nsRubyTextContainerFrame::BeginRTCLineLayout(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                                             const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState)
  // Construct block reflow state and line layout
  nscoord consumedBSize = GetConsumedBSize();


  mISize = 0;

  nsBlockReflowState state(aReflowState, aPresContext, this, true, true,
                           false, consumedBSize);

    "There should be at least one line in the ruby text container");
  line_iterator firstLine = begin_lines();
  mLineLayout = mozilla::MakeUnique<nsLineLayout>(
                           &state.mReflowState, &firstLine);
  mLineLayout->Init(&state, state.mMinLineHeight, state.mLineNumber);

  mozilla::WritingMode lineWM = aReflowState.mLineLayout->GetWritingMode();
  mozilla::LogicalRect lineRect(state.mContentArea);
  nscoord iStart = lineRect.IStart(lineWM);
  nscoord availISize = lineRect.ISize(lineWM);
  nscoord availBSize = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;

  mLineLayout->BeginLineReflow(iStart, state.mBCoord,
                              availISize, availBSize,
                              lineWM, state.mContainerWidth);
Esempio n. 2
void PlaceholderEdit46::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *evt) {
    if(text().isEmpty() && !hasFocus() && !m_placeholderText.isEmpty()) {
        QPainter p(this);
        QStyleOptionFrameV2 panel;
        QRect r = style()->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_LineEditContents, &panel, this);
        int leftMgn, topMgn, rightMgn, bottomMgn;
        getTextMargins(&leftMgn, &topMgn, &rightMgn, &bottomMgn);
        r.setX(r.x() + leftMgn);
        r.setY(r.y() + topMgn);
        r.setRight(r.right() - rightMgn);
        r.setBottom(r.bottom() - bottomMgn);
        QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();

        QRect lineRect(r.x() + 2,
                       r.y() + (r.height() - fm.height() + 1) / 2,
                       r.width() - 4,

        QColor col(palette().text().color());
        QPen oldpen = p.pen();
        p.drawText(lineRect, m_placeholderText);
Esempio n. 3
void KPrTimeLineView::paintLine(QPainter *painter, int row, const QRect &rect, bool selected)
    QColor m_color = m_mainView->barColor(row);
    const int lineHeight = qMin(LINE_HEIGHT , rect.height());
    const int vPadding = (rect.height() - lineHeight) / 2;
    qreal stepSize  = m_mainView->widthOfColumn(KPrShapeAnimations::StartTime) / m_mainView->numberOfSteps();
    qreal startOffSet = m_mainView->calculateStartOffset(row) / 1000.0;
    qreal duration = m_mainView->model()->data(m_mainView->model()->index(row, KPrShapeAnimations::Duration)).toInt() / 1000.0;
    qreal start = m_mainView->model()->data(m_mainView->model()->index(row, KPrShapeAnimations::StartTime)).toInt() / 1000.0
            + startOffSet;
    QRectF lineRect(rect.x() + stepSize * start, rect.y() + vPadding, stepSize * duration, lineHeight);

    QRectF fillRect (lineRect.x(),lineRect.y() + BAR_MARGIN, lineRect.width(), lineRect.height() - BAR_MARGIN * 2);
    QLinearGradient s_grad(lineRect.center().x(), lineRect.top(),
                           lineRect.center().x(), lineRect.bottom());
    if (selected) {
        s_grad.setColorAt(0, m_color.darker(150));
        s_grad.setColorAt(0.5, m_color.lighter(150));
        s_grad.setColorAt(1, m_color.darker(150));
        painter->fillRect(fillRect, s_grad);
    else {
        s_grad.setColorAt(0, m_color.darker(200));
        s_grad.setColorAt(0.5, m_color.lighter(125));
        s_grad.setColorAt(1, m_color.darker(200));
        painter->fillRect(fillRect, s_grad);
    QRect startRect(lineRect.x(), lineRect.y(), 3, lineRect.height());
    painter->fillRect(startRect, Qt::black);
    QRect endRect(lineRect.x() + lineRect.width(), lineRect.y(), 3, lineRect.height());
    painter->fillRect(endRect, Qt::black);
Esempio n. 4
void ExLineEdit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
    //! draw the frame
    QPainter p(this);
    QStyleOptionFrameV2 panel;
    style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelLineEdit, &panel, &p, this);

    // draw line edit inactive text
    if (m_lineEdit->text().isEmpty() && !hasFocus())
        QRect r = style()->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_LineEditContents, &panel, this);

        QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
        int horizontalMargin = 2;
        int leftMargin = !m_left_icons.isEmpty() ? m_left_icons.count()*(this->height()) : 2;

        QRect lineRect(horizontalMargin + r.x() + leftMargin,
                       r.y() + (r.height() - fm.height() + 1) / 2,
                       r.width() - 2 * horizontalMargin, fm.height());

        QPainter painter(this);
        painter.setPen(palette().brush(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::WindowText).color());
        painter.drawText(lineRect, Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter, m_inactiveText);
Esempio n. 5
void SourceEdit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event)
    QPainter p(viewport());
    QRect rect = lineRect().intersected(event->region().boundingRect());
    p.fillRect(rect, QBrush(QColor(248, 248, 248)));
void KCategoryDrawer::drawCategory(const QModelIndex &index,
                                   int /*sortRole*/,
                                   const QStyleOption &option,
                                   QPainter *painter) const
    const QString category = index.model()->data(index, KCategorizedSortFilterProxyModel::CategoryDisplayRole).toString();

    QColor color;


    if (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected)
        color = option.palette.color(QPalette::HighlightedText);
	QColor bgcolor = option.palette.color(QPalette::Highlight);
        painter->fillRect(option.rect, linearG( option, bgcolor ));
        color = option.palette.color(QPalette::Text);

    QStyleOptionViewItemV4 viewOptions;
    viewOptions.rect = option.rect;
    viewOptions.palette = option.palette;
    viewOptions.direction = option.direction;
    viewOptions.state = option.state;
    viewOptions.viewItemPosition = QStyleOptionViewItemV4::OnlyOne;
    QApplication::style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &viewOptions, painter, 0);

    QFont painterFont = painter->font();
    QFontMetrics metrics(painterFont);

    QRect lineRect(option.rect.left(),
                   option.rect.bottom() - 1,

    painter->fillRect(lineRect, linearG( option, color ));


    QRect textRect(option.rect);
    textRect.setLeft(textRect.left() + HORIZONTAL_HINT);
    textRect.setRight(textRect.right() - HORIZONTAL_HINT);
    painter->drawText(textRect, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft,
    metrics.elidedText(category, Qt::ElideRight, option.rect.width()));

Esempio n. 7
void SearchLineEdit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) {
    if (m_lineEdit->text().isEmpty() && !hasFocus() && !inactiveText.isEmpty()) {
        QStyleOptionFrame panel;
        QRect r = style()->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_LineEditContents, &panel, this);
        QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
        int horizontalMargin = m_lineEdit->x();
        QRect lineRect(horizontalMargin + r.x(), r.y() + (r.height() - fm.height() + 1) / 2,
                       r.width() - 2 * horizontalMargin, fm.height());
        QPainter painter(this);
        painter.setPen(palette().brush(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text).color());
        painter.drawText(lineRect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, inactiveText);
Esempio n. 8
void SourceEdit::cursorChanged()
    if (m_line != textCursor().blockNumber())

        // @@ Optimize updated.
        m_lineRect = lineRect();
        m_line = textCursor().blockNumber();
Esempio n. 9
QRect PrimerLineEdit::placeHolderRect() const {
    QStyleOptionFrame panel;
    QRect r = style()->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_LineEditContents, &panel, this);
    r.setX(r.x() + textMargins().left());
    r.setY(r.y() + textMargins().top());
    r.setRight(r.right() - textMargins().right());
    r.setBottom(r.bottom() - textMargins().bottom());

    QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
    int minLB = qMax(0, -fm.minLeftBearing());
    int minRB = qMax(0, -fm.minRightBearing());
    int vscroll = r.y() + (r.height() - fm.height() + 1) / 2;
    static const int horizontalMargin = 2; // QLineEditPrivate::horizontalMargin
    QRect lineRect(r.x() + horizontalMargin, vscroll, r.width() - 2*horizontalMargin, fm.height());
    return lineRect.adjusted(minLB, 0, -minRB, 0);
Esempio n. 10
void RasterShapeIntervals::getIncludedIntervals(int y1, int y2, SegmentList& result) const
    ASSERT(y2 >= y1);

    IntRect lineRect(bounds().x(), y1, bounds().width(), y2 - y1);
    Region lineRegion(lineRect);
    if (lineRegion.isEmpty())

    const Vector<IntRect>& lineRects = lineRegion.rects();
    ASSERT(lineRects.size() > 0);

    Region segmentsRegion(lineRect);
    Region intervalsRegion;

    // The loop below uses Regions to compute the intersection of the horizontal
    // shape intervals that fall within the line's box.
    int currentLineY = lineRects[0].y();
    int currentLineMaxY = lineRects[0].maxY();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < lineRects.size(); ++i) {
        int lineY = lineRects[i].y();
        ASSERT(lineY >= currentLineY);
        if (lineY > currentLineMaxY) {
            // We've encountered a vertical gap in lineRects, there are no included intervals.
        if (lineY > currentLineY) {
            currentLineY = lineY;
            currentLineMaxY = lineRects[i].maxY();
            intervalsRegion = Region();
        } else
            currentLineMaxY = std::max<int>(currentLineMaxY, lineRects[i].maxY());
        intervalsRegion.unite(Region(alignedRect(lineRects[i], y1, y2)));
    if (!intervalsRegion.isEmpty())

    const Vector<IntRect>& segmentRects = segmentsRegion.rects();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < segmentRects.size(); ++i)
        result.append(LineSegment(segmentRects[i].x(), segmentRects[i].maxX()));
Esempio n. 11
BOOL CArcView::IsHighlighted(const Point& cursorPoint)
	Point currentPoint(*pathPoints.begin());
	for(auto it=pathPoints.begin() + 1; it != pathPoints.end(); ++it)
		CRect lineRect(currentPoint.X, currentPoint.Y, it->X, it->Y);
		if(lineRect.Width() == 0) lineRect.InflateRect(5,0);
		if(lineRect.Height() == 0) lineRect.InflateRect(0,5);

		//La distance du curseur à la droite est-elle acceptable ?
		//Le curseur se trouve-t-il dans enclosingRect ?
		double distance = Geometry::LinePointDistance(currentPoint, *it, cursorPoint);
		if(distance < penWidth/2 + 5 && lineRect.PtInRect(CPoint(cursorPoint.X, cursorPoint.Y)))
			return TRUE;

		currentPoint = *it;

	return FALSE;
Esempio n. 12
void RasterShapeIntervals::getExcludedIntervals(int y1, int y2, SegmentList& result) const
    ASSERT(y2 >= y1);

    IntRect lineRect(bounds().x(), y1, bounds().width(), y2 - y1);
    Region lineRegion(lineRect);
    if (lineRegion.isEmpty())

    const Vector<IntRect>& lineRects = lineRegion.rects();
    ASSERT(lineRects.size() > 0);

    Region segmentsRegion;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < lineRects.size(); i++)
        segmentsRegion.unite(Region(alignedRect(lineRects[i], y1, y2)));

    const Vector<IntRect>& segmentRects = segmentsRegion.rects();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < segmentRects.size(); i++)
        result.append(LineSegment(segmentRects[i].x(), segmentRects[i].maxX() + 1));
Esempio n. 13
void ScrollWindow::computeLineIndices() {
	// NOTE: Unlike SSCI, foreColor and alignment are not
	// set since these properties do not affect the width of
	// lines

	if (_gfxText32._font->getHeight() != _pointSize) {
		error("Illegal font size font = %d pointSize = %d, should be %d.", _fontId, _gfxText32._font->getHeight(), _pointSize);

	Common::Rect lineRect(0, 0, _textRect.width(), _pointSize + 3);


	// NOTE: The original engine had a 1000-line limit; we
	// do not enforce any limit
	for (uint charIndex = 0; charIndex < _text.size(); ) {
		charIndex += _gfxText32.getTextCount(_text, charIndex, lineRect, false);

	_numLines = _startsOfLines.size();


	_lastVisibleChar = _gfxText32.getTextCount(_text, 0, _fontId, _textRect, false) - 1;

	_bottomVisibleLine = 0;
	while (
		_bottomVisibleLine < _numLines - 1 &&
		_startsOfLines[_bottomVisibleLine + 1] < _lastVisibleChar
	) {

	_numVisibleLines = _bottomVisibleLine + 1;
Esempio n. 14
SourceEdit::SourceEdit(QWidget * parent): QTextEdit(parent), m_line(0), m_lineRect(lineRect())
    connect(this, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), this, SLOT(cursorChanged()));
Esempio n. 15
void AbstractMargin::updateLineRect( int line )
    update( lineRect( line ) );
Esempio n. 16
nsColumnSetFrame::PaintColumnRule(nsRenderingContext* aCtx,
                                  const nsRect& aDirtyRect,
                                  const nsPoint& aPt)
  nsIFrame* child = mFrames.FirstChild();
  if (!child)
    return;  // no columns

  nsIFrame* nextSibling = child->GetNextSibling();
  if (!nextSibling)
    return;  // 1 column only - this means no gap to draw on

  bool isRTL = GetStyleVisibility()->mDirection == NS_STYLE_DIRECTION_RTL;
  const nsStyleColumn* colStyle = GetStyleColumn();

  PRUint8 ruleStyle;
  // Per spec, inset => ridge and outset => groove
  if (colStyle->mColumnRuleStyle == NS_STYLE_BORDER_STYLE_INSET)
  else if (colStyle->mColumnRuleStyle == NS_STYLE_BORDER_STYLE_OUTSET)
    ruleStyle = colStyle->mColumnRuleStyle;

  nsPresContext* presContext = PresContext();
  nscoord ruleWidth = colStyle->GetComputedColumnRuleWidth();
  if (!ruleWidth)

  nscolor ruleColor =

  // In order to re-use a large amount of code, we treat the column rule as a border.
  // We create a new border style object and fill in all the details of the column rule as
  // the left border. PaintBorder() does all the rendering for us, so we not
  // only save an enormous amount of code but we'll support all the line styles that
  // we support on borders!
  nsStyleBorder border(presContext);
  border.SetBorderWidth(NS_SIDE_LEFT, ruleWidth);
  border.SetBorderStyle(NS_SIDE_LEFT, ruleStyle);
  border.SetBorderColor(NS_SIDE_LEFT, ruleColor);

  // Get our content rect as an absolute coordinate, not relative to
  // our parent (which is what the X and Y normally is)
  nsRect contentRect = GetContentRect() - GetRect().TopLeft() + aPt;
  nsSize ruleSize(ruleWidth, contentRect.height);

  while (nextSibling) {
    // The frame tree goes RTL in RTL
    nsIFrame* leftSibling = isRTL ? nextSibling : child;
    nsIFrame* rightSibling = isRTL ? child : nextSibling;

    // Each child frame's position coordinates is actually relative to this nsColumnSetFrame.
    // linePt will be at the top-left edge to paint the line.
    nsPoint edgeOfLeftSibling = leftSibling->GetRect().TopRight() + aPt;
    nsPoint edgeOfRightSibling = rightSibling->GetRect().TopLeft() + aPt;
    nsPoint linePt((edgeOfLeftSibling.x + edgeOfRightSibling.x - ruleWidth) / 2,

    nsRect lineRect(linePt, ruleSize);
    nsCSSRendering::PaintBorderWithStyleBorder(presContext, *aCtx, this,
        aDirtyRect, lineRect, border, GetStyleContext(),
        // Remember, we only have the "left" "border". Skip everything else
        (1 << NS_SIDE_TOP | 1 << NS_SIDE_RIGHT | 1 << NS_SIDE_BOTTOM));

    child = nextSibling;
    nextSibling = nextSibling->GetNextSibling();
void LocationCompleterDelegate::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
    QStyleOptionViewItemV4 opt = option;
    initStyleOption(&opt, index);

    const QWidget* w = opt.widget;
    const QStyle* style = w ? w->style() : QApplication::style();

    const int height = opt.rect.height();
    const int center = height / 2 + opt.rect.top();

    // Prepare title font
    QFont titleFont = opt.font;
    titleFont.setPointSize(titleFont.pointSize() + 1);

    const QFontMetrics titleMetrics(titleFont);

    int leftPosition = m_padding * 2;
    int rightPosition = opt.rect.right() - m_padding;

    opt.state &= ~QStyle::State_MouseOver;

    if (m_view->hoveredIndex() == index) {
        opt.state |= QStyle::State_Selected;
    else {
        opt.state &= ~QStyle::State_Selected;

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
    const QPalette::ColorRole colorRole = QPalette::Text;
    const QPalette::ColorRole colorLinkRole = QPalette::Link;
    const QPalette::ColorRole colorRole = opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Text;
    const QPalette::ColorRole colorLinkRole = opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Link;

    // Draw background
    style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &opt, painter, w);

    // Draw icon
    const int iconSize = 16;
    const int iconYPos = center - (iconSize / 2);
    QRect iconRect(leftPosition, iconYPos, iconSize, iconSize);
    QPixmap pixmap = index.data(Qt::DecorationRole).value<QIcon>().pixmap(iconSize);
    painter->drawPixmap(iconRect, pixmap);
    leftPosition = iconRect.right() + m_padding * 2;

    // Draw star to bookmark items
    int starPixmapWidth = 0;
    if (index.data(LocationCompleterModel::BookmarkRole).toBool()) {
        const QIcon icon = IconProvider::instance()->bookmarkIcon();
        const QSize starSize(16, 16);
        starPixmapWidth = starSize.width();
        QPoint pos(rightPosition - starPixmapWidth, center - starSize.height() / 2);
        QRect starRect(pos, starSize);
        painter->drawPixmap(starRect, icon.pixmap(starSize));

    const QString searchText = index.data(LocationCompleterModel::SearchStringRole).toString();

    // Draw title
    const int leftTitleEdge = leftPosition + 2;
    // RTL Support: remove conflicting of right-aligned text and starpixmap!
    const int rightTitleEdge = rightPosition - m_padding - starPixmapWidth;
    QRect titleRect(leftTitleEdge, opt.rect.top() + m_padding, rightTitleEdge - leftTitleEdge, titleMetrics.height());
    QString title = index.data(LocationCompleterModel::TitleRole).toString();

    viewItemDrawText(painter, &opt, titleRect, title, colorRole, searchText);

    // Draw link
    const int infoYPos = titleRect.bottom() + opt.fontMetrics.leading() + 2;
    QRect linkRect(titleRect.x(), infoYPos, titleRect.width(), opt.fontMetrics.height());
    const QByteArray linkArray = index.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toByteArray();

    // Let's assume that more than 500 characters won't fit in line on any display...
    // Fixes performance when trying to get elidedText for a really long
    // (length() > 1000000) urls - data: urls can get that long

    QString link;
    if (!linkArray.startsWith("data") && !linkArray.startsWith("javascript")) {
        link = QString::fromUtf8(QByteArray::fromPercentEncoding(linkArray)).left(500);
    else {
        link = QString::fromLatin1(linkArray.left(500));


    // Draw url (or switch to tab)
    int tabPos = index.data(LocationCompleterModel::TabPositionTabRole).toInt();

    if (drawSwitchToTab() && tabPos != -1) {
        const QIcon tabIcon = QIcon(QSL(":icons/menu/tab.png"));
        QRect iconRect(linkRect);
        iconRect.setWidth(m_padding + 16 + m_padding);
        tabIcon.paint(painter, iconRect);

        QRect textRect(linkRect);
        textRect.setX(textRect.x() + m_padding + 16 + m_padding);
        viewItemDrawText(painter, &opt, textRect, LocationCompleterView::tr("Switch to tab"), colorLinkRole);
    else {
        viewItemDrawText(painter, &opt, linkRect, link, colorLinkRole, searchText);

    // Draw line at the very bottom of item if the item is not highlighted
    if (!(opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected)) {
        QRect lineRect(opt.rect.left(), opt.rect.bottom(), opt.rect.width(), 1);
        painter->fillRect(lineRect, opt.palette.color(QPalette::AlternateBase));
Esempio n. 18
	Render text lines.	
void MultiLineEditbox::cacheTextLines(const Rect& dest_area)
    // text is already formatted, we just grab the lines and render them with the required alignment.
    Rect drawArea(dest_area);
    drawArea.offset(Point(-d_horzScrollbar->getScrollPosition(), -d_vertScrollbar->getScrollPosition()));

    Renderer* renderer = System::getSingleton().getRenderer();
    const Font* fnt = getFont();

    if (fnt)
        // get layers to use for rendering
        float textZ = renderer->getZLayer(4) - renderer->getCurrentZ();
        float selZ  = renderer->getZLayer(3) - renderer->getCurrentZ();

        // calculate final colours to use.
        ColourRect colours;
        float alpha = getEffectiveAlpha();
        colour normalTextCol = d_normalTextColour;
        normalTextCol.setAlpha(normalTextCol.getAlpha() * alpha);
        colour selectTextCol = d_selectTextColour;
        selectTextCol.setAlpha(selectTextCol.getAlpha() * alpha);
        colour selectBrushCol = hasInputFocus() ? d_selectBrushColour : d_inactiveSelectBrushColour;
        selectBrushCol.setAlpha(selectBrushCol.getAlpha() * alpha);

        // Cache font info
        const float fLineSpacing = fnt->getLineSpacing ();

        // for each formatted line.
        for (size_t i = 0; i < d_lines.size(); ++i)
            Rect lineRect(drawArea);
            // Check line is within the dest_area
            if ( lineRect.d_top < dest_area.d_bottom && lineRect.d_top + fLineSpacing > dest_area.d_top )
                const LineInfo& currLine = d_lines[i];
                String lineText(d_text.substr(currLine.d_startIdx, currLine.d_length));

                // if it is a simple 'no selection area' case
                if ((currLine.d_startIdx >= d_selectionEnd) ||
                    ((currLine.d_startIdx + currLine.d_length) <= d_selectionStart) ||
                    (d_selectionBrush == NULL))
                    // render the complete line.
                    d_renderCache.cacheText(lineText, fnt, LeftAligned, lineRect, textZ, colours, &dest_area);
                // we have at least some selection highlighting to do
                    // Start of actual rendering section.
                    String sect;
                    size_t sectIdx = 0, sectLen;
                    float selStartOffset = 0.0f, selAreaWidth = 0.0f;

                    // render any text prior to selected region of line.
                    if (currLine.d_startIdx < d_selectionStart)
                        // calculate length of text section
                        sectLen = d_selectionStart - currLine.d_startIdx;

                        // get text for this section
                        sect = lineText.substr(sectIdx, sectLen);
                        sectIdx += sectLen;

                        // get the pixel offset to the beginning of the selection area highlight.
                        selStartOffset = fnt->getTextExtent(sect);

                        // draw this portion of the text
                        d_renderCache.cacheText(sect, fnt, LeftAligned, lineRect, textZ, colours, &dest_area);

                        // set position ready for next portion of text
                        lineRect.d_left += selStartOffset;

                    // calculate the length of the selected section
                    sectLen = ceguimin(d_selectionEnd - currLine.d_startIdx, currLine.d_length) - sectIdx;

                    // get the text for this section
                    sect = lineText.substr(sectIdx, sectLen);
                    sectIdx += sectLen;

                    // get the extent to use as the width of the selection area highlight
                    selAreaWidth = fnt->getTextExtent(sect);

                    // draw the text for this section
                    d_renderCache.cacheText(sect, fnt, LeftAligned, lineRect, textZ, colours, &dest_area);

                    // render any text beyond selected region of line
                    if (sectIdx < currLine.d_length)
                        // update render position to the end of the selected area.
                        lineRect.d_left += selAreaWidth;

                        // calculate length of this section
                        sectLen = currLine.d_length - sectIdx;

                        // get the text for this section
                        sect = lineText.substr(sectIdx, sectLen);

                        // render the text for this section.
                        d_renderCache.cacheText(sect, fnt, LeftAligned, lineRect, textZ, colours, &dest_area);

                    // calculate area for the selection brush on this line
                    lineRect.d_left = drawArea.d_left + selStartOffset;
                    lineRect.d_right = lineRect.d_left + selAreaWidth;
                    lineRect.d_bottom = lineRect.d_top + fLineSpacing;

                    // render the selection area brush for this line
                    d_renderCache.cacheImage(*d_selectionBrush, lineRect, selZ, colours, &dest_area);

            // update master position for next line in paragraph.
            drawArea.d_top += fLineSpacing;
void LocationCompleterDelegate::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
    QStyleOptionViewItemV4 opt = option;
    initStyleOption(&opt, index);

    const QWidget* w = opt.widget;
    const QStyle* style = w ? w->style() : QApplication::style();

    const int height = opt.rect.height();
    const int center = height / 2 + opt.rect.top();

    // Prepare title font
    QFont titleFont = opt.font;
    titleFont.setPointSize(titleFont.pointSize() + 1);

    const QFontMetrics titleMetrics(titleFont);

    int leftPosition = m_padding * 2;
    int rightPosition = opt.rect.right() - m_padding;

    opt.state &= ~QStyle::State_MouseOver;

    if (m_view->hoveredIndex() == index) {
        opt.state |= QStyle::State_Selected;
    else {
        opt.state &= ~QStyle::State_Selected;

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
    const QPalette::ColorRole colorRole = QPalette::Text;
    const QPalette::ColorRole colorLinkRole = QPalette::Link;
    const QPalette::ColorRole colorRole = opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Text;
    const QPalette::ColorRole colorLinkRole = opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected ? QPalette::HighlightedText : QPalette::Link;

    // Draw background
    style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelItemViewItem, &opt, painter, w);

    // Draw icon
    const int iconSize = 16;
    const int iconYPos = center - (iconSize / 2);
    QRect iconRect(leftPosition, iconYPos, iconSize, iconSize);
    QPixmap pixmap = index.data(Qt::DecorationRole).value<QIcon>().pixmap(iconSize);
    painter->drawPixmap(iconRect, pixmap);
    leftPosition = iconRect.right() + m_padding * 2;

    // Draw star to bookmark items
    int starPixmapWidth = 0;
    if (index.data(LocationCompleterModel::BookmarkRole).toBool()) {
        const QPixmap starPixmap = qIconProvider->bookmarkIcon();
        QSize starSize = starPixmap.size();
        starPixmapWidth = starSize.width();
        QPoint pos(rightPosition - starPixmapWidth, opt.rect.top() + m_padding);
        QRect starRect(pos, starSize);
        painter->drawPixmap(starRect, starPixmap);

    const QString &searchText = index.data(LocationCompleterModel::SearchStringRole).toString();

    // Draw title
    const int leftTitleEdge = leftPosition + 2;
    // RTL Support: remove conflicting of right-aligned text and starpixmap!
    const int rightTitleEdge = rightPosition - m_padding - starPixmapWidth;
    QRect titleRect(leftTitleEdge, opt.rect.top() + m_padding, rightTitleEdge - leftTitleEdge, titleMetrics.height());
    QString title(titleMetrics.elidedText(index.data(LocationCompleterModel::TitleRole).toString(), Qt::ElideRight, titleRect.width()));

    drawHighlightedTextLine(titleRect, title, searchText, painter, style, opt, colorRole);

    // Draw link
    const int infoYPos = titleRect.bottom() + opt.fontMetrics.leading() + 2;
    QRect linkRect(titleRect.x(), infoYPos, titleRect.width(), opt.fontMetrics.height());
    QString link(opt.fontMetrics.elidedText(index.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString(), Qt::ElideRight, linkRect.width()));
    TabPosition pos = index.data(LocationCompleterModel::TabPositionRole).value<TabPosition>();
    if (m_drawSwitchToTab && pos.windowIndex != -1) {
        const QIcon tabIcon = QIcon(":icons/menu/tab.png");
        QRect iconRect(linkRect);
        iconRect.setWidth(m_padding + 16 + m_padding);
        tabIcon.paint(painter, iconRect);

        QRect textRect(linkRect);
        textRect.setX(textRect.x() + m_padding + 16 + m_padding);
        drawTextLine(textRect, LocationCompleterView::tr("Switch to tab"), painter, style, opt, colorLinkRole);
    else {
        drawHighlightedTextLine(linkRect, link, searchText, painter, style, opt, colorLinkRole);

    // Draw line at the very bottom of item if the item is not highlighted
    if (!(opt.state & QStyle::State_Selected)) {
        QRect lineRect(opt.rect.left(), opt.rect.bottom(), opt.rect.width(), 1);
        painter->fillRect(lineRect, opt.palette.color(QPalette::AlternateBase));
Esempio n. 20
// --------------------------------------------------
void ctkSearchBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event)

  // Draw the line edit with text.
  // Text has already been shifted to the right (in resizeEvent()) to leave
  // space for the search icon.

  QPainter p(this);

  QRect cRect = d->clearRect();
  QRect sRect = d->showSearchIcon ? d->searchRect() : QRect();

#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040700
  QRect r = rect();
  QPalette pal = palette();

  QStyleOptionFrameV2 panel;
  r = this->style()->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_LineEditContents, &panel, this);
  r.setX(r.x() + this->textMargins().left());
  r.setY(r.y() + this->textMargins().top());
  r.setRight(r.right() - this->textMargins().right());
  r.setBottom(r.bottom() - this->textMargins().bottom());

  QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
  Qt::Alignment va = QStyle::visualAlignment(this->layoutDirection(),
  int vscroll = 0;
  const int verticalMargin = 1;
  const int horizontalMargin = 2;
  switch (va & Qt::AlignVertical_Mask) {
   case Qt::AlignBottom:
       vscroll = r.y() + r.height() - fm.height() - verticalMargin;
   case Qt::AlignTop:
       vscroll = r.y() + verticalMargin;
       vscroll = r.y() + (r.height() - fm.height() + 1) / 2;
  QRect lineRect(r.x() + horizontalMargin, vscroll,
                 r.width() - 2*horizontalMargin, fm.height());

  int minLB = qMax(0, -fm.minLeftBearing());

  if (this->text().isEmpty())
    if (!this->hasFocus() && !this->placeholderText().isEmpty())
      QColor col = pal.text().color();
      QPen oldpen = p.pen();
      lineRect.adjust(minLB, 0, 0, 0);
      QString elidedText = fm.elidedText(this->placeholderText(), Qt::ElideRight, lineRect.width());
      p.drawText(lineRect, va, elidedText);

  // Draw clearIcon
  if (!d->hideClearIcon)
    QPixmap closePixmap = d->clearIcon.pixmap(cRect.size(),this->isEnabled() ? QIcon::Normal : QIcon::Disabled);
    this->style()->drawItemPixmap(&p, cRect, Qt::AlignCenter, closePixmap);

  // Draw searchIcon
  if (d->showSearchIcon)
    QPixmap searchPixmap = d->searchIcon.pixmap(sRect.size(), this->isEnabled() ? QIcon::Normal : QIcon::Disabled);
    this->style()->drawItemPixmap(&p, sRect, Qt::AlignCenter, searchPixmap);
Esempio n. 21
void FalagardMultiLineEditbox::cacheTextLines(const Rectf& dest_area)
    MultiLineEditbox* w = (MultiLineEditbox*)d_window;
    // text is already formatted, we just grab the lines and render them with the required alignment.
    Rectf drawArea(dest_area);
    float vertScrollPos = w->getVertScrollbar()->getScrollPosition();
    drawArea.offset(Vector2f(-w->getHorzScrollbar()->getScrollPosition(), -vertScrollPos));

    const Font* fnt = w->getFont();

    if (fnt)
        // calculate final colours to use.
        ColourRect colours;
        const float alpha = w->getEffectiveAlpha();
        ColourRect normalTextCol;
        ColourRect selectTextCol;
        ColourRect selectBrushCol;
        w->hasInputFocus() ? setColourRectToActiveSelectionColour(selectBrushCol) :

        const MultiLineEditbox::LineList& d_lines = w->getFormattedLines();
        const size_t numLines = d_lines.size();

        // calculate the range of visible lines
        size_t sidx,eidx;
        sidx = static_cast<size_t>(vertScrollPos / fnt->getLineSpacing());
        eidx = 1 + sidx + static_cast<size_t>(dest_area.getHeight() / fnt->getLineSpacing());
        eidx = ceguimin(eidx, numLines);
        drawArea.d_min.d_y += fnt->getLineSpacing()*static_cast<float>(sidx);

        // for each formatted line.
        for (size_t i = sidx; i < eidx; ++i)
            Rectf lineRect(drawArea);
            const MultiLineEditbox::LineInfo& currLine = d_lines[i];
            String lineText(w->getTextVisual().substr(currLine.d_startIdx, currLine.d_length));

            // offset the font little down so that it's centered within its own spacing
            const float old_top = lineRect.top();
            lineRect.d_min.d_y += (fnt->getLineSpacing() - fnt->getFontHeight()) * 0.5f;

            // if it is a simple 'no selection area' case
            if ((currLine.d_startIdx >= w->getSelectionEndIndex()) ||
                ((currLine.d_startIdx + currLine.d_length) <= w->getSelectionStartIndex()) ||
                (w->getSelectionBrushImage() == 0))
                colours = normalTextCol;
                // render the complete line.
                fnt->drawText(w->getGeometryBuffer(), lineText,
                                lineRect.getPosition(), &dest_area, colours);
            // we have at least some selection highlighting to do
                // Start of actual rendering section.
                String sect;
                size_t sectIdx = 0, sectLen;
                float selStartOffset = 0.0f, selAreaWidth = 0.0f;

                // render any text prior to selected region of line.
                if (currLine.d_startIdx < w->getSelectionStartIndex())
                    // calculate length of text section
                    sectLen = w->getSelectionStartIndex() - currLine.d_startIdx;

                    // get text for this section
                    sect = lineText.substr(sectIdx, sectLen);
                    sectIdx += sectLen;

                    // get the pixel offset to the beginning of the selection area highlight.
                    selStartOffset = fnt->getTextAdvance(sect);

                    // draw this portion of the text
                    colours = normalTextCol;
                    fnt->drawText(w->getGeometryBuffer(), sect,
                                    lineRect.getPosition(), &dest_area, colours);

                    // set position ready for next portion of text
                    lineRect.d_min.d_x += selStartOffset;

                // calculate the length of the selected section
                sectLen = ceguimin(w->getSelectionEndIndex() - currLine.d_startIdx, currLine.d_length) - sectIdx;

                // get the text for this section
                sect = lineText.substr(sectIdx, sectLen);
                sectIdx += sectLen;

                // get the extent to use as the width of the selection area highlight
                selAreaWidth = fnt->getTextAdvance(sect);

                const float text_top = lineRect.top();

                // calculate area for the selection brush on this line
                lineRect.left(drawArea.left() + selStartOffset);
                lineRect.right(lineRect.left() + selAreaWidth);
                lineRect.bottom(lineRect.top() + fnt->getLineSpacing());

                // render the selection area brush for this line
                colours = selectBrushCol;
                w->getSelectionBrushImage()->render(w->getGeometryBuffer(), lineRect, &dest_area, colours);

                // draw the text for this section
                colours = selectTextCol;
                fnt->drawText(w->getGeometryBuffer(), sect,
                                lineRect.getPosition(), &dest_area, colours);


                // render any text beyond selected region of line
                if (sectIdx < currLine.d_length)
                    // update render position to the end of the selected area.
                    lineRect.d_min.d_x += selAreaWidth;

                    // calculate length of this section
                    sectLen = currLine.d_length - sectIdx;

                    // get the text for this section
                    sect = lineText.substr(sectIdx, sectLen);

                    // render the text for this section.
                    colours = normalTextCol;
                    fnt->drawText(w->getGeometryBuffer(), sect,
                                    lineRect.getPosition(), &dest_area, colours);

            // update master position for next line in paragraph.
            drawArea.d_min.d_y += fnt->getLineSpacing();
Esempio n. 22
void Console::draw( gfx::Engine& painter )
  if( !font().isValid() )
    Widget::draw( painter );

  if( visible() )															// render only if the console is visible
    if( toggle_visible_ != NONE )
      if( toggle_visible_ == DOWNLIGTH )
        if (_opacity > 5) _opacity -= 9;
        else setVisible(false);
        _d->dirty = true;
        if (_opacity < 0xff)	_opacity += 3;
        else toggle_visible_ = NONE;
        _d->dirty = true;

    Rect textRect, shellRect;										//we calculate where the message log shall be printed and where the prompt shall be printed

      Decorator::drawLines(_d->bg, ColorList::red, relativeRect().lines());

      unsigned int maxLines, lineHeight;											//now, render the messages
      int fontHeight=0;
      if (!calculateLimits(maxLines,lineHeight,fontHeight))

      Rect lineRect( textRect.left(),						//calculate the line rectangle
                     textRect.bottom() + lineHeight);

      for (unsigned int index = 0; index < console_messages_.size(); index++)
        unsigned int rindex = (_d->curIndex + index) % console_messages_.size();
        const std::string& line = console_messages_[rindex];
        font().draw(_d->bg, line, lineRect.lefttop(), false, false);
        lineRect += Point(0, lineHeight);						//update line rectangle

      std::string shellText = "$>" + currentCommand_;

      font().draw( _d->bg, shellText, shellRect.lefttop(), false, false);	//draw the prompt string

      _d->dirty = false;

    painter.draw( _d->bg, absoluteRect().lefttop() );

    if( DateTime::elapsedTime() % 700 < 350 )
      NColor color = ColorList::white;
      painter.fillRect( color, Rect(0, 0, _d->commandCursorWidth,shellRect.height()*0.8)
                        +absoluteRect().leftbottom() + Point(_d->commandTextSize.width(), -shellRect.height()) );

  Widget::draw( painter );