scigraphics::sequence::ordinarGraphViewCollection::ordinarGraphViewCollection() { color Color = getColor(); addView<graphViewLine>( lineStyle(Color), true ); addView<graphViewPoints>( pointStyle(Color), false ); addView<graphViewErrorBars>( errorBarStyle(Color), false ); addView<graphViewLineHystogram>( lineStyle(Color), false ); }
void PlotZozMarker::setLabelValue(const float Value, const QFont Font) { if(lineStyle() == QwtPlotMarker::HLine) setValue( 0.0, Value ); else if(lineStyle() == QwtPlotMarker::VLine) setValue( Value, 0.0 ); QString strMark; strMark.sprintf("%.1f", Value); QwtText qwttMark(strMark); qwttMark.setColor(Qt::black); qwttMark.setFont(Font); setLabel(qwttMark); }
CXTPChartDeviceCommand* CXTPChartRadarAxisXView::CreateDeviceCommand(CXTPChartDeviceContext* pDC) { CXTPChartDeviceCommand* pAxisCommand = new CXTPChartPolygonAntialiasingDeviceCommand(TRUE); CXTPChartColor clrAxis = m_pAxis->GetActualColor(); int nThickness = m_pAxis->GetThickness(); if (m_pAxis->IsVisible()) { if (nThickness > 0) { if (IsPolygonDiagramStyle()) { CXTPChartLineStyle lineStyle(NULL); lineStyle.SetThickness(nThickness); pAxisCommand->AddChildCommand(GetDiagramView()->CreatePolygonLineDeviceCommand(pDC, m_nRadius, clrAxis, &lineStyle)); } else { pAxisCommand->AddChildCommand(new CXTPChartBoundedCircleDeviceCommand(m_ptCenter, m_nRadius, clrAxis, nThickness)); } } pAxisCommand->AddChildCommand(CreateTickMarksDeviceCommand(pDC)); pAxisCommand->AddChildCommand(CreateLabelsDeviceCommand(pDC)); } return pAxisCommand; }
int KoReportItemLabel::renderSimpleData(OROPage *page, OROSection *section, const QPointF &offset, const QVariant &data, KRScriptHandler *script) { Q_UNUSED(data) Q_UNUSED(script) OROTextBox * tb = new OROTextBox(); tb->setPosition(m_pos.toScene() + offset); tb->setSize(m_size.toScene()); tb->setFont(font()); tb->setText(text()); tb->setFlags(textFlags()); tb->setTextStyle(textStyle()); tb->setLineStyle(lineStyle()); if (page) { page->addPrimitive(tb); } if (section) { OROPrimitive *clone = tb->clone(); clone->setPosition(m_pos.toScene()); section->addPrimitive(clone); } if (!page) { delete tb; } return 0; //Item doesn't stretch the section height }
void scigraphics::painter::drawPointW( const wpoint &Point, const pointStyle &Style ) { if ( ! ableToDraw() ) return; brushStyle BrushStyle( Style.getColor() ); switch ( Style.getShape() ) { case pointStyle::None: break; case pointStyle::Square: { wpoint LU( Point.x() - Style.width()/2, Point.y() - Style.width()/2 ); wpoint RD( LU.x() + Style.width(), LU.y() + Style.width() ); Drawer->setBrushStyle( BrushStyle ); Drawer->setLineStyle( lineStyle(BrushStyle.getColor()) ); Drawer->drawRectangle( wrectangle(LU,RD) ); } break; default: abort(); } }
void Graphics::beginTiles(Surface *bitmapData,bool inSmooth) { endFill(); lineStyle(-1); Flush(); if (mTileJob.mFill) mTileJob.mFill->DecRef(); mTileJob.mFill = new GraphicsBitmapFill(bitmapData,Matrix(),false,inSmooth); mTileJob.mFill->IncRef(); }
void scigraphics::painter::drawPolygonW( const std::vector<wpoint> &Points, const brushStyle &Style ) { if ( ! ableToDraw() ) return; if ( Points.size() < 3 ) return; Drawer->setBrushStyle( Style ); Drawer->setLineStyle( lineStyle(lineStyle::None) ); Drawer->drawPolygon( Points ); }
void ReportEntityLabel::buildXML(QDomDocument & doc, QDomElement & parent) { kDebug(); //kdDebug() << "ReportEntityLabel::buildXML()"); QDomElement entity = doc.createElement("label"); // bounding rect buildXMLRect(doc, entity, pointRect()); // name QDomElement n = doc.createElement("name"); n.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(entityName())); entity.appendChild(n); // z QDomElement z = doc.createElement("zvalue"); z.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(QString::number(zValue()))); entity.appendChild(z); // font info //buildXMLFont ( doc,entity,font() ); //text style info buildXMLTextStyle(doc, entity, textStyle()); //Line Style buildXMLLineStyle(doc, entity, lineStyle()); // text alignment int align = textFlags(); // horizontal if ((align & Qt::AlignRight) == Qt::AlignRight) entity.appendChild(doc.createElement("right")); else if ((align & Qt::AlignHCenter) == Qt::AlignHCenter) entity.appendChild(doc.createElement("hcenter")); else // Qt::AlignLeft entity.appendChild(doc.createElement("left")); // vertical if ((align & Qt::AlignBottom) == Qt::AlignBottom) entity.appendChild(doc.createElement("bottom")); else if ((align & Qt::AlignVCenter) == Qt::AlignVCenter) entity.appendChild(doc.createElement("vcenter")); else // Qt::AlignTop entity.appendChild(doc.createElement("top")); // the text string QDomElement string = doc.createElement("string"); string.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(text())); entity.appendChild(string); parent.appendChild(entity); }
void Graphics::beginTiles(Surface *bitmapData,bool inSmooth,int inBlendMode, int inMode, int inCount) { endFill(); lineStyle(-1); Flush(); if (mTileJob.mFill) mTileJob.mFill->DecRef(); mTileJob.mFill = new GraphicsBitmapFill(bitmapData,Matrix(),false,inSmooth); mTileJob.mFill->IncRef(); mTileJob.mBlendMode = inBlendMode; mTileJob.mTileCount = inCount; mTileJob.mTileMode = inMode; }
void CGnuPlotBorderData:: show(std::ostream &os) const { int s = sides().getValue(31); if (s) os << "border is not drawn" << std::endl; else os << "border " << s << " is drawn in" << CStrUniqueMatch::valueToString<DrawLayer>(layer()) << " layer with" << " linecolor " << lineStyle() << " linewidth " << lineWidth() << " lineType " << lineType() << std::endl; }
void CQGnuPlotDataDialog:: initPlotStyle(CGnuPlotPlotP plot) { int it = lineTypeEdit_->value(); if (it < 0) return; CGnuPlotLineStyle lineStyle(window_->app()); lineStyle.setLineType(it); plot->setLineStyle(lineStyle); }
void KReportDesignerItemLine::buildXML(QDomDocument *doc, QDomElement *parent) { QDomElement entity = doc->createElement(QLatin1String("report:") + typeName()); // properties addPropertyAsAttribute(&entity, nameProperty()); entity.setAttribute(QLatin1String("report:z-index"), zValue()); KReportUtils::setAttribute(&entity, QLatin1String("svg:x1"), m_start->value().toPointF().x()); KReportUtils::setAttribute(&entity, QLatin1String("svg:y1"), m_start->value().toPointF().y()); KReportUtils::setAttribute(&entity, QLatin1String("svg:x2"), m_end->value().toPointF().x()); KReportUtils::setAttribute(&entity, QLatin1String("svg:y2"), m_end->value().toPointF().y()); buildXMLLineStyle(doc, &entity, lineStyle()); parent->appendChild(entity); }
void KoReportDesignerItemLine::buildXML(QDomDocument & doc, QDomElement & parent) { QDomElement entity = doc.createElement("report:line"); // properties addPropertyAsAttribute(&entity, m_name); entity.setAttribute("report:z-index", zValue()); KRUtils::setAttribute(entity, "svg:x1", m_start.toPoint().x()); KRUtils::setAttribute(entity, "svg:y1", m_start.toPoint().y()); KRUtils::setAttribute(entity, "svg:x2", m_end.toPoint().x()); KRUtils::setAttribute(entity, "svg:y2", m_end.toPoint().y()); buildXMLLineStyle(doc, entity, lineStyle()); parent.appendChild(entity); }
void Curve::paintObjects(const CurveRenderContext& context) { QPainter *p = context.painter; p->save(); //p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); Qt::PenStyle style = Kst::LineStyle[lineStyle()]; if (hasBars()) { if (barStyle() == 1) { // filled p->setPen(QPen(context.foregroundColor, _width, style)); } else { p->setPen(QPen(color(), _width, style)); } foreach(const QRectF& rect, _filledRects) { p->fillRect(rect, color()); } }
GraphLib::Object *Ellipse::copy() { Ellipse *ellipse = new Ellipse(); ellipse->setCorner(corner()); ellipse->setWidth(width()); ellipse->setHeight(height()); ellipse->setBorderWidth(borderWidth()); ellipse->setBorderColor(borderColor()); ellipse->setInnerColor(innerColor()); ellipse->setShowBackground(showBackground()); ellipse->setAspectType(aspectType()); ellipse->setLineStyle(lineStyle()); ellipse->setDashLength(dashLength()); return ellipse; }
void Graphics::drawPoints(QuickVec<float> inXYs, QuickVec<int> inRGBAs, unsigned int inDefaultRGBA, double inSize) { endFill(); lineStyle(-1); Flush(); GraphicsJob job; job.mCommand0 = mPathData->commands.size(); job.mCommandCount = 1; job.mData0 = mPathData->data.size(); job.mIsPointJob = true; mPathData->drawPoints(inXYs,inRGBAs); job.mDataCount = mPathData->data.size() - job.mData0; if (mPathData->commands[job.mCommand0]==pcPointsXY) { job.mFill = new GraphicsSolidFill(inDefaultRGBA&0xffffff,(inDefaultRGBA>>24)/255.0); job.mFill->IncRef(); }
void KReportDesignerItemCheckBox::buildXML(QDomDocument *doc, QDomElement *parent) { //kreportpluginDebug(); QDomElement entity = doc->createElement(QLatin1String("report:") + typeName()); //properties addPropertyAsAttribute(&entity, m_name); addPropertyAsAttribute(&entity, m_controlSource); entity.setAttribute(QLatin1String("fo:foreground-color"), m_foregroundColor->value().toString()); addPropertyAsAttribute(&entity, m_checkStyle); addPropertyAsAttribute(&entity, m_staticValue); // bounding rect buildXMLRect(doc, &entity, &m_pos, &m_size); //Line Style buildXMLLineStyle(doc, &entity, lineStyle()); parent->appendChild(entity); }
void ReportEntityCheck::buildXML(QDomDocument & doc, QDomElement & parent) { kDebug() << endl; QDomElement entity = doc.createElement("check"); // bounding rect buildXMLRect(doc, entity, pointRect()); // name QDomElement n = doc.createElement("name"); n.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(entityName())); entity.appendChild(n); // z QDomElement z = doc.createElement("zvalue"); z.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(QString::number(zValue()))); entity.appendChild(z); //Line Style buildXMLLineStyle(doc, entity, lineStyle()); //Color QDomElement fc = doc.createElement("fgcolor"); fc.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(m_foregroundColor->value().value<QColor>().name())); entity.appendChild(fc); QDomElement cs = doc.createElement("controlsource"); cs.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(m_controlSource->value().toString())); entity.appendChild(cs); // the check style QDomElement sty = doc.createElement("checkstyle"); sty.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(m_checkStyle->value().toString())); entity.appendChild(sty); parent.appendChild(entity); }
void KoReportDesignerItemLabel::buildXML(QDomDocument & doc, QDomElement & parent) { //kDebug(); QDomElement entity = doc.createElement("report:label"); // properties addPropertyAsAttribute(&entity, m_name); addPropertyAsAttribute(&entity, m_text); addPropertyAsAttribute(&entity, m_verticalAlignment); addPropertyAsAttribute(&entity, m_horizontalAlignment); entity.setAttribute("report:z-index", zValue()); // bounding rect buildXMLRect(doc, entity, &m_pos, &m_size); //text style info buildXMLTextStyle(doc, entity, textStyle()); //Line Style buildXMLLineStyle(doc, entity, lineStyle()); parent.appendChild(entity); }
void KoReportDesignerItemText::buildXML(QDomDocument & doc, QDomElement & parent) { //kdDebug() << "ReportEntityText::buildXML()"); QDomElement entity = doc.createElement("report:text"); // properties addPropertyAsAttribute(&entity, m_name); addPropertyAsAttribute(&entity, m_controlSource); addPropertyAsAttribute(&entity, m_verticalAlignment); addPropertyAsAttribute(&entity, m_horizontalAlignment); entity.setAttribute("report:bottom-padding", m_bottomPadding); entity.setAttribute("report:z-index", zValue()); // bounding rect buildXMLRect(doc, entity, &m_pos, &m_size); //text style info buildXMLTextStyle(doc, entity, textStyle()); //Line Style buildXMLLineStyle(doc, entity, lineStyle()); parent.appendChild(entity); }
int KReportItemText::renderSimpleData(OROPage *page, OROSection *section, const QPointF &offset, const QVariant &data, KReportScriptHandler *script) { Q_UNUSED(script); QString qstrValue; QString cs = itemDataSource(); if (!cs.isEmpty()) { if (cs.left(1) == QLatin1String("$")) { //Everything past $ is treated as a string qstrValue = cs.mid(1); } else { qstrValue = data.toString(); } } else { qstrValue = m_itemValue->value().toString(); } QPointF pos = m_pos.toScene(); QSizeF size = m_size.toScene(); pos += offset; QRectF trf(pos, size); qreal intStretch = - offset.y(); if (qstrValue.length()) { QRectF rect = trf; int pos = 0; QChar separator; QRegExp re(QLatin1String("\\s")); QPrinter prnt(QPrinter::HighResolution); QFontMetrics fm(font(), &prnt); // int intRectWidth = (int)(trf.width() * prnt.resolution()) - 10; int intRectWidth = (int)((m_size.toPoint().width() / 72) * prnt.resolution()); int intLineCounter = 0; qreal intBaseTop =; qreal intRectHeight = trf.height(); while (qstrValue.length()) { int idx = re.indexIn(qstrValue, pos); if (idx == -1) { idx = qstrValue.length(); separator = QLatin1Char('\n'); } else separator =; if (fm.boundingRect(qstrValue.left(idx)).width() < intRectWidth || pos == 0) { pos = idx + 1; if (separator == QLatin1Char('\n')) { QString line = qstrValue.left(idx); qstrValue.remove(0, idx + 1); pos = 0; rect.setTop(intBaseTop + (intLineCounter * intRectHeight)); rect.setBottom( + intRectHeight); OROTextBox * tb = new OROTextBox(); tb->setPosition(rect.topLeft()); tb->setSize(rect.size()); tb->setFont(font()); tb->setText(line); tb->setFlags(textFlags()); tb->setTextStyle(textStyle()); tb->setLineStyle(lineStyle()); if (page) { page->addPrimitive(tb); } if (section) { OROTextBox *tb2 = dynamic_cast<OROTextBox*>(tb->clone()); tb2->setPosition(m_pos.toPoint()); section->addPrimitive(tb2); } if (!page) { delete tb; } intStretch += intRectHeight; intLineCounter++; } } else { QString line = qstrValue.left(pos - 1); qstrValue.remove(0, pos); pos = 0; rect.setTop(intBaseTop + (intLineCounter * intRectHeight)); rect.setBottom( + intRectHeight); OROTextBox * tb = new OROTextBox(); tb->setPosition(rect.topLeft()); tb->setSize(rect.size()); tb->setFont(font()); tb->setText(line); tb->setFlags(textFlags()); tb->setTextStyle(textStyle()); tb->setLineStyle(lineStyle()); if (page) page->addPrimitive(tb); intStretch += intRectHeight; intLineCounter++; } } intStretch += (m_bottomPadding / 100.0); } return intStretch; //Item returns its required section height }
int KReportItemCheckBox::renderSimpleData(OROPage *page, OROSection *section, const QPointF &offset, const QVariant &data, KReportScriptHandler *script) { OROCheckBox *chk = new OROCheckBox(); chk->setPosition(scenePosition(position()) + offset); chk->setSize(sceneSize(size())); chk->setLineStyle(lineStyle()); chk->setForegroundColor(m_foregroundColor->value().value<QColor>()); if (m_checkStyle->value().toString() == QLatin1String("Cross")) { chk->setCheckType(OROCheckBox::Cross); } else if (m_checkStyle->value().toString() == QLatin1String("Dot")) { chk->setCheckType(OROCheckBox::Dot); } else { chk->setCheckType(OROCheckBox::Tick); } QString str; bool v = false; QString cs = itemDataSource(); //kreportpluginDebug() << "ControlSource:" << cs; if (!cs.isEmpty()) { #ifdef KREPORT_SCRIPTING if (cs.left(1) == QLatin1String("=") && script) { str = script->evaluate(cs.mid(1)).toString(); } else #else Q_UNUSED(script); #endif { str = data.toString(); } str = str.toLower(); //kreportpluginDebug() << "Check Value:" << str; if (str == QLatin1String("t") || str == QLatin1String("y") || str == QLatin1String("true") || str == QLatin1String("1")) v = true; } else { v = value(); } chk->setValue(v); if (page) { page->insertPrimitive(chk); } if (section) { OROCheckBox *chk2 = dynamic_cast<OROCheckBox*>(chk->clone()); chk2->setPosition(scenePosition(position())); section->addPrimitive(chk2); } if (!page) { delete chk; } return 0; //Item doesn't stretch the section height }
void AsGraphics::lineStyle(float thickness, uint color, float alpha, bool pixelHinting, const AsString_ref& scaleMode, const AsString_ref& caps, const AsString_ref& joints) { lineStyle(thickness, color, alpha, pixelHinting, scaleMode, caps, joints, 3); }
void AsGraphics::lineStyle(float thickness, uint color, float alpha, bool pixelHinting, const AsString_ref& scaleMode) { lineStyle(thickness, color, alpha, pixelHinting, scaleMode, AS_NULL, AS_NULL, 3); }
void RootInlineBox::ascentAndDescentForBox(InlineBox* box, GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap, int& ascent, int& descent, bool& affectsAscent, bool& affectsDescent) const { bool ascentDescentSet = false; // Replaced boxes will return 0 for the line-height if line-box-contain says they are // not to be included. if (box->renderer().isReplaced()) { if (lineStyle().lineBoxContain() & LineBoxContainReplaced) { ascent = box->baselinePosition(baselineType()); descent = box->lineHeight() - ascent; // Replaced elements always affect both the ascent and descent. affectsAscent = true; affectsDescent = true; } return; } Vector<const SimpleFontData*>* usedFonts = 0; GlyphOverflow* glyphOverflow = 0; if (box->isInlineTextBox()) { GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap::iterator it = textBoxDataMap.find(toInlineTextBox(box)); usedFonts = it == textBoxDataMap.end() ? 0 : &it->value.first; glyphOverflow = it == textBoxDataMap.end() ? 0 : &it->value.second; } bool includeLeading = includeLeadingForBox(box); bool includeFont = includeFontForBox(box); bool setUsedFont = false; bool setUsedFontWithLeading = false; const RenderStyle& boxLineStyle = box->lineStyle(); #if PLATFORM(IOS) if (usedFonts && !usedFonts->isEmpty() && (includeFont || (boxLineStyle.lineHeight().isNegative() && includeLeading)) && !box->renderer().document().settings()->alwaysUseBaselineOfPrimaryFont()) { #else if (usedFonts && !usedFonts->isEmpty() && (includeFont || (boxLineStyle.lineHeight().isNegative() && includeLeading))) { #endif usedFonts->append(boxLineStyle.font().primaryFont()); for (size_t i = 0; i < usedFonts->size(); ++i) { const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = usedFonts->at(i)->fontMetrics(); int usedFontAscent = fontMetrics.ascent(baselineType()); int usedFontDescent = fontMetrics.descent(baselineType()); int halfLeading = (fontMetrics.lineSpacing() - fontMetrics.height()) / 2; int usedFontAscentAndLeading = usedFontAscent + halfLeading; int usedFontDescentAndLeading = fontMetrics.lineSpacing() - usedFontAscentAndLeading; if (includeFont) { setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, usedFontAscent, usedFontDescent, ascentDescentSet); setUsedFont = true; } if (includeLeading) { setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, usedFontAscentAndLeading, usedFontDescentAndLeading, ascentDescentSet); setUsedFontWithLeading = true; } if (!affectsAscent) affectsAscent = usedFontAscent - box->logicalTop() > 0; if (!affectsDescent) affectsDescent = usedFontDescent + box->logicalTop() > 0; } } // If leading is included for the box, then we compute that box. if (includeLeading && !setUsedFontWithLeading) { int ascentWithLeading = box->baselinePosition(baselineType()); int descentWithLeading = box->lineHeight() - ascentWithLeading; setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, ascentWithLeading, descentWithLeading, ascentDescentSet); // Examine the font box for inline flows and text boxes to see if any part of it is above the baseline. // If the top of our font box relative to the root box baseline is above the root box baseline, then // we are contributing to the maxAscent value. Descent is similar. If any part of our font box is below // the root box's baseline, then we contribute to the maxDescent value. affectsAscent = ascentWithLeading - box->logicalTop() > 0; affectsDescent = descentWithLeading + box->logicalTop() > 0; } if (includeFontForBox(box) && !setUsedFont) { int fontAscent = boxLineStyle.fontMetrics().ascent(baselineType()); int fontDescent = boxLineStyle.fontMetrics().descent(baselineType()); setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, fontAscent, fontDescent, ascentDescentSet); affectsAscent = fontAscent - box->logicalTop() > 0; affectsDescent = fontDescent + box->logicalTop() > 0; } if (includeGlyphsForBox(box) && glyphOverflow && glyphOverflow->computeBounds) { setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, glyphOverflow->top, glyphOverflow->bottom, ascentDescentSet); affectsAscent = glyphOverflow->top - box->logicalTop() > 0; affectsDescent = glyphOverflow->bottom + box->logicalTop() > 0; glyphOverflow->top = std::min(glyphOverflow->top, std::max(0, glyphOverflow->top - boxLineStyle.fontMetrics().ascent(baselineType()))); glyphOverflow->bottom = std::min(glyphOverflow->bottom, std::max(0, glyphOverflow->bottom - boxLineStyle.fontMetrics().descent(baselineType()))); } if (includeMarginForBox(box)) { LayoutUnit ascentWithMargin = boxLineStyle.fontMetrics().ascent(baselineType()); LayoutUnit descentWithMargin = boxLineStyle.fontMetrics().descent(baselineType()); if (box->parent() && !box->renderer().isTextOrLineBreak()) { ascentWithMargin += box->boxModelObject()->borderAndPaddingBefore() + box->boxModelObject()->marginBefore(); descentWithMargin += box->boxModelObject()->borderAndPaddingAfter() + box->boxModelObject()->marginAfter(); } setAscentAndDescent(ascent, descent, ascentWithMargin, descentWithMargin, ascentDescentSet); // Treat like a replaced element, since we're using the margin box. affectsAscent = true; affectsDescent = true; } } LayoutUnit RootInlineBox::verticalPositionForBox(InlineBox* box, VerticalPositionCache& verticalPositionCache) { if (box->renderer().isTextOrLineBreak()) return box->parent()->logicalTop(); RenderBoxModelObject* renderer = box->boxModelObject(); ASSERT(renderer->isInline()); if (!renderer->isInline()) return 0; // This method determines the vertical position for inline elements. bool firstLine = isFirstLine(); if (firstLine && !renderer->document().styleSheetCollection().usesFirstLineRules()) firstLine = false; // Check the cache. bool isRenderInline = renderer->isRenderInline(); if (isRenderInline && !firstLine) { LayoutUnit verticalPosition = verticalPositionCache.get(renderer, baselineType()); if (verticalPosition != PositionUndefined) return verticalPosition; } LayoutUnit verticalPosition = 0; EVerticalAlign verticalAlign = renderer->style().verticalAlign(); if (verticalAlign == TOP || verticalAlign == BOTTOM) return 0; RenderElement* parent = renderer->parent(); if (parent->isRenderInline() && parent->style().verticalAlign() != TOP && parent->style().verticalAlign() != BOTTOM) verticalPosition = box->parent()->logicalTop(); if (verticalAlign != BASELINE) { const RenderStyle& parentLineStyle = firstLine ? parent->firstLineStyle() : parent->style(); const Font& font = parentLineStyle.font(); const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = font.fontMetrics(); int fontSize = font.pixelSize(); LineDirectionMode lineDirection = parent->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? HorizontalLine : VerticalLine; if (verticalAlign == SUB) verticalPosition += fontSize / 5 + 1; else if (verticalAlign == SUPER) verticalPosition -= fontSize / 3 + 1; else if (verticalAlign == TEXT_TOP) verticalPosition += renderer->baselinePosition(baselineType(), firstLine, lineDirection) - fontMetrics.ascent(baselineType()); else if (verticalAlign == MIDDLE) verticalPosition = (verticalPosition - LayoutUnit(fontMetrics.xHeight() / 2) - renderer->lineHeight(firstLine, lineDirection) / 2 + renderer->baselinePosition(baselineType(), firstLine, lineDirection)).round(); else if (verticalAlign == TEXT_BOTTOM) { verticalPosition += fontMetrics.descent(baselineType()); // lineHeight - baselinePosition is always 0 for replaced elements (except inline blocks), so don't bother wasting time in that case. if (!renderer->isReplaced() || renderer->isInlineBlockOrInlineTable()) verticalPosition -= (renderer->lineHeight(firstLine, lineDirection) - renderer->baselinePosition(baselineType(), firstLine, lineDirection)); } else if (verticalAlign == BASELINE_MIDDLE) verticalPosition += -renderer->lineHeight(firstLine, lineDirection) / 2 + renderer->baselinePosition(baselineType(), firstLine, lineDirection); else if (verticalAlign == LENGTH) { LayoutUnit lineHeight; //Per 'Percentages: refer to the 'line-height' of the element itself'. if (renderer->style().verticalAlignLength().isPercent()) lineHeight = renderer->style().computedLineHeight(); else lineHeight = renderer->lineHeight(firstLine, lineDirection); verticalPosition -= valueForLength(renderer->style().verticalAlignLength(), lineHeight); } } // Store the cached value. if (isRenderInline && !firstLine) verticalPositionCache.set(renderer, baselineType(), verticalPosition); return verticalPosition; } bool RootInlineBox::includeLeadingForBox(InlineBox* box) const { if (box->renderer().isReplaced() || (box->renderer().isTextOrLineBreak() && !box->behavesLikeText())) return false; LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = renderer().style().lineBoxContain(); return (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainInline) || (box == this && (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainBlock)); } bool RootInlineBox::includeFontForBox(InlineBox* box) const { if (box->renderer().isReplaced() || (box->renderer().isTextOrLineBreak() && !box->behavesLikeText())) return false; if (!box->behavesLikeText() && box->isInlineFlowBox() && !toInlineFlowBox(box)->hasTextChildren()) return false; // For now map "glyphs" to "font" in vertical text mode until the bounds returned by glyphs aren't garbage. LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = renderer().style().lineBoxContain(); return (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainFont) || (!isHorizontal() && (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainGlyphs)); } bool RootInlineBox::includeGlyphsForBox(InlineBox* box) const { if (box->renderer().isReplaced() || (box->renderer().isTextOrLineBreak() && !box->behavesLikeText())) return false; if (!box->behavesLikeText() && box->isInlineFlowBox() && !toInlineFlowBox(box)->hasTextChildren()) return false; // FIXME: We can't fit to glyphs yet for vertical text, since the bounds returned are garbage. LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = renderer().style().lineBoxContain(); return isHorizontal() && (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainGlyphs); } bool RootInlineBox::includeMarginForBox(InlineBox* box) const { if (box->renderer().isReplaced() || (box->renderer().isTextOrLineBreak() && !box->behavesLikeText())) return false; LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = renderer().style().lineBoxContain(); return lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainInlineBox; } bool RootInlineBox::fitsToGlyphs() const { // FIXME: We can't fit to glyphs yet for vertical text, since the bounds returned are garbage. LineBoxContain lineBoxContain = renderer().style().lineBoxContain(); return isHorizontal() && (lineBoxContain & LineBoxContainGlyphs); }
void AsGraphics::lineStyle(float thickness, uint color, float alpha, bool pixelHinting) { lineStyle(thickness, color, alpha, pixelHinting, ASL("normal"), AS_NULL, AS_NULL, 3); }
void AsGraphics::lineStyle(float thickness, uint color) { lineStyle(thickness, color, 1.0f, false, ASL("normal"), AS_NULL, AS_NULL, 3); }
void AsGraphics::lineStyle(float thickness) { lineStyle(thickness, (uint)(0), 1.0f, false, ASL("normal"), AS_NULL, AS_NULL, 3); }
void AsGraphics::lineStyle() { lineStyle(0, (uint)(0), 1.0f, false, ASL("normal"), AS_NULL, AS_NULL, 3); }
int KReportItemField::renderSimpleData(OROPage *page, OROSection *section, const QPointF &offset, const QVariant &data, KReportScriptHandler *script) { OROTextBox * tb = new OROTextBox(); tb->setPosition(scenePosition(position()) + offset); tb->setSize(sceneSize(size())); tb->setFont(font()); tb->setFlags(textFlags()); tb->setTextStyle(textStyle()); tb->setLineStyle(lineStyle()); tb->setCanGrow(m_canGrow->value().toBool()); tb->setWordWrap(m_wordWrap->value().toBool()); QString str; QString ids = itemDataSource(); if (!ids.isEmpty()) { #ifdef KREPORT_SCRIPTING if (ids.left(1) == QLatin1String("=") && script) { //Everything after = is treated as code if (!ids.contains(QLatin1String("PageTotal()"))) { QVariant v = script->evaluate(ids.mid(1)); str = v.toString(); } else { str = ids.mid(1); tb->setRequiresPostProcessing(true); } } else #else Q_UNUSED(script); #endif if (ids.left(1) == QLatin1String("$")) { //Everything past $ is treated as a string str = ids.mid(1); } else { str = data.toString(); } } else { str = m_itemValue->value().toString(); } tb->setText(str); //Work out the size of the text if (tb->canGrow()) { QRect r; if (tb->wordWrap()) { //Grow vertically QFontMetrics metrics(font()); QRect temp(tb->position().x(), tb->position().y(), tb->size().width(), 5000); // a large vertical height r = metrics.boundingRect(temp, tb->flags(), str); } else { //Grow Horizontally QFontMetrics metrics(font()); QRect temp(tb->position().x(), tb->position().y(), 5000, tb->size().height()); // a large vertical height r = metrics.boundingRect(temp, tb->flags(), str); } tb->setSize(r.size() + QSize(4,4)); } if (page) { page->insertPrimitive(tb); } if (section) { OROPrimitive *clone = tb->clone(); clone->setPosition(scenePosition(position())); section->addPrimitive(clone); } int height = scenePosition(position()).y() + tb->size().height(); //If there is no page to add the item to, delete it now because it wont be deleted later if (!page) { delete tb; } return height; }