itemsPerSlot, NULL, bbiBoundsArrayFetchKey, bbiBoundsArrayFetchOffset, 
    indexOffset, f);

return twiceReducedList;
void hgExperiment(char *database, char *table, 
                        char *expFile, char *posFile, char *dataFile)
/* Main function */
struct lineFile *lf;
int *data = NULL;
int *scores;
char expTable[32];
char *words[3];
int wordCt;
struct bed *bedList, *bed;
int expCount;
struct hash *expHash, *dataHash;
struct hashEl *hel;

/* Open experiment file and use it to create experiment table.
   Use optional fields if present, otherwise defaults */
safef(expTable, ArraySize(expTable), "%sExps", table);
expHash = makeExpsTable(database, expTable, expFile, &expCount);

/* Read in positions file */
bedList = bedLoadAll(posFile);
slSort(&bedList, bedCmp);

/* Read data file into a hash of arrays of data values, keyed by name */
dataHash = newHash(0);
lf = lineFileOpen(dataFile, TRUE);
while ((wordCt = lineFileChopNext(lf, words, ArraySize(words))))
    /* format: <region-name> <experiment-name> <data-value> */
    char *name, *exp;
    int expId;
    int value;
    if (wordCt != 3)
        errAbort("Expecting 3 words in data file, got %d line %d of %s", 
		wordCt, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    name = words[0];
    hel = hashLookup(dataHash, name);
    if (!hel)
        AllocArray(data, expCount);
        hel = hashAdd(dataHash, name, data);
    data = (int *)hel->val;
    exp = words[1];
    expId = hashIntVal(expHash, exp);
    if (expId < 0 || expId > expCount-1)
        errAbort("Invalid experiment ID %d for %s, line %d of %s",
                 expId, exp, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    //value = atoi(words[2]);
    value = round(atof(words[2]));
    if (data[expId] != 0)
        errAbort("Extra experiment data value %d for %s %s, line %d of %s",
                         value, name, exp, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    data[expId] = value;

/* Fill in BED15 fields - add experiment values, and setup block (only 1)*/
for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)
    int i;
    bed->thickStart = bed->chromStart;
    bed->thickEnd = bed->chromEnd;
    bed->blockCount = 1;
    AllocArray(bed->blockSizes, 1);
    bed->blockSizes[0] = bed->chromEnd - bed->chromStart;
    AllocArray(bed->chromStarts, 1);
    bed->chromStarts[0] = 0;
    bed->expCount = expCount;
    AllocArray(bed->expIds, expCount);
    for (i = 0; i < expCount; i++)
        bed->expIds[i] = i;
    AllocArray(bed->expScores, expCount);
    scores = hashMustFindVal(dataHash, bed->name);
    for (i = 0; i < expCount; i++)
        bed->expScores[i] = scores[i];
    /* set score for bed to the average of the scores in all experiments */

/* from affyPslAndAtlsoToBed ?

/* Write BED data file */
f = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, table);
for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)
    bedTabOutN(bed, 15, f);

/* Cleanup */