Esempio n. 1
static int list_CompareDistributions(LIST Left, LIST Right) 
  INPUT:   Two lists, representing element distributions.
  RETURNS: 1 if left > right, -1 if left < right, 0 otherwise.
  EFFECT:  Compares the two distributions by comparing the 
           element frequencies from left to right.
  CAUTION: Expects the distributions to be sorted.
  LIST scan, scan2;
  int result;

  result = 0;

  scan  = Left;
  scan2 = Right;

  /* Compare distributions. */

  while ( !(list_Empty(scan) || list_Empty(scan2))) {
    result = list_CompareElementDistribution(list_Car(scan), list_Car(scan2));
    if (result != 0) {
    scan  = list_Cdr(scan);
    scan2 = list_Cdr(scan2);

  /* If the result is 0, and a distribution still
     has elements left, it is declared to be greater.
  if (result == 0) {
    if (list_Empty(scan) && !list_Empty(scan2))
      result = -1;
    else if (!list_Empty(scan) && list_Empty(scan2))
      result = 1;

  return result;
Esempio n. 2
void hsh_Print(HASH H, void (*KeyPrint)(POINTER), void (*ValuePrint)(POINTER))
  INPUT:   A hasharray and a print function for the values
  EFFECT:  Prints all values in the hash array
  int  i;
  LIST Scan;
  for (i = 0; i < hsh__SIZE; i++) {
    Scan = H[i];
    printf("\n %d:",i);
    while (!list_Empty(Scan)) {
      printf("\n   ");
      Scan = list_Cdr(Scan);
Esempio n. 3
LIST list_DeleteElement(LIST List, POINTER Element, BOOL (*Test)(POINTER, POINTER))
  INPUT:   A list, an element pointer, an equality test for 
  RETURNS: The list where Element is deleted from List with 
           respect to Test.
  EFFECTS: If List contains Element with respect to EqualityTest,
           Element is deleted from List
  CAUTION: Destructive. Be careful, the first element of a
           list cannot be changed destructively by call by
  LIST   Scan1,Scan2;

  while (!list_Empty(List) && Test(Element, list_Car(List))) {
    Scan1 = list_Cdr(List);
    List = Scan1;

  if (list_Empty(List))
    return list_Nil();
  Scan2 = List;
  Scan1 = list_Cdr(List);

  while (!list_Empty(Scan1)) {
    if (Test(Element, list_Car(Scan1))) {
      list_Rplacd(Scan2, list_Cdr(Scan1));
      Scan1 = list_Cdr(Scan2);
    else {
      Scan2 = Scan1;
      Scan1 = list_Cdr(Scan1);
  return List;
Esempio n. 4
void tab_CheckEmpties(TABLEAU T)
  INPUT:   A tableau 
  RETURNS: Nothing.
  EFFECTS: Prints warnings if non-leaf nodes contain
           empty clauses (which should not be the case
           after pruning any more), of if leaf nodes
	   contain more than one empty clause
  LIST Scan, Empties;
  BOOL Printem;

  if (tab_IsEmpty(T))

  /* get all empty clauses in this node */ 
  Empties = list_Nil();
  for (Scan = tab_Clauses(T); !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) {
    if (clause_IsEmptyClause(list_Car(Scan)))
      Empties = list_Cons(list_Car(Scan), Empties);
  Printem = FALSE;
  if (!list_Empty(Empties) && !tab_IsLeaf(T)) {
    puts("\nNOTE: non-leaf node contains empty clauses.");
    Printem = TRUE;
  if (tab_IsLeaf(T) && list_Length(Empties) > 1) {
    puts("\nNOTE: Leaf contains more than one empty clauses.");
    Printem = TRUE;
  if (Printem) {
Esempio n. 5
CLAUSE res_SelectLightestClause(LIST clauselist)
  INPUT:   A list of clauses.
  RETURNS: The lightest clause of the clauselist. 
  CAUTION: None.
  CLAUSE clause;
  LIST   scan;
  int    min;

  clause = list_Car(clauselist);
  min    = clause_Weight(clause);
  for (scan=list_Cdr(clauselist); !list_Empty(scan); scan=list_Cdr(scan)) {
    if (clause_Weight(list_Car(scan)) < min) {
      clause = list_Car(scan);
      min    = clause_Weight(clause);
  return clause;
Esempio n. 6
static LIST red_GetTerminatorPartnerLits(TERM Atom, LITERAL Lit,
					 BOOL UnitsOnly, LIST IndexList)
  INPUT:   An atom, a literal, a boolean flag and a list of SHARED_INDEXes.
  RETURNS: A list of literals with sign complementary to <Lit>
           that are unifiable with <Atom>. The literals are searched
           in all SHARED_INDEXes from <IndexList>. Additionally,
           if <Unitsonly> is true, only literals from unit clauses
	   are returned.
  EFFECT:  <Atom> is a copy of <Lit> where some substitution
           was applied and equality literals might have been swapped.
	   <Lit> is just needed to check whether the unifiable
	   literals are complementary.
  LIST    Result, Unifiers, LitScan;
  LITERAL NextLit;

  Result   = list_Nil();
  for ( ; !list_Empty(IndexList); IndexList = list_Cdr(IndexList)) {
    Unifiers = st_GetUnifier(cont_LeftContext(),
			     cont_RightContext(), Atom);
    for ( ; !list_Empty(Unifiers); Unifiers = list_Pop(Unifiers)) {
      if (!term_IsVariable(list_Car(Unifiers))) {
	for (LitScan = sharing_NAtomDataList(list_Car(Unifiers));
	     !list_Empty(LitScan); LitScan = list_Cdr(LitScan)) {
	  NextLit = list_Car(LitScan);
	  if (clause_LiteralsAreComplementary(Lit, NextLit) &&
	      (!UnitsOnly || clause_Length(clause_LiteralOwningClause(NextLit))==1))
	    /* The partner literals must have complementary sign and
	       if <UnitsOnly> == TRUE they must be from unit clauses. */
	    Result = list_Cons(NextLit, Result);
  return Result;
Esempio n. 7
BOOL rpos_ContEqual(CONTEXT GlobalC1, CONTEXT TermC1, TERM T1, 
                    CONTEXT GlobalC2, CONTEXT TermC2, TERM T2)
  INPUT:      Two contexts and two terms.
  RETURNS:    TRUE, if <T1> is equal to <T2> and
              FALSE otherwise.
  EFFECT:     Variable bindings are considered.
  ASSUMPTION: All index variables of <T1> and <T2> are bound in
              <GlobalC1> and <GlobalCt2>, respectively
  LIST l1, l2;

  T1 = cont_Deref(GlobalC1, &TermC1, T1);
  T2 = cont_Deref(GlobalC2, &TermC2, T2);

  if (!term_EqualTopSymbols(T1, T2))
    return FALSE;
  else if (!term_IsComplex(T1))
    return TRUE;
  else {
    if (symbol_HasProperty(term_TopSymbol(T1), ORDMUL)) {
      l1 = rpos_ContMultisetDifference(GlobalC1, TermC1, T1,
                                       GlobalC2, TermC2, T2);
      if (list_Empty(l1))
	return TRUE;
      else {
	return FALSE;
    } else {   /* LEX case */
      for (l1 = term_ArgumentList(T1), l2 = term_ArgumentList(T2);
	   !list_Empty(l1) &&  rpos_ContEqual(GlobalC1, TermC1,list_Car(l1),
                                              GlobalC2, TermC2,list_Car(l2));
	   l1 = list_Cdr(l1), l2 = list_Cdr(l2)); /* empty body */
      return list_Empty(l1);  /* All arguments were equal */
Esempio n. 8
void hsh_Check(HASH H)
  INPUT:   A hasharray
  EFFECT:  Traverses the whole array and the lists to find dangling pointers.
  LIST          Scan, Scan2, Pair;
  NAT           i;
  unsigned long Key;
  for (i = 0; i < hsh__SIZE; i++) {
    for (Scan = H[i]; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) {
      Pair = list_Car(Scan);
      Key = (unsigned long)list_PairFirst(Pair);
      for (Scan2 = list_PairSecond(Pair); !list_Empty(Scan2); Scan2 = list_Cdr(Scan2)) {
	char Z;
	Value = list_Car(Scan2);
	Z = * ((char*) Value);
Esempio n. 9
BOOL cont_TermEqual(CONTEXT GlobalContext1, CONTEXT TermContext1, TERM Term1, 
                    CONTEXT GlobalContext2, CONTEXT TermContext2, TERM Term2)
  INPUT:   Two terms and two local contexts for the terms and
           two global contexts
  RETURNS: TRUE iff the two terms are equal, where
           variables are interpreted with respect to
	   the bindings in the contexts.
  CAUTION: Variables of <Term1> and <Term2> are bound in 
           <TermContext1> and <TermContext2> respectively and
           the index variables are bound in <GlobalContext1>
           and <GlobalContext2> respectively.
#ifdef CHECK
  if (!(term_IsTerm(Term1) && term_IsTerm(Term2))) {
    misc_ErrorReport("\n In cont_TermEqual: Input terms are corrupted.\n");

  Term1 = cont_Deref(GlobalContext1,&TermContext1,Term1);
  Term2 = cont_Deref(GlobalContext2,&TermContext2,Term2);

  if (!term_EqualTopSymbols(Term1, Term2))
    return FALSE;
  else if (term_ArgumentList(Term1)) {
    LIST Scan1, Scan2;
    for (Scan1=term_ArgumentList(Term1), Scan2=term_ArgumentList(Term2);
	 list_Exist(Scan1) && list_Exist(Scan2);
	 Scan1=list_Cdr(Scan1), Scan2=list_Cdr(Scan2))
      if (!cont_TermEqual(GlobalContext1, TermContext1,list_Car(Scan1), 
                            GlobalContext2, TermContext2,list_Car(Scan2)))
	return FALSE;
    return (list_Empty(Scan1) ? list_Empty(Scan2) : FALSE);
  } else
    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 10
LIST list_PointerDeleteElement(LIST List, POINTER Element)
  INPUT:   A list and an element pointer
  RETURNS: The list where Element is deleted from List with respect to
           pointer equality.
  EFFECTS: If <List> contains <Element> with respect to pointer equality,
           <Element> is deleted from <List>.
	   This function needs time O(n), where <n> is the length of the list.
  CAUTION: Destructive. Be careful, the first element of a list cannot
           be changed destructively by call by reference.
  LIST   Scan1,Scan2;

  while (!list_Empty(List) && Element == list_Car(List)) {
    Scan1 = list_Cdr(List);
    List = Scan1;

  if (list_Empty(List))
    return list_Nil();
  Scan2 = List;
  Scan1 = list_Cdr(List);

  while (!list_Empty(Scan1)) {
    if (Element == list_Car(Scan1)) {
      list_Rplacd(Scan2, list_Cdr(Scan1));
      Scan1 = list_Cdr(Scan2);
    else {
      Scan2 = Scan1;
      Scan1 = list_Cdr(Scan1);
  return List;
Esempio n. 11
static LIST inf_GetURPartnerLits(TERM Atom, LITERAL Lit,
				 BOOL Unit, SHARED_INDEX Index)
  INPUT:   An atom, a literal, a boolean flag and a SHARED_INDEX.
  RETURNS: A list of literals with sign complementary to <Lit>
           that are unifiable with <Atom>. If <Unit> is true,
	   only literals from unit clauses are returned, if <Unit>
	   is false, only literals from non-unit clauses are
  EFFECT:  <Atom> is a copy of <Lit>'s atom where some substitution
           was applied and equality literals might have been swapped.
	   <Lit> is just needed to check whether the unifiable
	   literals are complementary.
  LIST    Result, Unifiers, LitScan;
  int     length;

  Result   = list_Nil();
  Unifiers = st_GetUnifier(cont_LeftContext(), sharing_Index(Index),
			   cont_RightContext(), Atom);
  for ( ; !list_Empty(Unifiers); Unifiers = list_Pop(Unifiers)) {
    if (!term_IsVariable(list_Car(Unifiers))) {
      for (LitScan = sharing_NAtomDataList(list_Car(Unifiers));
	   !list_Empty(LitScan); LitScan = list_Cdr(LitScan)) {
	PLit   = list_Car(LitScan);
	length = clause_Length(clause_LiteralOwningClause(PLit));
	if (clause_LiteralsAreComplementary(Lit, PLit) &&
	    ((Unit && length==1) || (!Unit && length!=1)))
	  /* The partner literals must have complementary sign and
	     if <Unit> == TRUE they must be from unit clauses,
	     if <Unit> == FALSE they must be from non-unit clauses. */
	  Result = list_Cons(PLit, Result);
  return Result;
Esempio n. 12
static ord_RESULT rpos_ContMulGreaterEqual(CONTEXT C1, TERM T1,
					   CONTEXT C2, TERM T2)
  INPUT:   Two contexts and two terms with equal top symbols
           and multiset status.
  RETURNS: ord_GREATER_THAN if <T1> is greater than <T2>,
	   ord_EQUAL        if both terms are equal and
	   ord_UNCOMPARABLE otherwise.
  EFFECT:  Variable bindings are considered.
  LIST l1, l2;

  /* Don't apply bindings at top level, since that happened */
  /* in rpos_ContGreaterEqual. */

  l1 = rpos_ContMultisetDifference(C1, T1, C2, T2);
  if (list_Empty(l1))
    /* If |M| = |N| and M-N = {} then N-M = {} */ 
    return ord_Equal();   /* Terms are equal */
  else {
    LIST scan;
    BOOL greater;

    l2 = rpos_ContMultisetDifference(C2, T2, C1, T1);

    for (greater = TRUE; !list_Empty(l2) && greater; l2 = list_Pop(l2)) {
      for (scan = l1, greater = FALSE; !list_Empty(scan) && !greater;
	   scan = list_Cdr(scan))
	greater = rpos_ContGreater(C1, list_Car(scan), C2, list_Car(l2));
    list_Delete(l1); /* l2 was freed in the outer for loop */
    if (greater)
      return ord_GreaterThan();
      return ord_Uncomparable();
Esempio n. 13
static LIST rpos_ContMultisetDifference(CONTEXT GlobalC1, CONTEXT TermC1, TERM T1, 
                                        CONTEXT GlobalC2, CONTEXT TermC2, TERM T2)
  INPUT:      Four contexts and two terms.
  RETURNS:    The multiset difference between the arguments
              of both terms with respect to rpos_ContEqual.
  EFFECT:     Variable bindings are considered.
  ASSUMPTION: All index variables of <T1> and <T2> are bound in
              <GlobalC1> and <GlobalCt2>, respectively

  LIST result, scan1, scan2;

  /* Don't apply bindings at top level, since that happened */
  /* in rpos_ContGreaterEqual */

  /* We can't use list_NMultisetDifference, since that function   */
  /* expects an equality functions for terms that takes two terms */
  /* as arguments. We also need the two contexts resolve variable */
  /* bindings. */
  result = list_Copy(term_ArgumentList(T1));
  for (scan2 = term_ArgumentList(T2); !list_Empty(scan2);
       scan2 = list_Cdr(scan2)) {
    /* Delete at most one occurrence of the */
    /* current element of list2 from list1 */
    for (scan1 = result; !list_Empty(scan1); scan1 = list_Cdr(scan1)) {
      if (list_Car(scan1) != NULL &&
	  rpos_ContEqual(GlobalC1, TermC1, list_Car(scan1), 
                         GlobalC2, TermC2, list_Car(scan2))) {
	/* arg of list1 wasn't deleted earlier and terms are equal */
	list_Rplaca(scan1, NULL);  /* Mark argument of T1 as deleted */
  return list_PointerDeleteElement(result, NULL); /* Delete all marked terms */
Esempio n. 14
void graph_DeleteDuplicateEdges(GRAPH Graph)
  INPUT:   A graph.
  RETURNS: Nothing.
  EFFECT:  Removes duplicate edges between all nodes.
  LIST scan;

  for (scan = graph_Nodes(Graph); !list_Empty(scan); scan = list_Cdr(scan)) {
    GRAPHNODE n = list_Car(scan);
    n->neighbors = list_PointerDeleteDuplicates(n->neighbors);
Esempio n. 15
LIST list_NListTimes(LIST List1, LIST List2)
  INPUT:   Two lists of lists.
  RETURNS: The list of combinations of element lists.
  CAUTION: Destroys List1 and List2.
  LIST Result, Scan1, Scan2;

  Result = list_Nil();

  if (!list_Empty(List2)) {
    for (Scan1=List1; !list_Empty(Scan1); Scan1=list_Cdr(Scan1))
      for (Scan2=List2; !list_Empty(Scan2); Scan2=list_Cdr(Scan2))
	Result = list_Cons(list_Append(((LIST)list_Car(Scan1)),
  list_DeleteWithElement(List1, (void (*)(POINTER))list_Delete);
  list_DeleteWithElement(List2, (void (*)(POINTER))list_Delete);

  return Result;
Esempio n. 16
static BOOL ana_BidirectionalDistributivity(LIST SymbolPairs)
  INPUT:   A list of symbol pairs defining distributivity.
  RETURNS: TRUE, if the list contains two pairs (s1, s2) and (s2, s1)
           FALSE otherwise.
  EFFECT:  This function is used to detect symbols that are distributive
           in both directions, logical OR and AND for example.
  LIST scan, actPair, nextPair;

  for ( ; !list_Empty(SymbolPairs); SymbolPairs = list_Cdr(SymbolPairs)) {
    actPair = list_Car(SymbolPairs);
    /* If actPair = (s1, s2), check whether there's a pair (s2, s1) in list */
    for (scan = list_Cdr(SymbolPairs); !list_Empty(scan); scan = list_Cdr(scan)) {
      nextPair = list_Car(scan);
      if (symbol_Equal((SYMBOL)list_PairFirst(actPair),(SYMBOL)list_PairSecond(nextPair)) &&
	return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
Esempio n. 17
void list_Apply(void (*Function)(POINTER),  LIST List)
  INPUT:   A non-resulting function and a list.
  SUMMARY: Apply the function to all members of the list.
           The function needs time O(n*f), where <n> is the length
	   of the list and <f> is the time for a call of the
	   element function.
  while (!list_Empty(List)) {
    List = list_Cdr(List);
Esempio n. 18
LIST list_DeleteElementIf(LIST List, BOOL (*Test)(POINTER))
  INPUT:   A list and a test for elements.
  RETURNS: The list where an element is deleted if <Test> on it
  CAUTION: Destructive. Be careful, the first element of a list
           cannot be changed destructively by call by
  LIST   Scan1,Scan2;

  while (!list_Empty(List) && Test(list_Car(List))) {
    Scan1 = list_Cdr(List);
    List = Scan1;

  if (list_Empty(List)) 
    return list_Nil();
  Scan2 = List;
  Scan1 = list_Cdr(List);

  while (!list_Empty(Scan1)) {
    if (Test(list_Car(Scan1))) {
      list_Rplacd(Scan2, list_Cdr(Scan1));
      Scan1 = list_Cdr(Scan2);
    else {
      Scan2 = Scan1;
      Scan1 = list_Cdr(Scan1);
  return List;
Esempio n. 19
LIST list_PointerDeleteOneElement(LIST List, POINTER Element)
  INPUT:   A list and an element pointer.
  RETURNS: The list where one occurrence of Element is deleted from List 
           with respect to pointer equality.
  EFFECTS: If List contains Element with respect to pointer equality,
           Element is deleted from List.
  CAUTION: Destructive. Be careful, the first element of a list cannot
           be changed destructively by call by reference.
  LIST   Scan1,Scan2;

  if (list_Empty(List))
    return List;
  else {
    if (Element == list_Car(List))
      return list_Pop(List);
  Scan2 = List;
  Scan1 = list_Cdr(List);

  while (!list_Empty(Scan1)) {
    if (Element == list_Car(Scan1)) {
      list_Rplacd(Scan2, list_Cdr(Scan1));
      Scan1 = list_Cdr(Scan2);
      return List;
    else {
      Scan2 = Scan1;
      Scan1 = list_Cdr(Scan1);
  return List;     
Esempio n. 20
LITPTR litptr_Create(LIST Indexlist, LIST Termsymblist)
  INPUT:   A list of indexes and a list of terms, i.e. a list of integers.
  RETURNS: A LITPTR structure is created.
  MEMORY:  The integers in the created structure are the integers
           in indexList, no copies.
    LITPTR lit_ptr;
    LIST       Scan,varlist;
    CLITERAL    literal;
    int        literal_index,n,k;

    n                 = list_Length(Indexlist);

    lit_ptr           = (LITPTR)memory_Malloc(sizeof(LITPTR_NODE));
    litptr_SetLength(lit_ptr, n);

    if (n > 0) {
        lit_ptr->litptr = (CLITERAL *)memory_Malloc(n * sizeof(CLITERAL));

        k = 0;
        for (Scan = Indexlist; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) {
            literal_index = (int)list_Car(Scan);
            varlist       = (LIST)list_Car(Termsymblist);
            Termsymblist  = list_Cdr(Termsymblist);
            literal       = literal_Create(FALSE,literal_index,varlist);

            litptr_SetLiteral(lit_ptr, k, literal);

    } else
        lit_ptr->litptr = NULL;

    return lit_ptr;
Esempio n. 21
LIST list_NPointerDifference(LIST List1, LIST List2)
  INPUT:   Two lists.
  RETURNS: The list List1-List2.
  CAUTION: Destructive on List1.
  LIST Scan;

  if (!list_Empty(List1)) {
    for (Scan=List2; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan=list_Cdr(Scan))
      List1 = list_PointerDeleteElement(List1, list_Car(Scan));
  return List1;
Esempio n. 22
BOOL list_DeleteOneFromList(LIST* List, POINTER Element)
  INPUT:   A list and an element pointer
  RETURNS: TRUE, if <Element> was deleted; FALSE, otherwise.
  EFFECTS: If <List> contains <Element> with respect to pointer equality,
           the first occurrence of <Element> is deleted from <List>.
  CAUTION: Destructive.
  if (list_Exist(*List)) {
    LIST Scan1;

    /* special treatment for the first element */
    if (Element == list_Car(*List)) {
      Scan1 = list_Cdr(*List);
      *List = Scan1;
      return TRUE;
    } else {
      LIST Scan2;

      for (Scan2 = *List, Scan1 = list_Cdr(*List); list_Exist(Scan1); ) {
	if (Element == list_Car(Scan1)) {
	  list_Rplacd(Scan2, list_Cdr(Scan1));
	  Scan1 = list_Cdr(Scan2);
	  return TRUE;
	} else {
	  Scan2 = Scan1;
	  Scan1 = list_Cdr(Scan1);
  return FALSE;
Esempio n. 23
void tab_GetEarliestEmptyClauses(TABLEAU T, LIST* L)
  INPUT  : A tableau, a list of clauses by reference
  RETURNS: Nothing. 
  EFFECTS: For each leaf node, adds empty clauses in
           leaf nodes to <L>. If the leaf node contains only one
	   empty clause, it is added to <L> anyway.
           If the leaf node contains more than one empty clause,
	   the earliest derived empty clause is added to <L>.
  CLAUSE FirstEmpty;
  LIST   Scan;

  if (tab_IsEmpty(T))

  if (tab_IsLeaf(T)) {  
    FirstEmpty = clause_Null();
    for (Scan = tab_Clauses(T); !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) {
      if (clause_IsEmptyClause(list_Car(Scan))) {
	if (FirstEmpty == clause_Null()) 
	  FirstEmpty = list_Car(Scan);
	else if (clause_Number(FirstEmpty) > clause_Number(list_Car(Scan)))
	  FirstEmpty = list_Car(Scan);
    if (FirstEmpty != clause_Null())
      (*L) = list_Cons(FirstEmpty, *L);
  tab_GetEarliestEmptyClauses(tab_LeftBranch(T), L);
  tab_GetEarliestEmptyClauses(tab_RightBranch(T), L);

Esempio n. 24
POINTER list_NthElement(LIST List, NAT Number)
  INPUT:   A List and a natural number.
  RETURNS: The <Number>th element of the list, NULL otherwise.
  EFFECT:  The function needs time O(Number).
  while (!list_Empty(List) && --Number > 0)
    List = list_Cdr(List);
  if (list_Empty(List))
    return NULL;
    return list_Car(List);
Esempio n. 25
static BOOL tab_HasEmptyClause(TABLEAU T)
  INPUT:   A tableau                                                     
  RETURNS: TRUE iff an empty clause is among the clauses
           on this level
  LIST Scan;
  for (Scan = tab_Clauses(T); !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) 
    if (clause_IsEmptyClause(list_Car(Scan)))
      return TRUE;

  return FALSE;
Esempio n. 26
CONTEXT cont_ContextOfBinding(CONTEXT B)
  CONTEXT Result;
  LIST    Scan;

  for (Result = NULL, Scan = cont_LISTOFCONTEXTS;
       Scan = list_Cdr(Scan)) {
    if (cont_IsInContext(list_Car(Scan), cont_BindingSymbol(B), B)) {
      Result = list_Car(Scan);

#ifdef CHECK
  if (Result == NULL) {
    misc_ErrorReport("\n In cont_ContextOfBinding: Unknown context.\n");

  return Result;
Esempio n. 27
TERM cont_CopyAndApplyBindingsCom(const CONTEXT Context, TERM Term)
  while (term_IsVariable(Term) && cont_VarIsBound(Context, term_TopSymbol(Term)))
    Term = cont_ContextBindingTerm(Context, term_TopSymbol(Term));

  if (term_IsComplex(Term)) {
    LIST Scan, ArgumentList;
    for (Scan = ArgumentList = list_Copy(term_ArgumentList(Term));
	 Scan = list_Cdr(Scan))
      list_Rplaca(Scan, cont_CopyAndApplyBindingsCom(Context, list_Car(Scan)));
    return term_Create(term_TopSymbol(Term), ArgumentList);
  } else 
    return term_Create(term_TopSymbol(Term), list_Nil());
Esempio n. 28
LIST list_DeleteOneElement(LIST List, POINTER Element, BOOL (*Test)(POINTER, POINTER))
  INPUT:   A list, an element pointer and an equality test for
  RETURNS: The list where at most one element was deleted from
           <List> if the Test between <Element> and the element
  EFFECT:  The function needs time O(n*t) in the worst case, and
           time O(t) in the best case, where <n> is the length of
	   the list and t is the time for a call of the test function.
  CAUTION: Destructive. Be careful, the first element of a list
           cannot be changed destructively by call by
	   The memory of the deleted element is not freed.
  LIST scan1, scan2;

  if (list_Empty(List))
    return List;
  else {
    if (Test(Element, list_Car(List)))
      return list_Pop(List);
  for (scan2 = List, scan1 = list_Cdr(List); !list_Empty(scan1);
       scan2 = scan1, scan1 = list_Cdr(scan1)) {
    if (Test(Element, list_Car(scan1))) {
      list_Rplacd(scan2, list_Cdr(scan1));
      scan1 = list_Cdr(scan2);
      return List;
  return List;
Esempio n. 29
LIST hsh_GetAllEntries(HASH H)
  INPUT:   A hasharray
  RETURNS: A new list of all data items stored in the hasharray
  LIST Scan, Result;
  NAT i;
  Result = list_Nil();
  for (i = 0; i < hsh__SIZE; i++) {
    for (Scan = H[i]; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan = list_Cdr(Scan))
      Result = list_Nconc(Result, list_Copy(list_PairSecond(list_Car(Scan))));
  return Result;
Esempio n. 30
LIST list_NDifference(LIST List1, LIST List2, BOOL (*Test)(POINTER, POINTER))
  INPUT:   Two lists and an equality test for elements.
  RETURNS: The list List1-List2 wrt. <Test>.
  CAUTION: Destructive on List1.
  LIST Scan;
  if (!list_Empty(List1)) {
    for (Scan=List2; !list_Empty(Scan); Scan=list_Cdr(Scan))
      List1 = list_DeleteElement(List1, list_Car(Scan), Test);
  return List1;